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First edition

Cylindrical gears - I S 0 system of

accuracy -
Part 2:
Definitions and allowable values of deviations
relevant to radial composite deviations and
runout information
Engrenages cylindriques - Systeme I S 0 de précision -
Partie 2: Définitions et valeurs admissibles des écarts composés radiaux et
information sur le faux-rond

This material is reproduced from IS0 documents under International

Organization for Standardization (ISO) Copyright License number
IHSIICCI1996. Not for resale. No part of these IS0 documents may be
reproduced in any form, electronic retrieval system or otherwise, except as
allowed in the copyright law of the country of use, or with the prior written
consent of IS0 (Case postale 56,1211 Geneva 20, Switzerland, Fax +41 22
734 10 79),IHS or the I S 0 Licensor's members.

Reference number
IS0 1328-2:1997(E)

Copyright International Organization for Standardization

Provided by IHS under license with ISO
No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale
STD-IS0 1328-2-ENGL 1797 4851703 071bq14 2b7
IS0 1328=2:1997(E)


1 Scope ............................................................................................... 1

2 Normative references....................................................................... 1

3 Definitions........................................................................................ 1

4 Symbols, quantities and units ......................................................... 2

5 Gear tooth accuracy terms relevant to radial

composite deviations....................................................................... 2

6 Structureof the gear accuracy system........................................... 3

7 Formulae for grade 5 accuracy tolerances for radial

composite deviations....................................................................... 4


A Tables of allowable values of radialcomposite deviations............. 5

B Allowable values of runout with tolerance tables............................ 8

C Bibliography................................................................................... 11

Q IS01997
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or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and
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Copyright International Organization for Standardization

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S T D - I S 0 1328-2-ENGL 1997 4853903 07Lb415 I T 3

Q IS0 IS0 132&2:1997(E) I

IS0 (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide
federation of national standards bodies (IS0 member bodies). The work of
preparing International Standards is normally carried out through IS0
technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a
technical committee has been established has the right to be represented on
that committee. Intemational organizations, governmental and non-
governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. IS0
collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC)
on all matters of electrotechnical standardization.

Draft International Standards adopted by the technical committees are

circulated to the member bodies for voting. Publication as an International
Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the member bodies casting a

International Standard IS0 1328-2 was prepared by Technical Committee

ISO/TC 60, Gears.

IS0 1328 consists of the following parts, under the general title Cylindrical
gears IS0 system of accuracy

- Part 1: Definitions and allowable values of deviations relevant to

corresponding flanks of gear teeth

- Part 2: Definitions and allowable values of deviations relevant to radial

composite deviations and runout information

Annexes A, B and C of this part of IS0 1328 are for information only.

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IS0 132&2:1997(E) Q IS0

Together with definitions and allowable values of gear element deviations,
IS0 1328:1975 also provided advice on appropriate inspection methods.

In the course of revising I S 0 1328:1975 and taking into account several

important aspects, it was agreed that the description and advice on gear
inspection methods would be published separately, and that, together with
parts 1 and 2 of IS0 1328, a system of standards and technical reports
(listed in clause 2 and annex C) should be established.


Copyright International Organization for Standardization
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S T D - I S 0 3328-2-ENGL 3977 = 4853703 0 7 L b l i 3 7 T7b


Cylindrical gears - IS0 system of accuracy -

Part 2:
Definitions and allowable values of deviations relevant to radial composite
deviations and runout information

1 Scope
This part of IS0 1328 establishes a system of accuracy relevant to radial composite deviations of individual cylindrical
involute gears. It specifies the appropriate definitions of gear tooth accuracy terms, the structure of the gear accuracy
system and the allowable values of the above mentioned deviations.

The radial measurement accuracy system has different grade ranges than elemental ranges in IS0 1328-1. The
diameter and module ranges for radial composite deviations and runout are also different.

The radial composite accuracy system comprises 9 accuracy grades for F," orf of which grade 4 is the highest and
grade 12 is the lowest. The module range extends from 0,2 mm to 10 mm and the diameter range from 5,O mm to
1 O00 mm, see clauses 6 and 7. Annex A gives tables based on the formulae in clause 7.

Runout is defined in annex B and values are not given in the standard for determining accuracy grade 5. Annex 6
provides information on runout for use if agreed upon between purchaser and manufacturer.

