Module Wave 2020
Module Wave 2020
Module Wave 2020
1. Diagram 1 shows a photograph taken from a ripple tank experiment to investigate the pattern of water
waves. The frequency of the vibrator is 20 Hz.
Diagram 1
(b) The distance between A and B is 5 cm.
(c) Predict the frequency of the water waves if the speed of the water increases.
Reflection of waves (Trial SPM 2007)
2. Diagram 2.1 shows a submarine transmitting ultrasonic waves directed at a big rock on the sea bed.
After sometime, the submarine detects the wave again.
Diagram 2.1
(1 mark)
(b) Explain why the submarine used ultrasonic wave but not ordinary sound wave?
(2 marks)
(c) (i) Calculate the distance of the submarine from the big rock if the submarine detects the second
wave after 1.5 seconds.
[Velocity of ultrasonic wave = 1560 ms-1]
(2 marks)
(ii) Diagram 2.2 shows how the pulses of the transmitted ultrasonic wave is displayed on the
screen of a cathode ray oscilloscope (CRO).
Diagram 2.2
On Diagram 2.2 draw the pulses of the wave received by the submarine after 1.5 seconds
later. Given the time base of the CRO is 0.5 s/cm.
(2 marks)
Diffraction Of Waves
3. Diagram 3.1 shows the arrangement of Young’s double slit experiment. A white light source is
passed through a blue filter to produce a monochromatic light. Diagram 3.2 shows the pattern of the
fringes formed on the screen when a blue filter is used.
Diagram 3.1
Diagram 3.2
(1 mark)
(b) Why bright fringes and dark fringes are observed on the screen as shown on Diagram 3.2?
(2 marks)
(b) In the experiment, the screen is placed at the distance of 1.5 m from the double-slit. The separation
distance between the double-slit is 0.5 mm while the total separation of four successive dark fringes
is 4.05 mm. Calculate the wavelength of the blue light.
(2 marks)
Sound Waves
Table 4
(b) (i) Which of the following waves has the highest frequency?
(1 mark)
(ii) State a reason for your answer in 4 (b)(i)
(1 mark)
(c) Sound waves are used to determine the depth of a lake. The frequency and wavelength of the
sound waves are 2 500 Hz and 0.5 m respectively. The reflected sound wave is received after
2.0 s transmitted into the lake. Calculate
(2 marks)
(2 marks)
Sound Waves
5. Diagram 5 shows sound wave is produced when a man rubbed his moistened finger around the rim of
a glass filled with water.
Diagram 5
(1 mark)
(b) What happen to the loudness of the sound wave if the man rub the glass harder?
Give reason for your answer.
(2 marks)
(c) What happen to the pitch of the sound wave if the man rub the glass filled with less volume of water?
Give reason for your answer.
(2 marks)
(d) Sound wave can be used to treat kidney stone without surgical .The treatment is called as Extracorporeal
Shock Wave Lithotripsy (ESWL) that uses sound wave from an out through the urinary tract. Table 5
contains three types of ESWL treatments to break kidney stone.
Table 5
Based on Table 5, state the suitable treatment to break kidney stone effectively based on the following
(2 marks)
(ii) Type of reflector
(2 marks)
(2 marks)
(e) Based on the answer in 8(d) , choose the most suitable type of treatment to break kidney stone more
(1 mark)
Electromagnetic Waves
6. Diagram 6 shows a group of waves in the electromagnetic spectrum arranged accordingly based on
their frequencies and wavelength. The energy of the wave decreases from right to left and it propagates
at the same speed.
Diagram 6
perpendicular (1 mark)
(c) Based on Diagram 6,
i. state the change of wavelength of the wave from right to the left
(1 mark)
ii. state the relationship between the wavelength and effect of diffraction of the wave.
(1 mark)
Diagram 7
(1 mark)
(d) What is the difference between electromagnetic wave and the sound wave ?
(1 mark)
8 -1
(e) Given that the speed of an electromagnetic wave is 3 x 10 ms .
Find the radio wavelength which has frequency 0f 3.2 kHz.
[1 mark]
8. (a) Diagram 8.1 shows the wave pattern formed by water waves from two coherent sources S1 and
S2 in a ripple tank.
Diagram 8.1
(1 mark)
(2 marks)
(b) Diagram 8.2 shows a Young’s double-slit experiment using blue light as source.
Diagram 8.2
(i) Underline the correct answer in the bracket to complete the sentence below. Point M is a
(bright, dark) fringe.
(1 mark]
(ii) What happens to the distance between two consecutive bright fringes if blue light is
replaced with red light?
(1 mark)
(c) An engineer student conduct a study on noise level produced by aircraft engine during take-
off. The soundproofing materials lining the cabin floor is to reduce the noise in the cabin.
Table 8.3 shows the four aircrafts with their respective soundproofing characteristics.
