Analysis of Pile Groups

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Two general problems must be addressed in the analysis of pile groups: com-
putation of the loads coming to each pile in the group and determination of
the efficiency of a group of closely spaced piles. Both of these problems are
important components in the area of soil–structure interaction. If piles are far
apart in terms of multiples of pile diameter, pile–soil–pile interaction will not
occur. As the piles become closer to each other, the stress in the soil from
the distribution of axial load or lateral load to the soil will affect nearby piles.
The simple way to consider the influence of the effect of the stresses in the
soil is to think of the efficiency of closely spaced piles becoming less than
unity. Methods of predicting efficiency will be discussed here.



The problem of solving for the distribution of axial and lateral loads to each
pile in a group has long been of concern to geotechnical engineers, and var-
ious concepts have been proposed to find a solution. As the ideas of soil–
structure interaction were developed, allowing the movements of pile heads
to be computed for axial and lateral loading, it became possible to develop
fully rational solutions to the problem of distribution of loading to piles in a
group. The work of Hrennikoff (1950), based on linear analysis, provided an
excellent guideline to the nonlinear problem. Useful information can be ob-


tained by considering the piles as behaving in a linear fashion, but the actual
behavior of a system can be found only by finding the loading that causes
failure. This requires the analysis to be continued well into the nonlinear
response of the piles to loading, either axial or lateral. Failure may occur in
the analysis due to the computation of a plastic hinge in one of the piles in
a group or due to excessive deflection. The ability to determine the movement
of a group of piles if a nonlinear response of a single pile is considered, due
to axial or lateral loading, allows the engineer to design a group of piles for
superstructures with a wide range of tolerances to foundation movements.
The response of a group of piles is analyzed for two conditions; the first
is where loading is symmetrical about the line of action of the lateral load.
That is, no twisting of the pile group will occur, so no pile is subjected to
torsion. Therefore, each pile in the group can undergo two translations and a
rotation, the two-dimensional problem. However, the method can also be ex-
tended to the general case where each pile can undergo three translations and
three rotations (Robertson, 1961; Reese et al., 1970; Bryant, 1977; O’Neill,
et al., 1977).
The analyses presented in this section assume that the soil does not act
against the pile cap. In many instances, of course, the pile cap is cast against
the soil. With regard to lateral resistance, shrinkage of the soil could cause a
gap between concrete and soil. A small settlement of the ground surface
would eliminate most of the vertical resistance against the mat. A conservative
assumption is that the piles under the pile cap support the total load on the
structure. In some current designs, however, the vertical loading is resisted
by both a mat (raft) and by piles, termed a piled raft (Franke, 1991; El-
Mossallamy and Franke, 1997). The analysis of a piled raft requires the de-
velopment of an appropriate model for the entire system of raft, piles, and
supporting soil.
The derivation of the equations presented here is based on the assumption
that the piles are spaced far enough apart that there is no loss of efficiency;
thus, the distribution of stress and deformation from a given pile to other piles
in the group need not be considered. The method that is derived can be used
with a group of closely spaced piles, but another level of iteration will be

15.2.1 Model of the Problem

The problem to be solved is shown in Figure 15.1. Three piles supporting a
pile cap are shown. The piles may be of any size and placed on any batter,
and may have any penetration below the groundline. The bent may be sup-
ported by any number of piles, but the piles are assumed to be far enough
apart that each is 100% efficient. The soil and loading may have any char-
acteristics for which the response of a single pile may be computed.
The derivation of the necessary equations in general form proceeds con-
veniently from the consideration of a structure such as that shown in Figure
15.2 (Reese, 1966; Reese and Matlock, 1966). The sign conventions for the

Figure 15.1 Example problem to be solved for the distribution of loads to piles in
a group.

loading and the geometry are shown. A global coordinate system, a-b, is
established with reference to the structure. A coordinate system, x-y, is es-
tablished for each pile. For convenience in deriving the equilibrium equations,
the a-b axes are located so that all of the coordinates of the pile heads are
The soil is not shown, and the piles are replaced with a set of springs
(mechanisms) that represent the interaction between the piles and the sup-
porting soil (Figure 15.2). If the global coordinate system translates horizon-
tally ⌬h and vertically ⌬v and rotates through the angle ␣s, the movement of
the head of each pile can be readily found. The angle ␣s is assumed to be
small in the derivation.
The movement of a pile head xi in the direction of the axis of the pile is

xt  (⌬h  b␣s)sin ␪  (⌬v  a␣s)cos ␪ (15.1)

The movement of a pile head yt transverse to the direction of the axis of the
pile (the lateral deflection) is

Figure 15.2 Model for the problem of distribution of loads to piles in a group.

yt  (⌬h  b␣s)cos ␪  (⌬v  a␣s)sin ␪ (15.2)

The assumption made in deriving Eqs. 15.1 and 15.2 is that the pile heads
have the same relative positions in space before and after loading. However,
if the pile heads move relative to each other, an adjustment can be made in
Eqs. 15.1 and 15.2 and a solution achieved by iteration.
The movements computed by Eqs. 15.1 and 15.2 will generate forces and
moments at the pile head. The assumption is made that curves can be devel-
oped, usually nonlinear, that give the relationship between pile-head move-
ment and pile-head forces. A secant to a curve is obtained and called the
modulus of pile-head resistance. The values of the moduli, so obtained, can
then be used, as shown below, to compute the components of movement of

the structure. If the values of the moduli that were selected were incorrect,
iterations are made until convergence is obtained.
Using sign conventions established for the single pile under lateral loading,
the lateral force Pt at the pile head is defined as follows:

