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DM Cardiology(Medicine)

Time:90 Minutes Max. Marks:100

(Select the most appropriate answer)
(There are no negative marks for wrong answers)
1. Most common cause of lobar hemorrhage In elderly age group is
A. Hypertension •
B. Vascular malformation
C. Coagulopathy
D. Amyloid angiopathy

2. Which among the following is not a direct thrombin inhibitor?

A Dabigatran
B. Rivaroxaban
C. Argatroban
D. Bivalirudin

3. Bedaquiline acts by
A. ATP synthase inhibition
B. Cell wall inhibition
C. Inhibition of mycolic acid synthesis
D. By accumulation of methyl gyoxal

4. X gene of Hepatitis B virus is associated with

A. Surface antigen
B. Core antigen
C. Envelop antigen
D. Hepatocellular cancer

5. First line therapy for hairy cell leukemia is

A. Rituximab
B. Cladriblne
C. Interferon - alpha
D. Splenectomy

6. Sunitinib is used in treatment of
A. Hepatoceilular cancer
B. Renal cell cancer
C. Pancreatic cancer
D. Colonic cancer

7. The intervention which is found to have benefit in reducing cigarette smoking related risk of
coronary artery disease include all, except
A. Nicotine gum
B. Low nicotine cigarettes
C. Varenicline
D. Bupropion

8. An adult male patient presenting with new onset edema was detected to have
hyponatremia. He is not on any medications. Urine sodium concentration was 35mMol/L.
Which among the choices given below coulo have such a presentation?
A. SIADH • •
B. Cirrhosis
C. Nephrotic syndrome
D. Acute renal failure

9. Inclisiran is
A. Lipoprotein
C. Monoclonal antibody

10. The commonest abnormal protein involved in secondary systemic amyloidosis is

A. Light chains
B. Serum amyloid - associated protein
C. Transthyretin
D. Amylin

11. All of the following are true about syphilitic gumma,except

A. Seen in groups usually
B. Can become several centimeters in size
C. Endarteritis seen
D. Treponema can be isolated from these lesions

12. Weil's syndrome includes all of the following, except

A. Bleeding
B. Jaundice
C. Renal failure

2IP a ge
13. True about Dieulafoy's lesion
A. Can cause subarachnoid haemorrhage
B. Large erosions are common
C. Lesions are common at greater curvature of stomach
D. Thermal coagulation is an effective therapy

14. Best parameter to monitor thyroxine replacement in hypothyroidism is

A. Free T4
B. FreeTS
D. Bound T4

15. Which of the following Is not described in association with renal cell carcinoma
A. Polycythemia
B. Amyloidosis
C. Gushing syndrome
D. Malignant hyp|ertension \

16. Reperfusion is useful for

A. Stunned myocardium
B. Hibernating myocardium
C. Non-ischemic viable myocardium
D. Mixed ischemic myocardium

17. Which is the most common preceding infection in bone marrow failure syndromes?
A. ParvoB19
D. Sero-negative Hepatitis

18. Which among the following statements is incorrect?

A. Light chains are synthesized in slight excess normally in plasma cells
B. Qualitative assessment of M component can be done by electrophoresis
C. M components are detected in chronic myeloid leukaemia
D. In 20% myelomas,only light chains are produced

19. Most specific symptom of temporal arteritis is

A. Visual loss
B. Jaw claudication
C. Temporal headache
D- PQlymyalgia rheumatica
20. The artery that is spared In polyarterltis nodosa
A. Bronchia! artery
B. Renal artery
C. Coronary artery
D. Pulmonary artery

21. Lipoatrophy can occur in patients treated with

A. Abacavir

B. Tenofovir
C. Sta\jutiine
D. Maraviroc

22. The predominant pathogen in Injection drug users who develop Infective endocarditis
A. Staphylococcus aureus
B. Streptococcus viridans
C. Enterococcus
D. Candida species '

