Kids Do Well If They Can
Kids Do Well If They Can
Kids Do Well If They Can
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2008 161
behavioral challenges. He advocated for reconceptualizing * Difficulty attending to and/or accurately interpreting
these challenges as "problems in living,"a more fitting and social cues; poor perception of social nuances.
productive way of viewing things.
* Difficulty starting a conversation, entering groups,
>> "His brother was the same way." connecting with people; lacking other basic social
Ah, so it's the gene pool! Alas, we can't do anything about skills.
the gene pool, and it's likely that his brother was lacking * Difficulty seeking attention in appropriate ways.
some important thinking skills, too.
* Difficulty appreciating how one's behavior is affecting
other people; often surprised by others' responses to
The followinglist ismuch more useful. It's the list his or her behavior.
ofmany skillsfrequentlyfound lagginginchalleng
* Difficulty empathizing with others, appreciating another
person's perspective or point of view.
* Difficulty handling transitions, shifting from one mind
set or task to another (shifting cognitive set). * Difficulty appreciating how one is coming across or
being perceived by others.
* Difficulty mustering the energy to persist on tasks that
are challenging, effortful, or tedious.
* Difficulty doing things in a logical sequence or You may have noticed that this list contains no di
prescribed order. agnoses. That's because diagnoses don't give us any
* Poor sense of time. information about the cognitive skills a kid may be
* Difficulty reflecting on multiple thoughts or ideas lacking. All too often adults get caught up in the quest
simultaneously. for the rightdiagnosis,assumingthata diagnosiswill
maintainingfocus forgoal-directedproblem
help themknowwhat to do next.The realityis that
solving. diagnosesaren'tespeciallyuseful for understanding
kidswith behavioralchallengesor forhelping adults
* Difficulty
consideringthe likelyoutcomes or
*know what to do next. Plus, kidsdon't generallyex
consequences of actions (impulsive).
hibit challengingbehavior in a vacuum. It usually
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