Pt  Jyyt (15.3)

If rotational restraint exists at the pile head, the moment is

Ms  Jm yt (15.4)

The moduli Jy and Jm are not single-valued functions of pile-head trans-

lation but are also functions of the rotation ␣s of the structure. Figures 15.1
and 15.2 indicate that some of the piles supporting a structure may be installed
on a batter. The next section presents an empirical but effective procedure for
making the required modifications if some of the piles in a structure are
If it is assumed that a compressive load causes a positive deflection along
the pile axis, the axial force Px may be defined as follows:

Px  Jx xt (15.5)

A pile under lateral loading will almost always experience a lateral deflection
at the groundline that could cause some loss of axial capacity. However, the
loss would be small, so Px can be taken as a single-valued function of xt.
A curve showing axial load versus deflection may be computed by one of
the procedures recommended by several authors (Reese, 1964; Coyle and
Reese, 1966; Coyle and Sulaiman, 1967; Kraft et al., 1981) in Chapter 13 or
the results from a field load test may be used. A typical curve is shown in
Figure 15.3a. The curve is shown in the first quadrant for convenience in
plotting, but under some loadings, one or more of the piles in a structure may
be subjected to uplift and a curve showing axial load in tension must be
The methods for computing the response of a pile under lateral loading by
computer have been presented in Chapter 14 and may easily be employed for
computing the curves shown in Figures 15.3b and 15.3c. The method used
to attach the piles to the superstructure must be taken into account because
the pile-head rotation ␣p will be affected. Also, if the pile heads are fully or
partially restrained against rotation, the rotation of the structure ␣s will affect
the curves in Figures 15.3b and 15.3c. Alternatively, the nondimensional
methods presented earlier in Chapter 12 may be used in obtaining the curves
for the response of the pile to lateral loading.
The forces at the pile head defined in Eqs. 15.3 through 15.5 may now be
resolved into vertical and horizontal components of force on the structure as

Pxi Axial pile resistance

(a) versus axial displacement
Jxi =
X ti

X ti

Pti p
(b) s Lateral pile resistance
versus lateral pile
JYi =


p s
Mti Moment at pile head
versus lateral pile
(c) (–) displacement for
– Mti various rotations (p)
JMi =
Yti of the pile head

Figure 15.3 Typical curves showing pile resistance as a function of deflection for a
pile in a group.

Fv  (Px cos ␪  Pt sin ␪) (15.6)

Fh  (Px sin ␪  Pt cos ␪) (15.7)

The moment on the structure is

Ms  Jm yt (15.8)

The equilibrium equations can now be written as follows:

冘F 0 Pv  vi (15.9)

P 冘F 0 h hi (15.10)

M冘M 冘aF 冘bF

si i vi i hi 0 (15.11)

The subscript i refers to values of any ‘‘ith’’ pile. Using Eqs. 15.1 through
15.8, Eqs. 15.9 through 15.11 may be written in terms of the structural move-
ments as shown in Eqs. 15.12 through 15.14.

冋冘 册 冋冘 册 冋冘
⌬v Ai  ⌬h Bi  ␣s ai Ai  冘 b B册  P
i i v (15.12)

冋冘 册 冋冘 册 冋冘
⌬v Bi  ⌬h Ci  ␣s ai Bi  冘 b C册  P
i i h (15.13)

⌬v冋冘 冘 冘 册 冋冘
Di  ai Ai  bi Bi  ⌬h Ei  冘 a B  冘 b C册
i i i i

冋冘 冘 冘 冘
 ␣s ai Di  ai2Ai  bi Ei  b C  冘 2a b B 册  M
i i i i i



Ai  Jxi cos2 ␪i  Jyi sin2 ␪i (15.15)

Bi  (Jxi  Jyi)sin ␪i cos ␪i (15.16)

Ci  Jxi sin2 ␪i  Jyi cos2 ␪i (15.17)

Di  Jmi sin ␪i (15.18)

Ei  Jmi cos ␪i (15.19)

The above equations are not as complex as they appear. For example, the
origin of the coordinate system can usually be selected so that all of the b-
values are zero. For vertical piles, the sine terms are zero and the cosine terms
are unity. For small deflections, the J-values can all be taken as constants.
Therefore, under many circumstances, it is possible to solve the above equa-
tions by hand. However, if the deflections of the group are such that the

nonlinear portion of the curves in Figure 15.3 is reached, a computer solution

is advantageous. Computer solutions are discussed later in this chapter.

