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Frequently Asked Questions On P.A.D.O.R

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This is a list of Frequently Asked Questions on PADOR - topic by topic. Please

read carefully both the Q&A of the topic that interests you, but also the
related "General Questions".

1 GENERAL QUESTIONS ........................................................................ 5

1. 1 WHAT is PADOR? ........................................................................................................... 5

1. 2 WHO needs to register? Is registration in PADOR obligatory for all

organisations? ................................................................................................................ 5
□ We are a Ministry. Do we need to register in PADOR?.................................................. 5
□ We are a public body (or we are a local authority). Which PADOR screens / fields are
obligatory? What to do when some information is not applicable? How should the
PADOR off-line form be used?................................................…………………………... 5

1. 3 WHEN to register / When to update an organisation's account in PADOR? ............... 6

1. 4 HOW to register an organisation in PADOR: ................................................................. 6

□ Some of the information required is NOT APPLICABLE for our organisation (e.g.
Financial Data and Report for previous year not yet available). What should I do?
□ ....................................................................................................................................6
□ The system does not save the information. Why? ........................................................ 7
□ I do not have access to all PADOR screens that appear on the list on the left side
of the screen (Sectorial Experience, Geographical Experience, Financial Health
etc) Why? .......................................................................................................... 7
□ I have registered my organisation, but I cannot see / I have not received my EuropeAid
ID. Why? .....................................................................................................................7
□ How much time does it take to register in PADOR? ..................................................... 8
□ We are the main applicant. Can we help co-applicants/ affiliated entities to register in
PADOR? .................................................................................................................................. 8
□ We are an applicant. Can we find potential partners in PADOR? ................................. 8
□ Where can I find more information / get more help to register in PADOR? ................. 8

2 ECAS username & ECAS password: registering as a user in PADOR…. 9

□ What is the ECAS username/login and ECAS password? ............................................ 9
□ How can I get my ECAS username / login and ECAS password? ................................ 9
□ I sent an ECAS password request but I have received no news. What should I do?... 10

□ I have forgotten my ECAS login and / or my ECAS password. What should I do? ... 10
□ What is the Key Code? .................................................................................................. 10

3 IDENTIFY your organisation in PADOR .................................................. 11

□ Does my organisation already have a profile? How to check? .................................. 11
□ What might happen if my organisation already has a PADOR profile and I create
another one (double profile)? .................................................................................12
□ My organisation appears in the list more than once. Which profile to choose? 12
□ I have registered my organisation, but I cannot see / I have not received my
EuropeAid ID. Why? ................................................................................................12

4 ADMINISTRATIVE DATA .......................................................................... 13

□ I cannot access/modify some fields on the "Administrative data" screen: why?13
□ I have sent a LEF data modification request, but this has not yet been done: will this
have an impact on my application for the calls for proposals? ...........................13
□ My organisation doesn't have a PO BOX or Postal code, but those are obligatory
fields: what should I do? .........................................................................................13
□ My organisation is about to apply for a few calls for proposals, both as the main
applicant and as a co-applicant/ affiliated entity. What should I tick in the "reason"
field? .........................................................................................................................13

5 PROFILE ................................................................................................... 14
□ Statutes: what are they and how can I upload them in PADOR? ............................... 14
□ The PADOR list of sectors does not include some specific sectors in which my
organisation is active. What can I do? ...................................................................14
□ Should I tick only general sectors or the, more detailed, subsectors? ..................... 14
□ Some of the projects encompass many sectors. How to present this? .................... 14

6 EXPERIENCE ............................................................................................ 15
6.1 General Questions .......................................................................... 15
□ We are a local NGO which is a branch of a European NGO. Can we claim the
experience (sectorial / geographical) of the main organisation? .........................15
□ We are a Department of a University. Can we claim the experience (sectorial /
geographical) of the University? ............................................................................15
□ Some of the projects encompass many sectors. How to present this? .................... 15
□ Can we list experience longer than 7 years? ............................................................... 15
□ I cannot access all the screens which appear in the menu on the left side of the
screen (Sectorial, Geographical experience, etc.): why? ......................................16
□ What do M and K mean? ............................................................................................... 16

6.2 Sectorial Experience ....................................................................... 16

□ Some of the sectors we are active in do not appear on the list. What should I do?... 16

6.3 Geographical Experience ............................................................... 16

□ Should I present our experience "by region" or "by country"? ................................. 16
□ There are only three lines available: how can I introduce more information? . 16

6.4 Crossed Information ............................................................................. 16

□ Can I modify the Region/Countries and Sectors that appear on this screen?.. 16
□ Is the screen "Crossed Information" mandatory? ....................................................... 17

7 FINANCIAL DATA ............................................................................... 17

7.1 General Questions .......................................................................... 17
□ Are the Financial Health, Financing Sources and Audit Report screens obligatory?
□ Some data are not available / some fields are not applicable for our organisation17
□ I cannot fill in or save financial / audit data on the relevant screens ......................... 18
□ Uploading of reports : I cannot upload / save / replace a document. What should I do?

