Contract Between Sponsor and Household Member

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Contract Between Sponsor and Household Member USCIS

Form I-864A
Department of Homeland Security OMB No. 1615-0075
U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services Expires 10/31/2021

For Government Use Only

This Form I-864A relates to a household member who:
IS the intending IS NOT the Reviewed By:
immigrant intending
immigrant Location: Date (mm/dd/yyyy):

To be completed by an Select this box if Attorney State Bar Number Attorney or Accredited Representative
attorney or accredited Form G-28 or (if applicable) USCIS Online Account Number (if any)
G-28I is attached.
representative (if any).

► START HERE - Type or print in black ink.

Part 1. Information About You (the Household Physical Address

4.a. Street Number
and Name
Full Name
4.b. Apt. Ste. Flr.
1.a. Family Name
(Last Name)
4.c. City or Town
1.b. Given Name
(First Name)
4.d. State 4.e. ZIP Code
1.c. Middle Name
4.f. Province
Mailing Address (USPS ZIP Code Lookup)
4.g. Postal Code
2.a. In Care Of Name
4.h. Country

2.b. Street Number

and Name
Other Information
2.c. Apt. Ste. Flr.
5. Date of Birth (mm/dd/yyyy)
2.d. City or Town
Place of Birth
2.e. State 2.f. ZIP Code 6.a. City or Town

2.g. Province
6.b. State or Province
2.h. Postal Code

2.i. Country
6.c. Country

3. Is your current mailing address the same as your physical

7. U.S. Social Security Number (if any)
address? Yes No

If you answered "No" to Item Number 3., provide your
physical address. 8. USCIS Online Account Number (if any)

Form I-864A 10/15/19 Page 1 of 8

Part 2. Your (the Household Member's) NOTE: You MUST attach a photocopy or transcript of
your Federal income tax return for only the most recent
Relationship to the Sponsor
tax year.
Select Item Number 1.a., 1.b., or 1.c. (Optional) I have attached photocopies or transcripts
1.a. I am the intending immigrant and also the sponsor's of my Federal income tax returns for my second and
spouse. third most recent tax years.
1.b. I am the intending immigrant and also a member of My total income (adjusted gross income on IRS Form 1040EZ)
the sponsor's household. as reported on my Federal income tax returns for the most
recent three years was:
1.c. I am not the intending immigrant. I am the sponsor's
household member. I am related to the sponsor as Tax Year Total Income
his/her: 2.a. Most Recent $
Spouse 2.b. 2nd Most Recent $
Son or Daughter (at least 18 years of age) 2.c. 3rd Most Recent $
My assets (complete only if necessary).
Brother or Sister
3.a. Enter the balance of all cash, savings, and checking
Other Dependent (Specify) accounts. $

3.b. Enter the net cash value of real-estate holdings. (Net

value means assessed value minus mortgage debt.)
Part 3. Your (the Household Member's) $
Employment and Income
3.c. Enter the cash value of all stocks, bonds, certificates of
I am currently: deposit, and other assets not listed on Item Numbers 3.a.
or 3.b. $
1. Employed as a/an
3.d. Add together Item Numbers 3.a., 3.b., and 3.c. and enter
the number here. $
2. Name of Employer Number 1

3. Name of Employer Number 2 (if applicable) Part 5. Sponsor's Promise, Statement, Contact
Information, Declaration, Certification, and
4. Self employed as a/an NOTE: Read the Penalties section of the Form I-864A
Instructions before completing this part.
5. Retired from (Company Name) I, THE SPONSOR,

Since (mm/dd/yyyy) (Print Name)
in consideration of the household member's promise to support
6. Unemployed since (mm/dd/yyyy) the following intending immigrants and to be jointly and
severally liable for any obligations I incur under the affidavit of
7. My current individual annual income is: support, promise to complete and file an affidavit of support on
$ behalf of the following named intending immigrants.

