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Trends in first page priorities of Indian print media reporting-A content analysis
of four English Language newspapers

Article · March 2010


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Journal Media and Communication Studies Vol. 2(2) pp. 039-053, February, 2010
Available online
© 2010 Academic Journals

Full Length Research Paper

Trends in first page priorities of Indian print media

reporting - A content analysis of four English Language
C. S. H. N. Murthy1*, Challa Ramakrishna2 and Srinivas R. Melkote3
Manipal Institute of Communication, Press Corner, Manipal University, Manipal, Karnataka 576 104 India.
Department of Journalism and Mass Communication, Andhra University, Visakhapatnam, A.P. 530 003, India.
School of Communication Studies, Dept of Telecommunications, 302 West Hall, Bowling Green State University, Ohio
43403-0233, USA.
Accepted 21 December, 2009

A critical analysis of the first page reporting priorities of the four leading news papers- The Hindustan
Times, The Indian Express, The Times of India (all being published from New Delhi and Lucknow) and
The Hindu (Only from New Delhi and Southern States) reveals a number of interesting shifts in the
paradigms of news reporting and values. The analysis, which involves the first page news coverage
(including headlines, type of content, photos and advertisements), offered an insight into the
departures from the traditional news values. The study has witnessed a growing trend for first reporting
and investigative reporting, treating news as a commercialized commodity for mass consumption, filled
with crime, legal disputes, politics, etc. with economic, social and development news taking a backseat.
The pages of the news papers are filled with increased use of large and small color photos (especially
photos of the main players in each story), and the use of long titles and large fonts for even short
reports to make up the space of the first page look compact, suggesting a crisis for news due to intense
competition and acquiring contours of magazine journalism/tabloidization. These findings read with the
characteristics of market driven journalism, originally emanated from the US in 1990s, suggest an
increasing tabloidization and trivialization of news. This study applies the strong and weak market
orientation theories of Randal Beam to the Indian media, and attempts to correlate developments in
India’s newsrooms with respect to print media‘s ability to retain accountability to the public.

Key words: Paradigm shift, news values, globalization, coverace, strong market orientation, weak market
orientation, political, crime, investigative, economic, social and legal.


The Indian media are booming on all the fronts print, issue special supplements each day under different
electronic and web journalism (Vanita Kohli, 2003). All categories gender-wise (women’s page), subject wise
this owes its credit to globalization and economic reforms (Education, Employment or Opportunities, Finance/
ushered into during 1991 - 1996. The thrust and impetus investment, Health, Youth page Matrimonials,
the economic reforms and globalization received, both Classifides, etc.). This was done in order to widen their
before 1991 - 1996 and after, resulted in the reformatting readership and to cater to the vast advertising
of the news papers, especially the print media, which not requirements of business establishments, large software
only increased their number of pages but also began to and hardware multinational and national corporations,
motor and vehicle industries, besides banks and
infrastructure (telecom and mobile) organizations that
had started burgeoning since 1995 (Chakravarty, 1996;
*Corresponding author. E-mail:, Chakravarty, 1996; Keval, 2004). Further, to overcome the competition arising from the
040 J. Media Commun. Stud.

magazine genres such as India Today (1975) and advertisement right in the middle of editorial space in The
Chitralekha (started in 1950, went into color by 1981), Saturday Times, a color supplement of TOI, heralding a
which by then already went into colour print, the black new era of commercial and marketing interests
and white mastheads of the majority English national overtaking the editorial priorities (Vanita, 2003).
news papers (papers turned into color, followed by
coloured The Hindu, The Times of India, The Hindustan
Times, etc) and the regional (Eenadu and Vaartha, LITERATURE REVIEW
Andhra Jyoti etc in Telugu) news special Sunday editions
and supplements (Robin, 1998 and 2000). Thus, an Randal (2003) defines market driven or market oriented
unprecedented competition had ensued among the journalism as ‘an organization which selects target
national and regional news papers to attract the readers markets for its product, identifies the wants and needs of
both by way of slashing the prices (Samir Jain’s-Times of potential customers in its target markets, and seeks to
India formula of fixing price for each day’s paper satisfy those wants and needs as efficiently as possible’
differently) and increasing the number of pages in the (2003). For a news organization, a strong market orien-
form of special daily supplements (Sonwalkar, 2002; tation implies that the newspaper, magazine, or television
Mishra, 2002; Menon, 2004; Kumar, 2004). station will aggressively seek to determine the kinds of
In the regional editions, zone wise publications, aptly information that readers or viewers say they want or need
called ‘district editions’ by Robin (2000), in half-demy size and will provide it, says Randal (2003).
began during the 1990s with colored mastheads, and In his famous book, “Market Driven Journalism-Let the
Eenadu alone had around 32 such zonal editions Citizen be aware?”, Manus (1994) writes, ‘adopting
attached to main newspapers. Soon this was followed by sensitivity to audience ratings similar to that of local
other competitors Vaartha, Andhra Bhoomi, Andhra Jyoti, television news, news papers has diminished the
etc in Andhra Pradesh. Later this culture spread through traditional role of ‘professional’ journalists as arbiters of
the entire South India (Sevanti Ninan, 2007; Vanita Kohli, which events and issues are news worthy’. He states
2003; Jeffrey Robin, 1998, 2000). further, ‘managers are telling journalists to let the public
Almost all such supplements and additions earmarked decide what becomes news by paying attention to what
a lot space for classifieds and large advertisements kinds of reports are most highly valued in the market
(defined as major advertisements in this paper). These place. Citing the present market driven corporate model
structural changes followed by a number of technological of print media in operation, Manus says, ‘this market
modifications in the production processes logically led to driven journalism may lead to four social impacts: the
manifold increase in the circulation figures consequently consumers are likely to learn less from the news,
garnering bulk of advertisements from big business hou- consumers may be misled, news may become
ses and augmenting the gross revenues of print media manipulative, and viewers may become apathetic about
(Sevanti, 2007; Vanita 2003; Ravindranathan, 2004, politics (1994).
2005). This marked the beginning of the market driven or Stepp (1991) wrote that news papers are now moving
market oriented journalism in India, though it originally ‘to embrace such topics as parenting or hobbies or
commenced in the US in the 1980s but picked up shopping, and willingness to billboard such subjects on
momentum in late 1990s and spread to the developing the front page-often at the expense of the government
nations like India, China, etc. (Randal, 1995, 1998, 2002 news papers have diminished. (1991).Bogart (1982),
and 2003). The share of the advertising in the total former executive vice-president of the Newspapers
revenues of the Indian media has been steadily Advertising Bureau, wrote, ‘many editors appear to have
increasing since the liberalization process began in the been convinced that more and bigger photographs and
1990s from a supplementary of 25 - 30% in the early more ‘features’ and ‘personality journalism’ were neces-
1990s to 45 - 55% in 2004 (Sharma, 2002). Until a few sary counters to the visual and entertainment elements of
years ago, India had only a handful of market research TV (1982). Nash (1998), a former journalist, argues that
agencies. But today they stood at more than 20 by 2004, competition for audiences is driving a trend toward trivial
most of which are owned by multinationals (Shakuntala news. He argues further, ‘by chasing the passing whims
and Johal, 2007). of focus groups and surveys, most news papers have
The circulation figures and advertising revenue there- shriveled coverage of major political, economic and social
fore took precedence over the editorial policies turning issues in favor of soft features, personality profiles, how
upside down the conventional pyramid (with Editorial to advice and a focus on the process rather than the
department top and Commercial interests at bottom), with substance of governance’. Thussu (2007, 2005 and 2000)
commercial considerations top and the editorial depart- too concurs with the same definitions of Randal. The
ments at base (Ray, 2006, 2007; Ghosh, 2007). The media scape of the South, writes Thussu (2007) has
dominance of advertising world over editorial functions been transformed in the 1990s under the impact of
touched its zenith when a soft cool drink Rasna’ ‘ran an ‘neo-liberal, market-oriented economic policies’ that
Murthy et al. 041

