GOM-292-TQ-001 - Piping Systems

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S.No. System WP No. Rev Pipe (MTO) (m) Valve (MTO) GOM Quires on SOW ZT/SD Clarifications
1 Preload System WP A Valve Type 6" 8" 10" 12"
5-Atatched Dwgs are not in readable format. Please send
Gate Valve 5 14 14 latest dwgs. 3rd Party NDT Report is missing

6-All valves & OWS are mentioned as OFE items. Please

Swing Check confirm. If GOM to procure, Please provide spec and GOM
Valve will cosider estimated qty mentioned in sow to quote

8.1-Tubestar Report is missing. Any scope of work other

Butterfly Valve 1 than Tube Start report will be consider as additional

8.2-All valves in the Preload system shall be free issued to

Shipyard by owner for installation.
Rubber Gasket 50 Please confirm. All Valves are supplied by Onwer?

8.3 - Please provide us detailed sketch and MTO on scope.

Sumersible pumps, Valves & All accessories are supplied by
onwer? Plz Confirm. Required Site survey to quote.

8.7- Pressure gauges need to be quantify by owner/site

survey by Gom to include in quote.
8-9 & 12 - Require site survey by GOM /MTO from owner to
include in quote. Otherwise this point will be exluded from

8.11 - Flushing & Pressure testing requirements &

Specifications to be stated by owner

8.10 - Please provide quantity & specify the location,

Without in which GOM will exclude from quote. It will be
treated as additional based on case by case

Owner to mention the list of items needs class approval

MTO For Valves&Fittings are supplied by owner. Plz confirm

Owner to advice Valves type/Location/Size/Qty for

installation purpose

GOM will quote for Piping modifications to install valves

after site survery. This point will be excluded if GOM submit
quote without site survey

GOM will take MTO mentioned in sow to estimate quote

2 Bilge/OWS/Dirty Oil WP 1.3.2 A Valve Type 3/4" 1" 1 1/2" 2" 3" 4" 5" 6"
5-Atatched Dwgs are not in readable format. Please send
Gate Valve 13 16 8 6 latest dwgs. 3rd Party NDT Report is missing

6-All valves & OWS are mentioned as OFE items. Please

Globe Stop Check confirm. If GOM to procure, Please provide spec and GOM
15 6
Valve will cosider estimated qty mentioned in sow to quote

8.1-Tubestar Report is missing. Any scope of work other

Butterfly valve 5 1 than Tube Start report will be consider as additional

8.2-All Valves (only) shall be free issued to Shipyard by

Swing Check Owner for Installation. Please confirm. All valves supplied by
4 2 owner?

Swing Check 8.3 & 5-Bilge Suction rose boxes & suction strainer
1 1 2 specifications to be provided by owner
Valve (Thrd)
Wafer Check 8.6 - OWS GA to be provided by owner to proceed
14 30 foundation & Piping
8.9 - Require site survey by GOM / Quantity from owner to
Ball Valve (Thrd) 1 1 2 1 include in quote. Otherwise this point will be exluded from

8.10 & 13 - Please quantify & specify the location, Without

Angle Valve 16 2 in which GOM will nt able to include in quote. It will be
treated as additional based on case by case

8.11-Please specify which are the valves on Hull side for ABS
Expansion Joint 2 2 approval? All valves are included in OFE Items.Please clarify

8.12-Require site survey by GOM / Quantity from owner to

include in quote. Otherwise this point will be exluded from

Rose Box Strainer 15 15 Owner to mention the list of items needs class approval
8.14 - Flushing & Pressure testing requirements &
Specifications to be stated by owner
Owner to advice Valves type/Location/Size/Qty for
installation purpose
GOM will quote for Piping modifications to install valves
after site survery. This point will be excluded if GOM submit
quote without site survey

GOM will take MTO mentioned in sow to estimate quote

03-020GlobalOne Yard & Corporate Office

48 Tuas Road Singapore 638500 | Tel:+65-62650819 | Fax:+65-62658683
Webpage:www.globalone.com.sg | GST Co. Registration No.200705778D04+000
3 New Trip Tank WP A 3" 4" 8" Valve Type 3" 4" 5" 6" 8"
8.3.A-Tubestar Report is missing. Any scope of work other
22 2 6 Butterfly Valve 10 2 2 than Tube Start report will be consider as additional

8.3.B - Please quantify & specify the location, Without in

Expansion Joint 2 2 which GOM will exclude from quote. It will be treated as
additional based on case by case

8.3.C-All Valves shall be free issued to Shipyard by Owner

for Installation. Please confirm. All Valves are supplied by

8.3.h-GOM exclude this point in quote unless owner

provides Qty / GOM verifies on site
8.3.j - Please quantify & specify the location, Without in
which GOM will exclude from quote. It will be treated as
additional based on case by case

Owner to indicate Scope of work in P&ID

6-All valves & Expansion Joints are mentioned as OFE items.
Please confirm. If GOM to procure, Please provide spec and
GOM will cosider estimated qty mentioned in sow to quote

Owner to advice Valves type/Location/Size/Qty for

installation purpose
8.3.f- Please provide us pump GA/Nozzle sizes to estimate
to quote. Also mention suction strainer type / size to quote

GOM will quote for Piping modifications to install valves

after site survery. This point will be excluded if GOM submit
quote without site survey

GOM will take MTO mentioned in sow to estimate quote

4 Fire Water System WP 1.3.4 A 1 1/2" 2" 2 1/2" 3" 4" 5" 6" Valve Type 1 1/2" 2" 2 1/2" 3" 4" 5" 6"
Swing Check 5-Atatched Dwgs are not in readable format. Please send
8 10 20 4 10 5 60 Valve 3 latest dwgs. 3rd Party NDT Report is missing

