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SMI (Cell)
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SMI NO Description
RDSO/PE/SMI/TL/0025-2003 (Rev. O)
The lead acid battery of 6V, 120V Ah and 2V, 800 Ah are being used with low maintenance feature for TL &
Batteries of low maintenance feature have been developed to reduce the topping up frequency and to maintain
To achieve this target minimum electrolyte level from top of Separator has been increased from 25 mm to 50
maintaining the same. (In 120 PPCP batteries, 65-70 mm above top of Separator).
To ensure the topping up frequency is as per actual need, this SMI is being issued.
b) As per theoretical calculations of water loss in hard rubber container battery interval of water topping up sh
c) Initially battery should be topped up to green/ maximum mark on the float guide. During monthly inspectio
Water should again be topped up when the float reaches red / minimum mark.
Time interval for float to reach red mark from green mark should be noted. Frequent topping up in between si
v) If water consumption is more in all the cells, then charging voltage should be checked and adjusted as per
e) Frequency of topping up should be recorded by the depot. If interval between successive topping up of wat
given in Clause (b) above, then matter should be reported to the manufacturer and RDSO, after satisfying that
(H. Malhotra)
RDSO/PE/SMI/TL/0024-2004 (Rev. 1)
Revised and simplified SMI 0024-2003 (Rev.0) was issued in super session of earlier SMIs TL/0020-2002 and
Revision 1 of this SMI is being issued with the change of constant current charging in place of constant voltage
56 cells battery bank (AC Coaches fitted with 128 ± 0.5 Volts 127 ± 0.5 Volts 126± 0.5 Volts
VRLA batteries)
54 cells battery bank (TL coaches fitted with 124 ± 0.5 Volts 123 ± 0.5 Volts 121 ± 0.5 Volts
VRLA battries)
Alternator voltage settings as mentioned above shall be done at half load i.e. 97A and 19A for AC and TL co
at 1500 rpm.
(i) Check for bye passing of failed cells. If bye-passed cells are found replace these failed cells immediately
(iii) Cell cover / container cracked or burst – if noted replace the cell with a healthy cell immediately.
(iv) In case of battery terminal / cable over heating sign, check for loose connection at the cell terminal post
(v) Protective lid on safety valve – if missing provide new one immediately.
(vi) Check for arrival time of the Train. If train has arrived late due to heavy detention en-route due to some
per Annexure – 1 to bring up the State of Charge of the Battery Bank before putting the AC coaches again in
(vii) Do not boost charge the cells for more than 12 hours.
Do not overtighten.
(ii) Terminal post corrosion – if observed remove the cable and clean the terminal post and cable lug with br
(a) If the total battery bank open circuit voltage for AC and TL coaches is as under:
(i) Discharge the battery bank with full coach load for 15 minutes
(ii) Note down the individual cell readings after15 minutes while the coach is still connected during the disc
(iii) If all the cell voltages are 1.98 Volts and above then the cells are in healthy condition – Charge the cells
(iv) If some of the cell voltages are less than 1.98 Volts then give boost charging with 2.30 VPC for 12 hrs. b
(v) The weak cells, which are charged separately must be checked through a discharge at C-10 rate for 30 m
should be above 2.0 V. If such a re-charged cell fails to qualify the above test, it should not be replaced back
(vi) After performing the discharge test on revived cells, the cells need to be charged at least for 4 hours, pri
(b) If the total battery bank open circuit voltage is as under for AC and TL coaches:
Charge the cells for 12hrs. with 2.30 VPC and then carry out the discharge test as per item No. 3 (a) above.
The below given instructions are to be followed when the coach comes for periodic overhaul (POH) to the wo
(i) Remove all the cell terminal bolts, flat washers, spring washers, inter cell cables, connectors etc. (used ins
(ii) Care should be taken to avoid any shorting of cell terminals while removing inter cell cable connectors.
(iii) Remove the stacking bolts used for fixing battery modules to battery box / cradle and between the trays
(iv) Remove the modules with batteries from battery box / cradle by using suitable tool.
(v) Clean all the cell terminal posts and inter cell connectors / cable lugs with a brass wire brush to remove
(vi) Refix the inter cell connectors /cables and tighten the bolts along with flat and spring washers to specifi
Quality of new spring washers should be checked as per IS 3063 especially permanent set test.
(vii) Discharge the battery bank @ 0.1C and by pass each cell whenever it reaches end cell voltage of 1.75V
(viii) Charge the cells at 7% constant current (77 Amps for 1100 Ah and 8.4 Amps for 120Ah) for 15 h
(x) Discharge the cells at 12Amperes for 120 Ah and 110 Amperes for 1100 Ah gradually bypassing ea
reach 1.75 V. Duration of discharge shall be recorded. If the discharge duration of the cells is found to
(xi) If the cells do not give more than 8 hrs of discharge duration before reaching end cell voltage of 1
discharging cycle once more Cells should not be discharged below 1.75 V.
