02.04 Chapter 4

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1. Explain the concepts of righting arm and righting moment and show these
concepts on a sectional vector diagram of the ship’s hull that is being heeled over
by an external couple.

2. Calculate the righting moment of a ship given the magnitude of the righting arm.

3. Read, interpret, and sketch a Curve of Intact Statical Stability (or Righting Arm
Curve) and draw the sectional vector diagram of forces that corresponds to any
point along the curve.

4. Discuss what tenderness and stiffness mean with respect to naval engineering.

5. Evaluate the stability of a ship in terms of:

a. Range of Stability
b. Dynamic Stability
c. Maximum Righting Arm
d. Maximum Righting Moment
e. Angle at which Maximum Righting Moment Occurs

6. Create a Curve of Intact Statical Stability for a ship at a given displacement and
assumed vertical center of gravity, using the Cross Curves of Stability.

7. Correct a GZ curve for a shift of the ship's vertical center of gravity and interpret
the curve. Draw the appropriate sectional vector diagram and use this diagram to
show the derivation of the sine correction.

8. Correct a GZ curve for a shift of the ship's transverse center of gravity and
interpret the curve. Draw the appropriate sectional vector diagram and use this
diagram to show the derivation of the cosine correction.

9. Determine the initial slope of the GZ curve using Metacentric Height.

10. Analyze and discuss damage to ships, including:

a. Use added weight method to calculate ship trim, angle of list and draft
b. Qualitatively discuss lost buoyancy method
c. Navy Damage Stability Criteria for ships

11. Analyze and discuss free surface effects, including:
a. Consequences of free surface on overall ship stability
b. Ways to limit the effects of free surface
c. Calculate the effective metacentric height
d. The meaning of a negative metacentric height and show this condition on
a sectional vector diagram of the ship’s hull.
e. Correct the GZ curve

4.1 Introduction
In the last chapter we studied hydrostatics of a displacement ship. In that chapter there were only
two internally produced forces and no external forces were considered. The resultant buoyant
force and the resultant weight of the ship were in vertical alignment so that no moments were
produced. The criteria for static equilibrium were met so that the displacement ship would
forever sit motionless until external forces acted on the ship or a weight change occurred.

In this chapter we are concerned with the ability of the ship to remain upright when external
forces are trying to roll it over. We are mostly concerned with the transverse movement or
heeling because it is nearly impossible to tip a ship end to end (longitudinally). Here the resultant
weight of the ship is very often not in vertical alignment with the resultant buoyant force so that
internal moments are produced.

• First, we will study the general principle of a righting moment for a ship. We will see
how the magnitude of the righting moment is a function of the heeling angle.

• Second, we will show how the righting moment is affected by changes in the vertical and
transverse location of the center of gravity of the ship.

• Third, we will discuss how stability is affected by hull damage and learn ways to model a
damaged ship.

• Fourth, we will study the effects of free surface (fluids in less than full tanks or
compartments) on the righting moment.

• Finally, we will show the effects of a negative metacentric height on the stability of ship.

4.2 The Internal Righting Moment Produced by a Heeling Ship
Understanding overall stability comes down to understanding how the relative positions of the
resultant weight of the ship and the resultant buoyant force change when a ship is heeled over by
an external moment or couple.

4.2.1 The External Couple

The external couple can be caused by the action of wind pushing on one side of the ship, trying
to translate the ship in that direction, and the water pushing back on the hull in the opposite
direction. The resultant forces from these two distributed forces would be acting parallel to the
water’s surface. The resultant wind force would be above the water and the resultant water force
would be below the water. Thus the two resultant forces would not be aligned. They would form
an external couple or moment causing the ship to rotate. A good analogy can be made by
picturing a steering wheel -- the wind is pushing at the top of the steering wheel and the water is
pushing in the opposite direction at the bottom. The steering wheel will rotate when acted upon
by these unbalanced forces. Refer to Figure 4.1.

4.2.2 The Internal Couple

A ship will also tend to rotate when acted upon by wind and water. However, as the ship heels
over due to an external moment it also develops an internal moment. The internal moment acts in
response to the external moment and in the opposite rotational direction. If the internal and
external moments balance the ship will stay heeled at that angle of inclination, otherwise it will
keep heeling until the ship capsizes.

To understand how the ship develops an internal moment, consider how the relative positions of
the resultant weight of the ship and the resultant buoyant force change as the ship is heeled over.

The resultant weight of the ship acts vertically downward at the center of gravity. Only changes
in the distribution of weight affect the location of the center of gravity. If no weight changes
occur then no shifts in the center of gravity will occur.

The resultant buoyant force acts vertically upward at the center of buoyancy. The center of
buoyancy is located at the centroid of the underwater volume of the ship. When the ship is heeled
over by an external moment the underwater shape changes and thus the centroid moves. Where
the center of buoyancy moves with respect to the center of gravity defines the stability
characteristics of the ship as the ship is heeled over.

Figure 4.1 shows the sectional view of a ship that is being heeled over due to an external
moment. It shows the relative positions of the center of gravity and center of buoyancy for a ship
that has been designed properly. Notice the perpendicular distance between the lines of action of
the resultant weight and resultant buoyant force. This distance is the “righting arm” (GZ).


External Upsetting MT



Water Resistance

Figure 4.1 Heeled Ship due to an External Moment

! You should be able to draw Figure 4.1 without the use of your notes.

To find the internal righting moment multiply the righting arm by the magnitude of the resultant
weight of the ship (or the magnitude of the resultant buoyant force since the magnitude of these
forces are equal). The equation below shows this relationship.

RM = GZ ∆ = GZ FB

where: RM is the internal righting moment of the ship (LT-ft)

∆S is the displacement of the ship (LT)
FB is the magnitude of the resultant buoyant force (LT)
GZ is the righting arm (ft) which is the perpendicular distance between the
line of action of the resultant buoyant force and the resultant weight of the
ship. This distance is a function of the heeling angle.

4.3 The Curve of Intact Statical Stability
Figure 4.1 is only a snapshot of the total stability picture. We are really interested in how Figure
4.1 changes as the ship is heeled over from zero degrees to large enough angles of heel to make
the ship capsize. To help us conceptualize this process, a graph of heeling angle (degrees) versus
righting arm (GZ) is constructed. This graph is called the “curve of intact statical stability” or the
“Righting Arm Curve”.

The curve of intact statical stability assumes the ship is being heeled over quasi-statically in calm
water. Quasi-static means that the external moment heeling the ship over is doing so in infinitely
small steps so that equilibrium is always present. Of course this is impossible, but it is an
acceptable idealization in the modeling of ship stability. Be sure to realize that the predictions
made by the curve of intact statical stability can not be directly applied to a rolling ship in a
dynamic seaway. The dynamics of such a system, including the application of additional external
forces and the presence of rotational momentum, are not considered in the intact statical stability
curve. However, the intact statical stability curve is useful for comparative purposes. The
stability characteristics of different hull shapes can be compared as well as differences in
operating conditions for the same hull type.

Figure 4.2 shows a typical intact statical stability curve. When the ship is in equilibrium with no
outside forces acting on it, the resultant weight of the ship will be vertically aligned with the
resultant buoyant force. As an external moment heels the ship to port or starboard, the resultant
weight and the resultant buoyant force will become out of vertical alignment creating the righting
arm. The righting arm will obtain a maximum value and then decrease until the resultant weight
of the ship and the resultant buoyant force are again in vertical alignment. Heeling any further
will cause the ship to capsize. See Figure 4.3.

You should be able to draw Figure 4.2 without the use of your notes and to draw the
! sectional vector diagram of forces (as shown by Figure 4.3) that corresponds to any point
along the curve on Figure 4.2.

Typically only the starboard side of the intact statical stability curve is shown. The entire curve is
shown in Figure 4.2 to give the entire picture of the statical stability curve. Notice how the port
side is drawn in quadrant 3 since angles to port are assigned a negative and righting arms to port
are assigned a negative. This is only a convention used to distinguish between port and starboard

Each intact statical stability curve is for a given displacement and given vertical center of
gravity. The process of obtaining the actual intact statical stability curve is done by reading
values off the “cross curves of stability” for a given displacement of the ship, and then making a
sine correction to account for the proper vertical location of the center of gravity of the operating
ship. You will learn about the sine correction later in this chapter.

