Table 2 reveals the distribution of students in terms of sex. Twenty-eight or 59.57 percent
are female while 19 or 40.43 percent are male. This finding means that respondents of the study
are female dominated. This conclusion is also supported by the school enrollment system
showing that there are more female enrolled than male. This is evident in the observation that
most male preferred to help their family than studying.
Father Mother
Educational Attainment
Frequency (n=47) Percentage Frequency (n=47) Percentage
12 25.53 College Level 9 19.15
30 63.83 College Graduate 31 65.96
4 8.51 With Masters 6 12.76
1 2.13 With Doctoral 1 2.13
Table 7. Assessment of the teacher-evaluators on the developed learning materials in terms of its
1. Prints
a. Size of letters is appropriate to the intended user 4.00 Very Satisfactory
b. Spaces between letters and words facilitate reading. 4.00 Very Satisfactory
c. Font is easy to read. 4.00 Very Satisfactory
d. Printing is of good quality (i.e., no broken letters, even
density, correct alignment, properly placed screen 4.00 Very Satisfactory
2. Illustrations
a. Simple and easily recognizable. 4.00 Very Satisfactory
b. Clarify and supplement the text 4.00 Very Satisfactory
c. Properly labelled or captioned (if applicable 4.00 Very Satisfactory
d. Realistic / appropriate colors. 4.00 Very Satisfactory
e. Attractive and appealing 3.80 Very Satisfactory
f. Culturally relevant. 3.80 Very Satisfactory
3. Design and Layout
a. Attractive and pleasing to look at. 3.80 Very Satisfactory
b. Simple (i.e., does not distract the attention of the
4.00 Very Satisfactory
c. Adequate illustration in relation to text. 3.80 Very Satisfactory
d. Harmonious blending of elements (e.g., illustrations and 4.00 Very Satisfactory
4. Paper and Binding
a. Paper used contributes to easy reading. 4.00 Very Satisfactory
b. Durable binding to withstand frequent use. 3.80 Very Satisfactory
c. Size and Weight of Resource 4.00 Very Satisfactory
d. Easy to handle. 4.00 Very Satisfactory
e. Relatively light. 4.00 Very Satisfactory
Overall Weighted Mean 3.95 Very Satisfactory
Weighted Mean Descriptive value
3.25 – 4.00 Very satisfactory
2.50 – 3.24 Satisfactory
1.75 – 2.49 Poor
1.00 – 1.74 Not satisfactory
Weighted Mean Descriptive value
3.25 - 4.00 Very satisfactory
2.50 - 3.24 Satisfactory
1.75 - 2.49 Poor
1.00 - 1.74 Not satisfactory
Accuracy and Up-to-datedness of Information
1. Conceptual errors 4.00 Very Satisfactory
2. Factual errors. 4.00 Very Satisfactory
3. Grammatical errors. 4.00 Very Satisfactory
4. Computational errors. 4.00 Very Satisfactory
5. Obsolete information 4.00 Very Satisfactory
6. Typographical and other minor errors (e.g., inappropriate or
4.00 Very Satisfactory
unclear illustrations, missing labels, wrong captions, etc.)
Overall Weighted Mean 4.00 Very Satisfactory
Weighted Mean Descriptive value
3.25 - 4.00 Very satisfactory
2.50 - 3.24 Satisfactory
1.75 - 2.49 Poor
1.00 - 1.74 Not satisfactory
Table 12. Results of difference tests between the performance of the learners after ILA and CLA
Table 13. Correlation results between the learner’s performance after learning through CLA and
their profile variable.
Attitude towards Mathematics
Independent Variables Statistical Inference
r-value Prob.
Students’ profile
a. age 0.241 0.102 Not Significant
b. sex -0.308 0.035 Significant
c. parent’s educational attainment 0.325 0.026 Significant
d. grade in math 0.279 0.058 Not Significant
e. materials 0.115 0.443 Not Significant
*Tested at 0.05 level of significance