15.2.2 Detailed Step-by-Step Solution Procedure

1. Study the foundation to be analyzed and select a two-dimensional bent

the behavior of which is representative of the entire system.
2. Prepare a sketch such that the lateral loading comes from the left.
Show all pertinent dimensions.
3. Select a coordinate center and find the horizontal component of load,
the vertical component of load, and the moment through and about
that point.
4. Compute a curve showing axial load versus axial deflection for each
pile in the group or, preferably, use the results from a field load test.
Computation of a curve showing axial load versus settlement is pre-
sented in detail in Chapter 13.
5. Compute curves showing lateral load as a function of lateral deflection
and moment as a function of lateral deflection, taking into account the
effect of structural rotation on the boundary conditions at each pile
6. Estimate trial values of Jx, Jy, and Jm for each pile in the structure.
7. Solve Eqs. 15.12 through 15.14 for values of ⌬v, ⌬h, and ␣s.
8. Compute movements of pile heads, obtain loads at pile heads by use
of the appropriate J-values, and check to ensure that equilibrium was
established for the group.
9. If necessary, obtain new values of Jx, Jy, and Jm for each pile and solve
Eqs. 15.12 through 15.14 again for the new values of ⌬v, ⌬h, and ␣s.
10. Continue iteration until the computed values of the structural move-
ments agree, within a given tolerance, with the values from the pre-
vious computation.
11. Compute the stresses along the length of each pile using the loads and
moments at each pile head.


Kubo (1965) and Awoshika and Reese (1971) investigated the effect of batter
on the behavior of laterally loaded piles. Kubo used model tests in sands and
full-scale field experiments to obtain his results. Awoshika and Reese tested
2-in.-diameter piles in sand. The value of the constant showing the increase
or decrease in soil resistance as a function of the angle of batter may be
obtained for the line in Figure 15.4. The ratio of soil resistance was obtained

Figure 15.4 Experimental results showing loss of resistance as a function of batter

angle for battered piles.

by comparing the groundline deflection for a battered pile with that of a

vertical pile and is, of course, based purely on experiment.
The correction for batter is made as follows: (1) enter Figure 15.4 with
the angle of batter, positive or negative, and obtain a value of the ratio; (2)
compute groundline deflection as if the pile were vertical; (3) multiply the
deflection found in (2) by the ratio found in (1); (4) vary the strength of the
soil until the deflection found in (3) is obtained; and (5) use the modified
strength found in (4) for the further computations of the behavior of the pile
on a batter. The method outlined is obviously approximate and should be
used with caution. If the project is large and expensive, field tests on piles
that are battered and vertical could be justified.



15.4.1 Solution by Hand Computations

The detailed step-by-step procedure was presented earlier and is followed in
the following example. Steps 1 through 3 were followed in preparing Figure
15.5. The pile-supported retaining wall has piles spaced 8 ft apart along the

Figure 15.5 Problem solved to show the distribution of loads to piles in a group.

wall. The piles are steel pipes, 12 in. in outside diameter with a wall thickness
of 0.5 in. The length of the piles is 40 ft. As shown in the figure, the piles
are embedded only 1 ft. in the cap, and the assumption is made that the pile
heads are unrestrained against rotation. This condition generally does not
exist; if a pile is embedded a sufficient amount to sustain shear, some restraint
against rotation must occur. Consideration of the effect of some rotational
restraint shows that the assumption that the pile can rotate freely adds a small
degree of safety to the solution.
The backfill is a free-draining granular soil without any fine particles. The
surface of the backfill is treated to facilitate runoff, and weep holes are pro-
vided so that water will not collect behind the wall. The soil supporting the
piles is a silty clay, with the water table reported as having a depth of 10 ft.

The water content averages 10% above and 20% below the water table. The
undrained shear strength of the clay varies with depth, and a constant value
of 2.0 kips/ft2 was selected for the analyses. The unit weight of the clay is
118 lb/ft3 above the water table, and a value of ␧50 was estimated to be 0.005.
The pile to the right in the figure was battered at an angle of 14⬚ with the
vertical such that the soil resistance would be less than for a vertical pile.
Figure 15.4 was employed, and a soil resistance ratio of 0.62 was found.
Therefore, the soil strength around the battered pile was taken as (0.62)(2.0)
 1.24 kips/ft2.
The forces P1, P2, Ps, and Pw (shown in Figure 15.5) were computed as to
be: 21.4, 4.6, 18.4, and 22.5 kips, respectively. Resolution of the loads at the
origin of the global coordinate system resulted in the following service loads:
Pv  45.5 kips, Ph  21.4 kips, and M  44.2 ft-kips. The value of the
moment of inertia I of the pile is 299 in.4. The yield strength of the steel is
36 kips/in.2.
With regard to Step 4, a field load test was assumed at the site and the
ultimate axial capacity of a pile was found to be 240 kips. The load-settlement
curve is shown in Figure 15.6. Step 5 was accomplished by computing a set
of p-y curves for Pile 1, the vertical pile, and for Pile 2, the battered pile,
and shown in Figures 15.7 and 15.8. In complying with Step 5, with the sets
of p-y curves, the curves showing lateral load versus deflection for the tops
of Piles 1 and 2 may be developed by using the nondimensional curves dem-
onstrated earlier. However, a computer solution was employed as described
in Chapter 14, and the results are shown in Figures 15.9 and 15.10 for Piles
1 and 2, respectively. The figures do not indicate an influence of ␣s, the
rotation of the structure, because the heads of the piles are unrestrained
against rotation.
Step 6 was accomplished by assuming that the movements of the pile heads
would be small for the service loads indicated in Figure 15.5. The J-values
were found by obtaining the slopes of the curves in Figures 15.6, 15.8, and
15.9 to the first points shown in the figures, with the following results: Jx1
and Jx2  2800 kips/in., Jy1  333 kips/in., and Jy2  161 kips/in.
Substitution of the J-values into Eqs. 15.15 through 15.19, with the value
of ␪ as 14⬚, yields the following values: A1  2800.0, A2  2645.5, B1  0,
B2  619.46, C1  333.00, C2  315.45, and the remainder of the terms in
the equations have values of zero.
Step 7 is to substitute these values into Eqs. 15.12 through 15.14 to obtain
equations for the movement of the global coordinate system. The results for
the service loadings on the structure are as follows:
⌬v[5445.5]  ⌬h[619.46]  ␣s[2781]  45.5 k