Curve of Intact Statical Stability
General Shape

Righting Arm (GZ) (ft)

-90 -80 -70 -60 -50 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90




angle of heel (degrees)
Figure 4.2 Curve of Intact Statical Stability
Point A: 0 degrees of heel Point D: 75 degrees of heel
GZ = 0 ft GZ = 2.0 ft

M ∆
Point B: 25 degrees of heel Point E: 85 degrees of heel
GZ = 2.5 ft GZ = 0 ft (Vertical Alignment)




Point C: 50 degrees of heel Beyond Point E: > 85 degrees of heel

GZ = 4.0 ft (max) GZ < 0 ft (Capsizing Arm)




Figure 4.3 Vector Drawings Associated with Figure 4.2

4.3.1 Cross Curves of Stability

The cross curves of stability are a series of curves on a single set of axes. The X-axis is the
displacement of the ship in LT. The Y-axis is the righting arm of the ship in feet. Each curve is
for one angle of heel. Typically angles of heel are taken each 5 or 10 degrees. Figure 4.4 is a set
of cross curves for the FFG-7. There are cross curves for some of the more common ships used
in the Navy in the ship data section.

The entire series of curves assumes an arbitrary location for the vertical center of gravity of the
ship. Sometimes the assumed location of the center of gravity is at the keel. This may seem
strange to you at first but it makes sense when you consider the following. The actual location of
the center of gravity of the ship will always be above the keel. This means that the sine
correction can always be subtracted from the value read off the cross curves. Otherwise, the sine
correction would sometimes be subtracted and sometimes be added. The actual location of the
assumed value of the center of gravity of the ship will always be marked on the cross curves.

The cross curves are made by a series of integrations based on hull geometry. You had a hint of
this in Chapter 2. It is beyond the scope of this course to explain in detail how the cross curves
are derived from the basic geometry of the hull.

In summary, the intact statical stability curve, for a single displacement, comes from reading
values off the cross curves of stability and using a sine correction for the actual location of the
vertical center of gravity.

Be able to sketch a set of cross curves with fictitious numbers without the use of your
! notes.

Student Exercise: On a separate piece of paper draw an intact static stability curve for a
FFG-7 displacing 4000 LT. Assume the FFG-7 has a KG=0 so that a sine
correction is unnecessary.

This is unrealistic, but for now you are learning how to read values off the
cross curves to construct the intact statical stability curve. Later in this
chapter you will learn how to do the sine correction to account for the
actual location of the vertical center of gravity of the ship.

Insert this page in your notes.

Figure 4.4 Cross Curves of Stability for FFG-7

4.4 Obtainable Stability Characteristics from the Curve of Intact Statical
Several overall stability characteristics can be obtained from the curve of intact statical stability.
A simplied GZ curve diagram is shown below in Figure 4.5:
GZ (ft)

Angle of GZmax φ(°)

Figure 4.5 The Simplified Intact Statical Stability Curve
depicting select stability characteristics

4.4.1 Range of Stability (R.O.S.)

This is the range of angles for which there exists a righting moment. The range starts at the angle
corresponding to the ship’s equilibrium position with no external moments applied to it and goes
to the angle at which the ship will capsize. For a ship with no initial angle of list the starting
angle would be zero degrees. If the ship has a permanent angle of list, then the range is given
from that angle of list to the capsizing angle of the heeled side.

In Figure 4.2 the Range of Stability is 0 - 85 degrees for stbd heels

0 - 85 degrees for port heels

The greater the range of stability, the less likely the ship will capsize. If the ship is heeled to any
angle in the range of stability, the ship will exhibit an internal righting moment that will right the
ship if the external moment ceases.

4.4.2 Maximum Righting Arm (GZmax)

This is the largest internal moment arm created by the vertical mis-alignment of the buoyant
force and the resultant weight vectors. It is simply measured as the peak of the curve of intact
statical stability.

In Figure 4.2 the Maximum Righting Arm is 4.1 ft

4.4.3 Maximum Righting Moment

This is the largest static moment the ship can produce. It is simply calculated from the product of
the ship’s displacement (ΔS) by the maximum righting arm (GZmax ). The units are LT-ft.

The larger the value of the maximum righting moment the less likely the ship will capsize. The
maximum righting moment can’t be shown directly on the curve of intact statical stability. Only
the maximum righting arm can be shown. However, there is only a scaling difference between
the righting arm and righting moment.

4.4.4 Angle of GZmax

This is the angle of heel at which the maximum righting moment occurs. Beyond this angle the
righting moment decreases to zero.

In Figure 4.2 the Angle of GZmax is 50 degrees

It is desirable to have this angle occur at large degrees of heel so that a rolling ship will
experience a righting moment that increases in magnitude over a greater range of heeling angles.

4.4.5 Dynamic Stability

This is the work done by quasi statically (very slowly) rolling the ship through its range of
stability to the capsizing angle. Mathematically, this work is,

∆S ∫ GZ dφ

This is the product of the ship’s displacement with the area under the curve of intact statical
stability. The units are LT-ft. The dynamic stability can’ t be shown directly on the curve of
intact statical stability but the area under the curve can be shown.

The work represented by dynamical stability is not necessary representative of the work
! required to capsize a ship in a real seaway. This is because the statical stability curve
does not account for rotational momentum, or additional forces that may be present on a
real ship in a seaway. It is useful for a comparative basis with other ships or ships of the
same type under different operating conditions.

4.4.6 A Measure of the Tenderness or Stiffness

The initial slope of the intact statical stability curve indicates the rate at which a righting arm is
developed as the ship is heeled over.

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If the initial slope is large, the righting arm develops rapidly as the ship is heeled over and the
ship is said to be “stiff.” A stiff ship will have a short period of roll and react very strongly to
external heeling moments. The ship will try to upright itself very quickly and forcefully. If the
ship is too stiff, violent accelerations can damage ship structures and be harmful to personnel.

If the initial slope is small, the righting arm develops slowly as the ship is heeled over and the
ship is said to be “tender”. A tender ship will have a long period of roll and react sluggishly to
external heeling moments. Too tender of a ship can compromise stability and leave too little
margin for capsizing.

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4.5 The Effects of a Vertical Shift in the Center of Gravity of the Ship on
the Righting Arm ( GZ ): Sine Correction
We have already seen that the Curve of Intact Statical Stability can be created from the Cross
Curves of Stability. However, the Cross Curves assume a value for KG (regularly KG = 0 ft). To
obtain the true Righting Arm Curve, the values from the cross curves must be corrected for the
true vertical location of G. This is achieved using the sine correction.

There are 2 instances when the sine correction is necessary.

• Correcting the Curve of Intact Statical Stability for the true vertical location of G.
• Correcting the Curve of Intact Statical Stability for changes in KG.

The theory behind the sine correction can be seen by an analysis of Figure 4.5. It is obvious from
the Figure that a rise in KG decreases the righting arm. If Gv is the final vertical location of the
center of gravity, and G0 is its initial location, then the value of GvZv at each angle of heel may
be found using the following relationship:

GV Z V = GO Z O − GO GV sin φ

where: GvZv is the righting arm created by the final center of gravity (ft).
G0Z0 is the righting arm created by the initial center of gravity (ft).
G0Gv is the vertical distance between G0 and Gv (ft).
G0Gv sin φ is the sine correction term (ft).

This equation should be evident from Figure 4.5 by examining the right angled triangle G0PGv
and by observing that the distance GvZv is the same as the distance PZ0.

PZ O = GO GV sin φ
GO Z O − GO P and GO P =
⇒ GV ZV = GO Z O − GO GV sin φ
GZ final GZ initial − δ KG sin φ

Students must be able to draw Figure 4.5 and be able to derive the sine correction from
! this Figure.

A similar analysis to Figure 4.6 should reveal that the sine correction term must be added if KG
is reduced.

4 - 12


φ φ
Go Zo
B1 WLo


Figure 4.6 The Sine Correction Derivation

In this Figure, the following segments are defined:

WL0 is the original waterline
WLf is the new waterline
G0Z0 is the righting arm prior to a shift in the center of gravity
GvZv is the righting arm after a shift in the center of gravity
B1 is the center of buoyancy after the ship lists
B0 is the center of buoyancy before the ship lists

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Example 4.1 Draw the intact statical stability curve for the DDG51 assuming a displacement of
8600 LT and a vertical center of gravity of 23.84 ft above the keel. Graph both
G0Z0 and GvZv values as a function of heeling angle on the intact statical stability
curve. The cross curves for the DDG51 are located in the ship data section.

Solution: The general form of the sine correction at each angle is

GvZv = G0Z0 - 23.84 sin φ.

For instance, at 20 degrees:

GvZv = 10.10 - 23.84 sin (20) = 1.95 ft.

However, it often more convenient to use a table.