encourage privatization and deregulation. In India, the appearance and to providing readers with devices that
increasing marketization of news, Thussu (2005) argues, allow easy processing of information’ (Randal, 2000;
has created a façade of media plurality when in fact it is Manus, 1996).
‘contributing to a democratic deficit in the world’s largest Nash (1998), for example argues that the ‘editors are
democracy’ (2005). spending less time considering content and much more
Croteau and Hoynes (2001) also address that theme: on layout, graphics, typefaces, pictures or photos and
‘’…crude market-oriented media systems do not allow for grabby headlines”. Randal (2003) applied his
any distinction between people’s roles as consumers, methodology of content analysis only to analyze two
which are private and individual, and their roles as things broadly: i.) content differences among strong and
citizens, which are public and collective. This is why weak newspapers, ii.) lay out differences in making up
market-oriented media have a tendency to produce pages. Robin (2000) in his exhaustive study on Indian
economic benefits while simultaneously creating news paper revolution placed much of the emphasis on
democratic deficits.’ the strategies the strong corporate houses adopted,
In his latest book, ‘News as Entertainment’, Thussu which got Indian print media in treating the localization of
(2007) argues, ‘fierce competition between proliferating news as a saleable commodity. He observed that
news networks for ratings and advertising has prompted commercialization of local news in the form of color
them to provide news in an entertaining manner and supplements on a variety of subjects has been the
broadcasters have adapted their news operations to singular strategy for increasing advertisements and
retain their viewers or to acquire them anew’. ‘In the revenues, besides expanding the readership zones state
process, symbiotic relationship between the news and and district wise (2000).
news formats of current affairs and factual entertainment Writing about the revolution of Hindi news papers in the
genres, such as reality TV has developed, blurring the heart land of India, Sevanti (2007) traced that the
boundaries between news, documentary and upsurge in the post 1990s was due to the synchronous
entertainment’, says Thussu (2007). working of several factors such as increased literacy and
Such policies include opening up the media industries political awareness among the rural people due to the
to profit-seeking transnational corporations who are more BJP and Mandal politics, besides the tilt of the bigger
interested in entertainment than public service corporate media from the elitist class to literacy class.
(Shakuntala and Navjit, 2007). Secondly, she also noted that the rural revolution in the
“With post cold–war globalization, the US inspired news Hindi heart land was also a post television phenomenon.
and entertainment programs made up of game, chat, and People who happened to access the television got
reality shows; programming that Clausen (2004) calls ‘ excited at the developments and the reportings seen on
the transnational genre conventions’ has come to the small screen and liked to curiously know more about
dominate the mediascape of the South, including the them in the print media next day (Ninan, 2007). Thirdly,
content of the Indian media” (Shakuntala and Johal, there was a phenomenal localization of news in the form
2007). of additional supplements which placed emphasis on the
Today, the Indian media are passing through dramatic local crime, politics, entertainment and life styles. All this
shift in favor of consumerism and the content of the added to the growing popularity of Hindi news papers
media is becoming more and more market driven region wise and by 2006, the Hindi news papers
(Sharma, 2002).Randal (2000) points out that a similar occupied the top 5 positions among the top 10 positions
situation in the US has caused the market driven throwing English news papers like the Times of India to
journalism in print media in the post 1990s. Randal go for 11 position (Ninan, 2007).
(2000), in his extensive studies, quoting the works of Though the works of Robin (2000), Thussu (1995 -
Albers (1995), Kohli and Jaworski (1990), and Doug and 2007) and Ninan (2007) indicated the existence of the
Keith Stamm (1992) on the US print media market-driven characteristics of market driven journalism in the Indian
journalism, including content analysis, found that there print and TV media, they are based more on observations
are two types of market driven journalisms: Strong than any systematic study. We, however, found that in
market orientation and Weak market orientation. Strong Ninan’s latest work (2007), she had indeed collected
market orientation media had lesser content of public samples of regional editions and examined the items
sphere or public service and public affairs than weak against the characteristics of market driven journalism, a
market orientation. chapter which she had exclusively done under the title
However, Randal (2003) observed that despite market ‘The Universe of the Local News’ on the Hindi papers.
driven journalism of the strong market oriented media, But such a study was not done against the English news
the latter retained the accountability to the public and its dailies such as what we have taken in our study.
adversarial role. One more assumption about the market Randal Beam (2003) argued that the strong market
driven journalism of strong market oriented print media is, oriented media players still retained the grit for the
‘they devote excessive resources to the publication’s accountability and not pandered to the audience interests
042 J. Media Commun. Stud.

Table 1. Showing distribution of common news items in the first page among four
news dailies.