23. All of the following are associated with aortic dissection, except
A. Tetralogy of Fallot
B. Behcet's disease
C. Takayasu arteritis
D. Down's syndrome

24. Loop diuretics increase fractional excretion of sodium by?

A. 5-10%
B. 10-20%
C. 20-25%
D. 25-50%

25. Pseudohypoaldosteronism Is characterized by all, except

A. Hyperkalemia
B. Metabolic alkalosis
C. Renal sodium wasting
D. Hypotension

26. Which of the following about parietal cells is incorrect?

A. Located in oxyntic gland
B. Does not secrete intrinsic factor
C. Express receptors for histamine, gastrin and acetylcholine
D. Express receptors for ligands that inhibit acid production

27. Normal value for pulmonary vascular resistance is?

A. 25 to SO dynes/cm^
B. 50 to 150 dynes/cm^
C. 150 to 250 dynes/cm^
D. 250 to 500 dynes/cm^

28. Howell-Jolly bodies best relate to which of the following?

A. Uraemia
B. Nuclear remnants
C. Foreign bodies in the circulation
D. Hemolytic anemia

29. Haemolysis is most likely cause if reticulocyte production index is more than..?
A. 2.5
B. 3.5
C. 4.5
D. 5.5

30. Immediate cutaneous and systemic reactions can occur without prior exposure to the
offending agent for all the following, except
A. Aspirin |
B. Radiocontrast media
C. Peanut allergy
D. Vancomycin

31. Nipah virus,the RNA virus, responsible for the newly emerging zoonosis in India belong to
A. Picornaviridae
B. Paramyxoviridae
C. Flaviviridae
D. Togaviridae

32. Which among the following infections have an animal reservoir?

A. Hepatitis A
B. Hepatitis C
C. Hepatitis E
D. GB Virus C

33. Pacemaker of intestines is

A. Leydig cells
B. Neuroglial cells
C. Intersitial cells of Cajal
D. Smooth muscle cells in sphincter of Oddi

34. Albendazole acts by

A. Inhibiting microtubule formation
B. Increasing calcium permeability
C. Inhibiting Na^-K^ATPase
D. Activating Sodium channel

35. What is the probability of a normal sibling of an individual affected by a disease which has
autosomal recessive transmission, being a carrierfor the same disease?
A. 25%
B. 50%
C. 66%
D. 75%

36. Sickle cell trait is associated with which ofthe following malignancies in young adults
A. Papillary thyroid carcinoma
B. Non-squamous cell carcinoma of lung
C. Renal medullary carcinoma
D. Osteosarcoma

37. Transcription factors are

A. Messenger RNA
B. Micro-RNA •
C. Transfer-RNA
D. Proteins

38. A girl presented with severe hyperkalemia and peaked T waves on EC6. What is the most
rapid way to decrease serum potassium level?
A. Calcium gluconate IV
B. Oral resins
C. Insulin + glucose
D. Sodium bicarbonate

39.Thrombotic event is seen in all of following, except

D. Heparin induced thrombocytopenia

40. Generalised painless lymphadenopathy is seen in

A. Rocky mountain spotted fever
B. Scrub typhus
C. Epidemic typhus
D. Qfever

41. All of the following are associated with high urinary sodium,except
A. Syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretion
B. Nephrogenic syndrome of inappropriate antidiuresis
C. Cerebral salt wasting
D. Pseudohyponatremia

6IPa ge
42. All of the following are causes of metabolic alkalosis with normal blood pressure, except
A. Gitelman syndrome
B. Bartter syndrome
C. Liddle syndrome
D. Autosomal dominant hypoparathyroidism

