Research Methods For Management Project On Aviation Industry: Congestion Problem at Airports
Research Methods For Management Project On Aviation Industry: Congestion Problem at Airports
Research Methods For Management Project On Aviation Industry: Congestion Problem at Airports
Aviation Industry: Congestion problem at
Submitted By:
Riddhi Jain(19PGDM100)
Anish Todwal(19PGDM070)
Saloni Dalmia(19PGDM106)
Shubham Agarwal(19PGDM109)
Anushka Goyal(19PGDM073)
Date: 02/03/2020
India is one of the quickest developing avionics markets on the planet. With the
advancement of the Indian flying division, the industry had seen a change with
the passage of exclusive full-administration aircrafts and minimal effort
transporters. The area has likewise observed a critical increment in the quantity
of local air travel travelers. A portion of the elements that have brought about
more appeal for air transport in India incorporate the developing working class
and obtaining power, low airfare offered by ease bearers, the development of
the travel industry in India, expanding outbound travel from India and the
general financial development of India.
The research question is that what are the factors that are leading to the
dissatisfaction of the customers ?
Statistically the null hypothesis is that the adequate capacity is available at
specific airport that will be tested against the alternative hypothesis, that there is
no adequate capacity. The hypothesis will further be tested, that there is a
capacity addition requirement against the alternative hypothesis that there is no
capacity addition required.
INDEPENDENT VARIABLE: -An independent variable in an
experiment is the variable under the control of the investigator and which is
opined to have the potential to alter the dependent variable. The independent
variables used in this study are local population, income level and the number of
based aircraft. Aircraft aviation airports are usually measured as local and
itinerant aircraft operations.
DEPENDENT VARIABLE: - Dependent variable is the response or
behavior in an experiment that is being studied in order to determine if it has
been influenced by the independent variable. The dependent variable in this
study is price of ticket and season. We know that the ticket prices are dynamic
and it changes according to the high/low season. For example, ticket prices are
higher at the time of festive season.
MODERATING VARIABLE: - A moderating variable is the variable
which changes the strength or direction of an effect between two variables x &
EXTRANEOUS VARIABLE: - Extraneous variables are the variables,
which are not the independent variable, but which affect the result of the
experiment. The researchers want to make sure that it is the change or
manipulation of the independent variable that has changed the changes in the
dependent variable. The extraneous variable in this study is government
policies, legal factors, political factors and technical factors.
Objective number one can be done by assessing some of the major indicators of
success (such as traffic rights of airline carriers, degree of multiple carrier
designation, number of destinations from India to the rest of the world, level of
code hire operations, quality of cargo services and type of aircrafts used) against
the backdrop of another successful aviation industry .
The second specific objective will be measured by assessing the operational
environment in India. It should be noted that this current success may simply be
an indication of overall momentum within the sector. New players in the market
have not yet stabilised and there may be some unforeseen problems in the
The third objective is with regard to Infrastructural requirements. The airline
industry is painstakingly demanding with regard to capital investments. There is
a need to assess Indian readiness for these airline expansions. The latter two
objectives measured through interviews for major Airline carriers in India. They
are at a position to assess Indian current situation. Besides that, it was also
assess some closely related industries that act as the aviation industries supplier.
Sample Size: Sample size means the number of people to be surveyed or
included in the research project. In this project 50 individuals were sampled.
Sampling Unit –Sampling unit is the unit used for sampling. The population
should be divisible into a finite number of distinct, non-overlapping units, so
that each member of the population belongs to only one sampling unit. In this
study sampling units are students, working professionals, business and others.
Sampling Frame-Sample Frame are those individuals or organizations from
which one selects the actual sample for the survey. Ideally, the sample frame is
the same as the target population
Descriptive Statistics
Mean Std. Deviation N
Q7. Do you feel that the airports are well equipped 2.68 3.254 50
to handle the contingencies?
Q2. Have your flights ever been delayed because of 4.72 3.245 50
2 parking spaces at the airport for the plane to land?