S. No. Name of the news daily Major (%) Minor (%)

1. Times of India 26 (9.5) 09 (3.29)
2. The Hindustan Times 33 (11. 4) 04 (1.37)
3. The Indian Express 24 (8.9) 11 (4.11)
4. The Hindu 33(11.85) 07(2.45)

totally. Randal Beam defined ‘accountability’ in a different RQ 4: Do the selected Indian print media still have the
way in his study. He observed that the US media and its accountability to the public in spite of market driven
news rooms retained the freedom of editorial decisions priorities?
with regard to offering information on issues of public
importance despite the over riding effect of market driven
journalistic characteristics appearing in the pages of
news papers.Our study also focused on these aspects of The study is a simple descriptive and analytical content analysis,
Indian newspapers (see research questions). though quantitative estimates of the first page contents were carried
The present study therefore endeavors to examine the out to find out the differences among the four English news dailies-
applicability of Randal (2003) observations of market Times of India, Indian Express, The Hindustan Times and The
Hindu-- based on the count of maximum number of ‘recording units’
driven journalism to the Indian English print media, (news items, photos, advertisements) falling under each of the six
comprising four major English news dailies-Times of defined content categories proportionately representing first page
India, Hindustan Times, The Hindu and Indian Express in priorities in order to support the findings.
terms of content differences and lay out design. We The methodology used for the estimation of percentages of each
further seek to establish how this transition to market category (Table 6) represented on the first page was based on the
previous methodologies reported by Randal (2003) and Lars and
driven journalism, which started in India in the 1990s as
Stromback (2006). Tables 1 and 5a - d represent the percentages
an offshoot of liberalization and as an US driven market of the recording units.
oriented global journalism, has to come to stay and In other words, the study analyzed the first page coverage of all
stabilize in Indian print media with reference to selected the ‘recording units’ (reported news items, photos and
leading English news dailies published from Lucknow advertisements) which were counted per page and were put under
region and Delhi (in the case of The Hindu), besides different content categories. See Tables 2 and 3 for the content
categories and sub-categories.
exploring some of the consequences of such a deviation. The categories under which the first page news items have been
counted and segregated are political, crime, legal, Investigative,
social, and economic. The operational definitions of these terms
RESEARCH QUESTIONS were also explained.

As the study explores how market oriented

characteristics of US born market driven journalism in OF DISCOURSE
post globalization affected the Indian English news
dailies, the following assumptions may be appropriate to For the purpose of the study, the authors divided the content of the
make. first page, also referred to in this study as coverage of the first
page, into six broad categories-Political, Crime, Legal, Social
Economic and Investigative.
RQ1: Will the Randal Beam theory of strong market
We followed the popular key words (as used in Google search)
orientations concerning the market driven journalism method used in content analysis. A small group of sub-categories
apply to the Indian English news papers selected for the under which the coders identified and grouped the recording units is
study? indicated in Table 3.

RQ 2: Did the characteristics of market driven journalism

Recording units
impact on journalistic practices of the present selected
media? With regard to major news items and minor news items, major
photos, minor photos, major advertisements and minor advertise-
RQ 3: Did the characteristics of market driven journalism ments, the definitions were given under the Table 2 as a note
(However, regarding news item the definitions the definitions are
account for the current differences in the first page included here).
priorities of reporting and the lay out of the selected
media in the present study? Major news item: A major news item is any item that appeared in
Murthy et al. 043

Table 2. Frequency of items on the first page.

Description TOI HT IE TH
i. Major 194 169 168 152
ii. Minor 79 121 99 133

i. Major 31 40 27 33
ii. Minor 121 126 114 35

i. Major 14 00 14 22
ii. Minor 97 08 59 14
TOI: Minor News: News Digest and Snap-Shots (Sunday); HT: Minor News: Short-Takes; IE: Minor News:
Quick Takes; TH: Minor News: Briefly; Photos: Major: 2 to 8 Column in width running up to 4’’ to 8’’ in
height; Photos: Minor: 1 to 11/2 Col in width running up to 1’’ to 2’’ in height; Adverts: Major: 2 to 8 Column
in width running up to 4’’ to 8’’ in height; Adverts: Minor: Single Column sq. centimeter.

the main front page (first page in this study) than the left extreme judgments by the judiciary, directives and action plans of election
column. Commission of India.

Minor news item: Any news item which appeared in the left (b) Social: Activities involving public importance such as develop-
extreme column every day including Sunday. ment news, infrastructure, welfare measures such as national rural
employment guarantee scheme, pensions for the old age,
Major photos: 2 to 8 columns in width running up to 4’’ to 8’’ in insurance for the labour, health schemes for the poor, health and
height. environment etc. Even matters related to celebrities such as
marriages, gossips of their love, and entertainment programmes
Minor photos: 1 to one and a half columns in width running up to were brought under this category.
1’’ to 2’’ in height.
(c) Economic: Matters related to prices, price hike, business,
Major adverts: 2 to 8 columns in width running up to 4’’ to 8’’ in sensex, exim policy, exports and imports, performance of corporate
height. sector, relief measures for corporate sectors, dearness allowances,
support prices, agricultural measures to boost agro-economy, etc.
Minor adverts: Single column sq. centimeter.
(d) Investigative: Investigative journalism included specialized
stories for each paper on the unknown side of an individual
Content categories politician, bureaucrat, corruption, scandals involving misuse of
machinery, funds, etc.
Political: All the news items covering regional, national and
international political issues including policy statements of the The actual content among these items under each category has
ministers which comprise international policy, etc. statements been regrouped into four sub-categories as can be seen in Table 3.
against/for regional governments, spat between politicians,
political criticisms quota bills, communal issues, and cultural and (e) Market driven journalism: As Randal (1995 - 2000) observed
sports. that market driven journalism will discourage the news media from
providing important information about public affairs (Kohli and
Crime: It consists of two categories of crime. Jawoski, 1990).
Croteau and Hoynes (2001) broadly described ‘public affairs’ as
Crime by politicians: One is political crime where politicians are “the information about current events, government, civic affairs, the
involved such as Tehelka, Gujarat riots, murders for political gains public interest and democratic processes (Table 10).
such as Shibu Soren, murder and rapes for enjoyment by
politicians, etc.
Strong market oriented media
Crime by others: Anti-social elements, professional criminals,
incidental act of crimes such as road rage, hit and run causing Strong market oriented print media de-emphasize public service
accidents. journalism, leaving society without the information necessary to
govern itself. They show tendency to focus on crime, sex, sleaze,
(a) Legal: All matters pertaining to matters of dispute before with graphic presentations and attractive colors and color photos.
Judiciary-low end to high end that is Supreme Court. Similarly, Strong market oriented media would have larger circulation and
matters covered by Tribunals, disputes pertaining to civil and therefore higher advertising revenue (Mc Mannus, 1994; Croteau
criminal by individuals before the court of law, pronouncements of and Hyones, 2001; Underwood and Stamm, 1992.)
044 J. Media Commun. Stud.

Table 3. Total frequency of items under categories and sub-categories.

