Baptist Bible Study Bulletin #14
Baptist Bible Study Bulletin #14
Baptist Bible Study Bulletin #14
A. Landmarks of Baptist Doctrine (4 vols.) – published by Bible Baptist Church Publications, 1989. Robert J. Sargent was born
in Wangaratta, Victoria, Australia. Since 1988, he is serving the Lord as pastor of Bible Baptist Church in Oak Harbor, WA.
Pastor Sargent’s work is a great summary of Biblical doctrines presented from a Biblical Baptist position. If there is a work on
systematic theology to get, this is the one to get. Electronic format as well as spiral bound copies are available: Because Pastor Sargent comes from a Biblical position, he does not advocate the usual
ecclesiological error of a Universal, Invisible, Mystical Church espoused by both Evangelicals and Fundamentalists.
B. Practical Christian Theology – published by Kregel, 1992. Floyd H. Barackman (Floyd Hayes Barackman, 1923–2007) taught
at Practical Bible Training School in Bible School Park, NY. The school eventually became Davis College in August 2004. Pastor
Barackman pastored the Calvary Baptist Church in Meadville, PA and a couple other churches in upstate NY. This book is
currently on its fourth edition (2013) and presents a dispensationalist and classic Evangelical position.
C. A Systematic Theology of Biblical Christianity (3 vols.) – published by Detroit Baptist Theological Seminary, 2009-10. Rolland
McCune (1934–2013) was professor of Systematic Theology at Detroit Baptist Theological Seminary, Detroit, MI. This
systematic theology is a compilation of his lifetime work and is perhaps the finest Systematic Theology from a Fundamentalist
perspective. Dr. McCune’s work utilizes multiple Bible versions and primarily, the NKJV. Again, the Evangelical and
Fundamentalist textbooks deny the Biblical doctrine of the verbal and perfect preservation of God’s words. Dr. McCune does
mention certain passages on verbal preservation. Dr. McCune’s footnotes are a world of astounding references on its own.
D. A Tabular Comparison of the 1646 Westminster Confession of Faith, the 1658 Savoy Declaration of Faith, the 1677/1689
London Baptist Confession of Faith and the 1742 Philadelphia Confession of Faith. Available online: Copyright © Don Lowe & James N. Anderson 2007. This is a highly
useful and relevant chart providing a comparison chart of three Reformed Confessions of Faith. And while they are not a
Systematic Theology textbook per se, they are systematic in their theology. What this chart reveals for one thing is that there
was a uniformity of belief in a verbal preservation of the Scriptures prior to the avalanche of textual criticism. (see Chapter 1,
no.8). They are Reformed (meaning Calvinistic) and therefore they disavow Arminianism, Roman Catholicism, and even the
E. A New Systematic Theology of the Christian Faith – published by Zondervan Academic, second edition, 2020. Robert L.
Raymond (Robert Lewis Raymond, 1932–2013) held a Ph.D. from Bob Jones University, and taught at Covenant Theological
Seminary in St. Louis, Missouri (1968-1990) and Knox Theological Seminary in Fort Lauderdale, Florida (1990-2008). Dr.
Raymond’s work is Reformed however he does reject the important doctrine of the eternal generation of the Son.
G. The Moody Handbook of Theology – published by Moody, revised, and expanded, 2014. Paul P. Enns (1937–present)
serves as professor and director of the Tampa Extension, Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary. This work is not a
systematic theology, but it is a comprehensive analysis of a variety of theologies. This book also has a listing of recommended
reading for further study. Do not confuse Paul Enns with Peter Enns (also, they are not related). This is a conservative work.
F. Systematic Theology – published by Eerdmans, new combined edition, 2011. Louis Berkhof (1873–1957) was a faculty
member at Calvin Theological Seminary in Grand Rapids, MI and taught for almost 40 years. Berkhof’s work is thoroughly
Reformed however his analysis and comparisons of a variety of theological perspectives are succinct and insightful.
Eminent Excerpts:
Pastor Sargent presents seven objectives to studying Landmarks of Baptist Doctrine: “1. To enable the student to use the
Bible skillfully through a sound understanding of basic doctrine. 2. To effect in the student a greater love for Christ, a greater
desire to win the lost, and a greater appreciation of the necessity of evangelism to be undertaken from a doctrinal standpoint.
3. To see in the student evidence of a desire for continued growth in both the spiritual and intellectual realm. 4. To prepare
the student for a life of total ministry of the Word of God. 5. To acquaint the student with various books and authors dealing
with this field of study. 6. To stimulate the student and prepare him for continuing theological studies of the Word of God. 7.
To help the student know why he is a Baptist and enable him to defend the faith once delivered to the saints – Jude 3; Titus
1:9.” (Robert Sargent, An Introduction to Baptist Doctrine, Landmarks of Baptist Doctrine Vol. 1, page 1).
“He [The Lord Jesus] has made known to us divine truth, which remains hidden from the world’s understanding (1 Cor. 2:7),
so that we might live obedient, fruitful lives (Jn. 15:6; cp. Deut. 29:29).” (Floyd H. Barackman, Preface, Practical Christian