Stirring Effect in Dielectric Liquids Breakdown Voltage Determination

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Stirring effect in dielectric liquids breakdown voltage determination

Conference Paper · June 2019

DOI: 10.1109/ICDL.2019.8796653


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6 authors, including:

Luigi Calcara S. Sangiovanni

Sapienza University of Rome Sapienza University of Rome


Francesco Muzi
Università degli Studi dell'Aquila


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2019 IEEE 20th International Conference on Dielectric Liquids (ICDL), Roma, Italy, June 23-27, 2019

Stirring effect in dielectric liquids breakdown

voltage determination
M. Baur J. Knauel L. Calcara,
BAUR GmbH BAUR GmbH University of Roma “La Sapienza”
Sulz, Austria Sulz, Austria Astronautic, Energetic and Electrical Engineering Dept.

M. Pompili S. Sangiovanni F. Muzi

University of Roma “La Sapienza” University of Roma “La Sapienza” University of L’Aquila
Astronautic, Energetic and Electrical Astronautic, Energetic and Electrical Industrial and Information Engineering
Engineering Dept (Roma, Italy). Engineering Dept. (Roma, Italy). and Economics Dept. (L’Aquila, Italy)

Abstract— The latest version of the standard IEC 60156 According to the IEC 60156 the 50-60 Hz breakdown
“Insulating liquids - Determination of the breakdown voltage at voltage mean values are obtained as average of six
power frequency - Test method” was published in August 2018 consecutive breakdowns. At the time of the preparation of the
as Edition 3.0. This standard follows the two previously IEC 60156 in 1995, this simple method was selected for
published versions in 1963 and 1995. The test method described producing quick results with a limited quantity of the
in practically all IEC 60156 versions defines a procedure in insulating liquid. Anyway, the obtained results present
which the insulating liquid is subjected to an increasing AC standard deviations which may be quite high, normally in the
electrical field until breakdown occurs and it is used for both range of 15-20 % or greater [5-9].
acceptance testing on unused liquids at the time of their delivery
and for establishing the condition of samples taken in Studies carried out in the past [10-15] have shown that
monitoring and maintenance of equipment. In this paper the dispersion values up to 30% can be also considered acceptable
experimental results of 50 Hz breakdown voltages of both as also shown in Fig. 1 [1-2]. This picture depicts as the scatter
mineral and natural ester liquids performed following the tests (coefficient of variation as ratio between standard deviation
methods described in the new edition of IEC 60156 are shown. and mean breakdown voltage) of breakdown voltages may be
The tests were performed also with the use of different stirring strongly dependent on the values of the result. The graphical
systems. representation indicates the mean values of breakdown
voltage and the coefficients of variation as they have been
Keywords—insulating liquids, mineral oils, natural esters,
found in a large number of tests in several laboratories using
standardization, breakdown voltage
transformer liquids.

Insulating liquids are used in power electrical apparatus
(e.g. power transformers, switchgear, measurement
transformers, etc.) with performance and safety requirements
increasingly stringent. For manufacturers and users of such
electrical equipment, the dielectric strength of the same
insulating liquids is a useful property for checking their
quality and the presence of particles and moisture.
It is well known that the electrical breakdown in insulating
liquids follows probabilistic laws and, consequently, any
possible test for its evaluation provides results characterized
by mean values with related scatters. Moreover, these
statistical dispersions also depend on the test conditions and
measurements setup.
The method for the determination of the breakdown Fig. 1. Graphical representation of coefficient of variation versus mean
breakdown voltage [1-2].
voltages of the insulating liquids at power frequency is Legend: the solid line shows the distribution of the coefficient of variation
describes in IEC 60156. The first edition of this standard has as a function of the mean breakdown value. The dotted lines indicate the
been issued in 1963, revised in 1995 and in 2018 the third expected 2.5 % to 97.5 % range of values of Standard Deviation (SD)/mean
edition has been released [1-2]. ASTM has two similar value as a function of the value of the mean breakdown voltage.
standards D1816 (2014) and D877 (2013) [3-4]. All these
three standards differ in the test procedure and experimental The presence and/or formation of air bubbles in the inter-
set-up and have certain limitations in terms of scatter of mean electrode space is believed to be one of the main reasons for
value of the breakdown voltage. higher dispersion in the determination of the medium value of