Code and category TOI HT IE TH

Pi. Issue based stories (N and IN) 67 81 75 117
Pii. Quota bills 01 04 13 08
Piii. Communal issues 09 05 05 04
Piv. Cultural and sports 15 12 14 09

Ci. Political crimes and violence 17 23 29 33
Cii. Apolitical crimes 39 28 21 34
Ciii. Accidents and riots 03 11 06 06
Civ. Shady-deals 01 02 02 00

I.i Policy Issues 00 03 07 01
I ii. Corruption 00 01 01 01
I iii. Sex scandals 00 01 01 00
I iv. Inaction/failure of Government 00 03 01 00

E.i. Agriculture 03 02 07 07
E.ii. Suicides 01 00 03 04
E iii. Sensex/Scrips/RBI policies 00 02 01 02
E.iv. Industrial promotion/SEZs. 03 10 10 05

S.i. Welfare 19 10 07 05
S.ii. Health/environment 10 13 17 05
S.iii. Education 12 12 05 03
S.iv. Infrastructure/ development 21 02 04 00

L.i. HC 22 26 25 24
L.ii. SC 13 14 05 06
L.iii. Legal courts 14 14 08 07
L. iv. Judiciary-legislature Conflict/Election Commission 03 11 00 04
273 290 267 285
Codes for each category: Political: Pi. Issue based Stories (N and IN) Pii. Quota bills Piii. Communal Issues Piv. Cultural and Sports.
Crimes: Ci. Political Crimes and Violence Cii. Apolitical Crimes.Ciii. Accidents and Riots. Civ. Shady-deals. Investigative I.i Policy
Issues. I ii. Corruption I iii. Sex Scandals I iv. Inaction/failure of Govt. Economic: E.i. Agriculture E.ii. Suicides E iii. Sensex/Scrips/RBI
Policies E.iv. Industrial Promotion/SEZs. Social: S.i. Welfare S.ii. Health S.iii. Education S.iv.

Table 4. Mean of news items appearing in each paper’s front page.

Adding up of news items appearing in the front page of 273+290+267+285

TOI, HT, IE and TH
Expected number or mean of items that can appear in 273+290+267+285 = 278.5
each paper’s front page 4

Weak market oriented media

Journalistic practices
This characterized by the low circulation and low advertising
revenues. It offers more information related to ‘public affairs’ (Mc Journalistic practices are characterized by the selection of news,
Mannus, 1994, Croteau and Hyones. 2001, Underwood and analysis of news, placing of news and utility of news and
Stamm, 1992). discriminating the news as per its news values in offering in an
Murthy et al. 045

Table 5a. Percentages of news items actually reported for in front page of each news paper.

S. N. Name of the news paper Percentage calculation Percentage (%)

1. Times of India 100 × 273/278.5 98
2. Hindustan Times 100 × 290/278.5 104
3. Indian Express 100 × 267/278.5 95.8
4. The Hindu 100 × 285/278.5 102.3

Table 5b. Percentages of news items out of total items (including photos and adverts) in the front page of each news paper.

Name of the news paper Adding up total items in the front page Percentage of news items out of all others (%)
Times of India 273+152+111=436 62.61
Hindustan Times 290+166+08=464 62.5
Indian Express 267+141+73=481 55.5
The Hindu 285+68_36=389 73.26

Table 5c. Percentages of Photos out of total items in the front page of each news paper.

Name of the news paper Number of photos in each paper Calculation Percentage (%)
Times of India 152 100 × 152/436 34.86%
Hindustan Times 166 100 × 166/464 35.77%
Indian Express 141 100 × 141/481 29.31%
The Hindu 68 100 × 68/389 17.48%

Table 5d. Percentages of Adverts out of total items in the front page of each news paper.

S. No. Name of the news paper Number of adverts Calculation Percentage (%)
1 Times of India 111 100 × 111/436 25.45
2 Hindustan Times 08 100 × 08/464 1.72
3 Indian Express 73 100 × 73/481 15.17
4 The Hindu 36 100 × 36/389 9.25

order of priority. Accountability

It reflects the editorial policy and journalistic ethics and freedom
of expression. (Table 11 for a comparative study of old and new Shakuntala and Navjit (2007) found that ‘accountability’ is the ability
journalistic practices period wise). of media to arouse public opinion regarding an issue and to make
the government respond to it as happened in the case of Jessica
Lal murder case in 1999. But, in a different study of electronic
Impact media’s content analysis, Shakuntala (2008) argued that the Indian
broadcast media, despite being market driven, retained the
The term ‘impact’ has been used in the study in the sense of accountability by demanding explanation from the government with
howthe characteristics of market driven journalism have changed regard to corruption, crime and legal issues. She defined the
the journalistic practices as found in the changed priorities of the accountability as 1.) Revealing information after extensive
news items being reported in the first page of the selected print andclose scrutiny of the conditions in which people live; 2.) Locating
media. It also relates to how the change has occurred in the their problems; 3.) Reporting criticisms of the government; and 4.)
general layout and design of the first page. Reporting positive results.
046 J. Media Commun. Stud.

Table 6. Percentages of news items reported category wise.

Name of the news paper Political (%) Crimes (%) Investigative (%) Economic (%) Social (%) Legal (%)
Times of India 33.69 21.97 0 2.56 22.7 19
Hindustan Times 35.17 22.06 2.75 4.82 12.75 25.86
Indian Express 40 21.07 3.7 7.8 12.3 14.23
The Hindu 48.42 25.61 0.7 6.3 4.56 14.38

Table 7. Mean standard deviation and coefficient of variation of the items of the coverage.

Name of the news paper Mean X Standard deviation Coefficient of variation Variance
The Times of India 45.60 26.33 57.74 693.26
The Hindustan Times 48.33 32.50 67.24 1056.25
The Indian Express 44.50 31.63 71.00 1000.45
The Hindu 47.50 46.57 98.04 2168.76

Table 8. Determining the correlation coefficient between the four news dailies for items of news

2 2
Correlation between x Y xy Coefficient of Correlation r

TOI (x) and HT (y) 4160.20 6336.93 6376.65 +1.24*-0.1480=+1.09

HT (x) and IE (y) 6336.93 6005.50 6190.18 +1.004
TOI (x) and IE(y) 4160.20 6005.50 4656.30 +0.931
TH (x) and TOI 13013.25 4160.20 6930.10 +0.941
TH(x) and IE(y) 13013.25 6005.50 8702.50 +0.984
TH (x) and HT(y) 13013.25 6336.93 8874.15 +0.977
Corrected using probable error for coefficient of correlation r=0.6745x1-- r2 / N.

Table 9. Analysis of variance of the frequencies of news items in coverage among four dailies.

