Tunnel Waterproofing Practices in China: Y. Yuan, X. Jiang and C. F. Lee
Tunnel Waterproofing Practices in China: Y. Yuan, X. Jiang and C. F. Lee
Tunnel Waterproofing Practices in China: Y. Yuan, X. Jiang and C. F. Lee
A b s t r a c t --Water ingre~s in transportation tunnels not only will shorten the durability of concrete lining
and reduce the function of establishments in the tunnel, but also will worsen the tunnel surrounding so much
that the traffic will be greatly affected. In this situation, therefore, high maintenance costs are compulsory.
In many cases, a perfect appearance is strongly recommended to take measures in order to prevent leakage.
However, in China, tunnel waterproof requirements and standards for various special uses are considerably
different, such that the basis which engineers apply to design in water-control is insufficient. Especially in
montanic region, unpleasant geological condition confines engineers in working out more reasonable
methods to stop water seepage, even leakage. In this paper, the current waterproofing requirements and
measures in different spec,ial tunnels adopted in China are reviewed. The limitations of the popular methods
in several practical cases applied to prevent water leakage, such as watertight lining, drainage system, as
well as grouting, are analyzed at length. Then, some available measures, regarding concrete lining,
watertight layer, drainage establishments as well as casting watertight concrete, are proposed, which we
think indispensable for tunnel engineering to efficiently control water seepage and even completely prevent
water leakage. In the end to analyze the seepage field in montanic tunnels, the finite element and boundary
element coupling analysis method is presented. As an example, the seepage field in Zhenwushan tunnel of
Chongqing is simulated. The calculation results coincide with the in-situ data well, and provide credible
evidence for the waterproof measures which will be taken in that tunnel project. The method presented in this
paper will save expenditures for surveying measures and will enable more reasonable and reliable
waterproofing measures ~.o be taken. © 2000 Published by Elsevier ScienceLtd. All rights reserved.
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7hnneUing and Underground Spa~:eTechnology,VoI. 15, No. 2, pp. 227-233, 2000
0886-7798/00/$ - see front matter © 2000 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd.
All rights reserved.
PII: S0866-7798(00)00048-1
safe transportation and a practicable
drainage fixture in tunnels. "Design
Specification for Highway Tunnel"
(JTJ026-90) sets forth special require-
ments for A-road tunnels. This specifi-
cation stipulates no water drops on the
top arch and lateral walls, no accumula-
tion of water on the tunnel ground, and
no seepage surrounding the equipment
holes. In addition, in frozen zones and
during the frozen period, there must be
no accumulation water behind the tun-
nel lining and no freezing water in the
drainage ditch.
In the "Code for the Design of Metros"
(GB50157-92), it is demanded that (1)
no seepage occur in the sections that are
full of stations and equipment, and (2)
no moisture appears on the surface.
Further, no line-flow and no slurry-sand
leakage should appear in other sections
as well as in average tunnel works. Oth-
erwise, if a small quantity seepage ap-
pears, its leaking capacity should be not
Figure 1. Construction of the Zhenwu Mountain Tunnel. more than 0.5L/m 2per day and night. In
addition, some reinforcement should be
employed at such special parts as move-
underground water level and hydraulic heads under or mentjoints, construction joints, and pre-
above the potential tunnel are adopted to determine bound- established pipes. If only waterproof concrete is employed in
ary conditions; then a three-dimensional finite element a corrosive medium, its anti-corrosion coefficient should not
analysis model of stratum seepage is established. be less than 0.8; otherwise, other reliable measures should
In the last step of the research, a two-dimensional finite be taken.
element equilibrium analysis for the Chongqing Zhenwushan
Tunnels is performed to find the largest permeable volume 2.2 Limitations of Chinese Tunnel Waterproof Criteria
and seepage forces around tunnel. Two kinds of cases are
In most tunnel engineering, waterproofing methods
simulated: namely, seepage water is (1) drained out or (2)
should follow relative technical codes. Unfortunately, in
China these criteria have limitations.
The results of these analyses results have become the
First, waterproofing categories are ambiguous. Com-
important theoretical basis for waterproofing measures
pared with those in other countries, waterproofing require-
employed in Zhenwushan Tunnel (Fig. 1). The longest
ments and ranking methods are unclear. Since there is no
portion of this tunnel is 2040 m long, and its elevation in the
specific approach, it is very difficult for engineers to deal
roadway surface is +352.4 m. The tunnel lies in the hilly
with water ingress in design and construction practice
region in southeast of Chongqing, which belongs to the
based on vague concepts such as 'allowable seepage' or
subtropical zone and has a moist climate and abundant
'seepage prohibited'.
rainfall. The area is full of underground rivers and pipes
Second, the definition of the waterproofing standard is
with water for the whole year; the highest water level is
relatively vague for different tunnel criteria. For example,
+457 m high. A section profile is shown in Figure 2.
except for a general waterproofing specification, no detailed
requirements are established in the regime of railway
2. Waterproof Criteria and Their Limitations in tunnels. Furthermore, an A-class waterproofing design in a
Chinese Tunnel Engineering railway tunnel is by far different from that in a highway
2.1 Waterproof Criteria in Chinese Tunnel Engineering tunnel.
A general waterproof requirement is stipulated in '%Va-
terproofCriterions in Underground Engineering" (GBJ108-
87). This requirement stipulates that prevention, drainage,
interception and caulking should be integrated in syntheti-
cally controlling of water ingress in underground engineer-
ing. For various tunnel engineering works such as railway,
highway and metro, a specific waterproof requirement and
rank should be constituted according to the requirements
on function and construction cost, as well as appearance.
