A Test For Measuring Permeability of Geomembranes: January 2000

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A test for measuring permeability of geomembranes

Conference Paper · January 2000


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Stéphane Lambert Nathalie Touze

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A test for measuring permeability of geomembranes
Cemagref, Antony Cedex, France
Cemagref, Antony Cedex, France

Keywords: Geomembranes, Testing, Watertightness, Laboratory research, Diffusion

ABSTRACT: Geomembrane main functional property is permeability; it thus has to be measured.

A method has been developed to estimate watertightness of geomembranes. Co-developed by three
laboratories it is now a French standard and has been proposed as a base for an European standard.
This paper presents the test method and apparatus that allows to measure very small water flows
through geomembranes, ranging from 10-7 m3m-2d-1 to 10-3 m3m-2d-1. Comments, based on practical
knowledge of different PP, HDPE, PVC, EPDM and bituminous geomembranes, are also made to
explain limitations of the test. These are due to physical and mechanical reactions of the geomem-
brane exposed to water and pressure. These mainly influence very low permeability measurements.
It appears that, for almost all geomembranes, this test gives accurate values when the flow is
greater than 5.10-7 m3m-2d-1. For lowest values of flow, a longer test should allow to obtain undis-
turbed results.


Geomembranes are used in long-term applications to act as barriers against fluids in geotechni-
cal and civil engineering projects. They insure, in substitution or in association with traditional ma-
terials, like clay or concrete, the watertightness of dams, tunnels, liquid waste pounds, landfills, etc.

Geomembranes definitions always refer to permeability. For instance, European draft terminol-
ogy on geosynthetics presents geomembranes as very low permeability materials in the form of a
manufactured sheet. Besides, the permeability to water is mentioned as a mandatory characteristic
for geomembranes by the European mandate M107 that is the reference document for the CE mark-
ing of geosynthetics. Other characteristics are mandatory, but permeability must be considered as
the main functional property of a geomembrane. The permeability of geomembranes has thus to be
measured in a satisfactory way.

The aim of this paper is to present the fundamentals, origin and evolution of the current draft
European test method for the measurement of water permeability of geomembranes (TC 189 WI
189067). It thus gives complementary information to this text of draft standard. Transport mecha-
nisms are first recalled. Then, the general method used is presented together with other test meth-
ods. Apparatus and testing procedures are detailed, before presenting results. A discussion follows
giving answers to many questions concerning the test.


Geomembranes are non-porous media. It means that there is no void in the material, but only
‘free-spaces’, which size is in the range of solvent molecule’s size. Due to that, transport in ge-
omembranes occurs at the molecular level; a molecule of solvent, like water for instance, migrates

alone in the polymer matrix. This is obviously different from transport in porous media like soils or
geotextiles, where voids are much larger than solvent molecules. In this latter case, molecules of
solvent are in close contact one with each other as they are driven through the interconnected pore
network of the material by the hydraulic pressure gradient.

Both mechanisms may be called permeation and may be characterised by the measurement of
permeability. Permeability is a generic term defining the ability of a solid to be penetrated by a
fluid; it gives no indication about mechanisms involved. In a porous media, the relevant and precise
characteristic is the hydraulic conductivity, for example k for soils, whereas in non-porous media
the characteristic is the diffusion coefficient. Hydraulic conductivity and diffusion coefficients re-
spectively refer to porous and non-porous media, and thus to advective and diffusive transport.

Transport through porous media follows Darcy’s law, whereas Fick’s law (Crank, 1975) gov-
erns it in a non-porous media. Transport by diffusion is time-dependant: at the beginning the trans-
port is slow and the regime transient, and increases before reaching a permanent regime. The time
lag mainly depends on the coefficient of diffusion; the lower the diffusion, the longer the time lag,
and thus the longer the time before reaching the permanent regime.

Different driving forces may cause diffusion: concentration, hydraulic or temperature gradients,
etc. It has also been shown that diffusion occurs even if there is no gradient; this is called self-
diffusion (Eloy-Giorni 1993).

In fact, transport through geomembranes occurs in three steps. The first one consists in the ab-
sorption phase, where the solvent molecule gets in the polymer matrix. The second one is the diffu-
sion phase, where the molecule goes from one solution-polymer interface to the other. The third
one is the desorption phase, where the molecule of solvent gets out of the polymer matrix. The in-
fluence of the three steps must be considered to determine the permeability of a geomembrane,
even if the most important one is diffusion through the polymer.
The transport through geomembranes is thus a very complex phenomenon. From a practical
point of view, the interesting data is the volume of fluid passing through a geomembrane under cer-
tain conditions, without any consideration of its thickness.