Source of variation SS Degrees of freedom df Mean squares MS F-Ratio 1% level of significance

Between sample 61.08 (k-1) = 4-1=3 20.36 20.36/ 1478.48 = 0.0137 F (3.20) = 4.94
Within sample 29515.88 (n-k) 24-4=20 1478.48
Total 29576.96 23
The observed F is 0.0137 < 4.94 for the 3, 20 factor level of v1/ v2 of the table F. Therefore the difference in the sample is not significant and is therefore a good
sample in terms of recording units both between groups and within groups of categories.

Coverage: All the news items reported in the first page, irrespective advertisements, etc. occupying the space of the first page
of the categories they belong to, constitute the coverage and form were also analyzed using simple percentages of space they
the part of the sample under analysis. proportionately represented as followed by Lars and Stromback
Common reporting: News items both as headlines, or shoulder or
anchor items that are common among all the news papers’ first pages
constituted common reporting. Inter coder reliability: Holsti’s percentage agreement and
Soctt’s Pi
Diverse reporting: News items as headlines or other items in the
first page which are different among the chosen sample of news We used inter-coder reliability using the key words of each category
papers constituted diverse reporting. Further, the characteristics of the of the content for determining the category of each item. We have
lay out of the first pages of all news papers and the differences taken only the percentages of the count of the news items (instead
among them which included the number and size of photos and of the percentages of the column centimeters space each item
Murthy et al. 047

Table 10. Showing characteristics of Market Driven Journalism (Sourced from Randal Beam’s Work: content differences with strong and weak
market orientations, 2003).

S. no. Description of content of market driven journalism

1 Readers want information on what might be called the ‘private sphere’—life style, entertainment, recreation, news to use.
2 Behavior of strong market oriented papers differs from the weak market oriented papers in the sense weak market oriented
papers offer more information about ‘public sphere’ as opposed to strong market oriented papers which offer ‘private
3 The size of the corporate sector which offers information determines the characteristics of market oriented journalism.
4 Weak market oriented papers relatively reflect investigative journalism as opposed to strong market oriented journalism.
5 In market driven journalism, editors of strong market papers spend less time on content and more time on lay out,
graphics, type of faces, pictures and grabby headlines. Such layout and make up is considered as navigational tools for the
readers to make an easy reading as they are facing crunch of time.
6 The market driven journalism concerns with mass culture and shifts from elitist class of information.
7 Mass culture products often focus on ‘lowest-common-denominator content’ in order to build the largest possible audience.
8 Extensive photos, graphics, and summary boxes and navigational tools might be viewed as effective tools to appeal to
audience with comparatively low level of education.
9 News papers with strong market orientation would place more stress on visual content than news papers with a relatively
weak market orientation.

occupies) of corresponding category they (the news items) for Times of India, 0.672 for Hindustan Times, 0.621 for Indian
represented proportionately in the space of first page such as Express and 0.690 for The Hindu which showed that the reliability
political, crime, legal, economic, social, investigative. Since first coding by chance agreement is less.
page does not offer the full content of each story and tries to offer The study further carried out standard deviation for each of the
maximum stories, we felt that measuring the content in terms of the news papers items reported in the first page (all categories put
column centimeters is not going to reflect better analysis than the together) and measured co-efficient of variation. A statistic tool of
count of the items covered in the first page. ANOVA (Analysis of Variance) was carried out to measure any
differences in the samples obtained for the study.
The observed F is 0.0137 < 4.94 for the 3, 20 factor level of v1/
Procedure followed for Inter-coder reliability Holsti’s v2 of the Table F. Therefore, the difference in the sample is less
percentage agreement significant between the groups and within the groups of recording
As we have taken four news papers-Times of India (TOI), The
Indian Express (IE), The Hindustan Times (HT), The Hindu (TH)-for
study, a count of all the ‘recording units’ (reporting news items, POPULATION AND SAMPLE OF THE STUDY
photos and adverts) in the first page was done using key words for
each content category the items of the content may belong to. Four major English news dailies: The Times of India (TOI), The
Using the operational definitions for ‘recording units’ and the Hindustan Times (HT), The Indian Express (IE) and The Hindu (TH)
content categories-political, social, economic, legal, crime, investi- have constituted the population of the study. The study covered 30
gative, the coders-one was the first author himself and the other consecutive days of the above dailies between September 1, 2006 -
was the author’s colleague involved in the same study, had taken September 30, 2006. Whereas TOI, HT and IE were Lucknow
20% of the sample of all items (N = 273 for TOI, N = 290 for HT, N regional editions, the Hindu was Delhi based edition. The choice is
= 267 for IE and N = 285 for TH) of each paper’s first page content deliberate to draw appropriate comparisons with regard to
and coded them to find the degree of reliability of coding using coverage, photos and advertisements between one Delhi based
Holsti’s formula for inter-coder reliability. Using Holsti’s (1969) national level news paper—The Hindu-- with the three regional
reliability coding (PA0 = 2A/nA+nB), we achieved 95% reliability. editions: TOI, HT and IE, though the latter three have Delhi based
national editions also. The Delhi editions or other editions of these
three news papers-The Times of India, The Hindustan Times, and
Validity The Indian Express were not covered for the study. Further, the
study is restricted to first page alone as first page plays a very
The authors had mutually exchanged the coded content for
important role in the context of conveying news headlines of the
recoding again to validate the reliability of coding. The authors also
day as quickly as the TV headlines convey to the viewers. Further,
had taken different samples of the total content amounting to 20%
first page assumes tremendous significance in terms of attracting
of each paper’s first page content for coding and recoding. On
the readers at glance. In view of this analysis, sample is limited to
these finally coded categories, we have performed the Holsti’s
the first page itself. A total of 273 recording units for TOI, 290
reliability again to verify our previous results. We have found a
recording units for HT, 267 recording units for IE and 285 recording
consistent 95% reliability of the coded content.
units for TH constituted the study under population.

Scott’s Pi to eliminate chance agreement

Category of sampling
However, to avoid chance agreement in the coding, we used paper
(Scott’s pi = PA0 –PAE/1-PAE). Our values of Scot’s pi were 0.641 Sample is a non-random, convenience sample and continuous
048 J. Media Commun. Stud.

Table 11. Showing the differences in journalism practices in the past and the present.