(xii) Even then, if the cells do not give more than 8 hrs. then the cells shall not be put in service.
(xiii) Clean and repaint the modules / cell trays. These may be numbered with the help of stenciling to ident
coach (say Module No./ Set No.e.g.08/01 means 8th module of Set. No.1). The other details like cell number,
cell lid and date of fitment shall also be recorded to monitor age-wise performance of the cells.
Note: All the new VRLA cells shall be given a boost charging if the cells have been lying in the Depot / Wor
date of manufacture.
(i) After recharge, remove all the inter cell connectors /cables etc., to avoid shorting of the cells during loadi
(ii) Petroleum jelly is applied over the inter cell connectors, wherever necessary.
(iii) Do not mix ordinary conventional / low maintenance cells with VRLA cells.
(iv) Put back the trays into the battery box / cradle as per the connection diagram and fix the stacking bolts b
The cells shall be stored only at the places, which are not exposed to direct sun light, rain, dust etc.
The stored area should be clean, dry and preferably indoor ambient temperature should be between 15 degrees
Preferably the battery modules shall be stacked in not more than 5 tiers to avoid damage to the cell modules /
RDSO/PE/SMI/AC/0032-2006 (Rev. O)
No. EL/ 6.7.19 Dated : 31-05-2006
Newly developed 2V1100Ah LMLA cells for A/C coaches are being used in Indian
Railways. These cells are of low maintenance feature and are designed to meet six
month topping up interval during service.
To ensure the topping up frequency of six month and satisfactory
performance, this SMI is issued.
(a) Proper initial charging is of paramount important for battery performance. At the end of initial charging of 75 h
three consecutive hourly reading and specific gravity shall be 1.240. If voltage is less than 2.60 V, the cell shall no
reported to manufacturer. Also make sure that cells were charged at specified current and initial filling gravity as
After 12 hours rest, discharge @ 110 amps constant current shall be taken. Battery should give more than 11 ho
reached. Finally charge the cells @ 110amps till three stabilised reading s are achieved.
(b) Ensure the voltage setting of Alternator /ERRU is as under for better performance and topping up frequency
130 Volt (shall be adjusted at 1500 rpm, half load)
(c) If Specific gravity of cells is less than 1.240 after train arrival, then Cells must be charged @ 110 Amperes for 2 –
(d) To check the six-month topping up interval initially battery should be topped up to green/ maximum mark of th
float guide shall be monitored. Water should again be topped up when the float reaches to red / minimum mark
mark should be noted. If it is less than six month the matter should be reported to RDSO and manufacturer.
(e) If water consumption observed in all or few cells is more (interval is less than six month) check the following.
1 Over heating of few cells
2 Crack in lid or container
3 Leakage from vent plug or float guide
4 Poor sealing of cells i e. between lid and container
5 If water consumption is more in all cells without any of the above, check and adjust the voltage setting as per I
(f) The cells should be charged every six-month with equalising charge rate as prescribed by manufacturer in the m
the lagging cells at par with other healthy cells.
(g) To check the state of charge of cell in battery box the full coach load shall be put on battery bank for 5 minute
should not be less than 108 V if cells are fully charged. At fan and light load only,the closed circuit voltage of cell
above the cells should be charged (as per ‘c’) till the voltage of each cell reaches 2.6V with charger connected.
(h) In every annual maintenance schedule (POH) the cells should be charged fully with correct electrolyte level and
110Amp. up to the 1.8 V end cell voltage. Well maintained cells shall give more than 8 hour duration till 4 years o
On condition basis.
SMI TL / 0025.
Failure analysis of TL/AC batteries shows that majority of failures of battery are on account of low voltage / low sp
not rectified timely then it leads to the dead cells or cell reversal. Many of the failed cells can be revived and put ba
issued to guide the Railways for revival of those cells.
(a) In order to avoid this condition of cells, initial charging is of paramount importance. User must follow the inst
supplier for initial filling with electrolyte and charging. Even after complete duration of charge, if any cell voltage
than 2.55 volts, such cells should not be put into service. Supplier to be informed to rectify the cells.
( b) During service if cell open circuit voltage is found less than 1.98 V. then discharge the cell at C10 rate till end c
and then charge at C 10 rate.