6-All valves & Bellows are mentioned as OFE items. Please

confirm. If GOM to procure, Please provide spec and GOM
Gate Valve 3 4 2 6 will cosider estimated qty mentioned in sow to quote

8.1-Tubestar Report is missing. Any scope of work other

Butterfly Valve 6 than Tube Start report will be consider as additional

Gate Valve (Thrd) 7 8.9 - Need to Site survey to quote

8.10 - Please quantify & specify the location, Without in
PCV 5 which GOM will exclude from quote. It will be treated as
additional based on case by case

8.15 - Flushing & Pressure testing requirements &

Fire Hose valve 17 19 Specifications to be stated by owner
8.16 - New Suction Strainers are supplied by owner?. If
Ball Valve (Thrd) 2 GOM need to purchase please provide spec/size & Qty

8.9 - Owner to specify Fire main header size, Since the

Expansion Bellow 2 2 transmitted dwg is not clear
Owner to advice Valves type/Location/Size/Qty for
Foam Monitor 5 installation purpose
Hoe reel 2 GOM will take MTO mentioned in sow to estimate quote
Owner to identify which Material to be supplied by them
Flange 4 12 1 2 from the MTO list attached in sow
8.7- Pressure gauges need to be quantify by owner/site
Elbow 4 1 10 2 6 survey by Gom to include in quote.

8.8-Please specifiy which are the valves on Hull side for ABS
Tee 2 3 1 approval? All valves are included in OFE Items.Please clarify

8.2 GOM will quote for Piping modifications to install valves

after site survery. This point will be excluded if GOM submit
Reducer 2 3 5 1
quote without site survey

Suction Strainer GOM will take MTO mentioned in sow to estimate quote
(Simplex) 2

03-020GlobalOne Yard & Corporate Office

48 Tuas Road Singapore 638500 | Tel:+65-62650819 | Fax:+65-62658683
Webpage:www.globalone.com.sg | GST Co. Registration No.200705778D04+000
5 Tank Vent & Sound WP 1.3.11 A 1 1/2" 2" 2 1/2" 3" 4" 5" 6" Valve Type 2" 3" 5" 6" 10"
5-Attached Dwgs are not in readable format. Please send
Vent Valve 12 2 7 16 latest dwgs. 3rd Party NDT Report is missing

6-All valves are mentioned as OFE items. Please confirm. If

GOM to procure, Please provide spec and GOM will cosider
Vent Valve estimated qty mentioned in sow to quote
8 1
(Flame Proof)

Quick opening 8.1-Tubestar Report is missing. Any scope of work other

5 than Tube Start report will be consider as additional
8.2-All Valves shall be free issued to Shipyard by Owner.
Flange 6 4 Please clarify. All Valves are supplied by Onwer?

8.3-All self closing valves shall be free issued to shipyard by

owner - These valves are supplied by owner? Owner to
Brass Pipe Cap quantify Sounding tube strike plates to include in Quote

8.6- Please quantify & specify the location, Without in which

Elbow 5 GOM will exclude from quote. It will be treated as additional
based on case by case

8.9 - Flushing & Pressure testing requirements &

Specifications to be stated by owner

Owner to advice Valves type/Location/Size/Qty for

installation purpose

GOM will quote for Piping modifications to install valves

after site survery. This point will be excluded if GOM submit
quote without site survey

GOM will take MTO mentioned in sow to estimate quote

6 Brine System WP 1.3.13 A 6" 8" Valve Type 2" 3" 5" 6" 10"
45 22 Butterfly Valve 1 3 12 5. 3rd Party NDT Report is missing
8.1-Tubestar Report is missing. Any scope of work other
Foot Check Vave 1 than Tube Start report will be consider as additional

6-All valves are mentioned as OFE items. Please confirm. If

GOM to procure, Please provide spec and GOM will cosider
Expansion Joint 1 1 estimated qty mentioned in sow to quote

8.4-Required Site survey for better understanding of scope.

GOM will consider MTO mentioned in sow to quote

8.5- Please quantify & specify the location, Without in which

GOM will exclude from quote. It will be treated as additional
based on case by case

8.7 GOM exclude this point in quote unless owner provides

Qty / GOM verifies on site
8.10 - Flushing & Pressure testing requirements &
Specifications to be stated by owner
Owner to advice Valves type/Location/Size/Qty for
installation purpose
GOM will quote for Piping modifications to install valves
after site survery. This point will be excluded if GOM submit
quote without site survey

7 Drill Water WP 1.3.14 A 1" 1 1/2" 2" Valve Type 1/2" 1" 1 1/2" 2" 3" 4" 6"
5-Atatched Dwgs are not in readable format. Please send
45 20 15 Gate Valve 3 20 8 latest dwgs. 3rd Party NDT Report is missing

6-All valves are mentioned as OFE items. Please confirm. If

Ball valve (Thrd) 1 10 8 4 GOM to procure, Please provide spec and GOM will cosider
estimated qty mentioned in sow to quote

8.1-Tubestar Report is missing. Any scope of work other

Gate Valve (Thrd) 1 3 than Tube Start report will be consider as additional
8.2-New vlaves type & Qty to be suggested by owner to
Swing Check 3 12 GOM to submit quote. Otherwise this point is excluded
Valve from quote

8.5- Rose box specification to be provided by owner to GOM

Suction Strainer 12 to submit quote
8.8 - GOM exclude this point in quote unless owner
Cam Lock Union 2 provides Qty / GOM verifies on site

8.4,9&11- Please quantify & specify the location, Without in

Butterfly Valve 6 which GOM will exclude from quote. It will be treated as
additional based on case by case

