Jacs 2c12275
Jacs 2c12275
Jacs 2c12275
org/JACS Communication
ABSTRACT: Herein, the first total synthesis of (+)-alterbrassicicene C (2) is described. Key features of the synthesis include an
oxiranium mediated ether ring expansion, an oxa-Michael/retro-oxa-Michael cascade, and installation of a vinyl methoxy ether
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Scheme 2. (A) Synthesis of Substituted Cyclopentene 8, (B) Scheme 3. Unexpected Formation of a Bis-oxa-bicycle
Synthesis of Bromo-cyclopentene 7
Scheme 4. Novel Oxa-Michael Cascade Comins’s reagent. Interestingly, subjecting 21 to the Stille
conditions resulted in not only the desired coupling but also
the formation of a new tetrahydrofuran ring (cf. 21 and 23).
Given that the epoxide had proved stable during the
conversion of 20 to 21, we surmised that the ring forming
event leading to 23 was not the result of simple nucleophilic
epoxide opening but instead involved the likely intermediacy of
a π-allyl-palladium species (21a) that forms from the initial
Stille product.16,17
Unfortunately, efforts to advance 23 toward the natural
product proved fruitless. Thus, it became necessary to prevent
the deleterious ring formation by masking the nucleophilic
hydroxyl moiety of 21. As illustrated in Scheme 6, this was
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