Current Affairs April 2020 PDF

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4 2¢ 1 HAT bv 1 “fe 0R0 WEISS aay Ala WIHT COVID:19:< AF CARE TRA oe aeua aiitmisiiapeecbd 2¢ SIT CICA ae Cr Bra Bia a crea Be TER HSA CRIT Ca RR FE Gerta sia aR NTE coer Faia Fy TT at, crete Birr, Berar Bre Al, FoR Re, OAS a4 iat Fea Sg Sy rere amr PTE ITA SE, FILA ILA Gl, Boa am, Fea Oy TT RPA WE TTT aor rfign DreTa TNT firm Prerere wee Dan ¢ Fra fey axfires fowtee al, aa CRC FBR afar apres Bina, 3a arena PAA OTA SAH SET, Ca, AT SAT wat: fee Bret fey UPI AA BAG SHCA OY) CHO, AATEA, DIET 9300 GRA : CIVWEDS, BEODORD, 03499 92040) FER CHR : SCvBBOY web : e-mail : {@ profscurrentatfairs af aro areata ¢ fy paraete FARTS ae eat atoced a 0» for ~ 2ode Sera Bae AEN TTRT Bar af aay WRAAR MATS Fa A HA CCS AG ea Bea FA Br ea tea vial Fog eG og 1 aA ARFETS > WS 2020 fee WY ALA (WHO) 4 Gutcs tas wernt caren sa | emote af fafsq aret efecr ATG | TA AOS SHES At LOH ASS CATH AT ABT efSAS FACS BA 2 FU 2020 GPUS CCS GTA SOTA Fra Srrara Fee Afeaire ons yf’ wrra sca TER 1 oa eG fice AN yp AEs ACA DA OPP Boat BHI 1A PH VA) THATH 99 AG 2020 afta oraces free CBD yarn Heer HCAS OETT eee Ba 1 aa aay et Revs acace aaa AACSIE | MRTG SATA SFO BANS At aaa SACS BI ae claPTR ffSqy eS 1 crt-facAeA aa ATA ‘FracHa WeFSASy SCAT TTR A ALTA | mata seats Fret ofobrera Ace orale aAahee com Foghat a UTR SER Deh tor a TAT ART) ATA Fal SHEL | ORAS start HATS ETA FRG ATHTR BON faHGA Real Viva 44 89TH fatian feanfefee for @ Self Test 1 erg ‘Frcat foo’ ont aay aes-At Bost, ate-enefiie weet fires, aren frev.cerey Rw fea ‘ram shes fori aa yes Fee aOR fafoq fines ay agids off Font ware oy FRI eRe FARIS 6 BAS eH ETT | afore, AI eferaror arate Coord wy facra ATMS OA MEA WE NA AA TALS GIT GALT FA AAAS ATG | AACS lee Aaacda SSM | AT BIT OY cigs AR, Fame ACH ACs COTS Tr ATH — 9 ASHP | STA ITS | PAS FSS ARPATA ABT ob-fo (OT VF) AIA, VI 900 ACA YES 6 PTS s ra We Dn he Ot) nn A oor DN) es a ne oo Az pos ee aot ae ye 8° Bd gpase aBua.@a 08 I RA-ACAM : HIB R020 O& Il FASE MC : HIS YoX0 ob Il AAS eiceitaA : ME 029 Ob I MHA RAPIST do I THR AOR 39 1 tra wah D8 1 BMS : AIF R020 e iba aeTert ° 301 Rags 6 ona Hm Se 34 Il BPATC-9 aq Cut é 34 1 GIB CBIBTA 30,5b,95,993 (db I ATeranies aera 18a FSA d Se Boss ASA StenhS do 1A rR aes OBB D8 CCNA SI THLPHGTH BY 20 I BTS GMI HRT r 0 Il CICA SH Wi-Fi City 20. I AT AAS 80,0¢,492 QD UCR SRT OTST CA 29 PRA Aga Ba ET Ry D> 1 3B Rares SE wares a BQH ARTA RO I HAS 208d : BAS cE AAG 38 1 afeat fy etre RO Rate ADA Sea cast 20 1 SIFTS Geer AHS ATCA WY Il Yahoo! FERTAA THORS Qe 1 ae race Fifa Ta QA STATA Feel CHT CICA ATTA AN 2 aera Fain, Pan's fafeq FTA Axe TRG GTP DISS MCO acer Hate SIRES Boighen con oo 1 Yr ata ABA Bre 98 Il COVID-19 ae CAPR FETT NOY IE BOT BOT AAAS cpt cele Wea vob 1 Faces asst 8d Berane cen tre a. uaa rag Sey 3 88 WFC OTTER ATT 8Y I Single-digit Interest Rate: Challenges & Prospects BCS aiaisd 8d 1 86a ARH Bena ofS 6 Self Test Wo Il 8064 FFF Real Viva fact fH Wd I 940m Fre s-seIEs Fae MPT: R020 Ue TET HS ‘We | BSMMU'S Fafa Br APF We 1 are -gnetire Heaa Free efeis @ aria Beha ‘ay Rena FRB, ony water OH AST FR ETAT 98 1 “face Bfimecsa fafey 7 tS @ Beh eran Pr Ham FH EE 9p Ie SeReraa Gas Ss bd. RS wearA FIC : 4b ve 18 Batis : 14-8¢ wo 1 aa fey WB Il Aaa Be bw I MCA FANS 9 TCR TT ve 1 fecacd etre Ga SH do I CA SPA dQ 1 ey Stes UT Bea 30 II SAL-SETAL a8 i fafa MCQR Review ! Bes ieiaratt Aes eview aera BG Sn 22 | PRORS Mer te ag.oa + QB. Mare WA AAT GHCHAUPA ABA A020 08 RSTO © 03,09,2020 13% | STIATS 08.09.2020 1 | STS — fagoea aga Ha ae | SROTFER CS ORL SeTREA 6 — STHIAA FERS TA — Treats BBS opera) RoC | Mr aTeS SAA REE BABA | — Ficha yaa eAfba Reo FIG | AR Waa ‘afeatie yfe's Baer MAR ITAA CURTOAA | wR] Ta PRT eCeATD CAT | ccs Ram VAM BA TEA | set war Jae Ge eR | | — Bosc aera ecaahh STORE WI AP ATOR ISH | — Fords feted aoa Te | ARENT @ 0% 00,2020 1 AM | ALAA # 0¢.00. 20201 FHS — fren tae ATs ear 2030. ARTE YI SRAM | — Tee 6 YSAhA TT Sy Creta Feeee Wares nebo fora Siacifos Sra BIMPFCEA (ICC) GY BFE FACS ARIE AI A CAL ICC | BHIGISS 09.00,2020 14 — FATA MST THATEA RATSTTS ABR rela ray CaTR ABM CHAT ACA (fire) seen Rade BAS 1 — ate ara fépa abe | — Caafis Hinege © ofeart — as FAO AUT Fa Sees oefers coos Gm Oba PRCA FPPC DI SICA | — 2 Ft APT te Re Bete | Fricweret SpaeaIa Steet FA CH BAS | Bovohar. com AAMT 4 09,0060 1TH | — Fa aera Pa ce TT TT | FUVAT) BY fe oat fae Io ‘afa Ha BTS aTeTT ATE (NBR) | — ae wetaies aifracna fret SAE (GTR) 0,804 CHE 28 (Regt, ares cafafrert) fafa, 2020 Bf | —aricationa aatpica apa ae | Bey TH Hema Orta | CUR GT COAT. SEPTATE 33 7 BAPEX | — TER TTT -TeAE ae @ Fafrcat Hecerhrer carats Be Trade and Investment Co- operation Forum Agreement | (TLCFA)-58 489 FST SBS | — FS fora Boe TAS Sare mA ERT are are Bra aa bh orem STAT | | — STERfSs Wrist MMPS (ICC) — tifea Prot arag ort aferga wprOA Ts Bratt TEMS TERR @ WAT afta yarraes OFS BRIA LEME © 0v.09.20201 FF | —& Fiore Bore ara oto AT aA RGA 9H a CCSD A | (TRAC _ AAT ATST | fare site earretara FU ACE TA CIRM CT FRR GIS, GAM Fnat | __sttaaet 242/086 (IEDCR) | erste — werafie caret Sagrenrere NHI? poifee aq vba wfoye few He Bea ow aces Foe ARTE GO SMCS OF | BRITS ¢ 08.00.2020 1 AT — CIGAATHA AIA Far Efe aT renter cece Gr ROTA OH Wa TSA | | — creme afer} 28 AY mevifes ortare IF @ STATE STARTS APTI ORICA ore cafPree fierce te G1 — 0) TATE MEH SSCA AS fra sera sera) REA Ranier yA Hae A | — fate seafarers Cre A Ra Teal Ba Oa @ wa Sorte craters we) after aye FATT Ie BoHPES coe are viagra | UNESCO's Fa afer a Br ea MS GAAS AAG (WHC) ABALA.MAC TA HAT GOFAL aie oro $ Oo “con AREAWPT @ d0,09.20k0 1M — BTS Frnfas foes erie — awe spam Parad ora mm «| UOTE ices BNR we — Sarrea cafes Taya mR CAPA QUOT GAT ORCS BITS Sa AAS Gana APA tea FRoKe STI — ASIA AR Wi-Fi City) TAT OROTT BS ST SE-B NAS FA | Rene Tat ow wa FAB | — Ber Beart ee a8 chit IPT @ dv,00.2020 1 a ten TST capt caraen | Reed Cr aa @ ARMS | — QRTAITAR ATT R00 BIS TE FT CA ARCA | SR Ree anes fore ait aaa oI wrasse | bier aerate | RAAT AAA SA I | — COCR TO THA ARTA | — FART MPSA CHA | BIGHT @ 20.00.2020 1 TF Cot eg ee A area OAR CAR | BHTER FATE R038 AI FAB TCA WH TeaCoa Raes AT A | SIFTS # 8.002020 See esa Ro WHA cognate | SIALR co fice Fda RR a OA 8 LR HO AHA | SMIMS © 99.00.2020138 | HAA aA MATH TT FH ARFMTPT — @ 83.09.2020 14H = FARRAR ACH RT | aft cefines pififia afer | DIFd0, RAH 8 TORTS ee cree ea FN AT | ARENT # 9€.00.2020 1 se Sir Boidoa SABE | ARQl (WHO) t — BON Corel Oa HEH ORM | ARSTEPT — @ 22.09.2020 1A —afna cefices stfifia ARIA uN HT) | — oem aR rae tre fore afer sees oo £ a aA Or CHA ACC | | Mooaé: fageomngrmm ee — GAIA A “NS SUT | wh oo wIO : 7 HCA NR AeA CHER VAT Wy fen ICTY RIOT WIRE SCH NBR et ARATA 9¢00 SIAR i og aE: Srecatigar Air AST eS Set OTT theuTA STIS ‘Pace AS CHA TATA OF | Carel CA BAPEX | SRP GeACES CIPS TH | Se ae AALATEPT 92,09,.2020 TFET | AGEN AT AT ATM CATR CH TEDCR | — BETO TCA BOOST CANE | B90 ATE SoH BNET GUTTA CTR BCR AT OA PRCT fafacoe ce yafefes aefee | a ae: YR eat Beret fsa Bea ope MARRASISE | i vy AIT: SIRRTCAA ACT 00 VISA TG CS AUNT! Bana ref CH BTHTAR | mao me: Fas afta eBare aIPMTTS RCE FERN STOTT frend ya Sart wienfeies RCBC'A RecE Teo OA OM SA CH ATT Sif ATA OT FORT SITS | — Ter aa cats eT | Wise m6: anime eet eee een el rr ae | aga Re fre BT OT cra memes tee | Rees yi dias Reine oe (ete wefan sre eran | eam eaten ane Bae | Be sacs ame efi eftas | (RCBC) aera TEER Tea — Yeu: cra ctrl we I cro ae NaeCTAt| || ATT SAG AA OTA TORT Ses Fane @ SRSRFCR | Siem aR mM aa eceT eR | FEE OTHE 2g Fr re at AAT a tC Ta oe | — Be SITTER Feet COVIDAS CF font ah ae x1 IT PRA TE 30 AA | Res af Ula Ie wa ibe RPA PTT Ba cua CRA ANG SPH | vb IS RoRo MIAFE CTT Bee ecto nf ae Qa SICA FM FA FF | — Ras aTTETEL ATOR TAT crea war a ab FNM OR aE | ETOP. @ 88.09.2030 1H wits eteTaS CHIR ROTA ae OI HARTA FAN eFETATY RR CR TAY TY AA (WHO)! SFBSSe wwoo.roro ina Ales HAG w AStorTS TTA SIERIES ¢ 309,080 1 — FOAG aerers ware | een a OT FARMER ANTS FAT SR ea Ge) | IEEE @ 8.090201 FEA a be CoS I Gre RREITAT ¢ 39.09.2030 177 | — CORT TAA TATE ae wag ea Sa | erated tana | Ree enfrs em cB (WIC) Re BR ors ROAR a be ABA. MA 26 WA MAT HMA ABA AOI + OWPminh 3S, TERE Cre TG aR Rs efbICTA HRT FOE? TERI Cr A TH FOE? Ox Ost Ove Qos ow Pew Pook Gosid | 99. 92 a roo Terrewt tes aA TH CHR wR eT AA HH HIATT? OETA POTS STATA OTA? @ Gea APM AA a Odie oor os Peet fiche @ aidraty-atehta aA Te OPIS wo FE @ SRR ara aA a @ feta wor FS Oman Fa OMAN His Beets fe sera e ara A TH CHT AAT? | eTOHHfB SP eomossnamnseeeaee Ora @odam 38, SPH Te IT CITA AI Bias @ Farris Oye WS WHE TAT? . 80 RFA Lodo AAMT. AF CH! — | av CRTUPH 2020 @ Bd CHAU 2020 eats MRM TT FH? @I WY OA AB Yoo @ Bre Tee PAGE © cain SHAT TG | ye. oT TH MATA WIAA ATA Qa wa ae FS © ae THe FARES RRRere BIS corey wre eA? TARE HRT ATi PRATHER A AT A? @feas, wae Orb, afer Oarr tert ae OQaiainahe | aw, Ose, wr @ FITS MATE © GIA TE MATS | yy, eres aPl @ HroMeE ee cars FT? >. YOTTE Doers TIO TH CTT | @ 2020 FH @ 202) FA CST FS Bras CIS Areca BIO? @ 2023 FF @ 2029 FH @200 Br @voo Brat 34. 99 TIE 2020 fo eee A cePCCs @ 800 Bret © d€00 Brat ‘acre wang tet Fear CH? . 200 Braty ID are SICH BTA? OWA © eas saRT @ IAF 0X0 @ 29 AIF A0Yo Oak THEA © Ar ca @dIeAWroro — @S¥ AF a0xo db, Terenas SBT ¢ Ea eteteTAR CH . MATT TENT FETT TIE GI] | OREM «OIA TP eTeFPTS BTR? QOURR at = OMI @v ara @r ara FAT STG HAT steerer Ov ara © rR d8. > HIE Joo SAARC'H 8X TAATT MOTE HST Bes CHIT HALE? ROTA THANG skeet Bea CHP @ rede @200 Frat @ AF Fe “th (GTS) @ TECH GH (AA) @e0o re @800 bre ORR Tt CF) © OF STAG Toa Cre oer MRTEABAST VATA | 20. 59 Gl R020 CH GMM fe TRS FHT The FOG? AEA (WIPO) BOT ATM MS FAT? @rB @x @r0b Oot ery Oar B38 2 TIF QoXo TTT We | OAH @wia t98 Crea areas shi MPaTAAB ASS | ay, exter erreTareat PAPAYA (ALB) Drenthe HTT TIAA OTA? TERR FT Or FOE? OSPR TS MAE © ora Pe ae @eb @wt @ Trae Te FATE © aA Te ficTE Oat Owt “UNESCO fen entra fog coreet won Ge few, era By o wr IRE Ae ABUM.DWARCE WA HAT GIA ABI 2020 # 09 Poincar RW CRIM 20R0 CHA CM AIIB'T | 04, Sees Rental feat eet OT ATT ATS FR? @a OR ao OD ew Oxrelarars Or, TAIT A Cr CTAB @ara © arta ; ae Onfean ACT Od Qo 20, TAT eT TEMAS CHOTA ITH | FTA 19 SETA mmeemonmernemaes (UNLDC-/) #2 Sefe BA? Od, CORA AS 3c DaoaaT A A? @W2e AFA 0 @2-Re MH AOX_—_ Licence toKill_ © A View toa Kill @d2C AB 202d RE ALON’ @Spectre @No Time to Die 28 TEAC AGT TOMAS CHO ACT | go, “Taay’ Shee ara THT Dice WET A) (UNLDC-1) GR Bebe RA? | @ SRR FF FER fea aA OCur, BA OIF Ouafv Ostia OUM, We @ GR, HOR 8, arey’ As Tronfice arage A age RC. MOANA TEMAS CHEN ATT ofa fare AAT CH? (UNLDC) FS TI HT SHS AA @ fra ata @ Pare Bere fon @vt Ocwe F @ ener ate O44 10H% @d0 wa @s¢ wa 18x “araR’ As aToMPCe STR GRR OTS FACE STATE senesosscmtennaenseaa | ara ofa BTR SAAT CE? ww. Rees erie om art? §— @ aN @ Pa aa @ oth size oor @ oat afta See © Brean HE @fra | 80, 2020 AIH SHAM AH FNS AA CF? a Sexe wets Sx com cor? @xhacart = @ RR aR @xa @atta Ooi aeranf ©F+ 4 day own © sri ora Ry, TaN Ae we STRIATE TTI FeET? | Suen Oemower SES Ovaae Fe SPATS seasons! | 5.99 F309 OU EAER es 2o. TERT RCH AHS STATA HEMT FE? —_ge, gaeH HIM Bata RI HAY Hea hs Ra? @varovh @rooat / over: © NBR Hoy Oye @aoa QYOEn onde yor © 0 geo» Boy 0, ees rea CH CHAE? Bu Face yRaT faeces CBieMIOA AAA? @um RAR © Bera @™Ma yids Geheas, wae Oem @xns. © Gra farat atts, sch Od, Ree NE araaE Brat TAG? QA, SE ORO Hers OReafe @ arate 89, GHATS FRE TOTO ACH USAT ORR Oca ache aioe BCE wR? OR TRU AS ETM ATTA? uta | OMA Or OO O7A Ow @ Roa a offing Beat 2, mse eT wT FET AS BY, 2oR0 FAC AEA ah f-orete @ wafer Oca RTO I HHA OP? @Reaa ORR | @Naea QRS 98, APSA A AAT OMA ATA FE? | eS Ofeems Ora OB OAT OS | gy, Cae mem wea we TA BHA Cafe arty aafSAHA QO sme | Fea aR cre Babe AA? Ot. ae Se ane @kas @xarat SAS OAR, A | | OES @ vie se oun @ dr, ae ao, Merrorors wrehe facet WHA TEA oY, Ne arent carat? | eaters after #7 o , OAS Ove, | OwEARM Owe tea OF, THRE OM, Ta | OTR OMe BoC spa a ea ey BS core eH ranyera fare “fat frat’ aa tere mfr 2 cremate Ba Feet | PSOE TORT FS STAT 6 epfere waicer ! 00 Bie | : Feng FP (Feng), ere (BIA) 6 RRR BA) | Ba (st, RE aha (90%) | ae weqattise ards bow |e: : , Bee ag ities ¢ | OH: ' 7 ” ee ET | a 3a a oxo Raton aga | et: RMT Geral, Tees | aia ora | MPRA Roca ete ei car et: Fed aN afecaen wT, At Pa wroara Te | Ba: OMA OF Safe | i 1 mea oH rTPA eat | A): 3 CRA cma eT | Ba: wae ae | 8a: eres fier lary: £33.18 2020 1 a Og afb Hurun-ee WS | re men BT wer |= TECH Ra Me A car Lee fA | (a: re CaP (GRA) | +1 Global Fire Power-< feta 1 omer een EBS Gna AY: TR OPM Cacao areca a ae tore A om corfiy tre wer | Ris Te ea a) + Global Fire Power-8 2°St7" 1C Ib R030 CHA CMa eh cl a a: ta: a: te: ay: ta: a: ta a: ta: a: ta oh ta a ta om: va: om: ta: Ree co cr ies | Paar | [ea ‘eamenoeetr ron | 388 i : + a Roe a FAAS 1 FRER Grem con (ee Aeon FoR MATS His TE Oe CH CORBA Fer | Bee STM (Preah ot APTateeta | Aa ab, 99,992 FF | Sa A) 1 [Ba eB UNESCO" Fe 27 mE Ca ER 3388 ABA. Ma Ae WA TAT GTAP fF QoXo od a8 a we ae wa ay a Se ma a ta 4 42 4 #8 2 SAM GTA SRA 7 omy: 299807 fet 14 CATA (Korone) | cae Re aT fe eT ‘BRE YS BW AAA (corona) 4 | BH : SCATATSIRATA (coronavirus)- | 2] RA CA CO AY 1800 LA PI | SHATTER AMTATTAA ATU | RATATSRA APA BN BAP 2 9D¥O FIA | PFATSRAA CTR ACT senfea SIS aT Ae :SARS-CoV-21 :SARS-CoV-2 4 Fat FB arora a ae : COVID-19 1 2 COVID-19-44 AC stefoa ya ara Be severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 | ha (GARS-CoV-2) | : Covip sence aa fe | 22019 Novel Coronavirus 2019-nCoV) | et : fea arg Acyl (WHO) #4 | a COVID-19 ART FAP 199 CRFRTA 2030 | 2 COVID-19 Aca FETT Fat wader :CO fH Corona, VI fica Virus 488 D fit Disease 2059 APTS BRS FIM OT | FAFA B19 1 FH ef AT al BAY | » FETA 20d 1 fe WS ACI COVID-19 & tafe arf (Pandemic) CAR Ba Hea? 39 HIB 2020 | 2 TURATHT! COVID-19 STE Cath PAT a Fae 1b WI 2030 | EMO COVID-19 STIS | Gah te ara AE Hear db IB R030 | 9 948 soft warrertan | coca eqefea am hem CRP af6— HCoV-229E, HCoV- NL63, HCoV-OC43, HCoV- HKUL, MERS-CoV, SARS- CoV 8SARS-CoV-2 | : MERS'S *}fR% Be Middle East Respiratory | Syndrome | fae ag ACA. ret | oy Wa Cafes Ue IT CHR Bea BAP BART 2020 1 COVID-19 BERS | © Qed HF BAP fer | Influenza Spanish | Flu, Influenza HIN1 41) Swine Flu R&COVID-19 | : WHO ®@ Influenza H1N1 | Hl Swine Flute CAs | ‘wap caret Bar | Om ANCA | 2 WAH (Epidemic) Care Fat wee Ba: ote caters erga Bar BAF TW GATE BHT ay SIF aloes “HATHA ROTA CARA Fal BI ops: Cafe Tea CHT at BA Be fare sa SPT, erat RTA Ga TAA CH eT Oe AKT ATH BAA OIE aft ATR (Pandemic) FAI Z| :aaafa ¢ cafes wets ides Be 1 Raffi Epidemic @ Pandemic wi fa ed Te | OTe Epidemic *4f0 T4Rs BI" BIT aeta aTASTA UAT EF Ay GTA EE AT ACG | AUPE CHTCAT CHIT aay faces cata SIT CI ‘eG EY BH OI Pandemic | ? 