43. Candida skin test is used for assessment of

A. T cell function
B. B cell function
C. Complementfunction
D. Phagocytic function

44. Which of the following is predominantly a granulomatous small vessel vasculitis?

A. Churg-Strauss syndrome
B. Microscopic polyangitis
C. Henoch-Schoniein purpura
• D. Kawasaki disease •

45. Nephrogenic systemic fibrosis is associated with

A. lodinated contrast
B. Gadolinium based contrasts
C. Iridium-based contrast
D. Barium-based contrast

46.A 9-yr old girl has difficulty in combing hairs and climbing upstairs since 6 months. She has
Gower's sign positive and maculopapular rash over metacarphalangeal joints. What should
be the next appropriate investigation to be done?
B. RA factor
C. Creatine kinase
D. Electromyography

47.14-yr old girl on exposure to cold has pallor of extremities followed by pain and cyanosis. In
later ages of life, she is prone to develop
B. Scleroderma
C. Rheumatoid arthritis
D. Histiocytosis

48. Reduced T2 relaxation time is characteristic feature of

A. Amyloidosis.
B. Sarcoidosis.
C. Cardiac lymphoma.
D. Iron overload cardiomyopathy

49. Least seen in hypothyroidism
A. Complete heart block
B. Carotenemia
C. Pretibial myxedema
D. Tamponade

50. Fabr/s disease results from a deficiency of

A. Alpha-galactosidase A
B. Beta-galactosidase
C. Sphingomyelinase
D. Neuraminidase

51. The risk of occurrence of conduction abnormalities due to procedure-related injury is likely
to be the least in

A. Balloon mitral valvotomy

B. Trans-catheter aortic val^c implantation
C. RF,ablation of mid-septal accessory pathway ;
D. Percutaneous alcohol septal ablation

52. How many METs has a patient exercised, if he completed stage 2of Bruce protocol?
A. 4.6 METs

B. 5.4 METs
C 6.4 METs

D. 7.0 METs

53. The following statements regarding Tetralogy of Fallot are true, except
A. Left axis deviation on EGG suggests associated AV canal defect
B. The RVOT gradient is proportional to the severity of the disease
C. JVP is usually not elevated in children with TOF
D. Good surgical outcome is primarily decided by the pulmonary anatomy

54. All of the following are long RP tachycardia,except

A. Atrial tachycardia


D. Atypical AVNRT

55. Which of the following is not a feature of sub-aortic stenosis?

A. Aortic regurgitation
B. Ejection click
C. Left ventricular hypertrophy
D. Coarctation of aorta as a coexisting defect

56. Which of the following is not a common feature of total anomolous pulmonary venous
A. Continuous murmur
B. Figure of8 appearance on chest X-ray in infra-cardiac type
C. Right axis deviation on EGG
0. Similar oxygen saturation in all cardiac chambers

57. The lowest systemic oxygen saturation is seen in

A. TGAwithVSDandPS
B. Tetralogy ofPallot
C. Single Ventricle with PAH

58. All of the following are true about bidirectional VT, except
A. Mutation of calsequestin-2
B. Seen with idigoxintoxicity i
C. Beta blocicers are ineffective
D. Usually presents in childhood

59.'Dip and Plateau' pressure wave form in ventricles is seen in all the following conditions,
A. Restrictive cardiomyopathy
B. Right ventricular ischemia
C. Congestive cardiac failure
D. Acute tricuspid regurgitation

SO. Upright T wave in lead VI in a neonate of7 days of life

A. Indicates RV Hypertrophy
B. Normal pattern of ECG at that age
C. May suggest corrected TGA
D. Can occur with left to right shunt lesions

61. A 25 year old male presents to OPD with a regular narrow QRS tachycardia at a rate of
180bpm with P waves following each QRS. During carotid sinus massage, tachycardia
converts to LBBB morphology at a rate of 165bpm.The most likely diagnosis
A. AVNRT with LBBB aberrancy
B. Orthodromic AVRT using a left-sided Bypass tract
C. Orthodromic AVRT using a right-sided bypass tract
D. Ventricular tachycardia with 1:1 VA conduction

