Pediatric OSCE Documentation PDF
Pediatric OSCE Documentation PDF
Pediatric OSCE Documentation PDF
REASON FOR Raymond’s mother is seeking OT services to ensure Raymond has the
REFERRAL best opportunity for success in life. Due to recent success in her
husband’s business they have more money to dedicate to OT services.
Occupational profile: Commented [SG1]: When writing, try not to start every
Raymond is a 7 years, 2 months, and 2 days old male diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder sentence the same. Right now most sentences start with
at age 4. Raymond’s mother is seeking OT services to ensure Raymond has the best opportunity
for success in life. Due to recent success in her husband’s business they have more money to
dedicate to OT services. Raymond is currently receiving limited occupational therapy services
through the school.
Raymond is successful in many occupations. Raymond is able to complete the self-care tasks of
bathing including hair washing with minimal supervisor for cleanliness and independently
toilets. However, Raymond does have a hard time with the self-care tasks of brushing his teeth
(ensuring all teeth get cleaned), dressing when clothing has fasteners, and putting on and tying
his shoes. As well as, self-feeding with utensils. Mother reports Raymond has a difficult time
manipulating the tools necessary for these tasks such as utensils and toothbrush. Raymond is
successful in getting around his house and the community. Raymond is successful in playing
with himself and his siblings. Raymond communicates well with his family but has a difficult
time interacting with peers he does not know. Raymond is home schooled and performs well in
school. Raymond is able to focus on tasks with the support of his siblings nearby and complete
assignments in a timely manner. Raymond does have difficulty with handwriting, cutting, and
coloring and mother states it takes him a long time to complete. Raymond has no problems with
sleep. Raymond has a supportive social environment consisting of his family and nearby
extended family. Raymond lives in a supportive physical environment with all the supplies
necessary for development. Raymond has a limited social environment with peers outside of his
family and mother states he does not have friends.
Raymond was born-full term with no complications during pregnancy or birth. Raymond was
slightly slow at meeting major developmental milestones. Raymond received early intervention
OT services and met all developmental milestones. Raymond enjoys playing on the x-box but his
parents limit his screen time to only once a week for two hours because it can be a distraction.
Raymond’s daily life roles are son, brother, student, and cousin.
Raymond has a consistent daily schedule and responds well to set morning, school, and night-
time routines. Raymond’s mothers desired priorities for occupational therapy consist of
socializing with peers, brushing his teeth, dressing with fasteners and putting on his shoes,
feeding with utensils, and complete of the school skills of writing, cutting, and coloring.
Raymond’s mom completed the Canadian Occupational Performance Measure (COPM), which
is an assessment that identifies top priorities for goals and outcomes as well as the perception of
the current performance, and performance over time in each specified area. The following items
were indicated as highest areas of concern (in order of most important to least important):
Socializing with Peer 10 4 5
Brushing Teeth 8 4 5
Dressing with Fasteners, putting 8 7 5
on shoes
Feeding with utensils 8 4 5
School tasks of writing and 8 7 5
TOTAL 26 25
Average Scores 5.2 5
Intervention Plan
Organizing: PEO: I would utilize the PEO model for intervention because it takes into
account all aspects of Raymond. The PEO would facilitate me taking into
account his personal abilities and deficits, the supports and barriers to his
environment, and his desired occupations. This model will ensure I view
Raymond holistically and use a top-down approach to treatment.
Complementary Social Participation FOR: I would utilize the Social Participation FOR to coach
#1: Raymond it how to interact with his peers. This model helps locate aspects of
social interaction which needs to be address to promote successful interaction
outside of therapy. This model focuses on modeling positive social interaction
during therapy to support carry over outside of therapy. I would also use this
model to teach the mother how to support social interactions with peers to
support further incorporating into daily routines. With increased opportunity Commented [SG3]: Given the analysis of all the
and proper modeling social interaction skills can be built and implemented into difficulties he is having with motor skills, I would expect that
one of these would be a motor FOR.
daily life through the use of this model.
Complementary Strengths-Based FOR for ASD: This model is an excellent model to utilize in
#2: treatments with Raymond because it focuses on his strengths and not barriers.
Raymond has a lot of strengths which I would use as a foundation to build
occupational deficits. This model focus on developing the child’s autonomy,
competence, and relatedness which will be a strength now and in the future
when transitioning to adulthood. I would use this model by allowing Raymond
to feel in control of the situation by picking the order therapy task but
maintaining structure in an effort to build autonomy. I would build competence
by backward or forward chaining task to increase his mastery and feeling of
success. Lastly, I would build relatedness by facilitating positive and successful
social interactions with others.
#1: Within 6 months, Raymond will approach and start a conversation with a peer with no more
than 3 verbal prompts from mother/therapist in 2/3 opportunities. Commented [SG4]: What occupation?
#2: Within 6 months, Raymond will independently brush his teeth morning and night with no
more than 2 verbal prompts from mom to clean all his teeth 5/7 days a week.
#3: Within 6 months, Raymond will independently put on and tie his shoes with no more 2
verbal prompts from mother 5/7 days a week. Commented [SG5]: Might make this full body dress to
include fasteners
Student’s Name __Sarah Layton_________________________________________________________
Grading: 92/100 is earned if all skill items are marked “adequate skill
demonstrated”. One points will be added for each “high level of skill” marked.
However, the maximum number of points that can be earned for this component
of the OSCE is 100/100. One points will subtracted for each skill item marked
“Not observed/Performed ineffectively”.