Mountain Monsters 01 The Sentinel Hill Screamer Standard

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Mountain Monsters Adventure #01

Bob Brinkman
362 Pinehurst Circle
Naples, FL 34113
This adventure was written specifically for Gary Con 2015. It uses the intellectual property of
Destination America and American Chainsaws Productions. No commercial infringement is
intended. In addition, several quotations (sometimes lengthy) from Lovecraft’s The Dunwich
Horror are used as descriptions or witness testimony. All hail the master Iä! Iä! Lovecraft Fhtagn!.

The Becket Motel is not the horrible place made out in the adventure and is a real location with
rooms available. From the photos the rooms appear to actually be quite charming. The motel is
located at
Becket Motel
29 Chester Rd
Becket, MA 01223
(413) 623-8888

The images of the Keystone Arches (Handouts #10-11) are taken from the Arches postcard series
from the Chester Foundation. They are available for $1 each or $5 for an entire set of seven
The Chester Foundation
10 Prospect St
Chester MA 01011.

All additional materials are ©2015 Bob Brinkman

This adventure is not meant for commercial release and is provided merely as a reader for the
adventure for a select group of people. Folks reading and wanting to run the adventure may contact
the author at for a PDF copy of the adventure, characters, and handouts,
for greater ease in running.

The Sentinel Hill Screamer
“For generations, the Appalachian Mountains have had more sightings of strange creatures than anywhere in the United States. Now,
a band of hardcore hunters and trappers are out to identify these unexplained creatures. When folklore bites back, and leaves a trail of
proof, one team of native West Virginian sons seeks the truth.”
– Mountain Monsters

