Basta Kasjay
Basta Kasjay
Basta Kasjay
Finding a place to call home comes with options, from luxury to affordable and
everything in between. You may have heard about walk-up apartments as an alternative for city
dwellers looking for a less competitive, more affordable opportunity. Apartments can occupy
different sized lots from large redevelopment areas to small infill sites, can consist of a mix of
building types or uses and be situated in suburban, transitional or inner city locations.
A specific type of an apartment will be the main topic of this study, the walk-up apartment. The
content of this study wills focused in gaining relevant information about walk-up apartment in
order for the information to be applied in architecture as a references.
This study about “Walk-up Apartment” seek to gain the following objectives:
1. To identify the definition of a Walk-up Apartment.
2. To identify and enumerate the basic and ancillary amenities of a Walk-up Apartment.
3. To discuss the special guidelines in the design of a Walk-up Apartment.
4. To identify the design standards and guidelines in designing Walk-up Apartment.
5. To provide a case study of a proposed or existing Walk-up Apartment