7.2 Financial Health............................................................................... 18

□ What do the terms "turnover", "net earnings", "balance sheet", etc mean?.... 18
□ For which years should we attach the financial reports? ........................................... 18
□ Our organisation was recently established and the financial report for the previous
year is not available. What should I do? ................................................................19
□ What exchange rate should I use for converting the figures in Euro? ...................... 19
□ To which year should the exchange rate correspond? ............................................... 19
□ There are only three lines available: how can I introduce more information? ... 19

7.3 Financing Sources .......................................................................... 20

□ When I click on the field "Year", no year appears: what can I do?............................. 20
□ What type of information should I provide in the "% per year" column? .................. 20
□ What are the "members' fees"? .................................................................................... 20

7.4 Audit Report .................................................................................... 20

□ For which years we have to attach audit reports? ...................................................... 20
□ What does "valid until" means on the "Audit report" screen? ................................... 21

8 SIGNATURE ........................................................................................ 21
□ Why / How to validate the data I have introduced? ..................................................... 21
□ I click on "sign", I receive a notification that there are some missing fields, but not a
list of these fields. I am sure that I have completed all the required fields in all
screens. What should I do? .................................................................................. 21

9 USER MANAGEMENT .............................................................................. 22
□ Is it possible to add more / remove users from the PADOR profile of our organisation?
□ How many users can have the right to (a) view (b) edit and (c) sign (validate) data?

10 SEARCH FOR PARTNER ....................................................................... 22

□ What is the Search for partners' tool, and what type of data becomes visible to other
organisations if I chose to make the profile of our organisation public? 23

11 Annex: Public Bodies ........................................................................... 23


1. 1 WHAT is PADOR?
The Potential Applicant Data On-Line Registration (PADOR) is an on-line database in which organisations
interested in obtaining EuropeAid funding register themselves and update regularly their data.

This data concerns the organisation itself, it is not linked to a particular project proposal, and therefore does not
vary by application for different call for proposals. This information is used by the European Commission for
evaluating the operational and financial capacity criteria as well as for checking the eligibility of the
organisations that participate in calls for proposals.

[Back to top]
1. 2. WHO needs to register? Is registration in PADOR obligatory for all organisations? How
should the PADOR off-line form be used?
Registration in PADOR is necessary for organisations in order to:
(a) obtain an identification number (EuropeAid ID),
(b) upload all information concerning their profile to be taken into consideration by the Evaluation Committee of
the call for proposals they apply for (administrative & financial data, experience etc.)
(c) make their existence known to the European Commission, but also to other organisations through the
"Search for partners" tool.

Registration in PADOR is obligatory for all applicants, co-applicants and affiliated entitiesin Call for proposals
(non-state actors, public administration bodies, including local authorities) . Associates do not need to register

However, please always refer to the Guidelines of the call you are interested in to check whether a derogation
from the PADOR registration applies. The procedures that applicants should follow in this case (submission of
PADOR off-line form) will be listed in Section 2.2 of the call’s guidelines.

Organisations that have technical difficulties to register online in PADOR may complete the PADOR off-line
form. You should send this form together with your application to the European Commission service in charge
of the Call for proposals they are applying for, to the address indicated in section 2.2 of the Guidelines for
applicants for the Call in question.

If your organisation has been trying to register in PADOR for the first time but has decided to send a PADOR
off-line form with the application instead, it is no longer necessary to indicate a EuropeAid ID number in the
application form. In this case, the PADOR profile will be initiated by the European Commission based on the
information included in the off-line form. If, at a later stage, the organisation wishes to update itself its data, an
access request should be sent to the PADOR helpdesk

[Back to top]
• We are a Ministry. Do we need to register in PADOR?

Ministries do not need to register in PADOR and should use the EuropeAid ID and the LEF of the State. If you
do not know the EuropeAid ID and the LEF ID of the State and you are a public official of the institution
concerned, please send a request to the PADOR Helpdesk (europeaid-pador@ec.europa.eu) from your work
email address.

• We are a public body (including local authority). Which PADOR screens / fields are
obligatory? What should I do when some information is not applicable?
Please consult the PADOR Guides (for applicants, co-applicants and affiliated entities) that list all the
required/ optional fields for Public bodies (including Local Authorities) - screen by screen. Also see
Annex with mandatory/ optional fields for Public bodies and local authorities. (Annex available here)
1. 3. WHEN to register / When to update an organisation's account in PADOR?
Organisations interested in EU co-funded development cooperation are encouraged to approach the
PADOR registration not as a requirement to be met by a certain Call for Proposals deadline, but
rather as a one-off exercise in view of future calls. However, please note that:

Applicants must be registered in PADOR before the deadline for the submission of Concept Notes
(specified in the guidelines of each Call for proposals).

Co-applicants and affiliated entities must be registered in PADOR before the deadline for the
submission of Full Applications (specified in the guidelines of each Call for proposals).