1 CER RCA FRH Bd FC ANIA AA FH Fay GT ARAR Swab (AT) COCEA acai SS BH, OTA HR afore frees tard we RCT ATT I | UNESCO's Fe fer wear goary argo Fe fos ATA ede 0 & 30 asad. Mare FRA FAD OHTA Af 20% 1 erat fe ATG FA Fe meses — shed wer cetera Fea yeaa rena aA fret Cre SR FIT __ Fh pA eT | STH BT CHS arcade a aes Praia Be | of sedis wrfea Frere ST | of ger arroa, gf era ao seme een ee feral fea ae fore cer ¥ aferzad core a Bar [See ee oe — 92. BRT 2098 | | re 1 eS Fe? TS CICS FLAT Cr — A 30R0-TB 2035 1 eee avi 1 oifea Fret araR ore a FR POPE FER | FRA HPTOARA Beta — ON GAAP 20 FT bri ibe er cr erect tet aareft en — SRE ote BERT UD 2030 FIC SHA eH TECH 1 wifes fro erag ote aferga | erat! | seraomtere |) ee orto ae am — woawore erage aR ert AY 1 PR ROTH HF WA yooh ae | Hace cemaiee, eet (PR | oxo rer OE Ogee STRTAETA etn 0 Fi (9 CRM) Br I subi aags topr en — wag fafa; o> feora pubis de pon 203-38 TMA R001” ram MET CHT “GA 1 Feed BHA ¢ OUT R020 FH rote aa fae Sear ROR NIE SITE FAY | erat rete | Tne ata |! SE a0 ee e ? ae ili — a a ai, «RARE g0¥d | 1 eed eet sarc cS eo Libitisnibinl ae i BRE, oF | 5 eee jib year's Diplomacy, Friendship and Prosperity) |, “MTSE GIG. pT sums 1 area Soares 1 Bred Bore eT THe i ab altel ae an _ let on aol | — 1a ACHR 300 Brat @ 300 A erage wept ace fie coed | DIR TITAS BIE GAB, 900 | 94 WIE 2020 AIS BER Drat BERS yerIa ae TT exghira ora Br sie FR oo Trat SERS IATA — fea FEAF RO | 1 eae Bees ae Te SOA WE] Fe Diet CIT [L200 Breta ct areca eer ara? | — ve TB 2020 | | rarer aferTae ssc | E UNESCO a aferaed FTA | Frere sree ear — 2C SH 209 1 1 UNESCO's @aey Arete SCHR | aferead stercra Frere sree ear | — 8081 [1 UNESCO’ 8088 metas fcr | aca caret SefBe Rar | — y2-99 ACB Qodd; MA, BA 1 30 CRAM Roo cara FeaFerTeT PAAR os ome erage Geet gh ayferey geicta ACH FATE YS RAS — Fateh rere feafenrers (University of Saskatchewan) | | 1 39 HIG 2020 Sa aNteS | 38UICea ANA (Surrey) "RT | a fear tH er {— 1 jt 2 AIS 2020 YwaTha CHA | RAR GRRE 94 HIE 2020 Ct | 99 AT gory ste “yferaad CARH Sear | yoarka areal erftca f8.i'a cana BRC PTT ate ae TaN 1 TeTOM @ UIT ATE cle akan ca yaga FARCE Fic Aiton acute satatia am — FRR! Lb aay’ ante vafiatta 1 sire cor — "ra aor (BES) | 1 carey’ Tonite safeatts RAC FP er [3p fen ort area UNESCO’ Fe doa cram Beary meget foe om arHTE Dea Ra He = 2 foe toed fy me eT “PA Mes eo, whi Bates AOU, TTIC-STOTT TERY, COTS FHA erproareal Brae wrea aoa shila ae TS SH GUE Gia eae AE VIET FA aeiice ‘Bert adit’ sacar Fear 20 wT PARE Cl GRA, HST RAPA, CT TEST A, Gl, a GIT, GEST YM FT, TA TAT am, TIER a, ER AR, gaa Reeth, en, ait Ga, Tal, abr ahaa, safeeas errs FSET CA | aSa Tee Se Sola ean crete aes oe aray Ore SGA FRTICA mrreutia ay yb. a et 30 wae Nowe om wali areata AB TEAR CRATE) | aera | fia CITE 6 age fear as | fag waRTERAIC FCT OP ITS “at TIA AS ACS Preach fats Shere oT mame wifes Proiarag ote afore Fe wPTOATTS, Bore OIee wal wicR BRN aten- Peres FACTR Ta TR Ras Ser cate FATS CBO Fitba oH ag ORAS atone Fierce a Racera orera Borate Se | MANTA SAHA ATS WSSS IEP ATR One YR AIC SPTARA Boece FOE uation raga anaes cat Ron CS gent FA i 9 AG 2oXo VHTHAT VA cowie aH celes fb erate 1 2v IE 2020 TSAI wre FoI aor Fae 2 Uae: a amie ERA wferaee careett seat 34 BI 2020-94 WIE 20ay MAE “gferaad’ caTEe Sa Yous aaa eatteoa FAK | wifes Prot TTR OR es eC SPIO Be Bes TAT NE STAN BIRT 2 TI Yodo 4 CAIRNE BH Sa eat foPia Ca YRC PT | CARE TERI sale Hea TTR “GAB sete, AAR, TTA @ WIA Ce ‘Acree SAAT Hea ee CAT AA Cr CL OANA TH wore emg | SATA cts QAI PTGS BAAR Cte Hg TIEN WA ‘CAAA SIT'T ITA ‘feePtS BOR CAAA ite At BA, “OMAGH hia APR, 19 ABR CAPS AAT HFSTAPA AH CATA | 2 ARE EA SUTTER oMARLAARC Cay Ny MUJIB ase OO | Seca TRA TCE | aetoMl ¢ wae Tet le etc ote afirgE | were Fea AAtoa aeafits safocas Aa TR > AIF odo 4 seme fafeg ohica foc By eTehieCITe | Fréfie sferro/sfornata co wera wlFrel ear Fa BT | BT Re RRS OS: THaR Cte BRR FAIA 1 CGT | om, ae Seay ato at Ore Aare, BHT Lee GET ANG : 6. FER BT BA ORS! Bhim aA SPI | Tal TATTS : ORG A (aR ata) WARY ST GE: SRS ARTA Hist STATA (TS SAIC AIGA): ATCA NT LACT TYR (CRIT mcRaT | ange) saga pet neat AAR: cote a (cab) apa Barats fon: re wSRTATHA Cy (4) VOPR VAM: Cte BT | Beats BG ; Cte SAT (CRIB | bd Fea) 1 CSTR : Ct TTA (CAD ¢ Fea) 1 STE | Grane : ote erates (Cab) 1 Ga ar: Te fet 1 PER | RAP ag: SHR GUROTE STAT | AES TA (TE | AIBRa) : Ore ory ABEL YA g a aT eg FER Bee: TCH a wR TA ar ang : a of fiona beet Gat: COA) AARC A: COTA-R 1 capers Sear ae: CON eR ee WA pT BA: Ferien eS Gy on ge eae 1 GR BFA (@G OR BPA) 1 ate SATE: OR UAT (CAE Che UAT ¥-29 TEA) DATTRT RAR: OY GAT (AB) PARA Frets : cats ‘arma aera at; ter Sar gS FFT OTT: RETA (HB) | PAST : CREA (CRIB 0-94 TRA) HARA A: GARI (90 TRA) BAM HAHA: GAT (CR eA) 1 CARE iors: fmt a coterie a. Rada AR FE AIO (¢ Fea Ta) RR RR: ROT AR OTR: Left Sry : Bi Lad ie fe'aa CHEATS ATA FSCS | GTA Care 7 fora, onenate 1 carcem ent : are afer 1 SA SRT TEN: Co TE LTT TA: QD HARE A raat RL ME 1 TOT A: CHT MS 1 CN TRC = CIE OH remot 1 aT UFR: CoRATAAT GTA 1 Feat Rear: SRR AIA a, Fr TTA : eS Fr areata Sart me os oreT : MITA CACTI (SITS) | mR sores: wa ees (GAS) | ma fbartbyers : wpa font (stae) @ “Ie BIeaf (BITE) | we fta orts : ‘aa (SIS) 1 me afoty Reade : Prat aT CON ACTA GACH) | UNESCO’ Fe 2a wire aa ey foe af sea wath ABA MARE WH BAT SHICHAPF AAI 2020 $ 9% at Te : GTO G4 CMPTOD ‘HRT af; Fear sv aI S020» Gy amo AaaT BICwATATMSTAT, ete Filet A FHP GESA): A. fag sTRE 90 TIE ORO | ‘or ART FTA: TC oxo! |» ELAR : Bare Bicarg cate; (BPSC); ar Fil ara, te | WaT Cofian Reikee FH | atest 29 CAFU 2020 | FRE 29 GRFRA 2020 | (BCIC) GH, GreHrES FAM; |» Beer : aes wrraredh are > sfrewen afin Tita Frat 9a goo | oni; TG sea 3 ATE 2020 1 ue SopRlb siya ad ta Rees ys Te ATS | A ort a 8mH caBCET | fhe serdar FAS A | LD Grataerre : Frater UTE; |» craton cera Rremafes; » efocatiter SFP : Be Frat 38 WB 030 | 7a see 38 CREAM 2030 | ps bya nSega anal begat Se a, A | FOR conta rare cofine 1 GAR; GIA 9 HIB R030 || 30 HTP 2030! arta » a am, ft 9 WS 30301 | aareiorere [3 Wm ehe ten Fs ea vai corre ae fg at eee | rece a Je eT TH TT > aearort arate aifS% afm | 8 AB R020 | et = TRA eee ona, rang 20 TI6 20201 | R18 TIF 2020 | > aero arta aera abaren : |? rc i Feo (HH 9 A): Coes BA, FIG ST © | cacetrar : rem ATE: Fatt » IF 30X01 ae | WB oxo 1 FEF crab Herm TD | > areroraere tis fre area RBA : | Le RR-Aene ogc otter afar; ofa cyt; Fra 9 MIF g0R0 | | bial nes seer | fhigateel ab CRFAFE 2030 | » dafioa @ eerie flies (DEP): 79 PAR; HATE aet oA R080 | Ly FeRarm fpr weed, rig cor Fafa, fA FF HIB RoR | | | Ft 29 GRFMPA QoR0 | SAF 0 a cor Ae 6. = ofe crfba sewa ara | SRR IF Fat 9 I R001 | fr aM 30 3 aoxo1 | (Ree 9 sree oreTiate® FATE | payer ert et-FBAI 1 1D GREG AEH foe wa Ere are RAPBERG (BORD : Fore DEAT,» gery a, AT TARA AH | CAUETEY FAM & HIE R0R0 | FicaIPt 2& GFAP R020 | ‘afimiea (LGED) : Cm, wftoata | > RAE eNeta coca owe : wr D ser SAFO. ST SFA | gear, CAMTAR 2 a R020 | ORE, Fatt ay CRAG R00 | fac, Brant 38 CEMA 3030 || ~ > geet BARS ag BTA ie SAARC'A 9805 FRSA ‘are Brcohere Fife (Buss) efter aR onaderes RCT! ACES SAARC) SS STA, CRS COATS Ca, aH Ba PT CrOcTS Rais AI SIRT BPI MATT A, Feat ge FUP gogo 1 | Tes Rais Si a SUM, RIC 9a Dae CHE > Tet Freteay @ afer. Ba seen seis Rone Fem ate waa Sacra gates a GANGES) GM, SRT SHR | PAN STAT | 9 316 2020 FoR AR BY SATA TAPAS Baar, Fart 20 CEPUPH A080 || nfearera ata CRIT Fa, Frarrta Benoa FEF | UNESCO a eine oaee 28 a jp 8. Serban Cae CHICE RT | foefearra ABUA.Wa AC TA TAT STAPF ABM 2020 & 99 Pyiphar-com > SBCA CorcaTeE HT SAAT (9 SMA ya20-8 WE 200) : AHA POMS, HCAS Seta « afore rae TARGA | FSA > SRT yov2-09 | ferrza yao ae mrfoaces i ai oes, atom 9 get FA fagoce eZ » rt arm ( en SdRC-09 AIG Yodo) | fromnema wet, sfewy of ae ase samase fra 1 fof aifes orafrst wet frorannuta fest wae fareaa WATER SHtyRPH | i wey (oetmenta steer seca are Fane egal | | » Orfer aPTaTe (8 ITE 9989-2 TIE 200) : | cacaes TQ saa ace yfACN ATER ETE | Bort...” AR STD BEA ITAA AMTTE BASHA | wre BD fates obra) rors ora fq D OUP ARIAT (5¢ BART Y9oe-oo HF Aoxo) : MEL Ane eT, Dre SrA OfaTfere CAS | aulagias aps, OTEeifes apie ay aie ANY 6 OOH UATE | OR BY DBAS ATA Comets Cea TE | » orm “QT RF BINT (TE dv HIF 2020) | ATO AE RAG CHAGAS OMT AAR erSh rea erty HA ARS BBM | | > GF FRE by MOM (90 GHA ddod-d WF Yodo) : wag ote We TUNER Tire afeR ae yfeycad WSR ATs | OR Ga Prareeaa aferarcaa Stared) RB FracrA ae aC | > WA GA FACET (20 AAT ddrp-b AIS 0X0) + 224 aang erred wfecrw | OR toes Dafa @ Bie Fifitcr ae sce ot ARAN Fee Ae ‘BATEA oT AAATICTA The Seventh Seal | FEF Aaios, Reale, vaecasta, com, oris, Fah, Sere a ae ora ag oan aA La | 3 afm Blt SAT (vD08-39 TE 2020) : AEA Fe pes eee TCH OU OH OL TET wiv Sera IAPR | > OA STRAT BF (Od BTM 9985-92 WF 0X0) : HS “ARTTA FR’ TS AA NR TGS 1 SPR eR ‘orate cee Feary AWA (9e,) STANT ae Taare arafaore Reerae Or feet fora eof 1 Is Ste eran ae ae ee » FY MAMTA (24 GERHA 9929-99 MF S020) : Basta att 16 BS wfScT | afoNeCTR artery wfSraal, efter aeerteotcaa Frat A 1 oR Frees ‘aren ef fica Or Dec OSTA TF | » FC ATTA (20 BA DBOU-20 A 2020) ; BrACeA Feeanfe ae frets CRIA Cai SSS SH AIA GAL GHA | GATES A vB WHS we ciel Fat Fes 2008 FIA Ae fre WOR OF CRG | OE IFS ATH aie ACHAT | ta ASS AT AAT HTS ACHAT | 8 tate PAAR (9 TIF 9929-99 TF 2020) ‘oifery crenefars e set ae meraDrTe 1 cere FSR Te A ACE CUA, CAH VAPEEEroa celfirws, AerarA aarefia relay Fes ae ofa AeA afehea meres wg TR FT| OF FT See eee ae aie goat wer FEA oe CEA TOS IRA ae Facrca wala Ba ota | afta aa carer” caibra oras fons on efefie Fa 4 ca SEN FOR Hoes AON Pad Ga’ valealS GHENT BA ATE BLA | Yobte A RCST ETA re, SOUS FIA Fre HiRes Te AERA aaa, ROE ATE eR TEAS; ary oy AIH EH SE aA PAE Fea | AACA ATF BIAS (> GMT spov-R0 TIE 2020) : Fran, aRfere o Danas TFS | BA a Bie coe a A ot Rake oe aaa Rac saee FET AIDS FH GR DCH ANE ATG FIR oes FAH | HIROTA OF BBS CTS GTA FAH CATH 1 AR A Ba SH BAAS FAAS A | |.» doco AN aaiFte AgA afew ae aes ee AA RE fo 1 a HereIETA OT efeat CTA sea STATSA 3A NER STS, BM UP ER RUM @ STE ‘ORF SIS | Mebo FIA UT aay Stel ATT SraPTS a CROC TRIE By FSF youd 2 ‘ate ermal rey eta ee FT @ CET CCT BAHIA FY Rood FI ARTA HATS BAS A 1 b BMAF ACT (90 FEM 9884-20 AE 2020) : srr 1 eegiers 7 ae ra ea BAIL | Befaera SHC eT wa 80 Ta Ma crmara sete re Frcs STARA GA | 9949-9948 FE Face CARA ION & metre ote te race oF BER SET RUM ree CT Re foFR BDA FLATT SBE 9,000 1 | UNESCO'A 74 Fag Bfory ata Rete cof ABAA.MA RE WA MAT GCP AB 020 & 38 Poiaharcom artemis 0: afore crema CB | [yo esta afin agie frat ROR FP Zero Discrimination Day)! | eonT— yh Sear 4 sania fet Be = Sa os Gay Ba OTT freer ra a, Bw ort) |B «emer mane e \ 1 tees ee lg a “Slam Rees e [38 : ahactfoe ifs fren oo fw isto |” Ccreatifew setae (gor) 88 Fee fre: afer Rear erro | AR Me Tem eno Seam on ence, | HLS ANTAS TA aa 0: ed area Fie | for on aoa ce | foe wr aide ay, a ROA sfeemeatie, | Ree etowmst mrad S708 A 08 : fg ata Akpan fren | SUF are tg) ov et a8 fren femI— | er bl : + Intemational Day for the Right ob 2 World Oral Health Day. to the Truth Concerning Gross Human Rights Violations and for the Dignity of Victims. afer GOR COTE | sneer fe | is AEH, : a ; eee 99: (3a HF) BI Fe Feet | International Day of Slidaity with SSCA FAL ; A afercaa NO FTL EA fra afomta— Detained and Missing Saf Members. ffs HaOra| | [enfOARR| FACE SMS wea GAT) | NY A ARTCT BETH fr : + Fed Preeti aaa fe | | 84: PUES fr SURIEPH : BH 1 FARM : 8-33 AON AA TWaR Stertfes HO CR, DFR VSI : GS ari Pa wee, Fie sae AB CAT FF &-d2 AP 2020 1A STATE Ob OF | ATS UNESCO'™ vor ges BfSy Fea Bus ABUL. Ara] AC FLA HAS VHCHAM AFB 0X0 39 Paina com BCL Cean IGG | 2088 a Dring BOR | SOT ABA | ries SAS ; who, TSHR 20 HPAPA-9 WS Roxo EMA | sorta TATE Sa THEA STS |g whee - OBTATTE SHEA afer oats BE aowN TRA cabPt fees atofeR Fe) oes Baa G. weeE wT vefioa Bora | Bericany Reh He. | Ss wT ay aw ayI 99 TT 2020 wf 8q% There Is No Evil; | 82° Sak | orm IEA RAR aaa ces BoA ea BI sfaOITs CATA APTS (RATA) | ey fren MFA Rood 4 eA TRI CB THA: AAT 1 GI SAF Never Rarely || SR 7% | ara cas AAS aaa ofanaS Dao | Sometimes Always; OTT? || age, | SAMA FIC eetese wre Rela Bory caferen FRBATT (ATR) 1 OAT |e] way SATA CA ery eT AICS fear: RAR (of i); | RIL BR TAIL AACR) crea ge ff Daf | vasa The Woman Who Ran | GiTcae FCAT BIT FACE ATTRA Fntrey aie ENTAIL 1 crat secret fine BTNTEAT | WTA ERT wo AN RAM GBT fesse ACT TH STEOS | (Ref); Baf6x- Hidden Away | 7 9,00,000 "fF WR | Roo FIA. 7 7 Lora wfeerdl onBen fant | Site aera AIS eas DTA pet imei Die (i, E- Uning BN ROTTS SE ea | ST Te : RT ' RU A IA I) seme fe orm Ra Gta THAR MITA AG ATER 2020 | fale RETO COTTA CaCI OR AS BRIA CATR Fal A | ATHY Re HAUT YS are, sane Aifoera fae wre, ee“ TUNA TTR FT P| yar aA OH ve aR *afS SARA | Rp CRPUPA RoR TAT AFH TRA | Grea ag A Fe GAG AT SPIE TAGE CR BH | Pitter woo HRB | fPeaer AIR aS area STO 8 Fiera Rien Dafa 209d AT Sere Faun 6 OMNIS HAs ATS MY wat oye HI BEMIS Spectre | eon on ual wea emer art Record of Proceedings : AAT 2030") QAR AS HR Tes OTS TRCN The Agartala Conspi for ¢ eats am Rewan Wake <8 sate OT TAT bara af eS Bid Be arorcefi Beaer ARI BS ore eA FAT FHOAPT’ | NE aga aR wafoa fro wag one aft or ‘SPRPETT cameos sree een | FEAT OA ICN Fal STATOR Ei se ig Spw- carver senpeetjee-weng baileyi il OIE SPIE aS AOA BS o ORTRT' atce GT SIAN GOATS, | MTT AAD 2020 ATA AT RPT FAO aoe ‘cracraots wre’ sicgs GT em SMTA TTA SHAS BT RR Aa ato “aoa rece atc GT aT RACE daar ae ft Ba Hg BS eras 2020 MIR Fal ‘Werefifes vafea Peta eae HPS WT MMTSTS AS YTS me | wa Kos ah | Fe, ee era ot er mer reie ie SOT BT MCORR aReCaHA FRCUC “GOTARRATA AIM HIMTELS | SIA FRET B, RAE SF 7S SFA-R0RO' SAT FAV | BAIA Te lonfes fret wag cre aferqa ROO AE AYA GIT SEMA) AASB MOCAIT AAG CAS | TRA Ree Pca te we APRs CPT Gal afobR Roe ‘wfoaR’ (ae BRAD), ‘gopea Dafiow 1 ffter AIA Vat w Sart CTW’ (2-8 BAD), “AeM gar'ts (once) Pa pater TA vice wfoIn cH BR GA PS ATs 2020' SH FAW Brera BF | ear Seal eR Ss a seal 298 Greta est ABUA.ARC BA HAT SHIH af] Roo + 947 BPATC-9 THAR oon | ae csitra oifea Prot arag on yeaR TENE EPA | O,9b,99,992 Seek RETO CE Catg (BPATC) ' CEL GAA GIG CIB do,ab,99,992 FT ee! ao | RC A Co ¢,69,0%,888 OH; FE COTE Gm BW aye Vrs ¢ Be | 2,08,03,c00 OF ¢ Re Cobia Oo BHAT sears CA CIOTTE | ir ¢ Ware TAR AAT Bat CSIP WHFS CAH IM AOR 9,92,880 BH CID TRE outa’ & fen Ot en a naee v0 FECT ody aeTn BIH HOM FidooR wifig aT FAC a THT ‘Sere VI BPATC WH FTO sere Bort AAT, 92 TI Daft Me Bae | SGA CSTBTA CARTE erates Gar ICE ROMA FA, TTR WAS | ¢¢,95,000 FT A AT Tes ants, afres ondrPT aT Bar | PH BITTE Rb,08,c09 wagered Bomthh 1 99 AS 0X0 TSI FSR | GH, BHA Qubd,d0> FH RRA Coda | ATG HAR OU 1H MATATTA SRI BTA | | groratcaa WEI PE CTA CEDIA FI obo BF | F2 wearer Rog fg ata FARR cof AAA. MAC WA WAT HICH AB AoX0 & & Poiaharcom 20 TS 2020 BIH Beas fro FAD sh (Gers) Fae WENA Beco aterrages tea aR BHT OLA BI | A SOT SILA ACA AT br Fonts GaGa bia TATA AEH ee 2416 cry Fite sar Rea RAGA CARR ACHAT eA Brahe ANGICAT xR BRAT TATA wr DIT FANS a Boa GR Fre | Hes @ Tfiee-4 eft The Bay of Berigal Industrial Growth-Belt (BIG-B) Initiative 94 Boniera Sioors aERTTaE FATS WR Blea BART e Feiner (94) AOA yD SHCA OI CG COP RA OR A TE TR | TAA AS wa fo A OTC OEE Ha | AS Sal oR BUA, CMT eR A AL OR 9 ore: TSAI Cet FATE FART FOIA wr ARS i . 