Angle of Heel, φ (degrees) 0 5 10 15 20 30 40

Righting Arm from Cross 0 2.55 5.08 7.60 10.10 15.02 19.67
Curves, G0Z0 (ft)
Sine Correction Term (ft) 0 2.08 4.14 6.17 8.15 11.91 15.31

Corrected Righting Arm, 0 0.47 0.94 1.43 1.95 3.11 4.36

GvZv (ft)

Angle of Heel, φ (degrees) 50 60 70 80 90 100 110

Righting Arm from Cross 22.96 24.97 26.04 26.28 25.45 23.60 20.95
Curves, G0Z0 (ft) (given) (given)
Sine Correction Term (ft) 18.25 20.63 22.38 23.46 23.82 23.46 22.38

Corrected Righting Arm, 4.71 4.34 3.66 2.82 1.63 0.14 -1.43
GvZv (ft)

When plotted, these new GvZv values will give a Curve of Intact Statical Stability for DDG51
which is correct for a displacement of 8600 LT and KG = 23.84 ft. If displacement changes, then
new G0Z0 values must be obtained from the Cross Curves and corrected for KG. If KG changes,
then a sine correction can be made between 23.84 ft and the new value of KG.

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Example 4.1 - Statical Stability Curve
DDG-51 @ 8600 LT, KG = 23.84 ft.


GZ, Righting Arm (ft)


Cross-Curves Data

Sine Correction


Corrected Righting Arm


0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110
φ (degrees)
Angle of Heel, phi

4 - 15
4.6 The Effects of a Transverse Shift in the Center of Gravity of the Ship on
the Righting Arm ( GZ ): Cosine Correction
The stability analysis so far has considered the center of gravity on the centerline, or TCG = 0 ft.
We saw in Chapter 3 that the center of gravity may be moved off the centerline by weight
additions, removals, or shifts such as cargo loading, ordinance firing, and movement of
personnel. When this occurs, there is an effect upon the stability of the ship.

The effect upon stability of a transverse shift in G can be calculated using the cosine correction.

There are 2 instances when the cosine correction is necessary.

• Correcting the Curve of Intact Statical Stability for the true transverse location of G.

• Correcting the Curve of Intact Statical Stability for changes in TCG.

An analysis of Figure 4.7 showing a shift in the transverse location of G from the centerline
enables the cosine correction to be quantified. The new righting arm may be computed at each
angle using the following equation.

Gt Z t GV ZV − GV Gt cos φ
GZ final GZ initial − δ TCG cos φ

where: GtZt is the corrected righting arm (ft)

GvZv is the uncorrected righting arm (ft)
GvGt is the transverse distance from the centerline to the center of
gravity (ft)
GvGt cosφ is the cosine correction term (ft)

This equation should be evident from Figure 4.7 by examining the enlarged right angled triangle
at the top of the Figure.

Students must be able to draw Figure 4.7 and be able to derive the cosine correction from
! this Figure.

4 - 16
∆ W1L1
Gv Zo
Gt Zt
Bo B1

Figure 4.7 The Cosine Correction Derivation

The new righting arm (GtZt) created due to the shift in the transverse center of gravity is
! smaller than the righting arm created if the transverse center of gravity had not been
moved (G0Z0).

However, if heeling to port was considered the righting arm would increase. A similar
diagram to Figure 4.7 can show that for the opposite side to the weight shift, the cosine
correction is added to give the corrected righting arm.

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Example 4.2 For a DDG51 with a displacement of 8600 LT, a vertical location of the center of
gravity of 23.84 ft from the keel, and a transverse location of the center of gravity
of 0.4 feet to the starboard of centerline, graph the intact statical stability curve.

Solution: (First four rows are from Example 4.1)

Angle of Heel, φ (degrees) 0 5 10 15 20 30 40

Righting Arm from Cross 0 2.55 5.08 7.60 10.10 15.02 19.67
Curves, G0Z0 (ft)
Sine Correction, (ft) 0 2.08 4.14 6.17 8.15 11.91 15.31

Vertically Corrected 0 0.47 0.94 1.43 1.95 3.11 4.36

Righting Arm, GvZv (ft)
Cosine Correction, (ft) 0.40 0.40 0.39 0.39 0.38 0.35 0.31

Transversely Corrected -0.40 0.07 0.55 1.04 1.57 2.76 4.05

Righting Arm, GtZt (ft)

Angle of Heel, φ (degrees) 50 60 70 80 90 100 110

Righting Arm from Cross 22.96 24.97 26.04 26.28 25.45 23.60 20.95
Curves, G0Z0 (ft)
Sine Correction, (ft) 18.25 20.63 22.38 23.46 23.82 23.46 22.38

Vertically Corrected 4.71 4.34 3.66 2.82 1.63 0.14 -1.43

Righting Arm, GvZv (ft)
Cosine Correction, (ft) 0.26 0.20 0.14 0.07 0 -0.07 -0.14

Transversely Corrected 4.45 4.14 3.52 2.75 1.63 0.21 -1.29

Righting Arm, GtZt (ft)

4 - 18
Example 4.2 - Statical Stability Curve
DDG-51 @ 8600 LT, KG = 23.84 ft., TCG = 0.4 ft.

Righting Arm with Vertical

GZ, Righting Arm (ft)

Righting Arm with

Vertical and Transverse

Cosine Correction

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110

φ (degrees)
Angle of Heel, phi

4 - 19
The following should be considered, regarding transverse weight shifts:

• As in the case of a vertical increase in the center of gravity, a horizontal shift away from
centerline results in worsened stability characteristics on the side to which G moves. This
should be evident from the example.

• A horizontal shift results in improved stability characteristics on the side opposite to

which G moves. This can explain the need to lean out when attempting to prevent a small
sailing craft from capsizing.

• Capsizing. It is interesting to note that, according to the curves calculated, the ship will
capsize at a greater angle with G off of the centerline. In reality, the ship will capsize
before the angle at which GZ = 0 ft in any case. These curves do not account for the fact
that at extreme angles non-watertight parts of the hull and superstructure will be
immersed (in particular the gas turbine exhaust stacks), allowing water to enter the ship
resulting in a capsize 10 - 20 degrees earlier than predicted by these curves. Also, at
extreme angles equipment is likely to move within the ship, further decreasing stability.

Student Exercise: Figure 4.8 is a statical stability curve for the DDG-51 with a 0.4 ft
starboard shift in the center of gravity with a displacement of 8600 LT and
a KG of 23.84 ft. Fill in Figure 4.8 on the following page with the
sectional diagrams for each of the points indicated on Figure 4.7. In your
diagrams include G, B, ΔS , FB , etc.

(This is similar to Figure 4.2, but this time there is a transverse shift in the
center of gravity.)

4 - 20
Curve of Intact Statical Stability
DDG-51 @ 8600 LT, KG = 23.84 ft., TCG = 0.4 ft.

GZ, Righting Arm (ft)


Permanent Angle of
B List = 4.5 degrees F

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110
φ (degrees)
Angle of Heel, phi

Figure 4.8 Curve of Intact Statical Stability for Student Exercise

4 - 21
Point A - 0 degrees of heel Point B - 4.5 degrees of heel

Point C - 30 degrees of heel Point D - 50 degrees of heel

Point E - 80 degrees of heel Point F - 102 degrees of heel

Figure 4.9 Vector Diagrams Associated with Figure 4.7

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4.7 Damage Stability
Naval ships are intended to go in harms way. When the shooting starts the object is to do harm to
others, but sometimes damage to your ship is unavoidable. If the watertight portion of the hull is
breached and water pours into the ship, the draft will increase, the trim will change, a permanent
angle of list will result, and stability will be affected. In extreme circumstances the ship could be

This section discusses the fundamental behavior of a damaged ship and introduces two
techniques that allow its analysis.

• The Lost Buoyancy Method.

• The Added Weight Method.

The lost buoyancy method will be discussed only briefly. However, the added weight method
will be covered in a little more depth. You will be required to perform simplified damaged ship
calculations using the added weight method.

US Navy Damage Stability standards will also be covered so that you will have some idea how
your ship will respond, and how much it is designed to take.

4.7.1 Lost Buoyancy Method

One method to examine the behavior of a damaged ship is by the lost buoyancy method. In the
lost buoyancy method we analyze changes in buoyancy rather than the center of gravity or
displacement. Simply stated, the center of gravity remains the same (the ship weight, metal etc is
constant) and any changes due to damage effect the distribution of the buoyancy volume. The
total buoyant volume must remain constant since the weight of the ship is not changing. The
draft will increase and the ship will list and trim until the lost buoyant volume is regained.

