GOM-292-TQ-001 - Piping Systems
GOM-292-TQ-001 - Piping Systems
GOM-292-TQ-001 - Piping Systems
S.No. System WP No. Rev Pipe (MTO) (m) Valve (MTO) GOM Quires on SOW ZT/SD Clarifications
1 Preload System WP A Valve Type 6" 8" 10" 12"
5-Atatched Dwgs are not in readable format. Please send
Gate Valve 5 14 14 latest dwgs. 3rd Party NDT Report is missing
2 Bilge/OWS/Dirty Oil WP 1.3.2 A Valve Type 3/4" 1" 1 1/2" 2" 3" 4" 5" 6"
5-Atatched Dwgs are not in readable format. Please send
Gate Valve 13 16 8 6 latest dwgs. 3rd Party NDT Report is missing
Swing Check 8.3 & 5-Bilge Suction rose boxes & suction strainer
1 1 2 specifications to be provided by owner
Valve (Thrd)
Wafer Check 8.6 - OWS GA to be provided by owner to proceed
14 30 foundation & Piping
8.9 - Require site survey by GOM / Quantity from owner to
Ball Valve (Thrd) 1 1 2 1 include in quote. Otherwise this point will be exluded from
8.11-Please specify which are the valves on Hull side for ABS
Expansion Joint 2 2 approval? All valves are included in OFE Items.Please clarify
Rose Box Strainer 15 15 Owner to mention the list of items needs class approval
8.14 - Flushing & Pressure testing requirements &
Specifications to be stated by owner
Owner to advice Valves type/Location/Size/Qty for
installation purpose
GOM will quote for Piping modifications to install valves
after site survery. This point will be excluded if GOM submit
quote without site survey
8.8-Please specifiy which are the valves on Hull side for ABS
Tee 2 3 1 approval? All valves are included in OFE Items.Please clarify
Suction Strainer GOM will take MTO mentioned in sow to estimate quote
(Simplex) 2
6 Brine System WP 1.3.13 A 6" 8" Valve Type 2" 3" 5" 6" 10"
45 22 Butterfly Valve 1 3 12 5. 3rd Party NDT Report is missing
8.1-Tubestar Report is missing. Any scope of work other
Foot Check Vave 1 than Tube Start report will be consider as additional
7 Drill Water WP 1.3.14 A 1" 1 1/2" 2" Valve Type 1/2" 1" 1 1/2" 2" 3" 4" 6"
5-Atatched Dwgs are not in readable format. Please send
45 20 15 Gate Valve 3 20 8 latest dwgs. 3rd Party NDT Report is missing
9 Sea Water WP A 1" 1/2" 2" Valve Type 1/2" 1" 1 1/2" 2" 3" 4" 6"
8.1-Tubestar Report & 3rd Party NDT report is missing. Any
scope of work other than Tube Start report will be consider
as additional
6 nos pressure gauge to be replaced by GOM. Small bore pipe length is mentioned in SOW for modification. Pipe support to be replaced 2"-10 nos, 1"-5 nos, 1 1/2" - 4 nos.
8.13- Flushing & Pressure testing requirements &
Specifications to be stated by owner
Bulk air compressor & dryer is in P-Tank room FWD side of mud pit.
8.4-Loading station valves and connections are supplied by
Expansion Joint 1 owner? Please cofirm the qty to quote Yes, owner will be supplied these 2 nos valves each at one loading station.
Pressure 8.5- Pressure gauges need to be quantify by owner/site
2 survey by Gom to include in quote.
Regulating Valve 4 nos pressure gauge will be required
8.6,8.8- Please quantify & specify the location, Without in
which GOM will exclude from quote. It will be treated as
additional based on case by case
Small bore pipe length need to modify aleady mentioned in SOW. 3" pipe for modification mentioned in clarification. Pipe support 3"-5 nos, 2"- 4 nos, 1"- 2 nos.
8.10- Flushing & Pressure testing requirements &
Specifications to be stated by owner
8.10 GOM not recevied any sow for HP Mud system. Please
send us
Swing Check 8.5 GOM require to do site survey to include this point in
1 3 2 quote
Valve (Thrd)
Relief Valve 1 2 8.6 FRL unit is supllied by owner?
8.8 - Please quantify & specify the location, Without in
Globe Valve 10 which GOM will exclude from quote. It will be treated as
additional based on case by case
20 Black & Grey Water WP A 6" 4" 3" 2" 1" 2" 3" 4"
5-Atatched Dwgs are not in readable format. Please send
55 115 20 60 Gate Valve 3 6 latest dwgs. 3rd Party NDT Report is missing Drawings attached are original LTE Drawings. GOM to take bigger prints for clarity. Final Tube star report will be provided.
6-All valves & bellows, Load Cells are mentioned as OFE
items. Please confirm. If GOM to procure, Please provide
Ball Valve (Thrd) 1 spec and GOM will cosider estimated qty mentioned in sow
to quote
8.7 & 8.8 & 8.9 & 8.10 Please confirm the qty/GOM need to
do site survey and agree with owner. If there is no
information recevied this point will be excluded from quote
22 Deck Drain System WP 1.3.16 A 1" 1 1/2" 2" 8" 6" 4"
5-Atatched Dwgs are not in readable format. Please send
2 3 60 30 Ball Valve 2 latest dwgs. 3rd Party NDT Report is missing Drawings attached are original LTE Drawings. GOM to take bigger prints for clarity. Final Tube star report will be provided.
6-All valves are mentioned as OFE items. Please confirm. If
GOM to procure, Please provide spec and GOM will cosider
Wafer Buuterfly estimated qty mentioned in sow to quote
valve 4 1
8.1 & 8.3 & 8.6 GOM quote is based on estimated MTO
mentioned in sow. Any deviation from above will be
consider as additional
23 Brake Cooling System WP A 2" 1 1/2" 1" 1 1/2" 2" 3" 6"
5-Atatched Dwgs are not in readable format. Please send
12 24 6 Butterly Valve 2 3 latest dwgs. 3rd Party NDT Report is missing Drawings attached are original LTE Drawings. GOM to take bigger prints for clarity. Final Tube star report will be provided.
6-All valves & bellows are mentioned as OFE items. Please
confirm. If GOM to procure, Please provide spec and GOM
Swing Check 2 will cosider estimated qty mentioned in sow to quote
24 Engine Cooling System WP A 1/2" 1 1/2" 2" 3" 4" 6" 8" 10"