Set in Berkshire County, MA during the convention play should anyone get knocked out
autumn of 2014 this adventure is meant as an too quickly.
introduction to the characters of Mountain Running the Sentinel Hill Screamer with less
Monsters and the strange world in which they than five investigators is not recommended as
live. In the world of reality television, “reality” reducing the numbers further will drastically
is just another word. impact the storyline.
The cast and crew of Mountain Monsters Rather than the more traditional setup of
have come to the hills of Dunwich to tramp player information telling them the folklore that
around the woods, talk to locals, look at blurry they are aware of, the Players Information
videos, shoot some footage, and then go home. section gives them the background they need for
It is just another day in the life of a “reality” the show, they can share (or not) the folklore
star. Unfortunately, the hills of Dunwich have that they have in the first scene.
been home to a number of very real monsters,
and what the AIMS (Appalachian Investigators Keeper’s Information
of Mysterious Sightings) team will find will It is assumed that the Keeper is familiar with
change things forever. Lovecraft’s story The Dunwich Horror prior to
While the sons of Lavinia Whateley are long running this adventure. The Sentinel Hill
dead, there are other abominations that lurk in Screamer is a sequel, of sorts, to that story and
the hills, horrors that answered the dying cries so a general understanding of the tale will be
of the child of Yog-Sothoth. helpful.
The town of Dunwich is long gone, flooded
Running the Adventure to make way Chimney Corners Pond, just
This adventure is meant to be run with a full outside Becket, MA. While its buildings still
cast of seven characters it is possible to run the stand, slowly rotting, beneath the water, the
adventure with less. With a group of five to six, secrets of Dunwich are not so easily contained.
assume that Willie and Wild Bill don’t actually The darkness of Dunwich, and the corruption of
build the traps, they merely do a little horsing Sentinel Hill continue to haunt the locals.
around on-camera before leaving the actual What begins as another few days of filming
building crew to assemble the thing. In those will rapidly change as the AIMS team is forced
cases, they go on the regular daytime excursions to take the case seriously, abandoning the
with the team, although they are kept out of pretense of trying to trap something that they do
group shots. Any interesting questions they have not believe in, and instead going on an all out
for witnesses are merely reshot afterwards using search and destroy mission.
a different principal. What has taken up residence in the area
For a team of six investigators, remove Buck. around Sentinel Hill is an abomination of other
This is easily enough done as he was injured worldly origin called into being by the mad
and hospitalized in the season two finale and it experiments and rites of the followers of Yog-
is simple enough to state that he is still Sothoth. This twisted relation of the Whateleys
recovering from his injuries. poses a very real danger.
For a team of five investigators remove Meanwhile, the long-suffering cameraman,
Willy and Wild Bill. In normal circumstances Martin, is thrilled to have come across
they spend a great deal of time apart from the something real for a change. His growing
time while the traps are being built. These satisfaction with the show is something he has
characters can also be held in reserve during kept well hidden (he does like the paycheck
after all). Still, his desire to find something real and exciting encounters with local, gun
has continued forward, pushed by his own wielding, moonshiners.
ulterior motives of greed. As usual, the producer has found some weird
Further compounding the troubles is that the bit of folklore and has sent you out to run
locals are not totally innocent in this matter around the woods and talk to locals. This time it
either. In the backwoods there is a cultish is something that the producers are calling the
worship of the creature, and they don’t Sentinel Hill Screamer.
appreciate trespassers trying to undermine their You have had some time to do a little bit of
beliefs. digging before they send you up there, mostly
Remember, while the characters are reality internet searches and the like, so you can sound
stars, they actually do have some applicable well versed in the local lore. The car ride up will
background skills in combat, survival, etc. be a long one (ten hours) and the driving time is
These are not city slickers traipsing around the reserved for getting B-Roll of you folks brain
woods, even if they are getting a bit soft from dumping what you know to one another.
their success.
Each player should start with a copy of their Timeline
character, background, appropriate relationships Friday
page, and a copy of the shooting schedule The Drive Out
[Handout #1]. Getting “Settled In”
Suggested Music Saturday
The group “Last American Cowboys” By the Light of Day
performs the theme for Mountain Monsters and Interviews & Research
their music is wholly appropriate for a modern Nighttime Investigation
Appalachian sound. By contrast, artists Grayson
& Witter, and Charlie Bowman provide a nice Sunday
selection of old Appalachian music recorded Interviews & Research
early last century. These two styles of music set The Trap
a good tone. In addition, the Mountain Nighttime Hunt
Monsters theme, slowed down to a crawl, Sentinel Hill Screamer
provides a very eerie bit of atmospheric music.
Player’s Information Aftermath
The life of a reality star isn’t as glamour as
you hoped when you signed on with Destination
America. You’ve all had to keep your regular
jobs to supplement the income you are getting The Drive Out
from your “starring” roles. You keep at it Planned – 20 minutes
though, because the network has promised you Once players have had time to read through
each a one million dollar bonus if you can their background packs give them time to play
provide evidence of a real monster (as opposed out the conversation on the way to their
to the pack of wild dogs that you claimed were lodgings in Becket, MA. As they will be in two
“Devil Dogs” – the network wasn’t too vehicles, the characters can easily put their
amused). phones on speaker and converse freely. This
It is time to start shooting for the new season allows the players to share what information
and, as usual, the schedule is pretty hectic. On they have (that they wish to), while building the
the bright side, the network generally gives tone found in the show.
Trapper some leeway with things, as following Let players share information and get settled
his hunches has paid off in some great footage into their characters but do not let them waste
too much time with theories and the like.

