Lesson Plan Grade 9 English

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Lesson PLAN Grade 9 English

Bachelor of Secondary Education (Polytechnic University of the Philippines)

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Downloaded by Carlo Calumba (fys66585@qisoa.com)

Republic of the Philippines

Division of Rizal
Cainta, Rizal



1. Determine whether the sentences are in active or passive voice.

2. Recognize the pattern in an active voice sentence and passive voice sentence.
3. Rewrite the passive voice sentence into as active voice sentence and vice versa.


Topic Voice of the Verb (Active and Passive Voices)

References englishforeveryone.org, Dalida, Elvira P. Grammar Enhancers III, p.26,

Villados, Adeline V., Grammar Enhancers II, p. 132,

Skills to be developed: critical thinking, analyzing, decision making, time managing

Materials Projector, netbook, markers, manila papers, plate, milk, dishwashing

liquid, food coloring, cotton buds

III. Learning Procedure

A. Preparation
1. Routine
Prayer and Greetings
2. Attendance and Classroom Management
3. Checking of Assignments

B. Motivation
1. The teacher will give the plates to each group and ask them to place those
plates on their arm chair.

2. Group Dynamics
a. The teacher will let each group do to an experiment.
b. Each group will need to follow the instruction for them to achieve
good result.

3. The teacher will tell them not to worry because they will not discuss the
governing principles and theories behind the experiment.

4. The teacher will give the instructions or procedures in conducting the

experiment to the students.

a. Pour the milk into the plate.

b. Add three drops of each of the colors of food coloring to the milk.
c. Place a drop of dishwashing liquid on the tip of the cotton bud.
d. Place the soapy end of the cotton bud in the middle of the milk.
e. Hold the cotton bud for 10 to 15 seconds.

Downloaded by Carlo Calumba (fys66585@qisoa.com)


5. The teacher will ask the students how they find the activity and elicit
answers from them.

C. Presentation of the Objectives

1. The teacher will present the objectives of the lesson and let the students
read them.
a. Determine whether the sentences are in active or passive voice.
b. Recognize the pattern in an active voice sentence and passive voice
c. Rewrite the passive voice sentence into as active voice sentence and
vice versa.

2. From the objectives presented, the teacher will ask the students what would
be the topic to discussed.

IV. Presentation of the Lesson


1. The teacher will ask each group to do the activity that follows:
Using the manila paper and the marker, write down the instruction a while ago
but you need to construct another form of sentences adding pronoun as a subject or
the object of the preposition in the past simple.

2. The teacher will conduct a brief review of forming sentences to past time by calling
on some students to share their ideas.

3. The teacher will give an example on how to do the activity.

Example: He poured the milk into the plate.
HE functions as a subject or the doer of the action POURED and the
MILK as the object of the verb.

4. The teacher will give the criteria for the activity

a. Sentences should be well-constructed with strong and varied
structure which adheres to accepted format, usage, spelling, 5
punctuation and capitalization in the developmental level.
b. There must be five sentences. 5
c. Cooperation and display maximum effort in doing the activity. 4
d. Time consciousness 3
e. Exceptional discipline. 3

5. The teacher will ask each group to present their output to the class.

6. After the presentation the teacher will check the work of each group and will
announce the winner of the activity.


1. Using the students’ example, the teacher will go dig deeper on how it relates to the
topic in today’s lesson

2. The teacher will state that they will scrutinize the following sentences:
a. He poured the milk into the plate.
b. A drop of dishwashing liquid was placed by him on the tip of the cotton bud.

3. The teacher will ask the following questions:

a. What did you observe in the sentences?
b. How does the subject, the verb and the object of the verb functions in the

Downloaded by Carlo Calumba (fys66585@qisoa.com)



4. Ask the students if they will classify those sentences in active or passive voice,
the first sentence falls under what voice? How about the second sentence?

5. The teacher will explain how to transform active to passive and vice versa.


1. Base from the example given, the teacher will ask the students to define active
voice and passive voice.

2. The teacher will state there is a pattern or formula in constructing active and passive
voice and ask the students if they recognize it.

Active voice = subject + transitive verb + object

Passive voice = subject + be verb + past participle + by + actor

3. Instruct the students to make their own pattern in constructing sentences in active
and passive voice.


Directions: Leave a space before each number. Determine whether the sentence is in
active voice or in passive voice. Write A for active voice sentence and P for passive
voice sentences. Then, rewrite the following sentences to passive voice if the sentence
is in active voice and active voice if the sentence is passive voice, and add a subject if
necessary. Answer this in your notebook.

1. The building has been left by Elvis.

2. When I was prosecuted by Ned, I felt very foolish.
3. A superb dinner was prepared by the famous chef.
4. Ned will prosecute trespassers.
5. Thomas feeds his dog.

VI. Evaluation

Directions: Determine whether the sentence is in active voice or in passive voice. Write
A for active voice sentence and P for passive voice sentences on the space provided
before each number. Then, rewrite the following sentences to passive voice if the
sentence is in active voice and active voice if the sentence is passive voice, and add a
subject if necessary.

_____ 1. The dog was given a bath, and the cat was rescued from the tree.

_____ 2. The story of the albatross will be told many times by the ancient mariner.

_____ 3. The sentiments of the speaker were applauded.

_____ 4. It was proven by Atticus that the crime was not committed by the accused.

_____ 5. Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone.

_____ 6. The dog was hit by the car.

_____ 7. Bob’s girlfriend threw his baseball memorabilia out the window.
_____ 8. The researchers compared the behavior of the two groups of children.

_____ 9. Beautiful models wore fancy dresses.

_____ 10. A bad tooth kept him awake all night.

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A. Below is a transcoded information on how cassava flour is produced. Study the
flow chart and use the past passive verb to complete the process description that


Processing the cassava Drying the chips in the sun Milling the chips on the
roots or dryer pulvirizer

Clean them. Sieve the dried chips

Peel them. Pack the dried

chips in plastic
Grate them.

Press them.

The processing of cassava roots into dried cassava grates involve the following: The
cassava roots __________. Then, they __________. After it was cleaned and peeled, the
cassava roots __________ and __________ to produce chips. When we are ready, they
__________ in the sun or dryer. After it was dried, they __________ in a pulverizer; and finally,
they __________ and ___________ in suitable plastic bags.

Prepared by:


G9 – English Teacher

Date: January 29, 2019

Downloaded by Carlo Calumba (fys66585@qisoa.com)

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