⌬v[619.46]  ⌬h[618.45]  ␣s[11150]  21.4 k

⌬v[2781]  ⌬h[11150]  ␣s[1,764,300]  530 in.-k

The three equations may be solved by hand with a little effort, but a spread-
sheet solution is convenient, with the following results:

Load, Kips
0 50 100 150 200 250


Settlement, in.




Figure 15.6 Axial load versus settlement for piles in the example problem.

⌬v  0.005579; ⌬h  0.025081; ␣s  0.000151

In Steps 8 through 10, the pile-head movements were computed with these
movements of the global coordinate system, and the results from Eqs. 15.1
and 15.2 are as shown in the following table, along with the computed forces
on the pile heads by use of the J-values assumed in the analysis.

Pile No. xt, in. Px, k yt, in. Pt, k

1 0.002861 8.01 0.025081 8.35
2 0.014119 39.53 0.022329 3.59

Figure 15.7 Curves showing soil resistance versus deflection ( p-y curves) for vertical
piles in the example problem.

The resisting loads on the pile cap generated by the pile-head movements
show that the structure is in equilibrium; however, entering curves in Figures
15.6, 15.9, and 15.10 showed that the J-values had not been selected with
sufficient accuracy. For example, entering Figure 15.9 with a pile-head de-
flection of 0.025081 yields a Pt of about 6 kips rather than 8.35 kips; thus,
the J-values would need to be recomputed and a new solution obtained. This
process or iteration requires the use of a computer. The GROUP program was
employed, six iterations were required, and the following results were

Pile No. xt, in. Px, k yt, in. Pt, k

1 0.00272 8.02 0.0321 7.05
2 0.0135 39.8 0.0298 4.83

As may be seen, the results were not very different, suggesting that useful
solutions can be obtained by hand.
Step 11 will be demonstrated by using the results from a computer solution
where the loadings were multiplied by a factor of 2.5, yielding Pv  113,700

Figure 15.8 Curves showing soil resistance versus deflection ( p-y curves) for batter
piles in the example problem.

lb, Ph  53,500 lb, and M  1,325,000 in.-lb. The results for Piles 1 and 2
are as follows:

Pile No. xt, in. Px, k yt, in. Pt, k ƒmax, ksi
1 0.00679 20.0 0.289 18.2 10.9
2 0.0429 99.5 0.287 11.6 12.0

The pile-head movements and the loads with a load factor of 2.5 are shown
in the above table, and the pile-head loads are presented in Figure 15.11. The
table shows the lateral deflection with the load factor to be about 0.25 in. and
the maximum stress to be far less than would cause a failure of the pile. The
maximum axial load of 99.5 kips is far less than the load to cause failure of
the pile (see Figure 15.6).
The above example may be viewed as part of an iteration to determine the
pile size and spacing for the retaining-wall problem. The engineer may modify
the pile diameter, wall thickness, and penetration and reconsider the distance
between pile groups along the wall. The construction cost is increased for the
driving of batter piles; two vertical piles could be investigated, along with
other factors that influence the design.

Figure 15.9 Lateral load versus deflection for pile head for vertical piles in the
example problem.


15.5.1 Modifying Lateral Resistance of Closely Spaced Piles

O’Neill (1983) considered the response of a group of piles under both axial
load and lateral load, and characterized the problem of closely spaced piles
in a group as one of pile–soil–pile interaction. O’Neill listed a number of
procedures that may be used in predicting the behavior of such groups. He
states that none of the procedures should be expected to provide generally
accurate predictions of the distribution of loads to piles in a group because
none of the models account for installation effects. He concludes that more
experimental data are needed. Sections 15.5.2 and 15.5.3 deal with lateral

Figure 15.10 Lateral load versus deflection for pile head for batter piles in the ex-
ample problem.

resistance. For the analysis of groups of piles, axial resistance must be mod-
ified for closely spaced piles. That topic was discussed in Section 15.6.

15.5.2 Customary Methods of Adjusting Lateral Resistance for

Close Spacing
Pile–soil–pile interaction under close spacing is the reason that the piles in
the group are less efficient than single piles. The theory of elasticity has been
employed to take into account the effect of a single pile on other piles in the
group. Solutions have been developed (Poulos, 1971; Banerjee and Davies,

20.1 99.6

12.2 Loads in

Figure 15.11 Loads at the pile heads for the example problem.