7 8a Fa | fo GRRE COE PA Tae CBOE laa i] fouTe aia AL IR S ERD COOTER Cat AR Aide sam ey TETAS AREA Fete fee ‘waiters SF CM BI | MOTTA 18a FATA woo @ Bo fiibia Maeda aE Bie aaa | yu Fibra ‘tSWIa v,000 TEU [Twenty-foot Equivalent Unit (20 3B FAA)! FRA sree SHUT tad BH A CF FES COE MTN CHO SAT THR FARA RARE IN HB RT TET UA: AE TOT TH a 99,999 HE: ou Ane Brat areal TREAT BPI TITRE FRAT ALA ICA) d2,bd2 GHB ay AT Brat Be fea | AS 2499 IE v¢ ara Tiel Fae Frere WAM AL AAO GHB AS AN Bis OVA TH BACT era SAH CUS TI FA AA | TOIT : oivafoa AVA Loo AIHA SARA CAH OW’ FNC BA AT! 2orw AN Ri aI ST 6 eo EROTICA eR a fri a TSia TERIA oN aM OE EA AS BOAT FAA HATTA NATTA DOL THEA FN | rea ety efrcea TAA ‘roe RH eens ren een CT CRD a rR WOT WHR | aa RR taba NH Creme STEN eFOTACTA ‘Pig-arete Or] Sart eS ty Beers ASOT | erfShemt ROO as eas os Fre | ores a GARD | 9 HIE Yoo HEYA BAA SATO VLG | ora RHR Raorchestes rezakhani | ATE G, STA Pokies g aes Beene Fe SEN ST TM | coe TAA ATA OPC TA TAT A STS RR | aR AC TOA ATTA HOT “CE fears eat Fete aces Frome aT eee BTS TCH | lh aa ETA TS) VAM TF A OT eR RZ C4 ee Teme rip | SORTER 7TH Om als Frese an 2 dy CART Senfea Trees HH AL CANT SILT veariba fBfSa Frere ancabe 3 Vege) fotenen Seren | See a ae woe as fee Far | Tt Da Gaia, Sepa, GSR, | rR HE, CIARA CaM, SPAT, aT, co ALA FAwe “AAG Feat” Se ee eee Re ea RAR co | PRT Rae OA erty lh ws BAA a, rows FBq cron ora aaeoerE aaa efareda ay TAN TS Wea AHS A BCT AALS STATS frreda wot GA Pg-eraarT effobI ae efebra, AT AIC ‘Moa IEA we CHEAT SITS GAS | a aie Bee PTET as Be EAT Date aor Reg Ror aw aah Pied Srer 2 Sater SCHR Create AN FrefoTFTCAA Yo AH, Ue Tat THAT aA | rae) Sabrent Sata a ‘sq faceibo | |, A AT CAM RIT al’ a SAU So ee cicClive |e 3 eee Freer Rae 3 farabara RAT GALA Yo AIS Qogo ‘Ad Baaa | WAI GAA aT Ae cans 1 afew wars ISTE RA, Roo’ a PA YRS Ha Ars FHA Rom Rees aaa al ana Fas Fara ote FATT GRAS ST He AT sata a aia | SS FV AG a cenfoa, war, fediim fr, PR Sa 0 Biles AA | TST SAM AAT 2ove' THAT @ TPES Roa STAICAH, care SRT Go at at CaP TA le Rereas Realow 1 | HACER ia 8 BATA Bete SAAC CATA | dies Fag oe Bf rae Fem, wt O84 Meal Se ee TE IE AR ORO & 9% Prigharcom s | site a ost be caFUfa 2032 ‘APA efSraN @ HAT GH, | The Ports Act, 1908 (Act No. XV of 1908)-<2 2s Oo SICH bE ATE HTL APH WON FA AAT CO FE MS 1d OTT OCT AIG CFT | Sabo VERA 94 sifeareT (ASAT AeTICTE) RET aR ACH AS | OB ace Fale CART al I ata faSy 2 CHCA | Bite 2G Hl CAS BW GA AACR 9 AI 2OI0 areft feerta | pBary coera ‘araaprace ater Cae Fat AR A FAT | BI, Wo W oro CHAT GHA SPIT BAH ARTA ARTE | TERT RTE AAAS ARTI BAP | 2002 FI AAA eferary «6 wR SERA d(9) MSR @ eatra RRA Acta Fat Tet | eae 333) Se (0) Sa | | RSM 4S FIT CFO COTS AIG Fre Rider | Tegace 2 era Meets Gere | Gitaam fecrca Frm FS MACE 1 to Fa we | v IT FADE CTR FHA AT ALTONS TNR HRA 1 | Roto SC aI SEAT a RE jal ne bm zoo aura atone seb ors cer w fitter: ays 6 arm afimera UaAEA TSO ARCS UAT DNC UY BAS a A) | OTA 28 TARP Bahra Bors | FN TE SANTA PH nPeLPoa om A ACHTR : Bai FAT, sa Gro, DRI a RRO CIA Oy SAAT @ Farafiey te Aer ne, OR Pere cS hres Fire sata aca ante Aa aart feat GCA SSAA 1 hears e¢ fecnfita AY a aacemaa Fit ml Ore : co Fecnfibra: ata Get Hre-TEAT oe heat ea ORES wera a aacePnET YO ay FScenaBTa 1 feet et wrferat-OrM 20 Fecrora 1 facta merce carta uPed Pom ect ACE ME SPR: DISET TOT PALA (4-4) OFSI-ANSTI-STN POMC IRE Sa AS Bar wT AiO | CAR cs SH AR RTH 89.20 fA Ch | DUCA CH A AGA EH ST FAT | Seat 8 AT : Tis Team seca y¢0 Fecafaera | frre Roma UI GA, FA ASIA yo 4 SECT BreL-ateA we Feenfitia va one face ATA Cel RR OFT FASIOTA A CAPT CET Uff AT FE 9-90 RAG 1 stat ong Pera a DRT cece “fomec aah cara mya war @ WATAYAA GA AOS FH mabICa a 8 FRARB MRIS AS PE THAT AS CAPS AA | fete Ta : 99,000 Cote b> ata Bret Fre fo cr cae ages ar Rl 2a SP Fed fo ABUA.WA RC TA HAT GTAP ABA A020 + 20 TH TER GIP CARA FATS 2099 FE FA HY VTS A TT GAMA CTA Fal AA A, Ot BATT DION Wi odo Aa A HEA end Cathy CF V1 do feo rode Sata afrnefiecs BRAT dy SERA Lode Cace FCA TH aeares rela cna Roa RAG FO GFT Yo TIE R0X0 4 FETS FH Frenfe sca ‘oe ‘Teens BTN CANA CATR FH | Z [av.cOMm ae GI Acel Mie eT heen eee ere Rta ISS oa Te OR Gee GIT, a eTOe Yeyed SPITS Oren YET eraerera Bye Tafa | oa ICT aS FACT a Gg, ARS @ wIoTheyf 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TSR ARS WG TY 0 FRA, W Od AN AUG AA Ve TA ICOMOS'S #87 Intemational Council on Monuments and Sites ABUA.WA 2G TA TAT GTCHUMF af QoR0 + 2B Boiphancom cm APT A Yoo Diet eHfoa | MRAM Cle VOT WRAL Te BAS BAIR OH BRA THUS HPTSARA @ WA | go CAPM Zoo AA SUPT TS FRAT BCH HO KATA FTI Roo Be TIA 4 GIS | AAUCS ATG eM aa ARTO ATTA SICA | QR AA AF @ MOSH AT oo DIF GIT | Ties » CRAM 2020 ASTM TIC RTH TCA | FRET SRA CCH TCA ATS AT RIT AAA, | Bowe 6 BST CI APM Ties ates Praie CAD 1 sreffiweT Yoo rata cricha Bra “yA aE | faficbore EIS SANA OF BA Borrew Rete CaO’ eH ra AAT | Gla LOAd AN A A | CEI Yow wae Te | CAB ATA IGT RCA ITE Ta SAAS CHAT AA A | | SorentSh etaral aya Thee aa Bea : 99 TIE 2080 | 98.16 R080 ARTO TRC BOTT Sammeroavecce, | SG See we Tet te 2 .o 1 2. 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NCEA eH rae Fr EAHA IC AARC FATA 4200 GM FAT Bees eas gs vans eescaeetecan ooay ea origes tama 6 cee TAT FEV BEAorS firs AAR, ge ee Pee Ce RH AeA 4 ya TG Co Cm BIEFA FRU TAS rahe rege ae mon ad ER ee Fa WR OA OF | HA HATHA AIT VLG GDPTS GAA ATR FV wAEa con yiba | fag a IRS Rata BAA ORIN AF wT ofS wou Ant Pdf Roun aay Bde atta FefaN Ae wa Afe ovo ATA aera atera TSaA arm Fa cms weewa Ad aR yetoeR = GIN | gov 7 De eters AR aioe fea vem stom | URL RA Crea EHS bia Tea TCAD Fao a rea RMTE | COA Ber Be 6 BH etgf COTTA RA TCA CTU ATHENA a PTA Garhes Racy | om GHA Comba A 3 fat 89,400 Cri “af WaT a 80, 00 ces ER wm (coi AH aM eae a RA wo FAM fs Fs ee) 1 wrThice nie wis OES aca Fete ted DeTR a ta HR eA Hea FRSHAICAA TOSI TAA ee ae ne ea AE ose ew aor eS SI cra AM eS We ETE fags frarba sacs Boos eae Rea oe THM STAA fer wor nied wie VSS meaire a TBR Rodd FIT FF ARAA CREA SES Wi 0.2% AMPS ACR, U Yoob-od HI Cafes BILE A 9a AR Re GT TS 6 FAA HIOA GOS FH | VaTa-ATICe ty FAFA aaa FEBS 2099 FIG fee GIBFEIA GDP's ArT HIGH O¢,200 Gate wis waa | ce ARCA wélfod re ert BATRS AA TT FOP Pica FacerTeR 1 wee COTA Fin vis SHAT wneetfSs WE wale (IMF) 2020 sera eas ere ee Sr te Se ae ed ORO i cafires aaa som Sficer aoa BI Grae A SAE RROATA TTA T- EAM SANE > AY Ron FEF a MIG CAC FH Bates aeate Sear | Fare Bars ai ea | F $y TIGA COR CA | GARG ET 6 Pegs & aRtafes BERTI ae AAG HATE TT F aes Boog wleviers me ATEN FAS FAC OBI ACR | SRT BI arg’ aewtcaa face ere HR ATA Mca gate canta Here Aas eters RH Hi CICA YM Yd AS Rods MET SHA Sre-reTh AAAAS coBl APA’ aT | ps | Racea Ceara crea GIO TETRA RA | Qerma) ATH ATS ¢8 Tea TA CTT Ae MoT TTR It RIAA | BIA ERATOR BI 00 fier Te ra NETS Ora TTR TENTS a TRA Oya A FATS RA ae Crea ARETE RES MTCC BTR | Wn of one ete OO coi tra Fam BD RCS TA |) RITA Noo MHA | Races GH SERUM, ABR STARCH aATET 15H Rear care Cals wraTice Rant Om GATE AREA | Ba GL ASIA CM FACS TI) aa ATES ors are ag SrenIS erat Ror wing oma +a aiiER | org Cob oA eT) GTA COND acme ATs WPT TAR ta FTC OTe Cea OBI aca fag MOTE TN aT ona 2 afPTEL aioH Reva TH UNESCO 3b fee fr doy et orca BgAS Cra Sabo AIC ABAA.MA 2C AWA AAS SHTTHAPL ABA 0X0 & BW Poiaharcom RICHIE 2@ FIG oo Ff ya HAT TAH SIT Bea | SAMRAT Tas es Taree Fifa SAA AACAOA mega tea poe See ere cre a at oe sees rh ATR 1 9¢ BIS 2099 Ff Rere Omics ser IANA Weed MCE CA OTA, CATT IH BHT GA FANS FATE CAA | CHM ATOR coe BA MY =E OTEATS @ GTERIEs 1S, we Wa PTHS FARIA I FRA ALICE ¥,b8,000 FF Freer eg CATR TICE Fe +3000 Bera CaP | Hretaet “feet trERTR aoe Sts Hem Ges a ora 2,000 BH Fre! wus FRE Aisa ATT FTE 30,000 FH | Af SE TM, 9,009 a Raergere AAPAE ee FA ATRL AT OR 38h Oa FRE RGR CRT Fe SH C°,000 1 GER Hel BA TAA FRAT CoraTCR BF CHAE FHA FRE RATR 30,638 B11 WR RTs wis Ma AES BECHER AMAT Hat CHR Y9,Rdv FF | GIG AOA Meat BA FRE 82d TE | S| fatto free ade afer afsotr WRT TTT 4 We Drafics OY SFT TA THAI GIT | FETT R0D9 FT AS ICA CP RET 44 Bb BAT 20d) Fifer CATA cers ae ar gacea raTOT fF Rifas en (PSA) BA | GaaS ral ea eaICRA TT fre HATA CT SNA 8 RT MATA CPHE CAAT | 20d2 FN Fa SA FIO | 2 TAA GR RAHA CRT HITS HAT COR FCA | APH FARA HUTA HATA STATE TG Reda erefta seifeores Fat C1 2090 FTA Reena cera FATA AKT OMT GPA FASS, TARA Fat A GM GIA 2ode ANH SPICE ICTR FIR fread Fafae yo vere BTC we spas eT KE TA WH 9,800 BAA PI A | LAA 2038 ANA ey eg OF (Spe ST TS Ce, Grebe wi CASAS concba Is'a Few BT LAE ser ne fe et after Yaa OR | 42H S'S fra sat crete Haas Sia Fecarelora Brea AHS HEH | ore AIC SaaS Pfs gM sets ora stat Dre gas | feorTa Rars Sar SfSAM AAO Fa IPT HA 1 IAAT Big MALS AAT BB aa 1 THAI Faas 90% 48 CA cet Faas sary ceTES atta SSP FASE | FTAA A FPS CARA TTR afta, 2a o feegares FRET | fey a WE oriha atafos Fe aewaa Core CTR Ha fAfereH RAAT 21 aR) GP v0 micaae cal Fata | Nitin 2.1 Soto 16 Ms Yahoo Rorrertts ofl |¢ uf Soto Foatent wes CH WIRE Ciy of ferred 2¢ Tea af Wea) Yea aafrcntftara ‘BAAS Yahoo!'s Ware Ars CofC CTTATRA 1 | BUTS ya98 AT, Yahoo! 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Sane ae acl es ae care cafe ws Ge a cere ern, ite rer eR | Rem RPT MEL CHE HEA AIT OR | A ACT HCH aT ra FRC, FR 1S UA TTS VATS TIT wes FORE Cif etacaa ATE aR ACHR AE ACH ACTOR | Bas crow (el an Ss ferrora apis Fay Wea fara “fea aed CHITA BFSTNT MCAT | “arrere FreraTa Fice Repro cle wre Fat STAT TTR FTAA | Rare, arte ara feo a Bost GET TIERS | fa sav a-200¢ AIH 48 Gif BTATTT arene fer 1 ene rr wre orrita ere ROTA SE ca Hf er Fa oot TIM ATT rea ra ates fm Age et TSR RCTS ae ATTA RTO GPA a Gains BPTOMTS wees Fem Figer aca 1 da8o FIR Cipla Fics RRR Ter Be wIRG | Ciba aTereTt freer’ stores Fear POA 1 ea TSAR ohh rea soew AI Sacra BORE oa GOTO CHF ABR ER CF RA) for OR Coa ta SEE ws a Coiba wale Badia waftg oT FEA | 2092 FIC BA Citta Walaa wai oe SFI fey Mfg a a A IC AIT TOTS TTI ITT a CH | 0b OFT UNESCO ae A ay TAR AAA. 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MA AE WA AAT GHICHUPT ABA 2020 & 89 Pyiphan com TROT ANS | yea TS 39 CUBR R00) TEM SME) sooy mies RH Bhawica SI-STA FANN AAMT Ta SIA-FIOIAL Fa Re RATS BW AB 9/89 | ora oroT eoTaT FA MTC TTT STE PRT eT! aH feo | ABRACEA | oraacs HONE FALE Yah @ ia fea PAT sale watahae faame BRa Demers OE | sais Race CANS Bea A GIA ata Oe Gad aa Be ROTA Wea oR RAT RTT NO | ry yy gem ea MORE SHMTPATTA MATS a UARAOTN TCE Ge Rabe OF GTC SUA TE 1a) years Borer Aton we Fema a ye ofeMS RATE A EE RT OT ACTS HET AB | etc ut TET @ HS WAIMHS RATR | CHPTA @ OTT fia GT IMT ATA GA FR) aa Raat US AT FOR A HE ARS At SIRS RIE, TALE Hh a TOY AR CHE | aie RA TUTE A FOO ARE OAT OTS NR, wi ASS bese : PACT MEM A A ANTS OTB AMIS FOE TTS RAR Os Git AI A TPA AOS oMare UA BTMTT 20d GRIME, 2098 Fil cas Fiaictat ARAM 8¢,000 HHT AAS AK! a | Bera A crm, Fee RcaTR | wafeACEA Qose FIA aferTTA BRUM, WE or,000 rIMfts Ais FAS RR | ge fee ‘eaton BAVBBiGa Heirs 82,000 canal Aw ZaTR Wa TSH, Yoana WR care for rrr wae a6 RETR TA ICTR SEAT : Ae) Sater fs cede or tee ooh ove afeion b Cita Face ares fery way a Oe fora Urenitara wreratcra fraity | TEMG AC a STS IPRA SoH GTP OTCA Orta FACTS apica fice 1 weordta wits | SRA erry sierra aay CTeraIeTS ARafSETE @ TET ofACeD we ES TI Sr Sica | ATSRAASS ever Cora Sra A AANA | IRE-OTeTAAy SITET GOL errr FA ATCT Twa | GOT AAS rears TeraT wa FT | RS BA AA BY SIAR TST | At ACC PSUS caseeesnevemrenaeeamersenenna TA CHAT BI CTT) FAY CUA) ML OTAAMA STASI, SRA, Vath Ademé a erey Ty SA OT SOTTTA Sea FoF A) Gece Ciera aaa cate ares ARORA FACS fica AT ST ST Sas Fa TCT fa) Fe Si ARCUTTET sare at os FafacH Yeats ore CIA BT Ba 1 MAA FR AICS HA CAT TR ATE DFTICA A 9 SCTE 200) STPHAGIA FA | ML CIAO ICT VF eel 3,000 we Fratrareat @ SRE RMA OF BCA YSMY | ACH) MAA ATE AH @,000 SUI AAT MLM ICM CRUG OFA RA | cafe saftey fara eT | mn 38 ICA Tey RTO CCH Ha CAT eT Bata OA ow REMY BCH 1 ATA BCA TU Alaa IE Rodo CALS MAA CHAT SOTA OF A AG SRE MPA TEA RH | TSG) Goo GAT yoo Fira WOR tere al Aa SATA STEMI wads ita 23 fEOTEA 2009! 