The Parental Responsibility of Samuel
The Parental Responsibility of Samuel
The Parental Responsibility of Samuel
Samuel, son of Elkanah and Hannah was dedicated to the services of God from his infancy. This
was in fulfilment of the vow that Hannah, his mother made at Shilloh that if God gave her a son
she would dedicate the child to Him. Samuel therefore grew up in the fear of the Lord under Eli.
Samuel was a priest, a judge, and a prophet (3:19-21; 7:15-16; 9:19-25; 10:8). Naturally, when
he became old he installed his two sons, Joel and Abijah, as judges in Beersheba (8:1-2).
In reaction to the irresponsible behavior of the children of Samuel, all the elders of Israel got
together and went to Samuel. They reminded him of how he had become old and how he had
made his two sons priests over the people. Then they told him how his children were not walking
in his ways, how they took bribes and perverted justice.
For that they demanded from Samuel to give them a king like all the nations that had surrounded
them. This will bring an end to the priesthood and the reign of judges
1. Parents should provide the necessary basic needs like food, clothing, and shelter, for their
2. Parents should satisfy the emotional and psychological needs of their children like
exhibiting love, care and counselling to them.
3. They should ensure that their children are well educated according to their ability.
4. Parents should make sure that their children are provided with adequate healthcare.
Where there is not enough money, making sure they are enrolled with the National
Health Insurance Scheme if it is available in their country.
5. Parents have the responsibility to give the children a good moral and religious education.
6. They should prevent or restrain their children from committing scandalous actions that
can affect the entire family or the society they belong.
7. They should not be afraid to reprimand their children/ward
8. They should inculcate godly values in their children
1. Parents should teach their children the fear of the Lord in everything they do.
2. They should serve as role models to their children and never to be accomplice to their bad
3. Children should copy the good examples of their parents and heed to their advice and
4. Parents should be swift to correct their sons and daughters as soon as they notice any
vicious behaviour in them.
5. We learnt from this episode that any disobedient or wicked act towards God and neighbor
has its negative repercussions to the doer of the act and to those around him or her.