Development of A Web Gis Application Using Web Appbuilder For Arcgis (Developer Edition)

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Development of a Web GIS Application using Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS

(Developer Edition)

Article · June 2019


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4 authors, including:

Harpinder Singh Taranjot Singh Bhatia

Punjab Remote Sensing Centre Punjab Remote Sensing Centre


Pradeep Kumar Litoria

Punjab Remote Sensing Centre


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ISSN : 0976-8491 (Online) | ISSN : 2229-4333 (Print) IJCST Vol. 10, Issue 2, April - June 2019

Development of a Web GIS Application using Web

AppBuilder for ArcGIS (Developer Edition)
Taranjot Singh Bhatia, 2Harpinder Singh, 3P.K Litoria, 4Brijendra Pateriya
Punjab Remote Sensing Centre, Ludhiana, Punjab, India

Abstract II. Objectives

Development of a web GIS (Geographic Information Systems) The objective of this study is to review the process of creating
is a complex job and it requires specialized software. There a custom web GIS application using ESRI Web AppBuilder for
are many software both commercial and FOSS (Free and open ArcGIS (Developer Edition). A basic application is developed
source software) available on the internet to develop a web GIS using Web AppBuilder and then it is customized and extended.
application. In this study an attempt has been made to review the The various customizations described in this paper are: creation
process of development of a mobile friendly web GIS application of a new widget (tool), addition of a widget downloaded from
using the ESRI Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS (Developer Edition). the internet, modifications in the branding, headed, footer and
Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS (Developer Edition) is a part of the sidebar of the application.
ESRI ArcGIS Enterprise collection of software. A basic application
is developed using Web AppBuilder and then it is customized III. Tools & Methodology
and extended. The various customizations described in this paper Tools Used: Visual Studio Code Editor 1.34, ArcGIS API for
are, the creation of a new widget (tool), addition of a widget JavaScript 3.24, PostgreSQL 9.4, ArcGIS Server 10.6, Portal
downloaded from the internet and modifications in the branding, for ArcGIS 10.6 and Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS (Developer
headed, footer and sidebar of the application. Edition) 2.12.

Keywords A. Setup the Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS (Developer

Web-GIS, Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS (Developer Edition) Edition)
• Download and install the Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS
I. Introduction (Developer Edition) SDK [7].
Development of a web GIS (Geographic Information Systems) is • Double-click the startup.bat file in the unzipped folder
a complex job and it requires specialized software. In this study an to start the Web AppBuilder [8].
attempt has been made to review the process of development of a • Web AppBuilder will start in the browser with the following
mobile friendly web GIS application using the Web AppBuilder URL http://[yourmachinename]:3344/webappbuilder.
for ArcGIS (Developer Edition). The application has a three • In the next window, specify the URL of the ArcGIS Portal
layer architecture where the backend is the PostgreSQL database, account that will be accessed.
middleware is the ArcGIS Server and the frontend has been
developed using the Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS (Developer Register the Web AppBuilder by providing an app ID.
Edition). • Log in to the ArcGIS Portal.
The details about the database and various important components • Click the “Content” tab.
of the ArcGIS Enterprise and their use have been provided in [1]. • Click “Add Item” to create a new application.
[1] also includes the process of the map service creation using • Enter the URL http://[yourmachinename]:3344/
the ArcMap and ArcGIS Server. It includes the process of the webappbuilder, application title and tags. The new application
GUI creation using the template based Web AppBuilder [2] tool will be created.
present in the Portal for ArcGIS. • Click the “Settings” tab and scroll down to the App
Registration section and click Register. In the redirect URL
In this paper an attempt has been made to explain the process of type http://[yourmachinename]:3344 and add. Also add
customizing the basic GIS application using the Web AppBuilder https://[yourmachinename]:3344. Click “Register”.
for ArcGIS (Developer Edition) [3]. Customization can be done by • After the registration the App ID will be displayed. Copy
the creation of own widgets, panels and themes. Developers need it.
sufficient knowledge and experience using HTML and JavaScript • Start the Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS (Developer Edition)
(JS) to customize the application. with startup.bat.
• Add the ArcGIS for Portal Link and paste the copied App
The knowledge of ArcGIS API for JavaScript [4] is essential ID. Login in the portal and approve.
for the customization work. The ArcGIS API for JavaScript is a • If you get an Error 400 with “Invalid redirect URL” than go
lightweight way to embed maps and tasks in web applications. to the following path (webappbuilderforArcGIS> server) and
The maps may be extracted from the ArcGIS Online platform or delete the “signininfo.json” file and try again.
from the users own ArcGIS server or other GIS Server’s. ArcGIS
API for JavaScript is built on top of Dojo [5]. Dojo is an open B. Build a basic application
source toolkit which helps to write efficient and robust JavaScript • Start the Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS (Developer Edition)
code, simplify the development process and also ensures that the with startup.bat.
application works the same in different browsers. Sample code • Open the Web AppBuilder home page, Click “Create New”
at [6] demonstrates the use of various features in the ArcGIS API [9].
for JavaScript. • Choose the Default (2D) theme (if 2D application has to be

w w w. i j c s t. c o m International Journal of Computer Science And Technology 33

