Math Project
Math Project
Math Project
SOC 474
Term Project
Made by:
Akash Chauhan
Akash Kashyap
H. Sripath
What we intend to do:
Show the rise of Infotainment, Tabloidization
in the news media fuelled by the increasingly
consumerist behaviour of the urban society.
Look at the history of the two newspapers
and at the present ownership and how it
affects the newspapers current situation
Compare the two newspapers with an
emphasis on the infotainment and culture
industry perspective
A few points:
Tabloidization is media trend involving a shift away from
government and foreign affairs to a more entertainment-style
of journalism.
For example.. What is the first thing that comes to your mind
when you think about what Bill Clinton did?
The newspaper started printing at its own press, christened 'The National Press',
established on borrowed capital.
In the late 1980's its ownership passed into hands of the family's younger
The Times of India was founded on Nov 3, 1838 as The Bombay Times and Journal of
Commerce, and served the British residents of western India
Originally British owned and controlled, its last British editor was Ivor S. Jehu, who resigned
the editorship in 1950
The Times of India is owned by Bennet, Coleman & Company (Controlled by Indu and
Vineet Jain) popularly known as The Times Group which also publishes The Economic
Times, Mumbai Mirror, TIMES NOW, Femina & Filmfare, Planet M, Radio Mirchi and web portal to name a few.
It has been by and large viewed as a pro-establishment paper. It tends to vary in its support
between the BJP and Congress Party, depending on who holds the reins of the Central
Government. The executive editor at present is Jaideep Bose
It has come under attack because of tabloidization of its content and focus on infotainment
rather than hard news in recent times.
History of the newspapers:
TOI has placed more emphasis on an industry like
setup and has branched out into various other
fields in the news and entertainment industry
The Hindu 24 2 to 3
Hindu TOI
A Comparison of the international
Comparative Study of various sections of The
Hindu and The Times of India:
Hindu Ad
Comparative Study of various sections of
The Hindu and The Times of India:
Comparison on the basis of number of colored pages:
Consumerism in the society drives the newspapers to give out things which
attract their attraction, they present things which are eye catching and flashy.
Since the readers will not hesitate to switch to their competitors, the newspapers
try to increase their circulation by the help of eye catching pictures of celebrities
and other hot stuff.
The Times of India rarely has a section without a celebrity picture whereas The
Hindu is more sedate in this regard with a greater emphasis on hard news.
The Hindu 24 4 to 6
*Kanpur Times
Comparative Study of various
sections of The Hindu and The Times
of India:
Space given to infotainment
based news in different sections:
The result of the US elections was a sweeping victory for the Democrats
over the Republicans for the first time in 12 years.
The Times of India while giving the facts and statistics has placed a
greater emphasis on the huge win of Hillary Clinton (wife of former
president Bill Clinton) from New York and her rumored run for presidency
in 2008.
They try to make or present such news so as to people who are
otherwise uninterested in such news also take notice of it.
Another important fact pointing out in the TOI news is the effect of these
results on Indian US nuclear deal which was started by President George
Bush which is yet another effort to raise some eyes towards this news
by making it relevant to the readers of certain mindset.
Case study :
The Hindu on the other hand covers the news more deeply giving an
insight of the reasons behind such a sudden change of trend in the election
results which involves the policies of the US government on Iraq war and
various other foreign and national policies. The reactions of the Republican
Party and the turmoil created within the party get more emphasis.
The Hindu thus lays a greater emphasis on the news as it is with a tendency
to report the hard news without too much emphasis on the Hillary Clinton
angle. On the whole, the Hindu has covered the elections in a more
balanced manner, covering both the Republican side as well as the
Democrats than the TOI.
We can see that the TOI has laid a greater emphasis on the infotainment
perspective and has been able to maintain its larger share of the readership
based on this approach of eye catching headlines and personal interest
stories (here Hillary Clinton) rather than the Hindu which has laid a greater
emphasis on the hardcore facts of the story.
Readership trends of the two