Owner to advice Valves type/Location/Size/Qty for

Expansion Joint 2 2 installation purpose

GOM will quote for Piping modifications to install valves

after site survery. This point will be excluded if GOM submit
quote without site survey

8.13 - Flushing & Pressure testing requirements &

Specifications to be stated by owner

03-020GlobalOne Yard & Corporate Office

48 Tuas Road Singapore 638500 | Tel:+65-62650819 | Fax:+65-62658683
Webpage:www.globalone.com.sg | GST Co. Registration No.200705778D04+000
8 Helideck Drain WP 1.6.1 A 1" 1/2" 2" Valve Type 1/2" 1" 1 1/2" 2" 3" 4" 6"
6-All valves are mentioned as OFE items. Please confirm. If
GOM to procure, Please provide spec and GOM will cosider
estimated qty mentioned in sow to quote

8.3-All Valves shall be free issued to Shipyard by Owner.

Please clarify. All Valves are supplied by Onwer?

8.5 - Please quantify & specify the location, Without in

which GOM will exclude from quote. It will be treated as
additional based on case by case

GOM will take MTO mentioned in sow to estimate quote

GOM will quote for Piping modifications to install valves
after site survery. This point will be excluded if GOM submit
quote without site survey

8.8 - Flushing & Pressure testing requirements &

Specifications to be stated by owner

9 Sea Water WP A 1" 1/2" 2" Valve Type 1/2" 1" 1 1/2" 2" 3" 4" 6"
8.1-Tubestar Report & 3rd Party NDT report is missing. Any
scope of work other than Tube Start report will be consider
as additional

6 & 8.2-All valves & Bellows are mentioned as OFE items.

Please confirm. If GOM to procure, Please provide spec and
GOM will cosider estimated qty mentioned in sow to quote

8.4 - Please send specifications & size of the duplex

strainer& flexible joint type/Qty. Owner to provide spec for
MGPS anode system

8.7,8,10- GOM exclude this point in quote unless owner

provides Qty / GOM verifies on site
8.2 GOM will quote for Piping modifications to install valves
after site survery. This point will be excluded if GOM submit
quote without site survey

GOM will take MTO mentioned in sow to estimate quote

8.5 - GOM will quote only after site survey. This point wil be
excluded in quote if GOM need to submit Quote without
before Site survey.

8.12 - Flushing & Pressure testing requirements &

Specifications to be stated by owner

03-020GlobalOne Yard & Corporate Office

48 Tuas Road Singapore 638500 | Tel:+65-62650819 | Fax:+65-62658683
Webpage:www.globalone.com.sg | GST Co. Registration No.200705778D04+000
S.No. System WP No. Rev Pipe (MTO) (m) Valve (MTO) GOM Quires on SOW ZT/SD Clarifications
10 Water Maker Installation WP 4.27 A 1" 1/2" 2" Valve Type 1/2" 1" 1 1/2" 2" 3" 4" 6"
8.2.g. PCV Material will not have any ABS cert. GOM would
like to propose CPVC Material which is the higher grade to
get ABS cert. Cost impact to use CPVC will be heighlighted
while sending quote
Use the material specified in drawing or CPVC for water maker piping.
8.2.h. Owner to speficify the requirements & specifications
& Size & Qty of the PCV. Also indicate maker of the valve to
GOM to quote & purchase
Water maker system will be a new system. GOM is to procure water maker pvc valves as per P&ID. Use Georg Fischer valves and pipe/fittings.
8.2.i- Pressure gauges need to be quantify by owner/site
survey by Gom to include in quote.
5 nos pressure gauges.
8.2.j - Please quantify & specify the location, Without in
which GOM will exclude from quote. It will be treated as
additional based on case by case
Water maker will be installed in Service air compressor room near to seachest. Inlet seawater header to water maker in that room, outlet to potable water header is also in that room. Drill water header is 50 feet away from that roo
8.2.l - Flushing & Pressure testing requirements &
Specifications to be stated by owner

8.2.n. Owner to provide Painting & Colour code

specifications to GOM
Owner will provide this document.
11 Fuel Oil System WP 1.3.7 A 1" 1 1/2" 2" Valve Type 1" 1 1/2" 2" 3"
5-Atatched Dwgs are not in readable format. Please send
10 6 10 Gate Valve (Thrd) 2 3 latest dwgs. 3rd Party NDT Report is missing Drawings attached are original LTE Drawings. GOM to take bigger prints for clarity. Final Tube star report will be provided.
6 & 8.2-All valves are mentioned as OFE items. Please
confirm. If GOM to procure, Please provide spec and GOM
Gate Valve (FLG) 2 2 will cosider estimated qty mentioned in sow to quote

Yes, owner will purchase all the valves.

8.1-Tubestar Report & 3rd Party NDT report is missing. Any
Ball Valve (Thrd) 3 scope of work other than Tube Start report will be consider
as additional
Tube star report will be provided.
Foot Valve with Owner to advice Valves type/Location/Size/Qty for
4 installation purpose
Strainer (Thrd) Valve type/size/qty is mentioned in P&ID. Location chart will be provided to GOM at the time of installation.
8.2 GOM will quote for Piping modifications to install valves
after site survery. This point will be excluded if GOM submit
quote without site survey
For modification of piping, pipe length and valves size/qty/type already provided in SOW.
8.4 - GOM quote includes only for cleaning of the strainers
on seawater system. Any Strainer to be renew will be
consdier as additional
In fuel oil system Shipyard to clean and refurbish 2"- 2 nos suction strainers.
8.5-Fuel Oil fill line valves are supplied by owner? Please
specify the size and qty of the drain connection to quote
Drain pipe is 1/2" sch.80- 1 meter long for both loading stations. 2 nos 1/2" ball valve to be installed by GOM on drain line, one for each loading station spillage containmant.
8.6-Estimated MTO mentioned in sow is included this pont?
If not please indicate Estimated MTO to quote Along with the MTO in SOW, GOM to consider the MTO mentioned in clarification for quotation.
8.7 & 8.8 & 8.9 & 8.11 - Please quantify & specify the
location, Without in which GOM will exclude from quote. It
will be treated as additional based on case by case

