Logunov. The Theory of Gravity PDF
Logunov. The Theory of Gravity PDF
Logunov. The Theory of Gravity PDF
Preface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
1. The geometry of space-time . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
2. The energy-momentum tensor of matter as the source of
the gravitational field . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
3. The gauge group of transformations . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
4. Density of the Lagrangian and the equations of motion
for the gravitational field proper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
5. Equations of motion for the gravitational field and for
matter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
6. The causality principle in RTG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
7. Mach’s principle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
8. Post-Newtonian approximation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
9. On the equality of inert and gravitational masses . . . . . 98
10. Evolution of the homogeneous and isotropic Universe . . 101
11. The gravitational field of a spherically symmetric static
body . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123
Addendum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151
12. Gravitational effects in the Solar system . . . . . . . . . . 154
12.1. Deflection of light rays by the Sun . . . . . . . . . . 164
12.2. The delay of a radiosignal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 167
12.3. The shift of a planet’s perihelion . . . . . . . . . . . 175
12.4. The precession of a gyroscope . . . . . . . . . . . . 186
12.5. The gravitational shift
of spectral lines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 189
13. Some other physical conclusions of RTG . . . . . . . . . 191
Appendix A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 197
Appendix B . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200
Appendix B∗ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 204
Appendix C . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 208
Appendix D . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 212
Appendix E . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 214
14. Elements of tensor analysis and of Riemannian geometry 216
ADDENDUM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 234
On the gravitational force . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 234
Is the metric field of a non-inertial reference system a
special case of the gravitational physical field? . . . . . . 236
On the covariant conservation law . . . . . . . . . . . . . 237
H.Poincare On the dynamics of the electron . . . . . . . 241
Bibliography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 254
This monograph sums up studies performed in developing the
relativistic theory of gravity (RTG) and presented in refs. [3, 9,
arXiv:gr-qc/0210005 v2 21 Oct 2002
38, 10, 5, 11, 6, 34, 12, 35, 36, 37, 31, 13]. Detailed references
to earlier works, that to a certain extent served as scaffolding
in the construction of RTG, are given in the monograph [10],
written together with prof. M. A. Mestvirishvili and published
in 1989. Therein, also, critical comments are presented con-
cerning general relativity theory (GRT), which still remain in
force. In order to facilitate reading in section 14 we provide
elements of tensor analysis and Riemannian geometry. As a
rule, we make use of the set of units in which G = c = h̄ = 1.
However, in the final expressions we restore the dependence
on the constants G, c, h̄. Throughout the book, Greek letters
assume values 0,1,2,3, while Latin letters assume —1,2,3.
The creation of this monograph advanced together with
the completion of studies of individual issues, so it inevitably
contains recurrences, especially concerning such issues that are
important for understanding the essence of both RTG and
The hypothesis underlying RTG asserts that the gravita-
tional field, like all other physical fields, develops in Minkowski
space, while the source of this field is the conserved energy-
momentum tensor of matter, including the gravitational field
itself. This approach permits constructing, in a unique man-
ner, the theory of the gravitational field as a gauge theory.
Here, there arises an effective Riemannian space, which lit-
erally has a field nature. In GRT the space is considered to
be Riemannian owing to the presence of matter, so gravity is
considered a consequence of space–time exhibiting curvature.
The RTG gravitational field has spins 2 and 0 and represents a
physical field in the Faraday–Maxwell spirit. The complete set
of RTG equations follows directly from the least action prin-
ciple. Since all physical fields develop in Minkowski space, all
fundamental principles of physics — the integral conservation
laws of energy–momentum and of angular momentum — are
strictly obeyed in RTG. In the theory the Mach principle is
realized: an inertial system is determined by the distribution
of matter. Unlike GRT, acceleration has an absolute sense.
Inertial and gravitational forces are separated, and they differ
in their nature. The theory, unlike GRT, provides a unique
explanation for all gravitational effects in the Solar system.
GRT does not comply with the equivalence principle,
does not explain the equality of the inert and active
gravitational masses, and gives no unique prediction
for gravitational effects. It does not contain the usual
conservation laws of energy–momentum and of angu-
lar momentum of matter.
It should be especially noted that the known post-New-
tonian approximation do satisfy the equivalence principle, do
provide a unique description of gravitational effects in the So-
lar system, and also establish the equality between the inertial
and active gravitational masses. However, it does not follow
uniquely from the GRT equations, since its derivation relies on
additional assumptions, that do not follow from the theory, i.e.
a departure occurs beyond the limits of GRT, which is based
on the gravitational field being represented as a physical field,
although this is not so in GRT. Therefore, this approxima-
tion cannot be considered a unique consequence of the GRT
equations. It has rather been guessed, then derived from the
theory, while, according to RTG, the post–Newtonian approx-
imation follows uniquely from equations of the theory. Thus,
the post–Newtonian approximation, previously applied for the
description of gravitational effects follows directly from our
theory. RTG introduces essential changes into the character
of the development of the Universe and into the collapse of
large masses.
Analysis of the development of a homogeneous and isotropic
Universe within RTG leads to the conclusion that the Universe
is infinite, and that it is “flat”. Its development proceeds cycli-
cally from a certain maximum density down to a minimum and
so on. Thus, no pointlike Big Bang occurred in the past. There
existed a state of high density and high temperature at each
point in space.
According to RTG, the so-called cosmological “expansion”
of the Universe, observed by the red shift, is explained by
changes in the gravitational field, but not by relative motion
— galaxies escaping from each other, which actually does not
take place. Matter in the Universe is in a state of rest rela-
tive to an inertial coordinate system. The peculiar velocities
of galaxies relative to an inertial system arose owing to a cer-
tain structure of the inhomogeneity of the distribution of mat-
ter during the period, when the Universe became transparent.
This means that in the past the distance between galaxies was
never zero. The theory predicts the existence in the Universe
of a large hidden mass of “dark matter”. According to RGT,
“black holes” cannot exist: a collapsing star cannot disappear
beyond its gravitational radius. Objects with large masses can
exist, and they are characterized not only by mass, but also
by a distribution of matter density. Since, in accordance with
GRT, objects with masses exceeding three solar masses trans-
form, at the conclusive stage of their evolution, into “black
holes”, an object found to have a large mass is usually at-
tributed to “black holes”. Since RTG predictions concerning
the behaviour of large masses differ essentially from GRT pre-
dictions, observational data of greater detail are required for
testing the conclusions of theory. Thus, for example, in RTG
spherically symmetric accretion of matter onto a body of large
mass, that is at its conclusive stage of evolution (when the nu-
clear resources are exhausted), will be accompanied by a sig-
nificant release of energy owing to the fall of matter onto the
body’s surface, while in GRT the energy release in the case of
spherically symmetric accretion of matter onto a “black hole”
is extremely small, since the falling matter takes the energy
with it into the “black hole”. Observational data on such ob-
jects could answer the question whether “black holes” exist in
Nature, or not. Field concepts of gravity necessarily require in-
troduction of the graviton rest mass, which can be determined
from observational data: the Hubble “constant” and the decel-
eration parameter q. According to the theory, the parameter
q can only be positive, at present, i.e. deceleration of “ex-
pansion” of the Universe takes place, instead of acceleration.
For this reason, the latest observational data on acceleration
of the “expansion” must be checked carefully, since the con-
clusions of theory concerning “deceleration” follow from the
general physical principles mentioned above.
I sincerely wish to thank my teacher acad. N.N. Bogolubov
who, during the hard years of searches and struggle, provided
spiritual support as well as valuable advice that stimulated the
I am grateful to Providence for my wife Anna Nikolaevna,
who for over forty years was my support.
I am profoundly grateful to prof. M.A. Mestvirishvili for
many years of joint work on the construction of relativistic
theory of gravity.
I am grateful to acad. A.M. Baldin, acad. V.S. Vladimirov,
acad. V.G. Kadyshevsky, acad. A.N. Tavkhelidze for valuable
I take advantage of the occasion to express my deep grati-
tude to professors S.S. Gershtein, V.I. Denisov, Yu.M. Losku-
tov, to associate professor A.A. Vlasov and Candidate of phy-
sics and mathematics Yu.V. Chugreev for common work and
for numerous discussions of the problems at issue. I am also
grateful to professors V.A. Petrov, N.E.Tyurin, A.A. Tyapkin
and O.A. Khrustalev for useful discussions.
I express profound gratitude to acad. A.M. Baldin, corre-
sponding member of RAS S.S. Gershtein and prof. M.A. Mest-
virishvili, who read the entire manuscript and made a number
of valuable advices and comments.
A.A. Logunov
April 2000
Since construction of the relativistic theory of gravity (RTG) is
based on special relativity theory (SRT), we shall deal with the
latter in greater detail and in doing so we shall examine both
the approach of Henri Poincaré and that of Albert Einstein.
Such an analysis will permit a more profound comprehension
of the difference between these approaches and will make it
possible to formulate the essence of relativity theory.
In analyzing the Lorentz transformations, H. Poincaré sho-
wed that these transformations, together with all spatial ro-
tations, form a group that does not alter the equations of
electrodynamics. Richard Feynman wrote the following about
this: “Precisely Poincaré proposed investigating what could be
done with the equations without altering their form. It was
precisely his idea to pay attention to the symmetry properties
of the laws of physics” 1. H.Poincaré did not restrict himself to
studying electrodynamics; he discovered the equations of rel-
ativistic mechanics and extended the Lorentz transformations
to all the forces of Nature. Discovery of the group, termed
by H.Poincaré the Lorentz group, made it possible for him
to introduce four-dimensional space-time with an invariant
subsequently termed the interval
X ν = f ν (xµ ) ,
realizing a mutually unambiguous correspondence with a Ja-
cobian differing from zero. Determining the differentials
∂f ν µ
dX ν = dx ,
and substituting these expressions into (α) we find
∂f σ ∂f σ
γµν (x) = %σ , %σ = (1, −1, −1, −1) . (β)
∂xµ ∂xν
It is quite evident that the transition undergone to an ar-
bitrary reference system did not lead us beyond the limits of
pseudo-Euclidean geometry. But hence it follows that non-
inertial reference systems can also be applied in SRT. The
forces of inertia arising in transition to an accelerated refer-
ence system are expressed in terms of the Christoffel symbols of
Minkowski space. The representation of SRT stemming from
the work of H.Poincaré and H.Minkowski was more general
and turned out to be extremely necessary for the construction
of SRT, since it permitted introduction of the metric tensor
γµν (x) of Minkowski space in arbitrary coordinates and thus
made it possible to introduce in a covariant manner the grav-
itational field, upon separation of the forces of inertia from
From the point of view of history it must be noted that
in his earlier works 2 , “The measurement of time” and “The
H.Poincaré. The principle of relativity. M.:Atomizdat, 1973, pp.19,
present and future of mathematical physics”, H.Poincaré dis-
cussed in detail issues of the constancy of the velocity of light,
of the simultaneity of events at different points of space deter-
mined by the synchronization of clocks with the aid of a light
signal. Later, on the basis of the relativity principle, which he
formulated in 1904 for all physical phenomena, as well as on
the work published by H.Lorentz the same year, H.Poincaré
discovered a transformation group in 1905 and termed
it the Lorentz group. This permitted him to give the
following essentially accurate formulation of the rela-
tivity theory: the equations of physical processes must
be invariant relative to the Lorentz group. Precisely
such a formulation was given by A.Einstein in 1948: “With
the aid of the Lorentz transformations the special principle of
relativity can be formulated as follows: The laws of Nature are
invariant relative to the Lorentz transformation (i.e. a law
of Nature should not change if it is referred to a new inertial
reference frame with the aid of the Lorentz transformation for
x, y, z, t)” 3 .
The existence of a group of coordinate-time transforma-
tions signifies that there exists an infinite set of equivalent
(inertial) reference frames related by the Lorentz transforma-
tions. From the invariance of equations it follows, in a trivial
manner, that physical equations in the reference frames x and
x! , related by the Lorentz transformations, are identical. But
this means that any phenomenon described both in x and x!
reference systems under identical conditions will yield identi-
cal results, i.e. the relativity principle is satisfied in a triv-
ial manner. Certain, even prominent, physicists understood
this with difficulty not even long ago, while others have not
even been able to. There is nothing strange in this fact, since
any study requires certain professionalism. What is surprising
is the following: they attempt to explain their incomprehen-
Einstein A. Collection of scientific works, Moscow: Nauka, 1966,
vol.2, art.133, p.660.
sion, or the difficulty they encountered in understanding, by
H.Poincaré allegedly “not having taken the decisive step”, “not
having gone to the end”. But these judgements, instead of the
level of the outstanding results achieved by H.Poincaré in rel-
ativity theory, characterize their own level of comprehension
of the problem.
Precisely for this reason W.Pauli wrote the following in
1955 in connection with the 50-th anniversary of relativity
theory: “Both Einstein and Poincaré relied on the preparatory
works performed by H.A.Lorentz, who was very close to the
final result, but was not able to take the last decisive step. In
the results, obtained by Einstein and Poincaré independently
of each other, being identical I see the profound meaning of the
harmony in the mathematical method and analysis performed
with the aid of thought experiments and based on the entire set
of data of physical experiments” 4.
Detailed investigation by H.Poincaré of the Lorentz group
invariants resulted in his discovery of the pseudo-Euclidean
geometry of space-time. Precisely on such a basis, he estab-
lished the four-dimensionality of physical quantities: force, ve-
locity, momentum, current. H.Poincaré’s first short work ap-
peared in the reports of the French Academy of sciences before
A.Einstein’s work was even submitted for publication. That
work contained an accurate and rigorous solution of the prob-
lem of electrodynamics of moving bodies, and at the same time
it extended the Lorentz transformations to all natural forces,
of whatever origin they might be. Very often many historians,
and, by the way, physicists, also, discuss priority issues. A very
good judgement concerning this issue is due to academicians
V.L.Ginzburg and Ya.B.Zel’dovich, who in 1967 wrote:“Thus,
no matter what a person has done himself, he cannot claim
W.Pauli. Essays in physics. M.:Nauka, 1975, p.189.
priority, if it later becomes known that the same result was
obtained earlier by others” 5.
A.Einstein proceeded toward relativity theory from an anal-
ysis of the concepts of simultaneity and of synchronization for
clocks at different points in space on the basis of the principle
of constancy of the velocity of light. ¡¡Each ray of light travels
in a reference frame at “rest” with a certain velocity V , inde-
pendently of whether this ray of light is emitted by a body at
rest or by a moving body.¿¿ But this point cannot be consid-
ered a principle, since it implies a certain choice of reference
frame, while a physical principle should clearly not depend
on the method of choosing the reference frame. In essence,
A.Einstein accurately followed the early works of H.Poincaré.
However, within such an approach it is impossible to arrive at
non-inertial reference frames, since in such reference frames it
is impossible to take advantage of clock synchronization, so the
notion of simultaneity loses sense, and, moreover, the velocity
of light cannot be considered constant.
In a reference frame undergoing acceleration the proper
time dτ , where
γ0α dxα γ0i γ0k
dσ 2 = dτ 2 − sik dxi dxk , dτ = √ , sik = −γik +
γ00 γ00
starting points introduced by A.Einstein were of an exclusively
limited and partial nature, even though they could create an
illusion of simplicity. It was precisely for this reason that even
in 1913 A.Einstein wrote: “In usual relativity theory only lin-
ear orthogonal transformations are permitted” 6 . Or somewhat
later, in the same year, he writes: “In the original relativity
theory the independence of physical equations of the specific
choice of reference system is based on postulating the funda-
mental invariant ds2 =
! 2
dxi , while now the issue consists
in constructing a theory (general relativity theory is implied –
A.L.), in which the role of the fundamental invariant is per-
formed by a linear element of the general form
was quite a long time considered valid only in inertial reference
systems. Minkowski space was then treated like a useful geo-
metric interpretation or like a mathematical formulation of the
principles of SRT within the approach of Einstein. Let us now
pass over to gravity. In 1905 H.Poincaré wrote: “... that forces
of whatever origin, for example, the forces of gravity, behave
in the case of uniform motion (or, if you wish, under Lorentz
transformations) precisely like electromagnetic forces” 9. This
is precisely the path we shall follow.
A.Einstein, having noticed the equality of inertial and grav-
itational masses, was convinced that the forces of inertia and
of gravity are related, since their action is independent of a
body’s mass. In 1913 he arrived at the conclusion that, if in
expression (α) “... we introduce new coordinates x1 , x2 , x3 , x4 ,
with the aid of some arbitrary substitution, then the motion
of a point relative to the new reference frame will proceed in
accordance with the equation
δ{ ds} = 0 ,
ds2 = gµν dxµ dxν .”
i..e, if a gravitational field exists, then it represents a physical
reality, and it cannot be annihilated by a choice of reference
system. It is not correct to compare such a gravitational field
with kinetic energy, since the latter is not characterized by a
covariant quantity. It must be noted that such a comparison
is not admissible, also, in GRT, since the gravitational field in
this theory is characterized by the Riemann curvature tensor.
If it differs from zero, then the gravitational field exists, and
it cannot be annihilated by a choice of reference system, even
Accelerated reference systems have played an important
heuristic role in A.Einstein’s creative work, although they have
nothing to do with the essence of GRT. By identifying accel-
erated reference systems to the gravitational field, A.Einstein
came to perceive the metric space-time tensor as the principal
characteristic of the gravitational field. But the metric ten-
sor reflects both the natural properties of geometry and the
choice of reference system. In this way the possibility arises of
explaining the force of gravity kinematically, by reducing it to
the force of inertia. But in this case it is necessary to renounce
the gravitational field as a physical field. “Gravitational fields
(as A.Einstein wrote in 1918) may be set without introducing
tensions and energy density.” 12 . But that is a serious loss,
and one cannot consent to it. However, as we shall further
see, this loss can be avoided in constructing RTG.
Surprisingly, even in 1933 A.Einstein wrote: ¡¡In special
Relativity theory — as shown by H.Minkowski — this metric
was quasi-Euclidean, i.e. the square “length” ds of a linear ele-
ment represented a certain quadratic function of the coordinate
differentials. If, on the other hand, new coordinates are intro-
duced with the aid of a linear transformation, then ds2 remains
a homogeneous function of the coordinate differentials, but the
coefficients of this function (gµν ) will no longer be constant,
Einstein A. Collection of scientific works, Moscow: Nauka, 1965,
vol.1, art.47, p.627.
but certain functions of the coordinates. From a mathematical
point of view this means that the physical (four-dimensional)
space possesses a Riemannian metric¿¿ 13 .
This is certainly wrong, since a pseudo-Euclidean metric
cannot be transformed into a Riemannian metric by transfor-
mation of the coordinates. But the main point, here, con-
sists in something else, namely, in that in this way, thanks to
his profound intuition, A.Einstein arrived at the necessity of
introducing precisely Riemannian space, since he considered
the metric tensor gµν of this space to describe gravity. This
was essentially how the tensor nature of gravity was revealed.
The unity of the Riemannian metric and gravity is the main
principle underlying general relativity theory. V.A.Fock wrote
about this principle: “... precisely this principle represents
the essence of Einstein’s theory of gravity” 14 . From a general
point of view, however, the answer to the following question
still remains unclear: why is it necessary to relate gravity pre-
cisely to Riemannian space, and not to any other.
The introduction of Riemannian space permitted using the
scalar curvature R as the Lagrangian function and, with the
aid of the least action principle, to obtain the Hilbert–Einstein
equation. Thus, the construction of Einstein’s general relativ-
ity theory was completed. Here, as particularly stressed by
J.L.Synge: “In Einstein’s theory the presence or absence of a
gravitational field depends on whether the Riemann tensor dif-
fers from or equals to zero. This is an absolute property, which
is in no way related to the world line of any observer” 15.
In GRT, however, difficulties arose with the conservation
laws of energy-momentum and angular momentum. D.Hilbert
wrote in this connection: “... I claim that within general rel-
Einstein A. Collection of scientific works, Moscow: Nauka, 1966,
vol.2, art.110, p.405.
V.A.Fock. Theory of space, time and gravity. M.:Gostekhizdat,
1961, p.308.
J.L.Synge. Relativity: the general theory. M.:Foreign literature
publishers, 1963, p.9.
ativity theory, i.e. in the case of general invariance of the
Hamiltonian function, there definitely exist no energy equa-
tions ... corresponding to the energy equations in orthogonal-
invariant theories, I could even point to this circumstance as
a characteristic feature of general relativity theory” 16 . All the
above is explained by the absence in Riemannian space of the
ten-parameter group of motion of space-time, so it is essen-
tially impossible to introduce energy-momentum and angular
momentum conservation laws, similar to those that hold valid
in any other physical theory.
Another feature peculiar to GRT, as compared to known
theories, consists in the presence of second-order derivatives
in the Lagrangian function R. About fifty years ago Nathan
Rosen demonstrated that if, together with the Riemannian
metric gµν one introduces the metric γµν of Minkowski space,
then it becomes possible to construct the scalar density of the
Lagrangian of the gravitational field, which will not contain
derivatives of orders higher than one. Thus, for example, he
constructed such a density of the Lagrangian which led to the
Hilbert-Einstein equations. Thus came into being the bimetric
formalism. However, such an approach immediately compli-
cated the problem of constructing a theory of gravity, since,
when using the tensors gµν and γµν , one can write out a large
number of scalar densities, and it is absolutely not clear which
scalar density must be chosen as the Lagrangian density for
constructing the theory of gravity. Although the GRT math-
ematical apparatus does permit introducing, instead of ordi-
nary derivatives, covariant derivatives of Minkowski space, the
metric γµν not being present in the Hilbert-Einstein equations
renders its utilization in GRT devoid of any physical meaning,
because the solutions for the metric gµν are independent of the
choice of γµν . It must be noted that substitution of covariant
derivatives for ordinary derivatives in Minkowski space leaves
the Hilbert-Einstein equations intact. This is explained by
V.P.Vizgin. Relativistic theory of gravity. M.:Nauka, 1981, p.319.
the fact that, if in Minkowski space one substitutes covariant
derivatives for ordinary ones in the Riemann curvature tensor,
it will not change. Such a substitution in the Riemann tensor
is nothing, but an identical transformation. Precisely for this
reason such a freedom in writing out the Riemann tensor can-
not be taken as an advantage within the framework of GRT,
since the metric tensor of Minkowski space does not enter into
the Hilbert-Einstein equations.