Remind them that they don’t really believe in look at his plate. If the hint isn’t taken, with an
monsters and that they are just doing this for the exasperated sigh, Wilbur will tell the team what
camera. This is just an excuse to run around in he knows (People of Interest: Wilbur Stiles).
the woods, having fun, and making a little Wilbur will inform the team that the satellite
green. tv is out (lightning struck the dish) and that the
pool has been drained for cleaning (a deer
Getting “Settled In” drowned in the pool). With that he will flick the
Planned – 15 minutes keys across the counter to the team and return to
Becket is a smallish town of approximately picking at his dinner.
1,800 people. It isn’t a tourist town by any The rooms themselves aren’t wholly
stretch of the imagination but it is close enough unpleasant but they aren’t far from it. The
to camping and hiking areas, as well as the rooms are musty, the bedcovers obviously long
Jacob’s Pillow dance school and performing arts without a wash, signs of vermin can be found in
center, that there is a motel outside of town. The the corners, the televisions give off only
network (Destination America) has managed to flickering snow, and worst of all the Wi-Fi is
book five rooms at the Becket Motel [Handout terrible (although functional).
#1]. Everyone will be doubling up: Trapper and
Jeff, Willy and Bill, Buck and Huckleberry, Wilbur Stiles – 51 – Creepy Motel Manager
with Martin and the rest of the production crew STR 12 CON 8 SIZ 18 INT 10 POW 7
taking up the last two rooms. DEX 10 APP 6 EDU 11 SAN 40 HP 7
Damage Bonus: +1d4
The motel is a long, one-story, building the Weapons: Fist/Punch 55%, damage 1d3+db
likes of which are found all across America’s Skills: Accounting 30%, Bargain 25%, Computer Use
highways. Guests park in front of their rooms 20%, Dodge 20%, Occult 10%, Sneak 40%
and the doors are only a few steps away. Most
of the lot is empty when the AIMS team arrives, As it gets a little later, a few more guests
only a few scattered pickup trucks show that come back to the motel, and the sound of
there are any guests at all. drunken shouting carries through the paper-thin
At the desk sits a man with a nametag walls. Outside, in the parking lot, people shout
reading “Wilbur”, the motel’s repellant owner. back and forth to one another and inside
His thin hair covers his glossy scalp in the arguments and music thump through the walls.
thinnest attempt at a comb-over and his skin The scene is set for a rather unsettling night.
looks to have a waxy quality. His thick, rubbery The cult of Yog-Sothoth (as well as the
lips barely keep his saliva in his mouth and he entire town) is aware that AIMS is arriving
has a tendency to spray a bit as he talks. today. The cultists have taken it upon
When the investigators arrive, he is just themselves to prepare a warm welcome for the
finishing his dinner of some, unidentifiable, investigators by way of invading their dreams.
meat covered in a sticky gravy. The whole thing As the team retires for the evening, give each
looks fairly unappetizing (even to person their specific dream or nightmare
backwoodsmen). When the AIMS team enters, [Handouts #2-8].
Wilbur will set the plate on the counter where it
will soon draw flies that will buzz around the
food. Wilbur will make no effort to wave them
away. By the Light of Day
Wilbur, while off-putting, is harmless (and Planned – 20 minutes
not a Whateley). However, use this interaction Morning comes and the still exhausted AIMS
to build a sense of disquiet among the players. team emerges from their motel rooms. Their
He will listen to any questions that the skin is itchy from the bedding, they have circles
investigators have, generally grunting or giving under their eyes, and last night weighs on their
short answers unless pressed. If asked specifics minds. Stepping outside, the parking lot is
about the local legends, Wilbur will pointedly spattered with recently dried blood. The spatters