6 nos pressure gauge to be replaced by GOM. Small bore pipe length is mentioned in SOW for modification. Pipe support to be replaced 2"-10 nos, 1"-5 nos, 1 1/2" - 4 nos.
8.13- Flushing & Pressure testing requirements &
Specifications to be stated by owner

8.12. Owner to provide Painting & Colour code

specifications to GOM

GOM will take MTO mentioned in sow to estimate quote.

Any deviation from this MTO will be consider as additional
Along with the MTO in SOW, GOM to consider the MTO mentioned in clarification for quotation.
12 LP Leg Jetting WP 1.3.5 A 4" Valve Type 4"
Hammer Union 5-Atatched Dwgs are not in readable format. Please send
400 66 latest dwgs. 3rd Party NDT Report is missing
with Cap&Chain Drawings attached are original LTE Drawings. GOM to take bigger prints for clarity. Final Tube star report will be provided.
6-All valves & Bellows are mentioned as OFE items. Please
confirm. If GOM to procure, Please provide spec and GOM
will cosider estimated qty mentioned in sow to quote

All valves & bellows will be supplied by owner.

8.1-Tubestar Report is missing. Any scope of work other
than Tube Start report will be consider as additional Tube star report will be supplied.
8.2 GOM will take MTO mentioned in sow to estimate
quote. Any deviation from this MTO will be consider as
pipe supports 4"-150 nos
8.3 GOM will quote for Piping modifications to install valves
after site survery. This point will be excluded if GOM submit
quote without site survey
All the valves at spud can will be installed at dry dock. Leg jetting valves are covered under sea water system.
8.5- Pressure gauges need to be quantify by owner/site
survey by Gom to include in quote. No pressure gauge required.
8.6, 8.8- Please quantify & specify the location, Without in
which GOM will exclude from quote. It will be treated as
additional based on case by case
Pipe length is mentioned in SOW, supports for vertical pipe mentioned on clarification. Leg jetting system pipe includes only on the three legs 2 nos vertical headers and fittings.
8.13- Flushing & Pressure testing requirements &
Specifications to be stated by owner
Owner to advice Valves type/Location/Size/Qty for
installation purpose For this system no valves will be required.
13 Bulk Air System WP A 1" 3/4" 1" 1 1/2" 2" 2 1/2" 3" 4"
5-Atatched Dwgs are not in readable format. Please send
8 Gate Valve 3 1 latest dwgs. 3rd Party NDT Report is missing
Drawings attached are original LTE Drawings. GOM to take bigger prints for clarity. Final Tube star report will be provided.

03-020GlobalOne Yard & Corporate Office

48 Tuas Road Singapore 638500 | Tel:+65-62650819 | Fax:+65-62658683
Webpage:www.globalone.com.sg | GST Co. Registration No.200705778D04+000
6-All valves & Bellows are mentioned as OFE items. Please
confirm. If GOM to procure, Please provide spec and GOM
Ball Valve (Thrd) 3 4 will cosider estimated qty mentioned in sow to quote

All valves & bellows will be supplied by owner.

Swing Check 8.1-Tubestar Report is missing. Any scope of work other
1 than Tube Start report will be consider as additional
Valve Tube star report will be provided
8.2 GOM will quote for Piping modifications to install valves
Check Valve after site survery. This point will be excluded if GOM submit
20 12
(Strataflow) quote without site survey
For piping modification to install 2 nos 3" pressure regulating valve consider pipe 3"-2 meter.
8.3- This point will be exluded from quote since location is
not finalized by owner. Wil be consider as additional once
Butterfly Valve 15 12 GOM recevie all required information to quote

Bulk air compressor & dryer is in P-Tank room FWD side of mud pit.
8.4-Loading station valves and connections are supplied by
Expansion Joint 1 owner? Please cofirm the qty to quote Yes, owner will be supplied these 2 nos valves each at one loading station.
Pressure 8.5- Pressure gauges need to be quantify by owner/site
2 survey by Gom to include in quote.
Regulating Valve 4 nos pressure gauge will be required
8.6,8.8- Please quantify & specify the location, Without in
which GOM will exclude from quote. It will be treated as
additional based on case by case
Small bore pipe length need to modify aleady mentioned in SOW. 3" pipe for modification mentioned in clarification. Pipe support 3"-5 nos, 2"- 4 nos, 1"- 2 nos.
8.10- Flushing & Pressure testing requirements &
Specifications to be stated by owner

8.9 Owner to provide Painting & Colour code specifications

to GOM
Owner will provide Painting & color code spec.
8.2 GOM will take MTO mentioned in sow to estimate
quote. Any deviation from this MTO will be consider as
All required materials are covered under SOW and clarification.
Owner to advice Valves type/Location/Size/Qty for
installation purpose Refer SOW for valve size/qty/type. Location will be inside P-tank room and below helideck P- tanks. Rest of all are covered by tube star report.
14 Portable Water WP 1.3.9 A 1/2" 3/4" 1" 1"(Gal) 1 1/2" 2" 1/2" 3/4" 1" 1 1/4" 1 1/2" 2" 3" 4"
5-Atatched Dwgs are not in readable format. Please send
8 25 35 3 25 24 Gate Valve 5 latest dwgs. 3rd Party NDT Report is missing Drawings attached are original LTE Drawings. GOM to take bigger prints for clarity. Final Tube star report will be provided.
6-All valves & water heaters are mentioned as OFE items.
Please confirm. If GOM to procure, Please provide spec and
Ball Valve (Thrd) 2 4 1 2 GOM will cosider estimated qty mentioned in sow to quote

Owner will procure all valves and water heater.