9I P a ge
62. A 15-year old girl presented with recurrent episodes of syncope that are preceded by
prodromal symptoms of weakness and nausea. Physical examination, ECG, Holter
monitoring and treadmill test were normal. Which is the next appropriate evaluation?
A. Electrophysologic study
B. Head up tilt test
C. Signal-averaged ECG
D. Implantable arrhythmia monitor

63. The following features are characteristics of ostium primum ASD with left to right shunt
more than 2:1, except
A. Right axis deviation and right bundle branch block
B. Fixed and wide split of52
C. Tricuspid mid-diastolic murmur
0. Right ventricular S3

64. What is the tricuspid annular plane systolic excursion that correlates with normal right
ventricular systolic function?
A. >14 mm
B. >16 mm

C. >18 mm

D. >20 mm

65. A 20-year old male presented with recurrent episodes of exertional syncope. His baseline
ECG was normal. Out of genetic arrhythmia syndromes,the most possible diagnosis in him is
A. Catecholaminergic polymorphic VT
B. Brugada syndrome
C. Long QT syndrome
D. Short QT syndrome

66. All of the following are examples of admixture physiology,except

A. Tricuspid atresia
B. Complete atrioventricular septal defect
C. Pulmonary atresia with ventricular septal defect
D. Hypoplastic left heart syndrome

67. Which among the following is not a part of right atrial anatomy?
A. Crista supraventricularis
B. Eustachian valve
C. Torus aorticus

D. Tendon of Todaro

10 1 P a g c
68. Lack of decline of right atria! waveforms during inspiration during catheterization is least
likely to occur in which of the following conditions
A. Cardiac tamponade
B. Right ventricular endomyocardial fibrosis
C. Right ventricular myocardial infarction
D. Severe mitral stenosis with severe pulmonary hypertension and tricuspid

69. EGG manifestations of Brugada syndrome are provoked with?

A. Ajmaline
B. Flecainide
C. Procainamide

D. All of the above

70. Which among the following findings during exercise stress testing has the least clinical
significance? i
A. Progressive prolongation of OT interval
B. Development of broad QRS
C. Progressive shortening of PR interval
D. Development of T wave altemans

71. A 50-year-old male with atypical angina underwent treadmill exercise electrocardiography
by Bruce Protocol. The test result read "negative for inducible ischemia". What is the
minimum heart rate (in beats per minute) this patient should have attained during stress
test for satisfying the diagnostic accuracy requirementfor the test?
A. 136
B. 145

C. 153

D. 170

72. Therapy with Phosphodiesterase-5 inhibitors is currently not recommended or could be

potentially harmful in all the following conditions, except
A. Pulmonary hypertension associated with systemic sclerosis
B. Pulmonary hypertension associated with mitral stenosis
C. Pulmonary veno-occlusive disease
D. Pulmonary hypertension associated with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy

73. A 9-month-old asymptomatic, healthy-looking baby presents for cardiac evaluation. Which
among the following clinical findings would indicate a small, restrictive ventricular septa!
A. Soft, early peaking early systolic murmur in the upper left sternal border

11 I F a g c
B. Wide, mobile split second heart sound
C. Harsh and loud early systolic murmur in the lower left sternal border, which
disappears in second half of systole followed by normally split second heart sound
D. Short mid diastolic murmur in mitral area

74. A 60-year old male patient is planned for invasive coronary angiography. During the
precatheterization evaluation,the doctor verifies the check-list of the patient. Which among
the following items noted in the check-list is not a caution against the procedure, in relation
to the use of contrast agents?
A. History of documented vasovagal response during a previous coronary angiogram
performed 3 years ago
B. Serum Potassium concentration 2.4 mEq/L
C. Multi-nodular goiter with Serum TSH < 0.05 mlU/L
D. e-GFR of 25 miyminute

75. Complete heart block is common in the following congenital heart diseases,except
A. Atrioventricular septal defects
B. Ebstein anomaly
C. Corrected TGA

D. 'Swiss-cheese' VSD

76. The essential drugs to be prescribed at discharge for a 60-year old male following anterior
wall ST elevation myocardial infarction and successful thromobolysis do not include
A. Statin
B. Beta blocker

