Villare, Aljon - Final-Reasearch-Work-Week-13-Week-16
Villare, Aljon - Final-Reasearch-Work-Week-13-Week-16
Villare, Aljon - Final-Reasearch-Work-Week-13-Week-16
SEAM 2 – Stability, Trim and Stress 1
S/Y 2021-2022
For a vessel to float freely in water, the weight of the vessel must be
equal to the weight of the volume of water it displaces. Displacement
is the volume of water the vessel displaces.
Draught is measured vertically from the underside of the keel to the waterline
and refers to the depth of water required for a vessel to float freely.
Distance from the waterline to the freeboard deck of a fully loaded ship; it is
measured amidships at the side of the hull.
The light ship weight is the actual weight of a vessel when complete and
ready for service but empty.
The actual amount of weight in tonnes that a vessel can carry when loaded
to the maximum allowed draught is known as deadweight (includes fuel,
fresh water, gear supplies, catch and crew).
The word "loll" refers to a vessel that is unsteady when standing upright and
floats at an inclination to one side or the other. If this state is changed by an
external force, such as a wave or wind, the vessel will float at the same angle
to the other side. Loll differs from list and heel in that it is caused by distinct
factors and requires different treatments. As a result, fishers must be able to
differentiate between these phrases.
Toss the ball into the air. In response to the earth's movement, it quickly
descends gravitational attraction
The center of buoyancy (B) is the point through which the force of buoyancy
is considered to act vertically upwards. It is located at the geometric center
of the underwater section of the vessel.
When the shape of the hull of a vessel is known, the designer, often
a naval architect, can calculate the center of buoyancy (B) for the
various combinations of displacement, trim, and heel.
Week 14
Topic No. 12: Force and Moment Acting on a
Floating Ship's Volume and Weight
of Displacement and Reserve Bouyancy
Overview (8 hrs.)
LO1.12: volume and weight of displacement and reserve buoyancy of a box
and ship shaped vessel
Hydrostatic Forces
Two forces act on a ship floating at rest in calm water: weight and buoyancy.
The downward force on the ship is called weight. The entire weight force (W)
operates on the ship as though it were concentrated at the center of gravity
or balancing point (G). The upward force of all the hydrostatic pressures on
the hull is known as buoyancy. The horizontal components of water
pressures on unit areas of the ship's sides and bottom, as depth increases,
act in opposite directions and cancel each other out. The weight of the water
displaced by the underwater hull volume is equal to the vertical components
of the water pressures on unit areas, which combine to generate an upward
force (B).
The undersea volume of the ship under design must be sufficient not only to
displace a weight of water sufficient to maintain the entire ship, but also to
be disposed in length, breadth, and height, as well as shaped in every
component, to meet all other operational and naval architectural
requirements. The ship must float level and upright at the intended waterline
when completed and fully loaded (typically indicated by a Plimsoll line).
The naval architect keeps track of the estimated weights and calculated
buoyancy volumes, as well as the products of these weights and volumes
times the horizontal fore-and-aft distances or "moment arms" of each from
the transverse vertical reference plane at mid-length, as the underwater and
above-water portions of the hull are fashioned. The longitudinal weight and
buoyancy moments are the names for these items.
Separate sums are kept of the moments of these groups forward of and
behind the mid-length. Dividing the total underwater hull volume by the
volume per unit weight of the fresh, brackish, or salt water in which the ship
is to run gives the weight of water displaced. This must equal the total weight
if the ship is to float at the designed waterline. The net weight moment,
forward of or abaft mid-length, is divided by the total weight to give the
distance at which the centre of gravity (G) lies forward of or abaft the mid-
length. The same operation for the volume moments gives the fore-and-aft
position of the centre of buoyancy (B).
For the ship to float at the level attitude or zero trim desired, G and B must
lie in the same vertical transverse plane. If their calculated positions are
different, and the size, proportions, and shape of the underwater hull are
satisfactory, it is customary to shift the weights within the hull until the desired
trim is attained.
In reality, a record of vertical moments above the keel (K) or the base plane
is kept alongside the record of estimated weights and fore-and-aft moments.
It is possible to calculate G's position above K using this information. At the
same time, a record of vertical moments of buoyancy is being kept. When
these are added together and divided by the volume, the position of B over
the keel is determined. Both the KG and KB distances are needed to
calculate metacentric stability.