Q5. What is the average time taken by you to collect 12.04 .493 50
your boarding pass at peak hours?
Q6. What is the average time taken by you to collect 14.36 .631 50
your boarding pass at 2n-peak hours?
Q8. What is the average time spent by you for 17.26 .443 50
security check in at international departures?
For a sample of 50 respondents ,we got the highest standard deviation of 8.431 ,where the
traffic needs to be transferred from metro cities to tier II cities . The highest mean value is of
17.26 for the average time spent by someone for security check in at international departures.
Have Q4.
your Do
flights you
ever avail
been the
delaye facilit Q5. Q6.
d y of What What
becau airpo is the is the
se of Q3 . On rt averag averag Q8. What Q9. To
2 an loung e time e time is the what Q10.
parkin average, e taken taken average extent the Does the
Q1. g how durin by you by you time spent inefficien traffic
Q7. Do you Do spaces many g to to by you for cy of need to
feel that the you at the hours of halt, collect collect security logistics be
airports are trav airpor halt have at the your your check in team of a transferr
well el t for you time boardi boardi at particular ed from
equipped to by the experienc of ng ng pass internatio airline metro
handle the fligh plane ed during your pass at at 2n- nal leads to cities to
contingenci t or to your travel peak peak departures delayed tier II
es? 2t ? land? travel? ? hours? hours? ? check in? cities?
Pearson Q7. Do you 1.000 . -.074 .236 -.110 -.030 -.032 .115 .134 -.189
Correlati feel that the
on airports are
equipped to
handle the
Q1. Do you . 1.00 . . . . . . . .
travel by 0
flight or
2t ?
Q2. Have -.074 . 1.000 -.023 .198 -.031 .030 -.161 .180 -.105
your flights
ever been
because of
2 parking
spaces at
the airport
for the
plane to
Q3 . On an .236 . -.023 1.000 .139 -.057 .278 .554 .137 -.065
how many
hours of
halt have
during your
Q4. Do you -.110 . .198 .139 1.000 -.131 .152 .183 .066 -.143
avail the
facility of
during halt,
at the time
of your
Q5. What is -.030 . -.031 -.057 -.131 1.000 .346 -.049 -.045 -.141
the average
time taken
by you to
collect your
pass at peak
Q6. What is -.032 . .030 .278 .152 .346 1.000 .242 -.078 .157
the average
time taken
by you to
collect your
pass at 2n-
peak hours?
Q8. What is .115 . -.161 .554 .183 -.049 .242 1.000 -.002 -.114
the average
time spent
by you for
check in at
Q9. To .134 . .180 .137 .066 -.045 -.078 -.002 1.000 -.002
what extent
of logistics
team of a
leads to
check in?
Q10. Does -.189 . -.105 -.065 -.143 -.141 .157 -.114 -.002 1.000
the traffic
need to be
from metro
cities to tier
II cities?
Sig. (1- Q7. Do you . .000 .304 .050 .224 .418 .412 .212 .177 .094
tailed) feel that the
airports are
equipped to
handle the
Q1. Do you .000 . .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000
travel by
flight or
2t ?
Q2. Have .304 .000 . .436 .084 .415 .417 .132 .105 .235
your flights
ever been
because of
2 parking
spaces at
the airport
for the
plane to
Q3 . On an .050 .000 .436 . .169 .348 .025 .000 .172 .327
how many
hours of
halt have
during your
Q4. Do you .224 .000 .084 .169 . .182 .146 .102 .324 .161
avail the
facility of
during halt,
at the time
of your
Q5. What is .418 .000 .415 .348 .182 . .007 .369 .379 .165
the average
time taken
by you to
collect your
pass at peak
Q6. What is .412 .000 .417 .025 .146 .007 . .045 .296 .138
the average
time taken
by you to
collect your
pass at 2n-
peak hours?
Q8. What is .212 .000 .132 .000 .102 .369 .045 . .493 .215
the average
time spent
by you for
check in at
Q9. To .177 .000 .105 .172 .324 .379 .296 .493 . .494
what extent
of logistics
team of a
leads to
check in?