Description of items Past journalistic practices (1950-1980) Present journalistic practices (1990-2008)
1. Common headlines All news papers used to report common No two news papers report common news items of
news items of national/international/regional national/international/regional importance. A deviation
importance with rare deviation. to this is very rare.
2. Importance to PM/CM/ Such news items used to be in the first page Most of such items are carried into inner pages.
President’s speeches/ as banner headlines
3. Tributes to national leaders on Such tributes used to appear in the first Such tributes appear in inner pages. Even govt.
important dates page with photographs. Even govt. advertisements appear in the inner pages.
advertisements appear in the first page only
4. Crime reporting Only inner pages First page banner headlines
5. Narration of crimes and Very rare/less and not in the first page at First page full with sketches, graphs and incident
sketches and photographs of any cost. Very rarely deviations could be profiles and photographs of victims (ghastly too) and
criminals found. criminals (in heroic posture)
6. Political spat/criticism Less political spat covered-only prominent Spat between all political leaders big and small alike
political leaders criticism found in the first fills the first page.
7. Advertisements in first page Very less and not in the banner or at anchor Anywhere in the first page including banner headlines.
point of the page. Mostly inner pages. Even first page full except mast head.
Deviation very rare.
8. Color photos No color printing in the first page. Only black Full of color printing and a number of large and small
and white photos. color photos in the first page.
9. Reporting of sports and Occasionally in the first page such as Full first page with banner headlines till the bottom of
entertainment winning a match or series with a black and page--full coverage including color photos of
white photo. celebrities and events
10. Informing public and value Such reporting was high and a twice Less informing public and no proper verification
based reporting verification system followed with good gate system or efficient gate keeping. Planting stories to
keeping. defame rivals is high.
11. Page layout Black and White, no color and no cramming Color clumsiness and cramming space with photos
for photos till 1985s. and adverts.

sample includes Sunday editions. Coverage

Under coverage, the present study not only tries to focus

ANALYSIS AND DISCUSSION on the changes in the coverage per se, but also
endeavors to find out the changes that successively crept
into the media reporting of the four selected sample news
As mentioned earlier, the analysis meanders through
papers under four broad categories: i.) General features
three broad indicators of market driven journalism-
of market driven journalism among four English news
coverage, photos and advertisements, which make up
dailies ii.) Common reporting vs diverse reporting iii.)
thefront page of the four news papers: Times of India,
Reporting Priorities of different categories and iv.) Page
Hindustan Times, The Indian Express and The Hindu. layout–Characteristics of Market Driven Journalism.
In respect of coverage, the analysis deals with how
different newspapers prioritized the news and reported it
under different categories such as political or public General features of market driven journalism among
affairs, economics, crime, legal, and social. Further, the four English news dailies
analysis also dwells on different market driven strategies
the print media news rooms resort to as space filling In respect of coverage per se at macro-level, The Times
strategies in lieu of the news by making up the first page of India reported nearly 273 news items (both major and
with long headlines for shorter news items, large fonts for minor news items put together) as against 290 by The
shorter titles. This is besides using photos for all Hindustan Times; 267 by The Indian Express; and 285 by
important characters of news and allowing the precious The Hindu for the same period and dated issues (Table
first page space with advertisements. 1). If the percentages of news items reported as against
Murthy et al. 049

total items (including Photos and Adverts) were calculated of India).

for each of the news papers (without taking mean into 3.) The overall coverage is greater proportionate to the
consideration), again the Times of India reported less percentages of the Photos and Adverts (The Hindu> The
while The Hindu reported the highest (Table 5b). The Times of India> The Hindustan Times>Indian Express).
difference between Times of India and Indian Express 4.) Where both the photos, adverts and the number of
was due to less number of advertisements under minor news items were higher or same or nearly equal, the
category in Indian Express (Table 2). thrust was seemingly on squeezing the space to
On the other hand, the difference between the accommodate more items and render it more diverse
Hindustan Times and The Hindu was largely due to (The Times of India>Hindustan Times>Indian
higher number of advertisements under major category in Express>The Hindu).
The Hindu. Whereas the major advertisements in The The above inferences reflect a paradigm shift in the
Hindu were more than the Times of India, the perception of the editorial department as to what
advertisements under minor category in the Times of constitutes the first page priorities of reporting especially
India were outnumbering all other newspapers. Tables 2 in relation to deciding the news from common reporting
and 5 (a, b, c and d) show that Times of India reported vs. diverse reporting.
less and The Hindustan Times reported highest.The
Indian Express had a moderate share of advertisements
compared to almost negligible share of The Hindustan Common reporting vs. diverse reporting
Times (Table 2). Tables 5c and d clearly showed the
percentages shared by the photos and advertisements in Table 1 showed the number of items commonly reported
the front page of each newspaper. in the first pages of the four newspapers. Whereas
The Times of India had highest share of the first page Times of India and Indian Express had nearly equal
for photos and advertisements--among all other three percentage-- among major news Items-in common
newspapers. The Hindustan Times had only a slightly reporting of the same news items, The Hindustan Times
higher percentage of shares of photos over the Times of and The Hindu had equal percentage of common
India. This is largely due to lack of major advertisements reporting of news items. Similar relationships, as stated
in The Hindustan Times. The Major advertisements were above, were found in the case with the minor items.
zero with minor advertisements being very less in The In terms of greater diversity in coverage, the following
Hindustan Times. As a result, The Hindustan Times equation aptly explains the order--- The Indian Express
paper had higher scope for more coverage of news which >Times of India> The Hindustan Times > The Hindu. In
it does by providing in detail in larger quantities running in other words, The Hindu, despite absorbing all the modern
long column centimeters. Though the space available for trends, still retains some of its past value based reporting
coverage for both The Times of India and The Hindustan as far as first page priories are concerned.
Times was nearly same, The Times of India provides The data presented above showed clearly that both
more number of items than news in detail in larger The Times of India and The Indian Express had more
quantities for each item. Thus The Times of India offers space for diverse reporting compared to The Hindustan
more space for more news items, more photos and more Times and The Hindu Times.
advertisements compared to The Hindustan Times, Whereas The Times of India offered the diversity by
Indian Express and The Hindu. providing news from a range of subjects including
On the other hand, The Indian Express which has less speculative and gossip stories, The Indian Express had
advertisements than The Times of India but has more endeavoured to balance its coverage by offering the
than The Hindustan Times and The Hindu offer greater news from other states of the country, besides stories on
space for more number of major and minor news items science, health and research.
(267) as against The Times of India (273) coming close
to it in the percentage of coverage. Finally, The Hindu
has highest space meant for coverage due to its lower Priorities of reporting
share of photos (17.48%) and the advertisements
In our analysis, we found that the market orientations of
Indian news papers have allowed the news rooms to
The discussion in the foreground thus establishes the
process the news or coverage in the following order of
following facts logically in order of development of
1.) The lesser the Photos, the greater the coverage (The
Hindu <The Indian Express<The Times of India< The
Hindustan Times). a. Political reporting or reporting of public affairs
2.) The lesser the Adverts the greater the coverage (The
Hindustan Times<The Hindu<Indian Express<The Times As a policy, almost all the newspapers have adopted
050 J. Media Commun. Stud.