If the actual weights and volumes, or their centers, do not match the
projected values when the ship is built (some equipment may have been
added during the construction phase), the ship floats at a different waterline
than the operator and designer intended. This difference is normally
insignificant for a surface ship. For a submarine, however, W and B must be
exactly equal. It's also crucial to make sure the G and B centers are in the
same transverse plane while submerged, so the craft floats level when
stopped underwater.
Centre of gravity
The centre of gravity of a body is the point at which the entire weight of the
body may be considered as concentrated such that, if supported at that point,
the body would remain in equilibrium. A simple example of the centre of
gravity is the middle of a seesaw. Knowing where the centre of gravity (G) of
a ship is located is very important because of its effect on the ship's stability.
The centre of gravity is measured from the keel of the ship. You will often be
required to find the new position of 'G' when cargo is moved. The distance
from the centre of gravity (G) to the keel (K) is denoted by KG. If
G1 represents the new centre of gravity then GG1 denotes the shift in position
of the centre of gravity and KG1 represents the distance between the new
centre of gravity and the keel. Also if 'g' represents the centre of gravity of
cargo loaded, discharged or shifted, then 'Kg' represents the distance from
the cargo to the keel.
Consider a rectangular plank as shown. The effects of adding or removing
weights would be as shown:
Now cut the length of plank of mass ‘w’ kg whose CG is ‘d’ mtrs away from
CG of the plank.
Note that a resultant moment of ‘w x d’ kg m has been created in an anti-
clockwise direction about ‘G’.
The new mass (W-w) kg now creates a tilting moment of (W-w) x GG1
about G.
(W-w) x GG1 = w x d
GG1 = (w x d)/(W-w)
Equating the tilting moments created due to the added weight, which must
again be equal:
(W + w) x GG1 = w x d
GG1 = (w x d)/(W + w)
Application to ships
Shifting Weights
No matter where onboard, shifting weight vertically causes the ship's center
of gravity to move in the same direction as the weight change.
To calculate the height of the ship’s center of gravity after a vertical weight
shift, the following equation is used:
Example Problem:
KG1 = 6.009 M
The vertical shift in the center of gravity is calculated using the same
equation when weight is added or removed from a ship.
KGO = The original height of the ship’s center of gravity (M)
Example Problem:
KG1 = 6.034 M
Shifting weight horizontally, no matter where onboard it is, will always cause
the ship’s center of gravity to move in the same direction as the weight shift.
NOTE: A weight shift causing the ship’s center of gravity to move off
centerline will always reduce the stability of the ship.
GG2 = (w x d) / ΔF
Example Problem
GG2 = (w x d) / ΔF
GG2 = 0.01562 M
GG2 = (w x d) / ΔF
Example Problem:
GG2 = (w x d) / ΔF
GG2 = 0.0104 M
The CG of a body is the point through which the force of gravity may be
considered to act vertically downwards.
For a suspended weight, whether the vessel is upright or inclined, the point
through which the force a gravity may be considered to act vertically
downwards is g1, the POINT OF SUSPENSION.
The CG of a body will move directly AWAY from the CG of any weight
The CG of a body will move PARALLEL to the shift of the CG of any weight
MOVED within the body.
The shift of the CG of the body in each case is given by the following formula:
GG1 = w x d / W metres
With the weight and placement of the loads, the draft and trim of a vessel
changes as it is loaded. Cargo, passengers, fuel, ballast, and other loads
vary throughout the route of the vessel.
How can I know what draft and trim the vessel is at if I fill the tanks with a
certain percent age filled, add cargo to the holds, and ballast the vessel to
a specific arrangement? Of course, physically measuring the sketches
every time is not feasible. The simplest method is to use the hydrostatics
table. We'll go over what hydrostatics are and how to use them to calculate
a vessel's draft and trim in this article.
Hydrostatic Properties – Draft
The 'draft' of a ship refers to the water level at which it is afloat. Also, if we
load the vessel so that the weight of the front section is greater than the
weight of the aft part (e.g., loading the forward holds more), the forward part
of the vessel will sink more than the aft, resulting in a higher water level
(draft) in the forward. The difference in drafts in the forward and aft ends of
the vessel is used to calculate the 'trim' of the vessel.
Let’s start with a simple exercise of finding out the draft and trim.
