Name: Section: Formative Assessment in Learning Plan 1
Name: Section: Formative Assessment in Learning Plan 1
Name: Section: Formative Assessment in Learning Plan 1
Now, it is your turn to try these out! These formative assessment aims to help you
to apply what you have learned from the module. It will further help you to assess your
ability in understanding the terms and concepts. Therefore, prepares you for the
summative assessment.
Activity 1: Match Column A with Column B. Place the best answer of your choice in
CAPITAL letter on the space provided before each number.
Column A Column B
____1. State of felt deprivation. a. need
____2. Human wants that are backed by b. demand
buying power.
____3. People with authority, time and c. market
____4. Focuses on the internal potentials of d. production concept
the company.
____5. People will buy more goods and e. sales concept
services through personal selling and
____6. Find out and satisfy the needs and f. marketing concept
wants of consumers
____7. Maintaining and improving value- g. relationship marketing
added long-term relationships
____8. Human need takes as shaped by h. wants
____9. Satisfy the needs of consumers in a i. societal marketing concept
manner that gives for society’s benefit
____10. The job of everyone in the j. marketing
k. traditional marketing
Activity 2: On the space provided before each number, write the word or words that will
make the statement correct.
1. _____ are statements of what results the company wants to achieve with its marketing
2. _____ are the SMART targets for marketing which can be used to track performance against
3. _____ are used to check that the marketing activities of a company are on track.
4. _____ is demotivational, because it reflects that management is irrational.
5. _____ is the segment of the market most likely to purchase the firm’s products or services.
6. _____ means consumers recognize a brand name when someone mentions it.
7. _____ is when consumers think of a particular brand when they need a product.
8. It is a vital to consider all _____ in setting the goals of the organization.
9. _____ is the percentage of unit and peso sales a company handles in their industry.
10. ____ are the methods used to get the company’s products into the hands of consumers, such
as selling them through rerail outlets or making them available online.