Modul B Inggris SD KELAS 1 6
Modul B Inggris SD KELAS 1 6
Modul B Inggris SD KELAS 1 6
éi bi si di i Éf Ji éic ay jéy
kéy él ém Én o Pi Kiu ar és ti
yu vi Dabelyu Éks Way zi
Read the conversation below! Answer the questions with your personal
B : I am fine, thanks.
B : My name is Sasha.
B : I live in Garut.
A : How many brothers do you have? How many brothers do you have?
A : How many sisters do you have? How many sisters do you have?
Conversation 1 Conversation 2
Arif : Hello, Rina. Good morning? Ratih : Hello Mia, good afternoon!
Rina : Good morning Arif. How are Mia : Good afternoon! How are
you? Arif : I am fine, thanks. you?
Rina : Where are you going? Ratih : I am fine, thanks. Who is
Arif : I am going to school. this? Mia : This is my brother,
Rina : See you. Tony.
Arif : See you. Ratih : Hello Tony, nice to meet
you. Tony : Nice to meet you too.
Eighty Ninety One hundred One thousand One million
22 77
25 84
36 96
47 110
48 120
51 140
55 150
69 200
Eyes Hands Lips
Aku mempunyai dua mata. Aku mempunyai dua tangan. Aku mempunyai dua bibir.
Aku mempunyai dua telinga. Aku mempunyai dua kaki. Aku mempunyai 28 gigi.
Aku mempunyai satu hidung. Aku mempunyai sepuluh jari tangan. Aku mempunyai satu lidah.
Aku mempunyai sepuluh jari kaki. Aku mempunyai satu kepala. Aku mempunyai satu mulut.
Aku bisa berjalan. Aku tidak bisa terbang. Aku bisa lompat.
Aku tidak bisa menggambar. Aku tidak bisa bermain piano. Aku tidak bisa memasak.
Draw Play piano Cook
Aku bisa menerbangkan layang-layang. Aku tidak bisa melukis. Aku tidak bisa bernyanyi.
Fly a kite Paint Sing
A. Translate into English!
1. Aku suka apel. I like apple.
Aku tidak suka monyet. Aku tidak suka anjing. Aku tidak suka tikus.
Answer : . Answer : .
3. Question : What is your favorite body part? 4. Question : What is your favorite fruit?
Answer : . Answer : .
5. Question : What is your favorite color? 6. Question : What is your favorite vegetable?
Answer : . Answer : .
7. Question : What is your favorite animal? 8. Question : What is your favorite song?
Answer : . Answer : .
9. Question : What is your favorite food? 10. Question : What is your favorite place?
Answer : . Answer : .
11. Question : What is your favorite drink? 12. Question : What is your favorite country?
Answer : . Answer : .
13. Question : What is your favorite TV show? 14. Question : What is your favorite city?
Answer : . Answer : .
Answer : .
A. Write the Indonesian!
3. My aunt is beautiful.
4. My uncle is handsome.
A. Find the Indonesian!
5. Aku lapar dan haus. 10. Aku tidak lapar dan haus.
Car : mobil
Mobil itu sangat mahal
Handsome : tampan
Student : murid
Murid itu sangat pintar.
Smart : pintar
House : rumah
Big : besar
Hair : rambut
Rambutku sangat pendek.
Short : pendek
Beautiful : cantik
Room : ruangan
Ruangan itu sangat gelap.
Dark : gelap
Man : laki-laki
Laki-laki itu sangat kaya.
Rich : kaya
Father : ayah
Strong : kuat
They : mereka
Mereka sangat tua.
Old : tua
My Daily Activity
Wake up Take a bath Wash my hair
Brush my teeth Wash my face Get dressed
Comb my hair Eat breakfast Go to school
Clean the house Study at school Go home from school
Play with my friends Watch TV Do my homework
Water the flowers Read a book Go to sleep
6. My hobby is listening to _
6. Watch : 16. TV :
3. I don’t want to play because I am sleepy.
4. I don’t want to swim because I cannot swim.
5. I don’t want to ride a horse because I don’t like horse.
Preposition of Place
On In Between Under
Behind Next to In front of
6. What is he doing? He is _
a. dancing b. singing c. cooking d. Reading
My Day
E. Read the text below!
Every morning I get up at five o’clock. First, I go to the bathroom. In the bathroom, I brush
my teeth and take a bath. After that, I get dressed and comb my hair. Then I go to the kitchen. In
the kitchen, I have a cup of tea and fried rice for breakfast.