political reporting as primary mandate of first page Sahani or Jessical Lal in reversing the judgments of the
coverage. However, the political coverage over years lower court by the High courts in bringing the culprits to
assumed more and more new dimensions with the book, the general feeling is that the media were again
increasing politicization of more and more spheres along selective in cases of crime, which promote its circulation,
with the increasing globalization and privatization. For alleged Sevanti Ninan a regular columnist to The Hindu.
instance the recent Indian Premiere League (IPL League) Even, the coverage of crime acquired cinematic
cricket matches and ICL formation began to fall in public portrayal or representation. The photographs of ghastly
affairs domain. incident, sketches showing how the crime was
Whereas The Hindu had highest coverage of Political committed, the media speculations, the public opinion—
News, The Indian Express stood next, followed by The all offered the story the status of a ‘fiction’ or a ‘crime
Hindustan Times and The Times of India. Most of these thriller’ that would be of greater interest to the readers
stories belonged to issues related to regional, national which again is a market oriented journalism.
and international issues inclusive of policy matters. When The changing lifestyles of the globalization brought in
it came to Quota Bills (affirmative action), The Indian its wake and the declining traditional values in different
Express had the highest coverage followed by The walks of life contributed to increasing crime against the
Hindu. However, in respect of communal issues and women and children due to break down of family
cultural and sports, it was The Times of India which had centered relations giving way to illegal and unwanted
reported maximum items followed by The Indian Express, relationships. The repetitive publication of photos of the
The Hindustan Times and The Hindu. In fact, The Indian accused or convicted or witnesses’ every time, when a
Express had run special stories in the name of ‘Missing hearing was scheduled in a court of law was suggestive
Muslim’ vis a vis Rajendra Sachar Committee’s Report of market-oriented strategy rather than ‘value’ based
during this period. And as such its own reporting reporting. The glorification of victims as well as the
coverage in this regard would automatically be high while perpetrators both touched their zenith following coverage
other papers did not take as much interest as The Indian of crime in the front page.
Express had shown except covering the statements of
the ministers including the Prime Minister on this issue. c. Investigative

b. Crime Reporting The study revealed that except The Indian Express and
The Hindustan Times, no other paper under the study
The first page reporting today is embedded with has shown deep commitment to the Investigative
unprecedented crime reporting, most of which is again journalism. But to the extent both the papers, The Indian
dominated by the political crime and violence. Whereas Express and The Hindustan Times, had done
The Hindu had reported the highest, the remaining investigative reporting, a constant and nagging refrain
followed the order: The Indian Express > The Hindustan that ‘…which was first reported in these columns……’
Times> The Times of India. On the other hand, non- reflected the paper’s interests lay elsewhere, preferably
political crime coverage was very high in The Times of marketing. It does not mean that The Times of India does
India followed by The Hindu, The Hindustan Times and not do investigative journalism. It does but occasionally
Indian Express. Thus, crime reporting constituted next compared to The Indian Express and The Hindustan
most important favoured reporting, next to political Times. Whatsoever may be the subject of investigative
reporting, in the first page priorities. Most of the crime journalism, the refrain ‘first reported’ in the follow up
reported in the front page pertains to the crimes (such as stories shows the investigative journalism more as a
rape or murder) committed against the women of elite craze than as a social commitment done for a cause and
society e.g Niana Sahani vs Satish Sarma, Priyadarshini purpose. Viewed from this point, investigative journalism
mattoo vs Santosh, Jessical Lal vs Manu Sharma, Nitish became a forte of the paper, be it The Indian Express or
Katara vs Vikas Yadav. The crimes such as flesh trade The Hindustan Times. Soon, it appears that it might
involving political mafia or ring leaders, illegal relation- become a trend of all the news papers including those
ships between some prominent women and political like Times of India and The Hindu which were presently
leaders (such as Amarendramai Tripathi, a former maintaining a low key.
Minister in the Cabinet of Mulayam Sing Yadav, Chief This stands in deep contrast with the spirit of
Minister of Uttara Pradesh and Madhumati, a noted investigative journalism done a couple of decades back
poetess in Hindi), etc. have run into serial reporting or by Ram and Chitra (The Hindu), Arun and Sucheta
regular reporting. (Indian Express), etc.
At one stage the media set itself to the task of
conducting trial on its own-deciding who is who—a matter d. Economic
which should have been rightly decided by the
independent but nagging Judiciary in India. Though this It is one important area of reporting in the post globalization
kind Media activism proved fruitful in cases like Niana and economic reforms. Yet it finds lowest priority among
Murthy et al. 051