8.2 &8.7. Both points are contrdicting. Usual practice is to
Gate Valve (Thrd) 4 8 4 12 8 follow copper material for Hot & Cold water for Poratable
water system. Please clarify
In regular practice people also used C-PVC pipes and fittings for both hot & cold water. This is Rig potable water system, here all pipes for potable water pump suction and discharge up to pressure set outlet will be galvanized pipe a
8.3-Please provide UT gauging report to estimate the work.
Swing Check GOM is not recevied any scope for LQ. Please send us LQ
Valve (Thrd) 2
scope of work.
UT gauging report will be provided.
8.4 & 5- Please confirm the qty/GOM need to do site survey
Strata Flow Check and agree with owner. If there is no information recevied
Valve this point will be excluded from quote
Wash basin at drill floor, shale shaker, mud lab and mud pit area to be refurbished. Eye wash station at drill floor and shale shaker area to be refurbished. Pipe for eye wash station 2" sch 80-4 meter. Flexible drain hose e
8.7 GOM will quote for Piping modifications to install valves
Foot Valve 2 after site survery. This point will be excluded if GOM submit
quote without site survey
If the old heaters are replaced by new heaters, the MTO mentiopned in SOW will covered the modification.
8.8 - Pressure gauges need to be quantify by owner/site
survey by Gom to include in quote. 4 nos pressure gauge will be required.
8.9, 8.10, 8.12- Please quantify & specify the location,
Without in which GOM will exclude from quote. It will be
treated as additional based on case by case
All the location mentioned in SOW. Qty of valves specified in MTO and clarification where required. Modification of small bore pipe length for drill floor, shale shaker area, below cantilever, all machinery deck, main deck, helideck, a
8.14- Flushing & Pressure testing requirements &
Specifications to be stated by owner
8.13 Owner to provide Painting & Colour code specifications
to GOM Owner will provide Painting & color code spec.
GOM will take MTO mentioned in sow to estimate quote.
Any deviation from this MTO will be consider as additional GOM to consider SOW, Clarification and tube star report for quotation.
Estimated Pipe Length: Please indicate the material of the
Pipe sizes 1/2", 3/4", 1" Sch.80 ASTM A106-B pipe to be used
Owner to advice Valves type/Location/Size/Qty for
installation purpose Valve type/size/qty is already mentioned in SOW. Chart for Location of valves will be provided.
15 Sanitary Water WP A 2" 2"
5-Atatched Dwgs are not in readable format. Please send
12 Ball Valve (Thrd) 8 latest dwgs. 3rd Party NDT Report is missing
Drawings attached are original LTE Drawings. GOM to take bigger prints for clarity. Final Tube star report will be provided.
8.1-Tubestar Report is missing. Any scope of work other
Gate Valve (Thrd) 3 than Tube Start report will be consider as additional
Tube star report will be provided.
8.2 GOM will quote for Piping modifications to install valves
Strata Flow Check after site survery. This point will be excluded if GOM submit
Valve 3
quote without site survey
MTO required for piping modification is covered in SOW. For any fittings GOM to refer the supplied LTE drawings.
Pressure 8.3-Please provide UT gauging report to estimate the work.
Regulating Valve Tube star report will be provided.
8.4 GOM is not recevied any scope for LQ. Please send us LQ
scope of work.Usual practice is to follow CPVC for sanitary
Y-Strainer 1 water (Inside LQ) & Galv (Outside LQ). Cost impact will be
helighlighted in quote. Please clarify

8.5 - Pressure gauges need to be quantify by owner/site

survey by Gom to include in quote. 2 nos pressure gauge required.
8.6, 8.8,- Please quantify & specify the location, Without in
which GOM will exclude from quote. It will be treated as
additional based on case by case
For this system modification of piping will be done from sanitary water pump to pressure set dischagre . MTO for this already specified in SOW. Pipe support required 2"- 4 nos.
8.10 - Flushing & Pressure testing requirements &
Specifications to be stated by owner

