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Lecture 3
Last week…
•  Derived magnetic dipole moment of a
circulating electron.
•  Discussed motion of a magnetic dipole
in a constant magnetic field.
•  Showed that it precesses with a
frequency called the Larmor
precessional frequency
This week…
•  Discuss Langevin’s theory of
•  Use angular momentum of precessing
electron in magnetic field to derive the
magnetization of a sample and thus
diamagnetic susceptibility.
•  Will set the scene for the calculation of
paramagnetic susceptibility.
Langevin’s theory of diamagnetism
•  We want to calculate the sample magnetisation M
and the diamagnetic susceptibility χ
(recall M = χH)
•  Every circulating electron on every atom has a
magnetic dipole moment
•  The sum of the magnetic dipole moments on any
atom is zero (equal numbers circulating clockwise
and anticlockwise ?)
•  The magnetisation M arises from the reaction to
the torque Γ due to the applied magnetic field B
which creates the Lamor precessional motion at
frequency ωL.
•  i) the angular momentum L of the circulating
electron is, 2
L = mvr = mω r
•  The angular momentum Lp of the precessional
motion is,
L p = mω L r 2

where ωL is the Larmor frequency and <r2>
is the mean square distance from an axis through
the nucleus which is parallel to B

•  ii) We showed last week that the magnetic
moment mp per electron associated with Lp is

mp = − Lp

•  so the total magnetisation M of the sample must

be, €
M = Natoms × Zelectrons/atom × mp

M = N × Z × mp
So substitute for each quantity, in turn,
M =− NZ Lp
M =− NZ mω L r 2
€ e ⎛ eB ⎞ 2
M =−NZ m ⎜ ⎟ r
2m ⎝ 2m ⎠

so that, M e 2
χ = = − µ0N Z r2
H 4m

Now express <r2> in terms of the mean square
radius of the orbit <ρ2> , where
2 2 2 2 2 2 2
r = ρ ρ =x +y +z
3 x 2 = y 2 = z 2 = ρ 2 /3
will give 2 2 2
2 r =x +y
χ = − µ0N Z ρ2 €
6m €

The result we wanted!!
What does this mean???
•  The atom as a whole does not possess a permanent magnetic dipole
•  The magnetisation is produced by the influence of the external
magnetic field on the electron orbits and particularly by the
precessional motion.
•  The diamagnetic susceptibility χ is small and negative, because <ρ2>
is small.
•  Negative susceptability means that diamagnetism opposes applied
magnetic field. (prefix: dia - in opposite or different directions)
•  Note that measurements of χ were once used to get estimates of
atomic size through the values of <ρ2>.
Remember - all materials are diamagnetic –
but this small effect is swamped if also paramagnetic of
•  Paramagnets have a small positive magnetisation
M (directed parallel the applied field B).
•  Each atom has a permanent magnetic dipole

•  Langevin (classical) theory

•  The paramagnet consists of an array of permanent
magnetic dipoles m
•  In a uniform field B they have
Potential Energy = - m .B
A dipole parallel to the field has the lowest energy
•  BUT, the B field causes precession of m about B.
•  However it can’t alter the angle between m and B (as
the Lz component is constant in the precession

•  For the dipole to lower its energy (and become parallel

to the field) we need a second mechanism. This is
provided by the thermal vibrations
•  The magnetic field “would like” the dipoles
aligned to lower their energy
•  The thermal vibrations “would like” to randomise
and disorder the magnetic dipoles
•  We can therefore expect a statistical theory,
based on a “competition” between these two

k BT ≈ −m.B
to calculate the magnetisation M of a

Calculate the magnetisation M of a paramagnet
•  M must be the vector sum of all the magnetic
dipole moments
M =∑ [1] Resolved component
of a dipole in field direction X [2] Number of dipoles with
this orientation

To do this, use Boltzmann statistics to obtain the

number dn of dipoles with energy between E
and E + dE
dn = c exp (−E kT ) dE
where k = Boltzmann’s constant, c = is a constant of
the system and T = T measured in Kelvin

How to find c?
Integrate over all the energies, which must
give N the total number of dipoles

N= ∫ c exp (−E kT ) dE
Next week we will do this to calculate the susceptibility
of a paramagnet. The important result we will get will be
That susceptibility is temperature dependent with

€ χ = C/T
This is Curie’s law.
•  Calculated the susceptibility for a diamagnet
e2 2
χ = − µ0N Z ρ
•  Argued that all materials have a small diamagnetic
susceptibility resulting from the precession of
electrons in a magnetic field.
€ precession results in a magnetic moment, and
•  This
thus a susceptibility.
•  Then discussed paramagnetism, resulting from atoms
having a permanent magnetic moment.
•  Sketched out how we will calculate paramagnetic

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