the others of the first page priorities. In terms of coverage the executive.
also, The Indian Express had given the highest coverage
compared to lowest of The Times of India. In fact, the iv. Analysis of page lay out--characteristics of market
price rice, spiraling inflation, the plight of farmers due to driven journalism
lack of support price and marketing from the Government
side and increasing stories of farmers’ suicides should In the process of analysis of page layout of the four news
have taken more precedence over other categories and dailies chosen for study, it was found that the Indian print
sub-categories. But, in reality contrary happens with no media reflected the same characteristics- long headlines
explanation emerging from the media sources. in preference to short headlines, large size fonts to small
fonts, too many photos and advertisements, some of
which running in the place of banner headlines—all
e. Social reflective of characteristics of market driven journalism
(See Table 10) as pointed out by McMannus and Randal
The Times of India has given more importance to the Beam (Mc Mannus 1994; Randal, 2000).
stories emanating from the social themes backdrop. Under the market driven journalism, framing of
Whereas The Hindustan Times and The Indian Express headlines implied more than academic and literary
had done some reporting on the social themes, The considerations for the reader. In fact a headline of a front
Hindu had done the least. The Times of India had page of a newspaper is supposed to be akin to that of the
reported more on Infrastructure and development screen of the news headlines of the television. It is,
followed by Welfare. Times of India’s coverage of social therefore, an opportunity to offer the readers a quick look
issues encompassed a bewildering variety of social at the important stories of the day in a shortest possible
themes. These include Abhishek Bacchan (Son of time (Nash, 1998). Extensive photos, graphics, and
popular film star Amitab Bacchan) and Aishwarya Ray’s summary boxes and navigational tools might be viewed
(former Miss Universe) proposed marriage, Abhishek as effective tools to appeal to audience with
getting the Uttara Pradesh State Film Award. The Indian comparatively low level of education, opined by Randal
Express had somewhat a different approach and offered (1998).
a number of articles or reports on wildlife to space Whereas The Times of India, The Hindustan Times
science. Most of the social themes tend to be the gossip and The Hindu followed the trend in tune with the above
stories and speculative journalism. logic the titles of The Indian Express are found to be
different in that they were too lengthy with a lot of text
f. Legal placed upon the headlines and below the headlines. In
fact the other newspapers like The Times of India, The
Next to crime, it is the legal stories, which occupied Hindustan Times and The Hindu, though adapted only
highest importance in the first page reporting, especially one tier or two tier short headlines, used large fonts even
the verdicts of the lower courts, tribunals, disciplinary for smaller news reports running into single columns or
proceedings of various forums including court martial double columns instead of multiple columns. Further
inquiry of Military, High Court and Supreme Court rulings giving longer, two to three tier titles, for even shorter
or judgments, and proceedings of the Election Com- single columns appeared to be a space filling strategy.
mission covered this major sector. The Hindustan Times Even Ninan (2007) and Robin (2000) had observed the
followed by The Times of India had given highest use of larger fonts disproportionate to the titles,
coverage for the legal stories compared to The Indian unnecessary graphics and pictures including inset boxes,
Express and the Hindu. Most of the legal stories again besides advertisements in the lead lines or headlines.
revolve round the crimes of the politicians and They opined that localization of news as a market driven
bureaucrats which again drive one to the popular journalism had engendered such lay out systems from
perception that the media tend to report mostly about the the big corporate houses. Further they too recorded that
women and politicians a fact which tends to associate as the competition grew between the print media no two
itself with market oriented journalism than value based news papers had similar news and that there was a
journalism. Aside from handling criminal cases, the High severe demand for news to fill up the district editions. As
Courts and the Supreme Court of India had to deal with a such, some of the characteristics which we found as
good number of cases where the Government wanted to mentioned above could be space filling strategy of the
amend the Constitution in such a way that such an action front page.
on the part of the Government escaped judicial scrutiny. Apart from manipulating titles –long multi-tier titles to
The quota bills especially came under the severe scrutiny large sized fonts—the use of photos, sketches and
of the Supreme Court as it felt that such an action caricatures (associated with crime reporting mostly) is
amounted to changing the very basic structure of the another strategy to fill up the space. Though the photos
Indian Constitution. As such one finds judicial activism as have aesthetic appeal to the eyes of the readers in the
a positive development to check the one-upmanship of colour print, especially with the popular adage, ‘’photo
052 J. Media Commun. Stud.

speaks thousand words than an article’’, the purpose of newspapers, The Times of India appeared to be more
displaying the photos of criminals and the accused in the market driven and has strong market orientation. The
similar measure does not show the strategy in the proper Hindu appeared to be less market driven with weak
perspective (eg. Bharati Yadav Photo--in the case of her market orientation. The Hindustan Times and The Indian
boy friend, Nitish Katara’s murder by her own brother, Express are in the transition phase and would acquire the
Vikas Yadav-- appearing as witness reported in Indian strong market orientation sooner or later.
Express, The Hindu, Times of India and The Hindustan
The analysis clearly found that there is no justification Conclusion
for use of as many photos, especially very small in the
front page. It is also found that some photos were The study of the first page priorities of the four leading
unusually long in size with no purpose forthcoming. In English newspapers reveals that the Indian print media
some cases of reporting, photo of the lead character too had acquired the contours of market driven journalism
appeared with every story though not required. Showing originally emanated in the US as a result of globalization
the photos of criminals every day, in fact, gave them a and privatization in the post 1990s. Whereas the Times of
celebrity status than showing them as criminals. In India with its strong market orientation reflected all the
certain instances, some photos were just published important characteristics of market driven journalism, The
without any story accompanying it either in the front page Hindustan Times, The Indian Express and The Hindu
or in the inside pages. Sometimes the photos did not remained in a transition phase showing signs of already
even have by-lines. These were common features of all acquired contours of market driven journalism in the
newspapers under the study. descending order. No paper, including The Hindu, a
Similarly, the major advertisements in the first page of traditional and conservative paper could escape this
all the newspapers occupied the right hand corner of the phenomenon. Despite changes in the priorities of
page at the anchor space. Mostly educational institutions reporting for first page, with political and crime reporting
and banks were the prominent advertisers in the first taking major slots, the papers seemed to be not
page. It is purely a departure from what Indian print comfortable with this. Cramming first page with large and
media were a decade ago. It was a rare situation two small color photographs, long and large fonts for smaller
decades back to see an advertisement in the front page items, placement of too many advertisements suggest
itself, let alone anchor space (Table 11). This has that there is heavy competition among these corporate
become a trend in the current advertising in Indian print news papers for news and sometimes, lack of news
media in keeping with the increasing business of the accentuates the cramming of first page with more such
educational institutions and banks bubbling with structural decorations in color. Such paper layout
privatization. strategies often offer news papers the popular image of
The advertising in the front page was also part of space indulging in tabloidization and trivialization of news and
filling strategy, if not a revenue yielding exercise (Randal, Mudrochization of print media. However, as pointed out
2003). In a way the papers themselves look forward to by Randal (2003) and Shakuntala (2008) most of these
selling space in the front-page right hand corner (anchor papers still retained their accountability and ability to
space) at high tariff rates to overcome the crisis of news demand from the Government explanations for increasing
and to cover up lack of diversity coverage in the front corruption, crime, failing governance, etc.
In our study we compared the present journalism SUGGESTIONS FOR FURTHER STUDY
practices with that of the past journalism practices and
summarized the findings in Table 11. The present study, which is in the form of a pilot study,
The preceding interpretations of the phenomenon deals with a limited sample due to the constraints of
under study over the sample of four English news dailies funding, data collection and manpower. The study should
thus answered all the research questions raised earlier be carried out at a number of state capitals and with
and it is our strong view that the Indian media had same news papers in English and with vernacular papers
completed the process of metamorphosis into the market and the data should be compared on a larger
driven journalism. perspective. In fact a public survey of the readership on
Whereas Randal (1995-2003) studied the content and the characteristics of market driven journalism is very
lay out differences between the strong and weak market much called for as so far whatever was reported on the
oriented news papers on the basis of prerecorded subject, it was based on studies of content analysis and
circulation figures, our study focused on the content and interviews with the news room editors. Any analysis
layout differences among four leading English news coupled with actual readership views would add
papers whose circulation figures were based on National sociological base to the study. Extensive generalizations
Readership Survey. Thus, in our study, out of the four would be appropriate only on such larger scale of studies
Murthy et al. 053

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