At seven o’clock, I go to school. I go to school by bus. At eight o’clock I arrive at school and
then I study. At one o’clock I go home. At home, I have lunch and play with my friends.
At seven o’clock I have dinner with my family and then we watch TV. After watching TV, I do
my homework. At a half past nine I go to sleep.
1. I want to study.
2. I want to read a book.
3. You want to write a letter.
4. They want to watch TV.
5. They want to go to school.
6. We want to eat breakfast.
7. We want to eat lunch.
8. We want to eat dinner.
9. She wants to go home.
10. He wants to go his homework.
A. Listen to the tape and fill the
My Day
cup of tea and toast for 3 . Then I go to the 4 and clean my teeth.
4. after dinner?
It is one o’clock It is _ It is _
It is _ It is _ It is _
It is _ It is _ It is _
Jennifer : What can a bird do? Apa yang burung bisa lakukan?
Mita : A bird can fly in the sky. Burung bisa terbang di langit
Jennifer : And what is Dan apa itu?
fly. Jennifer : What can a fish Apa yang bisa dilakukan oleh ikan?
Conversation 2:
Lala : Zihan, what is that? Zihan, apa itu?
Lala : What can a cat and a horse do? Apa yang bisa dilakukan oleh
Zihan : A cat and a horse can walk and run. Seekor kuda dan seekor kucing
B. Vocabulary
English Indonesian English Indonesian
1. Bird : Burung 7. Walk : Berjalan
A bird can fly in the sky.
2. Cat : Kucing 8. Run : Berlari
4. Swim : Berenang 10. Water : Air A cat and a horse can walk and
5. Horse : Kuda 11. Leg : Kaki run.
An elephant is very big and strong. Seekor Gajah sangat besar dan
An elephant has four legs and one Seekor Gajah memiliki empat kaki
trunk. dan satu belalai
A butterfly has two wings to fly. Seekor kupu-kupu memiliki dua
sayap untuk terbang
D. Vocabulary
English Indonesian English Indonesian English Indonesian
1. Snake : Ular 8. Penguin : Pinguin 15. Jungle : Hutan
2. Dangerous : Berbahaya 9. Land : Daratan 16. Sea : Laut
3. Animal : Hewan 10. Elephant : Gajah 17. Shark : Ikan hiu
4. Long : Panjang 11. Big : Besar 18. Trunk : Belalai
5. Zebra : Zebra 12. Very : Sangat 19. Butterfly : Kupu-kupu
6. Stripe : Belang 13. Strong : Kuat 20. Have/Has : Memiliki
7. Wild : Buas 14. Leg : Kaki
Animal Crossword
hobby is reading.
B. Complete the personal information form below according to the text above!
Age :
Date of birth :
Nationality :
Address :
Phone number :
School :
Hobby :
C. Complete the personal information form below according to your personal information!
Age :
Date of birth :
Nationality :
Address :
Phone number :
School :
Hobby :
My Friend, Rio
I have a friend. His name is Rio. He lives in a dormitory near school. He is from Indonesia. He
walks to school almost every day. Sometimes, he catches a bus, especially if it is cold and rainy outside.
Rio shares a room with Tom. Tom comes from China. Rio and Tom go to the same school. They take
English classes. Rio speaks Indonesian as his first language, and Tom speaks Chinese. They
communicate in English. Sometimes, Rio tries to teach Tom to speak a little Indonesian, and Tom gives
Rio Chinese lessons. They laugh a lot during the Indonesian and Chinese lessons. Rio enjoys having Tom
C. Write T if the statements are true and write F if the statements are false!
1. Rio is a girl. ( )
Saturday 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
The right arrangement for the days is ........
a. 5, 1, 4, 6, 7, 3, and 2 b. 5, 1, 4, 6, 2, 7, and 3
c. 4, 1, 5, 6, 2, 7, and 3 d. 1, 5, 4, 6, 2, 7, and 3
K las 4 WH-
e Question
Telling Time
A. Asking for the time
What time is it? Excuse me, have you got the time please?
Do you know what the time is? Sorry, could you tell me the time, please?
It is one o’clock It is _ It is _
B : I am fine, thanks.
A : How many sisters do you have? How many sisters do you have?
B : I don’t have any sister.