The proposed method is based on a hydraulic permeation test aiming at estimating the flux of
liquid going through the geomembrane under a hydraulic pressure gradient.


3.1 Fluid transport measurements methods

Various methods were used for estimating geomembrane behaviour towards fluid transport.
Great differences in principle and aims exist between these. These differences concern the kind of
phenomenon involved or on the kind of result given.

Some tests deal with different kinds of liquids because many fluids may get into contact with
geomembranes. Diffusion through geomembranes depends on the nature of the fluid, and thus, wa-
ter and liquid pollutants containing chemicals have different diffusion coefficient. But, water is pre-
ferred because it is the most current and no other fluid is more representative of fields conditions,
or more representative of transport phenomena in every types of geomembrane.

Some test methods are only qualitative; the watertightness of the membrane is evaluated thanks
to an easy and short test. That’s the case with test method prEN 1928 for roof membranes which
consists in applying a 60 kPa water pressure on a side of a membrane for a 24 hours period. If

moisture appears on the opposite side, then the membrane is declared not watertight. This test only
gives an indication on a short-term behaviour.

Other tests give real measurements related to transport through the geomembrane, such as water
vapour transmission test ASTM E96-80. But, from an engineering point of view, water hydraulic
permeation is far more representative than water vapour permeation.

The test method proposed by Ozsu, Acar (1992) measure hydraulic properties of the geomem-
brane when exposed to hydraulic gradient of pressure on a 24-h. period of time. This is thought to
be too short and test results are not significant of diffusion phenomena (Pelte 1993)

The test aiming at measuring the permeability should then be a long-term hydraulic permeation
testperformed with liquid water in contact with the geomembrane. Koerner (1986) identified sev-
eral problems inherent to water hydraulic permeation tests. When conducted with high hydraulic
heads, tests resulted in leaks and failed specimens, whereas tests conducted with low hydraulic
heads resulted in long test times and evaporation problems.
3.2 Method developed in France
A test method was developed taking these points into consideration. It led to the French stan-
dard test method NF P 84-515, which is the origin of the current European draft method.

The test consists in applying a constant differential hydraulic pressure between both sides of a
geomembrane. It equals 100 kPa, with upstream and downstream pressures respectively equalling
150 kPa and 50 kPa.
The result is expressed in term of flux of water passing through the geomembrane. This flux is
calculated from variations of the liquid volume measured during the steady state of transport on
both sides of the geomembrane.

Initially, the test method was developed for research purpose. Three public laboratories carried
out interesting studies with this method (Duquennoi 1995, Durin, Duquennoi 2000, Eloy-Giorni
1993, Eloy-Giorni et al. 1996). Results concern the method and diffusion phenomena.

The test was therefore two long and too complex to be easily used for regular testing. It was
then modified to become the French standard.

The French standard compares the measured flux with a ‘watertightness level’. This conven-
tional level corresponds to a flux of 10-4 m3.m-2.d-1 and it is the level of acceptance for geomem-
brane as ‘very low permeability man made product’. This value was chosen because it is ten times
smaller than the flux of water going through a one-meter thick layer of clay of 10-9 m.s-1 hydraulic
conductivity tested in the same hydraulic conditions (10 meter of hydraulic head).
This watertightness criterion was kept for the current European draft.


Two different apparatus were designed simultaneously to develop the test method, one at
LIRIGM and the other at Cemagref. Differences concern the volume variations measuring device,
and temperature control or measuring. This paper mainly focuses on the second apparatus. Eloy-
Giorni et al. (1996) described the other apparatus, using capillary tubes and placed in a thermostatic

The apparatus is composed of a two-part cell, two volume variations measuring devices and a
computer. (fig. 1).