Once registered, the responsible for managing the organisation's profile should update their PADOR
account by the above deadlines. It is important to remember that the Evaluation Committee in charge
for each Call for proposals will only take into account the data that have been most recently: Filled in
and Saved (in the relevant screens) AND Submitted (via the "Signature" Screen)

[Back to top]

1. 4 HOW to register an organisation in PADOR:

STEP 1. Get started - Collect data on the information required and the documents to be submitted.
STEP 2. Personal Identification - Obtain an ECAS Username / Login and Password (Section 3 of the
STEP 3. Register your organisation in PADOR - Fill in and save the fields in the mandatory PADOR
STEP 4. Validate your registration & Get your EuropeAid - Sign the declaration of honour

[Back to top]

• Some of the information required is NOT APPLICABLE for our organisation (e.g.
Financial Data and Report for previous year not yet available). What should I do?

In this case you should:

1. insert a zero (0) value to all fields that are not available / applicable and

(e.g. data/ documents related to the financial screens)

2. upload a document explaining why these data/ documents are not available/ applicable. This
document should be uploaded in the relevant field in each screen where documents can be uploaded
(please compress (e.g zip or rar) or scan documents if needed, and upload this single file) Note: the
title of the file to be uploaded should be written in Latin characters).

Alternatively, you can provide any extra information / clarification about non applicable fields in the

Additional information screen (free text - no need to upload documents).See also FAQ on Profile
Screen, Financial data, and Staff.
If you are a Local authority, please also refer to the annex which lists all the required / optional
information for Local Authorities - screen by screen (annex available here)

[Back to top]
• The system does not save the information. Why?
Please do the following:
1. make sure that you have filled in all required fields (in orange) in each screen
2. save the information you fill in in each screen before you move to the next screen
3. when you click on save, a green box should appear on the top of the screen you saved confirming
that you have successfully saved the data.

If a red box appears, please read carefully the information displayed (possibly a list of required fields
that have either not been filled in, or contain errors). Please go back and correct them. Then click
again on the save button.

Additionally, the green ticks next to the name of the screens in the left hand side of the PADOR
profile indicate that all mandatory data has been saved successfully. Red crosses indicate that
information is still missing.

If you are facing issues with filling in a particular screen, please see the relevant screen section in the
PADOR Quick Guides and FAQ document.

[Back to top]

• I do not have access to all PADOR screens that appear on the list on the left side of the
screen (Sectorial Experience, Geographical Experience, Financial Health etc) Why?
If you are an applicant: To have access to all PADOR screens you first need to fill in the required
fields in the first two screens (Administrative Data and Profile). Once you fill in and save these
screens, all other PADOR screens will then become accessible (=green =clicckable)
If you are a co-applicant or affiliated entity: You are required to fill in only the Administrative Data and
Profile screens.

[Back to top]• I have registered my organisation, but I cannot see / I have not received my
EuropeAid ID. Why?
The EuropeAid ID will appear on the relevant field on the PADOR screen (top and right corner) only
- you fill in all the required fields in each PADOR screen and
- sign the declaration of honour to validate the data you have filled in (last screen). In the left column,
go to Signature ‘Sign’ Tick the box next to th e phrase "I declare that..." ^ Click on Submit.

Once you submit the registration, your EuropeAid ID will automatically appear at that moment on
the top left of each screen in your PADOR profile. Please note that the EuropeAid is sent by email
(make sure you check the spam folder as well)

[Back to top]

• How much time does it take to register in PADOR?
Approximately 2 hours, if you have already gathered all the information / documents required to
register your organisation in PADOR, and you have a stable and relatively fast internet connection.
Please reserve at least 2 weeks before the deadline of a call to complete your PADOR registration.

[Back to top]

• We are the main applicant. Can we help co-applicants/ affiliated entities register in PADOR?
Any user who has an ECAS password may register as many organisations s/he wishes using this
same login and ECAS password, linked to his/her personal e-mail address. This option is available
in the PADOR main page by clicking on link entitled: "You have a username (login) ECAS with the
European Commission", and then click on "You want to create an account for an organisation".

[Back to top]

• We are an applicant. Can we find potential partners in PADOR?

Yes it is possible through the "Search for partners” tool. For more information, please refer to
Section 10 of this FAQ document.

• Where can I find more information / get more help to register in PADOR?
Applicants may consult the Quick Help Guide for Applicants (available at the PADOR homepage)
Partners may consult the Quick Help Guide for Co-applicants or Affiliated Entities (also available at
the PADOR homepage)

More information is available in each of the PADOR screen if you click on

1. the bulbs next to each of the fields (a window will open with information / definition of this field)
2. the "Quick Guide".

[Back to top]

2 ECAS username & ECAS password: registering as a user in PADOR

• What is the ECAS username / login and ECAS password?

In the "personal login" field you must introduce your own first and last name as well as your personal
email address.

Registering in ECAS is different from registering in PADOR. The ECAS registration is individual – it is
your data as an individual, not organization. The PADOR registration is that of your organization. Your
ECAS account allows only for your identification as a user of the profile of your organization, which is

Please note down this email address, which will be linked to your username and password. It is to this
email address that you will receive the ECAS email with information on how to set your personal
password. If you forget your password, and you wish to request a new one, the system will send all
relevant information to this address.