IJCST Vol. 10, Issue 2, April - June 2019 ISSN : 0976-8491 (Online) | ISSN : 2229-4333 (Print)

developed). Similarly other attributes in the file can also be changed.

• Provide the application name and description. • Create the GUI of the widget by editing the widget.html e.g.
• Select the map and widgets required in the application. addition of a text box, button etc. Styling of the widget can
• Click the “Attribute” tab and change the title, subtitle, and be done by editing the style.css (/css folder)
logo of the application. • The main logic and functionality of the widget is present in
• Click “Preview” to view the application in different platforms the widget.js file. It will contain various variables, functions
and devices. and queries.
• Click “Launch”to view the app in your browser. • Add the entry of the widget in the config.json so that the new
• Path containing the software code of the created application widget is added to the existing list of widgets.
[10] is (webappbuilderforArcGIS> server> apps> application
folder) Below given is an example of a custom widget (Dropdown) which
helps the user to select a village name from a dropdown (populated
Some important folders and files in the application from a REST mapservice) and zoom to its geographic extent. The
folder are: populated dropdown widget is as shown in fig. 1.
• Widget folder: It contains the code (js) and associated
files (images, CSS, manifest.json etc) of each widget in the Widget window design and styling:
application. Widget.html (webappbuilderforArcGIS> server> apps>
• Themes folder: It contains the code and associated files for application folder> widgets> Dropdown)
the theme applied to the application ( e.g. header, footer,
sidebar etc) <div><div><table>
• Images folder: It will contain the images e.g. logo etc used <tr><td> Select Village Name</td></tr>
in the application. <tr><td>
• jimu.js/css/jimu.css file: is used to style the theme and <select data-dojo-type=”dijit/form/FilteringSelect”
widgets. It is used to change the placement of the widgets. id=”villName” name=”villName” data-dojo-attach
• config.json file: It contains the whole structure of the point=”villName” data-dojo-props=”value: ‘’, placeHolder:
application i.e. themes, widgets etc. ‘Type Here...’, required: true, fetchProperties:{sort:[{attribute
C. Customization of the Basic Application </td></tr></table></div>
Customization can be done by the creation of own widgets, panels <div data-dojo-attach-point=”shelter” data-dojo-type=”jimu/
and themes. The application folder can be opened in Visual Code dijit/LoadingShelter” data-dojo-props=’hidden:true’></div></
Editor for editing the JS, HTML, CSS files etc. In this paper an div>
attempt has been made to review the process of adding a widget
downloaded from the internet and also to create a new custom style.css (webappbuilderforArcGIS> server> apps> application
widget. In addition to above, the details regarding the modifications folder> widgets> Dropdown >css)
in the application header, footer, sidebar and branding etc. is also
provided. .jimu-widget-Dropdown div:first-child{
width: 300px; }
I. Addition of a widget downloaded from the internet:
Widgets developed by other developers can be downloaded from Functionality of the widget:
Github, [11] or other sources. Process to add such widget is as manifest.json: To change the widget and author name.
given below: (webappbuilderforArcGIS> server> apps> application folder>
• Find and download a suitable custom widget. It may be in widgets> Dropdown)
the form of a zipped file.
• Unzip it and extract it into the Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS {
(Developer Edition) (i.e. webappbuilderforArcGIS> client> “name”: “Dropdown”,
stemapp> widgets). A new folder will be created for the widget. “platform”: “HTML”,
Modify the widget according to the project requirement. Also, “version”: “2.11”,
add the entry of the widget in the config.json so that the new “wabVersion”: “2.11”,
widget is added to the existing list of widgets. “author”: “Singh”,
• If an application is already created then copy the “description”: “This is the widget used in developer guide”,
widget folder and place it in the application folder i.e. “copyright”: “”,
(webappbuilderforArcGIS> server> apps> application “license”:”” }
folder> widgets). strings.js: To define the label of the widget in the GUI.
• If a new application is developed then the widget can be (webappbuilderforArcGIS> server> apps> application
added to the application and the widget folder need not be folder>widgets> Dropdown > nls)
explicitly copied to its folder.
II. Creation of a New Custom Widget root: ({ _widgetLabel: “Dropdown”
• Make a copy of the MyWidget in the (webappbuilderforArcGIS> }) });
client> stemapp> widgets) widgets folder.
• Rename the widget folder to a suitable name. Edit the “name” Widget.js: The complete functionality and logic of the widget.
attribute in the manifest.json file to the name of the widget. The zoomed in location using the widget is shown in the fig. 2.