trail along the walkway in front of their rooms Talking to the deputy can eat up a bit of time,
and further on down the way. and if pressed, he might let information “slip”
If the players investigate they can follow the so as to not be caught in a lie later (People of
trail (left) out into the parking lot, to a blood- Interest: Deputy Tim Low). If players take too
splashed parking space, or in the other direction long, have a PA (production Assistant) remind
(right) to a closed motel room door just down them that they have a schedule to keep.
the way.
Knocking at the door receives no answer. Interviews & Research
Should the investigators gain access to the Planned – 30 minutes
room, a ghastly sight greets their eyes. A freshly There are two scheduled interviews for
slaughtered deer hangs suspended over the Saturday. The first is a morning meeting with
vanity mirror, held in place by a number of large Franklin Hummel at the Becket Historical
nails driven through its limbs and several large Society and the second is with Bear Watts, a
tent spikes driven through its abdomen (SAN local witness.
0/1d2). While the AIMs team is free to ignore or
The spikes are driven in so deeply that they reschedule these appointments if they wish,
actually are wedged into the cinderblocks of the these do form the basis on which to build their
building’s exterior. This room is not registered investigation. The investigators are also free to
to anyone. Close examination will reveal that pursue whatever locations they choose to
the lock to the room was picked. investigate during the TBD shoots. These are
A musky, animal, scent lingers in the air scheduled specifically to remind players that
(apart from the deer and the deer blood). The they have the freedom to investigate locations
AIMS team is unable to place it, although it and the like that they find interesting.
seems similar. A successful IDEA roll will
determine that the smell is most likely goat
Nighttime Investigation
Planned – 30 minutes
If the AIMS team reports this to motel
The nighttime investigation should take place
management, Wilbur will contact the police.
in one of the Points of Interest, described later.
Should Wilbur, or the investigators, contact the
Allow the players to investigate the area, which
police, a deputy will be dispatched. Looking
will have some sort of activity for the AIMs
over the “crime scene” the deputy will refer to it
team to deal with. As they start to get settled
as criminal mischief and vandalism, “nothing to
into their familiar routine of “run around in the
get worried over”.
woods and look intense” the shoot will be
Attempts to persuade the deputy otherwise
interrupted by loud crashing noises from nearby.
will fail, although if the AIMs team begins
Investigating (how could they not since this is
acting overtly suspicious towards the deputy, he
on camera) brings them to a small home in the
will begrudgingly agree (although he will do
nothing). The deputy (as well as the Sheriff), are
The house is rocked by blow after blow from
members of the Yog-Sothoth cult and, while not
an unseen force. It is very obvious that there is
directly responsible for this grisly warning, they
something unearthly and unseen attacking the
are well aware of it.
home, and the trees around the house are
crushed to the earth as if by the passing of some
Deputy Tim Low - Cultist of Yog-Sothoth giant hand. All investigators must make a SAN
STR 14 CON 11 SIZ 15 INT 12 POW 10
DEX 10 APP 11 EDU 10 SAN 30 HP 13 check (1/1d6).
Damage Bonus: +1d4 Whippoorwills have gathered in the few trees
Weapons: Fist/Punch 55%, damage 1d3+db still standing and their shrill piping add to the
.38 revolver 35%, damage 1d10 general cacophony. The frantic barking and
Skills: Cthulhu Mythos 10%, Dodge 40%, howling of a dog can be heard from inside,
Hide 55%, Listen 30%, Occult 30% Sneak 40%
joined by the screams of those inside.