The lost buoyancy method allows a damaged ship to be modeled mathematically so that the final
drafts, list, and trim can be determined from assessed damage. The engineer can analyze every
conceivable damage scenario and produce a damage stability handbook that may be used by the
crew in the event of flooding. Using the lost buoyancy method allows “a prior” knowledge of
the resulting stability condition of the ship so that appropriate procedures can be written and
followed in the event of a breach in the ship’s hull.

4.7.2 The Added Weight Method

Another method of examining the damaged ship is with the “Added Weight” method. As the
name suggests, in this technique, the ship is assumed undamaged, but part of it is filled with the
water the ship is floating in. This is equivalent to a weight addition and can be modeled using the
techniques for shifts in the center of gravity of the ship (G) covered in Chapter 3.

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Provided the volume of the damaged compartment, its average location from the centerline, Keel
& midships and the water density is known, the shift in G can be predicted along with the
consequences of this shift upon the draft, trim and list of the ship. Permeability

An added complication to the analysis of a damaged ship is the space available in a damaged
compartment for the water to fill.

When a compartment is flooded, it is rare for the total volume of this compartment to be
completely filled with water. This is because the compartment will already contain certain
equipment or stores depending upon its use. The ratio of the volume that can be occupied by
water to the total gross volume is called the “permeability”.

volume available for flooding

Permeability = =µ
total gross volume
For calculating the affected volumne,

∇𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎 = ∇𝑡𝑡𝑡𝑡𝑡𝑡𝑡𝑡𝑡𝑡 ∙ (𝜇𝜇)(% Flooded)

The table below from “Basic Ship Theory - 4th Edition” by Rawson & Tupper lists some typical
ship compartment permeabilities.

Space Permeability (%)

Watertight Compartment (Warship) 97
Watertight Compartment (Merchant Ship) 95
Accommodation Spaces 95
Machinery Compartments 85
Dry Cargo Spaces 70
Bunkers, Stores or Cargo Holds 60

We should now be in a position to perform simple added weight damage calculations.

Example 4.3 An FFG-7 displacing 3992 LT and of length 408 ft has KG = 18.5 ft, TCG = 0 ft.
It is floating in sea-water at level trim with a draft of 16.0 ft. At this draft, TPI =
33.0 LT/in, MT1" = 793.4 LT-ft/in and LCF = 24.03 ft aft of midships.
A collision causes the complete flooding of the auxiliary machinery space. This
space has a volume of 6400 ft3, permeability of 85% and a centroid on the
centerline, 6.6 ft above the keel and 30ft fwd of midships.

a. The KG in the damaged condition.

4 - 24
b. TCG in the damaged condition.
c. The Tfwd in the damaged condition.
a. =
Volume available =
for flooding permeability x volume =
0.85 x 6400 ft 3 5400 ft 3

Weight of water in compartment = ρ g ( flooded volume)

lb − s 2 ft 1 LT
= 1.99 = 4
32.17 2 5400 ft 3 155 LT
ft s 2240 lb
KGold ∆ old + w flooding kg
KG damaged =
∆ damaged
3992 LT ⋅ 18.5 ft + 155 LT ⋅ 6.6 ft
KG damaged =
3992 + 155 LT
KG damaged = 18.06 ft

b. TCG damaged = TCGold = 0 ft (Damaged compartment centroid is on centerline)

180’ 228’
AP F 155 LT
30’ δTrim

wl 155LT ⋅ (24 + 30) ft 1 ft

δTrim = = ⋅ = 0.88 ft
MT 1" 793.4 ftLT 12in
w 155 LT 1 ft
δTPS = = ⋅ = 0.39 ft
TPI 33.0 LT 12in
From the trim diagram
δT fwd δTrim
d fwd L pp
δTrim 0.88 ft
δT fwd = d fwd = 228 ft = 0.49 ft
L pp 408 ft
T fwd damaged = T fwd ,old + δT ps + δT fwd
T fwd damaged = 16.0 ft + 0.39 ft + 0.49 ft
T fwd damaged = 16.88 ft

4 - 25
4.7.3 US Navy Damage Stability Design Criteria

Main Deck


Figure 4.10 Illustration of Damage Stability Terms

Margin Line The margin line is a line defining the highest permissible location on the side of
the vessel of any damaged waterplane in the final condition of sinkage, trim and
heel. It is in no case permitted to be less than 3 inches (0.075 m) below the top of
the bulkhead deck at the side. (PNA pp178)

List The heel caused by damage shall not exceed 20 degrees. This angle is too great
for continuous operation of equipment. Naval machinery is designed to operate
indefinitely at a permanent list of 15 degrees, although most equipment will
probably remain functional up to about 25 degrees for at least a few hours.
Personnel can continue damage control efforts effectively at a permanent list of
20 degrees. At a permanent list of 20 degrees, the ship will possess adequate
stability against wind and waves to be towed at the very least.

Floodable Length

1. Ships less than 100 ft long are required to withstand flooding in one compartment.

2. Ships 100 - 300 ft long are required to withstand flooding in any two adjacent

3. Warships, troop transports and hospital ships over 300 ft long are required to
withstand a hull opening of 15 % of the length between perpendiculars.

4. Any other ship over 300 ft long are required to withstand a hull opening of 12.5%
of the length between perpendiculars.

4.7.4 Foundering and Plunging

A damaged ship could be lost in one of several ways.

• If the ship is left with inadequate maximum righting moment or dynamical stability, it
could simply be overwhelmed by the seaway and the weather.

4 - 26
• If the angle of list or trim is too great, placing non-watertight parts of the ship
underwater, then additional flooding will occur. In this case the ship could lose transverse
stability, roll over and capsize.

• Longitudinal stability could also be lost in a similar manner causing the ship to plunge
(go down bow or stern first). One of the most notable examples of plunging is the Titanic.

• A ship may be lost even if stability is not compromised. It may simply sink. This is called

The preceding discussion concerned ships which were in a static condition, meaning that
! the damage had occurred and the ship was in equilibrium. From the time damage occurs
until equilibrium is reached the ship is in a very vulnerable state. The water rushing into
the ship and the sudden changes in effective volume cause a number of dynamic effects
in the face of reduced stability.

In some cases it is useful to flood a tank on the side of the ship opposite the damage in
order to reduce the angle of list and lower KG. This is called counter flooding. However,
counter flooding can be very dangerous.

Counter flooding results in an increase in displacement, causing ship’s draft to increase.

The increase in draft results in a loss of freeboard and a reduction in the angle of heel at
which the deck edge will go underwater. The increase in displacement may also make the
ship deeper than its limiting draft, which may cause further stability and structural
problems. Additionally, if counter flooding is not done correctly, the possibility exists of
adding an additional free surface to the ship, a very serious stability problem.

4 - 27
4.8 Free Surface Correction at Small Angles of Heel
A free surface is fluid that is allowed to move freely, such as water in a partially filled tank. As
the ship lists, the fluid in the tank moves. The fluid movement acts like a weight shift, causing
the center of gravity of the fluid to move which causes the ship's center of gravity to shift in both
the vertical and horizontal directions. The effect of the vertical shift is negligible at small angles
(φ < 5° to 7°) and is discounted, but the horizontal (transverse) shift of the center of gravity
causes a decrease in the righting arm (GZ).

It is shown graphically in Figure 4.11 that a vertical rise in the center of gravity also causes a
shortened righting arm. The distance the center of gravity would have to rise to cause a reduction
in the righting arm equivalent to that caused by the actual transverse shift is called the Free
Surface Correction (FSC). The position of this new center of gravity is called the "virtual" center
of gravity (Gv). The distance from the virtual center of gravity to the metacenter is called the
Effective Metacentric Height (GMeff).

GMeff MT

G1 Z1 WoLo
Bo B1

g g1


Note: φ < 5 – 7 degrees (list angle in drawing is exaggerated to show geometry)

Figure 4.11 The Free Surface Correction

4 - 28
4.8.1 Static Effects

The static effects of free surface are adverse resulting in a virtual rise in the center of gravity, a
smaller range of stability, a smaller maximum righting arm, a small angle at which the maximum
righting arm occurs, and an exaggerated list and trim if the ship is listing or trimming.

4.8.2 Dynamic Effects

It should be noted that the preceding analysis is referring to only the static effects of free surface.
Free surfaces also produce dynamic effects of the water rushing back and forth. This is also
detrimental but is not described by the free surface correction. It is a common misconception to
mix the dynamic effects of free surface with the static analysis and the FSC.

To understand the dynamic effects fill a Tupperware plastic container half full of water, close it
with a lid, and put it in the palm of your hand. Move the container so that it lists and trims.
Notice how the geometry affects the magnitude of the roll and momentum of the fluid mass
when the container is rolled in a listing condition versus a trimming condition. Another example
of the dynamic effect is a fire engine carrying water down the road. If baffles are not put in the
tank the truck will literally jump from side to side because of the water moving back and forth.
Baffles are a good way to minimize the dynamic effects of free surface.