2 Normative references
The following standards contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions, of this
International Standard. At the time of publication, the editions indicated were valid. All standards are subject to
revision, and parties to agreements based on this International Standard are encouraged to investigate the possibility
of applying the most recent editions of the standards indicated below. Members of IEC and IS0 maintain registers of
currently valid InternationalStandards.

IS0 701:1976, International gear notation - Symbols for geometrical data.

IS0 1122-1:1983, Glossary of gear terms - Part I: Geometrical definitions.

IS0 1328-1:1995, cylindrical gears - /SO System of accuracy - Part I: Definitions and allowable values of
deviations relevant to corresponding flanks of gear teeth.

ISO/TR 10064-2:1996, Cylindrical gears - Code of inspection practice - Part 2: Inspection related to radial composite
deviations, runout, tooth thickness and backlash.

3 Definitions
For the purposes of this part of IS0 1328, the definitions given in IS0 1122-1 apply.

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STD-IS0 1328-2-ENGL 1797 4853903 0 7 L b 4 L ô 902 W

IS0 1328-2:1997(E) @ IS0

4 Symbols, quantities and units

Symbols are based on those given in IS0 701. Only symbols for quantities used in this pari of IS0 1328 are given in
table 1.

d reference diameter mm
m, normal module mm
Eo overlap ratio
f tooth-to-tooth radial composite deviation Pm
Fi" total radial composite deviation Pm
I L, I active length ~
I mm
Q accuracy grade number
Z number of teeth

5 Gear tooth accuracy terms relevant to radial composite deviations

5.1 Product gear

The "product gear" is the gear which is being measured or evaluated.

5.2 Radial composite deviations

Measured values of radial composite deviations are affected by the accuracy of the master gear and the total contact
ratio of the product gear with the master gear (refer to ISO/TR 10064-2).

5.3 Total radial composite deviation, F,"

Total radial composite deviation is the difference between the maximum and minimum values of centre distance which
occur during a radial (double-flank) composite test, when the product gear with its right and left flank simultaneously in
contact with those of the master gear, is turned through one complete revolution. Figure 1 shows an example of a
relevant diagram. --`,,`,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---

O' 360'

Figure 1 Radial composite deviation diagram

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@ IS0 I S 0 1328-2:1997(E)

5.4 Tooth-to-tooth radial composite deviation,fi'

Tooth-to-tooth radial composite deviation is the value of the radial composite deviation corresponding to one pitch,
36Oo/z, during the complete cycle of engagement of all the product gear teeth. The maximum valuer of all the product
gear teeth should not exceed the specified allowable value (see figure 1).

5.5 Master gear

The master gear for a radial composite test should engage the product gear over the "active length", LE, as defined in
IS0 1328-1.

The tolerances have been established for spur gears and can be used to determine an accuracy grade. Since the
overlap ratio, 4, may influence the results of radial composite measurements of helical gears, the master gear used
shall be subject to agreement between purchaser and manufacturer. When used for helical gears, the master gear
facewidth should be such that 9 is less than or equal to 0,5 with the product gear.

6 Structure of the gear accuracy system


Determination of the accuracy grade by measurement of radial composite deviations in accordance with this part of
IS0 1328 does not imply that the elemental deviations (e.g. pitch, profile, lead, etc. from IS0 1328-1) will conform to
1 the same grade. Statements in documents concerning required accuracy shall include reference to the relevant
standard, IS0 1328-1 or IS0 1328-2, as appropriate.

The tolerances for radial composite deviation apply only to the inspection of a gear running with a master gear. They do
not apply to the measurement of two product gears running together.

6.1 Gear accuracy

Gear accuracy is evaluated by comparing measured deviations against the numerical values determined according to
clause 7. The values calculated using the formulae apply to accuracy grade 5. The step factor between two
consecutive grades is equal to fi ; ¡.e., values of each next higher (lower) grade are determined by multiplying
(dividing) by & . The required value for any accuracy grade can be determined by multiplying the un-rounded
calculated value for accuracy grade 5 by 2 to exponent [0,5(Q - 5)],where Q is the accuracy grade of the required

When gear geometry is not within the specified ranges of clause 1, use of the formulae shall be agreed upon between
purchaser and manufacturer.

6.2 Validity of radial composite deviation

When tolerance values are small, particularly when less than 5 pm, the measuring apparatus including the master gear
shall be of sufficiently high precision as to ensure that values can be measured and repeated with the required

The tolerances have been established for spur gears and can be used to determine an accuracy grade. However,
subject to agreement between purchaser and manufacturer they can similarly be used for helical gears. See also 5.5.