Please make sure that you choose the right domain when you log in to your ECAS account. You need
to choose "External (Partners. Researchers. Citizens)".

[Back to top]

• How can I get my ECAS username / login and ECAS password?

At the PADOR homepage, click on "You do not have a personal ECAS identification" and you will be
directed to the Identification screen.

Fill in all required fields related to the organisation your personal login, type the key code and click on
Submit. You will then be asked to confirm whether your organisation is already registered in PADOR
or not.
If your organisation is not already registered in PADOR and you are the first person to create a
profile for this organisation, then

You will receive an email (sent within 5 minutes to the address that you have indicated) with your
login/username ECAS ( which begins with a letter N followed by 7 letters) a link "Request ECAS
password". You should click on this link (within 90 mins) to set your password.
Your username and password allow you to connect in PADOR (click on "You have a username (login)
ECAS with the European Commission", and then click on "You want to update / consult the account
of your organisation")
If your organisation is already registered in PADOR, this means that most probably there is another
person (an existing user) who is managing and is responsible for this PADOR profile. For reasons
of security of data, this person will have to give you access to this profile. Therefore:
2a* An email is automatically sent to the email of the organisation and to that of the person
who first registered the organisation) with your request and information on how to add you as new
user. If the profile has at any point been signed, this message will contain your EuropeAid ID.
2b* You will receive the email with your login/ username ECAS and the link on how to set your
password (see 1*), only when the person managing the organisations' account adds you as a new

• I sent an ECAS password request but I have received no news. What should I do?
If your organisation is not already registered in PADOR normally you should receive an email (with
your login/username ECAS (which begins with a letter N followed by 7 letters) and the link on how to
set your password) within 5 minutes to the email address you indicated. If you have not received this
email, please go to your spam box to check whether the email sent by ECAS has been filed there.

If your organisation is already registered in PADOR you will receive the email with your
login/username ECAS and the link on how to set your password only when the person managing
the organisation's profile adds you as a new user.

If you encounter any difficulties, for example:

-If you didn't receive the ECAS message to create your password
-If you received the ECAS message but the link in order to create the password doesn’t work.
Please click on ‘Lost your password?’ and follow the instructions in order to reset your password.

[Back to top]

• I have forgotten my ECAS login and / or my ECAS password. What should I do?

If you have forgotten your ECAS login, please

1. click on "I have forgotten your username (login) ECAS" on the PADOR homepage
2. if the problem remains, please contact the PADOR Helpdesk at the following email address
europeaid-pador@ec.europa.eu. Please mention the name of your organisation and, if known, the
EuropeAid ID and/ or LEF ID of the organisation.

If you have forgotten your ECAS password, click here: RESET ECAS PASSWORD and fill in the
requested data.

You will then receive an e-mail containing a link that connects you to a special page for your use only
- there, you will be able to create your new password. This will only work if you have previously been
registered in ECAS.

If you have any problem concerning your ECAS password, please contact the PADOR Helpdesk at

What is the Key Code?

In the key code field you must type the letters that you see in the colour image on the left. You can
use either "lowercase" or "UPPERCASE" - it makes no difference. Make sure you distinguish t he
circles (which you must not typ e) from the letter "o", which is a little bit more oval. Example: ltuWZjfz
= ltuwzjfz
[Back to top]

3 IDENTIFY your organisation in PADOR

• Does my organisation already have a profile? How to check?

Once you click on "Submit" in the Identification screen, the system will automatically provide you with
a list of organisations which already appear in our database and their Identification data are quite
similar to those you have just submitted.

Even if your organisation "is not on the list", you should refine your search to make sure that your
organisation is not already registered. Otherwise you risk the creation of two different records for the
same organisation (double registration). Note that duplicates of your profiles cannot be deleted.
To avoid the creation of double records, here are some useful tips:
Tip 1, Submit your search query again typing the name of your organization in other possible
language versions: original language used on the statutes, the national language, international name

Tip 2 check for spelling mistakes


Tip 3. Use a keyword based search, excluding from the name of your organisation general terms
such as "Association", "University" or "Organization".

Tip 4. Search by the trading name, if any, of your organisation (the trading name is the one in
brackets after the legal name - in the identification screen)

Tip 5. Try the acronym instead of the full name.


If, after all these checks, your organisation still has not appeared in any of the results list, you can
then safely proceed to the next step of the registration: click "My organization is not on the list ".

[Back to top]

• What might happen if my organisation already has a PADOR profile and I create another one
(double profile)?

The creation of double records may have consequences on the management of your organization's
contract. For example, you might fail to identify your organisation with a EuropeAid ID linked to an
existing LEF 6, (in complete registration), and instead, you create a EuropeAid ID linked to a
temporary LEF.

[Back to top]

• My organisation appears in the list more than once. Which profile to choose?

If your organisation appears more than once and any of these profiles has a LEF that starts with 6,
please select imperatively this profile with the "type LEF 6".