Reading Comprehension
A. Text 1: Read the text below carefully!
William Jones
My family name is Jones and I live in America. My first name is William. I am 30 years old. I
take courses in foreign university. I speak French pretty well and a little Japanese. Actually my
native language is English. I have a sister and a brother. My sister’s name is Mary and my brother’s
name is Charles. Mary is a nurse. She works in a hospital. My brother is a university student. He is
20 years old. He likes reading novels and he usually goes to the bookstore every weekend.
Easy Vocabulary
A. Put cross on the right
answer! .
1. 'Sad' and 'happy' are
a. Antonym b. Synonym
Jangan malas!
Jangan marah!
Jangan menangis!
B. Translate into Indonesian!
1. My house is bigger than your house. _
1. 6.
2. 7.
3. 8.
4. 9.
5. 10.
Body Part
1. 6.
2. 7.
3. 8.
4. 9.
5. 10.
Personal Information
B. Listen to the tape and fill the blanks!
Questions: Answers:
1. What’s _ ? My is Jenny.
3. Where _ ? I in Parramatta.
7. What’s _ ? I'm .
Hue Le
Hue Le is . She is years old. Hue studies
every day and her is Bill Johnson. He is a good
. Hue's classroom is _ . It is on the second
She sits at the front of the . She likes learning .
Life Is Good
I am _ . I have many . I have a large . I have
brothers and _ sisters. I am in the middle. Four are
older than me. Four sisters are than me. I go to . I am in the
sixth grade. I like my . My teachers like me. I have friends in every
. My favorite is History . I like to read about
. History is a about our past. Soon, we will all be
. Then kids in will read about us. I hope they
our stories. My best is Bobby. Bobby and I do
things together. We together. We basketball
together. We ride our together. I have other friends. We all go to
the mall on weekends. We to restaurant. We to movies. We tell
jokes. We laugh. We fun. Life is great.
Reading Comprehension
A. Read the text
below! Hendry
My friend, Hendry, is a diligent and smart student in his school. He gets up at 4.00 a.m.
every morning. He always goes to school earlier than his friends. He goes to school by public
transport and he sometimes goes home by motorcycle with his uncle. He is never absent. After
school he usually helps his parents. They have a cloth store beside their house.
B. Answer the questions below!
1. What time does Hendry get up every morning? _
Easy Vocabulary
A. Put cross on the right answer!
1. A : I like your house. It’s beautiful.
B : .
a. I am sorry. b. Thank you.
A. Read the story below!
Isabel is a cashier. She works 8 hours a day, from 2.00 to 10:30 p.m. She
has a 30 minute break at 7 p.m. She works 5 days a week, from Tuesday to
Saturday. Isabel works 40 hours a week. She has two days off every week.
B. Please circle Yes or No!
1. Isabel is a cashier. Yes No
3. She works 40
a week.
4. Isabel has two days off
A Paints a picture
A Plays football in the field
Kelas 6
A. Let’s count!
2. 36
3. 48
4. 150
5. 255
6. 369
7. 1.500
8. 2.360
9. 10.00
10. 25.698
Asking Personal Information
A. Read the conversation below! Answer the questions with your personal
B : I am fine, thanks.
B : My name is Sasha.
B : I live in Garut.
A : Where and when were you born? Where and when were you born?
B : I was born in Jakarta on March 2 , 2000
A : How many brothers do you have? How many brothers do you have?
A : How many sisters do you have? How many sisters do you have?
B : My hobby is studying.
. I _ sister and
brother. My telephone number is . My
hobby is .
My favorite color is . My favorite subject is _ . My
favorite food is and my favorite drink is . My favorite
fruit is _ and my favorite vegetable is .
Reading Comprehension
A. Read the text
On Sunday, Tom gets up at 10 o'clock. Then he reads his newspaper in the kitchen. He has
breakfast at 11.30 and then he telephones his mother in Scotland.
In the afternoon, at 1.00, Tom plays tennis with his sister and after that, they eat lunch in a
restaurant. At 6.00, Tom swims for one hour and then he goes by bike to his brother´s house.
They talk and listen to music.
Tom watches television in the evening and drinks a glass of Jack Daniel's whiskey. He goes to
bed at 11.30.
3. Jinx is a cat.
B. Are these statements true or false? Correct those that are wrong.
1. Ben lives in Sydney, Australia. => FALSE: Ben lives near Sydney
4. Is Ben married?
1. Pedro’s kitchen is