Part 4. Your (the Household Member's) Federal (Indicate Number)

Income Tax Information and Assets
1.a. Have you filed a Federal income tax return for each of the
three most recent tax years? Yes No

Form I-864A 10/15/19 Page 2 of 8

Part 5. Sponsor's Promise, Statement, Contact 13. Alien Registration Number (A-Number, if any)
Information, Declaration, Certification, and ► A-
Signature (continued) 14. U.S. Social Security Number (if any)
Intending Immigrant Number 1 ►
15. USCIS Online Account Number (if any)
1.a. Family Name ►
(Last Name)
1.b. Given Name Intending Immigrant Number 4
(First Name)
1.c. Middle Name
16.a. Family Name
(Last Name)
2. Date of Birth (mm/dd/yyyy)
16.b. Given Name
3. Alien Registration Number (A-Number, if any) (First Name)
► A- 16.c. Middle Name

4. U.S. Social Security Number (if any) 17. Date of Birth (mm/dd/yyyy)

18. Alien Registration Number (A-Number, if any)
5. USCIS Online Account Number (if any) ► A-

19. U.S. Social Security Number (if any)
Intending Immigrant Number 2 ►
20. USCIS Online Account Number (if any)
6.a. Family Name ►
(Last Name)
6.b. Given Name Intending Immigrant Number 5
(First Name)
6.c. Middle Name
21.a. Family Name
(Last Name)
7. Date of Birth (mm/dd/yyyy)
21.b. Given Name
8. Alien Registration Number (A-Number, if any) (First Name)
► A- 21.c. Middle Name

9. U.S. Social Security Number (if any) 22. Date of Birth (mm/dd/yyyy)

23. Alien Registration Number (A-Number, if any)
10. USCIS Online Account Number (if any) ► A-

24. U.S. Social Security Number (if any)
Intending Immigrant Number 3 ►
25. USCIS Online Account Number (if any)
11.a. Family Name ►
(Last Name)
11.b. Given Name
(First Name) Sponsor's Statement
11.c. Middle Name NOTE: Select the box for either Item Number 26.a. or 26.b.
If applicable, select the box for Item Number 27.
12. Date of Birth (mm/dd/yyyy)
26.a. I can read and understand English, and I have read
and understand every question and instruction on this
contract and my answer to every question.

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Part 5. Sponsor's Promise, Statement, Contact Part 6. Your (the Household Member's) Promise,
Information, Declaration, Certification, and Statement, Contact Information, Declaration,
Signature (continued) Certification, and Signature
26.b. The interpreter named in Part 7. read to me every NOTE: Read the Penalties section of the Form I-864A
question and instruction on this contract and my Instructions before completing this part.
answer to every question in
a language in which I am fluent, and I understood ,
everything. (Print Name)
27. At my request, the preparer named in Part 8., in consideration of the sponsor's promise to complete and file an
affidavit of support on behalf of the above named intending
, immigrants.
prepared this contract for me based only upon
information I provided or authorized.
(Print number of intending immigrants noted in Part 5.
Sponsor's Contact Information Sponsor's Promise, Statement, Contact Information,
Sponsor's Daytime Telephone Number Declaration, Certification and Signature.)
A. Promise to provide any and all financial support
necessary to assist the sponsor in maintaining the
29. Sponsor's Mobile Telephone Number (if any) sponsored immigrants at or above the minimum
income provided for in the Immigration and
Naturalization Act (INA) section 213A(a)(1)(A)
30. Sponsor's Email Address (if any) (not less than 125 percent of the Federal Poverty
Guidelines) during the period in which the affidavit
of support is enforceable;