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• I have registered my organisation, but I cannot see/ I have not received my EuropeAid ID.

Please refer to Section 1 (under point 1.4).

In case you face technical issues with signing your profile, please contact the PADOR Helpdesk or
send the PADOR off-line form together with your application at the address listed in Section 2.2 of the
Guidelines. Please refrain from creating a duplicate of your profile.
[Back to top]


• I cannot access/modify some fields on the "Administrative data" screen: why?

There are indeed some administrative data, called the "LEF data" that you cannot modify yourself.
The LEF data can be changed only by DG Budget. Should you wish to modify any LEF data, please
send your request, by email, to the PADOR Helpdesk ( europeaid-pador@ec.europa.eu). Please
attach to your email :
1. a scanned signed version of a LEF form filled in with the information that you would like to appear
in your PADOR profile. To obtain a LEF form, please click here - (Document : "E3e2 Legal Entity File
(for private bodies)" or “E3e3 Legal Entity File (for public bodies)” under "Practical Guide and grants
2. scanned versions of the official documents that prove that these changes requested are true and
necessary (statutes, VAT extract, etc...), along with an un-official translation if these documents are
written in a non-EU language.

[Back to top]

• I have sent a LEF data modification request, but this has not yet been done: will this have an
impact on my application for the calls for proposals?
No. This does not affect your registration in PADOR or your application. Please continue your
registration in PADOR, filling in ALL the screens, even if some LEF data on the first and second
screen is missing or is not yet updated.
[Back to top]

• My organisation doesn't have a PO BOX or Postal code, but those are obligatory fields: what
should I do?

If you don't have a PO BOX and/or postal code, please introduce 0 (zero) in this field. Note that only
one of the two fields is requested by PADOR. This information may be used for correspondence
regarding your applications to EuropeAid, so we encourage you to fill in this information with utmost
[Back to top]

• My organisation is about to apply for a few calls for proposals, both as the main applicant
and as co-applicant/ affiliated entity. What should I tick in the "reason" field?

Please tick the option "Applicant to call for proposals", even if you are also a co-applicant in other
calls at the same time. Applicants are requested to provide more information in PADOR than co-
applicants or affiliated entities. Therefore, if you are registering as "applicant " you can be sure that
you have provided all the necessary information in the system. This information will also be sufficient
for the calls for which you are a co-applicant or affiliated entity.

[Back to top]


• Statutes or Law: what are they and how can I upload them in PADOR?
A Statute is a document that proves that your organisation is officially registered with the authorities
of the country in which it is based. All organisations registering in PADOR (both applicants and co-
applicants) are required to upload their statutes in PADOR. If your organisation is a public authority
(including local authority) created by law, please upload a copy of the founding law. Remember to
upload translations of these documents should the original documents be in a non-EU language.
To upload the statutes in PADOR:

1. scan the statutes of your organisation (or founding Law), and then save it on your computer.
2. click on the button Browse and, in the new window that opens, please select the document
containing the statutes of your organisation (and a translation - if written in a non EU language).

Please note that you can upload only document in the field. If you want to upload a few documents,
please compress (e.g zip or .rar) or scan them and then upload this single file to the relevant field.
Note: the name of the file should be written in Latin characters.

[Back to top]

• The PADOR list of sectors does not include some specific sectors in which my organisation
is active. What can I do?
Please check the OECD list of sectors, which includes explanations about each of the

In case the specific sector in which your organisation intervenes does not appear in this list, please
provide relevant information on the "Additional information" screen.

If you are using Internet Explorer 9, you may need to change your security settings in order to be able
to fill in the sectors your organization is active in. After verifying that the browser you are using is
Internet Explorer 9, go to ‘Tools’, select ‘Internet Options’, click on the ‘Security’ tab, then double click
the ‘Local intranet’ icon. If you click on ‘Sites’ a pop-up window will appear. Click on ‘Advanced’. In
the text entry field under ‘Add this website to the zone’, fill in: https://webgate.ec.europa.eu. Should
you still have problems filling in the sectors, please contact the PADOR Helpdesk.

[Back to top]

• Should I tick only general sectors or the, more detailed, subsectors?

It is up to the person who registers the relevant information to give more general or more detailed
information about the sectors in which an organisation is active. You can choose between ticking
general sectors or subsectors, or combine both.

[Back to top]

• Some of the projects encompass many sectors. How to present this?

It is up to the person who registers the relevant information to decide how to present (split or group)
multi-sectoral experiences, as long as the information provided presents accurately the

implementation capacity of the organisation.

For example: if you have implemented a project for 4 years and you estimate that 4 sectors were
covered equally during these 4 years, you can put 4 years for each sector.


6.1 General Questions

• We are a local NGO which is a branch of a European NGO. Can we claim the
experience (sectorial / geographical) of the main organisation?

• We are a Department of a University. Can we claim the experience (sectorial /

geographical) of the University?

All experience that is listed in the PADOR screens should be that of the legal entity which is being
registered in the PADOR.
By contrast, when an organisation participates to a Call for proposals as a distinct legal entity, it is not
possible from the PADOR registration point of view that this organisation claims at the same time the
experience of other distinct legal entities.