28 98,000 EA CAPIRSINI 99,000 Rea Gat ACHR | ‘SRP BAF FARIA APA | mod GT 2020-68 WG CHARI or CANE STOTIRH A THA SE BL OCA CAAA ATCA | ae HSL PACA FOTIA OAT FATET CHA | fife wea aaa | FA Ar MF) or srpety STG) VHA DIATE GF A || SATA UNPRATCAA et go wit | MS CH yORA NIT eS Mea AI, OID FEY WeA WO GrOTACRS aT ICM HL SAA | ge | ABI erATS AOR TH aaa @ ET BABI UTA Foye OFT AT TAT FSoTTA ods SABHA TA | TT, MAA ICA safes HH, OT wae a af tea AIRS eA yeaa ate careet aa Toa ey | CHRD eee, 4 Roa AG fc Sa SAT eat waeeN AAAS 38,000 GF SrENRaKA wage | Tiere orem TER, STE Geo BN aerate eiea a SIR Gro afte @ | ACH 4 WS orgad Ganfe | “fea ypAT, ‘aStafos Frafea tee sand rata Bay | aa fog | CRP SATS efter Fics salts afioal, te, ARC 6 RowTO DRE HER GTTETS crea | aba foe a STP FAA, WIAA TE TOMS | STP fafa fora aA [feet ore cre afar Cae, ABR STATA SETA | UNESCO caf stereos fe Aig fea athens ae «eye A aBud.@a AGA ACMA 200 93 Foor dado sitar aoa A BS HCE JAE BW 1 2¢ ERA dodo. HERAT BIA BW | MAA ABO FA cee Pata APSE ior CHICAT AFTER CA BAA | Qoob FIC AL aef ea ee FCA SIA BA at afer oer a ROT AA Gap CEC BA CHIME DIA IRA COT Fea S| 3¢ BARU 20R0 ANAT CREA “aif State of the Nation eRe aI cePCEs pifia aor rao APRA Fafeq Ewa STA CATE A | RR ae NAR AACA AATSID ICMR GRAINS SIAM | 20 STS 2020 FoF AAR ACC Or CEA aes COS wATT BHA BAT | 20 BGA Qoro CBT afertR VaR aah a ei 1 99 aT 2020 Faas CG Ba PAI TA CONTA MUG HFA ACTA SRT OILTITA Wa 1 ase fn ica Boe ROTA BEARS AAAI WA 1 AA oredr sirca Bere aH CAT 1 38 WIS 2020 TMA HR UIA APES Fraorr Tena BAAR ATTA ACM RA SHG CATE ATA ar APE COROT wfia ofS | AB IRA MS A FAT, Peat FAR Crna aise ITETS | ‘aR GR OA 2 SE Os CSE SIT FAA RC TRA FLAT SHIP APA BORO + 0 Later met | pre TST SPT b afta orate a Bret aa | caicsca ace 7a, ecaCa eT ora Te ROA BT MAAC THAT Le A MH HOHR MPA THAT MATE AA (SERIE 30 eR) af cas mI EA BT ANGRY CAT PH IMT RATS Lb RIOR om SraTifos SEE | waa bara at | dhe TERS TRA WATS AG QTATAA AT Ht STRA-STATS | 1 Frasrat amiss aaa meter ROACH FAC Sala TST BTA seicacba BoeerA LIC | 1 BD ICP ATS (ER AB Hw, at rea RAIA ARM fica eITe) | Site RET OTR | tceIe | 2@ BRBIA 2020 afr cafes | pita ofa crea siftate ofsatcra UOT NATED ROA AA | 22 AR | 2020 CT NRE ICSI BIAS BA | fra Bt-at Cord Peas wa HTC | MBE carers FRAT | Dawe FICETA 9a BRA 9 AA SAT NATE | cuca ‘tren. AON “30: Coreet 033 31 ABT. MA 26 TWA WAT BCPA AfFeF 2020 & 8 Pyiphan com 7 aia a 6 cea = tate refs COVID-19 | BIEL Roo fe ATH AC | COVID-19 tafe Te Ror | INT (WHO) Brera aR siorea Barr ca BAT Fc Fe TARA (WHO) | TOGA OT ATE ROH AATCC ACA Pandemic 4 TAA HA | BCAA Speaea AA He ALA | =] Pandemic | MAPRETFSIA RATER | OT oe ATH FB fi Epidemic =e | A Orarara ae Bierce aa ARM Al 2019 Novel v ae | Sen BT caesar Corona Virus (2019-nCoV) | EEE || World Health | seruii wra | FAA LRA 96 WE ROR. CeCe Intemational Committee on Taxonomy | Organization | Fridemic ARTS searetsitarora ore of Viruses ((ETV) RAPIER — ( atbergts seat Gru) AP 4 TTS ARGS FA severe ae Sona RAR | ease Rows area af, a acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 SARS-CoV-2) AIG | HOS era SOARS | FG HS AT qari See cea | Rew oe acre ort ett PA yah AI eats Wy BIRT Te AIGA CO FACorona, Vifia | TCR Aen aR TSR AIG a He Beta Virus 8 DPC Disease (aim). | SOARS aTETR YER eA, TNR Beep TAP-8o0" AIC GIG A SASTRY | GAATTA 99 MIS SRAIEA Bal Bers Sat BW A FA ROT 209s ARTS fHAES FAIA | 20R0 COVID-19.-7F HS TAA As fa FOE Crea, aTIATAOAATS WH TVA FAT 191 | Cates at WHO | ee, | oRapaP Cefa ea a | Celia ts ‘=aseierCt COVID-19 atari ara face eben 108, aH b IG R00 ARENT SMITA TS! MATE BA ASAT COVID-19 4 | | seem aSUTA BCAIOAAITA SIS GUA | dor MIE ZOO TAA LT 8 CATE ARIA WHA NC 1 ee Fie ge SAAT ACSA FSG Bet acces] ewe cae att ace bea tT YW MIB odo ATA HG AIAG BAATEHATA (COVID-19) “ANTE FG Coa | | ers WRAITA “Tat AT THAT R099 CORT OL ERT FR fc ar 3 FARCE care NS al FA vo TIS | | He RATS “POST AIC ae OR 0 Far TAT BRR fafichece earTeTRAM | | Dafa | Poor Cretan sfaot re FGETS fy Acces sSHCICS TTA BeT GRIER | | Debut Fie Fat GU QOD) FIA | Sr Fa 1, Fem gia Ahora CNT ©, Fe OAR, ©, | | 2 vetfbon umaAE-» AIGA eB Carer aR fT @ ©, Fecare STE FAT Bar | | CRAIC watt aa aI 20% aR RAE TAT Ct OT ATA ATOR AG | | cow I A TAIT BI cae SARS TOOTH A TH GHAR ok |, ROR TAHT AA GATT Qoow | | AACN AGI SEDs GOA ACF a Ail 4 et Raora GRINCH FA SARSPOC ehta Fa Bieta Be | | | Datbalba ercrDT flr AAR | “CHING IEDCR <4 ita a a ae TORR 1 TST i te FAC QTARAEBA —_ Boighacom cricaforra WE Be AG al AGEN FIA OY TCA ASA cade cotet afta wiles ant aon ae FEAL T_T SIS RATE FEA GT gaTeR 2 afore corITAPOTA are A 1 TITAP ECA TAY MAIS VITO A Sea AAT SAQA Ty ies FAB CNC a SATS SAS AES GOTH 98 fag 8 coTCA oRErIA BIET THAME ICA cea aT 1 SS Thea AWA AAAT THR CHM BH RR A ITA SANG Ficeetsal BH aT A | GIN RAGA GRAPES 4 A GIA CCT OASTE aaa TOSS IA Fea ATA A AT RNAP | IMTS IAS OMT EA SPAT ofea aot a wa Be afer aM RTA ER Gate ECA FAT WI 1 COVID-19'9 CREE ASA 98 Hy Mca SIA SAAT Aa ArT 1 HTT ATBAAY BNO ICA ET CRE A AA ER TSE GIR DASA TR APACS PIR at A | aia Mata AA AATTSRATTTS PHAR Swab (An), Bea fend afeioe ea, wea HR afee fisearea satef wel WROTE are Be MPTOT Me TTA TT SRE TT Fal Ba | ers @ API WEAK 38 Frcra GrTIET a sceRA TET GIO IAS CFA GI APTOS P| SROTEPTR Qe FAA GaN OA aA CANCE CHM AI, COMPA TRA CATAL BASTH Cath FIC Fe SATO OFA ZA A | UNESCO caf Fx star Sfeg rie erage TEAM Ata ea warren 36a Fd GB SST ATH 1 99 FIG ROO feeq arg ACE (WHO) sAfore Cafe areraTa CARS SCA CHITA ATT CAT TA FO SB SCH TIN PFS FERIA AY, ST aT Goat qepnfa orera erat Rata BRA BSI wT weatfaa Bat weOCR | a ET eGrofes TA FT wey See em A 1 PID ITAA feermer Sarcny wes FACE STOMA 8 ICHTETA 1 CPT ST ACH | motfart [SIF coat aT art RBS 800 Bem HATTA FI Ranta ron ore | Barret ordla area ACT loon a DeTE | yee IA aT | SRA ACT OFT CTT Influenza | B8raM1 @ ra ATA STATA tel wa Bore nate a1 fe | | SRRaPE ff Spanish Flu UH | ga Tea CPT | 908 9 FTA OH GAH HAT GA AGA WT A | Sb de AER ACERT TE | BBTaa BBeae eR CoP | BIT Cort BS Ca ATC argbiraera sem Reged sae meaocs eel ee WER, OH Aaa OH RMR UAE | AOC CRT A aT re ts Ory | aT | FR Influenza _ epee ace ae CoA TA ‘WA ATL AT FCA ATTA | Pandemic 710 “fae | forget «| 1 Opraa BBcar7 @ fa, wea Bfoarfeacra ace cee | coe acca ot aad Gene TET | AUP er Bet a See ata FRE | tar Fea fae wont aeaTE | | Soe Re oe oe epee “Sr er Ce ERA aera FR ay EA IM | GIRISTAICS DOY FATSI SARA Plat AER OS Ba 1H RAEI, Ba, aera fat aia aa ARIST ARICA STEN ya Air ace a ore aed | TR | Baa ou we Rear aR STOeTA aa ena RCN ME RA | COLE WT TTS eT SA SaPEARRIA GRIT MPA CB aay RH ota wea, ATTA S| AE 1 NORA.) le fee Te Rio ee HAR ATMA 18) | ay a ee FATT, ATTA | cee UH PARA I FHT FC FPA AE EMAT | areaeCATCS care AM aes wat | RUcaia er HR-ateM ATNA carota BeoG HUB 1 a Cat | eyo ca eae “ote rey OHA TRA we es ea wen coma AY | Intuenca BRAIN @ Cs 30 COA aa ee rea fe ST ea Ra | A IAB CNR EH eT | WBE 200 FH | WS GBT 30 a RETR 9 CCR FOC i aa SE tet IA! we BT paseulh ci basis CA FAR MRO ate ofits ata Wye wafer, oI Fira wrinfoen (TSI REAR) | ares ACTA ie caret Searafeera 30s, $ OS, GM fet ae Te waafta Bets aca CRIA AaB WR | afgerreate capt | GT BO Sf SFR ACG @,000 TR Hat waa, @ Gare Teens Coe AS 1A Go Tea KES AI RAN SRA HA | AT me TE cat aTECAA SH Sateart anerrsreia Fahy Oy OR | wa FR Fay BCT Balter stores cree Firs ae cent FUT 30 BITS OAK | ABU. oa AC AU MAS OHTTPUPF lA Zoo 4 04 aig comn seat (GMB EAHIN1 [Art nee (eee PARTON CNG GILT AE wafes afta) |? Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome CRIA A Yo ANA RS (GARG) 04 oo of em Ba aS ona ITT 4 aT 002-2008 FI WG TA A 9a EGP CRTC ICT RUT | ret rR | Feat eA ATE AA ERTS BIH, AS 0 || ae Gr cae CRAM CATR TH mca CaP STC YET RAT || CATIA FE (Swine Flu) WHIN1 | abe aA eR FS | AMET STG CAM TRA MCA IAT | RC ARCATA ARH IBAA |_| fSFPeiseatat re are OF Fa A fafeq ICH ACHE MT ATA | oO FIL CHIR ARS Yv,Coo | Hea AT APTS AAA | HY AIC ars oral fara | LSPA CR TT APS Reet | Nee eee APY Fras Bea SIT | ppb lpeaeal GBA TB BA 99 HA | FI | @,9@,000 TS Fal BI SIGS GH AOS RR FCS a ee [Sia HNL Qe ore eben 19 | arecer OAT aI, AT Skeeter ca Rearal aAha aie. a or | 9g 2008 FIIs BR STE Fee wre | owe ea FBenfae aet Pica | emg re ATT | SAH SM CCE Ce aoa beeen {apt AE MITA TCT BIBT TTS | So GR oom Mere ever Middle East Respirator NG | STA TS CAT TANS | orate FARE Fa | .| Syndrome (MERS) Gah 4B eps aia Teas TEER ® : Char at CRA | 2038 FI wamiaaakpA | wT aa CA TTA a ORATOR acs Feat “shes PORTA IPH OTA SPI CT 4 TE | REG HAI TE MRR TAT TITER Bete aa AIS A | ngsia ww | Ret twratS ORAS O¢ “ETC HT UT | NCE | AAR TOT co | ober aa co caf aracea WarTea ovata TORE AUS 1 2098 CAF ode | ATR TIE el PHT Rares ANT APT SATASTRAP | FIG Bean Fes SIPs (wo *Tetel, Whe aa OfIatet Cif oiaa- Rens a BaPele ary POMC CATT 33,000 | BaMATA RL enTAT: SA GIT feat ANT CATA, GIA TAT, BA AT Mel VAM | AONE FIA | GIRITS IPT fy WT ACA saad | RrRTE MERIC oT FR CAH BIICE Rearen BABA 10H | nee ofberne ricers careet ore 1 | etal sat Za, SACRE AE sea FATS | MAM | wea ears AE Rae GI | wa AIS UE CCE LR sey for es ARS ere ea, | eRlaA ACT 4B TTA UF TS 4 SAP AB, TPA, ‘Od SA UT 2,2ub GT | | FRC AT SICR Freb wa gR Toni As BVA | Fak ns LEE CoRFING mene ms seme GOL @@oetefS (Human Immunodeficiency Virus-HI1V) 4 Clas ALAC ROH (Acquired Immune Deficiency. Poliomyelitis, 4 ACA SAFES AGE CHT | wbaa aff cofie aaa wdifes afafoos Poliomyelitis “HEIR “5 e164 {2 polios (#4) Syndrome-AIDS) @i Wit#.1 {- @myelos (TS) CATs Beri sv80 Aer Sy dat, Salo Ate fies Por Ste aedicsSs ste STes RBA H4eAH Poliomyelitis HIV SRateis Baa bey FIT TR outa eat crMesrear Slated CaaS errs feo YORE TT aearT-4 AeA AOA FLAN srl MPTSCVAATA | Yodo Aca ATT FTN “ AEE CR STB CTE HL TR AS TT AE, AROS MN | «a CRAP ALAA “aca Gin afSrsle FOS KT SAI AAS gra face covt cra) fe are Aega SOC OPI, Caer Tas oes oF care a te ay AIS cafe TAT a SHS VAR | HF eT. AE 20 ANT ARDHTRSTS AHA CFTR “ere 9 Mba rece Fae tat oa wrongs Hl BH vo MUHTAA 30d RH, A AWG ooo WARe gaat wa afore face we f TIES Cone: SES ATE AE, Oa IC AS SHS Mea AM AL Sdo FIT CAPT Are cnfers Fat FAH AR GIN SHS RA YQ SI FO | Wil : 99 TB 2020 FOaRSe TTVeSs AL The World Juste Pret (WP) IRE PA re SRT fers ob prea flere Ba oa BL BROT we wen tanee, fea waPhhfe, Bye Fea, Gre afters, Fao Fara, Fraatets TOT aa, ae apaROTS @ CRerate Fora ata SUE OM Rea ofornnt gem oat Bi ps aU 1 Ne ot: >, CTE, &. FAG, w, FRITS, 8. FRA 6 ¢. AATRTIOA | 1 FAR @ OPM: Say. COPA, 929. TeAfEMT, 90, revere Fon oTeY, 92¢, Fd 338, STFA | 1 ARS CHCA BTA : vd. GAA, wy. See, vd, a 39C, TETET, 20, RES SQ. REE | Hl > zhi roro WEES 1 AQ (ILO) Global Employment Trends for Youth 2020 : Technology and the Future of Jobs 4 sfferarrt Aa cart a1 ILO feta fafoy 3 A sence aca 7s was orton Fick 0 afore Volt wee | Ora ITS OR A FS CHA-THD AR, CR ACUTAR IAT TT ara Rete oe Ba at BA | afer BET 1 Wares farg CHI-THA 929 HE wo ATE ATCT GHA GACT WG 90.0% AE > | Re wea SHE COTTA fe Pein com 287 Freedom in the World 2020 Aleadrles | Struggle for Democracy aM FA | (oer soe ome ye sere soles aareTa | fm Ber eT BT ARCATA OPI 6 CERNE foal | aris ot sat VTS, as wo Te wT! | Soar acer ee ane! | eo GR 300 | 1 aR OM 6 CTR: feat (0), ete, Bafa vo wire HF (2) | 1 Mont core: ferers, SM | oot sre AGH @ FRE (300) | ees wot. > 1 6G OTE TTR 8 CA > B® vo} 8 eA: retro (9a) HE | $8132 emits Te : nfs d9@ | 9¢ (ob); METI (ed); WENA (80); aaa @ A (ce) RSF (C9) ) © FS: seme! 1 Stockholm International Peace Researcl Institute (SIPRI) ® 6 2020 ‘Trends in Internation: Ams Transfers, 2019 he ae foram grate RA BRIM, Lose CAF Rodd FM fa Ap Fred as waa Felis ay rate aes ectCN 14 ICH — 1 waHACe ANE @ OM: >. Gea, 2 atu, 0. 8, ori 6 @. BA 1 3etros CPA TACT TBI | Lares AS @ ot: 9, Gila sua, 9, amet vo, fra, 8, Sciam ¢ @, BH) LOTS ASES CHO WIAA: 2. AG, 99. MARE, 20, TETET, Qo, TREAT | 1 aero GaP wea TIP Fea BI CATH (42%) fade aa yen CAA WT CENA AI CHICA FICH ATHTR 82.30 | pee Gat © apres ats q0.¢0 Cae wat | 1 RCE UIC TPT De CAH 2B ANAM TG WIA | af bo Are SHASTA | 1 daod-2oy> FT 14e Facy Bat TMB 00 HB AE yoo ABTS CART| 1 spd aie ware apf fet eu CATE vo ARN 0d FICE fet Bd CE 90 ANA | 1 face orbits ace ste a WIE 20% Ged | alsa WaNU Te Ace He Be | WOT ATG Ni N% Fae SEI BE SH | TEA A OHSAS TI AHF BM RR AFRICA FICS ARTO BH BWM | TRACTS BH 20% | UNESCO Ces eres ge weet ees afSy oa vf De BA at fo Crea FA 00 ATG Ba oof ore FIG BTN ea eC TA eran 6 RCH | 4 VB OHS Fal 00 AG OTH 174 @ ore Cara: >. fafa, ©, FAM, 8, Bas ¢, STS | 1 ARRAN CHR 898 | ABUA.Wa AE WA TAG HITHAPY AIBA 2020 + OD Pyphan com 2 CEH oxo Bal AE Hurun Foes hoe sreview aeeeeT AFH Ethnologue— Fee sera OA SPT HA | AS Ue SHIT oe REN Oa AD Tae AHS cath feats fares ores PAA AS CITA AN BS OTR | Te SIA = effeSTaIBa FA ATW Ethnologue ; Languages of the 1 faca fara oyu Bt World | {S184 SIL International (71044 Summer 1 ThE CARTES COIS FPA doowN BIA Institute of Linguistics) 1 TEAM 4 GATSRTS A eA ara US$bn | SABLE soe a care Casati tafoCs Faces fig fq art fUssbn} Smarts ae (A) | by | UREA SIPS HR Ta MIT- AG BTM @ay WE Aer (FAH) | 980 aa | Stara wfrca aM | 29 CRFUA 2020 Ethnologue ae BD GA) | 309 wy _| | Cd wa HAT aT Sea | _ [fea cite (goat) | yov U1 fic cad ors Feat 99998 1 GR AER (FAAG)| 02 [HHH wa weg enfobite wrTa Feat e8ofb, aS geRe (qe) vs [Rear (Goa) ~efenal ort >,cant, ert oT aes : 220218, HBTING OT at STARS A IR ST BAL db : raf Foran arate sfefrare secant afer | eon aber nm u Gararer BIRTH MORTA (GFP) FReea CATD vovAE cats FRAT (bBo), x, Rata (ayo), e, TRsFEM (28), 8. arafiee af ecco WA Military Strength Ranking BH (Bee), ¢. Foal (Oe), &, NCHA (002), 4. Br (800), errr Eis sai ee) = by, CATA (302), 9. SCRA (24¢) 6 90, SER (22h) 1 1 ES CHO BAER : 8, SG, $e, EM, Be, RTO, 4. STETER, b&, SAGA, 922. GIF 8 dev, A i 2¢ CHFAMPA 2or0 YMA o Werantsfoies BIGSS ABBA 1OAir CAS TB AFETATA Rodd | eM Be FAS ATCT af WAAC ANAHT Wan efoaa IR Tee Pa-.