1979) that assume a linear response of the pile-soil system. While such meth-
ods are instructive, there is ample evidence to show that soils cannot generally
be characterized as linear, homogeneous, elastic materials.
Two other approaches to the analysis of a group of closely spaced piles
under lateral load are given in the following paragraphs. One method is to
use a rather straightforward equation for the efficiency of piles in a group
under lateral loading, such as Eq. 15.20; the other method is based on the
assumption that the soil within the pile group moves laterally the same amount
as the piles.

(Qult)G  En(Qult)p (15.20)


(Qult)G  ultimate lateral capacity of the group,

E  efficiency factor (1 or  1),
n  number of piles in the group, and
(Qult)p  ultimate lateral capacity of an individual pile.

Various proposals have been made for obtaining the value of E. For ex-
ample, McClelland (1972) suggested that the value of E should be 1.0 for
pile groups in cohesive soil with center-to-center spacing of eight diameters
or more and that E should decrease linearly to 0.7 at a spacing of three
diameters. McClelland based his recommendations on results from experi-
ments in the field and in the laboratory. He did not differentiate between piles
that are spaced front to back or side by side or spaced at some other angle
between each other.
Unfortunately, experimental data on the behavior of pile groups under lat-
eral load are limited. Furthermore, the mechanics of the behavior of a group
of laterally loaded piles are more complex than those for a group of axially

loaded piles. Thus, few recommendations have been made for efficiency for-
mulas for laterally loaded groups.
The single-pile method of analysis is based on the assumption that the soil
between the piles moves with the group. Thus, the pile group with the con-
tained soil can be treated as a single pile of large diameter.
A step-by-step procedure for using the method is as follows:

1. The group to be analyzed is selected, and a plan view of the piles at

the groundline is prepared.
2. The minimum length is found for a line that encloses the group. If a
nine-pile (3 by 3) group consists of piles that are one foot square and
three widths on center, the length of the line will be 28 ft.
3. The length found in Step 2 is considered to be the circumference of a
pile of large diameter; thus, the length is divided by ␲ to obtain the
diameter of the imaginary pile.
4. The next step is to determine the stiffness of the group. For a lateral
load passing through the tops of the piles, the stiffness of the group is
taken as the sum of the stiffnesses of the individual piles. Thus, it is
assumed that the deflection at the pile top is the same for each pile in
the group and, further, that the deflected shape of each pile is identical.
Some judgment must be used if the piles in the group have different
5. Then an analysis is made for the imaginary pile, taking into account
the nature of the loading and the boundary conditions at the pile head.
The shear and moment for the imaginary large-sized pile are shared by
the individual piles according to the ratio of the lateral stiffness of each
pile to that of the group.

The shear, moment, pile-head deflection, and pile-head rotation yield a

unique solution for each pile in the group. As a final step, it is necessary to
compare the single-pile solution to that of the group. The piles in the group
may have an efficiency greater than 1; in this case, the single-pile solutions
would control.
An example problem is presented in Figure 15.12. The steel piles are em-
bedded in a reinforced-concrete mat in such a way that the pile heads do not
rotate. The piles are 14HP89 by 40 ft long and placed so that bending is
about the strong axis. The moment of inertia is 904 in.4 and the modulus of
elasticity is 30 106 lb/in.2. The width of the section is 14.7 in. and the
depth is 13.83 in.
The soil is assumed to be sand with an angle of internal friction of 34⬚,
and the unit weight is 114 lb/ft3. The computer program presented in Chapter
14 may be utilized. Alternatively, the p-y curves for the imaginary large-
diameter pile could be prepared as described by Reese et al. (1974) or API
(1987) and a solution developed using nondimensional curves. For a pile with

450 kips

3' 3'

7H 4H 1H
8H 5H 2H
9H 6H 3H

Figure 15.12 Example of a solution of the problem of closely spaced piles under
lateral loading.

a diameter of 109.4 in. and a moment of inertia of 8136 in.4 (9 times 904),
the results are as follows:

yt  0.885 in.
Mt  Mmax  3.60 107 in.-lb for group
Bending stress  25.3 kips/in.2

The deflection and stress are for a single pile of large diameter.
If a single pile with a diameter of 14.7 in. is analyzed with a load of 50
kips, the groundline deflection is 0.355 in. and the bending stress is 23.1 kips/
in.2. Therefore, the solution with the imaginary large-diameter single pile is
more critical.

15.5.3 Adjusting for Close Spacing Under Lateral Loading by

Modified p-y Curves
Bogard and Matlock (1983) present a method in which the p-y curves for a
single pile are modified to take into account the group effect. Excellent agree-
ment was obtained between their computed results and results from field

experiments (Matlock et al., 1980). Much of the detailed presentation that

follows is based on the work of Brown et al. (1987), who tested single piles
and groups under lateral loading, all instrumented for the measurement of
bending moment with depth. Two major experiments were performed, in ov-
erconsolidated clay and in sand, and analyses showed that the group effect
could be taken into account most favorably by reducing the value of p for
the p-y curve of the single pile to obtain p-y curves for the pile group. The
curves in Figure 15.13 show that the factor ƒm may be used to reduce the
values of psp for the single pile to the value pgp for the pile group. The
proposals make use of other work in the technical literature, some based on
the results of model tests of pile groups (Prakash, 1962; Schmidt, 1981, 1985;
Cox et al., 1984; Dunnavant and O’Neill, 1986; Wang, 1986; Lieng, 1988).