Step 1 – Finding out the Weight and Center of Gravity (CoG) – We begin
with the weights on the ship, and the center of gravity of the weights.
Following are the weights we need to account for:
Self-weight of the ship excluding all fillings in tanks – this is called the
lightweight of the ship. This is obtained from the inclining experiment of the
ship which is a one-time exercise to yield the weight and center of gravity of
the self-weight of the ship
Weights in tanks – fuel, cargo, bilge, ballast, crew and provisions etc. These
are together termed as ‘deadweight’
Once we know the lightweight of the ship (from inclining experiment) together
with the deadweight items, we can tabulate all the weight items and their
individual CoG’s and then calculate the total weight and CoG of the entire
vessel in the above ‘loading condition’
Step 2 – Once we have the weight and CoG of the vessel in the given loading
condition, the next step is to open the table of hydrostatics of the vessel and
read the draft from there.
We can see that the first column is the draft spaced at equal intervals (in this
case the interval is 0.15 m).
To read the draft, we must first locate the draft that corresponds to the
displacement value determined in Step 1.
For example, if the displacement calculated was 1994 MT, then the draft is
1.25 m, and if the displacement was 2249 MT, then the draft will be 1.4 m.
However, what if the displacement calculated falls in-between two values
listed in the hydrostatic table, say, 2220 MT?
In that case, we can find the draft by linear interpolation. For the above case,
the displacement of 2220 MT falls between the displacement values 1994
MT and 2249 MT in the table. These displacements and their corresponding
drafts are specified below:
The angle by which a ship tilts in a loading condition relative to its baseline
is known as trim. The vessel trims if the waterline is not parallel to the
vessel's baseline. Trim has a different value depending on how the vessel is
loaded. The draft at aft will be larger if the vessel's aft is heavier, and the
vessel will 'trim by aft.' Similarly, if the forward's weight is higher, it'trims by
What causes the trim? If we look at the picture below, it shows the two
fundamental forces acting on the ship: 1) The ship’s own weight acting
downwards 2) The buoyancy of the submerged part of the ship. The vessel
will not experience any trim if the two forces are acting along the same
vertical at the same location along the vessel’s length. What happens if they
are not acting at the same location but separated apart?
Looking at the figure below, the upward buoyancy force and the downwards
weight force will lead to a turning moment on the ship. This ‘trimming’
moment will tend to tilt the ship till the weight and buoyancy forces align.
We can see that in the final condition the draft at fwd is more than the draft
at the aft.
The trim is given by the difference in the drafts fwd and aft. In the above
case, it will be ‘trim by fwd’.
Calculating Trim
We can see that we need the forward and aft drafts to calculate the trim.
However, the draft available for us from the hydrostatic table is the draft at
LCF (around midship). How do we calculate the trim then?
Once we have the trimming moment, the next step is to look at the
hydrostatic parameter called Moment to Change Trim by 1 cm (MCTcm).
The trim can be calculated by dividing the trimming moment by the MCTcm.
This will give the total trim in cm.
Let’s look at an example. If the vessel is floating at, say, 1.1 m draft, then the
following are the hydrostats:
Displacement = 1741 MT
Case 1 – when LCG is fwd of LCB, say at 40 m from the aft of the vessel. In
this case, the trimming moment is
Thus, the vessel is trimming by forward by 45.88 cm. This means that the
difference between the drafts fwd and aft is 45.88 cm.
Case 2 – when LCG is aft of LCB, say at 35 m from the aft of the vessel. In
this case, the trimming moment is
Thus, the vessel is trimming by aft by 61.32 cm. This means that the
difference between the drafts aft and fwd is 61.32 cm.
Calculating the drafts aft and fwd from trim
Now we have the total trim, i.e., the difference between the drafts at aft and
fwd. We also have the mean draft of the vessel which we obtained from the
hydrostatics table. How do we get the drafts at the aft and fwd of the vessel?
As specified earlier, the draft measured is at the location of the LCF of the
vessel. The following picture depicts the mean draft and the total trim of the
vessel. We can see that the total trim is t = tf – ta which is measured over
the length between perpendiculars (LBP) of the vessel.
ta = tm – LCF/LBP x t
tf = tm + (LBP – LCF)/LBP x t
That was about calculating the draft and trim of a vessel from its hydrostats.
This can be helpful for quick evaluations of the floating position of the vessel
when it is loaded.