Another blow shakes the house, the in truth, have no intention of doing so. If the
thunderous roar echoing through the hills. deputies are urged against pursuing the creature
The lights of the house flicker out, plunging into the forest by the members of the AIMs
the residence into darkness. Having lost a team they will immediately “see the wisdom” of
major portion of its support, the roof begins the suggestion and resume taping off the area.
groaning. Large pieces of the rooftop By morning reports of a freak tornado or
collapse into the residence. Most of the microburst flattening a home in the woods will
screaming goes silent, perhaps the result of be all anyone can talk about. There will be no
falling timber and shingles. Through the mention of any reports of a monster and claims
chaos, the dog’s barking continues and is of an unearthly howling will be explained as the
joined by the piercing wail of a child in onrushing winds of the twister. It will be rules
abject terror. The voice of a young girl cries an unfortunate event that was an act of god. The
out repeatedly for her mommy while local authorities will not mention which god
increasing in pitch (and terror) with every however.
passing second.
In the few remaining trees around the SUNDAY
wreckage of the house the piping of untold Interviews & Research
swarms of whippoorwills grows louder and Planned – 30 minutes
louder, the shrill piping of their calls spiking There is one scheduled interview for Sunday.
into your ears with an almost physical force. There is a morning meeting with Craig Mullins,
Amidst all of this is an unearthly wailing a local monster hunter and “expert” on the lore
sound, the roar of the Sentinel Hill Screamer. of the Sentinel Hill Screamer. As before the
It is real, and it is here! AIMs team is free to ignore this if they wish.
If they have not already, it is highly
Willie must make a SAN check (1/1d4) at encouraged that the team investigates the
the sound of the dog and the child, while Bill Keystone Arches. If they have missed this
and Trapper must make a SAN check due to the portion, various means can be used to nudge
sound of the mass of Whippoorwills (1/1d4). them, including Wilbur Stiles coming to them
Should the team rush into the house make it with information.
harrowing, but let them get out with the dog. It
will be too late for the parents (already killed The Trap
when the roof caved in, or the young girl). As Planned – 10 minutes
things go still the Whippoorwills will all fall An already eventful night has left the team
silent and then explode from the trees and into shaken; now the AIMs team heads out to an
the night in a solid rush of wind and feathers. even harsher morning. When the investigators
The creature cannot really be slain by arrive on location for the big trap reveal, they
conventional means and, if attacked, will ignore are greeted by a horrific site. The trap-building
the firearms bouncing off its hide while it seeks team, who labored through the night, is gone,
out its next meal. Should the investigators and the trap destroyed. Trying to raise the trap-
continue to attack it after the family is building team will be wholly unsuccessful and
consumed, it will turn on them. Otherwise it will the PAs, rattled, will dessert the production.
retreat into the dark of the woods in the Stress to the players that these people who
direction of Chimney Corners Pond (where the are missing are not just friends, they are like
trail will grow cold). family. The production crew is tight, and this
If the authorities are notified, the deputies loss isn’t something that the AIMs team should
will be out in record time, almost as if they were gloss over or be blasé about.
nearby and waiting for the danger to pass. They
will make noises about getting dogs and setting
off into the night to search for the creature but,

As you approach the trap location, a thick the creature. This is both a good thing and a bad
odor hangs in the air, fetid and reeking of rot. thing. On the bright side, the investigators can
As you clear the trees and reach the trap area, see the creature to attack it and attempt to evade
you are met by a scene of utter devastation. it; on the downside, they can see it (SAN Check
What was to be a mammoth box-trap 1d6/2d6).
made of stout logs is scattered about the area If the powder is used, read the players the
like so many broken matchsticks. A thick, following…
tarry, substance is smeared over everything
in the clearing and the stench is nearly The creature stands bigger than a barn
overwhelming. made up of squirming, rope-like tentacles.
Amongst the ruins nothing living or dead Within the mass is a body shaped much like
is seen, only a stench and a tarry stickiness. a giant hen's egg with dozens of barrel-like
Of the trap-building crew there is no sign, it legs. Its amorphous mass is constantly in
is as if they have been erased from existence. motion, giving the appearance that there is
The ground here is heavily trampled, as if a nothing truly solid about it as it moves more
team of elephants had come through here in like a gelatinous heap of wriggling ropes and
the night and spirited off everyone present. feelers pushed together as one.
Great bulging eyes are visible all over its
The smell in the air is immediately familiar mass, with ten or twenty mouths and
to any investigator who has already visited the elephantine trunks sticking out all along the
Colossus Arch. At this point, everything has sides, big as stove-pipes and all twisting in
gone off the rails for the AIMs team. With the air and opening and shutting as if seeking
members of the production team missing, prey. The color of the thing is grey, with
matters have certainly gotten serious. The deep blue or purple rings marking space
nighttime hunt for this episode will be real along the ropey appendages.
(SAN check 1d2/1d4). The greatest horror is reserved for the top
of the looming heap. Above is a childlike
face, jutting out from the tentacles, gigantic
Nighttime Hunt
and horrifying.
Planned – 20 minutes
At the beginning of the scene, be sure to read
the players the following text to set the scene. Investigators who are overcome by madness
This will require Huckleberry to make a SAN at the sight of the beast will, mercifully, drop
check (1/1d4). into a catatonic state (to be devoured by the
monster at its leisure).
The first of the two available rituals will not
A peel of distant thunder signals a change in
work, but it will take a single investigator three
the weather, it is going to be a wet night.
combat rounds complete (and to discover that it
Still, you figure that you have plenty of time
is useless) unless Franklin Hummel is present to
before the weather hits.
lead them directly into the second rite.
The second rite requires at least three people
The nighttime hunt could take place in one of to perform, is two combat rounds in duration,
several locations. Each of these locations has and costs 20 magic points to complete. During
their own risks, as denoted in the Points of both (or either) rites, it is necessary for the
Interest Section. AIMs team to keep the creature distracted via
combat or the like, to prevent it from devouring
Sentinel Hill Screamer those seeking to banish it via magic. Obviously,
Planned – 20 minutes this is a highly dangerous endeavor and it is
All Hell breaks loose. If Franklin Hummel is quite likely that one or more of the team will fall
present he will throw the powder of Ibn Ghazi at