34 International Journal of Computer Science And Technology w w w. i j c s t. c o m

ISSN : 0976-8491 (Online) | ISSN : 2229-4333 (Print) IJCST Vol. 10, Issue 2, April - June 2019

(webappbuilderforArcGIS> server> apps> application {

folder>widgets> Dropdown);
var query = new Query();
define([ query.returnGeometry = true;
‘dojo/_base/declare’, query.where=”village_na=’”+
‘dijit/_WidgetsInTemplateMixin’, this.villName.displayedValue + “’”;
‘jimu/BaseWidget’, query.outFields=[‘*’]; query.outSpatialReference=
‘esri/tasks/QueryTask’, varqueryTask=new QueryTask(this.villageUrl);
‘dojo/store/Memory’, queryTask.execute(query,lang.hitch(this,this.zoomToVillage));
‘dojo/_base/lang’, },
‘dojo/on’ ], zoomToVillage: function (featureSet) {
function ([0].
declare, _WidgetsInTemplateMixin, geometry.getExtent());
BaseWidget, Query, QueryTask, this.shelter.hide();
Memory, lang, on ) { },
Return declare([BaseWidget, _WidgetsInTemplateMixin], { onClose: function () {
baseClass: ‘jimu-widget-Dropdown’, } }); });
villageUrl: null,
postCreate: function () {
this.inherited(arguments); Widget icon Positioning/styling:
this.villageUrl = ‘ Setting.html (webappbuilderforArcGIS> server> apps>
puda/MASTER_PLAN/MapServer/5’; }, application folder> widgets> Dropdown >setting)
startup: function () {
this.inherited(arguments); <a class=”link” href=”http://abc.pdf”>
on(this.villName, ‘change’, lang.hitch); }, <imgsrc=”images/icon.png” width=”40px” height=”42px”></
onOpen: function () { a>
this.getVillage(); },
// Get Village Details style.css (webappbuilderforArcGIS> server> apps> application
getVillage: function () { folder> widgets> Dropdown >setting>css);
var query = new Query(); .jimu-widget-Dropdown-setting input{
query.returGeometry = false; margin-left: 100px;
query.where = ‘1=1’; }
query.outFields = [‘*’];
varqueryTask = new QueryTask(this.villageUrl); III. Customizations in the Header, Footer and Sidebar
queryTask.execute(query, lang.hitch(this, this.populateVillage));
}, a). Header
// Populate Village Combo The Header of the application can be customized to contain a
populateVillage: function (featureSet) { website link, widget icons etc. The size and colour of the header
var data = { identifier: ‘id’, items: [], can also be modified. The following HTML and CSS code example
label: ‘name’ }; helps to add a text (ABC) in the header which hyperlinks to www.
for (var i = 0; i <featureSet.features.length; i++) { website.
features[i].attributes[‘village_na’] }, { widget.html (webappbuilderforArcGIS> server> apps>
“id”: featureSet.features[i].attributes [‘village_na’] application folder> themes>FoldableTheme>widgets>HeaderC
})); } ontroller)
//create store <aclass=”link” href=”” data-dojo-
varvillageStore = new Memory({ attach-point=”aboutNode” data-dojo-attach-event=”onclick:_
data: data }); onAboutClick” style=”line-height: 44px;”>ABC</a>
this.shelter.hide(); style.css (webappbuilderforArcGIS> server> apps> application
}, folder> themes>FoldableTheme>widgets>HeaderController>c; ss)
//call function: get geometry of the village zoom this.
getVillageGeom(); .link{
var query = new Query(); Height: 300px;
query.returGeometry = false; Width: auto;
query.where=”village_na=’”+ Background-color: black;
this.villName.displayedValue + “’”; }
query.outFields = [‘*’]; },
getVillageGeom: function ()

w w w. i j c s t. c o m International Journal of Computer Science And Technology 35