03-020GlobalOne Yard & Corporate Office

48 Tuas Road Singapore 638500 | Tel:+65-62650819 | Fax:+65-62658683
Webpage:www.globalone.com.sg | GST Co. Registration No.200705778D04+000
Owner to advice Valves type/Location/Size/Qty for
installation purpose
Valve type/size/qty is already mentioned in SOW. Chart for Location of valves will be provided.
8.9 Owner to provide Painting & Colour code specifications
to GOM Owner will provide Painting & color code spec.
16 HP Leg Jetting WP 1.2.3 A 3" 3"
5-Atatched Dwgs are not in readable format. Please send
250 Gate Vale 3 latest dwgs. 3rd Party NDT Report is missing
Drawings attached are original LTE Drawings. GOM to take bigger prints for clarity. Final Tube star report will be provided.
6-All valves are mentioned as OFE items. Please confirm. If
GOM to procure, Please provide spec and GOM will cosider
Pressure Relief estimated qty mentioned in sow to quote
Owner will provide all the valves.
Hammer Union 8.1-Tubestar Report is missing. Any scope of work other
with Cap&Chain 33 than Tube Start report will be consider as additional
Tube star report will be provided.
8.2 GOM will take MTO mentioned in sow to estimate
quote. Any deviation from this MTO will be consider as
All the required pipe length and valves specified in SOW. Pipe support required, 3"- 90nos
8.3 GOM will quote for Piping modifications to install valves
after site survery. This point will be excluded if GOM submit
quote without site survey
3 nos gate valve will be installed at three legs. One pressure relief valve is required at hp jetting discharge header in mud pump room. Relief line piping will be new. MtTo for relief line is considered in SOW.
8.4 P&ID is not indicated any flexible hose. Please clarify.
Please send us photos if any for better understanding.
No flexible hose will be required.
8.5 High pressure double isolation valve is supplied by
owner? Since all valves are in OFE. 2 nos high pressure double isolation valves will be covered in high pressure piping.
8.7 - Pressure gauges need to be quantify by owner/site
survey by Gom to include in quote.
No pressure gauge required.
8.8- Please quantify & specify the location, Without in which
GOM will exclude from quote. It will be treated as additional
based on case by case
New piping for relief line to be done from mud pump discharge header to mud pit , maximum 6 meter. This distance already covered in SOW MTO.
8.9 Owner to provide Painting & Colour code specifications
to GOM Owner will provide Painting & color code spec.
8.10 - Flushing & Pressure testing requirements &
Specifications to be stated by owner
Owner to advice Valves type/Location/Size/Qty for
installation purpose Valve type/size/qty is already mentioned in SOW. Chart for Location of valves will be provided.
17 Bulk Material WP 1.3.15 A
5-Atatched Dwgs are not in readable format. Please send
latest dwgs. 3rd Party NDT Report is missing Drawings attached are original LTE Drawings. GOM to take bigger prints for clarity. Final Tube star report will be provided.
6-All valves & bellows, Load Cells are mentioned as OFE
items. Please confirm. If GOM to procure, Please provide
spec and GOM will cosider estimated qty mentioned in sow
to quote
All valves & Bellows, load cells will be supplied by owner.
8.1-Tubestar Report is missing. Any scope of work other
than Tube Start report will be consider as additional Tube star report will be provided.
8.2 GOM will quote for Piping modifications to install valves
after site survery. This point will be excluded if GOM submit
quote without site survey
Piping modification will be done as per tube star report. Other than tube star report consider pipe 6" sch.40 ASTM A-106B-1 meter, 5" sch.40 ASTM A-106B-4 meter, 3" sch.40 ASTM A-106B,-2 meter, pipe support, 6"-5 nos, 5"-10 no
8.3 GOM will look into this point upon receiving Tube Star
Report. GOM require to do site survey to estimate the
amount of work to quote
Yube star report will be provided.
8.4, 8.5, 8.6, 8.7 GOM require to do site survey to estimate
the amount of work to quote
Work clarified by above points.
8.8 Pressure gauges need to be quantify by owner/site
survey by Gom to include in quote.
Owner will install the pressure gauges for this system.
8.9, 8.11 - Please quantify & specify the location, Without in
which GOM will exclude from quote. It will be treated as
additional based on case by case
New piping will be done as per tube star report. Rest of all clarified nad mentioned in SOW.
8.12 Owner to provide Painting & Colour code specifications
to GOM Owner will provide Painting & color code spec.
8.13 - Flushing & Pressure testing requirements &
Specifications to be stated by owner
Owner to advice Valves type/Location/Size/Qty for
installation purpose Valve type/size/qty is already mentioned in SOW. Chart for Location of valves will be provided.
18 LP Mud System WP 1.3.3 A 1" 1/2" 2" Valve Type 12" 10" 8" 6" 4" 3" 2"
8.1-Tubestar Report is missing. Any scope of work other
Butterfly Valve 16 4 22 21 16 18 10 than Tube Start report will be consider as additional
Tube star report will be provided
8.2-New valves type & Qty to be suggested by owner to
Dump Valve GOM to submit quote. Otherwise this point is excluded
(PATCO) from quote
New valve type & qty already mentioned in SOW. Dump valve will be patco valve, rest of all valve for this system will be butterfly valve.
8.5 GOM is not received any UT gauging report for MGS.
Gate Valve 1 6 3 2 Please send us. GOM will estimate quote upon receiving
Gauging report
UT gauging report will be provided.
8.6 Reaching rod repair will be included in quote only if
GOM do site survey. If not owner to send us Quantity for
Suction Strainer 3 qutation purpose. Otherwise this point will be excluded
from quote
Patco valve reach rod installation to be considered along with that valve installation. Rest of existing 6 nos reach rod with hand wheel to be refurbished.
8.7 Please provide estimated MTO for 10" & 12" Pipe &
Expansion Joint 5 6 1 Fitting to submit quote. P&ID is not included with
dimensions to estimate Pipe length & fittings
Please Refer tube star report
8.8 All Suction, Dump & Equalizer valves are supplied by
Yes, Owner will supply all these valves.
8.9 New suction strainers (3 nos) are supplied by owner?