prey to the Sentinel Hill Screamer (but the their ears clears, they know that they have won a
ratings, oh my the ratings). hard fought victory against a real Mountain
Should the investigators succeed read them
the following. Jennifer Bishop – The Dunwich Horror Reborn
STR 30 CON 16 SIZ 50 INT 12
POW 20 DEX 15 HP 33
Without warning comes deep, cracked, Damage Bonus: +4d6
raucous vocal sounds which will never leave Weapons: Tentacle 60%, damage 1+db
your memory. Not from any human throat Trample 40%, damage 2d6+db
are they born, for the organs of man can yield Armor: The Sentinel Hill Screamer is made up of a
amorphous mass, so that any successful firearm attack
no such acoustic perversions. Rather one does only 1 point of damage. A firearms impale does
might say that they came from the pit itself, 2 points of damage. Shotguns are exceptions and do
if their source wasn’t so unmistakably the minimum possible damage, whatever that is. Hand-to-
altar-stone of the peak. It is almost erroneous hand weapons do normal damage.
to call them sounds at all, since so much of Sanity Loss: 1d6/2d6
their ghastly, infra-bass timbre speaks to dim
seats of consciousness and terror far subtler
than the ear. They are loud, loud as the Monday
rumblings and the thunder above which they The Aftermath
echo, yet they come from no visible being. Planned – 5 minutes
Your horrified mind suggests a conjectural Executive Producer Colt Straub knows
source in the world of non-visible beings and something has gone wrong, having received
you wince as if in expectation of a blow. frantic telephone calls from the crew who fled
Ygnailh... ygnaiih... thflthkh'ngha.... Yog- the production, but he is making way too much
Sothoth ... rings the hideous croaking out of money to let a few bumps like dead or missing
space. Y'bthnk... h'ehye—n'grkdl'lh... crew kill his cash cow. So long as the AIMs
The speaking impulse seems to falter team is alive, he will plan for the show to go on.
here, as if some frightful psychic struggle The news story stemming from the
were going on as the rite continues towards disappearances will only serve to drive more
its climax.. interest in the show.
Eh-y-ya-ya-yahaah—e'yayayaaaa... Of course, to have a show, he needs his cast
ngh'aaaaa... ngh'aaa... h'yuh... h'yuh... (or as many of them as survive to tell the tale)
You jump violently at a terrific report and so, if notified of trouble ahead of time, he
which seems to rend the very hills; a will contact the State Police. They will arrive
deafening, cataclysmic peal whose source, be too late to be of assistance, but can still be part
it inner earth or sky, you cannot place. A of the cleanup. How the adventure ends will set
single lightning bolt shoots from the sky the tone for the attitudes of the police as they
above to the altar-stone, and a great tidal arrive.
wave of viewless force and indescribable Straub will treat the cast and remaining crew
stench sweeps down the hill. In all directions, with kid gloves, promising them an entire
trees, grass, and you are hurled off your feet. season of hunting “bigfoot” in the relative safety
Dogs howl in the distance, green grass and of the woods in their own backyards so as to
foliage rapidly wilts to a curious, sickly keep the show going.
yellow-grey, and over field and forest are the
scattered the bodies of tens of thousands of
dead whippoorwills. Conclusion
Please have the players fill out their
voting sheets (if the players elected anything but
As the surviving AIMs members pick “No vote”). The Keeper should note the player
themselves up off the ground, and the ringing in selected and award any applicable prize.