4.8.3 Calculating the FSC and GMeff

The free surface correction (FSC) created by a tank within a ship is given by the following
FSC = t t
ρ s∇ s

where: ρt is the density of the fluid in the tank (lb-s2/ft4)

ρs is the density of the water the ship is floating (lb-s2/ft4)
∇s is the underwater volume of the ship (ft3)
it is the transverse second moment of area of the tank's free surface area (ft4)

The formula for it is given on the next page.

Note: “Tank” is used synonomously with “compartment” or “space” when discussing/calculating

FSC for damage stability.

4 - 29 The Second Moment of Area ( it )

The formula for the second moment of area of a rectangle is given by the following equation.
The distances refer to Figure 4.12. C
(length)( width)
it = L
l ⋅b 3
it =
12 Y

Figure 4.12 Tank Geometry for FSC

The free surface correction is applied to the original metacentric height to find the effective
metacentric height:

GM eff = GM − FSC = KM − KG − FSC

4.8.4 Minimizing the Effects of Free Surface

• Compartmentalization: A quick observation of the equation for it and FSC above

should reveal that splitting a tank transversely with dividers running longitudinally will
reduce the distance B and consequently have a major effect upon the magnitude of the

• Pocketing: Tanks should be kept at least 90% full so that pocketing occurs. Pocketing is
when the liquid hits the top of the tank thus reducing the free surface effects. Pocketing
therefore is a desirable physical event.

• Compensated Fuel Oil Tanks: Some ships use a water compensated fuel oil system to
minimize the free surface effect (a small FSC remains due to the density difference
between oil and seawater). This system replaces used fuel with salt water so no free
surface occurs. The salt water is immiscible with the oil so no mixing occurs. Typically
at least two tanks are used so that the boundary between salt water and the oil always
stays one tank away from the engine. The intermediate tank is often referred to as a clean
fuel oil tank. These types of tanks are used on CG-47, DDG-51, and nuclear sumarines

• Empty Tanks: Obviously, the FSC is reduced completely if the tanks are empty!

Flooding aboard a ship can create compartments with free surface. This can affect the
! stability of the ship. Flooding can be caused by fire fighting as well as breaches in the
hull. Putting fires out by a fire hose can add weight high in the ship and create free
surface. Both of these will cause a rise in the center of gravity, smaller righting arms and
less overall stability.

4 - 30
Example 4.4 An FFG-7 class ship displacing 4092 LT has KG=18.9 ft and KM=22.49 ft. There
is a tank filled with fuel oil with a density of 1.5924 lb-s2/ft4 creating a free
surface 30 ft wide and 60 ft long. The ship is floating in salt water with a density
of 1.9905 lb-s2/ft4. What is the effective metacentric height?

∆ s = ρ g∇ s

∆s 4092 LT ⋅ 2240lb / LT
∇= = = 143,143 ft 3
ρ g 1.9905lb − s / ft ⋅ 32.17 ft / s
2 4 2

l ⋅ b3 60 ft ⋅ (30 ft )3
=it = = 135, 000 ft 4
12 12

ρt it
ρs∇ s

1.5924lb − s 2 / ft 4 ⋅135, 000 ft 4

=FSC = 0.75 ft
1.9905lb − s 2 / ft 4 ⋅143,143 ft 3

GM eff = KM − KG − FSC

GM eff = 22.49 ft − 18.9 ft − 0.75 ft

GM eff = 2.84 ft

4.8.5 Effect of a Free Surface on GZ and Angle of List

As discussed earlier in this section, and shown in Figure 4.9, a free surface causes a reduction in
the ship’s righting arm, range of stability, and dynamic stability. With a free surface, the ship
now behaves as if the center of gravity were located at the virtual center of gravity. To calculate
the effective righting arm of a ship with a free surface, the original righting arm must be
corrected for the virtual rise in G caused by the free surface. Fortunately, you already have the
tool with which to make this correction: the sine correction. Using Figure 4.9 as a guide, the
effective righting arm of a ship may be given as:
G1 Z 1 = GZ − GGv sin φ or
Z1 GZ − FSC sin ϕ

The worst case for a free surface is when the ship’s transverse center of gravity is located off of
the centerline. Section 4.6 demonstrated that a transverse shift in G resulted in a reduction in the

4 - 31
righting arm and overall stability. A free surface coupled with G being off the centerline is an
especially bad case. Not only has the overall stability been reduced by the transverse location of
G, but the effective rise in G due to the free surface further reduces righting arms, range of
stability, and dynamic stability. To correct the righting arm curve for a free surface and a
transverse change in G, one must first correct GZ for the virtual rise in G caused by the free
surface using the sine correction, then correct GZ for the transverse location of G using the
cosine correction. This correction is given by the following equation:

G1 Z 1 = GZ − FSC sin φ − TCG cos φ

A free surface will also exaggerate a list angle. Recall from Chapter 3 that the angle of list for a
transverse change in the center of gravity can be found by:

 TCG 
φ = tan −1  
 GM T 

When a free surface is present, the angle of list is now found using:

 TCG 
φ = tan −1  
GM 
 eff 

Example 4.5 The FFG-7 in Example 4.4 has a righting arm of 1.33 feet at a heeling angle of
20° and KG = 18.9 ft. What is the effective righting arm of the ship with the free
surface present?
From Example 4.4: KM = 22.49 ft, GMeff = 2.84 ft, FSC = 0.75 ft

GZ eff = GZ − FSC sin φ
GZ eff = 1.33 ft − (0.75 ft )(sin 20)
GZ eff = 1.07 ft

If the ship’s transverse center of gravity is located 0.5 ft starboard of the centerline, calculate the
ship’s righting arm and angle of list.

GZ eff = GZ − FSC sin φ − TCG cos φ

GZ eff = 1.33 ft − (0.75 ft )(sin 20) − (0.5 ft )(cos 20)
GZ eff = 0.60 ft

Notice the effect of the transverse location of G on the ship’s righting arm!

4 - 32
 TCG 
φ = tan −1  
 GM
 eff 

 0.5 ft 
φ = tan −1  
 2.84 ft 

= φ 9.98°
4.8.6 – Damage Control and its Effect on Stability and Buoyancy

Naval and commercial ships are designed to resist varying degrees of accidental and battle
damage. Design features to mitigate or prevent damage include structural strength members
(Chapter 6), watertight compartments, and the stability and buoyancy criteria discussed in this
chapter. Maintaining these features at their optimum capabilities requires a constant state of
vigilance which you will be partly responsible for whether you are the Damage Control Assistant
(DCA) in charge of most of the maintenance on these systems and training the crew or an
embarked Marine ensuring that the watertight door you just passed through is shut and dogged.

Conventional wisdom says that 90 percent of the damage control needed to save the ship
! takes place before the ship is damaged (training, drills, inspection, and maintenance) and
only 10 percent can be accomplished after the damage has occurred.

However, once damage has occurred the damage control efforts on the ship are a vitally
important all-hands evolution which may often mean the difference between losing or
saving the ship:

USS Cole (DDG-67), Gulf of Aden, Yemen, 2000

USS Cole suffered a large hole in its side while refueling in the harbor as a result of a terrorist
attack. The explosion ripped through one of the ship’s engine rooms and resulted in massive
amounts of flooding, a severe list, and loss of electrical power (i.e. no electric bilge pumps).
Three days of valiant damage control efforts by the crew kept the ship afloat in the harbor.
Damage control methods ranged from judicious use of counter-flooding to “bucket-brigades”
bailing water out of flooded spaces.

RMS Titanic, 1912

The “practically unsinkable” ship had a two/three compartment standard with many watertight
compartments to minimize the effects of flooding but rapid crack propagation in the brittle hull
plating led to progressive flooding in six adjacent watertight compartments. This flooding alone
would eventually sink the ship; however, experts estimate that the ship could have stayed on the
surface several hours longer than it did had the crew plugged the cracks in the hull which were
only several inches wide with mattresses or some other material. These vital hours could have
been long enough to allow the deployment of lifeboats in an orderly fashion and for help to

4 - 33
SS Normandie, 1942

This ship caught fire in New York City harbor while being converted from a luxury passenger
liner to a troop transport to support the war effort. The resulting firefighting efforts from off-hull
led to massive weight additions high on the upper decks and large free-surfaces inside the ship.
After the fire was extinguished, the ship capsized in calm water pier side as a result of the
negative stability introduced by the free-surface and vertical weight shift. This would have been
avoided had the ship been de-watered following the fire.