In constructing RTG, this freedom in writing the Riemann
tensor turns out to be extremely necessary. But in this case
the metric of Minkowski space enters into the equations of
the gravitational field, and the field itself is considered as a
physical field in Minkowski space. In GRT we only deal with
the metric of Riemannian space as the main characteristic of
gravity, in which both the features of geometry itself and the
choice of reference frame are reflected. When the gravitational
interaction is switched off, i.e. when the Riemann curvature
tensor equals zero, we arrive at Minkowski space. It is precisely
for this reason that in GRT the problem arises of satisfying
the equivalence principle, since it is impossible to determine
in which reference frame (inertial or accelerated) we happened
to be when the gravitational field was switched off.
The relativistic theory of gravity, presented in this work is
constructed as a field theory of the gravitational field within
the framework of special relativity theory. The starting point
is the hypothesis that the energy-momentum tensor — which
is a universal characteristic of matter — serves as the source of
gravity. The gravitational field is considered to be a universal
physical field with spins 2 and 0, owing to the action of which
the effective Riemannian space arises. This permits to find the
gauge group and to construct unambiguously the Lagrangian
density of the gravitational field. The set of equations of this
theory is generally covariant and form-invariant with respect
to the Lorentz group. Here, it is necessary in the theory to
introduce the graviton mass. The graviton mass essentially in-
fluences the evolution of the Universe and alters the character
of the gravitational collapse.
The goal of this work is a further development of the ideas
by H.Poincaré, H.Minkowski, A.Einstein, D.Hilbert, N.Rosen,
V.A.Fock, S.Gupta, V.Thirring, R.Feynman, S.Weinberg in
the domain of theory of relativity and gravity.
1. The geometry of space-time
In Chapter II, “Space and time”, of his book “Recent ideas”,
H.Poincaré wrote: “The principle of physical relativity may
serve for defining of space. It can be said to provide us with
a novel instrument for measurement. I shall explain. How
can a solid body serve for measuring or, to be more correct,
for constructing space? The point is the following: in trans-
ferring a solid body from one place to another we, thus, note
that it can be first applied to one figure, then to another, and
we conventionally agree to consider these figures equal to each
other. Geometry originated from this convention. Geometry is
nothing but a science of mutual interrelationships between such
transformations or, speaking in the mathematical language, a
science of the structure of the group formed by these transfor-
mations, i.e. of the group of motions of solid bodies.
Now, consider another group, the group of transformations
not altering our differential equations. We arrive at a new way
for defining the equality between two figures. We no longer
say: two figures are equal, if one and the same solid body can
be applied to both one and the other figures. We shall say: two
figures are equal, when one and the same mechanical system,
so distant from its neighbours that it may be considered iso-
lated, being first thus situated so its material points reproduce
the first figure, and then so they reproduce the second figure,
behaves in the second case precisely like in the first. Do these
two approaches differ in essence? No.
A solid body represents a mechanical system, just like any
other. The only difference between the previous and the new
definitions of space consists in that the latter is broader, since
it allows substitution of any mechanical system for the solid
body. Moreover, our new convention not only defines space,
but time, also. It provides us with an explanation of what are
two equal time intervals or of what is represented by a time
interval twice as long as another” 17 .
Precisely in this way, by discovering the group of transfor-
mations not altering the Maxwell–Lorentz equations, H.Poin-
caré introduced the notion of four-dimensional space-time ex-
hibiting pseudo-Euclidean geometry. This concept of geometry
was later developed by H.Minkowski.
We have chosen the pseudo-Euclidean geometry of space-
time as the basis of the relativistic theory of gravity presently
under development, since it is the fundamental Minkowski
space for all physical fields, including the gravitational field.
Minkowski space cannot be considered to exist a priori, since
it reflects the properties of matter and, hence, cannot be sep-
arated from it. Although formally, precisely owing to the
structure of space being independent of the form of matter,
it is sometimes dealt with abstractly, separately from mat-
ter. In Galilean coordinates of an inertial reference system in
Minkowski space, the interval that characterizes the structure
of geometry and that is an invariant by construction, has the
dσ 2 = (dx0 )2 − (dx1 )2 − (dx2 )2 − (dx3 )2 .
Here dxν represent differentials of the coordinates. In spite of
the fact that the interval dσ, as a geometric characteristic of
space-time, is independent of the choice of reference system,
which is due to its very construction, one can still encounter
in modern text-books on theoretical physics (see, for instance,
Ref. [4]) “proofs” of the interval being the same in all inertial
reference systems although it is an invariant and is indepen-
dent of the choice of reference system.
Even such an outstanding physicist as L.I.Mandelstam
wrote in his book [17]: “... special relativity theory cannot an-
swer the question, how a clock behaves when moving with ac-
celeration and why it slows down, because it does not deal with
reference systems moving with acceleration”. The incorrect as-
H.Poincaré. On science. M.:Nauka, 1938, p.427.
sertions in [27, 19, 20, 30] can be explained by Minkowski space
being considered by many people to be only some formal geo-
metrical interpretation of SRT within A.Einstein’s approach,
instead of a revelation of the geometry of space-time. The
issues of such limited concepts as the constancy of the speed
of light, the synchronization of clocks, the speed of light be-
ing independent of the motion of its source became the most
discussed topics. All this narrowed the scope of SRT and re-
tarded the understanding of its essence. And its essence
actually consists only in that the geometry of space-
time, in which all physical processes occur, is pseudo-
In an arbitrary reference system the interval assumes the
dσ 2 = γµν (x)dxµ dxν ,
γµν (x) is the metric tensor of Minkowski space. We note that
one cannot, in principle, speak of the synchronization of clocks
or of the constancy of the speed of light in an non-inertial
reference system [7]. Most likely, precisely the lacking clarity
on the essence of SRT led A.Einstein to concluding: “that
within the framework of special relativity theory there is no
place for a satisfactory theory of gravity” 18 . Free motion of a
test body in an arbitrary reference system takes place along a
geodesic line of Minkowski space:
DU ν dU ν ν
= + γαβ U αU β = 0 ,
dσ dσ
dxν ν
where U ν = dσ , γαβ (x) are Christoffel symbols defined by
the expression
ν 1
γαβ (x) = γ νσ (∂α γβσ + ∂β γασ − ∂σ γαβ ) .
Einstein A. Collection of scientific works. Moscow: Nauka, 1967,
vol.4, art.76, p.282.
In 1921, in the article “Geometry and experiment”, A. Ein-
stein wrote: “The issue of whether this continuum has an Eu-
clidean, Riemannian or any other structure is a physical is-
sue, which can only be settled by experiment, and not an issue
of convention concerning a choice of simple expedience...” 19.
This is, naturally, correct. But there immediately arises a
question: what experiment? There may exist quite many ex-
perimental facts. Thus, for example, it is possible, in principle,
by studying the motion of light and of test bodies, to establish
unambiguously the geometry of space-time. Must a physical
theory be based on it? At first sight, the answer to this ques-
tion could be positive. And the issue would seem settled. Pre-
cisely such was the path that A.Einstein took in constructing
GRT. Test bodies and light move along geodesic lines of Rie-
mannian space-time. So he based the theory on Riemannian
space. However, the situation is much more complex. All types
of matter satisfy conservation laws of energy-momentum and
of angular momentum. Precisely these laws, that originated
from a generalization of numerous experimental data, charac-
terize the general dynamic properties of all forms of matter by
introducing universal characteristics permitting quantitative
description of the transformation of some forms of matter into
others. And all this also represents experimental facts, which
have become fundamental physical principles. What should
be done with them? If one follows A.Einstein and retains Rie-
mannian geometry as the basis, then they must be discarded.
That price would be too high. It is more natural to retain them
for all physical fields, including the gravitational field. But, in
this case, theory must, then, be based on Minkowski space,
i.e. on the pseudo-Euclidean geometry of space-time. We
have adopted precisely this approach, following H.Poincaré.
The fundamental principles of physics, that reflect the nu-
merous available experimental facts, indicate what geometry
Einstein A. Collection of scientific works. Moscow: Nauka, 1965,
vol.2, art.61, p.87.
of the space-time it is actually necessary to use as the ba-
sis of gravity theory. Thus, the issue of the structure of the
space-time geometry is actually a physical issue, that should
be resolved by experiment, and, from our point of view, the
structure of the geometry of space-time is not determined by
specific experimental data on the motion of test bodies and
of light, but by fundamental physical principles based on the
entire set of existing experimental facts. It is precisely here
that our initial premises for constructing the theory of gravity
differ completely from the ideas applied by A.Einstein as the
basis of GRT. But they are fully consistent with the ideas of
We have chosen the pseudo-Euclidean geometry of space-
time as the basis of the relativistic theory of gravity, but that
certainly does not mean that the effective space will also be
pseudo-Euclidean. The influence of the gravitational field may
be expected to lead to a change in the effective space. We
shall deal with this issue in detail in the next section. The
metric of Minkowski space permits introducing the concepts
of standard length and time intervals, when no gravitational
field is present.
2. The energy-momentum tensor of
matter as the source of the
gravitational field
Owing to the existence in Minkowski space of the Poincaré ten-
parameter group of motion, there exist for any closed physical
system ten integrals of motion, i.e. the conservation laws of
energy-momentum and angular momentum hold valid. Any
physical field in Minkowski space is characterized by the den-
sity of the energy-momentum tensor tµν , which is a general
universal characteristic of all forms of matter that satisfies
both local and integral conservation laws. In an arbitrary ref-
erence system the local conservation law is written in the form
where L is the scalar density of the Lagrangian of matter. In
deriving Euler’s equations with the aid of the principle of least
action we shall automatically have to deal precisely with the
variation of the Lagrangian density. According to D.Hilbert,
the density of the energy-momentum tensor tµν is expressed
via the scalar density of the Lagrangian L as follows:
tµν = −2 , (2.1)
$ %
δL ∂L ∂L ∂γµν
= − ∂σ , γµν,σ = .
δγµν ∂γµν ∂γµν,σ ∂xσ
L = Lg (γµν , g̃ µν ) + LM (γµν , g̃ µν , φA ) .
δL δL
= µν = 0 , (2.7)
δ φ̃ µν δg̃
δL δ L δL ∂g̃ αβ
= + αβ · . (2.8)
δγµν δγµν δg̃ ∂γµν
The derivation of the latter formula is presented in detail in
Appendix (A.17). The asterisk in formula (2.8) indicates the
variational derivative of the density of the Lagrangian with
respect to the metric γµν which is explicitly present in L. In
agreement with (2.1), formula (2.8) can be written in the form
δL ∂g̃ αβ δ%L
tµν = −2 · − 2 .
δg̃ αβ ∂γµν δγµν
Taking equation (2.7) into account in the above expression we
tµν = −2 . (2.9)
Comparing equations (2.9) and (2.2) we obtain the condition
δ%L 1 αβ
−2 = [γ Dα Dβ φ̃µν + m2 φ̃µν ] , (2.10)
δγµν 16π
which, in case it is fulfilled, makes it possible to derive the
equations of the gravitational field, (2.2) and (2.3), directly
from the principle of least action. Since the fields of matter
are not present in the right-hand side of (2.10), this means that
the variation in density of the Lagrangian of matter, LM , with
respect to the explicitly present metric γµν must be zero. For
no additional restrictions on the motion of matter determined
by equations (2.5) to arise, it hence follows directly that the
tensor γµν does not explicitly enter into the expression for the
density of the Lagrangian of matter LM . Expression (2.10)
then assumes the form
δ % Lg 1 αβ
−2 = [γ Dα Dβ φ̃µν + m2 φ̃µν ] . (2.11)
δγµν 16π
Thus, everything reduces to finding the density of the La-
grangian of the gravitational field proper, Lg , which would
satisfy condition (2.11).
At the same time, from the previous arguments we arrive
at the important conclusion that the density of the Lagrangian
of matter, L, has the form
L = Lg (γµν , g̃ µν ) + LM (g̃ µν , φA ) . (2.12)
Thus, from the requirement that the density of the
energy-momentum tensor of matter be the source of
the gravitational field it follows in a natural way that
the motion of matter should take place in effective Rie-
mannian space. This assertion has the character of a the-
orem. Hence it becomes clear, why Riemannian space arose,
instead of some other. Precisely this circumstance provides
us with the possibility of formulating, in section 3, the gauge
group, and then to construct the density of the Lagrangian
(4.24) satisfying condition (2.11), in accordance with (B.20).
An interesting picture arises consisting in that the motion
of matter in Minkowski space with the metric γµν under the
influence of the gravitational field φµν is identical to the motion
of matter in effective Riemannian space with the metric gµν ,
determined by expression (2.6). We term such interaction of
the gravitational field with matter the g e o m e t i z a t i o n
p r i n c i p l e. The geometrization principle is a consequence of
the initial assumption that a universal characteristic of matter
— the density of the energy-momentum tensor — serves as the
source of the gravitational field. Such a density structure of
the Lagrangian of matter indicates that a unique possibility
is realized for the gravitational field to be attached inside the
Lagrangian density of matter directly to the density of the
tensor γ̃ µν .
The effective Riemannian space is literally of a field
origin, owing to the presence of the gravitational field.
Thus, the reason that the effective space is Riemannian, and
not any other, lies in the hypothesis that a universal conserved
quantity — the density of the energy-momentum tensor —
is the source of gravity. We shall explain this fundamental
property of gravitational forces by comparing them with the
electromagnetic forces.
In the case of a homogeneous magnetic field, a charged
particle in Minkowski space is known to undergo, due to the
Lorentz force, motion along a circle in the plane perpendicular
to the magnetic field. However, this motion is far from identi-
cal even for charged particles, if their charge-to-mass ratio dif-
fer. Moreover, there exist neutral particles, and their trajecto-
ries in a magnetic field are just straight lines. Therefore, owing
to the non-universal character of electromagnetic forces their
action cannot be reduced to the geometry of space-time. Gra-
vity is another issue. It is universal, any test bodies move along
identical trajectories given identical initial conditions. In this
case, owing to the hypothesis claiming the energy-momentum
tensor of matter to be the source of the gravitational field,
it turns out to be possible to describe these trajectories by
geodesic lines in the effective Riemannian space-time due to
the presence of the gravitational field in Minkowski space. In
those regions of space, where a whatever small gravitational
field is present, we have metric properties of space which up to
a high precision approach the actually observed properties of
pseudo-Euclidean space. On the other hand, when the gravi-
tational fields are strong, the metric properties of the effective
space become Riemannian. But in this case, also, the pseudo-
Euclidean geometry does not vanish without trace — it is ob-
servable and manifests itself in that the motion of bodies in
effective Riemannian space is not free by inertia, but proceeds
with acceleration with respect to pseudo-Euclidean space in
Galilean coordinates. Precisely for this reason, acceleration in
RTG, unlike GRT, has an absolute sense. Consequently, “Ein-
stein’s lift” cannot serve as an inertial reference frame. This is
manifested in that a charge at rest in “Einstein’s lift” will emit
electromagnetic waves. This physical phenomenon should also
testify in favour of the existence of Minkowski space. As we
shall further see, the metric of Minkowski space can be defined
from studies of the distribution of matter and of the motion of
test bodies and light in effective Riemannian space. We shall
raise this issue again in section 7.
The equation of motion of matter does not include the met-
ric tensor γµν of Minkowski space. Minkowski space will only
influence the motion of matter by means of the metric tensor
gµν of Riemannian space, derived, as we shall further see, from
the equations of gravity, which contain the metric tensor γµν of
Minkowski space. Since the effective Riemannian metric arises
on the basis of the physical field given in Minkowski space,
hence it follows that effective Riemannian space has a simple
topology and is presented in a single map. If, for instance,
matter is concentrated in a region of the island-type, then in
Galilean coordinates of an inertial reference system the gra-
vitational field φ̃µν cannot decrease slower than 1/r, but this
circumstance imposes a strong restriction on the asymptotic
behaviour of the metric gµν of effective Riemannian geometry
& '
gµν = ηµν + 0 , here ηµν = (1, −1, −1, −1) . (2.13)
If, on the other hand, one simply takes as the starting point
the Riemannian metric, without assuming it to have originated
from the action of a physical field, then such restrictions do
not arise, since the asymptotics of the metric gµν even depends
on the choice of three-dimensional space coordinates. Physical
quantity, however, in principle, cannot depend on the choice
of the three-dimensional space coordinates. RTG imposes no
restrictions on the choice of reference system. The reference
system may be arbitrary, if only it realizes a one-to-one cor-
respondence between all the points of the inertial reference
system in Minkowski space and provides for the following in-
equalities, necessary for introducing the concepts of time and
spatial length, to be satisfied:
we took advantage of in constructing RTG. But to implement
this, it was necessary to introduce the metric of Minkowski
space into the gravitational equations, and it, thus, turned
out to be possible to realize the functional relationship of the
metric of Riemannian space, gµν , with the metric of Minkowski
space, γµν . But this will be dealt with in detail in subsequent
3. The gauge group of
Since the density of the Lagrangian of matter has the form
LM (g̃ µν , φA ), (3.1)
[δξ1 , [δξ2 , δξ3 ]] + [δξ3 , [δξ1 , δξ2 ]] + [δξ2 , [δξ3 , δξ1 ]] = 0, (3.7)
ξ3ν = ξ1µ Dµ ξ2ν − ξ2µ Dµ ξ1ν = ξ1µ ∂µ ξ2ν − ξ2µ ∂µ ξ1ν .
For (3.6) to hold valid the following conditions must be satis-
B; µ C; α B; α C; µ µα; τ C; σ
FA; ν FB; β − FA; β FB; ν = fνβ; σ FA; τ , (3.8)
where the structure constants f are
µα; τ µ α τ α µ τ
fνβ; σ = δβ δσ δν − δν δσ δβ . (3.9)
It is readily verified that they satisfy the Jacobi equality
αν; σ τ ρ; ω νρ; σ τ α; ω ρα; σ τ ν; ω
fβµ; τ fσε; δ + fµε; τ fσβ; δ + fεβ; τ fσµ; δ = 0 (3.10)
and have the property of antisymmetry,
αν; ρ να; ρ
fβµ; σ = −fµβ; σ .
where $
J = det .
∂ xβ
In the first order of ξ α the determinant J equals
J = 1 + ∂α ξ α (x). (3.12)
Taking into account the expansion
L!M (x! ) = L!M (x) + ξ α (x) ,
as well as (3.12), one can represent the expression for the vari-
ation in the form
δc SM = [δLM (x) + ∂α (ξ α LM (x))] d4 x = 0.
gauge transformations.
In full compliance with formulae (3.6) and (3.7), the op-
erators satisfy the same Lie algebra, i.e. the commutation
[δε1 , δε2 ](·) = δε3 (·) (3.17)
and the Jacobi identity
[δε1 , [δε2 , δε3 ]] + [δε3 , [δε1 , δε2 ]] + [δε2 , [δε3 , δε1 ]] = 0. (3.18)
but this transformation for the field differs essentially from its
transformation in the case of displacement of the coordinates:
1 λσ
Gλµν = g (Dµ gσν + Dν gσµ − Dσ gµν ), (4.5)
then the scalar density can be identically written in the form
R̃ = −g̃ µν (Gλµν Gσλσ −Gλµσ Gσνλ )−Dν (g̃ µν Gσµσ −g̃ µσ Gνµσ ). (4.6)
Qν = g̃ µν Gσµσ − g̃ µσ Gνµσ ,
γµν g̃ µν , (4.9)
λ2 = − 2 λ3 . (4.14)
µν δLg √ 1 δLg
t g = −2 2 −γ(γ µα γ νβ − γ µν γ αβ ) αβ +
δ γµν 2 δg̃
+ λ1 J µν µν µν
− 2λ3 g̃ − λ4 γ̃ , (4.15)
J µν = Dα Dβ (γ αµ g̃ βν + γ αν g̃ βµ − γ αβ g̃ µν − γ µν g̃ αβ ). (4.16)
λ1 J µν − 2 λ3 g̃ µν − λ4 γ̃ µν = tµν
g . (4.17)
λ4 = −2 λ3 . (4.18)
Dµ g̃ µν = 0. (4.20)
1 m2
λ1 = − , λ2 = λ4 = −2 λ3 = . (4.23)
16π 16 π
The constructed scalar density of the Lagrangian of the
gravitational field proper will have the form
1 µν λ σ
Lg = g̃ (Gµν Gλσ − Gλµσ Gσνλ ) −
16 π
m2 1 √ √ '
− γµν g̃ − −g − −γ . (4.24)
16 π 2
The corresponding to it dynamic equations for the gravita-
tional field proper can be written down in the form
m2 µν
Rµν − (g − g µα g νβ γαβ ) = 0. (4.26)
These equations impose significant limits on the class of gauge
transformations, retaining only the trivial ones satisfying the
Killing conditions in Minkowski space. Such transformations
are a consequence of Lorentz invariance and are present in any
The density of the Lagrangian constructed above leads to
equations (4.26) from which it follows that equations (4.20)
are their consequence, and, therefore, outside matter we shall
have ten equations for ten unknown field functions. The un-
known field functions φ0α are readily expressed with the aid of
equations (4.20) via the field functions φik , where the indices
i and k run through the values 1, 2, 3.
