The Challenges and Future Prospects of India's Petroleum Products Refineries

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Research Paper Commerce Volume : 4 | Issue : 6 | June 2014 | ISSN - 2249-555X

The Challenges and Future Prospects of

India’s Petroleum Products Refineries

An Overview of Petroleum Refining In India, Challenges of Petroleum Refining In India:

Keywords Need to Invest, Effect of Subsidies on Product Pricing, Cost of Product Refining, Quality
of Petroleum Products, Opportunities of Petroleum Refining in India.

Pratik P. Valand

The petroleum refining industry is a vital link in the energy chain in many developing and industrialized coun-
ABSTRACT tries as it plays a key role in providing energy for all sectors of any economy. The structure, economic condi-
tions, and developments in the industry are therefore important matters of national interest. In recent times,
significant changes have taken place in India’s refining industry with resultant challenges. This paper seeks to evaluate the
challenges faced by India’s petroleum refining industry in view of its recent performance and discuss the industry’s future
outlook. Pricing is identified as a most important challenge which if addressed and combined with other complementary
remedies could help maximize the industry’s potentials.

Introduction: refinery. India plans to add 1.6 million bbl/d of refining ca-
The oil refining industry is the cornerstone of a modern pacity through 2015 based on current proposed projects. An-
economy. Refined Petroleum products remain fundamental ticipated high demand for petroleum products in the region
to our economic life – in everybody’s daily life and economic makes further investments in India’s refining sector likely.
activities of the nation ranging from domestic cooking to
transportation, employment, etc. Rapid economic growth in India is steadily emerging as an international destination for
many developing countries has led to increased demand for oil refining with investment requirements lesser by 25% to
oil products. As such, the refining industry has grown rapidly 50% compared to its Asian counterparts. Being the fifth big-
in such countries whether or not there is crude oil production gest nation in the world in terms of refining capacity, it enjoys
in the domestic scene. 3% of international capacity share and is expected to en-
hance its refining competence by 45% in the next 5 years. In
Asian developing nations have experienced significant a bid to make their presence felt strongly in the global mar-
growth in petroleum product demand and refinery expan- ket, Indian petroleum firms are also considering increasing
sion over the years. Between 1976 and 1993 for instance, oil their refining capacity from the existing 149 Million tonnes
product demand and refinery capacity expansion recorded per annum (mtpa) to 243 mtpa by 2011 and 2012.
average annual increases of 5.2% and 4.3% respectively.
Though in comparison with world figures, there was in effect Challenges of Petroleum Refining In India:
no change recorded for the same period, the considerable Key changes faced by the refining industry have come with
gains in the region’s crude oil production in the 1970s are challenges alongside. First is the increase in demand for light
believed to have also facilitated refinery expansion. petroleum products – gasoline, diesel, jet fuel and kerosene.
Regulations on product specifications are also stricter. Speci-
This trend of rising demand for petroleum products cou- fications on sulphur, aroma and olefin for gasoline and sul-
pled with the concentration of petroleum reserves in few phur, cetane number and poly-aroma for diesel are strength-
geographical areas as well as the difference in crude quality ening. The changes and challenges of Asia’s refining industry
and environmental legislations amongst other factors pose revealed that sharp increases in demand for light petroleum
challenges as well as opportunities for the global petroleum products as a result of advances in the transport sector has
refining industry as a whole. The ability of India’s refining in- been recorded over the years.
dustry to meets its economic challenges will likely determine,
in part, the nature of the energy challenges facing India, tak- 1. The Need to Invest:
ing cognizance of the fact that it is a developing country with The need to invest in capacity expansion for the future in In-
growing demands. dia is important considering expected demand increase and
current capacity utilization at about 90%. India’s refining ca-
An Overview of Petroleum Refining In India: pacity based on Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan re-
India’s downstream refining sector has the eighth largest re- port is expected to increase to 4472 thousand bbl/d in 2015.
finery capacity in the world. India’s oil refining sector is domi- There is also need to invest in all-inclusive approaches like
nated by state-owned enterprises, though the market share the DuPont acid plant to equip refineries with a twofold ca-
of private companies has increased of late. The Indian Oil pability to process acid gas and sulphuric acid regeneration
Company is the largest state-owned company, and it oper- which would enable maximizing a refinery’s sulphur recovery
ates 10 of India’s 18 refineries. Reliance Industries, a private unit capability, emissions reduction, and direct manpower
Indian firm opened India’s first privately-owned refinery in and capital towards hydrocarbon processing projects.
1999, and has gained a significant market share in India’s oil
sector. 2. Effect of Subsidies on Product Pricing:
The process of price and market liberalization is another issue
As of January 2008, the country had 2.26 million bbl/d of to be addressed. Petroleum products prices in India like in
crude oil refining capacity according to the Oil and Gas Jour- many developing countries are controlled through subsidies.
nal. Reliance Industries, a privately owned petroleum com- Petroleum product prices in India were regulated through the
pany in India has the largest refining complex in the world Administered Pricing Mechanism. The Indian government in-
with a capacity of 1.24 million barrels per day – the Jamnagar troduced measures designed to deregulate the downstream