C. Short acting nitrate

D. ACE inhibitor

77. Which of the following statements about sarcoid heart disease is not true?
A. The most common phenotype is restrictive cardiomyopathy.
B. Most patients with cardiac sarcoid have lung involvement also
C. Heart block is a common manifestation
D. Ventricular arrhythmias is a common manifestation

78. The features of cardiac amyioidosis include all, except

A. Dilated ventricular chambers
B. Atrial septal thickening
C- Sub-enedocardial Gadolinium enhancement in MR!
D. Right heart failure predominates in clinical symptoms

12 I P a ge
79. Watchman device Is used for
A. Paravaivar leak closure
B. Left atria! appendage closure
C. Inter atria!septa! aneurysm occlusion
D. Closure of Fontan fenestration

80. A 48-year-old male, smoker, with history of claudication presents with syncope.
Electrocardiogram reveals type I Brugada pattern. His coronary angiogram is normal. On
review of his treatment records, he is on medications for bipolar disorder and peripheral
arterial disease. Which among the following medicines which he was taking, do not have a
caution against use in patients with Brugada syndrome in relation to arrhythmogenicity?
A. Lithium

B. Cilostazol
C. Oxcarbazepine
D. Amrtriptyline

81. Continuation of eustachian valve of inferior vena cava on medial end of right atrium is
A. Crista terminalis
B. Tendon of Todaro
C. Septa! leaflet of tricuspid valve
D. Atrio-ventricular septum

82. Which among the following is not a beta blocker with vasodilatory property?
A. Bisoprolol
B. Bucindolol
C. Carvedilot
D. Nebivolol

83. Noonan syndrome all true except

A. Left axis deviation
B. Lymphedema
C. Aortic stenosis
D. Mental retardation

84. During invasive radial arterial pressure recording of a patient with heart failure admitted in
critical care unit, waveforms displayed a notch in the lower part of ascending limb, the
systolic peak was remarkably delayed and the pulse waves displayed low amplitude. In
addition, every second beat had smaller amplitude than the preceding one. Which among
the following is most likely to be the patient's underlying cardiac condition?
A. Acute severe aortic regurgitation
B. Aortic stenosis

13 IP a 2c
C. Acute severe mitral regurgitation
D. Acute myocardial infarction, cardiogenic shock with implantation of intra-aortic
balloon pump counterpulsation with augmentation of every alternate cyde

85.Inotrope of choice in cardiogenic shock with tachyarrhythmia

A. Dopamine
B. Dobutamine
C. Norepinephrine
D. Milrinone

86.The vein that is expected to give the best results on implantation of left ventricular lead in
CRT is
A. Anterior interventricular vein
B. Middle cardiac vein
C. Posterolateral vein
D. Small cardiac veins ;

87. which drugs has significant interaction and drug toxicity

A. Simvastatin and erythromycin
B. Sildenafil and nitroglycerin
C. Cydosporine and St. John's wort
D. Oigoxin and verapamil

88. Which ofthe following about idiopathic outflow tract ventricular tachycardia isfalse?
A. ~80% of outflow tract VTs originate in LV
B. Not associated with SCD
C. Vagal maneuvers terminate them
D. Adenosine and beta blockers terminate them

89. Normal aortic valve area is

A. 1-2 cm^
B. 2-3 cm^
C. 3-4 cm^
D. 4-5 cm^

90. LV dyssynchrony is considered to be present when septal to posterior wall delay exceeds
A. 100 ms
B. 130 ms

C. 150 ms

D. 65 ms

14 I P a g c
91. The following drug is contra indicated during PCI in a patient with history of CVA
A. Prasugrel
B. Ticagrelor
C. Clopidogrel
D. Cangrelor