Thus, the structure of the mass term violating the gauge
group in the density of the Lagrangian of the gravitational
field proper is unambiguously determined by the polarization
properties of the gravitational field. The field approach to
gravity, that declares the energy-momentum tensor of
all matter to be the source of the field, necessarily
requires introduction of the graviton rest mass in the
5. Equations of motion for the
gravitational field and for matter
The total density of the Lagrangian of matter and of the grav-
itational field is
L = Lg + LM (g̃ µν , φA ), (5.1)
Here T λν = −2 δL M
is the density of the tensor of matter in
Riemannian space; ∇λ is the covariant derivative in this space
with the metric gλν . From identity (5.4) it follows that, if
the equations of motion of matter (5.3) are satisfied, then the
following equation occurs:
∇λ T λν = 0. (5.5)
When the number of equations (5.3) for matter equals four,
the equivalent equations (5.5) may be used, instead. Since we
shall further only deal with such equations for matter, we shall
always make use of the equations for matter in the form (5.5).
Thus, the complete set of equations for matter and for the
gravitational field will have the form
= 0 , (5.6)
δg̃ µν
∇λ T λν = 0. (5.7)
δLg 1 m2
= − R µν + (gµν − γµν ), (5.8)
δg̃ µν 16 π 32 π
δLM 1 1
& '
= √ Tµν − gµν T , (5.9)
δg̃ µν 2 −g 2
are taken into account, then the set of equations (5.6), (5.7)
may be represented as
m2 µν
& '
Rµν − g µν R + g + (g µα g νβ −
2 2
1 µν αβ 8 π µν
− g g ) γαβ = √ T , (5.10)
2 −g
∇λ T λν = 0. (5.11)
Owing to the Bianchi identity
1 µν
∇µ (Rµν − g R) = 0
from equations (5.10) we have
√ 1
m2 −g(g µα g νβ − g µν g αβ )∇µ γαβ = 16 π ∇µ T µν . (5.12)
Taking into account expression
∇µ γαβ = −Gσµα γσβ − Gσµβ γσα , (5.13)
where Gσµα is defined by formula (4.5), we find
1 µν αβ
(g µα g νβ − g g ) ∇µ γαβ =
= γµλ g µν (Dσ g σλ + Gβαβ g αλ ), (5.14)
but since (see formulae (B∗.20))
−g(Dσ g σλ + Gβαβ g αλ ) = Dσ g̃ λσ , (5.15)
expression (5.14) assumes the form
√ 1 µν αβ
g g ) ∇µ γαβ = γµλ g µν Dσ g̃ λσ . (5.16)
−g(g µα g νβ −
With the aid of (5.16) expression (5.12) can be represented in
the form
m2 γµλ g µν Dσ g̃ λσ = 16π ∇µ T µν .
This expression can be rewritten in the form
m2 Dσ g̃ λσ = 16 π γ λν ∇µ Tνµ . (5.17)
With the aid of this relation, equation (5.11) can be replaced
by the equation
Dσ g̃ νσ = 0. (5.18)
Therefore, the set of equations (5.10), (5.11) is reduced to the
set of gravitational equations in the form
1 m2 * µν
& '
R − g µν R + g + (g µα g νβ −
2 2
1 8 π µν
− g µν g αβ )γαβ = √ T , (5.19)
2 −g
Dµ g̃ µν = 0. (5.20)
These equations are universally covariant with respect to
arbitrary transformations of coordinates and form-invariant
only with respect to such transformations of coordinates that
leave the Minkowski metric γµν (x) form-invariant. Hence, for
instance, it follows that in any inertial (Galilean) reference sys-
tem phenomena are described by identical equations. Equa-
tions involving the graviton mass had arisen previously; how-
ever, owing to misunderstanding of the fundamental fact that
special relativity theory is also valid in non-inertial reference
systems, they were not considered seriously, since they were
not universally covariant. Usually, following A.Einstein, the
metric ηαβ = (1, −1, −1, −1) was considered to be a tensor
only with respect to the Lorentz transformations. But, actu-
ally, the metric of Minkowski space, γµν (x), is a tensor with
respect to arbitrary transformations of coordinates. The set of
equations (5.19) and (5.20) is hyperbolic. In the case of static
problems, it is elliptic. By adding the equation of state to the
set of equations (5.19) and (5.20) we obtain a complete set
of equations for determining the unknown physical quantities
gµν , 0v, ρ, p for one or another formulations of the problem.
A concrete inertial Galilean reference system is singled out
by formulation of the actual physical problem (by the initial
and boundary conditions). The descriptions of a given formu-
lated physical problem in different inertial (Galilean) reference
systems are different, naturally, but this does not contradict
the relativity principle. If one introduces the tensor
m2 µν
N µν = Rµν − [g − g µα g νβ γαβ ], N = N µν gµν ,
then the set of equations (5.19) and (5.20) can be written in
the form
1 8 π µν
N µν − g µν N = √ T , (5.19a)
2 −g
Dµ g̃ µν = 0. (5.20a)
It may also be represented in the form
8π 1
N µν = √ (T µν − g µν T ), (5.21)
−g 2
Dµ g̃ µν = 0, (5.22)
8π 1
Nµν = √ (Tµν − gµν T ), (5.21a)
−g 2
Dµ g̃ µν = 0. (5.22a)
It must be especially stressed that both sets of equations
(5.21) and (5.22) contain the metric tensor of Minkowski space.
Transformations of coordinates, which leave the metric of
Minkowski space form-invariant, relate physically equivalent
reference systems. The most simple of these are inertial refer-
ence systems. For this reason, possible gauge transformations
satisfying the Killing conditions
Dµ εν + Dν εµ = 0,
of matter is T µν (x). In another inertial reference system, in
Galilean coordinates x! satisfying the condition
x!ν = xν + %ν (x),
D µ %ν + D ν %µ = 0.
m2 !µν !
R !µν (x! ) −[g (x ) − g !µα g !νβ γαβ (x! )] =
1 !µν ! !
, +
!µν !
= 8π T (x ) − g T (x ) . (5.26)
Since equations (5.23) are form-invariant with respect to
the Lorentz transformations, we can return to the initial vari-
ables x:
m2 !µν
R !µν (x) − [g (x) − g !µα g !νβ γαβ (x)] =
1 !µν !
, +
= 8π T (x) − g T (x) (5.27)
Hence it is clear that the solution g !µν (x) does not correspond
to the distribution of matter T µν (x), but to another distribu-
tion T !µν (x). The quantity g !µν (x) in equations (5.27) is
δ- g µν = g µλ Dλ %ν + g νλ Dλ %µ − %λ Dλ g µν . (5.29)
∇µ T µν (x) = 0. (σ)
µν µ ν dxν
T (x) = ρU U , U = ,
ds is the interval in Riemannian space.
On the basis of equations (σ), using the expression for T µν ,
we find the equation for the geodesic line in Riemannian space,
dU ν
+ Γναβ (x)U α U β = 0.
When the gravitational interaction is switched off, i.e. when
the Riemann curvature tensor turns to zero, from the equa-
tions of the gravitational field (5.19) and (5.20) it follows that
the Riemannian metric gµν (x) transforms into the previously
chosen metric of Minkowski space, γµν (x). In this case the
equation of motion of matter (σ) assumes the form
Einstein A. Collection of scientific works, Moscow: Nauka, 1965,
vol.1, art.47, p.627.
Einstein A. Collection of scientific works, Moscow: Nauka, 1965,
vol.2, art.146, p.854.
J.L.Synge. Relativity: the general theory. M.:Foreign literature
publishers, 1963, p.9.
6. The causality principle in RTG
RTG was constructed within the framework of SRT, like the
theories of other physical fields. According to SRT, any motion
of a pointlike test body (including the graviton) always takes
place within the causality light cone of Minkowski space. Con-
sequently, non-inertial reference systems, realized by test bod-
ies, must also be inside the causality cone of pseudo-Euclidean
space-time. This fact determines the entire class of possible
non-inertial reference systems. Local equality between the
three-dimensional force of inertia and gravity in the case of
action on a material pointlike body will occur, if the light cone
of the effective Riemannian space does not go beyond the lim-
its of the causality light cone of Minkowski space. Only in
this case can the three-dimensional force of the gravitational
field acting on the test body be locally compensated by transi-
tion to the admissible non-inertial reference system, connected
with this body.
If the light cone of the effective Riemannian space were to
reach beyond the causality light cone of Minkowski space, this
would mean that for such a “gravitational field” no admissible
non-inertial reference system exists, within which this “force
field” could be compensated in the case of action on a material
pointlike body. In other words, local compensation of the
3-force of gravity by the force of inertia is possible only when
the gravitational field, acting as a physical field on particles,
does not lead their world lines outside the causality cone of
pseudo-Euclidean space-time. This condition should be con-
sidered the causality principle permitting selection of solutions
of the set of equations (5.19) and (5.20) having physical sense
and corresponding to the gravitational fields.
The causality principle is not satisfied automatically. There
is nothing unusual in this fact, since both in electrodynamics,
and in other physical theories, as well, the causality condi-
tion for matter in the form dσ 2 = γµν dxµ dxν ≥ 0 is always
added (but not always noted) to the main equations, which
actually provides for it being impossible for any form of mat-
ter to undergo motion with velocities exceeding the speed of
light. In our case it is necessary to take into account that
the gravitational interaction enters into the coefficients of the
second-order derivatives in the field equations, i.e. there arises
an effective geometry of space-time. This feature is only pe-
culiar to the gravitational field. The interaction of all other
known physical fields usually does not involve the second-order
derivatives of the field equations, and therefore does not alter
the initial pseudo-Euclidean geometry of space-time.
We shall now present an analytical formulation of the ca-
usality principle in RTG. Since in RTG the motion of matter
under the action of the gravitational field in pseudo-Euclidean
space-time is equivalent to the motion of matter in the corre-
sponding effective Riemannian space-time, we must for events
(world lines of particles and of light) related by causality, on
the one hand, have the condition
d s2 = gµν dxµ dxν ≥ 0, (6.1)
and, on the other hand, the following inequality must hold
valid for such events:
dσ 2 = γµν dxµ dxν ≥ 0. (6.2)
The following condition is valid for the chosen reference system
realized by physical bodies:
γ00 > 0. (6.3)
We single out in expression (6.2) the time- and spacelike parts:
γ0 i dxi
dσ = γ00 dt + √ − si k dxi dxk , (6.4)
here the Latin indices i, k run through the values 1, 2, 3;
γ0 i γ0 k
si k = − γ i k + , (6.5)
si k is the metric tensor of three-dimensional space in four-
dimensional pseudo-Euclidean space-time. The square spatial
distance is determined by the expression
si k ei ek = 1. (6.7)
γ0i dxi
γ00 dt + √ = si k dxi dxk .
Hence, we find
√ γ0i ei
& '
v= γ00 / 1 − √ . (6.8)
Thus, an arbitrary four-dimensional isotropic vector in Min-
kowski space, uν , is
uν = (1, v ei ). (6.9)
γµν uµ uν = 0 (6.10)
gµν uµ uν ≤ 0, (6.11)
hold valid, which precisely indicates that the light cone of the
effective Riemannian space does not go beyond the causality
light cone of pseudo-Euclidean space-time. The causality con-
dition may be written in the following form:
gµν v µ v ν = 0, (6.10a)
γµν v µ v ν ≥ 0. (6.11a)
effective Riemannian space, ds, the following relationship:
m2 2 2 m2
dσ = ds [4π(ρ + 3p) + − Rµν U µ U ν ],
2 2
here U µ = .
Owing to the causality principle the inequality
Rµν U µ U ν < 4π(ρ + 3p) + ,
which is a special case of inequality (6.12), or
−gRµν v µ v ν ≤ 8 πTµν v µ v ν (6.12a)
F ν = −Gραβ U α U β (δρν − U ν Uρ ),
one can say anything about absolute space and absolute mo-
tion, this is only something that can be imagined and is not
observable in experiments”. And further: “Instead of referring
a moving body to space (to some reference system), we shall
directly consider its relation to b o d i e s of the world, only
by which it is possible to d e f i n e a reference system. ...even
in the most simple case, when we apparently consider the in-
teraction between only t w o masses, it is i m p o s s i b l e
to become distracted from the rest of the world. ... If a body
revolves with respect to the sky of motionless stars, then there
arise centrifugal forces, while if it revolves round a n o t h e r
body, instead of the sky of motionless stares, no centrifugal
forces will arise. I have nothing against calling the first rev-
olution a b s o l u t e, if only one does not forget that this
signifies nothing but revolution r e l a t i v e to the sky of
motionless stars.”
Therefore Mach wrote: “...there is no necessity for relating
the Law of inertia to some special absolute space. The most
natural approach of a true naturalist is the following: first to
consider the law of inertia as quite an approximate law, then
to establish its relationship in space to the motionless sky of
stars, ...and then one should expect corrections or some devel-
opment of our knowledge on the basis of further experiments.
Not long ago Lange published a critical article, in which he
exposes how it would be possible, in accordance with his prin-
ciples, to introduce a n e w reference system, if the ordinary
rough reference to the motionless starry sky were to become no
longer suitable owing to more precise astronomical observa-
tions. There exists no difference between the opinion of Lange
and my own relative to the t h e o r e t i c a l formal value
of Lange’s conclusions, namely, that at present the motionless
starry sky is the only p r a c t i c a l l y suitable reference
system, and, also, relative to the method of defining a new
reference system by gradually introducing corrections.” [18].
Further, Mach quotes S. Neumann:“Since all motions must
be referred to the reference system alpha (the reference sys-
tem of inertia), it evidently represents an indirect relationship
between all the processes taking place in the Universe, and,
consequently, it contains, so to say, a universal law which is
just as mysterious as it is complex”. In this connection Mach
notes: “I think anyone will agree with this” [18].
From Mach’s statements it is obvious that, since the issue
concerns the law of inertia, in accordance with which, following
Newton, “...each individual body, being left to itself, retains its
state of rest or uniform motion along a straight line...”, there
naturally arises the question of inertial reference systems and
of their relations to the distribution of matter. Mach and his
contemporaries quite clearly understood that such a relation
should exist in Nature. Precisely this meaning will further be
attributed to the concept of “Mach’s principle”.
Mach wrote: “Although I think that at the beginning as-
tronomical observations will necessitate only very insignificant
corrections, I anyhow do think it possible that the law of iner-
tia in the simple form given it by Newton plays for us, human
beings, only a limited and transient role.” [18]. As we shall
further see, Mach did not turn out to be right, here. Mach did
not give a mathematical formulation of his idea, and there-
fore very often diverse authors attribute to Mach’s principle
diverse meanings. We shall try, here, to retain the meaning,
attributed to it by Mach himself.
Poincaré, and later Einstein, generalized the relativity prin-
ciple to all physical phenomena. Poincaré’s formulation [40]
goes as follows: “...the relativity principle, according to which
the laws governing physical phenomena should be identical for
an observer at rest and for an observer undergoing uniform
motion along a straight line, so we have and can have no
method for determining whether we are undergoing similar
motion or not.” Application of this principle to electromag-
netic phenomena led Poincaré, and then Minkowski, to the
discovery of the pseudo-Euclidean geometry of space-time and
thus even more reinforced the hypothesis of inertial reference
systems existing throughout the entire space. Such reference
systems are physically singled out, and therefore acceleration
relative to them has an absolute sense.
In general relativity theory (GRT) no inertial reference sys-
tems exist in all space. Einstein wrote about this in 1929:
“The starting point of theory is the assertion that there ex-
ists no singled out state of motion, i.e. not only velocity, but
acceleration has no absolute sense” 25 .
Mach’s principle, in his own formulation, turned out not
to have any use. It must, however, be noted that the ideas of
inertial reference systems throughout the space have quite a
weighty basis, since, for instance, in passing from a reference
system bound to the Earth to a reference system bound to the
Sun and, then, further to the Metagalaxy we approach, with
an increasing precision, the inertial reference system. There-
fore, there are no reasons for renouncing such an important
concept as the concept of an inertial reference system. On
the other hand, the existence of the fundamental conserva-
tion laws of energy-momentum and of angular momentum also
leads with necessity to the existence of inertial reference sys-
tems in the entire space. The pseudo-Euclidean geometry of
space reflects the general dynamic properties of matter and
at the same time introduces inertial reference systems. Al-
though the pseudo-Euclidean geometry of space-time resulted
from studies of matter, and therefore cannot be separated from
it, nevertheless, it is possible to speak of Minkowski space in
the absence of matter. However, like earlier in Newtonian me-
chanics, in special relativity theory no answer exists to the
question of how inertial reference systems are related to the
distribution of matter in the Universe.
The discovery of the pseudo-Euclidean geometry of space
and time permitted considering not only inertial, but accelera-
ted reference systems, also, from a unique standpoint. A large
difference was revealed between the forces of inertia and forces
Einstein A. Collection of scientific works, Moscow: Nauka, 1966,
vol.2, art.92, p.264.
caused by physical fields. It consists in that the forces of inertia
can always be equated to zero by choosing an appropriate ref-
erence system, while forces caused by physical fields cannot,
in principle, be made equal to zero by a choice of reference
system, since they are of a vector nature in four-dimensional
space-time. Since the gravitational field in RTG is a physical
field in the spirit of Faraday-Maxwell, forces caused by such a
field cannot be equated to zero by a choice of reference system.
Owing to the gravitational field having a rest mass, the
main equations of RTG, (5.19) and (5.20), contain, together
with the Riemannian metric, the metric tensor of Minkowski
space, also, but this means that, in principle, the metric of this
space can be expressed via the geometric characteristics of the
effective Riemannian space and, also, via quantities charac-
terizing the distribution of matter in the Universe. This is
readily done by passing in equations (5.19) from contravariant
to covariant quantities. In this way we obtain
m2 8π 1 m2
γµν (x) = √ (Tµν − gµν T ) − Rµν + gµν . (7.1)
2 −g 2 2
Hence, we see that in the right-hand side of the equations
there occur only geometric characteristics of the effective Rie-
mannian space and quantities determining the distribution of
matter in this space.
Experimental investigation of the motion of particles, and
of light, in Riemannian space, in principle, allows to find the
metric tensor of Minkowski space and, consequently, to con-
struct an inertial reference system, also. Thus, RTG con-
structed within the framework of special relativity theory per-
mits to establish the relation between an inertial reference sys-
tem and the distribution matter. For this reason, motion rel-
ative to space is motion relative to matter in the Universe.
The existence of an inertial reference system, determined by
the the distribution of matter, makes acceleration absolute.
We see that the special relativity principle is of general signif-
icance, independent of the form of matter.
The requirements of this principle in the case of the grav-
itational field are expressed by the condition that equations
(5.19) and (5.20) be form-invariant relative to the Lorentz
group. Lorentz form-invariance of physical equations remains
a most important physical principle in constructing a theory,
since precisely this principle provides the possibility of intro-
ducing universal characteristics for all forms of matter.
A. Einstein wrote in his work of 1950: “...should one not fi-
nally try to retain the concept of an inertial system, renouncing
all attempts at explaining the fundamental feature of gravita-
tional phenomena, which manifests itself in Newton’s system
as the equivalence of inert and gravitating masses?” 26. The
concept of an inertial system is retained in RTG, and at the
same time it is shown that the equivalence of inert and grav-
itating masses is a direct consequence of the hypothesis that
the conserved density of the energy-momentum tensor of mat-
ter is the source of the gravitational field. Thus, the equality
between inert and gravitating masses in no way contradicts the
existence of an inertial reference system. Moreover, these con-
ditions organically complement each other and underlie RTG.
Contrary to our conclusion, A.Einstein gave the following
answer to his own question: “Who believes in the compre-
hensibility of Nature should answer — no.” The existence of
inertial reference systems permits resolving Mach’s paradox,
since only in this case can one speak of acceleration relative
to space. V.A.Fock wrote in this connection: ¡¡As to Mach’s
paradox, it is known to be based on the consideration of a rotat-
ing liquid, having the shape of an ellipsoid, and of a spherical
body that does not rotate. The paradox arises, here, only if the
concept “rotation relative to space” is considered to be sense-
less; then, indeed, both bodies (the rotating one and the one not
rotating) are apparently equivalent, and it becomes incompre-
hensible why one of them is spherical and the other one is not.
Einstein A. Collection of scientific works, Moscow: Nauka, 1966,
vol.2, art.137, p.724.
But the paradox vanishes as soon as we acknowledge the legit-
imacy of the concept of “acceleration relative to space”¿¿ 27.
Mach’s ideas profoundly influenced Einstein’s views on gra-
vity during the construction of general relativity theory. Ein-
stein wrote in one of his works: “Mach’s principle: the G-field
is fully determined by the masses of bodies.” But this statement
turns out to be not valid in GRT, since there exist solutions
in the absence of matter, also. Attempts at eliminating this
circumstance by introduction of the λ-term did not lead to
the desired result. It turned out to be that equations with the
λ-term also have solutions differing from zero in the absence
of matter. We see that Einstein attached a totally different
meaning to the concept of “Mach’s principle”. But within
such an interpretation, also, no place was found in GRT for
Mach’s principle.
Is there any place in RTG for Mach’s principle as formu-
lated by Einstein? Unlike GRT, in this theory spacelike sur-
faces are present throughout the entire space (global Cauchy
surfaces), owing to the causality principle. And if no matter
is present on one of such surfaces, then the requirement of en-
ergodominance imposed on the tensor of matter will result in
matter always being absent [26]. It will be shown in section
10 that a gravitational field cannot arise without matter.
Only solutions of the set of inhomogeneous gravitational
equations have a physical sense, when matter exists in some
part of space or throughout the entire space. This means that
the gravitational field and the effective Riemannian space in
the actual Universe could not arise without the matter that
produced them. Solution of the equations for the metric of
effective Riemannian space in the absence of matter can, for
example, be considered a limit case of the solution obtained for
a homogeneous and isotropic distribution of matter in space,
as the density of matter tends subsequently toward zero. We
V.A.Fock. Theory of space, time and gravity. M.:Gostekhizdat,
1961, p.499.
see that Mach’s principle, even as formulated by Einstein, is
realized in relativistic theory of gravity.
There exists, however, an essential difference between the
understanding of the G-field in our theory and in GRT. Ein-
stein understood the G-field to be the Riemannian metric,
while in our opinion the gravitational field is a physical field.
Such a field is present in the Riemannian metric together with
the plane metric, and therefore the metric does not vanish in
the absence of matter and of the gravitational field, but re-
mains the metric of Minkowski space.
