Mr. Bharath Gowda - Option 1
Mr. Bharath Gowda - Option 1
Mr. Bharath Gowda - Option 1
Scope of Work:
Civil works for Residential Building in Uttarahalli, Bangalore in conformity with the items of
work, specifications and other conditions. Any addition / deletion will be carried out at the
request of Owner and the cost towards this will be separately settled as mutually agreed.
All the material supplied by the contractor shall be of best quality as specified and shall
conform to the relevant specification of Indian Standards as applicable.
Rates quoted by the contractor for the items works and Specifications under reference for the
construction is Rs.1,60,000.00 (Rupees One Lakh Sixty thousand Only) for built-up area
of.10’0”x10’0” which equals to 100.00 Sqft (₹ 1600 Per Sft). Mode of measurement for the
actual built-up area would be measured as outer to outer roof as which includes Portico, Sit
out, Cutouts, External staircase, Balcony and any roof projections paragola with RCC Beam,
Over Head Tank room.
Procurement of Cement, Reinforcement Steel, M sand, Blocks and all other related
materials of standard makes, tools and machinery required for the construction shall be in
the scope of the contractor, which is part of the Contract value.
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Water & Electricity:
Temporary Electric connections will be obtained from BESCOM for operating the pumps
and for other purpose at site by Owner.
Supply of Water charges for construction purpose & electricity charges for operating the
pump, cutting, polishing & welding work at site shall be borne by the Owner.
Payment Terms:
The first party has to make payment as per the payment schedule within a week from the
date of completion of work at each stage.
Final payment shall be made on the Basis of Actual Measurement of the building (Roof to
1. The work shall be completed within 11 months from date of commencement of the work
2. The Contractor should hold the agreed rates on all items throughout the period of contract.
3. In case of any non-tendered item, rate analysis should be submitted and approved by the
Owner before the work commences at site.
4. The contractor should execute the civil works exactly as per the working drawings.
5. Contractor has to arrange for Ready Mix Concrete, lift for upper floors, Vibrator and any
other machines required for the construction purposes.
6. The Client, at any time can have an option of replacing an item to another during the time
of construction, which would be paid accordingly.
7. Permanent Services of BESCOM & BWSSB charges such as Deposit, service fee,
materials required from main meter to main line etc., does not include in the contract.
Items of Works.
1. Earth Work Excavation for Column Footing is assumed to have a SBC of 180kN/m2 at 5’
depth from EGL (if rock drilling or water table is present at site, additional cost to be added as
per the existing site conditions).
2. Height compared from Road level to Parking Flooring will be 1’6” (Total 1’6” Height from
Road Level)
3. M sand will be used for SSM, PCC, Block masonry, Column, Footing, Flooring and Concrete
5. Anti-termite treatment to create a chemical barrier along the periphery setback vertical
surfaces and horizontal surfaces at finished earth level inside building premises as per
7. RCC Works of M 20 Grade 1: 1 ½: 3 for Column Footing, Plinth Beams, and Columns.
8. RCC Works of M 20 Grade 1: 1 ½: 3 for Lintel, Canopy Projections, Staircase and Roof
Slabs. Thickness of roof slab shall be 5” thick.
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9. Lintel is casted just above the Window Top & Door Top to distribute the load of the above
Walls onto the walls below.
11. TMT Reinforcement Steel to be provided at 2.5 kgs/sft of built up area. All Steel designs are
as per Structural engineer‘s drawing.
13. 3’0” ht. 4.5” thick parapet wall with 9” thick Brick pillar.
17. Doors & windows are provided as per the approved working plan.
1. Door Frames:
a. Main Door - Teak Wood Frame of size 5” x 4”
b. Pooja Door - Teak Wood Frame of Size 5”x 3”.
c. Internal Doors - All internal Doors including Red Sal of size 5”x 21/2”
d. Bathroom Doors - Red Sal of size 5”x 21/2”
2. Door Shutters:
a. Main Door - 1 ½” thick Teak Shutter. `
b. Pooja Room Door - 1 ½” thick Teak Shutters.
c. Internal Door- Readymade Solid Doors of 1 ½” thick.
d. Bathroom Doors: FRP Doors.