IJCST Vol. 10, Issue 2, April - June 2019 ISSN : 0976-8491 (Online) | ISSN : 2229-4333 (Print)

b). Footer D. Download and host the customized application

The Footer of the application can be customized to contain • Start the Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS (Developer Edition)
company information, copyright content, text/icons hyperlinks with Startup.bat.
etc. The size and colour of the footer can also be modified. The • Open WebAppBuilder home page (http://<systemname>:3344/
following HTML and CSS code example helps to add a text webappbuilder)
(copyright) in the footer. • Download the application using the download link.
widget.html (webappbuilderforArcGIS> server> apps> • Unzip it and place the folder in a web server e.g. IIS or
application folder> themes>TabTheme>widgets>Footer) Apache
• View the final customized application in any browser. Fig. 3.
<div class=”footer-widget-copyright”>All rights reserved.
Copyright @ 2019. Name of the Company</div> IV. Conclusion
This paper provides a complete overview of the development of
style.css (webappbuilderforArcGIS> server> apps>application a mobile friendly customized web GIS application using the Web
folder> themes> TabTheme> widgets> Footer>css) AppBuilder for ArcGIS (Developer Edition).

.jimu-widget-footer{ References
height: 100%; [1] Bhatia Taranjot, Singh Harpinder, Litoria PK, Pateriya
overflow: hidden; Brijendra,"Web GIS Development using Portal for ArcGIS,
margin-left: 0px; ArcGIS Server and Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS." In
margin-top: 0; International Journal of Computer Science and Technology,
width: 100%; Vol. 10, No. 1, pp. 43-47, 2019.
} [2] Anonymous,"Introduction to WebApp Builder". [Online].
Available: create-
.jimu-widget-footer .footer-widget-copyright{ apps/widget-overview.htm.
max-width: 800px; [3] Anonymous,"Introduction to Web App Builder For Developer
color:white; Edition". [Online]. Available:
font-size: 12px; web-appbuilder/guide/developer-s-guide-overview.htm
text-align: center; [4] Anonymous,"ArcGIS API forJavascript". [Online]. Available:
line-height: 32px; https:// javascript/3/
margin-left: auto; [5] Anonymous,"Working with Dojo". [Online]. Available:
margin-right: auto; javascript/3/jshelp/inside_
} dojo.html
[6] Anonymous," ArcGIS API for JavaScript: Sample Codes".
c). Sidebar [Online]. Available:
The Sidebar of the application can be customized to add various javascript/3/jssamples/
widgets. The location, size and colour of the sidebar can also be [7] Anonymous,"Download SDK for Web App Builder for
changed. The following code helps to add more than five widgets Developers". [Online]. Available: https://developers.arcgis.
(default is five and the style is foldable) in sidebar: com/web-appbuilder/
[8] Anonymous,"Web App Builder for Developers – Get
widget.js (webappbuilderforArcGIS> server> apps> application Started", [Online]. Available:
folder> themes> TabTheme> widgets> SidebarController) web-appbuilder/ guide/ getstarted.htm
[9] Anonymous,"Web App Builder for Developers – Build your
createTabs: function() { First app". [Online]. Available: https://developers.arcgis.
varallIconConfigs = this.getAllConfigs(), com/web-appbuilder/guide/build-your-first-app.htm
iconConfigs = [], openAtStartId = ‘’; [10] Anonymous,"Development Overview". [Online]. Available:
if (allIconConfigs.length<= 9) { https:// web-appbuilder/ guide/
iconConfigs = allIconConfigs; developer-s-guide-overview.htm
this.moreTab = false; [11] Anonymous,"Roberts Custom WAB Widgets". [Online].
} Available:
IV. Change company branding logo on the map window:
Copy the logo image to the application folder image directory
and do the following modification in the CSS file.

jimu.css (webappbuilderforArcGIS> server> apps> application

folder> css)
.map .logo-med {
z-index: 0;
background-image: url( !important;
height: 110px;
background-repeat: no-repeat;
background-position: bottom;}

36 International Journal of Computer Science And Technology w w w. i j c s t. c o m

ISSN : 0976-8491 (Online) | ISSN : 2229-4333 (Print) IJCST Vol. 10, Issue 2, April - June 2019

Fig. 1: Dropdown Widget Which has Been Populated by the Names of Villages

Fig. 2: Zoom in to the Geographic Extent of the Village

w w w. i j c s t. c o m International Journal of Computer Science And Technology 37

IJCST Vol. 10, Issue 2, April - June 2019 ISSN : 0976-8491 (Online) | ISSN : 2229-4333 (Print)

Fig. 3: Final View of the Customized Application

38 International Journal of Computer Science And Technology w w w. i j c s t. c o m

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