In the literature there also exist other formulations of Mach’s
principle, differing in meaning from the ideas of both Mach and
Einstein, but since, in our opinion, these formulations are not
sufficiently clear, we have not dealt with them. Since gravita-
tional forces in RTG are due to a physical field of the Faraday–
Maxwell type, any common unique essence of the forces of
inertia and of gravity is, in principle, out of the question.
Sometimes the essence of Mach’s principle is seen to con-
sist in that the forces of inertia are determined, allegedly in
compliance with this principle, by interaction with matter in
the Universe. From a field standpoint such a principle cannot
exist in Nature. The point is that, although inertial reference
systems, as we have seen above, are related to the distribution
of matter in the Universe, forces of inertia do not result from
the interaction with matter in the Universe, because any influ-
ence of matter can only be exerted via physical fields, but this
means that the forces produced by these fields, owing to their
vector nature, cannot be made equal to zero by a choice of ref-
erence system. Thus, forces of inertia are directly determined
not by physical fields, but by a rigorously defined structure of
geometry and by the choice of reference system.
The pseudo-Euclidean geometry of space–time, which re-
flects dynamic properties common to all forms of matter, on
the one hand confirmed the hypothetical existence of inertial
reference systems, and on the other hand revealed that forces
of inertia, arising under an appropriate choice of reference sys-
tem, are expressed via the Christoffel symbols of Minkowski
space. Therefore, they are independent of the nature of the
body. All this became clear when it was shown that special
relativity theory is applicable not only in inertial reference
systems, but also in non-inertial (accelerated) systems.
This made it possible to provide in Ref. [7] a more general
formulation of the relativity principle: “Whatever physical ref-
erence system (inertial or non-inertial we choose, it is always
possible to indicate an infinite set of such other reference sys-
tems, in which all physical phenomena proceed like in the ini-
tial reference system, so we have and can have no experimental
for determining precisely in which reference system of this in-
finite set we happen to be.” Mathematically this is expressed
as follows: consider the interval in a certain reference system
of Minkowski space to be
x!ν = f ν (x),
where the metric coefficients γµν have the same functional form
as in the initial reference system. In this case it is said that the
metric is form-invariant relative to such transformations,
and all physical equations are also form-invariant, i.e.
they have the same form both in the primed and in the not
primed reference systems. The transformations of coordinates
that leave the metric form-invariant form a group. In the case
of Galilean coordinates in an inertial reference system these
are the usual Lorentz transformations.
In RTG there exists an essential difference between the
forces of inertia and the forces of gravity consisting in that
as the distance from bodies increases, the gravitational field
becomes weaker, while the forces of inertia may become in-
definitely large, depending on the choice of reference system.
And only in an inertial reference system are they equal to zero.
Therefore, it is a mistake to consider forces of inertia insep-
arable from forces of gravity. In everyday life the difference
between them is nearly obvious.
The construction of RTG has permitted to establish the
relationship between an inertial reference system and the dis-
tribution of matter in the Universe and, thus, to understand
more profoundly the nature of forces of inertial and their differ-
ence from material forces. In our theory forces of inertia are
assigned the same role as the one they assume in any other
field theories.
8. Post-Newtonian approximation
The post-Newtonian approximation is quite sufficient for study-
ing gravitational effects in the Solar system. In this section
we shall construct this approximation. Technically, our con-
struction takes advantage of many results previously obtained
by V.A.Fock [24], and it turns out to be possible to further
simplify the method of deriving the post-Newtonian approxi-
We shall write the main equations of theory in the form
(see Appendix D)
γ̃ αβ Dα Dβ Φ̃-λ + m2 −γ Φ̃-λ = −16πg(TM-λ
+ τg-λ ), (8.1)
Dλ Φ̃-λ = 0 . (8.2)
where TM is the energy-momentum tensor of matter; τg-λ is
the energy-momentum tensor of the gravitational field.
The expression for the energy-momentum tensor of the
gravitational field can be represented in the form
1 1 1
− 16πgτg-λ = (g̃ -αg̃ λβ − g̃ -λg̃ αβ )(g̃νσ g̃τ µ − g̃τ σ g̃νµ )Dα Φ̃τ σ ×
2 2 2
× Dβ Φ̃ + g̃ g̃τ σ Dα Φ̃ Dβ Φ̃ − g̃ g̃τ σ Dα Φ̃λσ Dβ Φ̃ατ −
µν αβ -τ λσ -β
− g̃ λα g̃τ σ Dα Φ̃βσ Dβ Φ̃-τ + g̃ -λg̃τ σ Dα Φ̃σβ Dβ Φ̃ατ +
+ Dα Φ̃ Dβ Φ̃ − Φ̃ Dα Dβ Φ̃-λ −
-β λα αβ
√ √ 1
− m2 ( −gg̃ -λ − −γ Φ̃-λ + g̃ -α g̃ λβ γαβ − g̃ -λg̃ αβ γαβ ) . (8.3)
This expression is written in an arbitrary reference system in
Minkowski space. We shall further perform all computations
in the Galilean coordinates of the inertial reference system,
γµν = (1, −1, −1, −1) . (8.4)
In constructing the series of perturbation theory it is nat-
ural to apply as a small parameter such a quantity % that
v ∼ %, U ∼ %2 , Π ∼ %2 , p ∼ %2 . (8.5)
Here U is the Newtonian potential of the gravitational field;
Π is the specific internal energy of the body considered; p is
the specific pressure.
For the Solar system the parameter %2 is of the order of
%2 ∼ 10−6 . (8.6)
∂0 ρ + ∂i (ρv i ) = 0 . (8.16)
∂0 U − ∂i V i = 0 . (8.25)
approximation. Precisely this circumstance significantly sim-
plifies the method of finding the post-Newtonian approxima-
tion, when at each stage of the construction we make use of
the densities of tensor quantities.
Making use of (8.21) – (8.23) with a precision up to the
second order inclusively we obtain
√ √
−gg 00 = 1 + 4U, −gg 11 =
√ √
= −gg 22 = −gg 33 = −1 . (8.26)
Hence, we have
−g = 1 + 4U , (8.26a)
We shall now proceed to construct the next approximation
for the component of the metric tensor g00 . For this purpose we
shall find the contribution of the energy-momentum tensor of
the gravitational field. Since in expression (8.3) it is necessary
under the derivative sign to take into account only Φ̃ 00 , the
first term in (8.3) will give a contribution equal to
2(grad U)2 , (8.29)
while the second term contributes
− 16(grad U)2 . (8.30)
The contribution from all the remaining terms in this approx-
imation will be zero. Discarded are also the terms with time
derivatives of the potential U, since, owing to (8.25), they are
also all of a higher order of smallness in %. From (8.29) and
(8.30) we have
− 16πgτg00 = −14(grad U)2 . (8.31)
Hence, we have
1 U
Φ̃ = 7U 2 + 4Φ1 + 10Φ2 + 4Φ3 − ∂02 d3 x! , (8.40)
π |x − x! |
ρvi v i 3 ! #
Φ1 = − d x, , Φ2 = d3 x! ,
|x − x! | |x − x! |
Φ3 = !
d3 x! .
|x − x |
g̃ 00 = 1 + 4U + 7U 2 + 4Φ1 + 10Φ2 +
1 2 U
+ 4Φ3 − ∂0 d3 x! . (8.42)
π |x − x! |
We now have to find the determinant of g in the post-Newtonian
approximation. To this end we represent g̃ ik in the form:
g̃ ik = γ̃ ik + Φ̃ ik . (8.43)
(4) (4) (4)
Φ = Φ̃ 11 + Φ̃ 22 + Φ̃ 33 . (8.46)
Since in the considered approximation g00 g 00 = 1, from ex-
pressions (8.42) and (8.45) we obtain
g00 = 1 − 2U + U 2 − 2Φ1 − 5Φ2 −
1 1 2 U
−2Φ3 − Φ + ∂0 d3 x! . (8.47)
2 2π |x − x! |
All the remaining terms present in expression (8.3) give no
contribution in this approximation. With the aid of expression
(8.10) for the energy-momentum tensor we find
− 16πg T̃ = −16πρvi v i + 48πp .
Hence, we find
where #
Φ4 = d3 x! .
|x − x! |
Substituting expression (8.52) into (8.47) we have
The solutions (8.54) and (8.28) are calculated in an iner-
tial reference system in Galilean coordinates. The effective
Riemannian metric that arises is due to the presence of the
gravitational field, while the forces of inertia are totally ex-
cluded. It is quite obvious that these solutions retain their
functional form in the Galilean coordinates of any inertial ref-
erence system. Since all physical quantities are independent
of transformations of the time variable, then if the following
transformation is applied:
x!0 = x0 + η 0 (x), x!i = xi , (8.55)
the metric coefficients will change as follows:
g00 = g00 − 2∂0 η 0 , g0i
= g0i − ∂i η 0 , gik
= gik . (8.56)
It must be noted that transformation (8.55) does not take us
beyond the inertial reference system, since such a transfor-
mation is nothing but another choice of clock. All physically
measurable quantities are independent of this choice.
Assuming function η 0 to be
η 0 = − ∂0 ρ|x − x! |d3 x! , (8.57)
and taking into account the identity
∂i η 0 = (γik V k − Ni ),
#2 k (8.58)
ρv (xk − x!k )(xi − x!i ) 3 !
Ni = d x
|x − x! |3
upon substitution into (8.56) of expressions (8.28) for g0i and
gik and, also, of expression (8.54) for g00 , and taking into ac-
count(8.57) and (8.58), we find the metric coefficients of effec-
tive Riemannian space in the so-called ”canonical form”:
g00 = 1 − 2U + 2U 2 − 4Φ1 − 4Φ2 − 2Φ3 − 6Φ4 ,
7 1
g0i = γik V k + Ni , (8.59)
2 2
gik = γik (1 + 2U) .
These expressions coincide precisely with the formulae that
are obtained on the basis of GRT. The difference only consists
in that here they follow exactly from RTG, while for deriving
them from GRT equations it is necessary to apply additional
assumptions, that do not follow from theory, i.e. it is necessary
to go beyond the limits of GRT. But we shall specially deal
with this issue.
In the case of a static spherically symmetric body the
post-Newtonian approximation at a distance from the body
assumes, in accordance with (8.59), the form
g00 =1− +2 , g0i = 0,
r r
& ' #
gik = γik 1 + , M = ρ(x)d x.
On the basis of expressions (8.59) the post-Newtonian No-
rdtwedt–Will parameters in RTG assume the following values:
γ = 1, β = 1, α1 = α2 = α3 = ξ1 = ξ2 = ξ3 = ξ4 = ξW = 0.
mogeneous space, also, while a general relativity principle is
not possible.”
All these statements of V. A. Fock were due to his aspira-
tion to clarify the essence of GRT, freeing it of general rela-
tivity devoid of any physical meaning. However, V. A. Fock,
here, actually went beyond the limits of GRT. Precisely owing
to this fact he arrived at the striking conclusion on the vali-
dity of the relativity principle in inhomogeneous space, also.
If one remains within Riemannian space, and no other space
exists in GRT, then this assertion contradicts the correct con-
clusion made by V. A. Fock “that in general relativity theory
there, generally speaking, exists no relativity.” [25]. But to
realize his goal it is necessary to introduce the concept of a
gravitational field in Minkowski space. Where did V. A. Fock
go beyond GRT? In applying the conditions of harmonicity he
actually considered Cartesian coordinates:
∂g̃ µν
=0, (8.63)
where xµ are Cartesian coordinates. In Cartesian coordinates
γ(x) = det γµν = −1. Therefore, in accordance with the tensor
law of transformations we have
∂xµ ∂xν g̃ αβ (y)
g̃ µν (x) = · ·- . (8.64)
∂y α ∂y β −γ(y)
∂y τ ∂g̃ µν (x)
∂µ g̃ µν (x) = · . (8.65)
∂xµ ∂y τ
For further calculations we present the formulae
∂ 1 = −√
1 λ ν ∂ 2 xσ ∂y ν
γ , γ = · . (8.66)
−γ τ λ αβ ∂y α ∂y β ∂xσ
∂y τ −γ(y)
Upon substitution of (8.64) into (8.65) and taking into account
(8.66) we obtain
1 ∂xν ∂g̃ ασ (y)
∂µ g̃ µν (x) = √ · +
−γ ∂y σ ∂y α
1 ∂ 2 xν
+ √ g̃ αβ (y) α β = 0 . (8.67)
−γ ∂y ∂y
We shall write the multiplier of the second term in the form
∂ 2 xν ∂xν ∂y σ ∂ 2 xτ ∂xν σ
= · · = ·γ .
∂y α ∂y β ∂y σ ∂xτ ∂y α ∂y β ∂y σ αβ
Substituting this expression into the preceding one we find
∂xν ∂g̃ ασ (y)
$ %
µν 1 σ
∂µ g̃ (x) = √ · σ + γαβ (y)g̃ αβ (y) = 0 ,
−γ ∂y ∂y α
i.e. we have
µν 1 ∂xν
∂µ g̃ (x) = √ · σ Dµ g̃ µσ (y) = 0 . (8.68)
−γ ∂y
Thus, we have established that the density of the tensor
g̃ µσ (y) in arbitrary coordinates automatically satisfies the gen-
eral covariant equation
Dλ g̃ λσ = 0 ,
if the initial condition of harmonicity (8.63) is written in Carte-
sian coordinates. But this means that the harmonicity con-
dition is not a coordinate condition, but a field equation in
Minkowski space. Thus, application of the condition of har-
monicity in Cartesian coordinates is not an innocent opera-
tion, but it implies going beyond the framework of GRT by
introduction of Minkowski space.
The obtained equation coincides with equation (5.20) of
RTG. In RTG it follows from the least action principle. Per-
forming transformation from coordinates y to coordinates z
we obtain (see Appendix (E.12))
y λ = −γαβ
(y)g αβ (y),
where denotes the operator
$ %
1 ∂ νσ ∂
=- · ν g̃ .
−g(z) ∂z ∂z σ
and (5.17)], i.e. they follow from the least action principle, and
they therefore have universal significance. However, in GRT
similar expressions for the post-Newtonian approximation are,
nevertheless, obtained without application of the harmonici-
ty conditions in Cartesian coordinates. Why is this so? The
reason consists in that Minkowski space in Galilean coordi-
nates is once again introduced and that the gravitational field
is actually considered as a physical field in this space.
The metric of Minkowski space in Galilean coordinates is
taken as the zero order approximation for the Riemannian
metric. It is complemented with various potentials with arbi-
trary post-Newtonian parameters, each of which decreases like
0( 1r ). In this way the arbitrariness contained in GRT is dis-
carded. Substitution of the Riemannian metric gµν in this form
into the Hilbert-Einstein equation permits one to determine
the values of the post-Newtonian parameters, and we again
arrive at the same post-Newtonian approximation. Precisely
here gravity is considered to be a physical field in Minkowski
space, the behaviour of which is described by the introduced
gravitational potentials. Such a requirement imposed on the
character of the metric of Riemannian space does not follow
from GRT, since in the general case the asymptotics of the
metric is quite arbitrary and even depends on the choice of
the three-dimensional space coordinates. Therefore it is im-
possible to impose physical conditions on the metric. But if
it is effective and its arising is due to the physical field, then
the physical conditions are imposed on the metric in a natural
In RTG the gravitational equations (5.19) and (5.20) are
generally covariant, but not form-invariant with respect to ar-
bitrary transformations. They are form-invariant relative to
the Lorentz transformations. But this means that in Lorentz
coordinates, in case the solution G(x) exists for the tensor of
matter Tµν (x), there exists, in the new Lorentz coordinates x! ,
the solution G! (x! ) for the tensor of matter Tµν
(x! ), and, con-
sequently, in the coordinates x the solution G! (x) is possible
only for the tensor of matter Tµν (x).
In RTG a unique correspondence is established between the
Riemannian metric and the Minkowski metric, which permits
one to compare motion under the influence of the gravitational
field and in its absence, when calculation is performed of the
gravitational effect. When the gravitational field is switched
off in RTG the Riemann tensor turns to zero, and at the
same time transition occurs from Riemannian metric to the
Minkowski metric, previously chosen in formulating the phys-
ical problem. This is precisely what provides for the equiva-
lence principle to be satisfied in RTG.
For calculation of the gravitational effect it is necessary to
compare motion in Riemannian space with motion in absence
of the gravitational field. This is precisely how the gravita-
tional effect is determined. If in GRT one refers the set of
solutions for gµν to a certain inertial reference system, then it
is quite obvious that one will obtain a whole set of various val-
ues for the gravitational effect. Which one of them should be
chosen? Since the Hilbert-Einstein equations do not contain
the metric of Minkowski space, it is impossible to satisfy the
equivalence principle, because it is impossible to determine, in
which (inertial or non-inertial) reference system one happens
to be, when the gravitational field is switched off.
To conclude this section we note that the post-Newtonian
approximation (8.59) satisfies the causality principle (6.11).
9. On the equality of inert and
gravitational masses
Owing to the density of the energy-momentum tensor being
the source of the gravitational field, the inert and gravitational
masses were shown in section 8 to be equal. In this section we
shall show that the field approach to gravity permits obtaining
in a trivial manner the metric of effective Riemannian space in
the first approximation in the gravitational constant G. This
is especially simple to establish on the basis of equations (2.2).
In the case of a spherically symmetric static body, equations
(2.2) have the following form in the Galilean coordinates of an
inertial reference system:
∆Φ̃00 − m2 Φ̃00 = −16πt00 , (9.1)
∆Φ̃0i − m2 Φ̃0i = 0, ∆Φ̃ik − m2 Φ̃ik = 0, i, k = 1, 2, 3. (9.2)
For a static body the sole component t00 differs from zero.
From equations (9.2) we have
Φ̃0i = 0, Φ̃ik = 0 . (9.3)
Far away from the body, from equation (9.1) we find
4M −mr
Φ̃00 + e , M= t00 d3 x , (9.4)
M is the inert mass of the body, that creates the gravitational
field. In the Solar system the exponential factor can be ne-
glected, owing to the quantity mr being small.
Φ̃00 + . (9.5)
We shall now find the components of the density of the
metric tensor of effective Riemannian space, g̃ µν . On the basis
of (2.6) we have
g̃ µν = γ̃ µν + Φ̃µν , g̃ µν = −gg µν . (9.6)
Hence, taking into account (9.3) and (9.5), we obtain the fol-
lowing g̃ µν components, that differ from zero:
g̃ 00 = 1 + , g̃ 11 = g̃ 22 = g̃ 33 = −1. (9.7)
They satisfy equation (2.3) exactly. On the basis of (9.7) we
find √
−g √
g00 = 4M , g11 = g22 = g33 = − −g. (9.8)
1+ r
& '
00 11 22 33
− g = − g̃ g̃ g̃ g̃ = 1 + . (9.9)
Substituting the expressions for g into formulae (9.8) we obtain
2M 2M
& ' & '
g00 + 1 − , g11 = g22 = g33 = − 1 + . (9.10)
r r
It must be especially underlined that at the place, where
in accordance with Newton’s law of gravity there should be
an active gravitational mass, there appears the inert mass M.
Thus, the equality of the inert and active gravitational masses
is a direct consequence of the density of the energy-momentum
tensor being the source of the gravitational field. So the reason
that the inert and gravitational masses are equal is not the lo-
cal identity of the forces of inertia and of gravity (this actually
does not occur in GRT), but the universality of the conserved
source of the gravitational field, of the energy-momentum ten-
sor of matter.
The interval in effective Riemannian space has the form
2M 2M
& ' & '
ds2 = 1 − dt2 − 1 + (dx2 + dy 2 + dr 2) . (9.11)
r r
Classical effects of gravity, such as the gravitational red shift
of spectral lines, the deviation of a light ray by the Sun, the
time delay of a radiosignal, the precession of a gyroscope on
the Earth’s orbit, are fully described by this interval.
From expression (9.10) it is evident that the forces of gra-
vity are attractive, since the quantity M, being an inert mass,
is always positive. As to GRT, in accordance with this theory
it is not possible to prove the equality of inert and active grav-
itational masses. A detailed analysis of this issue is presented
in joint works performed with prof. V. I. Denisov. This cir-
cumstance is dealt with in detail in the monograph [10]. The
essence of the issue consists in that the expression for inert
mass, determined from the pseudotensor of the gravitational
field, depends on the choice of the three-dimensional coordi-
nates, which is physically inadmissible. Precisely by a simple
choice of three-dimensional space coordinates (which is always
permitted) one can show that in GRT inert mass is not equal
to active gravitational mass. Since the equality of physically
measurable quantities in GRT depends on the choice of the
three-dimensional coordinates, this means that not everything
in it is alright here, also. Sometimes the opinion is voiced
that within the framework of GRT it is possible to construct
the energy-momentum tensor of the gravitational field by sub-
stitution of covariant derivatives in Minkowski space for the
ordinary derivatives in the expression for the pseudotensor.
However, here, on the one hand, it is impossible to say with
definiteness which metric in Minkowski space must be taken
for such a substitution, and, on the other hand, in Riemannian
space no global Cartesian coordinates exist, and, consequently,
no Minkowski space, so such an approach does not remove the
essential difficulty of GRT: the absence of integral conserva-
tion laws of energy-momentum and of angular momentum for
matter and gravitational field taken together.
10. Evolution of the homogeneous
and isotropic Universe
We write the equations of RTG in the form
m2 8π 1
& '
Rµν − (gµν − γµν ) = √ Tµν − gµν T , (10.1)
2 −g 2
Dµ g̃ µν = 0 . (10.2)
For convenience we have chosen the set of units
G = h̄ = c = 1. In the final expressions we shall restore the
dependence upon these constants. The density of the energy-
momentum tensor has the form
√ ν dxν
Tµν = −g[(ρ + p)Uµ Uν − gµν p], U = . (10.3)
Here ρ is the density of matter, p is pressure, ds is the in-
terval in effective Riemannian space. For a homogeneous and
isotropic model of the Universe the interval of effective Rie-
mannian space ds has the general form
dr 2
( )
2 2
ds = U(t)dt −V (t) + r 2(dΘ2 + sin2 ΘdΦ2 ) . (10.4)
1 − kr 2
coincide with any of the scenarios based on GRT. We shall
follow [31].