The general waterproof requirement is also set forth in
"Design Criterions of Railway Tunnel" (TBJ3-85), "Con-
struction Criterions of Railway Tunnel" (TBJ204-86) and
"NATM Directory of Railway Tunnels". In addition, a com-
plete preventive and drainage system is required to achieve
a reliable and economical waterproof system.
On the basis of general waterproofing requirements,
surface water and underground water are controlled in the ,F-
"Technical Standard of Highway Engineering" (JTJ01-88). 155,'.0cm
Reliable prevention and drainage measurements are re-
quired for highways and A-class roads, in order to insure
Figure 2. Section of the Zhengwushan Tunnel.
Waterproofing system Waterproofing system
with~l, second protection layer with second protect/on layer
Third, waterproof operation is unsatisfactory. Neither a With a smooth and glossy surface, the waterproof layer
general waterproofing provision nor systematic research in a composite lining, which is mostly composed of PVC,
on waterproof operations with respect to economy and ECB, EVA, LDPE and HDPE, should be fixed between the
efficiency has been realized in China. The standard on timbering and the moulding concrete. To prevent the water-
waterproofing operation and measurements is poorly con- tight membrane from damage and assure a reliable water-
stituted. Because no uniform assessment system is estab- proof layer, a 4-5-mm-thick foam plastic lining or 2.6~3.2-
lished, various waterproofing operations can be carried m m waterproofing geo-textiles should be placed behind the
mainly on the basis o:Fpractical experience which, to some watertight membrane, the joints of which should be fixed
extent, has been proven unscientific by the water leakage with plastic pipes, plastic washers, steel washers, wooden
that has occurred on finished tunnels. screw, etc. Two popular types of waterproof operations with
Practically, data provided to tunnel waterproofing de- composite lining are shown in Figure 3.
signers is insufficienlL Because of the complex geological The composite lining solution has been applied in many
conditions and the high costs of engineering investigation, tunnel engineering projects, such as the Tokyo Gulf Under-
it is difficult to completely master information about under- water Highway Tunnel, Beijing-Xidan subway line, and
ground water around tunnels. Consequently, the authors Beijing-Jiujiang Wuzhishan Railway Tunnel. Because of
suggest testing along with reliable estimation as the evi- problems with the previous waterproofing measures in the
dence on which to bm,te waterproofing steps. Fujian Gangtuo Mountain Tunnel work, which was com-
posed of 2-cm sand-plasm smooth face, geotextiles and PE
3. Current Application Status of Tunnel plastic waterproof layer, the waterproofing design was
Waterproof in Chin~a modified to a representative composite lining waterproof-
ing method efficient enough to fulfill the waterproofing
There are three main construction methods generally requirements.
used in tunnel engineering in China: However, there are some inevitable disadvantages in
• the Deep Buried Method, which is mainly adopted for this method. It is relatively difficult to protect timbering
underwater tunnels; forms in the initial stages, and it requires a long construc-
• the New Austrian Tunnel Method (NATM), which is tion period and is a rather complex operation to perform.
mostly used for tunnels in mountainous geology; and Moreover, the means of its joint connection between water-
• the Shield Tunnel Method, which is often employed proof planks cannot be guaranteed, and furthermore re-
for such metropolitan soft-soft underground engineer- quires high-class welding craft. In addition, the waterproof
ing as metro. plank is quite difficult to fix on the lateral tunnel, and thus
is prone to damage during the operation process of the
In many tunnel waterproofing technologies, a combina- second lining. To achieve a complete watertight tunnel, as
tion of watertight lining, drainage system, concrete grout- a consequence, a composite lining waterproofing should
ing are the most popular methods of waterproofing in tunnel usually be combined with such other waterproof methods,
engineering. such as drainage and grouting concrete.
tunnel waterproofing in China. For instance, both types of where v, is the seepage volume through unit area, and k~,
wall rock grouting--r.Lamely, in the entire section prior to k~y, and k~ are, separately, the seepage vector in the direc-
lining and circularly after l i n i n g ~ a r e employed in the Ba tion ofx, y, andz. Ifx andy are the total plane coordinate and
Pang Lin Tunnel. z is the perpendicular coordinate, the hydraulic function is
h =z +P (2)
in which z is THE position head obtained from a certain
norm height, and p is the underground water pressure at
some research point, and yis the specific weight of water.
2 As for the incompressible fluid, its continuous equation is
v~ - Q0 = 0 (3)
in which Qo is underground water resource.
If we assume that the research region is an ideal homo-
geneous media, then k . k,. k~ is constant and the partial
differential equation o~see~age field can be obtained.
The coupling method presented in this
5 3086.5
paper can be applied to problems regard-
ing non-homogeneous and nonlinear
seepage fields. In the following section,
it i,, ",,i l))l i i l ; z
lets. #
2 12T4.,J
the seepage field simulation for the b--..., t I ~ r l . o4
Chongqing Zhenwushan Tunnels is car- I. sT. i t 6
ried out.
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