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Article history: Voltage unbalance and harmonic voltage distortion affect the power, torque and vibrations on induc-
Received 16 January 2016 tion motors (IM). In this paper, we compute the frequency of the oscillations of the power, torque and
Received in revised form 15 April 2016 vibrations due to voltage unbalance and harmonics and we present laboratory results to verify the cal-
Accepted 19 April 2016
culations. We also show that typical values of harmonic distortion combined with the maximum levels
Available online 30 April 2016
of voltage unbalance allowed by standards are sufficient to introduce vibrations levels under which con-
tinuous operation of IMs is not recommended. This result has important implications for root-cause
analysis of IM trip due to vibrations because protection engineers can rule out mechanical problems
Power quality
Harmonic distortion
by verifying that vibrations are only present during high levels of voltage unbalance and harmonic
Voltage unbalance distortion.
Vibrations © 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Induction motors
Fault diagnosis
0378-7796/© 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
P. Donolo et al. / Electric Power Systems Research 140 (2016) 866–873 867
2. Definitions and effects of power quality problems of (8) greatly depend on the IM load, but its magnitude is usually
very small, since the negative-sequence voltage is generally much
2.1. Unbalance and harmonic distortion measurement lower than the positive-sequence voltage [26].
In this paper, we compute the voltage unbalance using [11,12]; 2.3. Active power oscillations due to voltage harmonics
|v 1n |
VUF = · 100 (1) We use a similar analysis to study the effects of voltage distor-
tion on the instantaneous active power of the IM. In this section,
where v 1p and v 1n are the fundamental positive and negative we first consider the effects on the active power of the positive
sequence components of the voltage. This definition is consistent sequence of the harmonic voltages and then the effects of the neg-
with IEC standard 61000-4-30 [11,12]. ative sequence.
To compute the harmonic distortion, we use the harmonic volt-
age factor (HVF) defined by [10]: 2.3.1. Positive sequence harmonics
In the “q-d” reference frame, voltage and currents for the funda-
h=∞ 2
Vhpu mental and positive sequence harmonic hp components are given
HVF = , h = 5, 7, 11, 13, . . . (2) by:
vq = V̂1p cos(ωs t + v1p ) + V̂hp cos((hp )ωs t + vhp ) (9)
where Vhpu is the magnitude of the harmonic voltage component
of order h, in per unit of the fundamental voltage magnitude. This vd = V̂1p sin(ωs t + v1p ) + V̂hp sin((hp )ωs t + vhp ) (10)
definition is consistent with NEMA MG1 Motors and Generators
[10]. iq = Î1p cos(ωs t + i1p ) + Îhp cos((hp )ωs t + ihp ) (11)
where V̂ is the peak voltage, Î is the peak current, ωs is the angular 2.3.2. Negative sequence harmonics
frequency of the system and is the angle of the component in the In the “q-d” reference frame, the voltages and currents with
“q-d” reference frame. negative sequence harmonics are given by:
The subscript 1 refers to the fundamental component and the
vq = V̂1p cos(ωs t + v1p ) + V̂hn cos(−(hn )ωs t + vhn ) (14)
subscripts p and n refer to the positive and negative sequence com-
ponents, respectively. vd = V̂1p sin(ωs t + v1p ) + V̂hn sin(−(hn )ωs t + vhn ) (15)
In this “q-d” reference frame, the instantaneous active power is
calculated as follows [22,25] iq = Î1p cos(ωs t + i1p ) + Îhn cos(−(hn )ωs t + ihn ) (16)
P(t) = (vq iq + vd id ) (7) id = Î1p sin(ωs t + i1p ) + Îhn sin(−(hn )ωs t + ihn ) (17)
By replacing the voltages and currents in (7) [22], the active Using (14) and (17) in (7) we obtain the IM’s instantaneous
power results in active power in terms of negative-sequence harmonic voltages.
3 3
P(t) = (V̂1p Î1p cos(v1p − i1p ) + V̂1n Î1n cos(v1n − i1n )) Ph2 (t) = (V̂1p Î1p cos(v1p − i1p ) + V̂hn Îhn cos(vhn − ihn ))
2 2
3 3
+··· + (V̂1p Î1n cos(2ωs t + v1p − i1n )) +··· + (V̂1p Îhn cos((hn + 1)ωs t + v1p − ihn ))
2 2
3 3
+ (V̂1n Î1p cos(2ωs t + v1n − i1p )). (8) + (V̂ Î1p cos((hn + 1)ωs t + vhn − i1p )). (18)
2 2 hn
The first term in (8) corresponds to the mean power P0 , while the The first term in (18) represents the mean active power of
second and third terms contains the components at 2ωs frequency, the IM. In this case, the term V̂hn Îhn cos(vhn − ihn ) represents the
produced by voltage and current unbalance. Then, as shown in mean power generated by the harmonic components of negative
(8), the IM active power under voltage unbalance will present a sequence. The second and third term of (18) represent the power
pulsating component at twice the supply frequency. From these oscillations at frequency (hn + 1)ωs , where hn is the order of the
components, the first one is the greatest, since its magnitude negative-sequence harmonic component.