The stainless steel-cell grippes the specimen of geomembrane. In both parts of the cell, two
chambers 200 mm ± 1 mm in diameter allow applying a hydraulic gradient through the geomem-
At the downstream side of the geomembrane a porous stainless steel disc, allowing liquid trans-
fer, prevents from geomembrane deformation and failure since the upstream pressure is greater
than the downstream one.
Both parts of the cell are equipped with outlets for air flushing at the beginning of the test. For
the same purpose, it is recommended to place the cell vertically with flushing outlets on top.

stainless steel porous disc

pressure-volume controller V V

upstream side dowstream


Figure 1. Testing bench

Each chamber, or measuring chamber, is connected to a pressure volume controller. This

equipment composed of a cylinder in which a piston slides, is capable of applying a constant pres-
sure (+/- 1 kPa) while measuring volume variations in the corresponding chamber with a 10-9 m3
resolution. Such an apparatus has the advantage of avoiding any evaporation, as it is the case using
capillary tubes.

As volume variations are small, measurements may be highly disturbed by even small tempera-
ture variations. Four temperature transducers are used to measure the temperature in order to cor-
rect volume measurements. They are located on the cell, on the upstream and downstream pressure-
volume controllers, and in the air.


As mentioned by the standard, there are three stages in the test. Two preparation stages gener-
ally precede the test proper.
The main aim of preparation stages is to determine the volume-temperature relationship. During
such a stage, the hydraulic gradient between both sides of the geomembrane is small (10 kPa), and
one of the chambers is disconnected from its pressure-volume controller. During at least 48 hours
volume variations in the other chamber are measured.
The third stage is the test proper generally lasting more than 15 days.
The test results presented were performed with the equipment previously described and not us-
ing the ring-shaped control chamber mentioned by the French and European standard.

The geomembrane was placed in the cell dry. The samples were generally not immersed in wa-
ter before being submitted to test, as it is suggested by the standard.

Watertightness of the settling was obtained by sufficient clamping. Thus no join was necessary,
except for bituminous geomembranes for which the clamping strength has to be reduced.

The test duration was limited to 20 days, whatever the results obtained.


For five years, all kinds of geomembranes available in France were tested: bituminous, PP,

At the beginning of the test volumes vary importantly, and then stabilize; this is a general trend
observed on every test. Figure 2 shows volume variations curves obtained during test stage on a PP
geomembrane (number 1 in table 1).

Volume (mm3)

Time (D)

-1000 0 5 10 15 20



Figure 2. Upstream and downstream volume variations on a PP geomembrane

These data were corrected to eliminate temperature effects. Upstream and downstream curves
are symmetrical. Upstream volume decreases and downstream increases in the same way. These re-
sults are very good; the curves are relatively symmetrical, and the two values of the flux (upstream
and downstream) are equal, what is rarely the case.

Table 1 shows flux calculated from both upstream and downstream measurements obtained on
different types of geomembranes, of comparable thickness (1 to 1.5 mm) except for bituminous ge-
omembranes. This table also gives the relative difference between upstream flux and downstream

Both fluxes are rarely equal and differences are sometimes important. It seems that when the
upstream flux is higher than 5 10-7 m3/m2/d, then it is higher than downstream one and it is the op-
posite when both fluxes values are less than 5 10-7 m3/m2/d. This trend is unexplained.

Table 1. Upstream and downstream calculated fluxes on different types of geomembranes
Kind of Upstream Downstream Relative
geomem- flux flux difference
(m3/m2/d) (m3/m2/d) (%)
1 PP 7,9E-07 7,9E-07 0
2 HDPE 1,0E-07 1,9E-07 -47
3 HDPE 1,0E-07 3,0E-07 -67
4 HDPE 1,3E-06 8,0E-07 63
5 HDPE 1,4E-07 7,0E-07 -80
6 HDPE 2,0E-06 8,0E-07 150
7 HDPE 9,0E-07 8,0E-07 13
8 HDPE 7,0E-08 5,0E-08 40
9 PVC 1,8E-07 5,0E-07 -64
10 PVC 9,0E-07 8,3E-07 8
11 EPDM 2,7E-07 6,3E-07 -57
12 Bituminous 1,5E-06 7,0E-07 114
13 Bituminous 5,6E-07 2,3E-07 143
14 Bituminous 4,0E-08 2,0E-07 -80

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Upstream and downstream fluxes (m3/m2/d)




Figure 3. Upstream and downstream flux measurements

Figure 3 presenting both upstream and downstream fluxes on a semi logarithmic curve shows
these differences. Due to these differences, results are imprecise. If it is assumed that the real flux
passing through the geomembrane is between these two fluxes values, then this figure shows that
test generally gives better results when the flux increase.