Table 8.3
Based on Table 8.3, state the suitability characteristics of the aircraft to reduce the noise level
produced by the aircraft. Give reasons for the suitability of the characteristics.
(2 marks)
(2 marks)
(iii) Thickness of the soundproofing material
(2 marks)
(d) By using your answer in 8 (c) determine the most suitable aircraft that can reduce the noise level.
(1 mark)
1. Diagram 1.1 shows a Barton’s pendulum which consist of six pendulums tied to a horizontal string.
When X is displaced and released, it will oscillate with its natural frequency.
Diagram 1
2. Diagram 2 shows a submarine using a sonar system. Explain why ultrasonic wave is used in sonar
system instead of radio wave.
Diagram 2
(3 marks)
Trial Perak 2015
During high tide, a boat which parks behind retaining wall rocking up and
down more vigorously. ‘
1. A group of students are walking in front of two loudspeakers connected to a signal generator. They
stop when they hear the loudest sound. The positions of the students when they stop are shown Diagram
Diagram 10.1
Two dippers connected to a vibrator are vibrating simultaneously on the water surface of a ripple tank.
The water wave pattern produced is shown in Diagram 10.2. Wavelength of the water waves, can be
determined by the formula as follows :
Diagram 1.2
(ii) What do you observe about the sources of the waves, the positions of the students and the waves
patterns in Diagram l0.l and Diagram 10.2? Use these observations to deduce a physics concept
and state the concept.
(5 marks)
(b) Base on the interference of water waves shown in Diagram l.2, draw the interference pattern.
Your drawing should include the following aspects:
(c) Diagram 1 0.3 shows the new hall in a rural school. A musical concert will be held at the hall in
few months’ time.
Diagram 1.3
Observe Diagram 1.3 carefully, there are some improvements can be made to enhance the sound effect.
Using appropriate physics concept, explain the use of suitable equipment and furnishing to improve the
sound effect of the concert.
Your answer should include the following aspects:
2. Diagram 2.1 shows the wave fronts pattern of the water waves, before and after passing through small
gaps. Diagram 2.2 shows the wave fronts pattern of same water wave, before and after passing through
bigger gap.
(a) (i) Name the wave phenomenon shown in Diagram 2.1 and 2.2.
(1 mark)
(ii) Based on the Diagram 2.1 and Diagram 2.2, compare the wave patterns before through the
gaps, the wave patterns after through the gaps and the wave length before and after passing
through the gaps. Relate the size of the gaps and the wave patterns. Deduce a relevant physics
concept regarding the wavelengths in this situation.
(5 marks)
(b) Diagram 2.3, shows movement of sea water wave front from the open sea towards the
Diagram 2.3
Explain why the water at the cape has high wave and the water at the bay is calm.
(4 marks)
(b) Diagram 2.4 shows a tsunami warning system located at the sea to detect tsunami in advance
and issues warning to the shore region.
Diagram 2.4
Indonesia's system fell out of service in 2012 because the detection buoys were no longer operational.
Suggest modifications that can be made to the system, so that if can work effectively to detect tsunami
due to earthquake or volcano eruptions. State and explain the modifications based on the characteristics
of material which is used for detection buoys and anchor.
(10 marks)
Diagram 1.1
(ii) Find the difference in depth of deep and shallow region if the time for wave to propagate
from the seafloor of shallow region to the ship is 0.07 s.
(3 marks)
(c) Diagram 1.2 shows a girl standing 50 m in front of a building, firing a shot. A boy who is standing
beside the girl, hears two bangs apart with a lower loudness for second sound.
50 m
Diagram 1.2
(i) Explain why the boy heard two explosions.
(iii) Explain why the second sound is lower in loudness
(4 marks)
(d) As a researcher, you want to use waves to determine sea floor mapping in small area at the ocean.
Explain the characteristic of waves that should be used to gain the information about the ocean.
Table 1.1
Explain the suitability of each aspect and then determine the most suitable waves. Give reason for
your choice.
(10 marks)
Trial Negeri Pahang 2017
2. Diagram 12.1 shows the wave pattern when water wave moves from sea to the beach. The wavelength
changed as the wave approach the beach.
Diagram 12.1
(c) A port is in a process of deepening and broadening to load more cargo ships. Diagram 2.2 shows
the original area of the port and the area that will be developed. Table 2 shows four design proposal
for the development of the port.
Original area
Development area
Diagram 2.2
Table 2
You are asked to investigate of each design proposal to make sure the safety of cargo ships.
Explain the suitability of each characteristics of the design. Determine the most suitable design.
Give reasons for your choice.
(10 marks)
(d) A plane wave with wavelength of 2 cm and velocity of 8 cms-1 propagate from region A to region
B. When the wave arrived at region B, the wavelength change to 12 cms-1.
(i) the wavelength in region B.
(ii) the frequency
(5 marks)