Side-By-Side Reduction Factors The first pattern for the placement of

piles in a group to be considered is for piles placed side by side. Values of
␤ are found, termed ␤a for this case, and may be summed as shown later to
determine a composite factor of ␤ for each pile in the group. The pattern for
the placement of the side-by-side piles is shown in Figure 15.14, with the
arrows showing the direction of loading. The values of ␤a may be found from
the curve or equations given in Figure 15.14. The plotted points in the figure
are identified by the references previously cited. The value of ␤a may be
taken directly from the plot or may be found by using the equation in the
figure. As may be seen, with s/b values of 3.28 or more, the value of ␤a is
unity. The smallest value of ␤a for piles that touch is 0.5. A review of the

Figure 15.13 Employing a computed value of ƒm to derive the p-y curve for piles in
a group.

Figure 15.14 Curve giving reduction factors ␤a for piles in a row.

plotted points reveals that the value of unity of ␤a for s/b values of 3.28 or
more is strongly supported. The value of 0.5 for piles that touch is found
from mechanics. However, the first branch of the curve in Figure 15.14 is
subject to uncertainty; this is not surprising, considering the variety of ex-
periments that were cited.

Line-By-Line Reduction Factors, Leading Piles The next pattern of

placement of the piles in a group to be considered is for piles placed in a
line, as shown in Figure 15.15, with the arrow showing the direction of load-
ing. The values of ␤bL may be found from the curve or equations in Figure
15.15. The plotted points in the figure are identified by the references previ-
ously cited. The suggested curve agrees well with the plotted points except
for four points to the left of the curve indicating an efficiency of unity for
close spacing.

Line-By-Line Reduction Factors, Trailing Piles The experimental results,

along with a suggested curve and equations, are given in Figure 15.16. The
scatter of the plotted points indicates that the computed efficiency for the

Figure 15.15 Curve giving reduction factors ␤bl for leading piles in a line.

individual piles in a group is not likely to be precise. The scatter, as noted

earlier, is not surprising in view of the many variables involved in the exper-
iments. The authors maintain that the use of values suggested in the curves
and equations in Figures 15.14 through 15.16 will yield a much better result
than ignoring the effect of close spacing.

Skewed Piles The experiments cited above did not obtain data on skewed
piles, but provision for skewed piles is necessary. A simple mathematical
expression for the ellipse in polar coordinates was selected to obtain the
reduction factor. The geometry of the two piles, A and B, is shown in Figure
15.17a. The side-by-side effect ␤a may be found from Figure 15.14, where
the spacing is r/b. The in-line effect ␤b may be found from either Figure
15.16 or Figure 15.17, depending on whether Pile A or Pile B is being con-
sidered. The values of ␤a and ␤b are indicated in Figure 15.17b, and the value
of ␤s for the effect of skew may be found from the following equation:

␤s  (␤2b cos2 ␾  ␤2a sin2 ␾)1 / 2 (15.21)


Figure 15.16 Curve giving reduction factors ␤bt for trailing piles in a line.

Example Computation of Reduction Factors for Piles Under Lateral

Loading The example selected for computation of the reduction factors for
the group is presented in Figure 15.18. Pile 4 is selected as an example of
the computation for each pile in the group. The value of ƒm for Pile 4 to
obtain the modified p-y curve for that pile in the group is obtained as follows:

ƒm4  ␤34 (side by side effect)

␤24 (trailing effect)
␤64 (leading effect)
␤14 (skewed effect)
␤54 (skewed effect)

Employing the information in Figures 15.14 through 15.16 and Eq. 15.21, the
following values were computed:

Figure 15.17 System for computing the reduction factor for skewed piles.

ƒm4  (0.8101)(0.8509)(0.9314)(0.7287)(0.9809)  0.46

For the pile selected in the group, ƒma is the reduction factor to the values of
p for the p-y curve. Pile 4 in the group significantly reduces the values of p
for a single pile.
For each pile i in the group, the group reduction factor may be computed
by the following equation:

Figure 15.18 Pile group for example computations.


ƒmi  ␤1i ␤2i ␤3i    ␤ji    m  i (15.22)

Computation of the factor to reduce the values of p for the single pile to
values for each pile in a group is tedious. Then the individual sets of p-y
curves, perhaps all different, must be used in analyzing the behavior of the
group under lateral loading. Such extensive computations require a properly
written computer program.