All our analysis will be made in an inertial reference sys-
tem in spherical coordinates r, Θ, Φ. An interval in Minkowski
space, in this case, will have the form
dσ 2 = dt2 − dx2 − dy 2 − dz 2 =
= dt2 − dr 2 − r 2 (dΘ2 + sin2 ΘdΦ2 ) . (10.5)
1 1 1
γ22 = −r, γ33 = −r sin2 Θ, γ12
2 3
= γ13 = ,
r (10.9)
2 3
γ33 = − sin Θ cos Θ, γ23 = cot Θ .
Dµ g̃ µν = ∂µ g̃ µν + γαβ
g̃ αβ = 0 . (10.10)
Substituting (10.9) into (10.10) we obtain
$ %
=0, (10.11)
∂t U
∂ 2√
(r 1 − kr 2 ) = 2r(1 − kr 2 )−1/2 . (10.12)
From equation (10.11) it follows
V = aU 1/3 ,
k=0, (10.13)
Ui = 0 . (10.23)
dr 1
=√ .
dτ aR(τ )
Or, passing to the light frequency, we have
R(τ0 )
ω= ω0 .
R(τ )
Hence, it is obvious that the light frequency ω at the point of
emitting is not equal to the frequency of the light ω0 at the
point of observation.
Introducing the red shift parameter z
ω − ω0
z= ,
we have
R(τ0 )
z= − 1.
R(τ )
We see that the red shift is only related to variation of the
scaling factor R(τ ), in the case of such variation there exists
no motion of matter, in accordance with (10.23). Thus, the
nature of the red shift is not related to the scattering of galax-
ies, which is absent, but to variation of the gravitational field
with time, i.e. it is related to the fact that R(τ0 ) > R(τ ).
It must be especially stressed that a given inertial reference
system is singled out by Nature itself, i.e. in the considered
theory the Mach principle is satisfied automatically.
Substituting (10.20) and (10.3) into equation (10.1), with
account of (10.23), we have
1 d2 R 4πG 3p 1
& ' & '
=− ρ + 2 − 2ω 1 − 6 , (10.24)
R dτ 3 c R
$ $ %
1 dR 8πG ω 3R 6
= ρ− 6 1− + 2R . (10.25)
R dτ 3 R a
where %2
ω= . (10.26)
12 h̄
From (10.24) it is seen that for small values of the scaling
factor R there arises an initial acceleration owing to the sec-
ond term. This is precisely what “incites” the “expansion” of
the Universe. The initial acceleration appears at the moment
when the density of matter stops growing in the preceding cy-
cle. From (10.25) it follows that in the region R >> 1 the
contemporary density of matter in the Universe equals
ρ(τ ) = ρc (τ ) + , (10.27)
16πG h̄
On the other hand, if R >> 1, the expansion should stop at
Rmax , when the density (10.27) reaches its minimum value
%2 $
$ %
1 1
ρmin = 1− 6
. (10.32)
16πG h̄ Rmax
and the process starts of compression down to Rmin .
Thus, in RTG there exists no cosmological singularity, and
the presence of the graviton mass results in the evolution of
the Universe exhibiting a cyclical character. The time required
for the Universe to expand from the maximum to its minimum
density is mainly determined by the stage at which nonrela-
tivistic matter is dominant and is
2 πh̄
τmax + . (10.33)
3 mc2
From the covariant conservation law, that is a consequence of
equations (5.19), (5.20)
∇µ T̃ µν + Γναβ T̃ αβ = 0
it is possible to obtain the equation
1 dR 1 dρ
=− p . (10.34)
R dτ 3(ρ + c2
) dτ
For the stage of development of the Universe dominated by
p = ρc2
from equation (10.34) we obtain the following expression for
the radiation density ρr :
ρr (τ ) = 4 . (10.35)
R (τ )
Here A is an integration constant. At the stage of development
of the Universe, when nonrelativistic matter is dominant and
pressure can be neglected, from equation (10.34) we find
ρm (τ ) = , (10.36)
R3 (τ )
B is an integration constant.
Consider that at a certain moment of time τ0 the radiation
density ρr (τ0 ) becomes equal to the density of matter, ρm (τ0 )
A = BR(τ0 ) = BR0 .
Since at later stages of the development of the Universe matter
is dominant, we have from formula (10.36) the following:
B = ρmin · Rmax . (10.38)
ρmin R0 · Rmax
ρ + ρr = , R ≤ R0 , (10.39)
Rmax 3
& '
ρ + ρm = ρmin , R ≥ R0 . (10.40)
According to observational data (see, for example, [33]), the
present-day density of radiation (including the three sorts of
neutrinos, which we for definiteness consider massless) and the
critical density of matter, are
Rmin ≤ R ≤ R0 (10.53)
R2 √ √
τ = √ min [Z Z 2 − 1 + ln(Z + Z 2 − 1)] , (10.56)
Z = R/Rmin .
Utilizing expressions (10.50) and (10.51) we obtain
1 ρmin
√ min = √ . (10.57)
6σω 2 2ω ρmax
α >> 3 , (10.66)
we find
α # dy
τ = τ0 + - . (10.67)
2ω x y (y 3 − 1)(x31 − y 3)
(x31 + 1)x3 − 2x31
f (x) = . (10.69)
x3 (x31 − 1)
Note that
f (x0 ) + 1 −, (10.70)
2 π 2
arcsin f (x0 ) + arccos 3/2 = − 3/2 . (10.71)
x0 2 x0
Taking into account (10.71) we find
2 1 π
, +
τ = τ0 − √ 3/2
+ √ − arcsin f (x) . (10.72)
3 2ωx0 3 2ω 2
(α + 1)x3 − 2α
cos λ(τ + βτ0 ) = . (10.75)
x3 (α − 1)
√ mc2
$ %
λ = 3 2ω = , β = 1/3 . (10.76)
2 h̄
λ(τ + βτ0 )
R(τ ) = Rmax sin2/3 . (10.81)
λ(τ +βτ0 )
In the region of values 2
' 1 we have
ρm (τ ) = , (10.82)
6πG(τ + βτ0 )2
( )2/3
λ(τ + βτ0 )
R(τ ) = Rmax . (10.83)
For τ >> βτ0 formulae (10.82) and (10.83) yield for ρm (τ ) and
R(τ ) time dependencies similar to those obtained within the
Friedman model in GRT for a ”flat” Universe.
Making use of formulae (10.44), (10.45) and (10.51) one
can readily establish the following relation:
%1/12 %1/12
$ $
m (τc ) ρmax −2 ρmax
Rmax = + 3, 6 · 10 . (10.84)
ρr (τc ) 4ρ2min ρ2min
d2 R p 8πG 1
& ' & '
= −4πG ρ + 2 R+ ρR−2ω R − 5 . (10.86)
dτ c 3 R
Determining from equation
1 dR 1 dρ
=− p (10.87)
R dτ 3(ρ + c2
) dτ
7 8
the value of ρ + c2
we find
p 1 dρ
ρ+ 2
=− R . (10.88)
c 3 dR
Substituting this value into equation (10.86) we obtain
d2 R 4πG d d 1
& '
= · (ρR2 ) − ω R2 + . (10.89)
dτ 3 dR dR 2R4
Introducing the notation
4πG 2 1
& '
V =− ρR + ω R2 + , (10.90)
3 2R4
one can write equation (10.89) in the form of the Newton equa-
tion of motion
d2 R dV
= − , (10.91)
dτ 2 dR
where V plays the role of the potential. Multiplying (10.91)
by dR
we obtain
$ %2
d 1 dR
+V = 0. (10.92)
dτ 2 dτ
Hence, we have $ %2
1 dR
+V =E , (10.93)
2 dτ
where E is an intergal of motion, the analog of energy in clas-
sical mechanics. Comparing (10.93) with (10.25) and taking
into account (10.31) we obtain
4 1
Rmax = . (10.94)
8E h̄
We now write equations (5.19), (5.20) in the form
1 1 mc 2 µ
& ' &
− δνµ R +
Rνµ δν + g µα γαν −
2 2 h̄
1 µ αβ
− δν g γαβ = κTνµ , (11.1)
Dµ g̃ µν = 0 . (11.2)
Here g̃ µν = −gg µν , g = det gµν , Rνµ is the Ricci tensor,
κ = 8πG
, G is the gravitational constant, Dµ is the covariant
derivative in Minkowski space, γµν (x) is the metric tensor of
Minkowski space in arbitrary curvilinear coordinates.
Let us now determine the gravitational field created by a
spherically symmetric static source. The general form of an
interval of effective Riemannian space for such a source has
the form
ds2 = g00 dt2 + 2g01 dtdr + g11 dr 2 + g22 dΘ2 + g33 dΦ2 , (11.3)
$ %
00 1 B 1
g (r) = 1− , g 01 (r) = −
, g 11 (r) = − ,
1 1
g 22 (r) = − 2 , g 33 (r, Θ) = − 2 2 .
W W sin Θ
The determinant of the metric tensor gµν is
Dµ g̃ µν = ∂µ g̃ µν + γλσ
ν λσ
g̃ = 0 . (11.13)
In Galilean coordinates of Minkowski space they have the form
∂µ g̃ µν = 0 . (11.14)
∂i g̃ iν = 0, i = 1, 2, 3 . (11.15)
i0 BW 2 xi √ √
g̃ = − √ · 3 , −g = UV W 2 r −2 . (11.16)
UV r
Here xi are spatial Cartesian coordinates. Assuming ν = 0
in (11.15) and integrating over the spherical volume upon ap-
plication of the Gauss-Ostrogradsky theorem, we obtain the
following integral over the spherical surface:
BW 2
? ?
g̃ i0 dsi = − √ (0xd0s) = 0 . (11.17)
r 3 UV
Taking into account the equality
(0xd0s) = 4πr 3 , (11.18)
we obtain
BW 2
√ =0. (11.19)
Since equation (11.14) holds valid both within matter and
outside it, (11.19) should be valid for any value of r. But
since, owing to (11.7), U, V and W cannot be equal to zero,
then from (11.19) it follows that
B=0. (11.20)
The interval (11.3) of effective Riemannian space assumes the
B(r)dtdr . (11.22)
gµν v µ v ν = 1 . (11.25)
∇µ Tνµ = 0 , (11.26)
$ %2
1 1 dW 1 dW dU
− − +
W 2 V W 2 dr UV W dr dr
' ( )
1 mc 2 1 1 1 p
& & '
+ 1− − − 2 = −κ 2 , (11.32)
2 h̄ 2 U V W c
1 1 1 1
− W !! − U !! + W ! !
V + (U ! )2 +
VW 2UV 2W V 2 4V U 2
1 ! ! 1
+ U V − W !U ! +
4UV 2 2UV W
'2 ,
1 mc 1 1 1 p
& & '+
+ 1− + = −κ . (11.33)
2 h̄ 2 U V c2
Equation (11.13), with account of (11.12), (11.9) and (11.20),
can be reduced to the form
d U 2 √
W = 2r UV . (11.34)
dr V
We note that by virtue of the Bianchi identity and of equa-
tion (11.2) one of the equations (11.31) – (11.33) is a conse-
quence of the other ones. We shall further take equations
(11.31), (11.32) and (11.34) to be independent.
We write equation (11.26) in an expanded form
∇µ Tνµ ≡ ∂µ Tνµ + Γµαµ Tνα − Γαµν Tαµ = 0 . (11.35)
Making use of expressions (11.28) and (11.29) we obtain
1 dp ρ + cp2 dU
· =− · . (11.36)
c2 dr 2U dr
Taking into account the identity
$ %2 $ %2
1 d W dW 1 dW
7 8· = +
W 2 dW dr V dr V W2 dr
2 d2 W 1 dW d 1
& '
+ 2
+ , (11.37)
V W dr W dr dr V
equation (11.31) can be written as
'2 (
d W 1 mc
1− 82 + W 2 − r2 +
dW V dr 2 h̄
1 1
+ − = κW 2 ρ . (11.38)
2 U V
In a similar manner we transform equation (11.32):
'2 ,
W d 1 mc
1− 82 ln(UW ) + W 2 − r2−
dW 2 h̄
V dW
1 1 1 W 2p
& '+
− − = −κ . (11.39)
2 U V c2
We write equations (11.34) and (11.36) in the form
d 2 U √ dr
W = 2r UV . (11.40)
dW V dW
1 dp p 1 dU
& '
· = − ρ + · . (11.41)
c2 dW c2 2U dW
In equations (11.38) – (11.41) we pass to dimensionless
variables. Let l be the Schwarzschild radius of the source, the
mass of which equals M, then
l= . (11.42)
We introduce new variables x and z, equal to
1 1 1
& '+
+ x2 − = κ̃x2 ρ(x), (11.38a)
2 U V
d x
1 − 7 82 ln(xU) + % x2 − z 2 −
V dx dx
x2 x2 p(x)
1 1
− − = −κ̃ , (11.39a)
2 U V c2
d 2 U dz √
x = 2z UV , (11.40a)
dx V dx
1 dp p 1 dU
& '
=− ρ+ 2 . (11.41a)
c dx c 2U dx
Here % is a dimensionless constant equal to
1 2GMm
%= , κ̃ = κl2 . (11.44)
2 h̄c
The sum of and the difference between equations (11.38a)
and (11.39a) are
d x x d
2 − 7 82 − 7 82 ln(xU) +
dx V dz dz
V dx dx
& '
2 2 2
+ 2%(x − z ) = κ̃x ρ − 2 , (11.45)
d x x d
7 82 − 7 82 ln(xU) −
dx V dz V dz dx
dx dx
1 1 p
& ' & '
2 2
− %x − = −κ̃x ρ + 2 . (11.46)
U V c
We introduce the new functions A and η:
1 x
U= , V = 7 82 . (11.47)
xηA dz
A dx
d ln η p
& '
A + 2 + 2%(x2 − z 2 ) = κ̃x2 ρ − 2 . (11.48)
dx c
Equation (11.38a) is written in the form
dA x2 1 1
& '
= 1 + %(x2 − z 2 ) + % − − κ̃ · x2 ρ(x) . (11.49)
dx 2 U V
In accordance with the causality condition (see Addendum)
γµν U µ U ν = 0 , (11.50)
gµν U µ U ν ≤ 0 , (11.50a)
it is easy to establish the inequality
U ≤V . (11.51)
(λ1 and λ2 assume small fixed values), inside which the follow-
ing inequality holds valid:
1 1
( . (11.61)
In this approximation we obtain
% 2 1
A(x) = x − x1 + dx! x! . (11.62)
2x U
Substituting into this expression U in the form (11.47) we find
% 3
A(x) = x − x1 + dx! x! η(x! )A(x! ). (11.63)
Hence, we obtain
dA %
= 1 + x31 η(x)A(x). (11.65)
dx 2
In the considered approximation (11.52) equation (11.48) as-
sumes the form
d ln η
A +2=0. (11.66)
We now introduce a new function
f (x) = η(x)A(x) . (11.67)
Equation (11.65) assumes the form
= 1 + %f (x) , (11.68)
and equation (11.66) assumes the form
A df dA
· − = −2 . (11.69)
f dx dx
From equations (11.68) and (11.69) we find
(1 − %f )f
A(x) = − 7
8 . (11.70)
From expression (11.67) we obtain
2 dx
η(x) = − . (11.71)
x31 (1 − %f )
Hence, we find
B (1 − %f ) df B
d dx B
ln BB 2
B=0. (11.75)
dx B f B
B (1 − %f ) df B
dx B
= C0 > 0 . (11.76)
Taking into account that the quantities (1 − %f ) and dx
have opposite signs we find
df C0 f 2
=− . (11.77)
dx (1 − %f )
Substituting this expression into (11.70) we find
(1 − %f )2 1
A(x) = , A(x1 ) = 0 at f = . (11.78)
C0 f %
− C0 x1 λ1 ≤ C0 (x − x1 ) ≤ C0 x1 λ2 , (11.81)
From expression (11.83) we find the approximate value for C̃:
C̃ = . (11.84)
C0 x1 λ2
For negative values of f , the value |f |, determined from
the following equation, corresponds to the point x = x1 :
− + % ln %|f | − % = 0 . (11.85)
|f |
Hence, we find
a 1+a
|f | = , ln a = . (11.86)
% a
In accordance with (11.81), the following inequality should be
− C0 x1 λ1 ≤ − + % ln %|f | − % . (11.87)
|f |
Hence it is possible to find the lower boundary for |f | = D:
− C0 x1 λ1 = − + % ln %D − % . (11.88)
From expression (11.88) we find the approximate value for D:
D= . (11.89)
C0 x1 λ1
This means that the quantity |f | satisfies the inequality
|f | ≥ D = . (11.89a)
C0 x1 λ1
d2 z C0 xf + %f − 1 dz 2z
+ 2
· − =0. (11.93)
df C0 f x df C0 f 3 x
By direct substitution one can establish that the expression
x1 1
z= + [1 − %f + %f ln %|f |] (11.94)
2 C0 f
satisfies equation (11.93) with an accuracy up to the quantity
(1 − %f + ln %|f |)
% , (11.95)
C02 xf 3
that is extremely small in the vicinity of the point x1 . From
expressions (11.92) and (11.94) we find
z =x− . (11.96)
Taking this relation, as well as (11.79) and (11.72), into ac-
count we obtain
x31 C0 xf
U= , V = . (11.97)
2xf (1 − %f )2
For negative values of f the causality condition (11.51) as-
sumes the form
Here, "ω" and "b" are certain constants that are determined
from the condition that solution (11.96), (11.97) is made to
match solution (11.99), (11.100). At point x = x1 (1 + λ2 ) the
function z from (11.96) is
& '
z = x1 + λ2 , (11.101)
At the same point zs equals
( )
b x1 (1 + λ2 ) − 2ω
zs = [x1 (1 + λ2 ) − ω] 1 + ln . (11.102)
2ω x1 (1 + λ2 )
From the condition that (11.101) and (11.102) match we find
ω= , b=0. (11.103)
At point x = x1 (1 + λ2 ) the function U from (11.97) equals
U= , (11.104)
2x1 (1 + λ2 )C̃
V = C0 x1 (1 + λ1 )C̃ . (11.109)
Inequality (11.112) signifies, that the quantity (x−x1 ) = δ ' %,
i.e. 5
y - x − x1
= 2C0 · '1. (11.114)
% %
Substituting (11.113) into (11.112), and then f into (11.97),
we obtain for U and V the following expressions:
x31 [% + 2%C0 (x − x1 )]
U= ,
- (11.115)
x[% + 2%C0 (x − x1 )]
V = .
2%(x − x1 )
Hence, within the domain of variable x satisfying inequality
(11.114), we have
%x31 x
U= , V = . (11.116)
2x 2(x − x1 )
We see that the presence of the graviton mass essentially
alters the character of the solution in the region close to the
gravitational radius. At the point, where the function V , in
accordance with (11.116), has a pole, the function U differs
from zero, while in general relativity theory it equals zero. It
is precisely owing to this circumstance, that an irreversible
gravitational collapse arises in GRT, during which there ap-
pear “black holes” (objects that have no material boundaries
and that are “cut off” from the external world). In RTG “black
holes” are impossible.
If one takes into account (11.42), (11.43), (11.96) and ne-
glects the second term in (11.59), then expressions (11.116)
for U and V assume the form:
'2 GM
GMm 1 r+
U= , V = · GM , (11.117)
h̄c 2 r− c2
which coincides with the formulae of [2]. We note that the
residue at the pole of function V at % -= 0 equals GM c2
, while
at % = 0 it equals c2 . This is so, because, when % = 0, the
pole of function V at point x = x1 is due to function f , which
at this point has a pole, while, if % -= 0, it is due to function
(1 − %f ), which, in accordance with (11.92), turns to zero at
the point x = x1 .
We shall now compare the character of motion of test bod-
ies in effective Riemannian space with the metric (11.117) and
with the Schwarzschild metric. We write the interval (11.21)
of Riemannian space in the form
Here Ṽ is $ %2
Ṽ (W ) = V . (11.119)
The motion of a test body proceeds along a geodesic line of
Riemannian space
dv µ
+ Γµαβ v α v β = 0 , (11.120)
vµ = , (11.121)
the velocity four-vector v µ satisfies the condition
gµν v µ v ν = 1 . (11.122)
vΘ = vΦ = 0 . (11.123)
2GM W0 − 2GM c2
W0 − W + ln = c(t − t0 ) . (11.141)
c2 W − 2GM
2GM W0 − 2GM c2
c(t − t0 ) = W0 − W1 (1 + λ2 ) + ln . (11.142)
c2 λ2 2GM
dW x3
= −c 1 (1 − %f ). (11.143)
dt 2xf
Hence, upon integration and a change of variable, we obtain
2MG xdf
= c(t1 − t) . (11.144)
c2 f
In accordance with (11.84) and (11.108) the lower integration
limit is
f = C̃ = 1 . (11.145)
The integral (11.144) is readily calculated and with a good
accuracy leads to the following relation:
2GM 2λ2
c(t1 − t) = W1 λ2 + ln . (11.146)
c2 %
On the basis of (11.142) and (11.146), the time required
for a light signal to cover the distance between the points W0
and W1 = 2GM c2
, is equal to the sum of expressions (11.142)
and (11.146),
2GM W0 − 2GM c2
c(t1 − t0 ) = W0 − W1 + ln . (11.147)
c2 % GM
c 2
stage of evolution (when nuclear resources are exhausted), will
be accompanied by a great release of energy, owing to mat-
ter falling onto the surface of the body. According to RTG,
gravitational absorption of light is impossible. In GRT, when
spherically symmetric accretion of matter onto a “black hole”
takes place, the energy release is quite low, since the falling
matter brings energy into the “black hole”. Gravitational ab-
sorption of light takes place. Gravitational self-closure of the
object occurs. Observational data on such objects could pro-
vide the answer, as to what happens with stars of large mass
at their final stage of evolution, when all nuclear resources are
vi = , v i = vei , (xi = r, Θ, Φ) . (3)
ei represents the unit vector with respect to the metric of the
spatial part of Minkowski space
κik ei ek = 1 . (4)
In case (1)
κik = −γik . (6)
Condition (4) for metric (1) has the form
γµν v µ v ν = 0 . (9)
Substituting (8) into (9) and taking into account (7) we find
v=1. (10)
v µ = (1, ei ) . (11)
W2 W2
$ %
U − 2 − V − 2 (e1 )2 ≤ 0 . (14)
r r
V − ≥0. (15)
Owing to arbitrariness, 0 ≤ (e1 )2 ≤ 1, inequality (14) will be
satisfied only if
U− 2 ≤0. (16)
From inequalities (15) and (16) follows
U ≤V . (17)
$ %
U −V − −V (1 − (e1 )2 ) ≤ 0 . (19)
U ≤V . (20)
In GRT the situation is quite different. The GRT equa-
tions outside matter are form-invariant relative to arbitrary
transformations of coordinates, and therefore, if for the distri-
bution of matter Tµν (x) the solution we have is gµν (x), then by
transforming coordinates, so that in the region of matter they
coincide with the initial ones, and outside matter differ from
them, our solution in the new coordinates will have the form
gµν (x! ). Owing to the equations being form-invariant outside
matter, we can go back to the initial variables x, and, conse-
quently, obtain a new solution gµν (x) for the same distribution
of matter, Tµν (x). To these two metrics (any amount of met-
rics can be constructed) there correspond differing intervals:
ds22 = gµν
(x)dxµ dxν .