¢ Boia FTAA, rea OTE Fal Paa-R¢ Be TTI 1 facia bo% REN GRE AA HOT TAP FA | 1 fica aaa ao Fite ATA aTANAATS CATE AAT A | 1 fae age AM ¢ ot: 9. SeTIOT, 2. FSS, wo. | earn, 8, oretre 6 ¢. BIAS | 1 fee ah AN ¢ ateaTA : >, felt, OW, & Oia, Teor, 0. Baraca, wena, 8. TIA, SRP @ ¢, BATE, SEAICAPTAT | Economic Intelligence Unit (EIU) Worldwide Cost of 1 ae args AE @ ea: 9, SARA , BIAS; Living eeorl a | ROKR Sook wR Sera a Cl BOR, BF; ©, eeATETIT, FBR, 8. APTA, | fas Hea afer Coa eal BE aera TTT safer @, Ff, SI 1 CDM aren sre: enigs FR (Praga), eter 1 face SQUAT HACHTH WIT TCR AAA CHEN (Bit) @ BBR (BIA) | ORT AT ACA AACR ATTA BA 1 Feacoeat AcH R : TR, FRAT | [WE 300 COLTBAEFER TOT FRAT NGO Advisor FH Top | 20 AI ROX0 BEACH Sustainable Development 500 NGOs World Ranking $18 A | apeféeaa £8467 FFF | Solutions Network (SDSN) fee 3a efErarA aT BA | ‘ef Innovation, impacc & Sustainability | 84%, CFR FREER. AECAHT Yeo OM TELS Fal eI feraTT TT Sarat was a Boo wracea Slaw Tyrer eRe aay | 1 BT cree what ANE com: feATIE | FTA AG, CHATS Fao a BH TARR TA NY reo were AN cot : GTA | 1 Brat tesmarcas ae Facet are Fea CMS Ba 1 TASS CAC BARA : Ub. RG, 92. AA, 309, eal ROTA GAS Pim IONE TIF | | MEMO, yoo, FA, 988. TS 6 10, TEMPE | UNESCO caf ateerens oes Fg a Se xe SfSR AIGA AR 2 | |. |e] >| Jo 1S ABA. _—_ WAS HICH aT 0R0 + 89 ACR CRA AKA ATLA 31 aba ais Aeahie ya IPA wR ACE AST AIA BA Gla TSHAT. CG | avid rps foe-vieeta RT IE ree), Ca “4 FR @rarratban), sta city | Pra), gE eT CUPeEPAR | Seu eA) Berth RT CNSTTT Tener Srriera cree afore S81 RT HETET | Ste FI | Retica oeP AD aI ea TIA | SORT Wel Haat Fate STH | CHTSPUTATS SUCRE ea | GAR W-Qi ATA a4 waa eg tere | CHOTA 18 Sob’ FI DFA ATCA SITE | / arertiet | Cent crett Soni Scar Fat BI eka STH A AH AR OTS HTC | HY ATR dea Berg | CHETARATA | Dbbe FIAT A CCR ‘fere-Framt pecs Serio ag | Cen cat cae ATS. | Qe Creag TIT CHET TIGR aE ops Bat | cal crs Rata ea cor | AI ABT aS ea | aretar | a Bee ese Fate oT STARS ATCT, FAB aT HUTT aR RTCAT CHARAN HAAG Ba OR A RAT I Wr a Bara FAI 7 ree ae aT ATA ergot |e orcaTET RTA SA CHCA FHT AY SPB 1 ga aR ACA ABS WAG APSA BAC RAR He CR Cf aa ree oo HC neal MACAO Rae « egos Fae FSAI DoU9 AI CATH RTPA QTR TO A TI GIGI CR ABATS BA BW 1g | __ VO ATH Jovy wrforeeaa Fire, crea fafa Te ere ATTA Foro wiepfEe Few (UNESCO) TR AS tent cre Rage aCe mepfos foreA RO wMTS aA 8 crashes | CATO BA oe AT Hea ea area cera ora sees | AR Berg He STA FRE STS acme — | fRQeatT Te Bors reef 0 PRA ROTA me TR Sa RTS ‘erat ePTSICA FPF Fa TL fiat Seer? Ses eT | AB FR CUBA Coen Georg | &. eT aN wea wes “eTTET remotes Gey Ua era | SBIR GAA | wee A fet Gort, aaa @ wees) fea | TEM TTT aa oIghtTe ae zcno (fe, waste | Aes ead ace tera PTE | Drea) Haewe ay Ger arrfa’ 1 ONE FEAR aC COT | ARIAT Bont Remoa ae tae, ya FA wbaaTse aft-omt aR, ATC FC TTS eR posses acceksil Lia Dea e Ceenena wee agra ae fate | Coife aeasio a RTE | SHTS CHAU fle AB 1 Uo TIO age | Fas Deca cera senor fica | | CS fr rant eA oe BAG ofSaea ste oa HIS ae HRS wae a Or ASTRA TA RTA RCA COME ST Fg ACG RAB eS TON I ACT Bere Mar Sal 1 Mode AA eles | ANS 1 RAT Ce CAA TOT 14S) BATA FRAPS PR Fal fom DF CAS | ST arent ATS Beate ene Baer rer te fea RET Bere AS RI PLE | emer ttc ot cn fre 1 ‘be tee UNESCO’ Fidget sen geo ow wiPrergs em RU ATER oor ABUL. LA RC TVA TAT HCPA AAV 2020 + 8% Pvinhar com 25 fanz af a tego i ea et 1 BrP oAeat Sorice sere afers Tee fee re feet ef ern Se) Ren scar wa eR Damier stare Rees SICRTETT 5 afarer ¢ afar 1 spao : Sneath ait sréeat | onan : wifey nets ater siacna AeIT Fettoca| Newsweek meets IA setts Frans JIS | ore Oa LATA HAR es rte BSG AVIA Poet of Politics 41 STURTS FAA | ee i SAE Rear Lee Elissa cs ASICS bil ate cormta ote aferga Rata Bogie waa we : as oie cen em es “8 afer Popag wae Tere Sy on ea Tea 19890 : TTI AGT SI ARS eta Sea THAR AAT | UNESCO cafe sterits REhg fg at weet po Fie or ABA. MA ACE AA FAT SHTCHUPF ABA AOR + BY Pyiphancom 34 afert dood SOR CURA CoA CARTS SraANeT AIA STAI PUA A SRY A TTA SRN FAT | MAT AIH MS TA STAG ay VES OTA | 1 Sar VW Wawa core | TEE ay CTE Brats aw wher CARTE 5 AT GETS oy BEE GTA | oT zeros arag Cte Berga TRAIT AIT CANTATA OAT/STAAAIGIA ALA TIN Sal VE aS 1 MOIS A TOT Sea ATS | a ray ; PURE RRS A ATTEN ASE FAIA | 98 TIT 2030 Oe KUEN ach i pret feeefeatera ae Dacclohiaical aking aks ala wag ae Pct ececeiac ae) kanal wm fata es 9 Bi-ge S a e ‘ramet UNESCO's ge at se pte afer erPrergS tat BE 8 FEOF 2090 | av afer * des : CHIC BPE wa RS a Ct SRT SRE | ermenicancas OP SETTTOT SRT ADA HA SAB | Hea re ABUL. MA 2C WA WAT HICHAP afeiet 2020 88 oO. eee EOWA Wal USE | ey Firsora weg I Facet Rica Sea aaa feley QIANG WEI UB Fer serene be a ‘6 aah fear sfehie faorante om Ss Reorea whew TCH | aRIGT Beata FEA (EU) Frat ott FEF | aR 099 Ss ) || sae seatcerrs oe Deis ce-weeIGH (OIC) aa Afar canva orf | afehfag carer ae AI qoafos Bure fron faoraafe figs | Diyas Face sine | age : AIR Roree : He ap GHAI, wR AEE, | HE ae AHN, Fe Fe, eT CO, vrcoat | Ese Ran Geed =O, 7 eee eee eae ee een ude foe tw A eae DRE acs id SHAT aH Yo Mee ATR IAT G7 | orice’ aI witewa ae Bafefe 1 amAle Tce AEE cnr 1 Ax. » Fates eae eeITAITAA BOT Bode FT AIA CHAE | " aratora Gea | CAE Fc eo en ot wen ee wen DR =e eee Cabiaera rmtonft genres ACEI a BA Carace | PrePrT Fes cra a aa BATS ae os eT Fars || TARE COMM ATA | adore eforar ETE, area Arca 83a we AA Cae cat rat wCHTR || TGR GT [AR CID] gos A A CR TT adore a8wa Rafe Tio ated OS sat By ax aa || AMT AATA| aave | aol ates cad we FT tafe Tone areata aoa Me Gee ose wre |Rewas | sane | y,uneee oA a ACT aera Gilneas ares Sa 1 w IGA BIA | RMA | yuosy | 20,999 aH AR BIC aE aPres cece rate FarRa'a vaifing stern Ficmens aca || FCP ob | aa aia genre AIeT UNESCO cafe steerer Gol Rg te BFR Foy wT CAST ABA Tay XC WA MAF VICPAUM AlEeI 2020 + 8¢ PTA O, GO APROTE AAT Sho wtes WG PR sreraa Bre Fac eH yAL | Seve AIA TT Ge 4 Stora astra BN fe A laprR Re CITOT fra TS ob aaa CFR fo wat ff ‘Frac ast sia | NE ord cate we othe erat Face efob FEIT 1 TERA SIP 4,¢03 FH FAST WS 9,bba HH AM FAST | AAA wee | mea wieh_| ioe som | Berita eto Ba afetae afba | be om_| Pina see ata | Bab ora Pea bee PAA Abs | coo eH Do ATS) iba amar anmanamemeanansaa an aaAea OD, SM SET Seals ST 02, 7a Bea GA | weal SATA 00. Bea ae wratifes FIs RTT 08, TAA | Wy SATE 0¢, PTA at carta _| xen Rs TF ae ape Pa Freee TTA ieee Serr Ob, Sa AGT BTS 09, TS ARP pi oar ae ah STR |.obr, Ba BA Od, GRR ARATE] 30, SPA ‘aioe Pia AR SP TT = RCAC SSB FTC A ABT CHORE TET TUS Opa ATS rears COR TAS : 9 Ol p BacoeT FAD ead (Bars): 280 TF b FERRE : 9 TB AOA : ob BA 9 SIH Fad TieS : 8 Ur pra aft : 8) HAD VTA ‘afters (Fi FITS) : 00 GAD IG : 0 Or» Fifa ‘Op ETS SRM: 28 Gp CORT TT A: ATT CHT SPITS 1G COATT seem >. DR BRIA AGATA cee x bars (IFAS), 0. SGA IA ), 8. (cierSiareia), ¢. sifu ITER (Cte), &. *fAT Sapfis (maetG) ae 4, STATA SE TRA (CRA) | 2. AAALAC ISR EL page Fic afRar FSI MRA Torr TTT at FT FS Sa VA | STR TE aT arias Fae Fa 1 TA 8of abi weg yb ait SibeRRT aca I WR IIIA CHER VOR FT | RIG BABS AAA STFA FRR 90 UR TCE | TENE Qa Ae Ran SHS aC C0 BAR CoP | Eipicceeaues | crrafettcs aan at eevts aa fifecrory | eRe seco wa CAS xe COATT TH Bia | RR ame | FOF ROR wT, SpA AS 1 aa STC CATAT | a a eee some IAAT Fafits Cort at Bs caIet | RA wlesia se STEPS 80 | 9 FHSAA GRRBTS TH AHH FIAT | 2000 AI STAI ATE | omrafeta Reta ais cart a8 fh Fra | pres’ Frames wr orl crafts aa Cae SHR Bea we | Ft ARCS asters eet jr ne fe Fe GT 2 BHR Qove aE! Graal Roary aaa | secafers vas Bm aR Bate cere are afer | coca ote se ea ARCS AA we ATTA | Gab se BL Cal CdS SHIEH AAS | | af tea a ae aac 903 BA raPrateAice AA | Pies wear oor GF FaRCE TAIT way seu | WH | Ba oye a ANS em WATT RNAS [aI wfee] son ara Srerae | Sra ACTH Be | Sater oor haw | Tora WES FRE ARDS eA | | OGG | IFT AL Coa FOOT SAT THAD a | orn afey AIR ATOR WeTRT ATT | TAA | emcees fot aR CCT a FTE ARTA AT | ora cert afige SRA YBas AIC fe re CRT | ORT CAMAICS b BA ATRY SACT RA FMT CA | HR CTS | are ara oreo ce 1 fee ate BRR AA | Fee age | CUMTTET STAT BAS AH 6 seme Hig | It aR wet | BY OIE A Cre fe BCR SiR | sift Fire afore aid sma Bae Gre GOT | peor | eon! at Bo ead way SyETA, | Sooner the Fa Fey REA he cab ae | Sebo BF, a aero oi CTD EeTAA 4, 0 “TEI | srt aRAtCS aa ont Ga | Fea savementnay | sfofae feerge ¢ + ofert yeta 90» afefie | offs aptta : 909 b AREA rt Beta : y09 » afore | (Fam) : ayo > Ba-stfamete (PTT) : bap > AID : | @o p aaatal Bet-otfarets (Gana) : dowd b ANAS : | 999 b FACE : Sond | | = ait comics IM oferta BRA GF 9998 FIT ‘Re hieed fale AIA aca al GH 9990 FT | | = era Bites ars orc aT CAPTATA 2094 I | | - AIR afters FefSq PT FATE, CIGG 6 TFET | aaprata Bowne AAT tt Qoob FI BIE FA aR “TTI afer BATA AB GaTF' 1 eras HOT at Roar TS urea ATIC | GIR) ra ac (a) sienna FifiG oT | acer caffe feerete efor ST | j- 3 ceteris UNESCO's Reg a sel He Sfoy VIRSES Fat GW vo WS ody ABA. Maye TA TAT SHTHAMF AGFA QoR # Bw ta aan Tee lets ae Challenges|a Prospects) Introduction of o single-digit lending rate was a long cherished demand for the businessmen. But implementing single-digit interest rate is turning out to be a challenging task as it is discouraging people saving, creating temporary deposit crisis in banks and squeezing Jending. The authorities have decided to implement the single-digit interest rate from April 1, 2090: Feicatd cre he shacledlbersls cd be coke ts cheese necataom vine eorees interest rate for lending and six percent for deposit. Bangladesh is a developing country bolster the economic growth, and aspires to become a middle income country by 2021. Central Bank has a crucial role to play in making ths vision come true through ensuring an effective policy that espouses growth ‘generating economic activities while maintaining price and exchange rate stability. For robust and sustainable economic growth, investment plays a pivotal role in any economy. Economic policy makers often adopt investment stimulating policies to achieve the necessary level of economic growth. Investors generally borow money from financial institutions t meet up their investment demand. The money borrowed from financial institutions for investment purposes is highly sensitive to interest rate. The interest rate is-al80 | the primary concer for Bangladeshi investors to take their investment decision. Interest rate in Bangladesh The movement of interest rate Bangladesh govemment and policy makers have recently urged to private bank owners to bring down 1¢.interest to single-digit to boost in Bangladesh, Now the interest rate in ifferent banks is 11-14 percent for production sector, 9-16.5 percent trading sector, 9-16 perceat fer small enterprise, 10-14 percent for use loans, 12-18 percent for a sonal loan and 15-25 percent | for credit cards. sank interest and how it is jetermi imply, interest is the return or | profit or price for capital or money ested anywhere or itis the rate for time value of money. People /ho come to the bank for ing their money want : benefit oF oF profit Or interest for the | time period. On the other hand, | people borrow money from the i bank, pay interest or profit or cost. Hor the money borrowed for the depends on supply and demand of | specific-time period. We know that loanable fund in the market. High interest rate is considered to be detrimental in attracting investment. Acknowledging the | banks borrow money fromthe -| depositors ata specific rate of I interest and lend it to the borrowers at an interest rate higher than the importance of higher investment to- | rate they offerto the depositors. UNESCO caf. eons ad Fidget set Be AAS Area I raf Wvestment and economic activities | Bank-specific characteristics ‘such as size (logarithm of total | assets), liquidity (cash and securities over total assetsand | capitalization (excess capitabover total assets), the ratio between deposits and bonds plus deposits, | the ratio between long-term loans and total loans are-also considered to determine the interest rates. Although banks generally fix their interest rate based gn some specific economic and financial “factors across the globé these “factors can vary from bank to bank | and from country to country. | Single-digit interest rate | The business leaders have been | aerated ‘single-digit interest rate jinst bank loan for a esc time. a ¥y have also proposed nine | percent interest against bank loan | and six percent against deposit | Finance Minister A HM + Mustafa Kamal has accepted the | demand of the business | community and committed to | implement their desired single-digit | iterest rate. The interest rate across | the world is around 2 to 3 percent, | Butt is much high in Bangladesh, | Hfsingle- digit interest rate becomes | much more effective, investment | will be boosted and everyone is ABUA.WA RE TA SAT GHTTHAPY BT oR & 84 waiting for it. The finance minister single-digit then profit margins! Policy it has vowed to implement the will fall, which will have an _ the lending interest rate single-digit interest rate saying that adverse impact on the salaries of | Some policy initiatives, in general the government has'stood firmon _ the bank officials. | may be considered to reduce the the issue as it will boost investment Projects Fitch,-a global rating | lending interest rate that includes : in the country. agency, said the Bangladesh | = Step to improve managerial inple-di government's decision to | efficiency to reduce operating cost Advanta pvt f single-digit | implement single-digit interest rate Step to a high credit quality Some advantages are given below: likely to put the banking industry to reduce non-performing loans. Single-digit interest rate will | ON the course of continued surge in Step to establish good governance develop the country’sindustial” | default loan. 7/1, in the banking sector to reduce sector significantly, | Impact Biyfarcom financial scams and financial Due to single-digit interest rate | For the nine percent interest rate malpractices in the banking many people will be | against bank loan and six percent industry. at encouraged to invest in different _ interest rate against deposit, it will Step to ensure a healthy liquidity development sectors as they will -| much impact on banking sector condition maintaining required be feeling comfortable to take and overall economy of the flow of loanable funds. loan ata single-digit interest. country. All sort of business is Step