Q10. Does .094 .000 .235 .327 .161 .165 .138 .215 .494 .
the traffic
need to be
from metro
cities to tier
II cities?
N Q7. Do you 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50
feel that the
airports are
equipped to
handle the
Q1. Do you 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50
travel by
flight or
2t ?
Q2. Have 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50
your flights
ever been
because of
2 parking
spaces at
the airport
for the
plane to
Q3 . On an 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50
how many
hours of
halt have
during your
Q4. Do you 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50
avail the
facility of
during halt,
at the time
of your
Q5. What is 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50
the average
time taken
by you to
collect your
pass at peak
Q6. What is 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50
the average
time taken
by you to
collect your
pass at 2n-
peak hours?
Q8. What is 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50
the average
time spent
by you for
check in at
Q9. To 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50
what extent
of logistics
team of a
leads to
check in?
Q10. Does 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50
the traffic
need to be
from metro
cities to tier
II cities?
Model Summaryb
Change Statistics
Adjusted R Std. Error of R Square Sig. F Durbin-
Model R R Square Square the Estimate Change F Change df1 df2 Change Watson
1 .372 .138 -.030 3.302 .138 .822 8 41 .588 2.174
a. Predictors: (Constant), Q10. Does the traffic need to be transferred from metro cities to tier II cities?, Q9. To what extent
the inefficiency of logistics team of a particular airline leads to delayed check in?, Q8. What is the average time spent by
you for security check in at international departures?, Q5. What is the average time taken by you to collect your boarding
pass at peak hours?, Q4. Do you avail the facility of airport lounge during halt, at the time of your travel?, Q2. Have your
flights ever been delayed because of 2 parking spaces at the airport for the plane to land?, Q6. What is the average time
taken by you to collect your boarding pass at 2n-peak hours?, Q3 . On an average, how many hours of halt have you
experienced during your travel?
b. Dependent Variable: Q7. Do you feel that the airports are well equipped to handle the contingencies?
The r value in SPSS, The bivariate Pearson Correlation produces a sample correlation coefficient, r,
which measures the strength and direction of linear relationships between pairs of
continuous variables.
Durbin Watson in SPSS test explains if there is any autocorrelation between successive observations
in the data. The Durbin-Watson statistic will always have a value between 0 and 4. A value of
2.0 means that there is no autocorrelation detected in the sample
Model Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.
1 Regression 71.756 8 8.970 .822 .588b
Residual 447.124 41 10.905
Total 518.880 49
a. Dependent Variable: Q7. Do you feel that the airports are well equipped to handle the contingencies?
b. Predictors: (Constant), Q10. Does the traffic need to be transferred from metro cities to tier II cities?, Q9.
To what extent the inefficiency of logistics team of a particular airline leads to delayed check in?, Q8. What
is the average time spent by you for security check in at international departures?, Q5. What is the average
time taken by you to collect your boarding pass at peak hours?, Q4. Do you avail the facility of airport
lounge during halt, at the time of your travel?, Q2. Have your flights ever been delayed because of 2 parking
spaces at the airport for the plane to land?, Q6. What is the average time taken by you to collect your
boarding pass at 2n-peak hours?, Q3 . On an average, how many hours of halt have you experienced during
your travel?
Statistically the null hypothesis is that the adequate capacity is available at
specific airport that will be tested against the alternative hypothesis, that there is
no adequate capacity. The hypothesis will further be tested, that there is a
capacity addition requirement against the alternative hypothesis that there is no
capacity addition required.
From the table we can see that the significance level is .588 which is b
Coefficient Correlationsa
Q4. Have
Do your
Q5. you flights Q6.