978-1-7281-1718-8/19/$31.00 ©2019 IEEE

the electrical discharges [11, 12]. Also, other parameters - like
electrode configuration, test procedures, number of the shots,
rising time, oil gassing tendency, etc. - play important roles in
the determination of the breakdown voltages at power
frequency [12, 14-20].
The 2018 revision of IEC 60156 mainly confirmed the
content of the previous edition even if some advances have
been included. The test method has not been changed for
practical reason due to the very large number of
instrumentations disseminated around the world, even if the
use of stirring is now recommended to allow the air bubbles
dissolution. Moreover, an alternative method is also reported
in one informative annex [2].
In this paper the experimental results of 50-60 Hz
breakdown voltages of both mineral and natural ester liquids
performed following the new edition of IEC 60156 [2] using
or not a stirring system having different features are shown.

II. EXPERIMENTAL TESTS, RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Fig. 2. Schematic representation of the test cells used.
Legend: (a) test cell without stirrer, (b) test cell with mechanical stirrer on
The breakdown voltages determination was carried out top, (c) test cell with mechanical stirrer on bottom, (d) test cell with magnetic
following the IEC 60156 Ed. 3.0 test method. Also, the tests stirrer on bottom.
were repeated following the innovative method describes in
the Annex A of the same standard believed to be able to reduce
the scatter of the results of breakdown voltage [2]. This The comparison was carried on using two natural esters
method is based on the application of pre-energizing time and (NE1 and NE2) and one mineral oil (MO). Table I reports the
on a larger number of shots (10) for the determination of the main physical and electrical characteristics of these insulating
breakdown voltages. liquids under test.
In particular, the tests have been performed both without
and with different types of stirring systems and following
different procedures as represented in Fig. 2. The stirring UNDER TEST
systems, both mechanical and magnetic, consisted of plastic
propeller or bar mounted at the top or at the bottom of the cell. Mineral oil Natural ester Natural ester
(MO) (NE1) (NE2)
The adopted stirring systems were activated before the
Viscosity at
beginning of each test. In all the tests, the first application of 40 °C 9,6 37,0 - 43,0 32 - 42
the voltage was started at least 10 minutes after filling the cell (mm2/s)
also checking the absence of air bubbles into the liquid. Density at 20
0,875 0,910 - 0,925 0,92
°C (kg/dm3)
Pour point
-51 -15 - (-27) -18 - (-23)
Flash point
152  300  300

The oil tester used was able to produce an applied

increasing voltage of 2 kV/s up to 100 kV. Fig. 3 shows the
rising voltages applied during the tests depending on the
(a) method used:
(a) procedure described in IEC 60156, which consists of an
applied increasing voltage of 2 kV/s until the breakdown
occurs applied for six times on the same liquid sample with
a resting time between shots of at least 2 minutes;
(b) procedure described in the Annex A of the IEC 60156,
which consists of an applied increasing voltage of 2 kV/s
until breakdown occurs with 10 seconds pre-energizing
time at 10 kV. The shots were repeated for ten times on the
same sample with a resting time between shots of at least
(b) 2 minutes and disregarding the two highest and the two
lowest results. The mechanical stirring system was
mounted on the top of the cell.