3. Door Fittings:
a. Main door and Pooja door are provided with Brass fittings.
b. Internal doors are provided with SS Fittings.
4. Window:
a. UPVC window: Rs.400/sft
b. Window grill Rs.150/-Sft (Simple Design)
5. Flooring:
a. Granite flooring of 90 Rs/sft Inclusive of tax will be provided for common areas (Kitchen,
Dinning, Living, Pooja Room & Internal stair case)
b. Vertrified flooring of 65 Rs/sft Inclusive of tax will be provided for common areas
(Kitchen, Dinning, Living, Pooja Room & Internal stair case)
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6. Kitchen Counter: 4’0” feet height Glazed tiles (Cost Rs.50/sft) over 20mm thick Hassan Green
granite platform one side with 18”x21” SS sink
7. Bathroom:
a. Anti-skid Ceramic Tile flooring for Toilets only (Cost of Tile Rs.50/Sft- Inclusive of tax)
b. Dadoing Works - 7’ Height. Cost of Tile Rs.50/Sft Inclusive of tax
c. Bathroom Fittings - Rs 20,000 MRP for each Bathroom includes floor mounted closet,
Washbasin & CP fittings of Jaquar, Somany or equivalent make.
8. Painting:
a. Internal Walls and Ceilings- Two coats Tractor Emulsion of ASIAN PAINT over 1 coat
of primer & 2 coats of putty
b. External - Two coats of ACE of ASIAN Paints over 1 coat of external primer.
9. Switches/Plates:
a. Anchor switches/Plates of Model Roma
Common Specifications -
2. MS Railings for external staircase and SS railing for internal staircase (simple design without
glass facade).
3. Ceramic Tiles for Parking, balcony Flooring (Cost of Tile Rs. 50/Sft).
3 Light points per one square ( i.e.100 Sft ) 1 fan point & 3nos of 5AMP plug point
1 Heating point of for Each toilet & kitchen
Anchor Copper Cable, PVC conduit,
Each circuit with MCB & one ELCB.
Distribution Box of Havells/Anchor/Equivalent make.
AC Points for rooms.
CCTV Points in parking & staircase
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Other Works:
Sl Amount in
Description Quantity Unit Rate
No Rs
Front Elevation - Cost of Front Elevation will be on the basis of Design and material used such as
Cladding, Rough stone, tiles & granite etc.
The cost of other works varies depending on the plot dimension and the need of the Client.
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Terms and Conditions
1. For all items, the contractors shall assist in procuring the material, logistics, organizing etc,
including those with basic rates.
2. The rate of Cement quoted as - Rs 340 to Rs 370 per bag of 53 Grade for Concrete works &
43 Grade for other works. Any variations from the rate quoted will either be paid extra or
reduced appropriately based on the market rates during the period of execution of contract on
the basis of verifiable documents. (Ramco, Bharathi, Birla Shakti, ACC or equivalent Brand )
3. Rate of reinforcement steel quoted as - Rs 44,000 to 47,000 per Mton (Turbo, Meenakshi,
Sunvik or equivalent brand). Any variations from the rate quoted will either be paid extra or
reduced appropriately based on the market rates during the period of execution of contract on
the basis of verifiable documents.
4. Power and water to be provided by the owner of cost free at site. Hire charges for the
generator to be borne by the owner in the case of power cuts or inadequate power.
Plot dimensions: 30’ * 40’ : As per your requirement: GF: Studio(200SFt) + Parking, FF & SF::
Duplex House(3BHK)
Plot dimensions: 30’ * 40’ : As per your requirement: GF: Studio(200SFt) + Parking, FF & SF::
Duplex House(4BHK)
Front Elevation - Cost of Front Elevation will be on the basis of Design and material used such as
Cladding, Rough stone, tiles & granite etc.
The cost of other works varies depending on the plot dimension and the need of the Client.
GST 9% as applicable
Front Elevation is not a part of above quotation.
This Quotation is not for bank purpose.
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