15.6.1 Introduction
Most pile foundations consist not of a single pile, but of a group of piles for
supporting superstructures. In a group of closely spaced piles, the axial ca-
pacity of the group is influenced by variations in the load-settlement behavior
of individual piles because of pile–soil–pile interaction. The group effects of
piles under axial loading, discussed in this chapter, will focus on proposals
for determining the efficiency of the individual piles in the group.
The concept of group behavior is presented in Figure 15.19. Figure 15.19a
shows a single pile and the possible downward movement of an imaginary
surface at some distance below the groundline. As may be seen, that surface
moves downward more at the wall of the pile than elsewhere, but movements
do occur away from the wall.
Three piles spaced close together are shown in Figure 15.19b. The zones
of influence overlap, so that the imaginary surface moves downward more for
the group than for the single pile. The stresses in the soil around the center
pile are larger than those for the single pile because of the transfer of stresses
from the adjacent piles. Therefore, the designer must consider the ultimate
capacity of a pile in a group as well as the settlement of the group.
The problem is complicated by the presence of the pile cap in two ways.
First, if the cap is perfectly rigid and the axial loading is symmetrical, all of
the piles will settle the same amount. However, if the cap is flexible, the
settlement of the piles will be different. Second, if the cap rests on the ground
surface, some of the axial load will be sustained by bearing pressure on the
cap. Many authors have treated the problem of the distribution of the axial
load to the piles and to the cap. However, conservatively, the assumption can
be made that there can be settlement of the soil beneath the cap and that all
of the load is taken by the piles. This above assumption is made in the
discussion that follows.
Unlike the behavior of a group of piles under lateral loading, the behavior
of a group under axial loading strongly depends on methods of installation,
types of soils, and stress-induced settlement. The position of each pile in the
group is less important than that of piles under lateral loading. A number of

Figure 15.19 Group effects between closed-spaced piles.

investigators, such as Poulos and Davis (1980) and Focht and Koch (1973)
have used the theory of elasticity to develop interaction recommendations.
However, soils do not behave the same way in tension as in compression,
and such theoretical results do not agree well with the results of experiments
that have been conducted.
The concept of block failure (i.e., simultaneous failure of the piles and of
the mass of soil within the pile group) is commonly used to calculate the
ultimate capacity of a closed-spaced pile group. As shown in Figure 15.20,
an imaginary block encompasses the pile group. The load carried by an imag-
inary block is the sum of the load carried by the base and friction on the
perimeter of the block. The ultimate capacity developed by the block failure
is compared with the sum of the ultimate capacity of individual piles in the
group, and the smaller of these two values is selected as the load-carrying
capacity of the pile group.
O’Neill (1983), in a prize-winning paper, presented a comprehensive sum-
mary of the efficiency of piles in a group. He reviewed the proposals that
have been made for piles under axial loading and showed that piles in co-
hesive and cohesionless soils respond quite differently. Many investigations
have been carried out to determine group efficiency under various soil con-
ditions and pile spacings. A brief discussion of group efficiency in cohesion-
less and cohesive soils will now be presented for reference.

Piles Block of Piles

Side friction
on each pile

Side friction

Tip resistance
on each pile Tip resistance
Figure 15.20 Block-failure model for closed-spaced piles.

15.6.2 Efficiency of Piles in a Group in Cohesionless Soils

The efficiency ␩ of a pile in a group is defined formally by Eq. 15.23:

␩ (15.23)


␩  number of piles,
Qg  total capacity of the group, and
Qs  capacity of a reference pile that is identical to a group pile but is
isolated from the group.

Figure 15.21 shows the average efficiencies for driven piles. Theory pre-
dicts that the capacity of a pile in cohesionless soil is increased with an
increase in the effective stress. Thus, the overlapping zones of stress at the
base of a group of piles will cause an increase in end bearing. As shown in
Figure 15.21, the average value of efficiency is slightly greater than unity.
Also, the lateral compaction of the cohesionless soil during installation can
cause an increase in effective stress along the sides of a driven pile (the shaft).
Figure 15.21 shows that the efficiency of the shaft can range from slightly

Figure 15.21 Group efficiency in cohesionless soils reported by Vesić (1969).


over 1.5 to almost 3.0. The figure shows that the overall efficiency of a group
in cohesionless soils is well above 1.0.
While not shown in the figure, settlement frequently controls the capacity
of piles in granular soils. Where settlement is critical, special study of the
data from Vesić (1969) and from other authors is desirable.
O’Neill (1983) made a comprehensive study of the behavior of pile groups
under axial loading. Figure 15.22 shows a compilation of the results of model
tests for inserted piles (similar to those for driven piles). The trends in Figure
15.22 were described by O’Neill as follows: (1) ␩ in loose sands always
exceeds unity, with the highest values occurring at spacing-to-diameter ratios
s/d of about 2, and in general, higher ␩ occurs with increasing numbers of
piles. Block failure (i.e., simultaneous failure of the piles and the mass of soil
within the pile group) affects ␩ in 4-pile groups only below s/d  1.5 and
in 9- to 16-pile groups only below s/d  2. (2) ␩ in dense sands may be
either greater or less than unity, although the trend is toward ␩  1 in groups
of all sizes with s/d ranging from 2 to 4. Efficiency of less than unity is
probably a result of dilatency and would not generally be expected in the
field for other than bored or partially jetted piles, although theoretical studies
of interference suggest ␩ slightly below 1 at s/d  4.
Conventional practice generally assigns a group efficiency value of 1 for
driven piles in cohesionless soil unless the pile group is founded on dense
soil of limited thickness underlain by a weak soil deposit. In such conditions,
Meyerhof (1974) suggested that the efficiency value of the group should be
based on the capacity of an equivalent base that punches through the dense
sand in block failure.

15.6.3 Efficiency of Piles in a Group in Cohesive Soils

In general, piles in cohesive soils sustain load principally in side resistance
or behave as ‘‘friction’’ piles. The load-carrying capacity of a group of friction
piles in clay is the smaller of the following:

1. The sum of the failure loads of the individual piles or

2. The load carried by an imaginary block encompassing the group, where
the loads is the sum of the load carried by the base and perimeter of
the block.

