Financial Accounting and Reporting Notes
Financial Accounting and Reporting Notes
Financial Accounting and Reporting Notes
Chapter 5 Statement of Financial Position: An introduction EQUITY SECURITIES CANNOT QUALIFY as cash and cash equivalents because shares
do NOT have a maturity date.
Chapter 6 Statement of Comprehensive Income: An introduction
PREFERENCE SHARES with specified redemption date and acquired 3 months
before redemption date can qualify as cash equivalents.
Cash is measured at FACE VALUE.
Cash in foreign currency is measured at the CURRENT EXCAHNGE RATE.
If a bank or financial institution holding the funds of an entity is in bankruptcy or
financial difficulty, cash should be written down to ESTIMATED REALIZABLE VALUE
if the amount recoverable is estimated to be lower than the face value.
The classification of a cash fund as current or noncurrent should parallel the
A bank overdraft is classified as a CURRENT LIABILITY and should NOT BE OFFEST
against other bank accounts with debit balances. However, there are EXCEPTIONS.
o If an entity maintains two or more accounts in ONE BANK and one account
results in an overdraft, such overdraft can be OFFSET against the other
bank account with a debit balance in order to show “cash, net of bank
overdraft” or “bank overdraft, net of other bank account.”
o An overdraft can also be offset against the other bank account if the
It is to be stated that generally overdrafts are NOT PERMITTED in the Philippines.
Classification of compensating balance