depends on the positive sequence voltage. This component also According to (13), the interaction between V1p and Ihp generates
depend on the negative sequence current, thus it will grow with power oscillations at a frequency given by (h − 1)ωs [21]. Similarly,
the voltage unbalance. According to the rotor characteristics, this the interaction between I1p and Vhp generates active power oscilla-
negative sequence current depends on the IM load. The third term tions at a frequency (h − 1)ωs . On the other hand, according to (18),
868 P. Donolo et al. / Electric Power Systems Research 140 (2016) 866–873
the interaction between V1p and Ihn generates power oscillations at 3.2. Oscillations generated by voltage unbalance
a frequency (h + 1)ωs [21]. Similarly, the interaction between I1p and
Vhn generates active power oscillations at a frequency (h + 1)ωs [21]. During ideal voltage supply conditions, the instantaneous active
For this reasons, larger active power oscillations may appear when power and torque of the IM are constant. Fig. 2(a) shows the fre-
the power oscillations due to positive- and negative-sequence har- quency spectrum of the instantaneous active power and Fig. 2(b)
monics coincide in frequency and phase [21]. the spectrum of the electromagnetic torque on an IM at 75% load
under ideal supply conditions. The mean power component (0 Hz),
3. Active power and electromagnetic torque oscillations and some smaller magnitude components that may due to the IM’s
measured on IMs characteristics or to small asymmetries in the voltage supply can
be appreciated.
3.1. Test bench Voltage unbalance generates active power and electromagnetic
torque oscillations at two times the fundamental frequency. Fig. 3
Fig. 1 shows the test bench we used to test a 5.5 kW IM. The shows the frequency spectrum of the instantaneous active power
bench consists of a three-phase programmable source to create (a) and the electromagnetic torque (b) for a VUF = 3% condition.
voltage supply conditions including voltage unbalance and har- Two main frequency components appear in Fig. 3, the DC com-
monic distortion. ponents due to the mean power and the 100 Hz (50 Hz system)
Fig. 1 also shows the IM under test connected to a second IM component due to the voltage unbalance.
used as a load. This IM is fed by a variable speed drive (VSD) so that The figure also shows that under these conditions (75% load 3%
the load on the IM under test may be adjusted. VUF) the magnitude of the 100 Hz component of the active power is
We record two line voltages and two phase currents into the about one third (1.7 kW) of the nominal power of the IM (5.5 kW).
IM under test using a four-channel recorder (3.2 s, 40 kS). The Similarly, the 100 Hz frequency component of the electromagnetic
remaining voltage and current are obtained adding the measured torque represents one quarter (8.9 N m) of the nominal torque of
values. A vibration analyzer is used to measure the vibrations in the the IM.
frame of the IM. The amplitude of the 100 Hz frequency components depends
During the tests, we keep the positive sequence of fundamen- on negative sequence currents on the IM. The negative sequence
tal voltage at nominal value. We introduce voltage unbalance by currents depend on the characteristics of the IM, the voltage unbal-
increasing the negative sequence component of the fundamental ance, and the loading level of the IM [26,27]. Fig. 4 shows that the
voltage. To generate harmonic voltage distortion, we introduced amplitude of the 100 Hz frequency component grows linearly with
5th and 7th harmonics keeping the magnitude of the 7th harmonic the voltage unbalance. It must be noted that this component can
at 0.7 that of the 5th harmonic. According to [11] this ratio between reach 80% of the nominal power and up to 60% of the rated torque
the 5th and 7th harmonic is the most common in electric power for 7% VUF condition.
system. Further, the 5th harmonic component was found to be of
negative sequence and the 7th harmonic of positive sequence [21]. 3.3. Oscillations generated by voltage harmonic distortion
We measure the instantaneous active power using the voltages
and currents supplied to the IM. We use the stator voltage, current As described in Section 3.1, the 5th and 7th order harmonics in
and resistance to estimate the linked stator flux [25] and then we the supply voltage appear as oscillations in the IMs instantaneous
use the currents and the flux to estimate the electromagnetic torque active power and torque at a frequency equal to that of the 6th
as in [25]. order harmonic.
Torque (Nm)
Power (kW)
0 0
0 100 200 300 400 500 0 100 200 300 400 500
Frequency (Hz) Frequency (Hz)
(a) (b)
Fig. 2. Frequency spectrum of the active power (a) and torque (b) of the IM. Ideal supply.
