High Cycle Fatigue, Low Cycle Fatigue and Failure Modes of A Carburized Steel
High Cycle Fatigue, Low Cycle Fatigue and Failure Modes of A Carburized Steel
High Cycle Fatigue, Low Cycle Fatigue and Failure Modes of A Carburized Steel
Received 27 March 2003; received in revised form 13 June 2003; accepted 5 September 2003
An experimental investigation is conducted for better understanding fatigue and fracture of carburized steel used in the con-
struction of vehicle transmission elements such as gears and shafts. Fatigue tests of case hardened specimens are carried out in
low and high cycle regimes. The effect of hard layer thickness in fatigue life and fatigue strength is investigated. It is observed that
case depth has influence in fatigue properties of carburized steels. The greater the case depth the higher the fatigue strength. The
analysis of the fracture surface shows a combination of fracture mechanisms, i.e. brittle fracture is observed in the hard layer and
ductile fracture is observed at specimen core. Fatigue properties developed here, are needed in fatigue crack initiation models for
carburized steels used in the design methodologies of gears and shafts.
# 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Table 1
Chemical Composition of the untreated material
C Si Mn P S Cr Mo Ni
wt.% 0.183 0.324 0.620 0.017 0.027 0.481 0.243 1.768 Fig. 2. Specimens used in the high cycle fatigue tests. Dimensions in
S. Farfán et al. / International Journal of Fatigue 26 (2004) 673–678 675
Fig. 5. Stress versus life (S–N) curves from rotating bending tests of
smooth specimens of AISI 8620 carburized steel with different hard
layer thickness.
Fig. 3. Low cycle fatigue test specimens. Dimensions in mm.
The rotating bending test was used to determine the Fig. 6. Fatigue limit variation with hard layer thickness. Rotating
S–N curve. The SHENCK machine, model PUNN bending tests.
676 S. Farfán et al. / International Journal of Fatigue 26 (2004) 673–678
Fig. 8. (a) SEM micrographs of group G1. Fracture surface of high cycle fatigue specimens; (b) part E-detail; (c) part F-detail; (d) part G-detail.
cracks on the core ductile zone. Transition zone is well ent hard layer thickness. It has been observed that
defined and in fact some cracks were developed which the larger the case depth the greater the fatigue limit,
separate ductile and intergranular fracture zones as except for very thin hard layers. Even though stress–
observed in Fig. 9(c) and Fig. 10(c). strain curves do not exhibit dependence on case depth
as shown in Fig. 4, it has been demonstrated that fati-
gue strength does depend on hard layer thickness. This
6. Conclusions may be due to the residual stress field induced during
heat treatment. This possibility is being investigated at
An experimental investigation has been conducted to this moment.
evaluate fatigue properties of carburized steels and the Strain-controlled fatigue tests were performed as
effect of case depth. High cycle fatigue tests were per- well. Strain–life curves were obtained for carburized
formed on a rotating bending apparatus. S–N curves specimens with different layer thickness. It was
were determined for carburized specimens with differ- observed that the larger the case depth, the greater the
Fig. 9. (a) SEM micrographs of group G2. Fracture surface at high cycle fatigue specimens; (b) part E-detail; (c) part F-detail; (d) part G-detail.
678 S. Farfán et al. / International Journal of Fatigue 26 (2004) 673–678
Fig. 10. (a) SEM micrographs of group G3. Fracture surface at high cycle fatigue specimens; (b) part E-detail; (c) part F-detail; (d) part G-detail.
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