Sponsor's Declaration and Certification B. Agree to be jointly and severally liable for payment
of any and all obligations owed by the sponsor
Copies of any documents I have submitted are exact under the affidavit of support to the sponsored
photocopies of unaltered, original documents, and I understand immigrants, to any agency of the Federal
that U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) or the Government, to any agency of a state or local
U.S. Department of State (DOS) may require that I submit government, or to any other private entity that
original documents to USCIS or DOS at a later date. provides means-tested public benefits;
Furthermore, I authorize the release of any information from
any and all of my records that USCIS or DOS may need to C. Certify under penalty under the laws of the United
determine my eligibility for the immigration benefit that I seek. States that the Federal income tax returns submitted
in support of the contract are true copies or
I furthermore authorize release of information contained in this unaltered tax transcripts filed with the Internal
contract, in supporting documents, and in my USCIS or DOS Revenue Service;
records, to other entities and persons where necessary for the
D. Consideration where the household member is also
administration and enforcement of U.S. immigration law.
the sponsored immigrant: I understand that if I am
I certify, under penalty of perjury, that all of the information in the sponsored immigrant and a member of the sponsor's
my contract and any document submitted with it were provided household that this promise relates only to my promise
or authorized by me, that I reviewed and understand all of the to be jointly and severally liable for any obligation
information contained in, and submitted with, my contract and owed by the sponsor under the affidavit of support to
that all of this information is complete, true, and correct. any of my dependents, to any agency of the Federal
Government, to any agency of a state or local
Sponsor's Signature government, or to any other private entity that provides
means-tested public benefits and to provide any and all
31.a. Sponsor's Signature
financial support necessary to assist the sponsor in
maintaining any of my dependents at or above the
minimum income provided for in INA section 213A(a)
31.b. Date of Signature (mm/dd/yyyy) (1)(A) (not less than 125 percent of the Federal Poverty
Guideline) during the period which the affidavit of
NOTE TO ALL SPONSORS: If you do not completely fill
support is enforceable.
out this contract or fail to submit required documents listed in
the Instructions, USCIS may deny your contract.

Form I-864A 10/15/19 Page 4 of 8

Part 6. Your (the Household Member's) Promise, Your (the Household Member's) Declaration and
Statement, Contact Information, Declaration, Certification
Certification, and Signature (continued)
Copies of any documents I have submitted are exact
E. I understand that, if I am related to the sponsored
photocopies of unaltered, original documents, and I understand
immigrant or the sponsor by marriage, the
that USCIS or DOS may require that I submit original
termination of the marriage (by divorce, dissolution,
documents to USCIS or DOS at a later date. Furthermore, I
annulment, or other legal process) will not relieve
authorize the release of any information from any and all of my
me of my obligations under this Form I-864A.
records that USCIS or DOS may need to determine my
F. I authorize the Social Security Administration to eligibility for the immigration benefit that I seek.
release information about me in its records to the
I furthermore authorize release of information contained in this
Department of State and U.S. Citizenship and
contract, in supporting documents, and in my USCIS or DOS
Immigration Services (USCIS).
records, to other entities and persons where necessary for the
administration and enforcement of U.S. immigration law.
Your (the Household Member's) Statement
I certify, under penalty of perjury, that all of the information in
NOTE: Select the box for either Item Number 1.a. or 1.b. my contract and any document submitted with it were provided
If applicable, select the box for Item Number 2. or authorized by me, that I reviewed and understand all of the
information contained in, and submitted with, my contract and
1.a. I can read and understand English, and I have read
that all of this information is complete, true, and correct.
and understand every question and instruction on this
contract and my answer to every question.
Your (the Household Member's) Signature
1.b. The interpreter named in Part 7. read to me every
question and instruction on this contract and my 6.a. Your (the Household Member's) Printed Name
answer to every question in
, 6.b. Your (the Household Member's) Signature
a language in which I am fluent, and I understood
2. At my request, the preparer named in Part 8., 6.c. Date of Signature (mm/dd/yyyy)
prepared this contract for me based only upon completely fill out this contract or fail to submit required
information I provided or authorized. documents listed in the Instructions, USCIS may deny your
Your (the Household Member's) Contact
Part 7. Interpreter's Contact Information,
3. Your (the Household Member's) Daytime Telephone
Certification, and Signature
Provide the following information about the interpreter.