What is avail ever What is
Q9. To the the been the
what extent average facility delayed average
Q10. Does the time of because time Q3 . On an
the traffic inefficiency Q8. What is taken by airport of 2 taken by average,
need to be of logistics the average you to lounge parking you to how many
transferred team of a time spent collect during spaces collect hours of
from particular by you for your halt, at at the your halt have
metro airline security boarding the airport boarding you
cities to leads to check in at pass at time of for the pass at experienced
tier II delayed international peak your plane to 2n-peak during your
Model cities? check in? departures? hours? travel? land? hours? travel?
1 Correlation Q10. Does 1.000 -.060 .138 .285 .176 .130 -.318 .069
s the traffic
need to be
from metro
cities to tier
II cities?
Q9. To -.060 1.000 .044 -.038 -.048 -.174 .138 -.179
what extent
of logistics
team of a
airline leads
to delayed
check in?
Q8. What is .138 .044 1.000 .087 -.122 .216 -.143 -.492
the average
time spent
by you for
check in at
Q5. What is .285 -.038 .087 1.000 .210 .064 -.455 .124
the average
time taken
by you to
collect your
pass at peak
Q4. Do you .176 -.048 -.122 .210 1.000 -.182 -.203 .026
avail the
facility of
during halt,
at the time
of your
Q2. Have .130 -.174 .216 .064 -.182 1.000 -.101 -.021
your flights
ever been
because of
2 parking
spaces at
the airport
for the
plane to
Q6. What is -.318 .138 -.143 -.455 -.203 -.101 1.000 -.227
the average
time taken
by you to
collect your
pass at 2n-
peak hours?
Q3 . On an .069 -.179 -.492 .124 .026 -.021 -.227 1.000
how many
hours of
halt have
during your
Covariance Q10. Does .004 .000 .011 .019 .002 .001 -.018 .005
s the traffic
need to be
from metro
cities to tier
II cities?
Q9. To .000 .007 .005 -.004 -.001 -.002 .011 -.017
what extent
of logistics
team of a
airline leads
to delayed
check in?
Q8. What is .011 .005 1.803 .129 -.024 .045 -.176 -.744
the average
time spent
by you for
check in at
Q5. What is .019 -.004 .129 1.210 .034 .011 -.458 .153
the average
time taken
by you to
collect your
pass at peak
Q4. Do you .002 -.001 -.024 .034 .021 -.004 -.027 .004
avail the
facility of
during halt,
at the time
of your
Q2. Have .001 -.002 .045 .011 -.004 .024 -.014 -.004
your flights
ever been
because of
2 parking
spaces at
the airport
for the
plane to
Q6. What is -.018 .011 -.176 -.458 -.027 -.014 .836 -.233
the average
time taken
by you to
collect your
pass at 2n-
peak hours?
Q3 . On an .005 -.017 -.744 .153 .004 -.004 -.233 1.267
how many
hours of
halt have
during your
a. Dependent Variable: Q7. Do you feel that the airports are well equipped to handle the contingencies?
Residuals Statisticsa
Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation N
Predicted Value .07 5.35 2.68 1.210 50
Residual -3.352 8.601 .000 3.021 50
Std. Predicted Value -2.157 2.204 .000 1.000 50
Std. Residual -1.015 2.605 .000 .915 50
a. Dependent Variable: Q7. Do you feel that the airports are well equipped to handle the contingencies?
Many congestion problems in the air transport sector are caused by airports,
ending up with nearly twice as many delays as caused by en route congestion.
Although airport capacity can be increased in the long run by building new
infrastructure, short run solutions should be adopted first to optimise the use of
existing capacity. The possible solutions are based on a differentiated mix of
operational actions. Runway capacity can be increased by minimising runway
occupancy time (ROT), by concentrating on homogeneous traffic with similar
approach and departure speeds and same wake turbulence category. Adverse
weather can be managed by more sophisticated instrument landing systems and
microburst detection equipment. Noise congestion can be caused by legally
imposed quota per airport, involving maximum yearly amounts of noise
production. In this case, more capacity is only possible when airline operators
would shift to airplanes producing less noise.
Formulation Literature Data Analysi Report
Name of research Review Collection s Writing
Airport Authority of India, Traffic Data (,