Which interval must be chosen? The point is that the
geodesic lines of these intervals differ from each other. In this
connection, attempts are made to identify the gravitational
field in GRT with the class of equivalent diffeomorphic metrics
gµν (x), gµν (x)..., obtained with the aid of transformations of
coordinates. From the point of view of mathematics this is
obvious, but what about the physical interpretation?
Thus, there exists a fundamental difference between the
conclusions in RTG and GRT, and its essence consists in that
the RTG equations are not form-invariant with respect to ar-
bitrary coordinate transformations, while the GRT equations
outside matter are form-invariant relative to such transforma-
tions. The RTG equations are only form-invariant relative to
such transformations of coordinates that leave the Minkowski
metric γµν (x) form-invariant. Hence, for example, follows the
form-invariance of equations with respect to the Lorentz trans-
The issue of the multiplicity of solutions gµν (x), gµν (x)...
worried A. Einstein seriously, and he discussed this issue in
detail in 1913–1914 in four articles [29] and arrived at the
conclusion that the choice of coordinate reference systems is
limited, since he considered that from the universal covari-
ance for one and the same distribution of matter Tµν (x) there
arises a whole set of metrics, which is physically inadmissible.
However, the main reason for ambiguity is not related to the
general covariance, it is related to the form-invariance of GRT
equations outside matter with respect to arbitrary transfor-
mations of coordinates. To remove this ambiguity, there is no
need to renounce general covariance, since it is not the cause,
but it is necessary to restrict the form-invariance of equations
in accordance with the relativity principle. Precisely this is
done in RTG on the basis of the field approach. A simple ex-
ample from electrodynamics can be presented. Assume that
for a current jµ (x) we have the solution Aµ (x). Upon perform-
ing transformations to the new variables x! coinciding with the
initial variables x in the region of the distribution of current
jµ (x) and differing from them in the region outside the cur-
rent, our solution assumes the form A!µ (x! ). But it is absolutely
obvious that A!µ (x) will not be a solution of the equations of
electrodynamics in the coordinates x, since the equations of
electrodynamics are not form-invariant with respect to arbi-
trary transformations of coordinates.
This means that in electrodynamics for one and the same
distribution of current jµ (x) in identical conditions there ex-
ists only one distribution of the electromagnetic field E, 0 H.
If in GRT the distribution of matter, determined by the ten-
sors Tµν (x) and Tµν (x! ), is the same in two arbitrary reference
systems, then the GRT equations being form-invariant out-
side matter, we can, in identical conditions, for example, have
identical metric coefficients gµν (x) and gµν (x! ). Precisely this
circumstance permitted A. Einstein to put forward the gen-
eral relativity principle for all physical processes. However,
the requirement that the metric coefficients be identical re-
sults in a strong restriction being imposed on the structure of
Riemannian space, it turns out to be a space with constant
Since Riemannian space in GRT does not have this prop-
erty, in the general case, then the general relativity principle,
as a physical principle, is not realized in Nature. This also
follows from the equations of electrodynamics, for example,
not being form-invariant with respect to arbitrary transfor-
mations of coordinates. The relativity principle, as a physical
principle, is not related to universal covariance, but to the
form-invariance of equations and of the metric relative to the
transformations of coordinates. V.A. Fock was right, when he
wrote: “a general relativity principle, as a physical principle,
that could be valid with respect to arbitrary reference systems,
is not possible” [25]. In GRT for one and the same distribu-
tion of matter Tµν (x) there exists a whole range of solutions of
the GRT equations for the metric coefficients gµν (x), gµν (x), ...
Outside matter the geodesic lines for these solutions will be
The issue of the multiplicity of metrics in GRT in one coor-
dinate system was widely discussed in 1921-1922 by P.Painlevé,
M.Chazy, J.Becquerel, A.Gullstrand, E.Kretschmann. The
essence of the polemic actually reduced to the question: with
which radial variable in the GRT equations is it necessary to
identify the astronomically determined distance between the
Sun and a planet? It must be noted that this arbitrariness
in the first order in the gravitational constant does not in-
fluence certain gravitational effects: the deflection of a light
ray, the shift of the perihelion of Mercury, the precession of a
gyroscope. However, it does, already in the first order in G,
influence the delay effect of a radiosignal.
Thus, depending on the choice of solutions in the Schwarz-
schild form or in harmonic coordinates we will obtain different
values for the delay time. We will further see that there exists
no such arbitrariness in RTG, and that effects are determined
The reason for the multiplicity of metrics is not general
covariance, but the form-invariance of equations with respect
to arbitrary transformations of coordinates. There exists no
such ambiguity in RTG, since the metric gµν (x) is unambigu-
ously determined by the distribution of matter Tµν (x). In
section 11 it was shown that since the radius of a static spher-
ically symmetric body exceeds the Schwarzschild radius, then
the external solution of RTG equations in an inertial reference
system in spherical coordinates in the region (11.53) has the
r − MG r + MG 2
ds2 = (dx0 )2 − (dr )−
r + MG r − MG
−(r + MG)2 [(dθ)2 + sin2 Θ(dϕ)2]. (α)
Precisely such a solution in the post-Newtonian approxima-
tion yields expressions for the metric coefficients of effective
Riemannian space that coincide with the previously obtained
formulae (8.59a) applied for explanation of gravitational ef-
fects in the Solar system.
An essential point is that, when the gravitational field is
switched off (for instance, the body is removed), we necessarily
turn out to be in Minkowski space in an inertial reference
system with the metric
In calculating gravitational effects in the Solar system we
have to calculate the trajectory of motion in effective Rieman-
nian space, that is determined by the interval ds, and to com-
pare it with the corresponding trajectory determined by the
interval dσ. The metric of Minkowski space is present in the
RTG equations. This is precisely how the deflection angle of a
light ray and the delay time of a radiosignal, due to the influ-
ence of the gravitational field of the Sun, are determined. As
to calculating the shift in the perihelion of a planet, here it is
necessary to compare the trajectory of motion of a test body
around the Sun calculated within RTG with the trajectory
obtained from Newton’s theory of gravity. Precisely in these
calculations there exists a difference between the RTG and
GRT conclusions, since within GRT one cannot say in which
reference system (inertial or non-inertial) of Minkowski space
one happens to be, when the gravitational field is switched
off. For calculating the gravitational effect it is necessary to
compare in one coordinate system the motion along a geodesic
line in Riemannian space with motion along the geodesic line
in Minkowski space with gravity switched off. But to this end
it is necessary to know exactly both the metric gµν (x) and the
metric γµν (x).
However, in GRT, owing to the multiplicity of so-
lutions both for gµν (x) and for γµν (x) we cannot with
definiteness say which Riemannian metric gµν (x) it is
necessary to take for the chosen metric γµν (x) in order
to find the geodesic lines in Riemannian space and
in Minkowski space. This is actually the essence of
the ambiguity in predictions of gravitational effects in
GRT. Sometimes errors are avoided in GRT by considering
the initial reference system to be an inertial reference sys-
tem in Cartesian coordinates (but no such coordinates exist in
GRT) and then dealing with a weak gravitational field against
this background. No such difficulty exists in RTG, since for
the chosen metric γµν (x), with the aid of equations (5.19) and
(5.20), under appropriate conditions, the metric gµν (x) of ef-
fective Riemannian space is determined unambiguously, which
permits to determine unambiguously the gravitational effect.
In calculations of effects in the gravitational field of the
Sun one usually takes as the idealized model of the Sun a
static spherically symmetric body of radius R& . The general
form of the metric of Riemannian space in an inertial reference
system in spherical coordinates is
U µ ∇ν (ρU ν ) + ρU ν ∇ν U µ = 0. (12.4)
Multiplying this equation by Uµ and taking into account
Uµ U µ = 1 we obtain
∇ν (ρU ν ) + ρU ν Uµ ∇ν U µ = 0. (12.4a)
∇ν (Uµ U µ ) = 2Uµ ∇ν U µ = 0.
from equation (12.4a) we have
∇ν (ρU ν ) = 0. (12.5)
U ν ∇ν U µ = 0. (12.6)
∂U µ ν
( )
µ σ dx
+ Γνσ U = 0. (12.7)
∂xν ds
dU µ dxµ
+ Γµνσ U ν U σ = 0, U µ = . (12.9)
ds ds
The equation of motion of a test body, (12.9), is an equa-
tion of geodesic lines in the space with the metric gµν . The
Christoffel symbols are determined by the formula
Γµνσ = g µλ (∂ν gσλ + ∂σ gνλ − ∂λ gνσ ). (12.10)
On the basis of (12.1) and (12.10) it is easy to obtain the
Christoffel symbols of interest to us:
1 dW
Γ212 = , Γ233 = − sin Θ cos Θ,
W dr
1 dW 1 dU
Γ313 = , Γ323 = cot Θ, Γ001 = .
W dr 2U dr
Of the four equations (12.9) only three are independent,
since the following relation is valid:
gµν U µ U ν = 1. (12.12)
At the point of the light ray’s trajectory (see the figure) closest
to the Sun
dr BB
B = 0. (12.26)
dϕ r0
r l
W 2 (r0 ) W2
J2 = = 0. (12.27)
U(r0 ) U0
Integrating (12.25) we obtain
ϕ(r) = ϕ(∞) + dr . (12.28)
7 8
W 2 U0
r W2 W02 U
Performing a change of variables, r = 1t , we obtain
# 0
I= 6 7 82 7 82 . (12.34)
2M G 2M G
0 r0−2 1− r0
− t− r02
we find
π 2MG
+ I= . (12.35)
2 r0
On the basis of (12.29) we obtain
4M& G
∆ϕ = , (12.36)
c2 r0
taking into account
M& G
= 1, 475 · 105 cm, R& G = 6, 95 · 1010 cm, (12.37)
we find
R& " " 4M& G
∆ϕ = , = 2
= 1, 75!!. (12.38)
r0 & & R& c
Thus, the deflection of a light ray by the gravitational field
of the Sun is equal to
∆ϕ = 1, 75!! · . (12.39)
In calculating the deflection angle of a light ray we took into ac-
count that in the absence of a field in an inertial reference sys-
tem, a light ray travels, by virtue of the metric (12.1a), along
a straight line l. Precisely the deviation from this straight line
is the gravitational effect.
12.2. The delay of a radiosignal
I.I. Shapiro [43] proposed and implemented an experiment for
measurement of the time required for a radiosignal to reach the
planet Mercury and, upon reflection, to return to the Earth.
We shall calculate this time on the basis of RTG equations.
We shall pass from the independent variable ϕ to the in-
dependent variable x0 . To this end, making use of (12.22) and
(12.24), we shall obtain
J 2U 2 2
(dϕ) = 4
(dx0 )2 . (12.40)
With the aid of (12.40), equation (12.23) assumes the form
ct(r, r0 ) = dr 7 . (12.41)
r0 1− W2
· U0
we obtain
- r+ r 2 − r02
ct(r, r0 ) = r2 − r02 + 2MG ln +
r − r0
+2MG . (12.44)
r + r0
Let re , rp be the heliocentric coordinates of the Earth and
of Mercury. Since re , rp >> r0 , then in the summands of
expressions (12.44), that contain the gravitational constant,
the influence of r0 present under the square root sign can be
neglected, which will result in
- -
ct(rp , re ) = re2 − r02 + rp2 − r02 +
2MG 4re rp 4MG
+ 2 ln 2 + 2 . (12.45)
c r0 c
We shall drop a perpendicular r⊥ from the center of the source
of the gravitational field onto the straight line connecting points
re and rp . Then, according to Pythagoras’ theorem, we have
re2 = Re2 + r⊥
, rp2 = Rp2 + r⊥
. (12.46)
possible, in our case, to select arbitrary functions B(r) and
W (r) so as to provide for Newton’s law of gravity to be sat-
isfied, and for the post-Newtonian approximation to have the
form (8.59a). However, such a choice in GRT is, regrettably,
arbitrary, since it is not imposed by any physical conditions.
It is not possible to formulate physical requirements to be im-
posed on the behaviour of Riemannian metric, if it is not of
a field origin, because such behaviour even depends on the
choice of three-dimensional space coordinates. V.A. Fock re-
solved the issue of the choice of coordinates for island systems,
with the aid of the harmonicity conditions. But why precisely
they have to be chosen, instead of some other ones, remained
Now, let us go back to the analysis of a concrete example
demonstrating the ambiguity of GRT in calculations of the
gravitational delay effect of a radiosignal traveling from the
Earth to Mercury and back. The predictions of theory depend
on the choice of solution. For simplicity we shall advantage of
the simplest partial case
Thus, GRT cannot, in principle, provide definite predic-
tions on gravitational effects, which is still another of its fun-
damental defects. Certain attempts to relate the gravitational
field in GRT to the equivalence class of diffeomorphic met-
rics do not remove this ambiguity, since they do not discard
the fundamental defect of GRT — the form-invariance of the
Hilbert–Einstein equations outside matter with respect to ar-
bitrary transformations of coordinates 33 . Precisely this cir-
cumstance results in the entire set of diffeomorphic metrics
arising within one coordinate system for one and the same
distribution of matter, while this, according to the Weyl–
Lorentz–Petrov theorem (see end of section 14), leads to dif-
ferent geodesic lines in identical conditions of the problem,
which is physically inadmissible. The essence of the is-
sue does not consist in the general covariance, which
must always exist, but in whether the form-invariance
of physical equations relative to arbitrary transforma-
tions of coordinates is admissible?
Since reference systems are not equivalent in the presence
of forces of inertia, no sense whatsoever can be attributed to
the form-invariance of physical equations with respect to ar-
bitrary transformations of coordinates. General covariance is
a mathematical requirement, while form-invariance has a pro-
found physical content. Actually, in all physical theories the
form-invariance of equations and of metrics holds valid rel-
ative to the Lorentz transformations — precisely this is the
essence of the relativity principle.
The non-equivalence of various reference systems is espe-
cially evident, if one considers pseudo-Euclidean geometry,
See, for instance: J.Stachel. Conference “Jena-1980”, 1981 (DDR).
for which the curvature tensor is zero. From the equality of
the curvature tensor to zero it is possible, by virtue of form-
invariance, to obtain a set of solutions for the metric tensor in
one and the same coordinate system. But it is quite obvious
that they are physically not equivalent, since some of them are
inertial reference systems, while others are non-inertial refer-
ence systems. All the above, involving significant complica-
tions, also takes place in the case of Riemannian geometry.
It is important to stress once more that in GRT,
owing to the equations being, outside the distribu-
tion of matter, form-invariant relative to arbitrary
transformations of coordinates, there arises a situa-
tion when for one and the same distribution of matter
there exists, in one and the same coordinate system,
an indefinite amount of metrics. No such situation ex-
ists in any other physical theory, since form-invariance within
them is admissible only with respect to transformations of co-
ordinates leaving the metric γµν (x) form-invariant. From this
fact, for example, the form-invariance of equations relative to
the Lorentz transformations follows.
lion dϕ
= 0, from equation (12.23) we obtain
1 1 E
− 2 = − 2,
W (r+ ) J U(r+ ) J
1 1 E
− 2 = − 2.
W (r− ) J U(r− ) J
Hence, we find
1 1
2 U+
− U−
J = 1 1 . (12.54)
W+ 2 − W− 2
ϕ(W ) = ϕ(W− ) +
#W D E−1/2
W−2 [U −1 (W ) − U−−1 ] − W+2 [U −1 (W ) − U+−1 ]
+ ×
W−2 W+2 [U+−1 − U−−1 ]
V dW
× . (12.59)
On the basis of (12.31) we have for function U −1 (W ) in the
second order in the gravitational constant G the following:
2GM (2GM)2
U −1 (W ) = 1 + + . (12.60)
W W2
We must take into account the second order in U −1 (W ), since,
if we only consider the first order in G, then the expression
under the root sign in figure brackets will be independent of
the gravitational constant. But this means that in calculations
this circumstance results in our losing the term containing G
in the first order. We will have taken into account only the
term of the first order in G entering into function V . For the
metric coefficient of V it suffices to take into account only the
first order in G,
V (W ) = 1 + . (12.61)
In the approximation (12.60) the numerator of the expres-
sion under the root sign in the figure brackets of (12.59) is a
quadratic function of the variable W1 of the following form:
( $ %
1 1 1 1
2GMW− W+ (W+ − W− ) 2
− + +
W W W− W+
+ = 2GMW− W+ (W+ − W− ) ×
W− W+
$ %$ %
1 1 1 1
× − − . (12.62)
W W− W W+
The denominator of the expression under the root sign in
(12.59) is
δϕ = 2|ϕ(W+ ) − ϕ(W− )| − 2π =
$ %
1 1 1
= 6πGM + , (12.71)
2 W+ W−
r± = (1 ± e)a. (12.73)
L = (1 − e2 )a. (12.75)
δϕ = . (12.77)
c2 (1
− e2 )a
δϕ = 0.1037!!. (12.79)
∆ϕ = 43.03!! . (12.80)
an uncertainty in the determination of the precession velocity
of approximately 0, 4!! per century.
To conclude this section we shall write equation (12.23) in
the variables u = W1 , W = r + GM.
du 1 E
+ − 2 + 2 = 0. (12.81)
dϕ V J UV J V
d2 u EGM 3GM
+ u = 2 2 + 2 u2 . (12.83)
dϕ J c c
Here, we have restored the dependence upon the velocity of
light. This equation differs from the equation obtained on
the basis of Newton’s theory of gravity by an additional term
3GM 2
u . As we see, this term is relativistic. Precisely this term
leads to a shift in a planet’s perihelion.
Expressing the integrals of motion E and J 2 in terms of
the eccentricity and the superior semiaxis in the nonrelativistic
approximation, we have
2 2
= . (12.84)
cJ a(1 − %2 )
d2 σ 1 1
+ σ = , σ = . (12.85)
dϕ2 a(1 − %2 ) r
Precisely such an expression is found in classical mechanics,
if the initial Newton equations are referred to an inertial re-
ference system. In our calculation this is natural, since the
initial RTG equations are also written in an inertial reference
Comparing the motion complying with (12.83) with the
motion (12.85), we precisely determine the shift effect of the
perihelion for a single revolution of the body about the Sun. In
calculating the shift of Mercury’s perihelion and the deflection
of a light ray by the Sun, A. Einstein intuitively considered
gravity to be a weak physical field against the background of
Minkowski space. Precisely such an approach brought him to
the well-known formulae for these gravitational effects. Howe-
ver, these formulae are not unambiguous consequences of the
GRT equations. In deriving them A. Einstein rather followed
his physical intuition, than the logic of his theory. However,
upon finding these effects in 1915 he anyhow noted: “Con-
sider a material point (the Sun) at the origin of the reference
system. The gravitational field created by this material point
can be calculated from equations by successive approximations.
However, it can be assumed that for a given mass of the Sun,
gµν are not quite fully determined by equations (1) and (3).
(Here the equations Rµν = 0, given the restriction |gµν | = −1,
are intended. – A.L.) This follows from these equations being
covariant with respect to any transformations with a determi-
nant 1. Nevertheless, we, most likely, are justified in assuming
that by such transformations all these solutions can transform
into each other and that, consequently, (for given boundary
conditions) they differ from each other only formally, but not
physically. Following this conviction, I shall first restrict my-
self, here, to obtaining one of the solutions, without going into
the issue of whether it is the sole possible solution” 34 .
Later the issue of other possible external solutions arose
in the twenties, when the French mathematician P. Painlevé
criticized A. Einstein’s results. Following P. Painlevé, we shall
consider this issue from the point of view of the exact external
solution (12.31a) of the GRT equations for a static spherically
symmetric body.
In GRT, calculation of the shift of Mercury’s perihelion on
the basis of the exact external solution (12.31a), for a choice
of the arbitrary functions B(r) and W (r) in the simplest form
$ %)
+ 1+ . (12.72a)
2L 18
This expression is presented in monograph [10], therein, also,
references to original articles can be found. From formula
(12.72a) it can be seen that in GRT, also, ambiguity exists
in predicting the shift effect of Mercury’s perihelion, but it
manifests itself in the second order in G, instead of the first,
and therefore is beyond the accuracy limits of modern observa-
tional data, if one is restricted to small values of the arbitrary
parameter λ. However, from the point of view of principle it
is seen that the ambiguity is also present in the case of such
Einstein A. Collection of scientific works, Moscow: Nauka, 1965,
vol.1, art.36, p.440.
a choice of λ, when Newton’s law of gravity holds valid. But
from GRT it does not follow that the parameter λ should be
small. Since in the solution (12.31a) the arbitrary functions
B(r) and W (r) are not determined in GRT, therefore for a
chosen partial case the parameter λ can assume any values.
