And Focusing On The Appropriate Competition Strategy (ABM - BES12-Id-j-5)

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Third Quarter

Name: __________________________ Grade Level and Section: ________

School: _________________________ Date: ________________________
Teacher: _____________________ Score: _______________________

I. Title: Strategic Plan

II. Learning Competency: prepare a strategic plan outlining the competitive environment
and focusing on the appropriate competition strategy (ABM_BES12-Id-j-5)

III. Discussions

Background of the Enterprise

Recent statistics from the Philippine Statistical Authority shoe favorable growth
rates for the service sectors. It is apparent that most ‘start-ups’ decide to invest
in these sectors because of their economic contribution and growth rates.

The business Enterprise Simulation course permits the learner-entrepreneur to

practice the observance of business ethics, through safe and inexpensive
products and services for customers, decent wages for employees, realistic
returns for investors and owners, and decent transactions with suppliers.

Strategic Planning

A start-up enterprises typically engages in strategic planning. The output for

strategic planning is as follows:
1. Vision, mission, goals and objectives
2. Environmental analysis
A. Macroenvironment: PEST
B. Microenvironment: Porter Model
C. SWOT analysis
D. Strategy formulation

The term vision is often explained to answer the question, “Where do we want
to go?” A vision statement is, therefore, an affirmation of what the enterprise
wants to become.

A mission statement is a declaration of the purpose of the organization, and

often defines the scope of its operations in product, market, and service terms.
It is helpful to answer the following questions in formulating the mission
1. What business are we in or what business do we want to be in?
2. What customer needs are we satisfying and how do we intend to satisfy them?
3. What type of work environment do we intend to provide for our employees?
4. Who are our shareholders and what do we expect in terms of returns on investment
5. What is our community and what do we expect to contribute to the external

Goals are shorter-term directions, often stated in specific metrics, such as

geographic, periodic, and other numerical terms. Goals allow organizations to be
directed toward specific sites or locations, over stated periods of time, and with
fixed profits or sales growth. An example of a goal statement is ‘to earn
maximum profits.’

Objectives are specific targets set by entrepreneurs to direct them into achieving
their goals.

One goal may have more than one objective designed to achieve it.

It is helpful for the enterprise groups to be SMART: make the vision, mission,
and goal statements specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and time-bound.
Goals or objectives may be limited to
1. Marketing objectives, such as sales volume and value targets for the period covered;
2. Financial objectives, such as gross or net profit percentages, as drawn from the
projected financial statements;
3. Management objectives, such as enterprise type choice and completion of business
registration requirements;
4. Internal Objectives, such as expected learning from the business simulation; and
5. Customer objectives, with surveys from clients for product or service improvement,
or other pertinent customer satisfaction comments.

IV. Activities

Simulation Activity 2: Background of the Enterprise

1. What is your product or service idea?

2. What are your reasons for choosing the product or service?
3. Under what economic sector does your product or service belong?
4. Do you have economic indicator or statistics on the chosen sector?
5. Where is the location of your enterprise?
6. Is your target market in the same location as your enterprises?
7. Do you do demographic data on your target market? What are these data?
Simulation Activity 3: Strategic Planning

1. What is your mission statement?

2. Goals
3. Strategies
4. What are your management objectives?
5. What are your marketing objectives?
6. What are your operations objectives?
7. What are your finance objectives?
8. What are your customer objectives?
9. What are your internal objectives?
Simulation Activity 4: Environmental Analysis

Instructions: Based on the business idea you have identified make a SWOT analysis in
order to assess the strength, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of your product.


V. Closures
At the end of the chapter, write two or three sentences to complete the following:

I realized that:

I resolved that:


VI. References

Victoria Garalde-Orjalo, Erlinda C. Pefianco, ED.D: Business Enterprise Simulation:

Business Incubation and ABM Integration

Prepared by:
Subject Teacher

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