P. Donolo et al. / Electric Power Systems Research 140 (2016) 866–873 869
Torque (Nm)
Power (kW)
0 0
0 100 200 300 400 500 0 100 200 300 400 500
Frequency (Hz) Frequency (Hz)
(a) (b)
Fig. 3. Frequency spectrum of the active power (a) and torque (b) of the IM. VUF = 3%.
80 60
T100Hz (%)
0 0
0 2 4 6 8 0 2 4 6 8
VUF (%) VUF (%)
(a) (b)
Fig. 4. Oscillations of the active power (a) and torque (b) at twice supply frequency for unbalanced voltage. IM at full load.
Fig. 5 shows the frequency spectrum of the instantaneous active Fig. 6 shows that the magnitude of the 300 Hz frequency com-
power (Fig. 5(a)) and the electromagnetic torque (Fig. 5(b)) of the ponent grows linearly with the harmonic voltage distortion.
IM at 75% load with a typical value of voltage harmonic distortion
(HVF = 0.06). 3.4. Oscillations generated by unbalanced and distorted voltages
In this test, the 6th order harmonic frequency component in the
active power spectrum has a magnitude of 2.8 kW which repre- In this section we show the combined effect of voltage unbalance
sents 51% of the nominal power of the IM. Similarly, the 6th order and harmonic distortion on the active power and torque of the IM.
harmonic frequency component in the torque spectrum has a mag- Fig. 7 shows the frequency spectrum of the active power and the
nitude of 13.9 N m which represents 39% of the nominal torque of electromagnetic torque, for a 3% voltage unbalance and a harmonic
the IM. distortion of HVF = 0.06 while the IM load is 75%.
Torque (Nm)
Power (kW)
0 0
0 100 200 300 400 500 0 100 200 300 400 500
Frequency (Hz) Frequency (Hz)
(a) (b)
Fig. 5. Effect of voltage harmonic distortion on the active power (a) and torque (b) of the IM.
80 60
P300Hz (%)
(%) 300Hz
0 0
0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0 0.05 0.1 0.15
(a) Active power (b) Torque
Fig. 6. Oscillations at six times supply frequency of the active power (a) and torque (b) for harmonic voltage distortion. IM at full load.
870 P. Donolo et al. / Electric Power Systems Research 140 (2016) 866–873
Torque (Nm)
Power (kW)
0 0
0 100 200 300 400 500 0 100 200 300 400 500
Frequency (Hz) Frequency (Hz)
(a) (b)
Fig. 7. Frequency spectrum of the active power (a) and torque (b) of the IM. VUF = 3% and HVF = 0.06.
Velocity (mm/s)
voltage unbalance (100 Hz), is not influenced by the voltage har- r
monic distortion (Figs. 3 and 7). 0.8 4f
• The magnitude of the frequency component associated with volt-
age harmonic distortion (300 Hz) is not influenced by voltage
unbalance (Figs. 5 and 7).
0.4 6f
2f s
The combined effect of voltage unbalance and harmonic 0.2
distortion generates moderate active power and torque oscilla-
tions at 4 and 8 times the fundamental frequency (200 Hz and 0
400 Hz). 0 100 200 300 400 500
The frequency component at 4 times the fundamental frequency Frequency (Hz)
is generated by the interaction between I3n and V1p and the inter-
Fig. 8. Frequency spectrum of the vibrations of the IM. Ideal supply voltage.
action between V3n and I1p . The interaction between I5p and V1p
and the interaction between V5p and I1p also generate active power
oscillation at 4 times the fundamental frequency. The frequency
IMs for different power ratings, foundation and load type [23,24].
component at 8 times the fundamental frequency is generated by
According to the ISO 10816-1 standard, for this IM (power <15 kW),
the interaction between I7n and V1p and the interaction between
vibration velocities between 0 and 0.71 mm/s (zone A) correspond
V7n and I1p .
to machines just put into service. Values between 0.71 and 1.8 mm/s
While smaller than the components at 2 and 6 times the
(zone B) correspond to equipment which can operate continuously
fundamental frequency, the components at 4 and 8 times the fun-
without any restrictions. Finally, values between 1.8 and 4.5 mm/s
damental frequency are greatly amplified by the combined effect
(zone C) indicate that the condition is acceptable only for a limited
of voltage unbalance and harmonics as shown in Table 1.
period of time [24].
According to the IEC 60034-14 for IMs with no special vibra-
4. Measured vibrations on IMs tion requirements (IMs class A) and frame sizes between 56 and
132, vibration velocities should be less than 1.3 mm/s for rigid
Fig. 8 shows the frequency spectrum of the speed of vibrations foundation and 1.6 mm/s for free suspension. For IMs with special
on the stator of the IM while operating with sinusoidal, balanced vibration requirements (IMs class B) and frame sizes between 56
voltages at 75% load. and 132, vibration velocities should be less than 0.7 mm/s for free
The frequency component close to 25 Hz corresponds to the suspension [23].