4 - 34
4.9 Metacentric Height and the Curve of Intact Statical Stability
So far in this chapter we have considered the overall stability of a ship through all angles by
creating and analyzing the curve of intact statical stability. However, in chapter 3 we often used
the quantity called the metacentric height (GM), the distance from the center of gravity (G) to the
metacenter (M). We also stated that the metacentric height was a measure of a ships initial
stability, its ability to remain upright at small angles. Clearly, there must be some link between
GM and the curve of intact statical stability.

Recall, that when G is below M, the metacentric height is considered to be positive and
! when G is above M it is considered to be negative.

4.9.1 The Link Between GM and the Righting Arm Curve

The link can be determined from an analysis of Figure 4.13 showing a ship heeling at small

External upsetting force


B WoLo

Water resistance

Figure 4.13 A Ship Heeling at Small Angles

At small angles, the right angled triangle (G, Z, M) reveals the following equation for the
righting arm.
GZ = GM sin φ

4 - 35
In the limit as φ approaches 0 radians, where the metacenter is defined, the expression may be
simplified to GZ = GM φ if the angle is given in radians. This is because

sin φ = φ (in radians)

Using this, at small angles the equation above becomes:

GZ = GMφ

GM =

The smallest angle that can be achieved is zero radians = zero degrees. Consequently, the
magnitude of GM is equal to the magnitude of the initial slope of the Curve of Intact Statical

Hence the link between GM and the righting arm curve has been established. We will now
examine three different ship conditions.

• A ship with positive GM

• A ship with zero GM

• A ship with negative GM

To find the magnitude of the initial slope on the curve of intact statical stability construct
! two lines and use the intersection of those two lines to determine the magnitude off the
“y-axis”. The first line is a line tangent to the slope at zero degrees of heel. The statical
stability curve must run through zero for this technique to work. If it doesn’t go through
zero you can draw a parallel line to the tangent line to the slope that does go through zero
and proceed with the rest of the steps. The second line is a vertical line at one radian or
57.3 degrees. Where these two lines cross, read over horizontally to the “y-axis” the
value of the righting arm. This will be the magnitude of GM.

4.9.2 A Positive Metacentric Height (GM)

This is the ship condition that all the stability examples have been worked with so far. The center
of gravity is below the metacenter so that as soon as the ship heels, a righting arm will begin to

Figure 4.14 shows the configuration of the centroids for a ship with positive GM and a typical
curve of intact statical stability created by this configuration. The ship has one position where it
is static equilibrium which is at zero degrees of heel (provided TCG = 0 ft).

4 - 36
The stability condition is analogous to a marble rolling in a dish. A displacement of the marble to
the left or right will result in the marble rolling back to its central stable position. It is in a state
of positive stability. Tenderness, Stiffness and the Magnitude of GM

Figure 4.14 also shows the way the magnitude of GM affects the shape of the righting arm curve.

• Large positive GM creates a curve with a steep slope passing through zero
degrees of heel. This creates a “stiff” ship, a ship that develops a large righting
arm very quickly - the ship is very stable.

• Small positive GM creates a curve with a shallow slope passing through zero
degrees of heel. This creates a “tender” ship that develops a righting arm very
slowly - the ship is not very stable.

The subject of stiffness verses tenderness will be covered in greater detail when the seakeeping
properties of a ship are discussed in chapter 8.

4.9.3 Zero Metacentric Height (GM)

A ship with zero metacentric height is a very rare ship condition. It is where the center of gravity
(G) coincides with the ship metacenter (M), there is zero distance between the two points.

Figure 4.14 shows this configuration. It is clear that at small angles of heel, the lines of action of
the weight of the ship and the buoyant force remain in vertical alignment. Consequently there is
no internal couple created to return the ship to zero degrees of heel. So if the external upsetting
force is removed, the ship will remain at this angle!

This condition can be represented by the righting arm curve at Figure 4.12. At small angles of
heel to port and starboard, there is zero righting arm developed. The shape of this curve also
reaffirms the initial slope being equivalent to the magnitude of GM.

GM = 0 ⇒ GZ (φ ) is a horizontal line
0 ⇒ Initial slope =

Consequently, there is a range of angles of heel where the ship is in static equilibrium.

The condition is analogous to a marble rolling on a flat surface. A displacement of the marble to
the left or right will cause the marble to remain in this new position. It is in a state of neutral

4 - 37
Once the ship heels beyond small angles of heel, the movement of M causes a misalignment
between the buoyant force and the weight of the ship and a righting arm is developed. However,
the curve is very tender.

4.9.4 A Negative Metacentric Height (GM)

A ship with a negative metacentric height has its center of gravity (G) above its metacenter (M).
This condition can be created whenever weight shifts, removal or additions significantly elevate

Figure 4.12 shows the ship in this condition. As soon as the ship moves beyond zero degrees of
heel, the misalignment of the buoyant force and ship’s weight vectors tend to help the external
upsetting force and continue to roll the ship. The ship is initially unstable.

The righting arm curve for the ship in this condition is also shown at Figure 4.12. Notice that the
slope of the curve is negative at zero degrees of heel, supporting the negative value of GM. This
condition is analogous to a marble rolling on an upturned bowl. A displacement of the marble to
the left or right will cause the marble to continue to roll away from its initial position. It is in a
state of negative stability. Lolling

At larger angles of heel, the movement of M causes a righting arm to develop that opposes the
roll motion. The curve of intact statical stability in Figure 4.12 supports this. This creates 2
angles of heel where the ship is in static equilibrium, one on the port side and one to starboard.
When moving in this condition the ship will oscillate between these 2 conditions creating a very
unfavorable motion for those on board. This is called Lolling. The 2 angles of heel at which the
ship naturally sits are both called the “angle of loll”.

Lolling is an unacceptable situation at sea. Often commercial tankers that are empty can have
their center of gravity sufficiently elevated to have a negative metacentric height so that lolling
occurs. To stop the lolling, the ship can take on ballast low to lower the center of gravity of the
ship to obtain a righting moment at small angles.

Navy ships are designed so that lolling should not occur. If it does, it is telling you that
something is wrong operationally and the cause should be determined. If a ship with a negative
metacentric height is not lolling it will at least have an initial list.

4 - 38
Metacentric Curve of
Section Cut Marble
Height Intact Statical Stability
Vector Diagram Analogy
(GM) GZ (ft) vs. φ (deg)

Slope = GM (+)

∆ MT



Slope = GM = 0



Z G Slope = GM (-)

Negative WL

Figure 4.14 Positive, Neutral, and Negative Metacentric Height

4 - 39
4.9.5 Summary

It is critically important to remember that overall ship stability can never be assessed by the sign
and magnitude of the metacentric height (GM) alone. The overall measures of statical stability
were discussed in Section 4.4. They were:

 Range of stability
 Dynamic stability
 Maximum righting arm
 Maximum righting moment
 The Angle at which the maximum righting moment occurs.

It is incorrect to use GM as the sole yardstick for ship stability. Metacentric Height only
indicates whether or not the ship will remain upright over small angles of heel. Additional
indicators of ship stability include KG, and draft with respect to limiting draft.

To ensure adequate stability for a ship under all loading conditions every ship has limits on the
maximum KG, minimum GM, maximum draft (displacement), and a minimum range of stability.
The location of G and ship’s displacement with respect to limiting draft can place a ship into one
of four distinct stability categories. These categories will determine, for each ship, the amount of
weight that can be added or removed from the ship, and the location at which the weight addition
or removal may occur.

Status 1 - The ship has adequate weight and stability margins and a weight change at
any height is generally acceptable.

Status 2 - The ship is close to limiting draft and stability (KG) limits. Any weight
increase or rise in G is unacceptable.

Status 3 - The ship is very close to its stability limit but has adequate weight margin.
If a weight change is above the allowable KG value and would cause a rise
in G, the addition of solid ballast (lead or concrete) low in the ship may be
used to compensate for the weight addition high in the ship.

Status 4 - An adequate stability margin exists, but the ship is departing port very
close to its limiting draft. This condition generally applies to tankers and
amphibious landing craft.

4 - 40

Section 4.2 The Righting Arm

1. Briefly describe why a ship displaying positive stability will return to a condition of static
equilibrium after being subjected to an external upsetting moment. Use a diagram in your

2. A ship has a submerged volume of 112,000ft3 and a righting arm of 2ft when heeling to
15 degrees. Calculate its righting moment when heeling at this angle.

