Culturally Responsive Lesson - Intro To Business
Culturally Responsive Lesson - Intro To Business
Culturally Responsive Lesson - Intro To Business
Curriculum Standards
State Curriculum Standards (Include the number and text of the standard. If only a portion is being addressed, then only
list the relevant parts).
BCS-BCSII-11: The student will examine career requirements, job responsibility, employment trends,
and opportunities for careers in business.
a) Discuss characteristics and opportunities that lead to the development of a successful career in
entrepreneurship management, marketing, and banking and finance.
b) Create a logo, slogan, letterhead, and business card for an imaginary business.
ELA7R2 – The student understands and acquires new vocabulary and uses it correctly in reading
and writing.
ELA7W2 – The student demonstrates competency in a variety of genres.
ELA7W3 – The student uses research and technology to support writing.
ELA7W4 – The student consistently uses the writing process to develop, revise, and evaluate
ELA7LSV1 – The student participates in student-to-teacher, student-to-student, and group verbal
ELA7LSV2 – The student listens to and views various forms of text and media in order to gather
and share information, persuade others, and express and understand ideas.
The student needs critical thinking, social and solve problem skills.
What opportunities will you provide for students to practice content language/vocabulary and develop fluency ?
I will provide for students to practice content language/vocabulary by introducing government website U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistic where term like “unemployment rate” or payroll
will be discussed.
Formative (Informal): How will students demonstrate understanding of lesson objective(s)? How will you monitor
and/or give feedback?
The students will demonstrate understanding of lesson objectives by working on activities and I will
monitor their work during lesson and give them feedback continuously.
Summative (Formal): What evidence will you collect and how will it document student learning/mastery of lesson
At the end of lesson, the students need to submit their activities via google classroom: business card and
logo for an imaginary business, a slogan for the business, a sign for the business. Furthermore, I will
collect Exit Card to make sure if the students have any questions. The student will learn objectives by
being able to finish all activities.
Set/Motivator: How to engage student interest in the content of the lesson? Use knowledge of students’ academic, social, and
cultural characteristics.
Instructional Procedures/Learning Tasks: Provide specific details of lesson content and delivery, including addressing
mathematical or science practices
Introduction (10 minutes): To catch students’ attention, lesson will start by discussion about
coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic and how it impacted everyone’s life, my family’s life, students’
families. As a result of this coronavirus, many members of families lost jobs and as a results
unemployment rate went up and household income went down. During introduction unemployed rate
terminology will be introduced and described.
Following (10 minutes): After discussion with the students, I will introduce government website U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistic and I will show actual numbers of unemployment
rate and how it impacted payroll.
Questions and/or activities for higher order thinking: Discuss how you will facilitate discourse. These cannot be answered by
yes or no.
Following (20 minutes): After showing U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the class will be divided in
groups of four and we’ll work together on activity “Marketing Your Business”.
Note: The students can use any app they want for create their “Marketing Your Business”.
Closure: Verbalize or demonstrate learning or skill one more time. May state future learning. Material/Resources:
What do you need for this lesson?
Exit Card
3 Things I learned today…….
Describe how you used multiple representations to model and describe the instructional content.
To develop students' discovery, reasoning, and implementation skills, the student needs to understand a
concept of business. In order to understand this concept, a student will pretend that he/she owns a
business (organic farm). After that, they will need to create business card, logo, sign and create slogan.
All these activities will help her/him to learn about business.
Additional Considerations
Adaptations to Meet Individual Needs: How will you adapt the instruction to meet the needs of individual students,
specifically SWD and ELs?
1. Possible misconception is that a student can have a trouble to hear, possible solution is power
point presentation with paper handouts.
2. Possible misconception is that a student has a vision problem, possible solution is oral
presentation (description of slides and print handout with larger size of letters).
Technology impacts student learning significantly. All students have access to computer and lesson will
be emailed at the end.
How is the lesson culturally relevant/ responsive or address a social justice concern?
Lesson is relevant to our everyday life. It is assumed that a student knows what business is (e.g. digital
advertising, etc.). Mainly it is predicted that the students know about current social issue coronavirus
pandemic and how it influenced families’ life as e.g. unemployment, household income, business in our
Management/Safety Issues (required for science) Are there any management and/or safety issues that need to be
considered when teaching this lesson? None
Reflection on Planning
After reviewing your lesson with your peer or partner teacher, what you would change and why? How did the
discussion with your peer or partner teacher help you grow as a professional? N/A