Use These Notes To Help You Fill in The Employment Pages of Your Tax Return
Use These Notes To Help You Fill in The Employment Pages of Your Tax Return
Use These Notes To Help You Fill in The Employment Pages of Your Tax Return
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Make and model
Box 11 Private medical and dental insurance A For more information about payments in kind – assets
transferred go to and search for ‘HS213’.
Put the figure from section I on your P11D in
box 11.
Box 14 Accommodation provided by
Box 12 Vouchers, credit cards and excess your employer
mileage allowance Put the figure from section D on your P11D in
If your employer gave you vouchers or credit box 14.
cards, or paid you a mileage allowance for using
your own car for work over the approved rate, A For more information about living accommodation go
put the figures in sections C and E on your P11D to and search for ‘HS202’.
in box 12.
Vouchers you pay tax on include: Box 15 Other benefits (including interest-free
• gift vouchers and low interest loans)
• vouchers or stamps for money Add together all the box 15 amounts from your
• season tickets P11D and put the total figure in box 15.
• childcare vouchers over the appropriate weekly
amount - you pay tax on the excess A For more information about assets provided for
private use go to
Credit cards include: assets-available-to-employee
• cards issued by credit card companies
• charge cards
• retailers’ account cards
• tokens used to get goods from machines
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Box 16 Expenses payments received and Box 19 Professional fees and subscriptions
balancing charges If you have to pay for certain fees or annual
Add together all the amounts in section N on your subscriptions to professional bodies to carry
P11D and put the total in box 16. out your job, put the amount in box 19.
A For more information about balancing charges go to A For a list of approved professional bodies and search for ‘HS252’ and allowable fees and subscriptions go to
Employment expenses
Your PAYE tax code may be affected by
Box 20 Other expenses and capital allowances
information you supply in your tax return if we
receive it before 1 January 2021. You can claim the costs of buying small items of
equipment that you need to do your job (which
If you expect any of the amounts in boxes 17 to
your employer did not supply), such as electric
20 to change during the 2020 to 2021 tax year,
drills and protective clothing.
you must tell HMRC so that we update your
current PAYE tax code. You may be able to claim capital allowances for
larger items, including plant and machinery and
A For more information go to computers (but not cars or vans). Put the total
updating-tax-code amount in box 20.
Box 17 Business travel and subsistence expenses A For help with working out your allowances go to
You can only claim for the costs you had to pay to
do your job, such as: More help if you need it
• travel costs, including related meals and To get copies of any tax return forms or
accommodation - do not include your usual helpsheets, go to
commuting costs
You can phone the Self Assessment Helpline on
• the costs of using your own car, motorcycle
0300 200 3310 for help with your tax return.
or bicycle
• business expenses, such as phone calls
If your employer paid you less than the approved We have a range of services for
mileage rate for using your own vehicle for work, disabled people. These include
keep records of your expenses and claim the guidance in Braille, audio and large
shortfall in your payments in box 17. print. Most of our forms are also
Add together your allowable travel costs available in large print. Please contact
and business expenses and put the total in box 17. our helplines for more information.
Box 18 Fixed deductions for expenses
Fixed deductions are amounts of flat rate expenses
that cover the costs of maintaining or replacing
tools or special work clothes.
This figure may be on your P2, ‘PAYE Coding
Notice’. If it is, put that total amount in box 18.
If you prefer to deduct the actual amount you
spent on tools or special work clothes, leave this
box blank and put the amount in box 20.
These notes are for guidance only and reflect the position at the time of writing. They do not affect the right of appeal.
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