92. All of the following are features of hyperaldosteronism, except

A. Reduced Na absorption
B. Increased K excretion
C. Increased plasma volume
0. Reduced renin-angiotensin levels

93. All of the following drugs are used in the management of AVNRT,except
A. Adenosine
B. Verapamil
i C. Diltiazem i
D. Amiodarone

94. "Cannon""A" waves may occur regularly in which of the following conditions?
A. During junctional rhythm
B. AV dissociation with VT
C. Complete heart block
D. All of the above

95. The normal A2-0S interval is?

A. 0.04 to 0.06 seconds
B. 0.04 to 0.08 seconds
C. 0.04 to 0.10 seconds

D. 0.04 to 0.12 seconds

96. Murmur of HOCM becomes louder with?

A. Standing
B. Squatting
C. Passive leg raising
D. All of the above

97. In mitral stenosis, the most reliable as an index of severity of valve obstruction?
A- Loudness of SI
B. Character of murmur
C. Duration of murmur
D. Intensity of murmur

15 I P a c
98. Normal HV interval in the His bundle recording is?
A. 10 to 20 ms
B. 15 to 35 ms
C. 35 to 55 ms
D. 60 to 75 ms

99. Torsades de pointes is unusual with

A. Sotalol
B. Amiodarone
C. Ibutilide
D. Dofetilide

100. All the following are true regarding fractional flow reserve (FFR), except
A. Cut off of 0.80 determines physiological significance
B. Used in culprit vessels In ACS
C. Used in non-culprit vessels in ACS
D. Regadenosan can be used in calculation of FFR

161 Pa 2,e
DM Cardiology June 2018- Answer key(Medicine)

1 D 21 C 41 D 61 B 81 B
2 B 22 A 42 C 62 B 82 A
3 A 23 D 43 A 63 A 83 C
4 D 24 C 44 A 64 B 84 B
5 8 25 B 45 B 65 D 85- C
6 B 26 B 46 C 66 B 86 C
7 B 27 Br 47 B 67 A 87 D
8 D 28 B 48 D 68 A 88 A
9 D 29 A 49 C 69 D 89 C
10 B 30 C 50 A 70 C 90 B
11 A 31 B 51 A 71 B 91 A
12 D 32 C 52 D 72 A 92 A
13 D 33 C 53 B 73 C 93 D
14 C 34 A 54 C 74 A 94 A
15 C 35 C 55 B 75 D 95 D
16 B 36 c 56 B 76 C 96 A
17 D 37 D 57 A 77 A 97 C
18 B 38 C 58 C 78 A 98 C
19 B 39 C 59 C 79 B 99 B
20 D 40 B 60 A 80 B 100 B
DM Cardiology('ediatrics)
1 C 21 A 41 D 61 B 81 B
2 A 22 C 42 C 62 B 82 A
3 D 23 c 43 A 63 A 83 C
4 D 24 c 44 A 64 B 84 B
5 D 25 B 45 B 65 D 85 C
6 A 26 D 46 C 66 B 86 C
7 D 27 D 47 B 67 A 87 D
8 A 28 B 48 D 68 A 88 A
9 A 29 D 49 C 69 D 89 C
10 B 30 A 50 A 70 C 90 B
11 B 31 B 51 A 71 B 91 A
12 A 32 C 52 D 72 A 92 A
13 C 33 C 53 B 73 C 93 D
14 C 34 A 54 C 74 A 94 A
15 C 35 C 55 B 75 D D
16 B 36 C 56 B 76 C 96 A
17 A 37 D 57 A 77 A 97 C
18 C 38 C 58 C 78 A 98 C
19 C 39 C 59 C 79 B 99 B
A 40 B 60 A 80 B 100 B

Dr. Ajltkumar VK Dr. Narayan l^rfibo^r

Head, Dept. of Cardiology ProfeBBDfi; consult^ -in-charge
Department of Cardiology
i "T "'UMAR V. K. Thiruvananthapuram
F rofe. SO' HQD Kerala - 695 Oil

Depan nei i or Uai' /

SCTIMST,Trivandrum -11

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