[Back to top]

• Some of the projects encompass many sectors. How to present this?

It is up to the person who registers the relevant information to decide how to present (split or group)
multi-sector experiences, as long as the information provided presents accurately the implementation
capacity of your organization. For example: if you have implemented a project for 4 years and you
estimate that 4 sectors were covered equally during these 4 years, you can put 4 years for each

[Back to top]

• Can we list experience longer than 7 years?

Organisations may introduce data for the same number of years (7) so their experience can be
compared on a common basis. Of course, if you want to give more details about the experience of
your organisation beyond these 7 years, you may do so on the "Additional information" screen.

However, what is most important is to make sure that data provided is up-to-date and corresponds to
the last 7 years (For instance, in 2012, you could include information for the period 2006 - 2012 (7
years). In 2013, you could update your profile to include information for the period 2007 - 2013)

• I cannot access all the screens which appear in the menu on the left side of the screen
(Sectorial, Geographical experience, etc.): why?

You must first introduce and save information on the first two screens: "Administrative data" and
"Profile". All the other PADOR screens, as well as all the fields in them, will then become accessible
(=green =clickable)

[Back to top]

• What do M and K mean?

M = millions: for instance, 1M = 1 000 000 K
= thousands: for instance, 1K = 1 000

6.2 Sectorial Experience

• Some of the sectors we are active in do not appear on the list. What should we do?
Please go back to the Profile Screen, and tick the sectors and subsectors your organisation is active
in and click on save. Once you save the data in this screen, the relevant sectors and subsectors will
then appear on the Sectorial (and Crossed Information) Screen.

[Back to top]

6.3 Geographical Experience

• Should I present our experience "by region" or "by country"?
It is up to the person who registers the relevant information to present the experience of the
organisation "by region" or "by country". The option to allocate either by region or by country was
introduced to help applicants to better present their projects, whether these are implemented in a
specific country/ies or at a wider level, in a broader geographical region.

[Back to top]

• There are only three lines available: how can I introduce more information?
Each time you "Save" the 3 lines that you have already filled in, 3 new lines appear. Therefore, to
add new lines you only have to "save" the information already introduced.

[Back to top]

6.4 Crossed Information

• Can I modify the Region/Countries and Sectors that appear on this screen?
This is screen is automatically generated by the system, based on the information you provided in
the previous screens (Sectorial and Geographical experience Screens). If you wish to modify the
information on this Screen you should go back and fill in and save:

1. the Profile Screen (Sectors) and then the Sectorial Experience Screen ^ to modify Sectors
2. the Geographical Experience Screen ^ to modify Regions / Countries

[Back to top]

• Is the screen "Crossed Information" mandatory?

This screen is not mandatory (note that the fields are not in orange). However it is obligatory to
"Save" the screen, otherwise the system will not allow you to "Sign" the declaration of honour at
the end of the registration process - and therefore you will not be able to validate your data and get
your EuropeAid ID.


7.1 General Questions

• Are the Financial Health, Financing Sources and Audit Report screens obligatory?
Data related to Financial Health and Financing Sources screens are obligatory for all applicants,
private law bodies.

Financial Data and Reports are optional for applicants who are public bodies (international
organizations and local authorities included)

The Financial Health screen is greyed out for co-applicants and affiliated entities. Should you wish to
fill in this section, please change your ‘Reason’ on the ‘Administrative Data’ screen to ‘Applicant’.

The Audit Report screen is obligatory only for applicants applying for a grant of over 750.000 €
This screen is greyed out for all co-applicants and affiliated entities (including those who request a
grant of over 750.000 €)

If you are a public body (including if you are a local authority) please also consult the annex attached
to the FAQ which lists all the required / optional information for Local Authorities - screen by screen
(annex available here).

[Back to top]

• Some data is not available (e.g. yearly financial report not issued yet)/ some fields are not
applicable for our organisation.

In this case you should

1. insert a zero (0) value to all fields that are not available / applicable
2. upload a document explaining why Financial/Audit Report is not available / applicable. This
document should be uploaded in the "Report" field (please compress or scan documents in a single
document if needed). Note: the name of the document should be written in Latin characters.

Alternatively you can provide any additional information / clarification in the Additional
information screen (free text).

If you are a public body (including if you are a local authority) please also consult the annex attached
to the FAQ which lists all the required / optional information for Local Authorities - screen by screen
(annex available here) .

[Back to top]

• I cannot fill in or save financial/ audit data on the relevant screens.
1. Make sure that you fill in the Financial data related screens in the following order:
Financial Health / Financing Sources / Audit report
Only when you fill in the Financial Health screen year by year, the fields for these years become
active (=clickable) in the next screen (Financing Sources) and you will be able to insert the
information required.