If it is chosen sufficiently large, so that the second term in
the brackets in expression (12.72a) is of the order of 10−1 , we
would arrive at a contradiction both with observational data
on the shift of Mercury’s perihelion and with Newton’s univer-
sal law of gravity. But this means, owing to the arbitrariness
of λ, that Newton’s law is not the only possible consequence
of GRT. If it were unknown to us, then from GRT, as a theo-
retical scheme, we would never obtain neither it, nor any cor-
rections to it. The maximum, that we could establish, would
be the asymptotics at infinity. All this reveals that al-
though GRT happened to be an important landmark
in gravity after the works of I. Newton, it neverthe-
less turned out to be an incomplete scheme, from the
point of view of both its physical aspects and its main
equations, applied for explaining and predicting grav-
itational phenomena.
After the sharp criticism of GRT (in the twenties) by
P. Painlevé and A. Gullstrand concerning the ambiguity in
determining gravitational effects, V.A. Fock (in the thirties)
clearly understood the essence of GRT and its not complete
definiteness. While studying island systems in the distribution
of matter in GRT, V.A. Fock added to the Hilbert–Einstein
equations harmonic coordinate conditions (actually, certain
equations were taken in Galilean coordinates of Minkowski
space, and thus departure beyond the limits of GRT was per-
formed) and obtained a complete set of gravitational equa-
tions. In RTG, in studying island systems of the distribution
of matter precisely such a set of equations arises in an iner-
tial reference system (in Galilean coordinates) from the least
action principle. Thus, it becomes clear, why the harmonic
conditions in Galilean (Cartesian) coordinates are universal
In studying island systems, A. Einstein and L. Infeld ap-
plied other coordinate conditions, however, in the post-Newto-
nian approximation they are close to the harmonic conditions,
and therefore within this approximation they yield the same
result. Thus, V.A. Fock’s theory of gravity permitted to un-
ambiguously determine all the effects in the Solar system. But
his approach was not consistent.
The RTG way consists in total renunciation of
A. Einstein’s ideas on inertia and gravity and return-
ing to the physical gravitational field in the spirit of
Faraday–Maxwell, exact conservation of special rela-
tivity theory, proclaiming a universal conserved quan-
tity — the energy-momentum tensor of all matter, in-
cluding the gravitational field, the source of the gravi-
tational field. Precisely such an approach leads to a new set
of equations of the theory of gravity, removes the fundamental
difficulties of GRT, discards ambiguity in the determination of
gravitational effects, predicts an another (unlike GRT) devel-
opment of the collapse and of the Universe, and at the same
time retains what is most valuable in GRT: the tensor charac-
ter of gravity and Riemannian space. But now it already stops
being the starting point and fundamental, but becomes only
effective, that arises because the energy-momentum tensor of
all matter, including the gravitational field, is the source of
the gravitational field.
All this is reflected in the complete set of gravitational
equations (5.19) and (5.20), that differ from the GRT equa-
tions. The effective Riemannian space, that arises in RTG
owing to the influence of the gravitational field, only has a
simple topology. This means that, in principle, no “miracles”,
that are possible in GRT owing to the complex topology of
Riemannian space, can take place in RTG.
Sµ U µ = 0, U µ = . (12.87)
From equality (12.87) we obtain
1 dxi
S0 = − Si v i , v i = . (12.88)
c dt
Equation (12.86) for µ = i assumes the form
dSi 1
= cΓji0 Sj − Γ0i0 v j Sj + Γjik v k Sj − Γ0ik v j Sj . (12.89)
dt c
For a static spherically symmetric source of the gravita-
tional field in the linear approximation in the gravitational
constant we have
g00 = 1+2Φ, g11 = g22 = g33 = 1−2Φ, Φ = − 2 . (12.90)
c r
Applying these expressions we calculate the Christoffel sym-
Γji0 = 0, Γ0ik = 0, Γ0i0 = i ,
j ∂Φ ∂Φ ∂Φ
Γik = k δij − i δjk + j δik .
∂x ∂x ∂x
Substituting these expressions into equation (12.89) we obtain
dS 0
= −2(0v S)∇Φ − (0v ∇Φ)S0 + (S∇Φ)0
0 v. (12.92)
The following expression will be the integral of motion of this
J02 = S
0 2 + 2ΦS0 2 − (0v S)
0 2. (12.93)
This is readily verified by differentiating it with respect to
dJ0 0
0 dS + 4ΦS
0 dS +
2J0 = 2S
dt dt dt
0 (S∇Φ)
+2(0v S) 0 + 0v . (12.94)
Retaining the principal terms in this expression, we have
dJ0 0
0 dS + 2(0v S)(
2J0 = 2S 0 S∇Φ).
0 (12.95)
dt dt
0 and retaining the principal
Multiplying equation (12.92) by S
terms, we obtain
0 dS = −(0v S)(
S 0 S∇Φ).
0 (12.96)
Substituting this expression into (12.95) we find
J0 = 0. (12.97)
Thus, we have established that expression (12.93) is an
integral of motion of equation (12.92). On the basis of (12.93)
0 Within the limits of
it is possible to construct the vector J.
accuracy it has the form
0 − 1 0v (0vS).
J0 = (1 + Φ)S 0 (12.98)
Differentiating (12.98) with respect to time, within the limits
of our accuracy, we obtain
dJ0 0 J],
0 Ω0 = − 3 [0v , ∇Φ].
= [Ω, (12.99)
dt 2
0 while remaining the same in absolute value,
The vector J,
undergoes precession with a velocity |Ω|0 about the direction
0 At present such an experiment is at the stage
of vector Ω.
of preparation. The precession of a gyroscope, determined by
formula (12.99), shows that a reference system, connected with
a gyroscope undergoing free motion, is not inertial. From the
point of view of RTG this is obvious, since the motion of a
gyroscope in the gravitational field represents an accelerated
motion with respect to the inertial reference system related to
distant stars. Precisely for this reason, the reference system
connected with the gyroscope will be non-inertial, which is
what causes precession of the gyroscope. In GRT a reference
system connected with a gyroscope, undergoing free motion,
is considered inertial. But then it is absolutely unclear, why
this inertial reference system rotates with an angular velocity
0 relative to distant stars.
of |Ω|
But, since the time (dt)e = (dt)p , from formulae (12.100) and
(12.101) we obtain
(dτ )e 3 (g00 )e
=4 . (12.102)
(dτ )p (g00 )p
Thus, the proper time interval, during which the source
emits the signal, is not equal to the proper time interval, dur-
ing which the signal is received, since the gravitational field
differs from point e to p.
If we pass to the light frequency ω, then we obtain
ωe 3 (g00 )p
=4 . (12.103)
ωp (g00 )e
= Ue − Up . (12.107)
If the source (for example, an atom) is in a strong gravi-
tational field, and the receiver is in a weaker field, then a red
shift is observed, and the quantity δω/ω will be positive.
13. Some other physical conclusions
of RTG
jects without material boundaries that are “cut off” from the
external world) to be impossible and predicts the existence in
the Universe of a large hidden mass of “dark” matter. From
the theory it follows that there was no Big Bang, while some
time in the past (about ten-fifteen billion years ago) there ex-
isted a state of high density and temperature, and the so-called
“expansion” of the Universe, observed by the red shift, is not
related to the relative motion of matter, but to variation in
time of the gravitational field. Matter is at rest in an inertial
reference system. The peculiar velocities of galaxies relative
to inertial reference systems are due to inhomogeneities in the
density distribution of matter, which is precisely what led to
the accumulation of matter during the period, when the Uni-
verse became transparent.
The universal integral conservation laws of energy-momen-
tum and such universal properties of matter, as, for example,
gravitational interactions, are reflected in the metric proper-
ties of space-time. While the first are embodied in the pseudo-
Euclidean geometry of space-time, the latter are reflected in
effective Riemannian geometry of space-time, that arose owing
to the presence of the gravitational field in Minkowski space.
Everything that has a character common to all matter can be
considered as a part of the structure of the effective geome-
try. But, here, Minkowski space will be present for certain,
which is precisely what leads to the integral conservation laws
of energy-momentum and angular momentum, and, also, pro-
vides for the equivalence principle to be satisfied, when the
gravitational field, as well as other fields, are switched off.
Appendix A
∂gαβ ∂gαβ
gαβ,σ = ∂σ γλω + ∂σ Φλω , (A.8)
∂γλω ∂Φλω
hence it is easy to find
∂gαβ,σ ∂gαβ ρ
= ·δ . (A.9)
∂γµν,ρ ∂γµν σ
∂ 2 gαβ ∂ 2 gαβ
$ %
∂ρ = ∂σ γλω + ∂σ Φλω . (A.10)
∂γµν,ρ ∂γµν ∂γλω ∂γµν ∂Φλω
$ %
δL ∂L ∂gαβ ∂L ∂gαβ,τ
= + · − ∂σ · . (A.13)
δγµν δγµν ∂gαβ ∂γµν ∂gαβ,τ ∂γµν,σ
( $ %)
δL ∂L ∂L ∂gαβ
= + − ∂σ , (A.14)
δγµν δγµν ∂gαβ ∂gαβ,σ ∂γµν
δL δ%L δL ∂gαβ
= + · . (A.15)
δγµν δγµν δgαβ ∂γµν
The following is calculated in a similar manner:
δL δL ∂g̃ λρ
= λρ · . (A.16)
δgαβ δg̃ ∂gαβ
∂Gλαβ λ
∂γαβ 1*
=− = − γ λµ (δαν δβσ + δασ δβν )+
∂γµν,σ ∂γµν,σ 4
+γ λν (δαµ δβσ + δασ δβµ ) − γ λσ (δαµ δβν + δαν δβµ ) , (B.8)
∂Gλαλ ∂γ λ 1
= − αλ = − γ µν δασ .
∂γµν,σ ∂γµν,σ 2
Differentiating (B.2) we obtain
1 αβ ∂Gταλ λ ∂Gλτβ
=− g̃ Gτ β + Gτλα −
∂γµν 16π ∂γµν ∂γµν
∂Gταβ λ λ
τ ∂Gτ λ
− G − Gαβ .
∂γµν τ λ ∂γµν
Aσµν = γ τ σ Dτ g̃ µν + γ µν Dτ g̃ τ σ − γ τ µ Dτ g̃ νσ − γ τ ν Dτ g̃ µσ .
δ % Lg0 1 µν
= J , (B.17)
δγµν 32π
where J µν = −Dσ Dτ (γ τ σ g̃ µν + γ µν g̃ τ σ − γ τ µ g̃ νσ − γ τ ν g̃ µσ ) .
On the basis of (B.3) we have
δ % Lgm m2 µν m2 µν
=− (g̃ − γ̃ µν ) = − Φ̃ . (B.18)
δγµν 32π 32π
δ % Lg 1
= (J µν − m2 Φ̃µν ) , (B.19)
δγµν 32π
and, consequently,
δ % Lg 1
−2 = (−J µν + m2 Φ̃µν ) . (B.20)
δγµν 16π
Appendix B∗
On the basis of (B∗.4) and (B∗.7) the tensor (B∗.2) in the local
Riemann reference system is
δLg0 ∂Lg0 ∂Lg0 −g 7 αµ βν
= − ∂σ = g g −
δgµν ∂gµν ∂gµν,σ 16π
− g µν g αβ (∂σ Γσαβ − ∂β Γλαλ − Rαβ (γ)).
In a local Riemann reference system the second-rank cur-
vature tensor of Riemann space, Rαβ (g), has the form
dg = −ggαβ dg αβ , (B∗.11)
we find
= gg̃αβ . (B∗.12)
∂g̃ αβ
On the basis of equality
g̃ µσ gσν = δνµ −g (B∗.13)
δLg0 1
=− Rαβ . (B∗.16)
δg̃ 16π
In a similar manner we have
δLgm ∂Lgm m2
= = (gαβ − γαβ ). (B∗.17)
δg̃ αβ ∂g̃ αβ 32π
δLg 1 m2
= − Rαβ + (gαβ − γαβ ). (B∗.18)
δg̃ αβ 16π 32π
It is also easy to obtain the following relation:
δLM δLM ∂gλν 1 λν ∂gλν
= · = − T =
δg̃ αβ δgλν ∂g̃ αβ 2 ∂g̃ αβ
1 1
= √ (Tαβ − gαβ T ). (B∗.19)
2 −g 2
Here T λν = −2 δL M
is the density of the energy-momentum
tensor of matter in effective Riemannian space. At last we
present the following relations:
$5 %
√ g √
Dν −g = ∂ν = −gGλνλ ,
γ (B∗.20)
√ √ λ √ √ λ
∂ν −g = −gΓνλ , ∂ν −γ = −γγνλ ,
dg = gg µν dgµν , (C.11)
Dµ g̃ µν = 0 , (D.2)
we obtain
1 1
−gR-λ = g̃ αβ Dα Dβ g̃ -λ − g̃ -λg̃κρg̃ αβ Dα Dβ g̃ κρ +
2 4
+ g̃ρτ g̃ -µ Dµ g̃ κρ Dκ g̃ λτ +
1 1
+ g̃ρτ g̃ λν Dν g̃ κρ Dκ g̃ -τ − Dτ g̃ -κ Dκ g̃ λτ −
2 2
1 1
− (g̃ωρ g̃κτ − g̃ωτ g̃κρ )g̃ -µg̃ λν Dµ g̃ κρDν g̃ ωτ −
4 2
1 1
− g̃ρτ g̃ αβ Dα g̃ -ρDβ g̃ λτ+ g̃ρτ g̃ -λg̃κω g̃ αβ Dα g̃ κρ Dβ g̃ ωτ. (D.3)
2 4
Hence, we find
1 1
−gR = g-λg̃ αβ Dα Dβ g̃ -λ − gκρg̃ αβ Dα Dβ g̃ κρ + gρτ Dµ g̃ κρ Dκ g̃ µτ−
2 2
1 1 √
− (g̃ωρ g̃κτ − g̃ωτ g̃κρ) −gg̃ µν Dµ g̃ κρDν g̃ ωτ −
4 2
− g̃ρτ g̃ αβ g-λ Dα g̃ -ρDβ g̃ λτ + g̃ρτ gκω g̃ αβ Dα g̃ κρDβ g̃ ωτ . (D.4)
With the aid of expressions (D.3) and (D.4) we find
& '
−g( R − g -λR =
D &
1 1 1
=− g̃νσ g̃τ κ g̃νκ g̃τ σ g̃ -α g̃ λβ Dα g̃ στ Dβ g̃ νκ −
2 2 2
1 1
& '
− g̃ -λg̃ αβ g̃νσ g̃τ κ − g̃νκ g̃τ σ Dα g̃ τ σ Dβ g̃ νκ +
4 2
+g̃ g̃στ Dα g̃ Dβ g̃ − g̃ -β g̃τ σ Dα g̃ λσ Dβ g̃ ατ −
αβ -τ λσ
−g̃ λα g̃τ σ Dα g̃ βσ Dβ g̃ -τ + g̃ -λg̃τ σ Dα g̃ βσ Dβ g̃ ατ +
2 E
+Dα g̃ -β Dβ g̃ λα − g̃ αβ Dα Dβ g̃ -λ . (D.5)
1 1 1
−16πgτg-λ = (g̃ -αg̃ λβ − g̃ -λg̃ αβ )(g̃νσ g̃τ µ − g̃τ σ g̃νµ ) ×
2 2 2
×Dα Φ̃ Dβ Φ̃ + +g̃ g̃τ σ Dα Φ̃ Dβ Φ̃ − g̃ -β g̃τ σ Dα Φ̃λσ Dβ Φ̃ατ −
τσ µν αβ -τ λσ
−g̃ λα g̃τ σ Dα Φ̃βσ Dβ Φ̃-τ + g̃ -λg̃τ σ Dα Φ̃σβ Dβ Φ̃ατ +Dα Φ̃-β Dβ Φ̃λα −
√ √
αβ -λ 2
−Φ̃ Dα Dβ Φ̃ − −m ( −gg̃ -λ − −γ Φ̃-λ + g̃ -αg̃ λβ γαβ −
− g̃ -λg̃ αβ γαβ ) . (D.6)
Appendix E
we rewrite (E.2) as
√ √ ∂g̃ σν
Γναβ (y)g̃ αβ (y) = − −g∂σ g σν − g νσ ∂σ −g = − σ . (E.4)
With account of this equality the initial equation (Σ) assumes
the form
(Γναβ (y) − γαβ
(y))g αβ (y) = 0. (E.5)
If we pass from coordinates “y” to other curvilinear coor-
dinates “z”, then the Christoffel symbols assume the form
∂y λ ∂z α ∂z β σ
Γλµν (y) = · Γ (z) +
∂z σ ∂y µ ∂y ν αβ
∂2zσ ∂y λ
+ µ ν · σ. (E.6)
∂y ∂y ∂z
Applying this expression we find
∂y λ
= σ Γσαβ (z)g αβ (z)+
Γλµν (y)g µν (y)
∂ 2 z σ ∂y µ ∂y ν αβ
+ µ ν α · β g (z). (E.7)
∂y ∂y ∂z ∂z
On the basis of (E.4) we write expression (E.7) in the form
$ %
1 ∂ µσ ∂y
Γλµν (y)g µν (y)
= −√ g̃ +
−g ∂z µ ∂z σ
∂2yλ ∂y λ ∂ 2 z σ ∂y µ ∂y ν
+g µσ µ σ + σ · µ ν α β g αβ (z). (E.8)
∂z ∂z ∂z ∂y ∂y ∂z ∂z
Upon differentiating equality
∂z σ ∂y µ
· = δασ (E.9)
∂y µ ∂z α
with respect to the variable z β we obtain
∂ 2 z σ ∂y µ ∂y ν ∂z σ ∂2yµ
· = − · . (E.10)
∂y µ ∂y ν ∂z α ∂z β ∂y µ ∂z α ∂z β
Taking into account this equality, in the third term of (E.8)
we find
$ %
1 ∂ νσ ∂y
Γλµν (y)g µν (y) = −- ν
g̃ . (E.11)
−g(z) ∂z ∂z σ
y λ = −γαβ
(y)g αβ (y), (E.12)
differs from zero, then in this condition the variables x!α will
be independent, and, consequently, the initial variables xα can
be unambiguously expressed in terms of the new ones, x!α :
xα = ϕ(x!α ). (14.3)
Here, summation is performed over identical indices β. The set
of functions transforming under coordinate transformations by
the rule (14.5) is termed the covariant vector
A!α (x! ) = Aβ (x) !α . (14.6)
Correspondingly the quantity Bµν is a covariant second-rank
tensor, that transforms by the rule
! ∂xα ∂xβ
Bµν (x! ) = Bαβ (x) · (14.7)
∂x!µ ∂x!ν
and so on.
We shall now pass to another group of geometric objects.
Consider transformation of the differential of coordinates
∂x!µ α
dx!µ = dx . (14.8)
A set of functions transforming under coordinate transforma-
tions by the rule (14.8) has been termed a contravariant vector,
∂x!µ α
A!µ (x! ) = A (x), (14.9)
correspondingly, the quantity B µν a contravariant second-rank
tensor transforming by the rule
∂x!µ ∂x!ν αβ
B !µν (x! ) = B (x) (14.10)
∂xα ∂xβ
and so on. Expressions (14.6), (14.7), (14.9) and (14.10) per-
mit to write the transformation law of tensors of any form.
For example,
∂x!µ ∂xβ α
Bν!µ (x! ) = · B (x) (14.11)
∂xα ∂x!ν β
From the transformational properties of a tensor it follows
that, if all its components are equal to zero in one coordinate
system, then they equal zero in another coordinate system,
also. It is readily verified that the transformations of covariant
and contravariant quantities exhibit the group property. For
∂x!µ α ∂x!!ν !µ !
A!µ = A (x), A!!ν
) = A (x ),
∂xα ∂x!µ
∂x!!ν ∂x!µ α ∂x!!ν α
A!!ν (x!! ) = · A (x) = A (x).
∂x!µ ∂xα ∂xα
Now, let us pass to tensor algebra. Here, four operations are
possible: addition, multiplication, convolution, and permuta-
tion of indices.
Addition and subtraction of tensors
Aαβ αβ
µνσ , Bµνσ ,
Multiplication of tensors
Aν = g νσ Aσ , Aν = gνσ Aσ . (14.26)
Thus, such functions gµν (x) are sought, that provide for the
functional (integral) achieving its extremum:
We note that
δ(dxν ) = d(δxν ). (14.30)
On the basis of (14.29) and (14.30) we have
1 ∂gµν µ ν σ µ ν µ dxµ
δ(ds) = U dx δx +g µν U d(δx ), U = . (14.31)
2 ∂xσ ds
Substituting (14.31) into (14.28) we obtain
#b ( ν
1 ∂gµν µ ν σ µ d(δx )
δS = U U δx + g µν U ds = 0. (14.32)
2 ∂xσ ds
d(δxν ) d d
gµν U µ = (gµν U µ δxν ) − δxν (gµν U µ ), (14.33)
ds ds ds
and at the integration limits δxν = 0, from (14.32) we obtain
#b (
1 ∂gµν µ ν dU µ
δS = U U − g µσ −
2 ∂xσ ds
− λ U µ U λ ] dsδxσ = 0. (14.34)
We now represent the last term in (14.34) as
$ %
µ ∂gµσ 1 ∂gµσ ∂gλσ
U Uλ λ = + U µU λ. (14.35)
dx 2 ∂xλ ∂xµ
#b ( $ %
µ λ1 ∂gµσ ∂gλσ ∂gµλ
δS = U U + − +
2 ∂xλ ∂xµ ∂xσ
dU µ
+gµσ dsδxσ = 0. (14.36)
Since the variation δxσ is arbitrary, the integral (14.36) turns
to zero, only if
dU µ 1
$ %
∂gµσ ∂gλσ ∂gµλ
gµσ + λ
+ µ
− σ
U µ U λ = 0. (14.37)
ds 2 ∂x ∂x ∂x
Multiplying (14.37) by g σα we obtain
dU α
+ Γαµλ U µ U λ = 0, (14.38)
where the Christoffel symbols Γαµν are
Γαµλ = g ασ (∂λ gµσ + ∂µ gλσ − ∂σ gµλ ). (14.39)
The Christoffel symbols are not tensor quantities. Pre-
cisely equations (14.38) are the equations for a geodesic line.