Copyright International Organization for Standardization
Provided by IHS under license with ISO
No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale
STD-IS0 L328-2-ENGL 1977 Li851903 071bLi20 5bO
IS0 1328-2:1997(E) Q IS0

7 Formulae for grade 5 accuracy tolerances for radial composite deviations

Use the actual values of module and diameter in the following formulae.

a) Total radial composite deviation, F,”

6”= 3,2% + l,OQ + 6,4

b) Tooth-to-toothradial composite deviation, $’

$ = 2.96% + O , O l J d + 0,8
The formulae with the system of accuracy presented in clause 6 are used if no other agreement is specified. The
values for the tables in annex A were determined using the relevant mean values as stated in A.2. The tables of
tolerances should only be used with agreement between purchaser and manufacturer.

Copyright International Organization for Standardization
Provided by IHS under license with ISO
No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale
STD.ISO 1328-2-ENGL 1777 = i1853903 071b42L 4T7

@ IS0 IS0 1328-2:1997(E)

Annex A
Tables of allowable values of radial composite deviations

A.l Purpose
This annex gives a method for applying the formulae of clause 7 and subclause 6.1to develop tables of tolerances:

A.2 Ranges of parameters

The recommended lower and upper range limits for applying the formulae to tables are:

a) for the reference diameter, d

composite: 5 I 20 I 50 I 125 / 280 I 560 I 1 O00 mm

b) for the normal module, rn,

composite: 0,2 / 0 , 5 /0,811,O 11,512,514 16110 mm

When applying the formulae of clause 7 for tables of tolerances, the parameters rn, and d can be introduced as the
geometrical mean values of the relevant range limits. If the actual module is 7, for example, the range limits are
normally rn, = 6 and m,, = 1O and the table value calculatedwith m, = = 7,746. ,/m
A.3 Rounding rules
The tolerance values are rounded versions of values calculated using the formulae in clause 7 and subclause 6.1. If
values are greater than 10 pm, they are rounded to the nearest integer. If less than 10 pm, they are rounded to the
nearest 0,5 pm value or integer.

A.4 Validity !
When procurement documents state the required gear accuracy grade with reference to IS0 1328-2, but without other
indication, that accuracy grade applies only to deviations d all elements according to clauses 6 and 7. However, by
agreement, different tolerance limits may be specified using tables for any quantity.

A.5 Tables of radial deviation tolerances

The tabulated values in this annex are based on values calculated using the formulae in clause 7 with the criteria of A.2
and A.3. Total radial composite tolerance values are shown in table A.l and tooth-to-tooth radial composite tolerance
values in table A.2.


Copyright International Organization for Standardization
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No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale
STD-IS0 1328-2-ENGL 1997 4851703 07Lb422 3 3 3
IS0 1328-2:1997(E) Q IS0

Table A.l Total radial composite tolerance, F,"

Normal module


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@ IS0 I S 0 1328-2:1997(E)

Table A.2 Tooth-to-tooth radial composite tolerance, ('I

diameter Normal module Accuracy grade
d m" 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12


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IS0 1328-2:1997(E) Q IS0

Annex B
Allowable values of runout with tolerance tables

B.1 Purpose
This annex gives informative values and a method for applying the runout formula to develop tables of recommended

8.2 Runout, F,
The value of the runout, 6 , of the gear is the difference between the maximum and the minimum radial distance from
the gear axis, of a probe (ball, cylinder, anvil) which is placed successively in each tooth space. During each check, the
probe contacts both the right and lefî flanks at approximately mid tooth-depth. Figure B.l shows an example of a
runout diagram, in which the eccentricity is a portion of the runout (see ISO/TR 10064-2).

1 2 4 6 a 10 12 14 16 1
Tooth space number

Figure B.l Runout diagram of a gear with 16 teeth

B.3 Recommended formula for runout tolerances, F,, for accuracy grade 5
Use the actual values of module and diameter in the following formula.

The system of accuracy is the same as that for radial composite deviations. See 6.1.