2. Type only numbers in the fields, with no dots, commas, spaces or symbols :

a. type integer numbers in the following format:1000 (not 1.000, 1,000 or 1 000) for the
value "thousand".
b. round up to the nearest integer value the numbers that contain decimal points :
125001 (not 125000,67)
c. when asked to fill in percentages, fill in just numbers without the % symbol at the

3. Amounts requested must be expressed in thousands of euro. (For instance, if the turnover of
your organisation is 10000000 euro (10 million), you must type 10000 (10 thousand)

4. Type data in the relevant fields by clicking on these fields (even if you do not actually see
the cursor placed in them or blinking!).

[Back to top]

• Uploading reports: I cannot upload / save / replace a document. What should I do?
Make sure that the title of the document to be uploaded is written in Latin characters.

To replace a report, please upload the new document - the system will automatically replace the old
document with the new one (there is no way to remove first the old document).

Please note that in each field you can upload only one document. If you wish to upload more than
one document, please compress (ex. zip or rar) or scan them and upload this single file in the
relevant field.

[Back to top]

7.2 Financial Health

• What do the terms "turnover", "net earnings", "balance sheet", etc mean?
Please place your cursor on the bulb next to each of these titles, and a window will pop up with a
definition / more information on the type of information requested in each of these fields.

[Back to top]

• For which years should we attach the financial reports?

Please refer to the guidelines for grant applicants for the call for proposals you are applying for
(Section 2.4 "Submission of Supporting Documents"). In principle, applicants should submit

financial reports for the latest year. Data for previous years can be modified in case it has been
filled in before December 2012.

Please note that financial reports are required only for applicants (not co-applicants, affiliated entities,
nor applicants that are local authorities).

• Our organisation was recently established and the financial report for the past year
is not available. What should I do?

If you have correctly fill in the year of establishment of your organisation in the "Profile" screen, the
system should not ask you for reports earlier than this year.

[Back to top]

• What exchange rate should I use for converting the figures in Euro?

In order to convert your financial data in Euro, please use the exchange rates on the InforEuro
website: http://ec.europa.eu/budget/contracts_grants/info_contracts/inforeuro/inforeuro_en.cfm

[Back to top]

• To which year should the exchange rate correspond? Should I use the most recent exchange
rate (i.e. that of today) for all figures, or that of the corresponding year for each financial table?

You must use the rate specific to the month and year in which the annual financial report was
produced: for instance, if your financial report for 2012 was produced in January 2013, you must
use, for the figures corresponding to the year 2012, the exchange rate of January 2013.

[Back to top]
• I can see only a number of lines except the one corresponding to the previous year, but
some of the years are skipped from the inverse consecutive order?

As of January 2013 only the financial data and report for the previous year are mandatory. Even
though not required, you will be able to fill in financial information for the last 3 years. However, for
financial data covering earlier periods, you will be allowed to modify only previously made records.

Example: In June 2013 an applicant will be prompted to upload the financial data and report for
financial year 2012. The applicant will be able to fill in data for years 2011 and 2010. However, if
the applicant had not previously filled in any financial information for year 2009, this line will not be
displayed. Alternatively, if the applicant had filled in at a previous date data for 2007 and 2008, this
data will be displayed and the record preserved as such or subject to modification by the applicant.

[Back to top]

7.3 Financing Sources
• When I click on the field "Year", no year appears: what can I do?
You cannot see the years on the "Financing sources" screen because you have not filled in and
saved the previous screen the information requested about "Financial health". Once you save the
"Financial health" screen, the years for which you have provided information, will then also appear
on the drop down menu in the "Financing sources" screen.

[Back to top]

• What type of information should I provide in the "% per year" column?
In the "% per year" column you must indicate the amounts (in percentages) that your organisation
received from various financing sources, year by year.

[Back to top]

For any given year, if you add up all the percentages indicated, the total should be 100%:
For instance, in 2012 your budget was fed 50% by the EU Commission, 25% by members' fees
and 25% by a EU member state public body. These percentages must add up to 100% (in this
example 50% + 25% + 25% = 100%). Otherwise, the system will give you an error message and
you won't be able to save data provided on this screen.

Note: please remember fill in just integer numbers - without any symbols (commas, dots, spaces,
% , etc)

[Back to top]

• What are the "members' fees"?

"Member fees" are fees paid on a regular basis (for instance, monthly, every 2 months, twice a
year, etc.) If your organisation receives spontaneous donations from individuals, these cannot be
considered as "members' fees", and must be indicated under the "Donations from individuals" field.

Please note that the "Number of fee-paying members" field is obligatory only if you have chosen
"Fee-paying members" in the respective "Source" field.

[Back to top]

7.4 Audit Report

• For which years we have to attach audit reports?
Please refer to the guidelines for grant applicants for the call for proposals you are applying for
(Section 2.4 "Submission of Supporting Documents"). In principle, applicants should submit
the most recent audit report available if the grant requested is above 750 000 EUR, even
though this field is not mandatory in PADOR.

Please note that audit reports are required only for applicants (except public bodies) who are
applying for a grant that exceeds 750.000 €.

[Back to top]

• What does "valid until" means on the "Audit report" screen?
The validity date of an audit report is the end date of the period covered by the audit report. For
instance, if the audit reports cover the period from January 1st to December 31st of a given year
then it will be "valid until" December 31st.