Research Paper Volume : 4 | Issue : 6 | June 2014 | ISSN - 2249-555X

oil sector. This enabled private refiners to directly trade pe- the main centers of demand for the petroleum products are
troleum products to customers. in the inland locations, particularly in North/North-West re-
gions. This leaves India with the opportunities of building
The APM operated such that refineries, Oil Marketing Com- inland refineries. The government also allowed the existing
panies and pipelines were assured a 12% post tax return on refineries forward integration in the fields of petrochemicals
net worth and were reimbursed for operating costs. A self etc., for better value addition, which opens up another area
balancing oil pool account was used to balance prices of pe- for investment.
troleum products as well as to protect customers from volatil-
ity in international crude prices. The oil pool account howev- India also is adopting strict measures that will increase the
er ran into deficit whenever domestic prices were not raised quality of fuels which will make them environment friendly.
in line with prolonged international crude price increases. These measures include phasing out lead, reducing benzene
The assured 12% post tax return however did not promote in gasoline, cetane improvement of diesel and sulphur re-
efficiency or the most efficient investment decisions. duction. Although the up gradation of fuels will require huge
investments of about US$ 2.5billion, it has added advantag-
The consequence of the price controls being that private es considering that refinery operating cost are low. This will
companies are unable to sustain operations when interna- make India’s refineries to be economically attractive for the
tional crude prices are very high thus having to shut down domestic markets as well as for exports. Government promo-
their retail operations, and those who have restarted have no tion of joint sector and private sector participation could also
confidence to invest in capacity expansion or upgrade their potentially lead to growth in the refining industry.
operations as crude price increases could render them un-
profitable since they have no protection from international Conclusion:
crude price changes. The challenges mentioned above leave much uncertainty to-
wards the optimization of India’s refining Industry. The pricing
3. Cost of Product Refining: regime in particular needs to be addressed not because it is
The cost of refining petroleum products is of concern, as can the only solution to the several challenges faced by petro-
be seen from data presented in earlier sections. India’s oil leum refiners, but because it appears to be the most weighty
consumption exceeds what is available or produced locally with multifarious effects. The existing low petroleum prices in
and this is a pointer to the fact that in order to maintain the India are gravely affecting the investment returns and profit-
same level of consumption, it has to resort to imports which ability of the national oil companies which invariably restrain
have got their cost implications. Historically, refining has investment to broaden and optimize refining capacity. In
been significantly less profitable than other segments of the most instances, prices are set far below what prevails in the
petroleum industry. As such, refiners have had to be careful global crude oil market. Therefore, prices appeared to be
to control costs to make a profit. In some countries, refineries inconsequential in the pattern of demand for oil products in
are not productively utilized. Since refineries make low prof- India. These capped fuel prices also make financial losses in-
its, investors may not be willing to engage in competition. herent in the domestic market for private refiners who unlike
This affects both investments in infrastructure as well as in the state-owned retailers have no support from government.
refinery capacity expansion. An indication that the right pricing signals are not sent to
consumers and that government’s pricing policy in practice
Government controlled low prices also cause another prob- has been a huge influence on the demand for petroleum
lem. This is because in order to sell refined petroleum prod- products in India.
ucts at a better price, national oil companies tend to export
as much as they can, and this can cause supply shortage on Therefore, it is recommended that the government regulated
the domestic market. Though, to combat this, the govern- pricing policy should be gradually reduced and eventually
ment has issued emergent policies such as imposing export eliminated within the shortest time possible. In addition to
taxes to limit export, the situation depicts pricing not being this, should come a host of complementary remedies, such
reflective of the true cost of product refining. It is a further as encouraging energy conservation; further building region-
indication that the prevalent pricing need be addressed. The al cooperation, streamlining market supply and demand, etc.
supply and demand balance therefore shows random fluc- If this broad array of policy considerations is implemented,
tuations which inhibits the market’s ability to represent fun- India’s refining industry could be healthy enough and well
damental demand and supply. able to maximize its potentials.

4. Quality of Petroleum Products:

The quality of petroleum products is also of concern. In line
with climate change objectives and environmental legisla-
tions, every country is to cut down its Carbon dioxide emis-
sions and make fossil fuels more environment-friendly. The
quality of crude oil imports to India mainly ‘sour’ is a chal-
lenge as a result of the stringent product quality require-
ments currently in place. A reorientation of consumption to-
wards light fractions, or installation of hydro cracking plants
for heavy fractions is thus required.

Opportunities of Petroleum Refining in India:

There are ample opportunities abounding in India’s petro-
leum refining industry. The creation of additional refining
capacity during the near future of 110 million tonnes per an-
num will require an investment of over US$ 22billion. This
will cause a remarkable growth in the refinery sector, transfer
of technologies and export of capital goods etc., to India.
It is designed that the technologies will be for upgrading
the bottom of the barrel and to meet the pressing demand
for middle distillates which will improve the quality of pe-
troleum products to make them globally competitive and
environment-friendly. The strategy behind the new capacity
addition is to locate the new re fineries on the coasts while


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