There are four of them, but not all are independent, since the
following condition takes place:
Aλ U λ , (14.41)
d µ ν
(A U gµν ) = gµν σ +
ds ∂x
+ (∂σ gµν + ∂µ gσν − ∂ν gσµ )A U ν U σ .
Representing U ν in the form
U ν = Uλ g λν (14.48)
( )
d µ ν
(A U gµν ) = σ
+ Γλσµ Aµ U σ Uλ . (14.49)
ds ∂x
DAλ ∂Aλ
Aλ;σ = = + Γλσµ Aµ . (14.50)
dxσ ∂xσ
Thus, we have defined the covariant derivative of the con-
travariant vector Aλ .
Applying formulae (14.44) and (14.50), it is also possible
to obtain covariant derivatives of a second-rank tensor:
Aµν;σ = σ
− Γλσµ Aλν − Γλσν Aλµ , (14.51)
;σ = + Γµσλ Aνλ + Γνσλ Aµλ . (14.52)
Aνρ;σ = − Γλρσ Aνλ + Γνσλ Aλρ . (14.53)
Making use of expression (14.51) it is easy to show, that
gµν;σ ≡ 0,
Aλ;νµ = − Γτµλ Aτ ;ν − Γτµν Aλ;τ , (14.57)
with account of the expression
∂Aλ ∂Aτ
Aλ;ν = ν
− Γτλν Aτ , Aτ ;ν = − Γστν Aσ ,
∂x ∂xν
Aλ;τ = − Γσλτ Aσ ,
relation (14.57) assumes the form
On the basis of (14.56) and (14.59), only the following terms
are retained in the difference:
∂Γσλν ∂Γσλµ
Aλ;µν − Aλ;νµ = Aσ − +
∂xµ ∂xν
+Γτνλ Γσµτ − Γτµλ Γσντ . (14.60)
The quantity Rλµν is termed the Riemann curvature tensor
σ ∂Γσλν ∂Γσλµ
Rλµν = − + Γτνλ Γσµτ − Γτµλ Γσντ . (14.61)
∂xµ ∂xν
From this tensor it is possible, by convolution, to obtain a
second-rank tensor, the Ricci tensor:
σ ∂Γσλν ∂Γσλσ
Rλν = Rλσν = − + Γτνλ Γσστ − Γτσλ Γσντ . (14.62)
∂xσ ∂xν
We note that for an interval of the form (14.23) or (14.24) the
curvature tensor equals zero.
From expression (14.61) it is obvious that the curvature
tensor is antisymmetric with respect to the two last indices
µ, ν:
σ σ
Rλµν = −Rλνµ
It is possible to construct a curvature tensor with lower indices:
Rρλµν = gρσ Rλµν .
second. It is also symmetric with respect to permutation of
index pairs, without any change of their order.
In Riemannian space there exists a local coordinate sys-
tem, within which the first derivatives of the components of
the metric tensor gµν are equal to zero. Here, the Christoffel
symbols are, naturally, also equal to zero. Such coordinates
are called Riemann coordinates. They are convenient for find-
ing tensor identities, since if it has been established, that in
this coordinate system a certain tensor is zero, then, by virtue
of tensor transformations, it will also be zero in any coordinate
The curvature tensor in a Riemann coordinate system is
Rλµν = ∂µ Γσλν − ∂ν Γσλµ . (14.63)
− Rµ;ρ + (g λρ Rλρµ
);σ + ∂µ R ≡ 0, (14.67)
R = Rρρ = Rµν g µν
is the scalar curvature.
Let us consider under the derivative sign the second term
in identity (14.67):
g λρ Rλρµ
= g λρ g νσ Rνλρµ = g νσ g λρ Rλνµρ = g νσ Rνµρ
= −Rµσ .
and differentiating the determinant g,
∂g ∂gµν
= gg µν λ , (14.72)
∂x ∂x
we find, by comparison of (14.71) and (14.72), the following:
1 1 ∂g 1 √
Γννλ = · = √ ∂λ ( −g). (14.73)
2 g ∂xλ −g
Substituting this expression into (14.70) we obtain
√ √ √
∇ν ( −gGνρ ) = ∂ν ( −gGνρ ) − −gΓλρν Gνλ ≡ 0. (14.74)
∂xλ ∂xσ
$ % $ %
g ! = det gσλ !µ det =
∂x ∂x!ν
∂xλ ∂xσ
$ % $ %
= det(gλσ ) det det .
∂x!µ ∂x!ν
Hence, we have
g ! = gJ 2. (14.77)
Here J is the transformation Jacobian,
∂(x0 .x1 , x2 , x3 )
J= . (14.78)
∂(x0! , x1! , x2! , x3! )
Thus, - √
−g ! = −gJ. (14.79)
Substituting this expression into (14.76) we obtain
√ ∂(x0 .x1 , x2 , x3 )
v = −g 0! 1! 2! 3!
dx0 ! dx1 ! dx2 ! dx3 ! =
∂(x , x , x , x )
= −gdx0 dx1 dx2 dx3 . (14.80)
v ! = v. (14.82)
Riemannian space differs essentially from the topology of Eu-
clidean space. In the general case, no group of motion exists
in Riemannian space. In pseudo-Euclidean space, described
by the interval (14.23) or (14.24), there exists a ten-parameter
group of space motions.
The main characteristic of Riemannian geometry — the
curvature tensor Rλµν — is a form-invariant quantity relative
to coordinate transformations. The tensor Rλν is also a form-
invariant quantity. Here, form-invariance is not understood
as one and the same functional dependence of the curvature
tensor upon the choice of coordinate system, but identity in
constructing the curvature tensor for a given expression gµν (x),
similarly to how expression
Aν (x)
δγ µν (x) = 0.
From (6) we have
$ %2
= γαβ pα pβ . (8)
Differentiating this expression with respect to ds we obtain
d2 σ
82 = −γλµ Gµαβ V λ V α V β . (9)
F ν Vν = 0. (12)
$ %
−8πgµν Lµ Lν ρ−p− . (6)
From conditions (1) and (2) it follows that the right-hand side
of equation (6) is strictly positive, since
ρ>p+ , (7)
while the left-hand side of equation (6) is strictly negative.
Hence it follows that in the presence of matter no metric field
of Minkowski space satisfies the gravitational equations, and
therefore the metric fields arising in non-inertial reference sys-
tems of Minkowski space cannot be considered gravitational
fields. In the absence of matter, ρ = p = 0, equation (6) has
the sole solution
gµν (x) = γµν (x). (8)
This equation is a straightforward consequence of Gilbert-
Einstein equations. Though the equation has a covariant form,
nevertheless the energy-momentum conservation law of matter
and gravitational field taken together has in GRT a noncovari-
ant appearance
∂ν (Tµν + τµν ) = 0. (2)
Just by this way the gravitational field pseudotensor τµν , which
is not a covariant quantity, arises in GRT. It is impossible
in principle to write conservation equations of the energy-
momentum of matter and gravitational field in the generally
covariant form. The idea that the gravitational energy cannot
be localized in GRT has arisen from this fact.
If we will not use Eq. (8.2) in the derivation of Eqs. (8.1),
then gravitational equations will take the following form
√ √
−γ(−J ελ + m2 φ̃ελ ) = 16π −g(T ελ + tελ
g ). (3)
Here tελ
g is the energy-momentum tensor density for the grav-
itational field.
16π −gtελ = −Dµ Dσ (φ̃ελ φ̃µσ − φ̃εµ φ̃λσ )+
+Dσ φ̃ελDµ φ̃µσ − Dµ φ̃εµ Dσ φ̃λσ +
+ 21 g ελgρτ Dµ φ̃αρ Dα φ̃µτ − gρτ g εµDµ φ̃αρ Dα φ̃λτ −
−gρτ7 g λν Dν φ̃αρ Dα φ̃ετ + αβ ερ
8 gρτ g Dα φ̃ Dβ φ̃ +
+ 21 gβρ gατ − 12 gβτ gαρ ×
7 8
× g εµg λν − 21 g ελg µν Dµ φ̃λρ Dν φ̃βτ −
7√ √ 8
−m2 −gg̃ ελ − −γ φ̃ελ + g̃ εα g̃ λβ γαβ − 21 g̃ ελ g̃ αβ γαβ .
J ελ = −Dµ Dν (γ µν g̃ ελ + γ ελ g̃ µν − γ εν g̃ µλ − γ εµ g̃ λν ). (5)
Let us mention that expression
we find
7 8
g µα g νβ − 12 g µν g αβ ∇µ γαβ =
= −g µα g νβ Gσµα γσβ − g µα g νβ Gσµβ γσα + g µν g αβ Gσµα γσβ .
Therefore we have
& '
µα νβ
g g − g µν g αβ ∇µ γαβ = −g µα g νβ Gσµα γσβ . (12)
By substituting expression (4.5) instead of Gσµα we get
7 8
g µα g νβ − 12 g µν g αβ ∇µ γαβ =
7 8 (13)
= γµλ g µν Dσ g σλ + Gσασ g αλ .
After taking into account Eq. (13), Eq. (8) takes the following
√ 7 8
16π∇µ T µν = m2 −g γµλ g µν Dσ g σλ + Gσασ g αλ . (14)
Applying equation
√ 7 8
−g Dσ g σλ + Gσασ g αλ = Dσ φ̃σλ , (15)
we find
m2 γνλ Dσ φ̃σλ = 16π∇µ Tνµ . (16)
According to Eq. (3) we have
2 σλ σλ g 7 σλ 8
m φ̃ =J + 16π T + tσλ
g . (17)
and therefore, according to Eq. (18), the covariant conser-
vation law for energy-momentum of matter and gravitational
field taken together is as follows
*√ 7 8C
Dσ −g T σλ + tσλ
g = 0. (21)
Poincare H. Sur la dynamique de l’electron // Comptes rendus
hebdomadaires des seances de l’Akademie des sciences. – Paris, 1905. –
V.140. – P.1504–1508.
It seems at first sight that the aberration of light and the re-
lated optical and electrical phenomena would provide us with
a means of determining the absolute motion of the Earth, or
rather its motion not with respect to the other stars, but with
respect to the ether. Actually, this is not so: experiments
in which only terms of the first order in the aberration were
taken into account first yielded negative results, which was
soon given an explanation; but Michelson also, who proposed
an experiment in which terms depending on the square aberra-
tion were noticeable, also met with no luck. The impossibility
to disclose experimentally the absolute motion of the Earth
seems to be a general law of Nature.
* “Experiment has provided numerous facts justifying the
following generalization: absolute motion of matter, or, to be
more precise, the relative motion of weighable matter and ether
cannot be disclosed. All that can be done is to reveal the mo-
tion of weighable matter with respect to weighable matter” 37 .
The above words written by Poincare ten years earlier quite
clearly demonstrate that his vision of a general law determin-
ing the impossibility of absolute motion of matter had been
maturing since long ago.
In development of his idea on the total impossibility of
defining absolute motion in relation to the new hypothesis, put
forward by Lorentz and according to which all bodies should
experience a decrease in length by 1/2 · 10−9 in the direction of
motion of the Earth, Poincare wrote:
“Such a strange property seems to be a real coup de pouce
presented by Nature itself, for avoiding the disclosure of ab-
Poincare H. On Larmor’s theory // The relativity principle: Col-
lection of works on special relativity theory. — Moscow, 1973. — P.7.
solute motion with the aid of optical phenomena. I can’t be
satisfied and I must here voice my opinion: I consider quite
probable that optical phenomena depend only on the relative
motion of the material bodies present, of the sources of light
or optical instruments, and this dependence is not accurate
up to orders of magnitude of the square or cubic aberration,
but rigorous. This principle will be confirmed with increasing
precision, as measurements become more and more accurate.
Will a new coup de pouce or a new hypothesis be nec-
essary for each approximation? Clearly this is not so: a well
formulated theory should permit proving a principle at once
with all rigour. The theory of Lorentz does not permit this yet.
But, of all theories proposed it is the one nearest to achieving
this goal” 40 .
In a report to the Congress of art and science held in Saint
Louis in 1904 Poincare among the main principles of theoret-
ical physics formulates the relativity principle, in accordance
with which, in the words of Poincare, “the laws governing phys-
ical phenomena should be the same for a motionless observer
and for an observer experiencing uniform motion, so there is
no way and cannot be any way of determining whether one
experiences such motion or not”41 .
An explanation has been proposed by Lorentz, who has
introduced the hypothesis of a contraction experienced by all
bodies in the direction of the motion of the Earth; this con-
traction should account for Michelson’s experiment and for all
Poincare H. Electricite et optique: La lumiere et les theories elec-
trodynamiques. — 2 ed., rev. et complettee par Jules Blondin, Eugene
Neculcea. Paris: Gauthier–Villars, 1901.
Poincare H. L’etat et l’avenir de la Physique mathematique // Bul-
letin des Sciences Mathematiques. — Janvier 1904 — V.28. Ser.2 —
P.302–324; The Monist. — 1905. V.XV, N1.
other relevant experiments performed to date. It would, how-
ever, leave place for other even more subtle experiments, more
simple to be contemplated than to be implemented, aimed at
revealing absolute motion of the Earth. But considering the
impossibility of such a claim to be highly probable one may
foresee that these experiments, if ever they will be performed,
to once again provide a negative result. Lorentz has attempted
to complement and alter the hypothesis so as to establish a
correspondence between it and the postulate of total impos-
sibility of determining absolute motion. He has succeeded in
doing so in his article entitled Electromagnetic phenomena in
a system moving with any velocity smaller than that of light
(Proceedings de l’Academie d’Amsterdam, 27 May 1904).
The importance of this issue has induced me to consider
it once again; the results I have obtained are in agreeement
with those obtained by Lorentz in what concerns all the main
points; I have only attempted to modify them somewhat and
to complement them with some details.
The essential idea of Lorentz consists in that the equations
of the electromagnetic field will not be altered by a certain
transformation (which I shall further term the Lorentz trans-
formation) of the following form:
In this transformation the x-axis plays a particular role,
but it is clearly possible to construct such a transformation,
in which this role will be assumed by a certain straight line
passing through the origin. The set of all such transformations
together with all spatial rotations should form a group; but for
this to take place it is necessary that l = 1; hence one is led
to assume l = 1, which is precisely the consequence obtained
by Lorentz in another way.
* It must be underlined that, by having established the group
nature of the set of all purely spatial transformations together
with the Lorentz transformations, that leave the equations of
electrodynamics invariant, Poincare thus discovered the exis-
tence in physics of an essentially new type of symmetry re-
lated to the group of linear space-time transformations, which
he called the Lorentz group.
Supplemented with transformations of space coordinate and
time translations, the Lorentz group forms a maximum group
of space-time transformations, under which all equations of
motion for particles and fields remain invariant and which now
is called the Poincare group, the name given to it subsequently
by E.Wigner. Richard Feynman wrote about this fact as fol-
lows: “Precisely Poincare proposed to find out what one can
do with equations without altering their form. He was the per-
son who had the idea to examine the symmetry properties of
physical laws”.
Let ρ be the charge density of the electron, and vx , vy , and
vz the components of the electron velocity before the trans-
formation; then, after applying the transformation one has for
these same quantities ρ! , v x ! , v y ! , and v z ! the following:
ρ! = γl−3 ρ(1 − βvx ), ρ! v x ! = γl−3 ρ(vx − β),
ρ! v y ! = l−3 ρvy , ρ! v z ! = l−3 ρvz .
These formulas differ somewhat from the ones found by
Now, let f0 and f0! be the three-force components before and
after application of the transformation (the force is referred to
unit volume); then
0v ); f ! = l−5 fy ; f ! = l−5 fz .
fx! = γl−5 (fx − β f0 (3)
y z
Contrariwise, Poincare achieved total invariance of the equa-
tions of electrodynamics and formulated the ¡¡relativity pos-
tulate¿¿ — a term introduced by him. Indeed, adopting the
point of view, that I had failed to take into account, he derived
formulae (4) and (7). We should add, that in correcting the
defects of my work he never reproached me for them”.
Lorentz also arrived at the necessity of assuming a moving
electron to have the shape of a compressed ellipsoid; the same
hypothesis was made by Langevin, but while Lorentz assumed
the two axes of the ellipsoid to be constant, in agreement with
his hypothesis that l = 1, Langevin assumed, contrariwise, the
volume of the ellipsoid to be constant. Both authors showed
the two hypotheses to be in the same good agreement with
the experiments performed by Kaufmann, as the initial hy-
pothesis of Abraham (the spherical electron). The advantage
of Langevin’s hypothesis consists in its being sufficient, i.e. it
suffices to consider the electron to be deformable and incom-
pressible for explaining why it assumes an ellipsoidal shape in
motion. But I can show, without contradicting Lorentz, that
this hypothesis cannot be consistent with the impossibility of
revealing absolute motion. As I have already said, this occurs
because l = 1 is the only hypothesis for which the Lorentz
transformations form a group.
But in the Lorentz hypothesis, also, the agreement between
the formulas does not occur just by itself; it is obtained to-
gether with a possible explanation of the compression of the
electron under the assumption that the deformed and com-
pressed electron is subject to constant external pres-
sure, the work done by which is proportional to the
variation of volume of this electron.
Applying the principle of least action, I can demonstrate
the compensation under these conditions to be complete, if
inertia is assumed to be of a totally electromagnetic origin, as
generally acknowledged after Kaufmann’s experiments, and if
all forces are of an electromagnetic origin, with the exception
of the constant pressure of which I just spoke and which acts on
the electron. Thus, it is possible to explain the impossibility of
revealing the absolute motion of the Earth and the contraction
of all bodies in the direction of the Earth’s motion.
But this is not all. In the quoted work Lorentz considers
it necessary to complement his hypothesis with the assump-
tion that in the case of uniform motion all forces, of whatever
origin, behave exactly like electromagnetic forces, and that,
consequently, the influence of the Lorentz transformation on
the force components is determined by equations (4).
* Here, Poincare in development of the assumption expressed
by Lorentz extends the Lorentz transformations to all forces,
including, for instance, gravitational forces.
He was the first to point out that the relativity postulate
requires such a modification of the laws of gravity, according to
which the propagation of forces of gravity is not instantaneous,
but proceeds with the speed of light.
It has turned out necessary to consider more carefully this
hypothesis and, in particular, to clarify which changes it com-
pels us to introduce into the laws of gravity. This is just what
I attempted to determine: I was first induced to assume the
propagation of gravity forces to proceed with the speed of light,
and not instantaneously. This seems to contradict the result
obtained by Laplace who claims that although this propaga-
tion may not be instantaneous, it is at least more rapid than
the propagation of light. However, the issue actually raised
by Laplace differs significantly from the issue dealt with here
by us. According to Laplace, a finite propagation velocity was
the sole alteration, introduced by him to Newton’s law. Here,
also, a similar change is accompanied by many others; hence,
partial compensation between them is possible, and it actually
does take place.
Consequently, if we speak about the position or velocity of
a body exerting attraction, we shall bear in mind its position
or velocity at the moment, when the gravitational wave
departs from this body; if we speak about the position or
velocity of a body being attracted, we shall intend its position
or velocity at the moment, when this body being attracted is
overcome by the gravitational wave emitted by another body:
the first moment clearly precedes the second.
Hence, if x, y, z are the projections onto three axes of the
vector 0r connecting the two positions and if 0v = (vx , vy , vz )
are the velocity components of the body attracted and v01 =
(v1x , v1y , v1z ) are the velocity components of the attracting
body, then the 1z three components of the attraction (which
I may also call F0 ) will be functions of 0r , 0v, v01 . The question
is whether these functions can be defined in such a way that
they behave under the Lorentz transformation in accordance
with equations (4) and that the conventional law of gravity be
valid in all cases of the velocities 0v , v01 being sufficiently small
to allow neglecting their square values as compared with the
square speed of light?
The answer to this question must be affirmative. It has
been revealed that the attraction, taking into account the cor-
rection, consists of two forces, one of which is parallel to the
components of the vector 0r , and the other to the components
of the velocity v01 .
The disagreement with the conventional law of gravity, as
I just pointed out, is of the order of v 2 ; if, on the other hand,
one assumes, as Laplace did, the propagation velocity to be
equal to the speed of light, this divergence will be of the order
of v, i.e. 10000 times greater. Consequently, at first sight, it
does not seem absurd to assume astronomical observations to
be insufficiently precise for revealing the smallest imaginable
divergence. Only a profound investigation can resolve this
* Poincare thus introduces the physical concept of gravita-
tional waves, the exchange of which generates gravitational
forces, and supplies an estimation of the contribution of rela-
tivistic corrections to Newton’s law of gravity.
For example, he shows that the terms of first order in v/c
cancel out exactly and so the relativistic corrections to New-
ton’s law are quantities of the order of (v/c)2 .
These results remove the difficulty noted previously by Laplace
and permit making the conclusion that the hypothesis equating
the speeds of light and of gravitational influence is not in con-
tradiction with observational data.
Thus, in this first work Poincare already gave a general
and precise formulation of the main points of relativity theory.
It is here that such concepts as the following first appeared:
the Lorentz group, invariance of the equations of the electro-
magnetic field with respect to the Lorentz transformations, the
transformation laws for charge and current, the addition for-
mulae of velocities, the transformation laws of force. Here,
also, Poincare extends the transformation laws to all the forces
of Nature, whatever their origin might be.
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