to encourage banks to lend = Single-digit interest rate will be | virtually related to banking more to the productive sectors creating employments, ensuring activities. The loss and profit by the _to contribution to the economy's sustainable economic growth trade and commerce heavily income generating activities and and achieving developed | depend on bank loans arid deposit. _to reduce default risks. country status. , The overall economic activity, Finally, step to ensure proper Atwill also help to maintain _| (indicated by the GDP of a country) counseling and monioring by sustainable GDP growth. | is.a key to determine the banks The country's readymade aT garments industry has faced many difficulties and many factories have shut down for incurring tosses. The single-digit lending rate will help to restart many factories to manage funds | at low cost. y Interest rates are indicators of low levels of inflation. On one hand, | borrowers get the benefit oflow interest payments on their loans. On Reunca casera Toca the flip side, investor looking for safe | interest rate. The interest rate on | The single-digit lending rate in and secure retums on their | loans depends positively on GDP | industry sector will help boost investment, get lower retums. | assound economic situations country's economic development | upsurge the number of projects | by creating employments, ensuring Disadvantages of | becoming profitable in terms of |__| sustainable econamic growth and single-digit interest rates pected het present value. | achieving developed country Some disadvantages are given |The central bank has completed _{ status. Virtually, it will be an below: ; | an in-depth impact analysis of incentive o the real entrepreneurs Single-cigit interest rate will hurt | implementing single-digit interest | as they have been raising such a credit inflow to the private sector. | rate. ‘considering seven factors— | demand for a long time. ‘twill reduce LC (Letter of | impact on savings, inflow of | Government should watch and Credit) opening, hurting imports ' remittance, deposit collection of | monitor about the activities of the and exports. | banks and non-banking financial" banks in this regard on regular Single-digit interest rate will institutions, inter bank deposit, SME | basis: Only then we can hope that iscourage depositors from and consumer loan, private sector _ the real entrepreneurs will be keeping their deposits in banks. | credit and foreign trade. | benefited and the economy will Banks are unwilling to follow | Interest on deposits and loans is | give another jump towards further the single-digit interest rate. | one of the important tools of the | economic growth. directives because bank officials | rodem banking system. It greatly | . feel that ifloans are given.on | impacts the economy. MD. ALAL UDDIN Frome rafoce UNESCO's Reg sat sor ey CiPreTRS I Hw FSETET ROD8 . afte af as 6 erorr Sales 4, %, 4, ©, WORT oy aA || ae = acer + Fre LHe = ARTA A TR AM> Chm a i+ BOAR = 95 + BAIR = ‘wate’ afbee Ca ATA ay t SAKAI RTL THATS | . | me nee poy ace ae iteiad PRA a y+ ae SIAC SOR TAPAS | = 8) Vee Ca ACH ewaRTE | _ af ‘xem wfenedl'-aa Ae Sata oat afi Sige: sea seat fe a ERA tet gong 3B + Or Laon = af + AAT 6 Sy CR = Te Sat A Ae eA | Teepe = Be 4 a eT =F BT STA CR = BY CHA, a, Ra GS | Fart betes, aofren, ae, erate, | — aper-arnry fel rath cx Af OTe eat, ate, og, PT, gfe a wom 4 wt) Away aH ATTA TEAR ae aE Yo so i Se _ Sha Aa wher BOG FeTTo TEN BoC eH THT Wigton! Sgnarbfeke: | water cet) ME Fee: ARI AAA TI ' I oe Buh afieay) ta eR ae free (Fabre WORT o¢ wo : Fire oes am acer) — wIceTaTaa IC Cereal worms, DAteHA meceT Blas ate we Rafter era) = GR) Tata wieas aI or ea Hs | sriferentares =r SCTAPTA FTCA RAR ee Propaganda— Sta Refugee— _ akan eer ‘Bay I Autonomous— 1 Excise duty— STAT 0 | Subsidiary — AHF | Divulge— - er Fal pratt OS—oaM, waIM, BB, BH, fea Lo 9g, Fa, Ber, ATH — Aen ARTA ZI ve0-b200 8.1 - Reo set - ee HI cht ey 1 Ga ar 1p FRY lowed aa 1B Rie IPM AA SAT) F-4 UNESCO cats fq afer eiPren serene RAE IPSS fy ASQ HTT ABUA.WA C WA HAT HICH ABA 2020 & Co | 8. SYA BI (Svo0-AWaA) s¢ | - at’ states aofiel— | ‘fava sora’ Borate ae Be sh— ore ara | - ater Sree aay earns | - ‘fea’ alana Srgcaa a | | ae AAA | aca afer a ART ~ ‘orate’ aces after Fa — ‘ane tafeae’ afters afi | ITE ICR Fe eT S| — Oe ora eater AS vrata “safer aifes sare" | feet gees BI yv80 FF | of ofS BW yoQy AG | - a wT afeey Aare" FR I at aa BEF | | aff ZI v9 FIT ‘cra abc AT CHO @ fees | - are fees wheres BH aie SL Oh es | Sir a eae @ aT ATO — ten for aay tag | - aie degra “hoa ey Pre eas BaF | atts BAR dado AIF | — Gare FB TCaAa CAPRA A | — sa CL AA BIC Cl CATA ofebTeL_ Fate Sta ATS | wT! ene ce aR RT HATE? @x+R OR+R @w+ BR @wt+e OVF+T @ VR + OF ION STR eH BRST ARTA CHA? 3d. BAe’ ra cate Tat ews? @rton @ tana raat Oar oR Owe A ATT OG AR? { | i Car *ba eT 7 @ cirrfe @ Waren ® Sa Qorfen ar Onn Ose se. om Genie afar, PebTeTa “gr oer ad rare fer? Q”r al Ok orm am OFS Bre “Rafter Rettords te owe Of Om Oras Adhoc “C5 TE RETR CALE? @ “fe @ fea OAKF A CHI © Aaa wes tN AT wy “are a aaa BCT" ‘SReit corm BTA? | : i om ore | Ova Oop et | @Rea at @ rrr | Ore Owe cr ta Te wa Tore RT Iya. Dr weluen ener aesee? @a+F+T @a+F+4 ones @orm Hest @a+tta @a+F+F Afra gfe © v. aiew AE Bae a HR SI CHE TET GTA OTR? | yb. eg sarner eer er cr? @rm Ose @urw OPT ove Oil Orta @ aa areat UNESCO rarer Ft fog Fore caret a Ferre papa "(Formation of new words by adding Prefixes and Suffixes A. Parts of Speech i Prefixes > Mal : Malcontent, ~ Shefali is taller than Rupa im. Malnutrition, Maltreat, Malpractice I Sub : Subconscious, Sut Submarine, Subtitle, Subscribe VEn : Entomb, Entreat, Ensure, ' in, Endear. - He is fond of fishing. Here |- A person who knows many |- Suffixes > ism : Socialism, ‘fishing’ isa/an—Gerund. | _languages— Linguist. | Capitalism, Pluralism, Romanticism ~ Theword‘rindl’isa/an—Adectv. - A person who eats only tment: Achievement, Argument, We had some fun. Here ‘fun’ is! _vegetables— Vegetarian. Basement, Enhancement I fy : —Anuncountablenoun. i) Synonyms Verify, Justify, Exemplify, B.Idioms & Phrases = Sanction— Authorization ITs Amplify, Versify. ~ A fish out of water— Uneasy Tagpn Vee Rept ge G. Composition state! Dog days— Hot weather Transgress I Dormant— Latent | - Linkers are used in— paragraph. 1 Swan song— Last work I Synthetic— Artificial | Bootleg— | - Main part ofa letter is—body. Bottom line— The essential Smuggle. |= Coherence and cohesion are point I Bad blood— Enmity | (iii) Antonyms essen paragraph ‘Down to earth— Realistic. = Recollect— Forget I Vacilte— Decide - The difference between formal C. Clauses (Underlined Words) | 1 Recalcitrant— Compliant | and informal letters is— subject. Nobody can explain why he 1 Discrete— Grouped I Diversity - A formal letter must have |. —Noun clause. Similarity 1 Harbinger—_ _a/an—subject. You can put the book wherever Follower ICastigate— Laud. voulike ~~ Adverbialdause. Gy) Sua . ‘(Beane ~ Tellme who you are. — Noun clause. | — Occurrence I Ascertain | Humorous = Literary Periods, Terms ~ [can't remember when he} Definition | Questionnaire | and Writers came here. — Noun clause. ISovereignty Rhythm Bulletin | - ‘The Georgian Period in English D; Corrections |Occasionally. literature refers— 1910-1939. ~ Inc: A new cabinet has been ; (v) Usage of words as various ‘Poet of poets’ in English literature swom in Dhaka. | Parts of speech | refers to— Edmund Cor : A new cabinet has been | - Verb form of the word ‘sure’ - Christopher Marlowe belongs to swom in in Dhaka. | is—Ensure the age of — Elizabethan Period. You, he and Tam present. - Noun form of the word | - The most important feature of You, he and Lare present. _ ‘prosper’ is— Prosperity. a Romantic poetry’ is— ‘Subjectivity. William Wordsworth, P.B. Each of the girls attend | ~ Adjective form of the wor the class regularly. | _‘accidentis— Accidental. Cor : Each of the girls attends | i the cass regularly. E. Transformation of Sentences Compound : She made a mistake and she admitted. Simple: She admitted her mistake. ‘Simple : He acted on my advice. Assertive Karim did not appear at the examination. Interrogative Did Karim appear at the examination? rie Fey oy RCA cael al UNESCO'A Quy afer ABAA.A AC FA HAT HCPA AA OX + &2 = The period from AD 1066 to |~ ‘The Mother’ is the famous Quotations 1500 is known as— The| book of—Maxim Gorky. ~ Better to rein in hell than serve Middle English Period. — The play The Spanish Tragedy’ ~ The Romantic age in English | is written by— Thomas Kyd. literature began with the|~— Robert Frost is a famous— publication of— Preface to} American poet. Lyrical Ballads. ~ ‘Lady Chatterley’s Lover’ was Authors, Works and Types written by the author of— ~ Theauthorof Man andSupeman’| Rainbow. is— George Beard Shaw. | _ ‘The Good Earth’ is written - ‘A Doll's House’ is written | by—Henrik Ibsen. “Things Fall Apart’ is written by—Chinua Achebe. Lord Tennyson is known as poet. In ‘To Daffodils’ human life is compared with— Morning's dew. The poem ‘Under the| Mascarenhas. a—Lyric by—Pearl S, Buck. |= John Keats belongs to— | Nineteenth century. ~ ‘A Tale of a Tub’ is a famous work by— Jonathan Swift ~ ‘The Rape of Bangladesh’ is written by— Anthony Greenwood Tree’ was written | ~ The epic ‘Odyssey’ was written by— William Shakespeare. by—Hormer. ~ ‘Romeo and Juliet’ is a—|- ‘Great Expectations’ is a novel Tragedy. written by—Charles Dickens. ‘ in heaven.— John Milton. The smiles that win, the tints that glow, — Lord Byron. Cowards die many times before their deaths. — William Shakespeare. Good face is the best letter of recommendation. — Queen Elizabeth I. To err is human; to forgive is divine. — Alexander Pope. Man is by nature a political animal. — Aristotle. Man was born free, but everywhere heis in chains. — Rousseau. Poets are the unacknowledged legislature of the world. — Percy Bysshe Shelley. A wise man will make more opportunities than he finds. — Francis Bacon. Prighea-com Self Test Baighar-com |. Dr. Faustus is a— 10. Choose the correct spelling— @ drama @poem @Questionere — @ Questioneer @ short story @essay @Qestionaire @ Questionnaire “The Daffodils’ is a poem written by— 11. The passive form of the sentence ‘Who | @ Wordsworth Longfellow @ William Wordsworth | has written Hamlet’? is— @ Alfred Tennyson @ Robert Browning @ Hamlet has written by whom? Great Expectations is a novel written by— @By whom Hamlet is being written? @ Charles Dickens @ Thomas Hardy @By whom Hamlets written? @Jane Austen —_ @ Henry Fielding @ Who has Hamlet been written by? Which one of the following words is in | 12. A person in charge of museum is a— singular form? @ Librarian @Curator @ Agenda @Oases @ Janitor @ Formulae @® Radius @ Palmist 13. Which sentence is incorrect? — amazing song haunted me for a long time. @lfeel unwell. @ Ihave aheadache. @ These @ Those @Open at page 30. @ Heprefes tea than cole. @ That © Thus 14. ‘Lyrical Ballads’ was published in the year— “Vice-versa’ refers to— @1%5 ©1770 @178 ©1735 @forexample — @ face to face 15. Whois nota victorian poet? @namely @ thetemsbeingexchanged | — @ Matthew Amold @ Alexander Pope Tam used to— coffee in the moming now. @ Robert Browning @ Alfred Tennyson @drink @ drank 16. “Veni, vidi, vic’ is the quotation from the writing of— @asatirical work a @a 18 Who is considered to be the father of English poetry? @ Geoffrey Chaucer @ Robert Browning, @Cynewulf @ None of the above UNESCO'S Fra fea cia JPR ab Or ABUA.DWA AC WA TAT GCF ABI AOXO C8 DIF-ANGA FPAGS | — THAR Cte afore Frey Hf Laie afeags, rhea | = Seren oa RCT © wefiee— eraD, | | Gis bc an [= mas ateetorora tera ea RIA ST TI | = ‘SOG Fal A aI yay) | Tee Gifs as AGA AR |_ ag rere eryer ee ‘weet Ge ware Brite ater | — Terre FRAEA'A Qe AE BL dabo FI (APTA) | | — 200 TI AM MAF ATS BA - yaar wate ‘qed pa"! oer ae 6 yb afobrT - Tee IMF aa arftra fate age Cif eT) «= - 0 ATTA Trey fears ft E = eters wT at Fe 931 BPL) oat aren OPP = met A aS UE > ere geen Seen ~ OR TREN Fagerey— ara (= Tenereta crag Pre ath = oagTeg! - @ fim aRafea aon ae | wefyE_ aT, DAT = BATE KCHT Alesse Cal BI HAH SAT SA A A - ATT AA SHACK S| BI 2098 FF aa | Rea fe— ora aieaqe Barat wage = Feira SAH SRAM, BAS - aeTeAeA AeA eT | TEEA, 1 6 OTH CA ABTS 1 ‘PafB— dafB 1 ‘orag outta fhbcws att" + Tere aan renee are - Here arden eat eR wag stag Be vB | Praia — SPR AS CAA AH = Teen BaRA CHAT Tae — CIE! e-passport BH] «Aa saa TRA ABA waiifog wa Fees 1 32 BRIAR ogo | Or, corataetsy, OTe | — Tees ase BaSies | — PrrcRa TeO GER goto’ MS - Wares cae wef Tea Bree Bea pz Area) | - Wa @efebR— SACOM IA) AehI—volP Treo er Fe aon ee BS A? | 9. APPR erat aT ITER FA @sae @d998 @ fea on Oa OR @s9v @ d99Q Oma OAC TTT PHAPBARE PRE corr corer BAAS? |b Tn eee Care tou Ors wv : gras ww ©. Asererred aemtort Haare ARTs | — DOM 30 HTH rsd. CH wfice Fhe eR? dH TR WINS DIF CH TATA BATS? ownt 39 @ 0B 309g oe sen @> dB4Q © 8 HEH 992 0. enernsepenfenenes Bena | 2 SEERA TE of we @vacn ager am Owain Ofer Owe — Oveare | 5» eae maT afte STAT TTT eT Ra (ROTAPAF TE) CHAE? ‘aeiera WD FS? Opitz Omg re @iF Oo Or Ow Omar Oper dg TerTeTonT Teter CTs Bficera “ATOR TA HHA R300" AAT FS | ASS Salo wacwn aE? @parrite Orn fT ew @at Otte afer © Fy eet Ose Ob re og Fee TTS e © ABUA.WA RC WA HAT GHICHUPA AB A0X0 & CICA ay cgi ‘43 - SAR RR OFA eh - aferces Safes « arf | — rede mm Rien om BR) ~ ates ears fi) aT SRR rT csi) - wore safer at creer fe — AR afeM AN AACN ararTertarora ea aerfer «| ARATE AA Sovb AA caf repre BA MF BRA | ‘IR 2019 Novel Coronavirus - GMT-£8 4% Greenwich — CoAT Co OPHPS AGS CHET — (2019-nCoV) | Mean Time | FR DAA | = BUA TOR EH O26) FRA wa ee afew eI ~ Fed freq aren fection) _. fram erarHA cota WafRE__| 9¥OO AI ~ Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) @fie, B11 (= Sradtioe aero fer one afefes BI yee) FI; _ caaRca wR ee | | SP TAT RTS CHET | A CRATER; DA | ~ wrafe ais cafes corms ~ a Baa ores Seren = god Head ICC's ior UM OS FT HA 38-20 Hea wef anon, 