In certain types of clay, particularly highly sensitive clay, the efficiency of

closely spaced piles in a group is less than 1. However, there is insufficient
data from testing of full-sized piles in the field to allow quantification of pile
efficiency as a function of center-to-center spacing. Use of the imaginary
block, described above, is the common way to investigate the efficiency of
the group. The test results shown in Figure 15.23 were summarized by de
Mello (1969) and show that failure of a pile group does not become pro-
nounced until the pile spacing is less than two pile diameters.

Figure 15.22 Group efficiency in cohesionless soils reported by O’Neill (1983).


Figure 15.23 Group efficiency in cohesive soils reported by de Mello (1969).

O’Neill (1983) made studies of group efficiency in clay similar to those in

sand. A compilation of the results of model tests of pile groups in clay is
shown in Figure 15.24, except for the results reported by Matlock et al. (1980)
where the test was in the field. Model tests in clay, in contrast to those in
sand, always yield efficiencies less than 1, with a distinct trend toward block
failure in square groups at values of s/d less than about 2. The group effi-
ciency is higher in stiff clays than in soft clays.
O’Neill (1983) pointed out that the efficiencies are 1 or less for suspended
caps and may be higher than 1 for caps in contact with the soil. However,

Figure 15.24 Group efficiency in cohesive soils reported by O’Neill (1983).

the possibility that the soil will settle eliminates the effectiveness of the cap.
An important factor with respect to a group of piles in saturated clay is that
the generation of porewater pressures during pile driving will create a large
‘‘bulb’’ of excess pore pressure around the group of piles. Thus, the dissi-
pation of pore pressure around pile groups will be much slower than the
dissipation around single piles, a fact that may not have been addressed in
tests of full-scale piles that have been reported.
The settlement of a group of piles in saturated clay will be time-dependent
and may be an overriding consideration with respect to the capacity of the
group to sustain axial loading. The design of a group of piles in clay will
depend on many factors, including site-specific conditions and the nature of
the superstructure, as well as the center-to-center spacing of the piles.

15.6.4 Concluding Comments

The most reliable data on the efficiency of the piles in a group are derived
from the results of full-scale tests. However, the behavior of pile groups under
axial loading depends on many factors that can be investigated thoroughly
only with a large number of carefully controlled tests, taking time into ac-
count. Such a program is beyond the capabilities of the agencies currently
interested in the behavior of piles. As an example of the current limitations,

guidelines are unavailable for estimating the efficiency of groups of piles in

layered soils. The data presented in this chapter are useful and present an
introduction to the efficiency of piles in groups under axial loading, but they
are not meant to provide specific information for design, even for the most
routine problem. The judgment of the engineer should take into account the
type of piles, construction methods, distribution of frictional and tip resis-
tance, and dominant soil layers. As a concluding comment, the design of piles
in groups under lateral and axial loading should be based on the concept of
soil–structure interaction. Curves showing the transfer of lateral load (p-y
curves), in side resistance (t-z curves), and in end bearing (q-w curves) can
potentially be modified to account for the efficiency of the individual piles.
Then both capacity and settlement can be computed with a rational model.
This approach must await the performance of the requisite research.


P15.1. Make a tour of your neighborhood and look for places of where piles
have been used in groups. Hint: in numerous instances, bridges and
overpasses have been put on piles and the upper portions of the piles
are exposed.
a. Examine the upper portion of the piles where they are fastened to
the pile cap and estimate, if possible, whether the designer meant
the pile heads to be fixed against rotation or free to rotate.
b. Look closely at the piles, made of reinforced concrete in many
instances, and observe any possible overstressing, such as cracks
in the concrete.
c. Look closely as the soil where the piles are penetrating and look
for cracks or openings next to the piles that indicate past deflection.
d. Make a sketch of the pile group showing a plan of the pile heads
and two elevations. Distances may be estimated. From your knowl-
edge of the performance of groups of piles, discuss the selection
of pile placement. If batter piles were used, is their placement
exact, as measured by eye, or do they deviate from the planned
position? Are some of the piles close enough together to require
use of the technology to account for pile–soil–pile interaction?
P15.2. Select one or more of the references, go to the engineering library,
and request the librarian to assist in finding it. Prepare a one-page
P15.3. The two-dimensional problem of the pile group under lateral load
resulted in the following solution:

⌬v  0.005579; ⌬h  0.025081; ␣s  0.000151


Use appropriate equations to compute the pile-head movements from

the above values, compute pile-head forces, and check to determine
if the group is in static equilibrium.
P15.4. Provide input for the problem of the retaining wall to perform a push-
over analysis and solve for the loading that will cause failure by ex-
cessive movement or by excessive bending stress. Assume that the
axial capacity of the pile is 200 k and the maximum bending stress
is 36 ksi (note that using a multiplier of the loads of 2.5 yielded a
computed maximum axial load of 99.5 k and a bending stress of 12.0
ksi). Also, the maximum stress occurs down the length of the pile
rather than at the top.
P15.5. Assume that you wish to redesign the system for failure at a load
factor of 3.0. List some of the modifications you would consider.

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