Fluxes of all the geomembranes tested are largely under the watertightness level. No significant
differences appear between the different products. Some HDPE geomembranes have the lowest
flux values but some exhibit high values.
In fact, different kind of bituminous geomembranes were tested (modified and oxidized). It ap-
peared that modified bituminous geomembranes are less permeable than oxidized bituminous ge-

It has also been noticed that, on a few geomembranes for which fluxes were very low that the
upstream volume after many days stopped decreasing, or increased.


These results and general background give important information allowing validity insuring and
improvement of the test method.
7.1 Measurement bias
Transport through geomembranes are very slow and may be disturbed by different uncontrolled
mechanical or physical reaction:
- thickness variation of the geomembrane,
- geomembrane deformation due to clamping strength,
- swelling of the geomembrane
These mainly affect measurements at the beginning of the test when volume variations are some-
times 1000 times higher than variations after 2 to 5 days of test; this is not in coherence with diffu-
sion phenomena.
These effects may concern both upstream and downstream measurements or upstream only.
In a smaller range, these may also affect the beginning of calibration stages.

Applying high hydraulic pressures in the cell induces deformations of the apparatus and com-
pression of the geomembrane, which is forced on the porous plate. These variations of dimension
are very small but high compared to volume variations due to transport through the geomembrane;
thus, they disturb transport volume measurements.

Geomembranes may undergo thickness variations due to the confining hydraulic stress during
the first days of test. Table 2 gives the volume variation measured in the upstream cell and induced
by geomembrane thickness variation. This only affects upstream measurements that decrease rap-
idly. Downstream volumes are not affected due to the presence of the porous plate.
For comparison, a flux measurement of 10-7 m3/m2/d corresponds to a 3 mm3 daily volume
variation measurement. For a flux measurement of 10-4 m3/m2/d, the daily volume variation is 3000
mm3 per day.
The influence of the geomembrane mechanical response can thus be predominant on first day’s
volume measurements.

Table 2. Volume variations due to the variations of thickness of a 1 mm initial thickness geomembrane
Thickness varia- Induced volume variation in a
tion (%) 200 mm diameter chamber
0.01 3
0.1 30
1 300
5 1500

Watertightness of the settling is obtained by clamping. Nevertheless, the clamping ring strength
is located around the measuring chamber and that may lead to geomembrane deformation affecting
measurements. For soft material like PVC and PP, a ‘wave’ appears very often in the measuring
chamber due to that. Thus, it should be necessary to find the appropriate clamping strength leading
to the minimum deformation, strength depending on the material. But, such an undesirable effect
has only a short-term influence on upstream and downstream measurements. Applying upstream
pressure forces the geomembrane on the porous plate, that will finally reach a mechanical equilib-
rium within a few days. During this period, upstream and downstream volume will vary impor-
tantly in opposite directions.

Diffusion leads to a swelling of the geomembrane. As a molecule of solvent gets in the ge-
omembrane the geomembrane volume increases, and its thickness too. For the same reason as for

variations of thickness due to compressive creep, even a very small variation may have an impor-
tant influence on upstream measurements for very low permeability geomembranes. This phe-
nomenon is very slow and thus comparison of daily volume flux with swelling is only indicative.
Moreover, this complex aspect should not be considered, as it seems to be relatively negligible and
as it still have to be examined. It may explain some increase of upstream volume observed on some
very low permeability geomembranes.
7.2 Leakage
Leakage due to apparatus or non-perfect watertightness of geomembrane clamping is different
from one test to the other due to manipulation. Thus, the leakage can not be predicted. Neverthe-
less, measuring upstream and downstream volume variations allows detecting leakage. As both
chambers are under pressure, a leak can only occur outward of the chamber. As a result, during the
test, a leak in the upstream chamber leads to a higher decrease of upstream volume. A leak in the
downstream chamber reduces the increase of volume. Considering that no leak can occur from up-
stream to downstream, a leak will always lead to non-symmetrical volume change rate of both
Thus, the double measurements method gives guaranty concerning the leakage issue.
Moreover, it seems to be correct to say that, if there is a leak, the real flux value is between the ab-
solute values of both slopes; the highest absolute value being the upstream value and the down-
stream value being the lowest absolute value.