7 RFA 2020 | - Geren Ge Be, - er eh RTS Fee a ect wee ca, Ref o Fa ~ Srearrne ap) Sore fear, = RECS sa PH ACA ore aI (BIA) | soy aa a aR TT TS et ae BHR PARA | ~ SIMA CPST ERT ts A (ate) | - fare ye CRE ema | een eer stabi eases O wafge— caterer | ' = coor WR cece Fir = amore ocata ware wera - Beat aieNta THT Aq oACETT 0301 Soren WARE area area — AI doe — Races raters ay He er DIAS By CTE 3904 | ~ Safe arses wi FH ara AS cafik 999 a1 — Sa Bae AAT See | ATK BMPS | (= FRR abt comTS Get Rea) ‘SPL Gea eA (CRC) 1 - Iam FoNyRd AT yeas oe aeET carl ea gv — See eer Bea Ee caCES A Bag Veep | ARTI g0201 mermaiears Serr AST - CRU Yolo sam wT. | — GIR Face ae eae BS Fader FETA MAR A TAM | | SAR OR ae Se ATS | 6 ATS >. Sree erry eer FR Fem Mw? | 9, SRR ARICA ATOR AG OM CTAB? @.0 @ow @ aerate @ fra Ov mF @r9¢ @ fifea Orr & Ferrer fie’ onftrs aa? vy, Beara Regia cre Frac coe? @b out eee orang Of. 92. cA Oxa OQrhie mr Ome HR %. coer eet cata tet wet fica SSE FAT? om 7 @RR at Orta | | » | | Oy awe Oras i Oem ace | so, rerecre aa wba sy ot? | @ek Oat . Cae Sree Sen errata | Ott Ocak PIG PA DD. RCH AN obo FRANCE OT HA CH ATCT AAR? @oea snr = @ U8 A @ fea @subiatan @ Yet FIA Qsrecm orn @ afer we, MRC BgIA ATA BT? [fener er @z8 @xa @ ar @atreitn @ fire Oar Owr oar even ange aid STIS y0,000 aero ADUL.WARC WEA HAT HICHAPT ABI 20N0 & CY Boipharcom : CBG, BAT ase CY = CRC Ge a BRR - Faw fom wifewa era sfracts Ta SPORE Ie aaa vit facts aa— | acne cat reenifes af crite eer | Se hs leh rele face BaF oH ie ea oe Re cere — CREE Sage RI yee IF - 7H are Way safes | UTAH ORBEA | — WS Bs wea Teh | Ha A - Gewices ay aaa woes |- SRA eI @RT - @ fRRA wre ase om Att af — Were cas erre— 90% | fans ca tera | Usk, refers oie race © DN AN 50% SERIE FE — Pe fate aaa efam ortat) | ae op | CBA 8 FF | = Taga Bee aca) aR bral | | — rR Owe RCRA STR °C | | - APE a HSC BPH | — strane Faceraca wer cx! — erp Sie Fo ata |— ACTER ae OM Fides we corte afi Berg sta aA | atens ABA Petcarncaita — Gifts reata Hes are fen) | - SPL RETR ef fSa 1 | Gefen wie Ka oH wm IE) = UAT STA Teg way CG | - cafigercatea ASAI ca HT | - fA afore CefaPE car race CAPA eH SICA | aaas BL sora @ GAR) | AR BRR AL ~ Us “fore wiberers arisa — co tore | GR BTS ay AOTC FATT FA CARICA | | wa Pree = rae ca tekics o@ cet! sraa Bereta owt oe | ngewe rece af eA aaes B_ Waka | | FR Fe | coronacta Bafefea aa | ~ Prone TITS Bre BW | - CS RENE 8 BPC | - A ITE OS CATS CHTATAT | Radioisotope | ch eal ~ Seteba APS GAELS FT I ~ a nfs Seng a em - Sear fier gaeT| fem erafore 1 | Bera cofata — fA Fr-aa arrafie a WHS Tp 4.81 - Sefaa aa aiiee Ww oN) | OPTeAes aE) = OF cree Hae A Pie) | ARGC aI 86% | = rare ha BB 9 SAAS | am ATC FAY MA AH CATA? | o. SICma tS a CrLATS air FE? @ aration @xrufiia | @ yer by Bera feces @ ttf © cratic | OR a co Bera ferentios IA Gay BY BUTT FOR 7 Qo are ferro @axtor Oxf ae Ooms sy a Reine Oats oman |” Oien Orr . TAS apf hats Bora TIER a A @ aA @ aa @ xe fe @ roe FER fa, Sefam area acre eT @do fe @dx0 BR @CONH, @CaNH, . coefhra tat BP | OcQNrd @CONHD) afr 2fora | 0, ? oer | oe ome a Sei ol hy Soret i es tes ef @NO, ONE | @EEntomology —_ @ Embryology ior T ps eee Raine @r @arrRa @rer Oia @ aera Sener © cxrcbrcera een ra oracag EAE ON 3 8A eA — Te Tay AAS TAA FT HT AR angie deg 0 Sateia | = TREAT Aa Bee Bae (ARC) MICH — MST BRST BA AA, AA | = areTionce Fabien ace ete Be Bera | = MRC FRSA Rae ATA VHS Bh ~ THOT Ga fate It oF PATIES | — FAR ICs om Rene “fhe ae ~ ites ater FRA wa OFA — BAe @ fmm Bea crea AIA eT Shueeat crt ster | Femac— serie - ale waa - Paget ‘wafige— Fra, afar | - few torr EB WafRE— COPIA | ~ fra ges SETea BA Saev AE - Ten Zora eR CR FIT iu = Fe ofa ona BA SAPS HHA ete, Shergs, pda | — FRNA Et OTT JPR | = BRT SICH BEER —vy°oy ce no"8y’ aH | — BD aria @ ce WARS THAN | cee an! sca chara HRT | frre arettoneta cH frees rahige— HfiRe-m74 | © Recaro eT a PANTIE - rae 8a RE— Fie 1 = MGR oat faoiFre we Fran ea Ta Wat ITA | = SPI PFS 6 Ra ROH FS TRS A PA | = Wife @ TeRAS cre sace GaN CCIE IPA | = TARA tafe wcralt oH « feahte wa FTA | = BR ota SRA eT Psa Bea Aerated | — afSoo! FACE OA am Freeway free | = Hees CTA AA SAI PS FP PI | = plea ace spies ere Reteya = AACRRA AIS TARA AT Bal TA A PT RG | — Afefeearcra Beal efor Ethics | ~ BBaafBhH (UNDP) IPCTA Hee AEA FTA 3894 ANF | = eR Cen Ft aS oT Bac 9 fra 3S | = RPE a eras FETT sree 1 — techn oa chr Recall Electronic Governance | — IPR afb Freane ffes Bara sf 1 — “aera, yo aTRy! ca Farce FEF fe a eee ABUA.DWA AC WA HAT GHTCHAP ABI 2020 $ 9 ~ BA eA BIR of | = TRS NT aes SA CUS CIT FT THI = Plata ays St Fat I HA GC | — ty oa ora CT aT a fre aia BE OIE wa a! = siete Dieta Ge 80° cect 89° HES SRC | — FAR era od RTI CHORR t THCAE OE | COSC, FNAL S PTT @FENOWOA Ov 8, LIP 8 TAY MF SCAT ortrge @Rrttee ® Og , Pre ropa ke TR Ha AR OT @xfore ORK Oras Oma RIAA OTST ong are ORISHA 8.0% ABUL.WA AC WA BAT OHUPAP AeA A020 & CY Pojnhanscom — ROM 8 BIOS es open — cota ed aeyf eI | - trae Sew eH HE I BT AHTA | — abr STA TARTS FG AAL0,11 ~ BPSbrera erry conmnfie ere FORTRAN | - aPa8bra AWA FMATCAT Bemcey wera TTT Foal | a — SHS OR Fa ASA TE SIG GF FTA— BIOS | _ BBs comet oe) 408 6 wane A Fala — SHOR Weer MI SATA Bet ate feat | — TCR GR OF FR CA 8 SH By TAS I MICR AYE | = Email-aa fa BAI Electronic Mail | — ARATE BABE Gea ‘ices conte aR BIE TA Booting | - Boon Fon wet et a — ROM @ ara BS Bt @ceerit QOarR FG @ Perl Ara Newark @ Vocal Area Network | @ Virtua Private Network @ GICAHES =a CepeED Cena SHC A AAD HE CRATE GFT TATA © MH Ap MUTI TAIT | ‘Pa FA— Compiler | is = 8 word RV FE AR avira see fs ger Fat BA OFS WA — A CATS HS eas Me—-File! | - TeTEATIA aay SPE IA (= Ge arf sare ean sai oy TERIA Aare eR ore arrears e_ | Re cane ug ABP 0 AF |B oE—NAND| ieee one —ie A ARG C1. BIRTH ) ITH — 4ay RHR METH AAT - Back up GAA FACS CATA aa OH @ he aaa ee afro wR A ear a barr | — sha Prete cite ~ 29DMTH (Instagram) DA] SR MH TVS W— a Vis ABIAA QoY0 | | Sf foq ara abemste ~ SCR FAT 6 fka TNT AS Fa FIT | aie afets ormerer vace _ sere 1b -af-cHeta Ti OF ee af Orr - sao CibeaTs Cea saw - aT Ficeea ‘eae toca WASH BA | ae RII Bytes 1 = Cow 449% Carbon Copy! - BBACHIEEA MAT FRI TOOTH - shitter cbemsts cra here Aire ea a ve,couf CAN-8 98% WA—Controller | - 2-3aP A Area Network | 1 RL yeas FIT @ené cq | @Syntax © saris | @Grammar @ Fire attacks @ Virus attacks © Data-driven attacks | 30, Fiche Carr RTS erp a cetera FIERA? creat B-cxeet fora Fatwa CH BRAT | 9, WiFi CO Hrere ca Borg FEAR ea BI BA? TPH aH? @ IEEE 802.11 @ EEE 803.11 @s @# @IEEE80411 — @IEEE806.11 @& @e@ ‘Free Cor Bencate Frcbatb IBM Ceee FcATR? faces crea AR abr a A? @Windows @Dos @PPD-1 @DPD-1 i; @os2 @UNIX @DPP-1 ®Por-1 {®. @8] Web browser GIG? . WRATH File, Edit, | _ @ Nediscape Navigator @ WorldWideWeb View Ronit rafahht mRatoce art eA? @ Internet Explorer @ Safari @aqaa Onn | do, arn gPHebTa He ea PR Corn CeAR at ATR? Ora @ beta aa | @ Enterprise @ Network . Ge Bata ACHAT theutt! — @Supercomputer @ Server ACRES BHRS Cot OE Fat UE? ; >. ara? @R @r6 | @ Br 4004 @ saat @B Orn ; @ Bro 404 Ofiaa Bluetooth #ora Baten? | 9. Firewall 8 Fem Raat Cra wT TRS @ Unauthorized access @Style @ Factor ee Se PTT 8 ASST >, ABTA, A, Al, &., 1, Fl, ©, META, aaa 6 Gifts yar, eats 8 FAAS, ATS 9 HS : 2 Fentfos yah, zen Beene, mae @ faure aiteas, wat @ feats ETC, Fer RATA : °° ys @ Anfany, AMSA © balks SEAL © 4 : 8, a, Cad, aga 6 ogYR aun Basins, Maremtatcra Sion, qe sets Bote, ABFA sea co SUA: oo ¢. OD, fart 6 Facet, aT FRITS + of >. feat airs ytteen fefa sea, TIA aay Geta orem ore yaiba ee SUT e 10 FI | @4,5,6 @4,6,8 2 @146 SL >. WARE TEA OT aL 9¢ AH, wT ETS fafacba Siba MOTT cat FE HA? @x2r oe z Or ow & GA 08 TAA? om OR Oren ort ° vw g w% @ ®s a(x @ ® g g ° v ARTE AIT PCH CH eA AA? @x @38 @w @xo 8. SOT AAT AS STM cae ee a af ARE oe @xtae Orga @ serene @rifipnit & anata TER OR 3 CHET | PT afer oer 5.6 cafe | Met CTT © RE A ICG CTE A AMMBTE ETH WORE if ATR? @38 ae @d0.¢0 aH @v.c of @ 0 ae wo, togs(V5)(V5) 967 1 @1 Os 5 6 6 5 BSB FTG TG + csc SEMA CH MH 3027 @100 @101 o1w @108 a Roe a mary teeter @1 @atbee @0 @ab+be+ca w 40 228, Way GIFS RA? @16 @2 @a @6 @ FOUR AM 4 FH OM WITS eT A A OTM ORT Fem Hs HS AI OFraTt © Lah war OAT = © AAAI OR TOT eB ce NGAI SIRS OT COA PRT CRT PACH WISI FICK CHCA | RR STH SN AT CRT CTA FACS RT AL | WTS RTA CH? @ arn ie @ ara wat Oar ©araw 4 BRR : Preat :: sheet : 7 ever @vrt @ aeareit Ofrren vy, — apt Bey Swe? @aRrI oom @ For @ ween bv. Which one is the right spelling? @Magnanimous @ Maganimous @Magnanimus — © Magnanimuis I ATS ARTE CORT ORAL, ST aR OME MEA Loa aR» art NFS.» at FS.» ane apes) ABAA.WA 2C AA MAT HCPA AF 2020 # YO SPP SAT | SPITS MG, Tae | HATES. R SURES AN | SPR, FA fret 65a, 7 | PFS Please introduce yourself. janet Sir, 1am Towhidul Islam. I am from | Baijitpur, Kishoreganj. My father’s name is | Imdadul Haque. He is a Businessman. | o35#-) My mother's name is Tasmia Zerin, She | isa housewife. I passed SSC and HSC in | gp @f 2007 and 2009 respectively. I completed | my BSS and MSS in Political Science from Dhaka University in 2013 and 2014 respectively. UT ore eH FARR gets, Bat Fe TI, SIP Brea AER cas SIT Se BRA FACT CAAA GTA ata FA TAT | HR PIP BIETA BTA nay SRA RE oe FA HIGH CARR CO] TAMA OFT S| srs a, Oar {A Fa | Ola BHI OR Fa GT sinners FSS a SraefoN ercaEt TI, SIN HTS UTA ACH FACT TCA Fara wer a AR FIERA ROT Bir 20 I op80 sufeetera aes TARR aera aficates Sraela SrmeCATL mara wim wy oat ts mea rd enfin Sarre gatas aoa “aiceta crore’ AIH AES 1 PCRS eat Cw Bereta Bea? CHCA SIT A CH WORE RE FNRI RET | caret Beer Fe | STH SIC Gi | at c-8 CEMA auy sifea BAF TA | aT saifearcra atetates, dtafew 6 | on afore mae OTS We FEES ET wife Genera Sea OH a AA AIT ARTES 1 | oa RAE OT FAT SERS Ae oT wa res ae onfea gies eH aT SOPATeTON RATA BARS Fal I | ret ars) are ares.) ATF F-2 ent SPEER at ear ae FH Se Tr 30 Set seas Beara FARE SS A yer seated ati 6 geese aM a | aferarnia sera TEAS fer wife BAS THR Cte PRGA FAIA Re TA ARE OTROA SA | errors Wao Pea FI AS waar ot ee ee 5S SSS STE BTA BEI vate Pcexa 1 Fa RATE HA HM A AIS TTT BA? ¢ (SOT dd¥d | wraR ws fol TOT FAS TTEATSS FIFRA PR “ACTON FHS SATAY At (am) 558 wea? 38 CRFUP 99¢ 1 Deal of the Century @? 2b STB 2020 TH caFCET CRIS Uri ze oeribe agen nS oem Sa RR | A MS RATS CATE Deal of the Century 7 SfEf&S FH | rma FR aA FEAR Tw THMTTCHS *fS fra orrer TR, TH arr BA awe BELTS PTT atcat Ganfes Ba HReSs ANH SATS FA BCT NRC, NPR, CAA 8 489 SRI | NRC:: National Register of Citizens. NPR : National Population Register. CAA : Citizenship Amendment Act. sree Brrr faces fafeq cre efica tet SeaISIRAI A Ae 2019 Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) | FARSI SI & GP BW Sa andy COVID-19 1 COR ALARA A CTA AAA ATR SO eyam, cotfema Barra) oats wate SPAS | 2 ORTH OS, SPRY STR | rege] teen fone eg Fer re ea 38 crea ABUA.WA AC TEA BAT GHTTHAPF ABT 2020 & YY Painhancom att aa aH f 3€.0@.2030 | WFAA [AFA Od.00 Bi - AFA Yo,00b] | FA-2 6 FA wart [RBA v.0001 - Re 8.0081 | HTS 4 3@.0@.2020 09.08 2030 | Barat | HHA ob.00 BI - GHA 92.000] | FAL GFA Ob,0b-.2020 | “iat [IST ob.00 UI - GIA 2.0081 | FTE ae RCS RATT = SI ar ATA afaes a Og APPR OT) — ROIs RIG SOIC AT | — SaPPR Fara Bea op | ~ Reape Tae) _ drara sonata) - oe aim aoa ~ Te eA) | Seb a aa) - AO eM Bont waa Gea Cet eI wat ote OP at ‘fee or fora ac ator wi * goa aa FR ; BER ee EOE ay aterm nme fiey - ARAM oa GR | eyes ee eed apheray p sreoret__ ae} — TA ATS OTA ee A AGT = Reape cersenes ome eras at Be eee i Seri earaleates = She burst into tears: — GH AP Us FA | pee Tcan't help laughing, — S871 we ad Bae 8 Retest eee ara xe ee FET He isout of fuck — OF OTST ‘aferaa weg weet 9B Lape aes at Bs AR ene ‘ef! ioe a fers re - Ree anemone eee 1 Rae 1 aAher— yeti RE : | CTE SIEM UH AF SIT Oia Sineee paorin|- OR SF, FF, FA, CH, | pen ee peed eae wae Bon AST 1 VOT as Am, SE, FA, EO ag Suet ‘SW Bora IE AER ITH | we, Be, a, 1,3 PISA Zit 1 wel | rate Hl, eA, WA, Fora | eee es 1B_%, 4G 7, 1g) | Completing Sentences |= dont have— furniture. — much baba agi 6 sore |= Either of these roads— to the - Baws, 7, eR, wens, “ere VIR + HE FH | — leads damn, suite, 84, mi Sar eet ‘ween, ome | ence nea ‘7 =f Roe ‘Thereis—milkin the glass. —alitle =| ~ You like chocolate and so— 1 —do. sense ~ Take an umbrela bore you. cof + ors fear = Fe + wm | fr otf 1 Bea = e+ aa 1g = | [Oy PIER OT] Be fea = fea + soa ETE - RE RAI RI 1 —goou! |= A good Hudge never jumps— the conclusion—to Bie ge Lirrts = 9+ Ft Sees cee arta | The gape are now enngh pe AS = FY + THAT | | IBAA! | tobe picked PR epEAA eT TERE TUT HH & ERI SBD ABAL.LA AC FAA TAT SHICTHUM ABI 2020 $ WY Poiaharcom A— officer lives next door. — retired. Topic ioe eh om area ak Uses of Verbs Identify appropriate tte from story | - My mother— me take the | fey sitraga &1] | medicine. — makes. i The porta be— immediately. manned. 4 Title 4 AFat FACS BCA) [ristac hre-20 Gi) wb- Susy fires_geres frees iat ary Racecar wETNOTT | tte Cat os SPITS Gre AI— Title 7 ilasdd safonPts: fo ae Bea, vee = Anishad Rafiguethe Noor. — dean ten fies va we | Mosher made he child eat TCR 3m FAG TA, Re waaere = lsawaboyintepool —sinming, DRCEA APTEATCA; CHA A NOAA. | Stet: af ERAT SRAM, TAME, FHS G : Greg a 2 Al | ea | 4, FI @ 6 Tea FAT MTA that glitters is not gold. | Change the Parts of Speech temnffow 3a tim @ aI | = FOF TSA COTA Diamond | fey frwe-caa OT] ; pk ial le cuts diamond. — WaT : Gl, cor, figs, TERS, = fapera vara FH aea or Now fee feieane Ace CRE 8 Fee AeA Is, Who isto bel the cat? it _|Habitate Habitual [Haba ey ea, ofa Face ~ carte wa frets Wet The | Beli_[Beliewe [Believable [Beleaby eae g wegmerma we AP GRY boy takes after his father. | Tasist_[Insstence[ insistent [inset | sree Cora {618 cricafe@— | Destroy | Destruction] Destruct ~ received yourleter yesterday. Adie] mia Transformation of Sentences _Fillin the blanks with appropriate, - The ministers arrived— a_ decision last night. — at Everybody knows this. (Interrogative) ‘Who does not know this? — Had I the wings of abird! (Assertive) | ~ wish Ihad the wings of bird. = Hewants that I should go. Simple) | - He wants me to go. Tknow you. (Complex) | Iknow who youare. Who informed the police— the ‘Synonyms | matter? — of - Impermeable— Impenetrable | - The man died—overwork.