3. Sketch a diagram showing a positively stable ship heeling to port.

Section 4.3 The Curve of Intact Statical Stability

4. a. Use the following data to plot the Curve of Intact Statical Stability of a ship for
starboard heels only. The data is taken from a ship displacing 3600 LT with a KG
of 18.0 ft. Remember to title your plot and label the axis correctly.

Angle of Heel, φ (degrees) 0 20 40 60 80 100

Righting Arm, GZ (ft) 0.0 1.2 2.8 4.1 2.7 0.0

b. Use your plot to sketch a diagram of the ship heeling to 30 degrees to starboard.
Calculate the righting moment being developed at this angle.

c. By observation of your sketch, what would happen to the magnitude of the

righting moment calculated in (b), if the center of gravity was raised so that KG
increased to 18.5 ft.

5. Using the Cross Curves provided for the FFG7 in the notes, graph the Curve of Intact
Statical Stability for FFG7 at a displacement of 3500 LT with KG = 0 ft.

4 - 41
Section 4.4 Overall Stability Characteristics
6. a. Plot a curve of intact statical stability for starboard heels only for a ship with the
following overall stability characteristics.

Overall Stability Characteristic Value

Range of Stability 0 - 90 degrees

Maximum Righting Arm 3.8 ft

Angle of Maximum Righting Arm 50 degrees

Righting Arm at 30 degrees of heel 2 ft

b. On your plot in part (a) sketch the curve of intact statical stability for a ship with a
stiffer righting arm. Which ship is more stable?

c. How would you calculate the dynamic stability from your plot in part (a)?

Section 4.5 Sine Correction

7. A DDG-51 has a displacement of 8,350 LT and KG = 21.5 ft. In this condition it
develops a righting arm of 2.1 ft when heeling to 20 degrees.

a. Use a suitable diagram to derive an equation for the magnitude of the new
righting arm if the center of gravity shifted so that KG increased.

b. Use the equation you derived and the data above to calculate the magnitude of the
new righting arm at 20 degrees of heel if the KG of the DDG-51 increased to
22.6 ft.
8. Using the Cross Curves provided for the FFG7 in the notes, correct the Curve of Intact
Statical Stability for FFG7 at a displacement of 4000 LT for its true KG = 19 ft. Plot its
curve of intact statical stability.
a. What is the Maximum Righting Moment?
b. What is the Range of Stability?
c. What is the Angle of GZmax?
d. What happens to the ship if a moment greater than the Maximum Righting
Moment is applied?
e. What happens if the ship rolls to an angle greater than the range of stability?

4 - 42
9. A ship has a displacement of 6250 LT and KG = 17.6 ft. In this condition the ship
develops a righting arm of 5.5 ft when heeling to 30 degrees.

a. Draw a diagram showing the effect that lowering the center of gravity has on the
righting arm. Include on your diagram the old and new locations of G, old and
new locations of the center of buoyancy, the metacenter, angle of heel, initial and
final righting arms, and displacement and buoyant force vectors.

b. A weight shift causes the ship’s center of gravity to be lowered by 1.5 ft.
Calculate the ship’s righting arm at a heeling angle of 30° after the weight shift.

10. USS SUPPLY (AOE-6) is preparing to UNREP its Battle Group. Prior to UNREP the ship
was steaming on an even keel at a draft of 38.5 ft. The center of gravity was located 37 ft
above the keel. Lpp = 717 ft.

When UNREP is complete, AOE-6 has discharged 10000 LT (3.2 million gallons) of F-
76 and JP-5 to the Battle Group. The fuel is assumed to have had a center of gravity on
the centerline, 25 ft above the keel of AOE-6.

Using the curves of form and cross curves of stability, determine the following:

a. Displacement and draft of SUPPLY after UNREP.

b. Ship’s KG and TCG following UNREP

c. Compute and plot the righting arm curves for the initial and final conditions of the
ship. Do this for starboard heeling angles only. Note: use of a spreadsheet
program is encouraged.

d. From your results in part (c), complete the following table and comment on the
UNREP’s effect on stability.

Parameter Before UNREP After UNREP

Displacement, ∆ (LT)
Center of Gravity, KG (ft)
Maximum Righting Arm, GZmax (ft)
Angle of GZmax (degrees)
Range of Stability (degrees)

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Section 4.6 The Cosine Correction
11. A ship has a displacement of 7250 LT and KG = 23.5 ft on the centerline. At this
condition the ship has the following stability characteristics:

Range of stability: 0° - 85°

Maximum righting arm: 5.2 ft at a heeling angle of 50

a. What happens to the ship’s stability characteristics if the center of gravity is


b. What happens to the ship’s stability characteristics if the center of gravity is


c. What happens to the ship’s stability characteristics if there is a change in the

transverse location of G with no vertical change in G?

12. A DDG-51 has a displacement of 8,350 LT, KG = 21.5 ft and TCG = 0 ft. In this
condition it develops a righting arm of 2.1 ft when heeling to 20 degrees.

a. Use a suitable diagram to derive an equation for the magnitude of the new
righting arm if the center of gravity shifted transversely.

b. Use the equation you derived and the data above to calculate the magnitude of the
new righting arm at 20 degrees of heel to starboard if the center of gravity shifts
transversely to starboard by 0.5 ft.

13. An LCS1 has a displacement of 3000 LT and KG = 14.0 ft. Use Cross Curves of
Stability found in the Ship’s Data section.

a. Plot the Curve of Intact Statical Stability for starboard heels for the ship at TCG =
0ft. On the same axes, plot a second curve for the LCS1 in the same condition but
with TCG = 1 ft.

b. Compare the two curves. In which condition is the ship more stable?

c. What is the permanent angle of list when TCG = 1.0 ft?

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14. An FFG-7 class ship is underway at a displacement of 3990 LT. KM = 22.8 ft,
KG = 19.3 ft, Lpp = 408 ft. 9000 gallons (28 LT) of F-76 are transferred from a storage
tank located on the centerline, 6 ft above the keel, to a service tank located 6 ft above the
keel and 15 ft to port of centerline.

a. Determine the ship’s TCG after transferring fuel.

b. What is the ship’s list angle after the fuel transfer?

c. Draw a diagram of the ship heeling to port. Show the initial and final locations of
G and B (G0,Gf,B0,Bf), initial and final righting arms (G0Z0, GfZf), metacenter
(M), heeling angle (φ), and displacement and buoyant force vectors.

d. Using the cross curve for the FFG-7, calculate and plot for both port and starboard
heeling angles, the ship’s GZ curve before and after transferring fuel. Use of a
spreadsheet program for the computations and plotting is encouraged.

Section 4.7 Damage Stability

15. A compartment has a volume of 600 ft3 and permeability of 90%. How many LT of fresh
water would it hold if it were completely full. ( ρfresh = 1.94 lb-s2/ft4, 1 LT = 2240 lb ).

16. The compartment described in Q15 has a centroid 12 ft port of the centerline and 6 ft
above the keel and makes up part of a 6000LT ship with KG = 22 ft and TCG = 0 ft.
Calculate the damaged KG and TCG if the compartment is flooded by 80 % of its volume
with fresh water. ( ρfresh = 1.94 lb-s2/ft4, 1 LT = 2240 lb ).

17. The compartment described in Q15 and 16 has a centroid that vertically aligned with the
location of the ship’s center of floatation. Calculate the change in trim created by the

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18. USS ROSS (DDG-71) is underway in the North Atlantic during the winter season. The
ship encounters a severe storm which covers the weather decks, superstructure, and masts
with a layer of ice 1.5 inch thick. Prior to the storm the ship was on an even keel at a draft
of 20.5 ft, KG = 21.3 ft. Lpp = 465 ft.

The ice has the following characteristics:

ρiceg= 56 lb/ft3 kg = 68 ft
Area ice covers = 71250 ft2 tcg = 0 ft
Ice thickness = 1.5 inches lcg = 75 ft fwd of amidships

Using the curves of form and cross curves of stability, determine the following:

a. Weight of ice on the ship.

b. Ship’s KG after the storm

c. Ship’s forward, aft, and mean drafts after the storm.

d. Metacentric height before and after the storm.

e. Calculate and plot the ship’s righting arm curve (for starboard heeling angles
only) before and after the storm. Use of a computer is encouraged.

f. Discuss the effects of ice accumulation of the ship’s overall stability. Include in
your discussion the effects of ice on ship’s trim, metacentric height, range of
stability, maximum righting arm, dynamic stability, and stiffness or tenderness.

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19. USS CURTS (FFG-38) is inport Subic Bay when a nearby volcano erupts, covering the
ship in wet, volcanic ash. Prior to the eruption the ship was at a draft of 16 ft, center of
gravity located on the centerline, 19.5 ft above the keel. Lpp = 408 ft.