(c ) In C10 rate discharge, if the cell does not give desired capacity, cycle shall be repeated once. (If cells are sulpha
charge i.e 50% of C10 rate is recommended to get the desired capacity)
(d) If gravity after charging is more than desired value adjust with D.M.water and charge for two hours for proper m
(e) If some cells are found lagging (1.98 – 2.00 V) then the cell requires boost charge at C10 rate for 2-3 hrs.
(f) If cells are stored for more than one month in fully charge condition then equalizing charge at 2.25V per cell or
of 50% of C10 rate should be given for 5 to 6 hours every month.
This happens when plates are highly sulphated. It may be due to continuous undercharging or storing the cells in d
On condition basis
RDSO/PE/SMI/TL/0029-2004 (Rev. O)
No. EL/6.7.8 Dated: 24.12.2004
Flooded type Lead acid battery, which is used for Loco/EMU application.
Failure analysis of Loco/EMU batteries shows that majority of failures of battery are on account of low voltage / lo
is not rectified timely then it leads to the dead cells or cell reversal. Many of the failed cells can be revived and put
issued to guide the Railways for revival of those cells.
(a) In order to avoid this condition of cells, initial charging is of paramount importance. User must follow the instru
supplier for initial filling with electrolyte and charging. Even after complete duration of initial charge, if any indiv
showing less than 2.55 volts, (12.75 V per mono block) such cells should not be put into service. Supplier to be in
the cells. During service, charging voltage setting should be 2.23- 2.25 volt per cell.
(b) If cell open circuit voltage is found less than 1.98 V or mono block voltage 9.9 volt then discharge the cell at C5
voltage of 8.75 V and then charge at C 10 rate for 15 hrs. and conduct C5 discharge.
(c) In C 5 rate discharge, if the cell does not give desired capacity, cycle shall be repeated once. (If cells are sulphate
charge i.e 50% of C 10 rate is recommended to get the desired capacity)
(d) If gravity after charging is more than desired value adjust with D.M.water and charge for two hours for proper m
(e) If some individual cells are found lagging (1.98 – 2.00 V) then the cell requires boost charge at C 5 rate for 3-4 h
(f) If cells are stored for more than one month in fully charge condition then equalizing charge at 2.25 V per cell or
of 50% of C 5 rate should be given for 5 to 6 hours every month.
This happens when plates are highly sulphated. It may be due to continuous undercharging or storing the cells in d
(d) Dump the originally filled distilled water and fill with final gravity acid recommended at the end of full charge. C
with normal charging rate until the voltage reaches to 2.6 to 2.7 V per cell.Check the gravity if it is less then final
adjust with 1.400 specific gravity, if it is more adjust with D.M water and charge for two hour for proper mixing
(e) Conduct C 5 discharge, if cell does not give desired capacity (serviced battery capacity shall be above 80%) Cell
put in to service.
This term is normally described as a reverse polarity and occurs when the battery is discharged deeply below the z
deep discharge occurs no. of times without reaching fully charged condition battery shows reverse polarity. These
immediately. Any delay shall reduce the possibility of revival. The following remedial action is recommended.
(H. Malhotra)
for Director General (PS & EMU) Home
No. EL/7.1.83/J-9 Dated 29.5.1998.
SPECIAL MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTION (Adjustment of voltage during pre-cooling)
1.0 TITLE :
Proper adjustment of voltage during pre-cooling of coaches through shore supplyto avoid over voltage to SMF Batt
2.1 Selection of tapping available on pre-cooling transformer for proper charging of SMF batteries fitted on AC coa
3.1 This SMI is issued to advise the Railways, the precautions to be exercised for proper charging and to avoid dam
charging through pre-cooling transformer rectifier unit during pre-cooling. The output, as advised by SMF batter
voltage of transformer rectifier unit for charging SMF batteries having 54 cells and 56 cells should not be more th
Instructions contained in this SMI have already been advised to Railways vide
5.1 Voltmeter and Ammeter which are already available in the pre-cooling transformer circuit on the coach.
6.1 The tapping on the primary of transformer are connected to two 4 position rotary switches, one being for `coar
such a way that the voltage indicated below are obtainable at the dc output for position 1-1 to 4-4 of the rotary
Sl No 3 phase Input Voltage Position of Rotary switch DC output voltage Load Amp
(Corse -Fine)
1 415 V 1-1 Min. 104 +8 V ,-2 V 10 A
2 Intermediate position
· The intermediate d.c. output voltages, for various combinations of rotary switch
position shall increase from minimum to maximum in roughly equal steps when
the switches are operated from 1-1 to 4-4.
6.2 Maximum charging voltage of SMF battery having 54 cells and 56 cells should not be more than 124V and 128 V
sensitive. The output dc voltage of the rectifier unit during pre-cooling should be adjusted to as near to above an
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