8.10 GOM not recevied any sow for HP Mud system. Please
send us

03-020GlobalOne Yard & Corporate Office

48 Tuas Road Singapore 638500 | Tel:+65-62650819 | Fax:+65-62658683
Webpage:www.globalone.com.sg | GST Co. Registration No.200705778D04+000
8.11 Owner to send GA dwg & Estimated MTO to GOM to
quote Total MTO for this system will be SOW supplied to GOM nad tube star report.
8.12 GOM to do site survey to submit the quote for this
point. If not it will be excluded from quote
Divertor housing to be refurbished by GOM.
8.13 & 8.14 8.15 & 8.16 Owner to advice Estimated MTO or
GOM require to do site survery to submit quote
8.17 Pressure gauges need to be quantify by owner/site
survey by Gom to include in quote.
12 nos pressure guge required.
8.18, 8.20 - Please quantify & specify the location, Without
in which GOM will exclude from quote. It will be treated as
additional based on case by case
Quantity of material and work will be as per SOW , clarification mentioned above points, and tube star report. Location of LP mud system is inside the mud pump room, mud pit room, Flow line below drill floor, Return line upto Mud
8.21 Owner to provide Painting & Colour code specifications
to GOM
Owner will provide Painting & color code spec.
8.22 - Flushing & Pressure testing requirements &
Specifications to be stated by owner
Owner to advice Valves type/Location/Size/Qty for
installation purpose
Valve type/size/qty is already mentioned in SOW. Chart for Location of valves will be provided.
19 Rig Service Air WP A 3" 2" 1 1/2" 1" 3/4" 1/2" 1/2" 3/4" 1" 1 1/2" 2" 2 1/2" 3" 4"
5-Atatched Dwgs are not in readable format. Please send
75 30 50 120 5 5 Gate Valve 10 latest dwgs. 3rd Party NDT Report is missing Drawings attached are original LTE Drawings. GOM to take bigger prints for clarity. Final Tube star report will be provided.
8.1-Tubestar Report is missing. Any scope of work other
Gate Valve (Thrd) 5 15 6 7 than Tube Start report will be consider as additional
8.2 GOM will quote for Piping modifications to install valves
Ball Valve (Thrd) 3 3 10 3 7 after site survery. This point will be excluded if GOM submit
quote without site survey

8.3 This point will be excluded from quote since onwer is

Swing Check not confirmed with location. GOM require to do site survey
Valve to include this point in quote

8.4 GOM will consider Estimated MTO to quote. Any

Butter fly valve 1 1 deviation from the above will be additional

Swing Check 8.5 GOM require to do site survey to include this point in
1 3 2 quote
Valve (Thrd)
Relief Valve 1 2 8.6 FRL unit is supllied by owner?
8.8 - Please quantify & specify the location, Without in
Globe Valve 10 which GOM will exclude from quote. It will be treated as
additional based on case by case

8.10 UT gauging report is missing. GOM require to do site

survey to estimate.
8.11 Service air line for Emergency generator is included in
estimated MTO? Please confirm. GOM wil consider
estimated MTO to submit quote

8.13, 8.14, 8.15- Please quantify & specify the location,

Without in which GOM will exclude from quote. It will be
treated as additional based on case by case

8.16 Owner to provide Painting & Colour code specifications

to GOM
8.17 - Flushing & Pressure testing requirements &
Specifications to be stated by owner
Owner to advice Valves type/Location/Size/Qty for
installation purpose

20 Black & Grey Water WP A 6" 4" 3" 2" 1" 2" 3" 4"
5-Atatched Dwgs are not in readable format. Please send
55 115 20 60 Gate Valve 3 6 latest dwgs. 3rd Party NDT Report is missing Drawings attached are original LTE Drawings. GOM to take bigger prints for clarity. Final Tube star report will be provided.
6-All valves & bellows, Load Cells are mentioned as OFE
items. Please confirm. If GOM to procure, Please provide
Ball Valve (Thrd) 1 spec and GOM will cosider estimated qty mentioned in sow
to quote

8.1 Please provide Estimated MTO for Pipe, Fittings &

Gate Valve (Thrd) 6 1 Flanges to quote.
8.2 GOM will quote for Piping modifications to install valves
Swing Check 1 2 after site survery. This point will be excluded if GOM submit
Valve quote without site survey

8.3 Please provide us details of the new equipment and

estimated MTO to GOM to quote

8.4 Owner to confirm if needed to refurbish and provide

estimated details to GOM to include in quote. GOM will
exclude this point from quote, Since there is no informtaion
communicated by owner

8.5 Isolation valves are supplied by owner? Please confirm.

GOM will consider estimated valve list to quote. GOM need
to do site survey to include reach rod repair if required.

8.6 Pressure gauges need to be quantify by owner/site

survey by Gom to include in quote.
8.8 Please confirm the qty/GOM need to do site survey and
agree with owner. If there is no information recevied this
point will be excluded from quote

8.9 Owner to provide Painting & Colour code specifications

to GOM
8.10 - Flushing & Pressure testing requirements &
Specifications to be stated by owner
Owner to advice Valves type/Location/Size/Qty for
installation purpose

21 Base Oil System WP A 3" 2"

03-020GlobalOne Yard & Corporate Office

48 Tuas Road Singapore 638500 | Tel:+65-62650819 | Fax:+65-62658683
Webpage:www.globalone.com.sg | GST Co. Registration No.200705778D04+000
5-Atatched Dwgs are not in readable format. Please send
Gate Valve 5 latest dwgs. 3rd Party NDT Report is missing Drawings attached are original LTE Drawings. GOM to take bigger prints for clarity. Final Tube star report will be provided.
8.1-Tubestar Report is missing. Any scope of work other
Threaded Foot than Tube Start report will be consider as additional
Check Valve 1

8.2 GOM will quote for Piping modifications to install valves

after site survery. This point will be excluded if GOM submit
quote without site survey

8.3 Vent Head Valve & Sounding valves (Quick closing) is

supplied by owner? Is it quick closing (or) self closing. Please

8.4 & 8.5 Owner to provide estimated MTO to submit quote

8.7 & 8.8 & 8.9 & 8.10 Please confirm the qty/GOM need to
do site survey and agree with owner. If there is no
information recevied this point will be excluded from quote

8.11 Owner to provide Painting & Colour code specifications

to GOM
8.12 - Flushing & Pressure testing requirements &
Specifications to be stated by owner
Owner to advice Valves type/Location/Size/Qty for
installation purpose

