Found Object Sculpture

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Found Object Sculpture Project

1. Title of sculpture: Plumber Man

2. Dimensions:
a. Height: 2 feet 2 inches
b. Length: 2 feet
c. Width: 6 inches
3. Items used:
a. Googly eyes
b. A button
c. Craft wood
d. Small children’s shirt
e. Small overalls
f. PVC pipe
g. Knockout caps
h. Fittings
i. Spray paint
j. Glue
k. Pipe cutters
4. To assemble Plumber Man I cut all of the pipes to my designated lengths and then I
shoved the pipes into their proper holes and hammered them in. After he was all put
together I sprayed him with some spray paint, waited for him to dry, then I glued on his
face and clothed him.  
5. When starting this project I felt very overwhelmed. I am not the most creative person and
the thought of only using materials I already had at home made me even more worried. I
decided to use pipe because my dad had extra laying around his shop. I originally
thought of trying to make a snake or a tree because I wouldn’t have to get very creative
on how to piece things together. Once I started the project I realized I was just
overthinking things and that’s when I thought of making the Plumber Man.
6. I had a hard time trying to come up with something for his mouth. I didn't want to draw it
on and I didn’t want to use pipe cleaners, but my brother had some random wood lying
around so he let me cut it in half so I could make a mouth. My sister has a crafting
business so she let me use some googly eyes and a button she had extra of. When I
dressed him I used old baby clothes my mom has kept.
7. I really like my completed sculpture. It resembles exactly what I was trying to capture. I
was worried my idea wouldn’t work and it wouldn't look like anything but random pipe
stuck together. By adding on facial features and clothes it makes it come to life as I had
hoped. If I made any changes I would try and figure out a way to make him a toolbox to
carry with him.
8. My family is a line of plumbers. My grandpa started our family business, Lambson
Plumbing and Heating, which my dad inherited after he passed away. I have been
surrounded by pipes my whole life and have seen my dad get very creative with them
when he needs to make something work. I decided I wanted to incorporate pipes and
make a little man out of them and dress them in overalls like my grandpa used to wear. I
had a lot of fun making this and showing it to my dad. I have never considered myself to
be creative, but this project made me realize that I am if I stop overthinking it and just
start doing it. I enjoyed the concept of using materials that you already had. At first, that
made me feel very limited, but as I started the project I realized it helped me be more
creative because I had to be unconventional in my thinking. It was nice to have
homework that didn’t feel like homework and that I was able to have fun with.

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