Effect The Coated Layer of Hard Chromium On Fatigue Behavior For Aisi 1039 Medium Carbon Steel
Effect The Coated Layer of Hard Chromium On Fatigue Behavior For Aisi 1039 Medium Carbon Steel
Effect The Coated Layer of Hard Chromium On Fatigue Behavior For Aisi 1039 Medium Carbon Steel
Dr. Zeyad Dushan Kadhim1, Dr. Mohammed Abdulraoof Abdulrazzaq2, Zahraa Naseef
Abstract: In this paper, study the effect of fatigue behavior on AISI 1039 medium carbon steel
electroplated with hard chromium in which the electro deposition method was carried out within a period
of 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 minutes plating time, As shot peening were used in this work as a type of surface
treatment in which peening was carried out with steel balls for a period of 10 minutes. It was found that
the highest fatigue limit was 300 MPa in case of 10 minutes chromium plated shot peened steel , also it
was observed there is reduction in fatigue limit with increasing in time of electroplating. Coating
thickness increases as coating time increasing and this leading to lower the fatigue limit, where the
highest coating thickness value was 33µm with 30 minutes coating time and fatigue limit is reduced till
250 MPa. Also it was found that the coating thickness causes an increase in surface hardness of the alloy.
While as coating thickness increased the surface roughness decreased.
Keywords: Shot peening, Fatigue, Hard chromium electroplating, Coating medium carbon steel.
متوسط الكاربونAISI 1039 تأثير طبقة الطالء بالكروم المصلد على سلوك الكالل لفوالذ
ٌ حُث ح، اىَطيٍ باىنشوً اىَصيذAISI 1039 حٌ فٍ هزا اىعَو اىبحثٍ دساست سيىك اىناله ىفىالر ٍخىسط اىناسبىُ ٍِ ّىع:الخالصة
دقُقت مَا حٌ فُها30 ، 25 ، 20 ،15 ، 10 اجشاء عَيُاث اىطالء بطشَقت اىخشسُب اىنهشبائٍ و حٌ فُها حغُُش صٍِ اىطالء بفخشاث
حٌ اىخىصو اىً اّه اعيً قَُت ىيناله ماّج. دقائق10 اسخخذاً احذي حقُْاث اىَعاٍالث اىسطحُت واىخٍ هٍ اىقزف باىنشاث اىحذَذَت وبَذة
حُث ميَا اصداد، عْذ اسخخذاً حقُْت اىقزف واىطالء بعشش دقائق ٍعا حُث حٌ ٍالحظت اّه عَش اىناله َقو عْذ اىطالء300 MPa بَقذاس
صٍِ اىطالء ٍَا َؤدٌ اىً صَادة سَل طبقت اىطالء و اُ صَادة سَل طبقت اىطالء ادي اىً اّخفاض فٍ عَش اىناله حُث ماّج اعيً قَُت
أظافت اىً رىل اّه بضَادة سَل. 250 MPa . دقُقت واُ حذ اىناله قذ اّخفط اىً قَُت30 ٍِ ٍاَنشو ٍخش بض33 سَل طبقت اىطالء عْذ
.طبقت اىطالء قذ أدي اىً صَادة اىصالدة اىسطحُت ىيسبُنت
1. Introduction
Hard chromium plating is also known as industrial, functional, or engineering
chromium plating. The major uses of hard chromium plating are for improvement of
tool performance and tool life, wear-resistance applications and part salvage, Special
Journal of Engineering and Sustainable Development Vol. 22, No. 2 (part-3), March 2018 www.jeasd.org (ISSN 2520-0917)
The Fourth Scientific Engineering and First Sustainable Engineering Conference
Journal of Engineering and Sustainable Development Vol. 22, No. 2 (part-3), March 2018 www.jeasd.org (ISSN 2520-0917)
The Fourth Scientific Engineering and First Sustainable Engineering Conference
Mosa A. M. Studied the effect tempering temperature on fatigue life of AISI 4340
steel. Samples were heat treated by oil quenching then a tempering process was done for
all samples with different tempering temperatures. First group were tempered at 200 CO,
second group were tempered at 320 CO and the last group were tempered at 650 CO. It
was remarked that the best fatigue performance was obtained from high tempered
specimens [14]. Khan L.R.A. and Aggarwal M.L. studied the effect of shot peening on
hardness, endurance limit, surface roughness and fatigue strength for nitrogen austenitic
stainless steel. It was found that is an improvement in hardness and endurance limit of
RS 561 steel. Also the surface roughness decreased without a significant change in
residual stress by using a double shot peeing. The fatigue strength improves with
primary and secondary shot peening [15]. Bonoraa et al. studied the high resistance to
wear and corrosion for AISI 4340 steel coated with hard chromium [16]. Ching, an
Huang et al shown that the hardness of a Cr-C deposit became about 1600 HV after
annealing was done at 600 CO for one hour [17]. Aiyoub Parchehbaf Jadid et al.
investigate the optimization and the effect of electroplating variables on coating brass
sheets by chromium [18].
