New Insights Into Brust-Schiffrin Metal Nanoparticle Synthesis
New Insights Into Brust-Schiffrin Metal Nanoparticle Synthesis
New Insights Into Brust-Schiffrin Metal Nanoparticle Synthesis
kinetics of nanoparticle formation. The new synthetic strategy and its impact on nanoparticle synthesis, was also discussed.
presented here, with well-defined precursors, provides a key tool Strategies for avoiding the production of these insoluble species
for disentangling these two factors (i.e., the redox and passivation were suggested. It is expected that the results presented here will
kinetics). lead to modifications in the way that these important syntheses are
The intermediate step in two-phase Brust-Schiffrin reactions was conducted.
previously believed to involve the generation of soluble M(I)
Acknowledgment. The Natural Sciences and Engineering
alkanethiolate species. However, these materials have been studied
Research Council of Canada (NSERC) and the Centre for Self-
by several groups18,19,25,26 and have been shown to be insoluble
Assembled Chemical Structures (CSACS) are gratefully acknowl-
in common solvents, including toluene. In fact, the poor solubility
edged for financial support.
of M(I) thiolates, in general, is well-known, and has been attributed
to intermolecular interactions between adjacent polymer units, Supporting Information Available: Experimental and synthetic
including metallophilic interactions20,21,25,27-30 Accordingly, in details, UV-visible absorption, and 1H NMR data. This material is
these reactions, precipitation should be viewed as an important available free of charge via the Internet at
indicator that polymeric M(I) thiolate species are forming. Cor-
respondingly, a lack of precipitate is an indicator that it is unlikely References
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