[Back to top]

• Why / How to validate the data I have introduced?

It is important to sign the declaration of honour in the last page of the PADOR screen ("Sign") in order
1. make sure that the registered data are complete and sufficient. If there are any fields missing, a
box will appear on your screen which will list all the fields/screens you need to go back and correct.
2. validate the data you have introduced, and
a. obtain your EuropeAid ID (if you are registering for the first time)
b. "update" your PADOR profile (if it not the first time you are registering). The Evaluation
Committee will only see the data that were most recently "validated" .i.e "signed" (not
simply "saved" in each screen).

[Back to top]

• I click on "sign", I receive a notification that there are some missing fields, but not a list of
these fields. I am sure that I have completed all the required fields in all screens. What
should I do?

Please go to the User Management page to check if you are authorised to "sign" the data. It is
possible that you are only authorised to enter / modify data, but not to sign (validate) the data. Please
check who is the "Signatory" for this PADOR profile and ask t hem to sign the data, or to upgrade
your status to "Signatory".
The red crosses next to the name of the fields in the left hand side of the PADOR page indicate the
screens from which information is missing. Access these screens (one by one) and click ‘Save’. The
error message displayed at the top of the page will list fields that still need to be filled in. Should you
encounter any technical problem in this process, contact the PADOR Helpdesk.
[Back to top]

• Is it possible to add more / remove users from the PADOR profile of our organisation?

Adding and deleting users is possible through the User Management Screen in PADOR. For more
information please refer to the Quick Guide (Step 2 of ‘How to register an organization in
PADOR?’and ‘User management’). Please note that different access rights may be granted to
different users (view only = Can view data, ability to edit data = Data Entry Agent, right to sign to
validate data= Signatory).

Attention! There has to be at least one Signatory in PADOR. Don't remove a Signatory if there is no
other one.

[Back to top]

• How many users can have the right to (a) view (b) edit and (c) sign (validate) data?
There is no limit to the number of users (with any of the above access rights) an organisation account
might have, however we advise you to designate the Signatory profile to a limited number of persons
(and minimum 2 - in case of absence of one of them).
[Back to top]


• What is the Search for partners' tool, and what type of data becomes visible to other
organisations if I chose to make the profile of our organisation public?

This "search for partners" functionality has been introduced in PADOR to allow organisations to
network and find other organisations already registered in the database (by sector, country of
action, legal type, target group and expertise). Please note that the financial data, and the
information related to the staff of your organisation will not become public.

If you would like your organisation's profile to be visible to other organisations through this search
function, please choose "yes" under the option "View" in the "Administrative data" screen.

[Back to top]

11 Annex: Public Bodies (including Local Authorities and International
PADOR SCREEN Required / Optional Fields

DATA Organisation name, Organisation email, Language, Address, Postal Code or P.O Box,
Country, City, Legal Type, Reason and View
(if LEF 6, then data * cannot be
modified by the user, p.7 Help Optional:
Abbreviation, Website, Phone, Fax

PROFILE Profit Making, Value Bases, Category, NGO, Link, Target For co-applicant or
Groups, Sectors, Statutes or Law (=upload a copy of the affiliated entity:
Law establishing this entity)
(if LEF 6, then data * cannot be Target groups and Sectors
modified by the user, p.7 Quick Optional: are not required (will not
Guide) be available to fill in)
Legal Form, National registration number, VAT number,
Place, Date and LEF form

EXPERIENCE ALL fields are Required

(Years of Experience, Number of projects, Estimated
For co-applicant or
a. SECTORIAL affiliated entity:
ALL fields are Required
(Region/Country, Years of Experience, Number of
b. GEOGRAPHIC Projects, Estim.Amount)
All fields are optional
c. CROSSED INFO (summary table automatically provided)

For co-applicant or
None affiliated entity:
Turnover, Net Earnings, Balance Sheet, Shareholder
Equity, Medium and Long term Debt, Short Term Debt and FIELD GREYED OUT
Financial Reports

ALL fields are Required for the years for which you For co-applicant or
may have filled in Financial Health affiliated entity:
Choose "Taxes / Local Taxes / Government donations".
Indicate 100% FIELD GREYED OUT

For co-applicant or
AUDIT REPORTS All fields are Optional affiliated entity:

If you are an Applicant:

number of Paid Staff in the Headquarters, number of
For co-applicant or affiliated
Paid Staff who are expatriates, number of Paid Staff entity:
who are locally hired
STAFF number of Unpaid Staff in the Headquarters, number
of Unpaid Staff who are expatriates, number of
Unpaid Staff who are locally hired

If you are an Applicant

For co-applicant or affiliated

BOARD OF entity:
ALL fields are Required
DIRECTORS Names of the Town Council / Local Assembly, their
(=Town Council / Local
Assembly) profession, their function within the Town Council / FIELD GREYED OUT
Local Assembly, their nationality, since when they
have been members)

Additional information Optional for all public bodies


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