Bear Watts Craig Mullins

Descended from the uncorrupted portion of Local crypto-buff Craig Mullins lives with
the Whateley line, Bear’s family changed their his wife Amie and their two children. He spends
name to escape being connected with the events his weekdays driving local deliveries and his
of 1928. He, and his family, has lived in the weekends are spent researching various local
region for hundreds of years, going back to the legends. Recently, he had a narrow escape from
early founding of Dunwich and its eventual the frogmen of the Chimney Corners Pond and
demise. it has left him quite shaken.
As a witness for the show, he is perfect. A When first encountered he will not be very
giant, burly, and imposing man, weighing over forthcoming, stating that it was a mistake for
300 pounds; there is no doubt that he is a him to agree to speak to the AIMs team and that
woodsman. Dressed in coveralls and flannel, he he was just imagining things. A successful
looks like he could’ve posed for an artist’s Psychology check will show that he is lying, and
rendition of Paul Bunyan in his youth. He has certainly very frightened of something. If
lived his entire life in a small cabin in the woods soothed, and asked about what is troubling him,
near Sentinel Hill and, due to his extreme he will speak of dark, human-sized, shapes that
proximity, is well aware of the comings and he saw gliding beneath the waters of the
goings of the cult of Yog-Sothoth. The cult reservoir near the submerged town of Dunwich.
leaves him alone, mostly due to his family line, If the investigators seem interested in
and that is good enough for him. Dunwich, he will provide them with a copy of
He will not remain quiet though, things have his Dunwich “article” from his website
been getting dangerous again, like his granny [Handout #12].
used to talk about from back in the day. That Once relaxed he might begin asking
has him pretty worried; he understands the questions and pressing the AIMs team for more
dangers of the “screamer” better than most. information about Bigfoot and his kin (the
If interviewed about the Sentinel Hill Sasquatch is a real passion of his). He has plenty
Screamer he will tell them what he knows from of “squatch” photos that he can show to the
his family history [Handout #13] as well as AIMs team, along with his collection of stills
show them photos of the damage it has done taken of his UFO sightings [Handout #16]
[Handout #14]. If the investigators seem Amidst all the other photos is a single photo of a
properly impressed, he’ll show them the photos “hole in the water”. This will require Jeff to
of the “holes in the water”, that he claims show make a SAN check (1/1d4) unless he has
an invisible monster moving through the already seen Bear’s photos. If asked about it
reservoir [Handout #15]. This will require Jeff Craig will say that the USO rose to the surface
to make a SAN check (1/1d4). If asked about and then moved across the surface of the
Dunwich, he will advise them to steer clear of reservoir. The frogman photo was taken at the
the frogmen. “If left alone they won’t do ya no lake’s edge, although Craig thinks that it is
harm. Just give ‘em a wide berth.” bigfoot.

Zachariah “Bear” Watts – 60 – Mountain Man Craig Mullins – 43 – Monster Hunter

STR 16 CON 14 SIZ 19 INT 12 POW 10 STR 12 CON 12 SIZ 14 INT 14 POW 10
DEX 13 APP 14 EDU 8 SAN 55 HP 17 DEX 11 APP 12 EDU 14 SAN 30 HP 13
Damage Bonus: +1d6 Damage Bonus: n/a
Weapons: Fist/Punch 55%, damage 1d3+db Weapons: Fist/Punch 55%, damage 1d3+db
12-guage Shotgun (Pump) 40%, damage 4d6/2d6/1d6 30-06 Bolt-Action rifle 25%, damage 2d6
Skills: Art (Whittling) 80%, Cthulhu Mythos 20%, Skills: Cthulhu Mythos 5%, Dodge 30%,
Dodge 30%, Hide 55%, Listen 30%, Occult 30% Drive 45%, Occult 25%, Natural History 25%, Other
Sneak 40%, Track 65% Language (Latin) 20%, Track 40%