The wet ash has a weight density of 125 lb/ft3 and covers a deck area of 15260 ft2 to a
uniform depth of 6 inches. The ash is assumed to have its center of gravity located 37 ft
above the keel, 1.5 ft starboard of the centerline, and 24 ft aft of amidships.

Using the curves of form and cross curves of stability, determine the following:

a. Weight of volcanic ash on the ship.

b. Location of G after the eruption.

c. Ship’s draft after the eruption.

d. Angle of list.

e. Metacentric height before and after the eruption.

f. Calculate and plot the ship’s GZ curve, for starboard heeling angles only, before
and after the eruption. Use of a computer is encouraged.

20. USS NIMITZ (CVN-68) is underway in the North Atlantic during the winter season. A
severe storm covers the flight deck to a uniform depth of 3 ft with a mixture of snow and
ice. The flight deck has an area of 196,000 ft2, and the flight deck is located 82 ft above
the keel. Prior to the storm the ship was on an even keel at a draft of 37 ft,
KG = 37.5 ft, Lpp = 1040 ft.

The snow and ice have a combined weight density of 33 lb/ft3 and has its center of
gravity located on the ship’s centerline at amidships.

Using the curves of form and cross curves of stability determine the following:

a. Weight of snow and ice on the flight deck.

b. Location of G following the storm.

c. Ship’s forward and aft drafts after the ice accumulation.

d. Calculate and plot the ship’s righting arm curve (starboard heeling angles only)
before and after the storm.

e. How has the accumulation of snow and ice affected the ship’s stability? Discuss
your answer in terms of metacentric height, maximum righting arm, range of
stability, dynamic stability, etc.

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21. A LCS1 class ship suffers a major flood in the forward portion of the ship resulting in the
total flooding of 7800 ft3 (i.e no free surface). The flood’s center of gravity is located 142
ft forward of amidships, 8 ft above the keel, and 1 ft starboard of centerline. Prior to the
flood, the ship was on an even keel at a draft of 14 ft, KG = 12 ft. Lpp = 324 ft.

Using the curves of form and cross curves of stability determine the following:

a. Weight of flooding water.

b. Ship’s KG and TCG of the ship after flooding has occurred.

c. Angle at which the ship is listing.

d. Ship’s forward, aft, and mean drafts after the flood occurs.

e. Compute and plot the ship’s righting arm curve before and after the flood. Use of
a computer is encouraged.

f. What affect does the flooding have on the ship’s stability and seaworthiness?

22. In the lost buoyancy method, which of the following change after damage?
a. Displacement.
b. KG
c. LCB
d. KB

Section 4.8 Free Surface Correction

23. How does the free surface of fluid in a rectangular tank effect the overall stability of a
ship? Draw a diagram to show what effectively happens and what really happens to the
center of gravity and the Metacentric Height. Be sure to show the Free Surface
24. Describe 2 ways that the Free Surface Effect can be reduced.

25. An FFG-7 class ship displacing 4000 LT has KG = 18.5 ft and KM = 22.5 ft. There is a
tank filled with fuel oil with a density of 1.600 lb-s2/ft4 creating a free surface 32 ft wide
and 50 ft long. The ship is floating in salt water with a density of 1.9905 lb-s2/ft4. What
is the effective metacentric height?

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26. A ship has a displacement of 12,200 LT, KG = 22.6 ft on the centerline. At this
displacement the ship has KMT = 37 ft. The ship has a free surface in a fuel tank
(ρfuel =1.616 lb s2/ft4). The tank is 35 ft long, 40 ft wide, and 15 ft deep.

a. Calculate the effective metacentric height if the center of the fuel tank is located
on the centerline, 15 ft above the keel.

b. Calculate the ship’s effective metacentric height if the center of the fuel tank is
located 15 ft above the keel and 10 ft starboard of the centerline.

27. An FFG-7 class ship is on an even keel at a draft of 16.2 ft, KG = 19.1 ft, Lpp = 408 ft.
The ship suffers a major fire in CIC. While extinguishing the fire, the fire party fills CIC
50% full with saltwater. CIC has the following characteristics:

length = 45 ft kg = 46 ft
width = 35 ft tcg = 4 ft starboard of centerline
height = 10 ft lcg = 47 ft forward of amidships
permeability = 90 %

Using the cross curves of stability and curves of form, determine the following:

a. Weight of firefighting water in CIC.

b. Location of the ship’s center of gravity following the fire.

c. Ship’s forward, aft, and mean drafts after the fire.

d. Calculate the ship’s effective metacentric height after the fire.

e. Using the effective location of the vertical center of gravity, determine the ship’s
angle of list following the fire.

f. Calculate and plot the ship’s righting arm curve, for port and starboard heeling
angles, before and after the fire. When computing the GZ curve after the fire, use
the effective location of the center of gravity. Use of a computer is encouraged.

g. The DCA realizes the ship’s stability is threatened and proposes to counter-flood
on the port side by filling a ballast tank 75% full with salt water. The ballast tank
is located 7.5 ft above the keel, 12 ft port of centerline, and 98 ft aft of amidships.
The tank is 20 ft long, 20 ft wide, and 15 ft high. Is the DCA’s proposal a valid
proposal? Discuss why or why not.

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Section 4.9 Metacentric Height
28. A large oil tanker is preparing to transit from CONUS to the Persian Gulf to load crude
oil. The ship is currently empty, and is floating on an even keel at a draft of 16 ft. At this
condition the ship’s center of gravity is located 33 ft above the keel. The ship is 850 ft
long, a beam of 120 ft, and when fully loaded has a draft of 70 ft. At a draft of 16 ft the
ship has the following hydrostatic parameters:

∆ = 38,500 LT MT1" = 3872 LT ft/in

KB = 8.5 ft TPI = 206.4 LT/in
KMT = 40 ft LCF = 10 ft aft of amidships

To improve the ship’s stability and lower the center of gravity, the Cargo Officer
recommends filling the smallest cargo tank 50% full with salt water ballast. The cargo
tank has the following characteristics:

length = 100 ft lcg at LCF

width = 120 ft tcg on the centerline
height = 60 ft kg of ballast = 15 ft
permeability = 99 %

a. Determine the weight of water to be taken on as ballast.

b. Determine the ship’s center of gravity in the ballasted condition.

c. Assuming that the ship is wall-sided, and that TPI and MT1" do not change,
determine the mean draft of the ship in the ballasted condition.

d. Determine the ship’s effective metacentric height after taking on ballast. At a

draft of 20 ft, KM = 42 ft.

e. What effect does the free surface have on the ship’s stability? Is the Cargo
Officer’s recommendation a good recommendation? Explain your answer in terms
of metacentric height, dynamic stability, and range of stability. Use a sketch of the
GZ curve before and after ballasting to help explain your answer.

f. What could be done to achieve the Cargo Officer’s goal of improving stability
over that of the empty condition?

29. Define tenderness and stiffness as used in Naval Architecture. How does Metacentric
Height relate to tenderness, stiffness and initial stability.

30. Define lolling. Draw the curve of intact statical stability for a lolling ship and a stiff ship
on the same graph and compare their initial stability characteristics.

31. Draw a diagram of a ship heeling to starboard by external forces with a negative GM.

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32. Describe why a tanker unloading at pier can begin to loll.

33. A Navy LCU can be modeled as a rectangular, box-shaped barge. The barge has the
following dimensions and hydrostatic parameters:

Length = 135 ft Draft (ft) KM (ft) TPI (LT/in)

Beam = 35 ft 4 27.5 11.25
Depth = 7 ft 5 22.9 11.25
Deck located 7 ft above keel 6 20.0 11.25
gunwales extend 4 ft above the deck

When empty the barge floats at a draft of 4 ft, KG = 1.9 ft. The barge is then loaded to
maximum capacity with 3 M-60 tanks. Each tank weighs 60 LT and has a center of
gravity 4 ft above the ground (i.e., 4 feet above the deck).

a. Determine the draft and displacement of the barge after loading the tanks.

b. What is the barge’s center of gravity after loading vehicles?

c. What is the metacentric height of the barge before and after the vehicle onload?
How is the barge’s stability affected when loaded to maximum capacity?

d. In a heavy monsoon rainstorm the barge accumulates 2 inches of freshwater on

deck. Calculate the weight of water added to the barge and the barge’s new KG.

e. The rainwater creates a free surface on deck. Calculate the barge’s effective
metacentric height following the storm.

f. On the same axes, sketch a righting arm curve for the barge in the following
conditions: unloaded, fully loaded, free surface on deck.

g. What can be done to eliminate the possibility of a free surface?

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