The Bible Has Its Purpose: Lesson 3
The Bible Has Its Purpose: Lesson 3
The Bible Has Its Purpose: Lesson 3
Lesson 3
Creed/ Aral: Identifies the purpose of the Bible
Code/ Asal: Takes in our heart the truth revealed by the Holy Bible
Everything in this world exists for a purpose. Sometimes we ask too many questions about
life’s ups and downs and still we are not satisfied with the answers. We even blame God for the
troubles that come into our life without even thanking Him for the good things that happened in our
life. But looking at the events that happened in the past we can understand how God lets things come
in their own way.
“Likewise, from your infancy you have known the sacred Scriptures, the source of wisdom
which through faith in Jesus Christ leads to salvation. All scripture is inspired by God and is useful
for teaching – for reproof, correction, and training in holiness so that the man of God may be fully
competent and equipped for every good work. “
- 2 Timothy 3:15-17
Dogmatic Constitution on Divine Revelation (Dei Verbum), No. 11
The Biblical scholars or writers might not have the slightest idea that later their works would
be read, studied, prayed over and lived by the generations next to them. But they surely
knew that what they were writing were very useful for the community to whom they
addressed them.
The Bible itself states its purpose in 2 timothy 3:15-17
“Likewise, from your infancy you have known the sacred Scriptures,
the source of wisdom which through faith in Jesus Christ leads to salvation. All scripture is
inspired by God and is useful for teaching – for reproof, correction, and training in holiness so
that the man of God may be fully competent and equipped for every good work.”
(Dei Verbum), 11
The primary purpose of the Bible is salvation. This means that our purpose in
approaching the Bible is to find the truth and not to prove a case about which we have
already made up our mind. We can easily use the Bible to find what we want. We can use it
as an arsenal of proofs to defend our way of living. In this case, not even God can teach us to
come to the Bible when our minds are all made up.
We have to take this truth in our heart. Therefore, we have to find time to read it at any cost.
The Constitution of the Church on the Word of God (Dei Verbum) teaches us about the force
ad power of the Word of God. That it can serve the Church as her support and vigor, and the
children of the Church as strength for their faith, food for the soul, and a pure and lasting
fount of spiritual life. Hence, access to the Sacred Scripture ought to be open wide to the
Christian faithful.
Sacred Scripture in the Life of the Church
We should try to avoid the danger of making this
doctrine about the Bible as the Word of God being
left behind in our daily living and remain only as
the head knowledge. God is touching us, calling us
to relate to Him in thought, word, and deed. It is in
through our daily life-experiences – our everyday
dealings in family, work and creation – as well as
in prayer and the Sacraments that God is close to
2. Is the Bible has something to do with our salvation? Why do you say so?
Learner’s Activity
Through a concept map, identify and explain the purpose of the Bible.
Purposes of
the Bible
Purchase a personal Bible or install a Bible App in your phone. Try to read at least one passage of
your choice. Then, answer the following questions:
1. How important is the Bible to you?
Read the Word of God (Mark 4:14-20) with your family using the flow below. Pray over with
the verse. Then write a short reflection about it in the box.
I. Introduction:
Leader: We gather together as one community to honor the Book of the Church, the Sacred
Scripture. We believe that through these inspired writings, God speak to us. We believe
that through the Word of God we are taught, encouraged, and challenged to become
more closer to Him. We pray that this enthroned Bible may be for us a constant reminder
to us to seek God’s word, to learn from its saving truth, and to apply it to our lives each
II. Procession
What the sower is sowing is the Word. Those on the path are the ones to whom, as soon as
they hear the Word, Satan comes to carry off what was sown in them. Similarly, those sown
on rocky ground are people who on listening to the Word accept it joyfully at the outset.
Being rootless, they last only a while. When some pressure or persecution overtakes them
because of the Word, they falter. Those sown among thorns are another class. They have
listened to the Word, but anxieties over life’s demands, and the desire for wealth, and
cravings of other sorts come to choke it off; it bears no yield. But those sown on good soil are
the ones who listen to the Word, take it to heart, and yield at thirty and sixty and a
V. Prayer
All: Ever-living God, we long for your presence and we thirst for your Word. Send your Holy Spirit
so that the Bible can be for us a source of spiritual growth and strength. Give us a deep
love for the sacred Scriptures so that we may know your truth, grow in love for you,
and follow your way more faithfully.
Leader: The Word of God is a life-giving rain for our dry land. (Is. 55:10)
All: Come and refresh us so that we can grow in Christ and bear fruit for others.
Leader: The Word of God is a lamp for my feet, a light to my path (Ps. 119:105)
All: Come and guide us through the dark valleys of life with your shining light.
Leader: The Word of God is a fertile seed that depends on rich soil (Mk. 4:20)
All: Come and take root within us so that your Word may flourish and bear a rich harvest.
Leader: The Word of God is a flaming fire and a hammer shattering rocks. (Jer. 23:29)
All: Come and enflame our lives and break the hardness of our hearts so that our words may be
faithful and true.
Leader: The Word of God is living and effective, sharper than a two-edged sword. (Heb.4:12)
All: Come and penetrate our spirits, stirring our passion for goodness and justice.
Leader: The Word of God motivates us to action, so that we can be doers of the Word and not
hearers only (Jas. 1:22)\
All: Come and energize us so that your presence may inspire our daily decisions and actions.
Leader: The Word of God will stand forever as all passes away. (Is. 40:8)
All: Come and live with us always as our source of unchanging truth and love.
Loving God, help us to open our eyes, our ears, our minds, and our hearts. May we always
welcome your Word of Life, as you come to us with your wisdom, your truth and your love. We
ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Salibay, E., Ines, J., Sepeda, B., Valera, F. (2007). People's Journey With God (Salvation History). 856 Nicanor
Reyes, Sr. St.: Rex Book Store, Inc