8.4 Ranges of parameters

The recommended lower and upper range limits for applying the formula are:

a) For the reference diameter, d

5 / 20 / 50 / 125 / 280 / 560 / lo00 / 1600 / 2500 / 4000 / 6000 / 8000 / 10 O00 mm

b) For the normal module, m,

0,5 / 2,O / 3,5 / 6 / 10 / 16 / 25 / 40 / 70 mm

When applying the formula of B.3 for a table of tolerances, the parameters m, and d can be introduced as the
geometrical mean values of the relevant range limits. If the actual module is 7, for example, the range limits are
normally rn, = 6 and m, = 1O and the table value calculatedwith m, = = 7,746. ,/m

Copyright International Organization for Standardization
Provided by IHS under license with ISO
No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale
@ IS0 IS0 1328-2:1997(E)

If gear accuracy is to be evaluated using tables of tolerances, there must be an agreement between the
purchaser and the supplier.

8.5 Rounding rules

The tolerance values are rounded versions of values calculated using the formula. If values are greater than 10 pm,
they are rounded to the nearest integer. If less than 10 p,they are rounded to the nearest 0,5 prn value or integer.

B.6 Validity
When procurement documents state the required gear accuracy grade with reference to IS0 1328-2, but without other
indication, that accuracy grade applies only to deviations of all elements according to clause 6. However, by
agreement, runout tolerance limits may be specified between purchaser and manufacturer.

When tolerance values are small, particularly when less than 5 pm, the measuring apparatus must be of sufficiently
l high precision to ensure that values can be measured and repeated with the required accuracy.

6.7 Table of runout tolerances

The tabulated values in this annex are based on values calculated using the formula, with the criteria of 6.3,6.4 and
8.5. Runout tolerance values are shown in table 6.1.

Table 6.1 Runout tolerance, F,

Reference Normal Accuracy grade

diameter module
d mn o 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
mm mm F,


--`,,`,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- I
Copyright International Organization for Standardization
Provided by IHS under license with ISO
No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale
STD-IS0 2328-2-ENGL 1 7 7 7 U 9852703 07Lb92b T87 W

IS0 132&2:1997(E) Q IS0

Table B.l (c~n~luded)

3eference dbmeîa Normal

d mn
mm mm

lO<m,I 16
280 < d I 560 16 < m, I 25
25 <m, I 4 0
40 <m. I 7 0
0,5 I m, L 2,O
2,O < m, I 3 3
3,5 < mnI 6,O
16 < m, I 25
25 <moI40
40 <m, I 7 0
2,O I m, I3,5
3 3 < m, I 6,C
6,O < mnI 10
1000<dI1600 10<mnS16
16 < m, I 25
25 <mnS 40
3,5 I m, I 6,O
6,O < mnI 10
1600<d12500 10<mnS16
16 < m, I 25
25 < m, I 40
10<m,I 16
25ûO<d14000 16 < mnI 25
25 < m, I 40
6,OI m, I 10
10 < m, I 16
4000<d16000 16 < m, I 25
25 < mnI 4 0
6,O I mnI 10
16 < m, I 25
6,O I m, I 10
lO<m,I 16 18 26 36 52 73 103 146 206 292 413 584 826 1168
16 < m, I 25 19 26 37 52 74 105 148 210 297 420 594 840 1188
25 < m, I 4 0 19 27 38 54 76 108 152 216 305 431 610 862 1219
40 < m, I 7 0 20 28 40 56 80 113 160 226 319 451 639 903 1277


Copyright International Organization for Standardization
Provided by IHS under license with ISO
No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale

Annex C

[l] IS0 53:-”, Cylindricalgears for general and heavy engineering- Standard basic rack tooth profile.

[2] IS0 54:1996,Cylindrical gears for general engineering and for heavy engineering -Modules.
[3] ISOTTR 10064-1:1992,Cylindrical gears - Code of inspection practice - Part 7: Inspection of corresponding
flanks of gear teeth.

[4] ISO/TR 10064-3:1996, Cylindrical gears - Code of inspection practice - Part 3: Recommendations relafive to
gear blanks, shaft centre distance and parallelism of axes.

[5] ISOíTR 10064-4:-”, Cylindrical gears - Code of inspection practice - Part 4: Recommendations relative to
surface roughness and tooth contact pattern checking.


1) To be published. (Revision of IS0 53:1974)

2) To be published.

Copyright International Organization for Standardization
Provided by IHS under license with ISO
No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale
I S 0 1328-2:1997(E)

ICs 21.200
Descriptors: gears, cyiindncai gears, accuracy, tolerances of position, run-out tolerances, definitions.
Price based on 11 pages

Copyright International Organization for Standardization

Provided by IHS under license with ISO
No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale

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