4. Your (the Household Member's) Mobile Telephone Interpreter's Full Name

Number (if any)
1.a. Interpreter's Family Name (Last Name)

5. Your (the Household Member's) Email Address (if any)

1.b. Interpreter's Given Name (First Name)

2. Interpreter's Business or Organization Name (if any)

Form I-864A 10/15/19 Page 5 of 8

Part 7. Interpreter's Contact Information, Part 8. Contact Information, Declaration, and
Certification, and Signature (continued) Signature of the Person Preparing this Contract,
if Other Than the Sponsor or Household Member
Interpreter's Mailing Address
Provide the following information about the preparer.
3.a. Street Number
and Name
Preparer's Full Name
3.b. Apt. Ste. Flr.
1.a. Preparer's Family Name (Last Name)
3.c. City or Town

3.d. State 3.e. ZIP Code 1.b. Preparer's Given Name (First Name)

3.f. Province
2. Preparer's Business or Organization Name (if any)
3.g. Postal Code

3.h. Country
Preparer's Mailing Address
3.a. Street Number
and Name
Interpreter's Contact Information
3.b. Apt. Ste. Flr.
4. Interpreter's Daytime Telephone Number
3.c. City or Town

5. Interpreter's Mobile Telephone Number (if any) 3.d. State 3.e. ZIP Code

3.f. Province
6. Interpreter's Email Address (if any)
3.g. Postal Code

3.h. Country
Interpreter's Certification
I certify, under penalty of perjury, that:
I am fluent in English and , Preparer's Contact Information
which is the same language specified in Part 5., Item
4. Preparer's Daytime Telephone Number
Number 26.b. or Part 6., Item Number 1.b., and I have read
to this sponsor or household member in the identified language
every question and instruction on this contract and his or her 5. Preparer's Mobile Telephone Number (if any)
answer to every question. The sponsor or household member
informed me that he or she understands every instruction,
question, and answer on the contract, including the Sponsor's
6. Preparer's Email Address (if any)
or Household Member's Declaration and Certification, and
has verified the accuracy of every answer.

Interpreter's Signature
7.a. Interpreter's Signature

7.b. Date of Signature (mm/dd/yyyy)

Form I-864A 10/15/19 Page 6 of 8

Part 8. Contact Information, Declaration, and
Signature of the Person Preparing this Contract,
if Other Than the Sponsor or Household Member
Preparer's Statement
7.a. I am not an attorney or accredited representative but
have prepared this contract on behalf of the sponsor
and household member and with the sponsor's or
household member's consent.
7.b. I am an attorney or accredited representative and my
representation of the sponsor and household member
in this case extends does not extend beyond
the preparation of this contract.

NOTE: If you are an attorney or accredited

representative, you may be obliged to submit a
completed Form G-28, Notice of Entry of
Appearance as Attorney or Accredited
Representative, or G-28I, Notice of Entry of
Appearance as Attorney In Matters Outside the
Geographical Confines of the United States, with this

Preparer's Certification
By my signature, I certify, under penalty of perjury, that I
prepared this contract at the request of the sponsor and
household member. The sponsor and household member then
reviewed this completed contract and informed me that he or
she understands all of the information contained in, and
submitted with, his or her contract, including the Sponsor's or
Household Member's Declaration and Certification, and that
all of this information is complete, true, and correct. I
completed this contract based only on information that the
sponsor and household member provided to me or authorized
me to obtain or use.

Preparer's Signature
8.a. Preparer's Signature

8.b. Date of Signature (mm/dd/yyyy)

Form I-864A 10/15/19 Page 7 of 8

Part 9. Additional Information 5.a. Page Number 5.b. Part Number 5.c. Item Number

If you need extra space to provide any additional information

within this contract, use the space below. If you need more 5.d.
space than what is provided, you may make copies of this page
to complete and file with this contract or attach a separate sheet
of paper. Type or print your name and A-Number (if any) at the
top of each sheet; indicate the Page Number, Part Number,
and Item Number to which your answer refers; and sign and
date each sheet.
1.a. Family Name
(Last Name)
1.b. Given Name
(First Name)
1.c. Middle Name

2. A-Number (if any)

► A-

3.a. Page Number 3.b. Part Number 3.c. Item Number 6.a. Page Number 6.b. Part Number 6.c. Item Number

3.d. 6.d.

4.a. Page Number 4.b. Part Number 4.c. Item Number 7.a. Page Number 7.b. Part Number 7.c. Item Number

4.d. 7.d.

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