22 Deck Drain System WP 1.3.16 A 1" 1 1/2" 2" 8" 6" 4"
5-Atatched Dwgs are not in readable format. Please send
2 3 60 30 Ball Valve 2 latest dwgs. 3rd Party NDT Report is missing Drawings attached are original LTE Drawings. GOM to take bigger prints for clarity. Final Tube star report will be provided.
6-All valves are mentioned as OFE items. Please confirm. If
GOM to procure, Please provide spec and GOM will cosider
Wafer Buuterfly estimated qty mentioned in sow to quote
valve 4 1

8.1 & 8.3 & 8.6 GOM quote is based on estimated MTO
mentioned in sow. Any deviation from above will be
consider as additional

8.2 GOM will quote for Piping modifications to install valves

after site survery. This point will be excluded if GOM submit
quote without site survey

8.4 GOM is not received any LQ sow. Please send us

8.5 GOM require to do site survey to include this point in
8.8 & 8.9 Estimated MTO is included these points to modify,
Please confirm. Otherwise plz provide estiamted MTO to

8.10 Pressure gauges need to be quantify by owner/site

survey by Gom to include in quote.
8.11 & 8.13 Please confirm the qty/GOM need to do site
survey and agree with owner. If there is no information
recevied this point will be excluded from quote

8.14 Owner to provide Painting & Colour code specifications

to GOM
8.15 - Flushing & Pressure testing requirements &
Specifications to be stated by owner
Owner to advice Valves type/Location/Size/Qty for
installation purpose

23 Brake Cooling System WP A 2" 1 1/2" 1" 1 1/2" 2" 3" 6"
5-Atatched Dwgs are not in readable format. Please send
12 24 6 Butterly Valve 2 3 latest dwgs. 3rd Party NDT Report is missing Drawings attached are original LTE Drawings. GOM to take bigger prints for clarity. Final Tube star report will be provided.
6-All valves & bellows are mentioned as OFE items. Please
confirm. If GOM to procure, Please provide spec and GOM
Swing Check 2 will cosider estimated qty mentioned in sow to quote

8.1-Tubestar Report is missing. Any scope of work other

Pressure Relief than Tube Start report will be consider as additional

8.3 Return line funnel on tank piping is included in

Estimated MTO?. GOM will consider Estimated MTO
Gate Valve 3 2 2 1 mentioned in sow to quote. Any deviation from this shall be
consider as additional

8.4 & 8.5 GOM require to do site survey to quote on piping

modifications. GOM request owner to provide Estimated
Expansion Joint 2 2 amount of work to quote in the absence of site survey

8.5 GOM will include in quote only to clean simplex

strainers. If it need to be renewed it will be consider as

8.6 Pressure gauges need to be quantify by owner/site

survey by Gom to include in quote.
8.7 & 8.9 Please confirm the qty/GOM need to do site
survey and agree with owner. If there is no information
recevied this point will be excluded from quote

8.10 Owner to provide Painting & Colour code specifications

to GOM
Owner to advice Valves type/Location/Size/Qty for
installation purpose
8.11 - Flushing & Pressure testing requirements &
Specifications to be stated by owner

24 Engine Cooling System WP A 1/2" 1 1/2" 2" 3" 4" 6" 8" 10"

03-020GlobalOne Yard & Corporate Office

48 Tuas Road Singapore 638500 | Tel:+65-62650819 | Fax:+65-62658683
Webpage:www.globalone.com.sg | GST Co. Registration No.200705778D04+000
5-Atatched Dwgs are not in readable format. Please send
Gate Valve 6 2 1 3 4 1 6 latest dwgs. 3rd Party NDT Report is missing Drawings attached are original LTE Drawings. GOM to take bigger prints for clarity. Final Tube star report will be provided.
6-All valves & bellows are mentioned as OFE items. Please
confirm. If GOM to procure, Please provide spec and GOM
Globe Valve 3 will cosider estimated qty mentioned in sow to quote

Wafer Check 8.1-Tubestar Report is missing. Any scope of work other

Valve 3 than Tube Start report will be consider as additional

8.2 GOM will quote for Piping modifications to install valves

Expansion Joint after site survery. This point will be excluded if GOM submit
(SS) quote without site survey

8.4 - Flushing & Pressure testing requirements &

Expansion Joint Specifications to be stated by owner
(Rubber Bellow) 8

8.5 GOM require site survey to include this point in quote

8.6 Please send us the specifications of the Level Gauges &

Seals to GOM to quote.
8.8 Pressure gauges need to be quantify by owner/site
survey by Gom to include in quote.
8.9 & 8.11 Please confirm the qty/GOM need to do site
survey and agree with owner. If there is no information
recevied this point will be excluded from quote

8.12 Owner to provide Painting & Colour code specifications

to GOM
Owner to advice Valves type/Location/Size/Qty for
installation purpose

25 Sea Chest Repairs WP 1.9.2 A

8.1-Tubestar Report is missing. Any scope of work other
than Tube Start report will be consider as additional

8.5 GOM require site survey to include this point in quote

Owner to advice Valves type/Location/Size/Qty for

installation purpose
8.3 Please provide size & specifications & Qty of the Gaskets
to include in quote

26 Raw Water Tower WP 1.9.1 A

8.7 Valves are supplied by owner?
8.8 GOM require site survey to include flanges in our quote

03-020GlobalOne Yard & Corporate Office

48 Tuas Road Singapore 638500 | Tel:+65-62650819 | Fax:+65-62658683
Webpage:www.globalone.com.sg | GST Co. Registration No.200705778D04+000

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