Methodology: Profile of The Grade 7-Gold Learners of Dinapa National High School

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The aim of the study is to determine the factors that affect the reading comprehension
level of the Grade 7 learners of Dinapa National High School in Dinapa, Castilla, Sorsogon, thus
the study made use of the descriptive-survey design. This served as a technique which focused
and identified the participants’ profile, the factors that affect their reading comprehension and
their reading comprehension level based on the result of the Philippine Informal Reading
Inventory (Phil-IRI) pretest.

The study was conducted to the 49 Grade 7-Gold learners of Dinapa National High
School. Out of the three (3) sections only one served as the respondents.

In gathering the data, researcher-made checklist was used. The instrument consisted of
three important part: Part I was used to determine the profile of the participants. Part II
determined the factors that affect the reading comprehension of the learners.

The PhilIRI English pretest that was administered to the Grade 7 learners of Dinapa
National High School in Dinapa, Castilla, Sorsogon, last June, 2019 was used to identify their
comprehension level. The data gathered were statistically tabulated, analyzed, and interpreted
through frequency and percentage distribution.


Profile of the Grade 7-Gold Learners of Dinapa National High School

Table 1 below shows the profile of Grade 7-Gold learners. As indicated in the same table,
16 (34.04%) of the respondents are males and 31 (65.96%) are females with a total of 47. The
result shows that female learners are greater in number. As to their parent’s highest educational
attainment, it can be seen that majority of their parents are reached high school level with 18
(38.30%) for the fathers and 22 (46.81%) for the mothers. Next highest educational attainment of
the parents reached is elementary level, 17 (36.17%) fathers and 12 (25.53%) mothers. These
show that most of the parents reached and finished only the primary and secondary level of
education. As to the parents’ monthly income, it indicates that there were 27 (57.45%) parents
have an income of ₱ 4, 000 and below, 10 (21.28%) parents had an income of ₱4,000 to ₱ 6,000.
This implies that majority of the respondents’ parents have a minimal income that can support
them to school. The rest have a monthly income of ₱7,000 and above.

Table 1. Profile of Participants

Variables f (n=47) %
Male 16 34.04
Female 31 65.96
Highest Educational Attainment
Elementary 17 36.17
High School 18 38.30
College level and graduate 11 23.40
M.A. level and graduate 0 0.00
Ph. D. level and graduate 1
Elementary 12 25.53
High School 22 46.81
College level and graduate 11 23.40
M.A. level and graduate 0 0.00
Ph. D. level and graduate 2 4.26
Parents’ Monthly Income
₱ 4,000 and below 27 57.45
₱ 4,000 to ₱ 6,000 10 21.28
₱ 7,000 to ₱ 10,000 3 6.38
₱ 11,000 to ₱ 14,000 3 6.38
₱ 15,000 and above 4 8.51

Factors that Affect Reading Comprehension Level

Table 2 points out the factors that affect the reading comprehension level of the learners.
It shows that most of the learners have reading materials at home, 39 (82.98%) but only 3
(6.38%) learners always read, 32 (68.09%) sometimes and 12 (25.53%) never read. Furthermore,
21 (44.68%) learners read with their parents or have an adequacy of reading instruction at home.
The table also identifies 47 (100%) learners said that reading materials are available in the school
and 47 (100%) there is an adequacy of reading instruction in school.
Table 2. Factors that Affect Comprehension

Reading Factors Frequency Percent

Availability of Reading Materials at Home 39 82.98
Adequacy of Reading Instruction at Home 21 44.68
Availability of Reading Materials in 47 100.00
Adequacy of Reading Instruction in School 47 100.00
Reading Habit at Home 35 74.47
Always 3 6.38
Sometimes 32 68.09
Never 12 25.53

Comprehension Level of Grade 7-Gold Learners of Dinapa National High School based on the
Phil-IRI English Pretest Result

Table 3 below indicates that most of the learners are in the instructional level, 7 (43.75%)
males and 17 (43.75%) females. It also shows that, 6 (37.5%) males and 9 (29.03%) females are
in the frustration level, while only 3 (18.75%) males and 5 (16.13%) are in the independent level.

Table 3. Comprehension Level of Grade 7-Gold Learners

No. of Learners Frustration % Instructiona % Independent %

Male 16 6 37.5 7 43.75 3 18.75
Female 31 9 29.03 17 54.83 5 16.13

Analysis and Interpretation of Word Reading and Comprehension Level

The Phil-IRI reading test uses predetermined set of criteria in identifying the reading
level of each student for each passage. These criteria include the percentage of word recognition
accuracy and the percentage of correct answers to comprehension questions (adapted from
Johnson, Kress and Pikulski, 1987). Table 4 shows these criteria.

Table 4. Phil-IRI Oral Reading Profile

Oral Reading Level Word Reading Score (in %) Comprehension Score (in %)
Independent 97-100% 80-100%
Instructional 90-96% 59-79%
Frustration 89% and below 58% and below

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