This paper shows a comparative study among bard chromium plating peened, non-
peened steel and uncoated peened, non-peened steel. However fatigue is an important
characteristic for coated and peened component, so fatigue test were done on coated
peened, non-peened steel and un coated peened non-peened steel and S-N curves were
obtained for all samples that submitted to rotating beam fatigue tests.
2. Experimental Works
2.1. Material Selection
Medium carbon-steel (AISI 1039) was used for the present study. The chemical
composition of this alloy can be shown in table (1) below.
Journal of Engineering and Sustainable Development Vol. 22, No. 2 (part-3), March 2018 www.jeasd.org (ISSN 2520-0917)
The Fourth Scientific Engineering and First Sustainable Engineering Conference
3. Surface Treatment
Stress relief process was carried out for samples at 19 CO for one hour by using an
eclectic furnace [5].
Journal of Engineering and Sustainable Development Vol. 22, No. 2 (part-3), March 2018 www.jeasd.org (ISSN 2520-0917)
The Fourth Scientific Engineering and First Sustainable Engineering Conference
P = is the applied load in newton
Arm of force = 125mm
d (mm) at minimum diameter of the specimen
Journal of Engineering and Sustainable Development Vol. 22, No. 2 (part-3), March 2018 www.jeasd.org (ISSN 2520-0917)
The Fourth Scientific Engineering and First Sustainable Engineering Conference
Table (3): Plating thickness and time of coating for Groups of samples
Groups Plating thickness (μm) Time (min)
C 13 10
D 19 15
E 25 20
F 28 25
G 33 30
H 32 30
Figure (5) shows the effect of plating time on thickness of coating, it can be seen that
thickness of coating layer increased with increasing plating time and this is due to the
current density that effect on the rate of deposition. So the rate of deposition was high
due to use high current density. Also, the current density would be effects on plating
properties (like hardness, surface roughness of coating the specimen). However if high
current density used then a burning and rough deposit obtained while the low current
density make an uneven coating. To obtain the required hardness there must be
coordination between the temperature and the current density.
Journal of Engineering and Sustainable Development Vol. 22, No. 2 (part-3), March 2018 www.jeasd.org (ISSN 2520-0917)
The Fourth Scientific Engineering and First Sustainable Engineering Conference
Fig. 6. Relationship between value of micro hardness and conditions for each sample
Journal of Engineering and Sustainable Development Vol. 22, No. 2 (part-3), March 2018 www.jeasd.org (ISSN 2520-0917)
The Fourth Scientific Engineering and First Sustainable Engineering Conference
S-N Curves
No. of Cycles(RPM)
Journal of Engineering and Sustainable Development Vol. 22, No. 2 (part-3), March 2018 www.jeasd.org (ISSN 2520-0917)
The Fourth Scientific Engineering and First Sustainable Engineering Conference
make a high tensile stresses in the coating or plating and compression stresses in the
So, micro cracks that presented in the material that coated with hard chrome, which
when submitted to external loads and tensile residual stresses, then the micro cracks will
propagates and decreased the fatigue life of material. Hardness of medium carbon steel
will be increased with hard chrome electroplating. It will be reach to a high value over
1000 HV. As plating time increased, thickness of hard chrome layer increased and it
will be 33µm within 30 minutes time of plating which leads to surface finer roughness
as shown in figure (9).
Fig. 9. SEM micrographs shows the macrostructure for medium carbon steel AISI 1039 with coating
surface for 10, 20, and 30 minutes of plating
Journal of Engineering and Sustainable Development Vol. 22, No. 2 (part-3), March 2018 www.jeasd.org (ISSN 2520-0917)
The Fourth Scientific Engineering and First Sustainable Engineering Conference
Fig 10. Fatigue fracture surfaces for AISI 1039 steel, A: 10 min. coated SP steel, B: 15 min. coated SP steel,
C: 20 min. coated SP steel D: 25 min. coated SP steel, E: 30 min. coated SP steel, F: coated steel only
Journal of Engineering and Sustainable Development Vol. 22, No. 2 (part-3), March 2018 www.jeasd.org (ISSN 2520-0917)
The Fourth Scientific Engineering and First Sustainable Engineering Conference
5. Conclusions
1. The electroplating of steel by a hard-chromium produces an internal residual
stresses (tensile stresses).
2. Fatigue limit decreases due to promote the crack initiations. That happened because
the internal tensile residual stresses.
3. Shot peening promote the compressive residual stresses, so the maximum value of
fatigue strength was 300 MPa.
4. AISI 1039 steed electroplating by hard chromium had lower fatigue strength due
internal tensile residual stress.
5. Steed treated with shot peening and coated with hard chromium had high hardness
value over them 1000 VH.
6. As plating time increased, thickness of coating increased. The maximum thickness
of coating was 33 µm at planting time of 30 min. which gives a good surface finish
or finer surface roughness.
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Journal of Engineering and Sustainable Development Vol. 22, No. 2 (part-3), March 2018 www.jeasd.org (ISSN 2520-0917)
The Fourth Scientific Engineering and First Sustainable Engineering Conference