— from. 1\Candid— Frank I Anecdote— | Use of Articles /0y 2terae-97 6) Story 1 Perturb— Worry - Hesaw—mostwonderul ight —a | I Rare— Scarce I Plethora— - He hinksheis—Rabindranath —a | Excess | Bellicose— Belligerent | — — virtuous are awayshappy.—The | ISerene—Calm I Ubiquitous— - He left—heir.— an Omnipresent. | = He lives— comfortable life. —a Antonyms | = Tknow he is— honest man, —an | ~ Hostile— Friendly 1 Embargo— | Fillin the blanks with appropriate | - Allow I Equivocal— Unambiguous | word (s) [ey fP#-94 7) §Contravene— Assist I Polite— Rude I Miserly— Generou: | Sagacity— Stupidity ! Queer— | Orderly 1 Outset— Termination | 'Limpid — Muddy. - One should hep rromises. — Idioms and Phrases | ones. : ~ Call to mind— Remember ITo | — I saw a — of monkeys in the | end in smoke— To come to! forest. — troop. I nothing I Prior to— Before 1 Out | —do you spell your sumame?—How and out— Thoroughly | Bill of |— There is a man— next door to fare— Alistof dishes at restaurant | me. —living, Wen toone— Very likely. ‘He has—in bed. —lain. PTAA SA SHA FH FAA, CHG, CHOY, AC, The license of— drivers should | — be banned. — drunk. The man the gatas not ye come. — openin, | | i- Rua.oi — SRE Bey Ta ATION Be He VA AAA AFT SIRI VE MGI (3) rece ef epics ery STR WS eects MAA 6 HAH mao ware fos sat RAR 0 GA | maar PORE Gayo es, gia feafears ‘are bre’ caret AOA A STF CUE OE Rae Gita, tara | TATA AMHAG-» A TATE >¢ Ta aT ARRMIC ARC ans @ Raed Shido BETA FU Fl AR) FP | aerer-orae feoweR Efe FFA 9 TM 209¢ 1 SSPRS APTI AT TSHR ‘al BI 23 AAFP OUD | Aerie Fee OTA eT ere Bee CHE, FATT | SRA 6 CHAATST ABUA.WA 2C WA AT HCPA AAA QoI0 + YO Bornhancom afeyrad om deat Bee - Bea obanies fea TTT — caer Seema va Ferre ‘ita en ae eb eA few ATI (NATO)! Rava TOSS GIES TNA — TRA RICE APIA - WR TET Adie we RTARTA | wera pret | era Conta eIATER— 29088 | Nelson Mandela Decade of Peace- ~ foorr ca aata Borat creat) - fy Ue gE a HA AAAS AFA 209 20’Y FAL — Fe TS rier hie Bt | ROTTS = hon Reon Feca AK ooe cafar | ~ ey afters oR Te Fe “caag Doras aTterT ca - aTfeCe Caner yee AIa APT BA ood FN | OCA BAS | Re FAM COTSARS, CHPHTS | pate wbaTaM aterm - eStore gi aye — gf Fave too Se ARATE = afre sreacds rent feorea ~ Ferféra mpgfice Sialkot pw AN oe TTS | RR Fa Se | fois BI yd8b A = Feca arcy eae Orrere AE = Teo He aoe ag a PIA AASUI— te RR) RA fear, SET aeon Ge ors Oyfte afion| «— - PATTNAR RETg, Aeare, raft, feat aR ~ 2odp AA FATE TAT Dae MOATAM StweMes — catagtty atten ware feffrara Ft (BPL)- TPT _ gbtafos fierera aera fre fier - Saree wravtfes wea_ corte | Fa ae OPA faces 34 cB | — areas can adam afar ~ TER GO REI APT _ ates co MT TE ITE | aR Ren GA AREAL SIRS, CP | M4 cat ate mpi aes aa ee DRL > _ ade Rea RS eR STTSIOR GRC 038 | Cra fal rae ea S TRRTEACHR S968 @ TEA GE retin wea ene arm Ed sfearre— aI Be | Rhee, ‘ors ferme Waa aa SO | ~ MRR “ERM AB LOR’ AS _- Berar BATU (EU) CAE —_ A TET al Hw i Deka SHR ARATE AE TAT esatrerg face BNA I 0) AR BR TST ay RafeBEOH (BERI) | GRRIFA 2020 | vita afer ¢ yer AI Reamer See oe carmy SAO TS Te RGR IN ce te sam afer Ce | aT, AS AA ATS | — AIH ETAT — RU (Fung) | rat Be ca (DSE).ca wan ~ WA SHER ee we AB | — TRAIT ADT THA APS BARE ASH, OT Bess ee creer es wamfacaa aprafie ar es Paras pe NM crt yeah I eee Bere COS se we a Hea AAT TTR aL SH 8B (A,B, 7 EI UTR | AB RO)! fasisetos Gar ods A wae To aaa SPiei rsa wfaafa > evi as nat | >i Climate Emergency | a WR PST - as GOA _ aay wife Baa HATA - MS Word 4 BELA File, fa weraaia ety FICHTA (COP-25) WHE W— Edit, View Romie »wfahe © aR 30 AR TBF BP oe Seer ~ RETA CATA Cl CHCA BC CIS fea fer | eon 7 = fB-x0 Fruain farcat oie AMUN Befoe BI 2009 AIA ~ Faces cx reece ‘afiecea arf’ wr fro, wear | ‘rd a8 TS FN FAH | — SOAS Re Get BHT Fa BH deo" FARA | ‘onan arene’ cq fb Acta Tes Fa facaeyt aaa ‘fsa Sra | recs ae ere sre BB so, ‘feo HG, GeeTIS Ba G ATTY adaa. PH Re AR BIAS WITCPUPY AIA oI UE Brighar com coe her cons t= Rae + 8 = FY ST cae NiS SL FATS AS + OM = OPO RR + AS = compton fen were oft Fee += Ie ‘peers Berns’ teacEA ACL - Tae o AAS : Fo TAG SRORPESTT SIF | | a Sard ae | UreTa one cha aes Rem te) re aah TN Gafae TH “He lees IG Gat roa CATR BESTS FCT 1 WA WTAE AS! «= HSI, GS A TA, OY AA men fasta Sta PTS | CS a Fat aH Bae Sg; yed9 1 - Fat > Ramfig = fam a4 pie aca Aa ae fg ae Bharaa | Wea = RAPY TUT | BE Ue A Bay VepTE Olga PaCS carahethgee | 1 Gara! = Glare Fara fae wa aaa 1 Boga = RR A Caaafieg Ase aT Gate GAO = 4 Sb FAA ©, ACPG OF | ROOT SR IAN - FHI, How, aad, Fatfre, yfraA, ‘fofacera’ Berna afr dia, GT, HE, Aa! wy, 1, TPP | Bret wera Dracra aay — felony > are fewer ae RR ' SRS 1 we wre | be meat 6 eae | So Cha ty eR ye Saige Fa OS 1 Bae tS Ler fey BRATS AT | — mize 4 > Corrigendum— aR at cle ce ate wat) | Of Blue Print— afefra asa TABS ‘A'-44 AA I Retrospective— GOLA SIG F1 I Depreciation— 84H I Atrophy— ‘oe eb sie eae Boeri | ee Ba et RI BEY TTT) | — NER A Or, ee, eT Cire aera FT AB || REM, PA, SHCA Hare mate siewa ed Ra wratioed | Trey, GR, aR, aA, rae, Fa COAL | SRS RE eel, oy, | 1, HAR, CoM, , Gi, Bat | wea, sata et rere, ORS, MROCAITE TENSE TASH SANS, FAUT, CHAT | Grammar | If you smuggle goods into the country, they may be— by the ‘customs authority. — confiscated It is not— for a man to be confined to the pursuit of wealth. —healthy — The view— the open window is very pretty. — through. |= —his parents allow him or not, Anis intends to go to the party. — Whether. | - Lack of exercise and high fat diets have—to be factors in heart attacks. — long been known, She prides herself— her beauty.—on T could not convince him— his mistake. — of When he goes to his dentist, he prefers to go—.—alone. - He has many awards and certificates under his —.— belt. — the northern frontier of India is the Himalayan range—Along ~- — newspaper headlinés are sometimes funny. —Inept. + 5 UNESCO ae eo gy ee are we ae ABUA.WA AC TA TAT GTAP ABH A0X0 + WY Boinharcom One-word Substitutions The original inhabitants of a country— Aborigines. A person who cannot be changed i calle Inco AA person interested in reading books | and nothing else— Bookworm. The murder of the king is, called—Regicide. / ‘One who sacrifices his life for a noble cause— Martyr. Synonyms ~ Anxiety— Worry 1 Ruthless— Cruel I Transient— Short-ived TRepeal— Cancel I Infrequent— Rare Accuse— Impeach. Antonyms Violent— Gentle 1 Evasive— Honest | Enormous— Minute | Acrimonious— Amicable 1 Bxecrable—Laudable | Applaud— Criticize 1 Triumph— Failure 1 Aberration— Typical behaviour. Analogy - Needle Thread Pin Cushion I Distance Mile Liquid : Litre 1 Curdle : Milk Colt : Blood I Tree : Ground :: Chimney : House. / Spellings / = Curriculum 'Fallacious INecessary | I Tobacco I Definition I Colossal | I Licence | Ominous I Beneficiary 1 Restaurant | Malnutrition. Phrases and Idioms = Tosmell a rate—To suspect a trick or | deceit A man of letter— A scholar | I Pros and cons— Advantage | and disadvantage # Get the axe— Lose the job. Sentence Comptetion = To succeed in any— task, needed. — dificult, perseverance. = Being an incorrigible— he will never tell the—. of ender, details. - Your — will — all the benefits you derived from your hard ‘work. — carelessness, nullify. — There are— instances to prove that the leader— courteously with everyone.— several, behaves. Error Recognition ~ Noise polation canbe onal snub Setar : Suriya was upset oa night | Les eed sbehudnds oo mi homework. — many (auch ‘Married women are twice so likely as | abe maiden obs depressed —s0(as). J sancLapest |©) A London-based group that took humanitarian aid during the Liberation War in Bangladesh is known as— Operation Omega. The administered oath to the , Ministers of the Mujib Nagar | Government on 17 April, 1971 was | read out by—Prof. YosufAl, In the constitution of Bangladesh, powers of the High Court Division to issue certain orders and directions are enshrined in Article is— 102(1). ‘The Judicial Service Commission ' of Bangladesh was established— : 1 November 2007. The Buriganga Eco Park is situated in—Shyampur, Dhaka. The Faraizi Movement was | launched by— Haji Shariatullah. | The Constitution Drafting | Committee formed in 1972 had — 34members. | Bangladesh fi first participated in the | Mission in— 1988, | The difference of Bangladesh with | Greenwich Mean Time is—6hours. Passenger train from Khulna to Kolkata | isknown as—Bondhan Express. Sher Shah was well-known for his—Land Revenue System. The first Finance Minister of | Bangladesh was— Captain M. | Mansur Ali. - The designer of the National Flag of Bangladesh is — Kamrul Hasan. The tenure of the Governor of Bangladesh Bank is—4 years. The duration of National ID | card is—15 years. | The name of the first Bangladeshi search engine is—Pipilika. | The firstever Bangladeshi origin | woman selected as the speaker of | Tower Hamlets council in England is—Sabina Akhtar. INTERNATION: () The Great Barrier Reef is located in— Australia. During the Liberation war of Bangladesh, the President of ‘USSR was— Nikolai Podgory. The deepest lake in the world is— Lake Baikal. The historical ‘D-Day’ is related with— 24 World War. The name of an institution in a federal system of government called ‘Balancing Wheel of the constitution’ is— Judiciary. ~ The term of a non-permanent member of the UN security council is—2 years. — The free trade area comprising Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay, Uruguay and Venezuela is called— MERCOSUR. The Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB)'s headquarter is at— Beijing, China. The proposed Technology Bank for LDCs is likely to be headquartered at— Turkey. The currency of Argentina is— Peso. ~ The Uruguay Round negotiations led to the creation of— WTO. — The number of the targets that have been adopted under 17 SDG goals for transforming the world by 2030 is—169. The first stock exchange to become demutualized in the ‘world s situated in— Sweden. Nature of the organization BIMSTEC is— Economic. The Great Victoria Desert is located in— Australia. The Harry Potter series is written by— JK Rowling Transparency International is based in— Berlin. Brown Waterfalls are situated in—New Zealand. Green Peace is an organization deals with— Environment. The agenda 2063 is strategic framework forthe socio-economic transformation of— Africa. The country, pioneer in launching the FM radio broadcasting is— USA. The first BIMSTEC summit was held in— Bangkok, Thailand, UNESCO save re afore seas ae ora Fe Se cere et ABUA.WA VC WA SAT SHIP ABA 2020 & YI EN i * Co) - The specialized commercial | ~ The scientist who first discovered | 1. The one-third of the complementary bank in Bangladesh is— that the earth revolves round the | angle to 60° is— Bangladesh Krishi Bank. sun was— Copernicus. @ 150° 100° © 40° @ 10° ~ Fazle Kabir is the— Governor | ~ The purest form of water can ve | 2. The ratio of two numbers is 3: 4 of Bangladesh Bank.— 11th, Sblained from—Heavy shower ofrain. | and their sum is 630. The smaller — The process of demutualization | ~ Instrument used for measuring very | one of the two numbers is— started in stock exchanges of | _ high temperature is— Pyrometer. @ 360 270 ©180 @ 120 Bangladesh is in— 2013, | ~ Science dealing with study of | 3, Consider that +x=~4,x+y = — Stress test is related to assess | Soil is called— Pedology. 25 and y + w = 15. Then the health of— Bank. | ~ The gas that has an important role ~ Bangladesh adopted floating | in__ maintaining If exchange rate system of foreign | temperature is—Carbon dioxide. | 4. tf 4z+1=32, then x=? exchange on— May 30, 2003. : 3 @4 Financ Iraitutons Division | QLeLekoueaad (2) | 07,8 04 08 was replaced by— Bank and | — The process of transferring files | 5: In a series of 6 consecutive o Financ nsttutons Division. | free computer on the | _ umbesif15is the 6 number, what Special Drawings Rights | internet to your computer is | _ isthe4*numberin the series? (SDRs) is related to— IMF. | called— Downloading, @7 © ©B On The regulator of capital Market |- 4 special type of memory chip | | 6. If1~3x <4 then in Bangladesh is—BSEC. | that holds software that canbe! @x<=2 @x>2 The Finance Commission is| readbutnotwritento—ROM. | ©x<1 @x21 appointed after every—5years. | — The set of instructions that tells | 7. A train 240m long passed a pole in The name of the central bank of | the computer is—Software. 24 seconds. How long will it take China is— People's Bank of China. | — To close a tab on a browser—is | _topassa platform 650m long? average of w,x, y is — @8 Os O95 used for shortcut—Ctrl+W. | @ 89s @ 100s See eos A collection of unprocessed | © 658 @ 130s - Electric bulb filament is made { items is— Data, | 8. How many real roots does the of— Tungsten. | = Tocold boota PC—isused—Systemdisk | polynomial 2x3 + 8x-7 have? - Entomology is the science that Ctrl, Shift and Alt are called— | — @ None @One studies— Insects. | keys.—modifier. © Two @ Three = The device used for measuring | ~ Cloud computing is— option 9. How many integers from 1 to 1,000 altitudes is— Altimeter. | forsmall firms. — expensive. are divisible by 30 but not by 16? ~ The glass that is used in bullet | - Extranet allows— both insiders | @% O31 ©32 @©38 proof screens is— Reinforced glass. | _and authentic outsiders. /10.1F A = (1, 2,3, 4,5], then number - Gravity setting chambers are - Physical connection between of. subsets of A is— used in industries to remove— | microprocessor memory and | i @120®30 ©31 @22 Suspended particulate matter. other parts of the microcomputer | 9 2030 |40|56 @/7@[8@ [9@]10© Radio link is a tool of banking | isknownas— Address bus, & communication in a— Remote area. | — DFDstands for—Data Flow Diagram. areas | et, Math sal ae! Ser | BOON FAT Math FAM Technic © @AYUEDD, BEBORD WATS Self Coaching ate wii es aoe ED a Tie oa

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