Basic Productivity Tools Lesson
Basic Productivity Tools Lesson
Basic Productivity Tools Lesson
a. Describe the three branches of national government: executive (president), legislative (Congress), and
judicial (Supreme Court of the United States).
☒ Integration Level: We would like to see ALL lessons/activities reach this level. The project is student-
driven. Students have “Voice and Choice” in the activities, selecting the topic of study and determining the
technology tool to demonstrate mastery of the standard. The teacher becomes more of a facilitator.
☐ Expansion Level: The projects created are shared outside of the classroom, publishing student work and
promoting authorship. This could be reached by showcasing the project on the school’s morning
newscast, posting the project to the classroom blog, or publishing via an outside source.
Universal Design for Learning (UDL): Students with attention deficits would be able to use their creative
brains to help design their groups projects. ESL students could also watch the videos given in their native
language. The videos, websites, and books are great for both groups of students because they can be
returned to and reviewed when needed. This makes it easier for students who may need to look at the
information more than once to get an overall understanding. Working in groups is also great to help students
stay on task, and sometimes students can explain better than the teacher can. Students in groups may also
speak ESL student’s native language and be able to help explain to other students.
Engagement: Students will be given the opportunity to engage with each other and create their own display
of knowledge and creativity
Representation: Each group will be represented with their project and group grading paper
Action and Expression: Students will work together to gather information and create a project to express
what they have learned about the government and how it operates.
Lesson idea implementation: Students will use word to create a brochure about the three national branches
of the government. This will be introduced with a hook or discussion about what the president and
government do for America. Students will break up into small groups to work together on this project, and
each group should have a laptop or Chromebook. Students will be given videos, books, and websites to obtain
the definition and description of each branch. The students should also be given a worksheet with questions
for them to find using the provided resources for each branch and a rubric based off these questions and their
SBooker, 2020
Basic Productivity Tools (BPT)
presentation of the information. The technology teacher has agreed to work with me on this day, so the
lesson for the students during their specials (which would be technology) would be teaching the students how
to use word and creates a brochure/pamphlet. The groups will each create a one pamphlet or brochure. They
can style it however they want. The teacher will be there to help students find the answers and assist with
any possible technology issues.
It should only take about an hour to complete because we are only doing the national level and they have
been provided with safe and appropriate resources. The students will grade each other on their group
performance, and the teacher will grade the final projects to assess what the students learned. Students will
be able to choose their own design and layout for their projects. They may also write it out on a tri-board, or
on paper and pencil if that is easier for them. After all the projects are complete, the teacher will print one of
each to hang in the hallway. The lesson will conclude with the students sharing their different information
with the class when it is projected on the board by the teacher. Students will be graded based on the given
rubric and how their groups graded them will be considered. The students will also get feedback from their
peers when presenting their information, and a graded rubric will be given back to the students.
This could become a higher level of learning by having representatives from the government come speak to
the students, and let the students show the representative what they have learned. The students could also
ask any questions that they may still have about the government. They could also apply their learning to how
the school operates and how there are different branches of the school such as students, teachers, and
Reflective Practice: I think that this activity gives the students a chance to do something creative with
government when they usually would not, and therefore have learned more in depth than they otherwise
would have. With this lesson it would be easy to extend to the state level and the overall responsibilities for
each branch. Students could also create short PowerPoints or videos to show what they have learned.
SBooker, 2020