But leakage is generally observed during calibration stages where transport through the geomem-
brane is neglected. To confirm any leakage trend observed on a calibration curve, it is possible to
plot a curve of the measured volume (i.e. the volume of the chamber of interest) versus the tem-
perature of the chamber. If there is no leak, curve points will move cyclically due to temperature
cyclic variations: for a given temperature, a given volume. But, if there is a leak, the volume will
decrease, and then the curve will go downward. Figure 4 presents upstream volume variations dur-
ing upstream calibration stage versus the temperature of the cell. The rounded shape is unex-
plained, as curve points should theoretically draw a straight line. Nevertheless, it is not due to leak-
age because after three temperature cycles the same volume is obtained for the same temperature.
Such a shape is very current.

Upstream volume variations (mm3) eert








-200 -150 -100 -50 0 50 100 150

Temperature variation of the chamber (*10-2°C)

Figure 4. Temperature dependence of upstream volume during calibration stage.

7.3 Ring-shaped control chamber
The ring-shaped control chambers, or secondary chambers, mentioned by the two standards
were supposed to be used to control measurements. But, these chambers are smaller than the meas-
uring chambers and are also supposed to absorb a part of the geomembrane deformation. These two
functions are incompatible; if there is an undesirable effect in this chamber, measurement can not
be used to control measurements in the larger measuring chamber.

Tests presented herein and performed without using this chamber showed that leaks can be de-
tected only by volume curves comparison. This tends to show that the ring-shaped control chamber
is not necessary.
7.4 Measurement time
The measurement time includes a ‘transient regime’ and the period taken into account to calcu-
late the flux. The minimum duration of the measurement time to obtain a precise flux measure-
ments depends on the type of geomembrane.

From an absolutely theoretical point of view, this test is too short for low permeability ge-
omembranes. In fact, in this case, measuring the transport during real steady sate regime would
take several months. However, this problem only concern very low permeability geomembranes,
i.e. which permeability is around 10-7 m3/m2/d. This value is very low and its precise measurement
does not seem to be realistic or necessary for producers or users.
For research purposes, a longer test should provide reliable data.

Moreover, test time should be adapted to permeability. A 15 days of test is not enough for a 10-7
m /m2/d flux measurement but is largely enough for 10-5 m3/m2/d flux measurements. In this latter

case, the time necessary to measure accurately the flux may be reduced, but making sure that it is a
real steady state flux measurement.

Practically, it may be necessary to reduce the duration of the test when pressure-volume control-
lers are used. Indeed, available volume is limited, and thus testing time is limited.
7.5 Temperature effects
Relative effects of temperature variations on measurements depend on water air content and
also on the permeability of the geomembrane. Indeed, these effects are correlated with cell air con-
tent; the higher the air content the higher the volume variations for a given temperature change.
But, relatively to flux measurements, this change may be negligible or not. Thus, for a 10-5 m3/m2/d
flux measurement the temperature may have no real effect on volume measurements.

The effect of temperature is not only due to air content; the cell and the specimen may react to
temperature variations in a significant way for low permeability measurements.

Practically, the necessity of correcting volume readings to take into account temperature varia-
tions effects should be evaluated examining curves of measured volumes.
7.6 Tests limits and tests results significance
As mentioned previously, effects of undesired phenomena, excepted swelling, are important
relatively to flux and firsts hour’s or firsts day’s measurements are not be considered as flux meas-
urements. Moreover, the lower the permeability, the higher the effects of these phenomena.

Both calculated fluxes have to be considered to estimate permeability of the geomembrane. The
real flux is between upstream and downstream flux measurement and a safety approach would be
to consider the highest value of flux as the real flux through the geomembrane.

The measurability limit of the method, as it is proposed by the draft European standard, seems
to be 10-7 m3/m2/d, without any consideration to the volume measurement device accuracy.

Low flux measurements, that is to say about 10-7 m3/m2/d, seems no to be fully satisfactory, and
thus, results should only be considered as order of magnitude when values of fluxes are under 10-6

Results presented herein concerning PVC, HDPE and bituminous geomembranes seem to be
slightly higher than those presented by Pierson (1994). Nevertheless, tested products are not the
same in both studies and strong conclusions may not be drawn. This difference is only a trend that
should be explained by the fact that our test is shorter than the test of the mentioned study.


This test allows determination of permeability of geomembranes, with a method in coherence with
expected use of the product; phenomena involved are the one occurring onsite, and the test is a long
time test.

Obtained results should only be considered as orders of magnitude when low, that is to say less
than 10-6 m3/m2/d. The fact of having such a limit to this test should no be a problem for designers
and users because flux value is not a designing characteristic.

Finally, this paper shows that commonly used geomembranes fulfil the watertightness level.


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