# Top Bottom Magnetic

Sample No stirrer Annex A
stirrer stirrer stirrer
Mean #1 64,9 65,4 62,2 61,8 61,7
value #2 63,4 57,9 59,3 56,9 57,1
[kV] #3 59,9 59,8 61,8 59,2 59,6
(a) MO
#1 17,1% 15,6% 10,2% 14,8% 12,2%
Std. dev.
#2 20,0% 19,7% 14,6% 13,6% 7,5%
#3 13,9% 14,9% 15,2% 15,9% 10,6%

Mean #1 76,7 81,3 78,1 78,7 72,0

value #2 65,2 76,6 72,0 74,0 67,5
[kV] #3 68,3 78,5 72,9 76,6 70,5
#1 9,8% 11,2% 10,5% 13,2% 3,1%
Std. dev.
#2 22,9% 13,3% 15,9% 9,2% 3,5%
#3 5,8% 18,4% 10,9% 13,6% 5,7%

Mean #1 85,1 86,1 92,2 84,7 81,5

value #2 68,8 83,3 88,2 84,0 79,2
[kV] #3 77,1 81,1 90,0 82,5 73,6
(b) NE2
#1 13,0% 5,3% 7,2% 9,4% 8,0%
Std. dev.
#2 22,6% 5,4% 6,1% 3,9% 8,5%
Fig. 3. Applied rising voltages for the determination of the breakdown
#3 16,8% 8,1% 10,9% 5,7% 8,8%
voltage in insulating liquid.
Legend: (a) 2 kV/s until the breakdown occurs (IEC 60156); (b) 2 kV/s until
the breakdown occurs with a 10 seconds pre-energization time at 10 kV (IEC
60156 Annex A). For both (a) and (b), the initial resting time and times 25% 100
between the shots were set at least 10 minutes and 2 minutes respectively. 90
The mean values of the breakdown voltages and related 20% 80
Standard deviation %

standard deviations obtained using these different stirring 70

Mean value kV
systems and procedures are reported in Table II. Fig. 4 reports 15% 60
the comparison of the standard deviations of the breakdown 50
voltages repeating three time each test procedure; in addition, 10% 40
in the same figure also the mean values of the breakdown 30
voltages are also reported. From the analysis of the graphs of 5% 20
Fig. 4 it is possible to note as the use of a stirring system helps 10
to minimize the standard deviations of the breakdown voltages 0% 0
especially when the same scatter in the results is appreciably no stirr. top bottom magnetic annex A
higher. In fact, the stirring system removes decomposition
products and air bubbles formed in the insulating liquid
between the electrodes during the antecedent breakdown. It #1 #2 #3 Mean value kV
was noted that the effectiveness of the stirring systems is
higher when the liquid flow between the electrodes is in
upwards direction; this allows an easier removal of gas (a) Mineral oil
bubbles. The present results show also similar efficiency of
the different stirring mechanisms considered in the present 25% 100
experimental work. 90
Standard deviation %

The results obtained following the test method described 20% 80

Mean value kV

in the Annex A of the IEC 60156 (2018), carrying out 10
15% 60
breakdowns on the same liquid and calculating the test results 50
as the average of the remaining six results after disregarding 10% 40
the four dispersed results, have shown significant reductions 30
of the standard deviation, as clearly depicted in Fig. 4. 5% 20
The mineral oil (MO) breakdown voltages were found to
0% 0
be slightly lower (with higher standard deviation) than those no stirr. top bottom magnetic annex A
of natural esters (NE1 and NE2), confirming other antecedent
studies [6]. This behavior does not represent an intrinsic
#1 #2 #3 Mean value kV
property of the insulating liquids themselves but it may be
related to the higher moisture content of mineral oil used in
the present experimental work. (b) Natural ester 1

25% 100 sincere appreciation to BAUR GmbH, Austria, for the ac
breakdown voltage tester adjustments. The suppliers of the
liquid dielectric samples are also thanked.
20% 80
Standard deviation %


Mean value kV
15% 60
[1] IEC 60156, “Insulating Liquids  Determination of the breakdown
10% 40 voltage at power frequency – Test Method”, Ed. 2.0, 1995
30 [2] IEC 60156, Insulating Liquids  Determination of the breakdown
5% 20 voltage at power frequency – Test Method”, Ed. 3.0, 2018
10 [3] ASTM 1816, “Standard test method for dielectric breakdown voltage
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0% 0
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Scientific, Technological Research and wish to express their

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