IM rotor speed (fr ). This rotor speed component and its multiples
appear in the spectrum due to normal asymmetries in the rotor
such as mass unbalance, eccentricity, and misalignments [5]. The
frequency component at 4 times the speed of the IM is very close 2f
s f
to 2 times the supply frequency (fs ). 1 r
The RMS value of vibrations is often used to assess the gen- 2f
Velocity (mm/s)
eral health of rotating equipment [23,24]. The ISO 10816-1 and the 0.8
IEC 60034-14 standards establish tolerable levels of vibrations on
Table 1
200 Hz and 400 Hz active power components for different test cases. 0.2
VUF (%) HVF 200 Hz component (W) 400 Hz component (W)
0.19 0.005 33.4 2.96 0 100 200 300 400 500
3.16 0.004 171.5 81.0
Frequency (Hz)
0.20 0.057 27.0 25.3
3.16 0.054 270.1 114.1
Fig. 9. Frequency spectrum of the vibrations of the IM. VUF = 3%.
P. Donolo et al. / Electric Power Systems Research 140 (2016) 866–873 871
3 3
1 1
0 0
0 2 4 6 8 0 2 4 6 8
VUF (%) VUF (%)
(a) (b)
Fig. 10. Vibration velocity as a function of the voltage unbalance. (a) RMS and (b) 100 Hz component. IM load 75%.
Velocity (mm/s)
vibrations for a VUF = 3% condition. Comparing Fig. 8 with Fig. 9,
we see that voltage unbalance caused the magnitude of the 100 Hz
component to grow 10 times.
Fig. 10(a) shows the RMS value of the vibrations velocity for 6f
different values of voltage unbalance. The figure also shows the
vibration thresholds defined by the ISO 10816-1 standard. As the
voltage unbalance goes from 0% VUF to 7% VUF, the RMS values
of the vibrations velocity grows as a result of the increase in the 0.2
100 Hz component of the vibration’s velocity (see Fig. 10(b)).
For voltage unbalance factors less than 1%, the vibration level 0
corresponds to machines recently brought into service (zone A of
0 100 200 300 400 500
the ISO 10816-1 standard). On the other hand, for voltage unbalance Frequency (Hz)
ratios greater than 4.5, the vibration levels exceed the threshold of
Fig. 11. Frequency spectrum of the vibrations of the IM. HVF = 0.06.
vibrations acceptable under continuous operations (zone C of the
to changes in voltage unbalance. Figs. 10 and 12, show, contrary
to what could be expected, that vibrations are more affected by
4.2. Vibrations on IMs due to harmonics voltage distortion changes in voltage unbalance than to changes in harmonic distor-
Fig. 11 shows the frequency spectrum of the velocity vibrations This behavior is due to rotating inertias filtering out higher fre-
on the frame of an MI with the same load level as before but when quency components.
the harmonic voltage distortion is set to HVF = 0.06.
The figure shows vibration velocity component at 6 times the 4.3. Vibrations on IMs due to unbalance and harmonics voltage
fundamental frequency due to the harmonic distortion. supply
Fig. 12(a) shows the RMS value of the velocity vibration for
different values of voltage harmonic distortion. In this case, the Fig. 13 shows the combined effect of voltage unbalance VUF = 3%
growth in the RMS value corresponds to the increase of the 300 Hz and harmonic distortion HVF = 0.06, on the frequency spectrum of
component of the vibrations as shown in Fig. 12(b). Note that the the vibrations velocity of an IM with 75% of load. Note the increased
additional vibrations caused by the harmonic voltage distortion magnitude values of frequency components at multiples of the fun-
moved the IM condition from zone A to zone B of the ISO 10816-1 damental frequency, especially at 100 Hz due to voltage unbalance,
standard. and at 300 Hz due to voltage harmonics at 250 Hz and 350 Hz.
Figs. 4 and 6 show that the active power and electromagnetic Fig. 14 shows the combined effect of voltage unbalance and har-
torque are more susceptible to changes in harmonic distortion than monic distortion on the RMS value of the velocity vibration. For
3 3
Velocity 300 Hz (mm/s)
Velocity RMS (mm/s)
2 2
1 1
0 0
0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0 0.05 0.1 0.15
(a) (b)
Fig. 12. Velocity vibration as a function of the voltage distortion. (a) RMS and (b) 300 Hz component. IM load 75%.
872 P. Donolo et al. / Electric Power Systems Research 140 (2016) 866–873
1.2 rated IM power for HVF = 0.09. Finally, we showed that the com-
2fs fr bined effect of acceptable levels of voltage unbalance and harmonic
1 distortion, leads to unacceptable levels of IM vibrations.
2fr Another way of looking at these results is that voltage unbalance
Velocity (mm/s)
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