Franklin Hummel Griz Makum
Historical Society librarian Franklin Hummel Griz is well versed with the location and
is a fairly recent transplant to the area, having placement of the Keystone arches. For $20 he
relocated from his beloved Boston to here for will guide the investigators on the 4 mile hike
the express purpose of keeping an eye on the that takes them along the trail of the majority of
goings on around Dunwich at the behest of the the arches. Part of the way can be covered using
Armitage Foundation. While aware that 4x4 side by sides, but part of the way will need
something is horribly wrong, he is still loathe to to be walked.
let spill the deepest secrets of the region lest The trail itself is rather arduous and the
they fall into the wrong hands. members of the team are not exactly in peak
Genteel and polite, Franklin’s manner is condition. Managing the trail requires a
fairly unassuming. He will speak to the successful climb check as well as a successful
investigators about the town’s history [Handout CONx3 test. Failing the climb roll results in a
#17] and allow them access to the general slip that does 1d2 hit points of damage and
archives of the area (See: Points of Interest – results in a turned ankle (slowing the
Becket Historical Society). Under no investigator down). Failing the CON check will
circumstances will he allow the investigators result in the investigator being worn out and at a
access to the ritual used by the late Professor 10% penalty on all physical actions for the rest
Armitage unless they come specifically asking of the day.
him for it and convince him the threat is real. A successful Psychology roll will let
In such a case, he will insist on investigator’s know that Griz is nervous about
accompanying the AIMs team for the something. If the investigators fail to notice,
performance of the ritual rather than merely they will certainly notice that the tour is not
turning a copy of the spell over to amateurs. So taking as long as to be expected (Griz is
long as the team agrees to his condition, he will bypassing the Colossus Arch). If pressed, Griz
then give them access to copies of the notes will attempt to make excuses but, the harder the
from Professor Armitage [Handout #18] so that AIMs team presses, the more obviously
they have a better idea of what to expect. frightened he becomes.
If the AIMs team refuses he will not agree to Eventually he will break down trembling, his
help then, instead heading out to Sentinel Hill eyes welling up with tears of fear, but he will
immediately to handle the matter alone. agree to take the team there should they still
Depending on the timing this could go very insist. On the way he will explain that
poorly for Mr. Hummel. If he goes out at night, something strange has been going on at the arch
the AIMs team may arrive in time to protect him and it just isn’t natural.
during the performance of the ritual. However, In all his years of guiding people to the
if he goes out early in the day and the Arches (twenty five) he has never seen anything
investigators do not arrive until nightfall, the like it. The arch is coated with some sort of
trappings of the ritual will be found scattered black “goo” that stinks more than he can convey
about Sentinel Hill (the rite can only be carried with words. He assures the investigators that
out there), but of Mr. Hummel there will be no they will understand once they get there.
Griz Makum – 58 – Hiking Guide
Franklin Hummel –61 – Local Historian STR 12 CON 16 SIZ 13 INT 10 POW 10
STR 10 CON 11 SIZ 13 INT 16 POW 8 DEX 14 APP 11 EDU 13 SAN 65 HP 15
DEX 11 APP 13 EDU 17 SAN 35 HP 12 Damage Bonus: n/a
Damage Bonus: n/a Weapons: Fist/Punch 55%, damage 1d3+db
Weapons: Fist/Punch 55%, damage 1d3+db Walking Stick 30%, damage 1d4 +db
Skills: Computer Use 20%, Cthulhu Mythos 25%, Skills: Astronomy 15%, Climb 60%, Dodge 28%,
Dodge 20%, History 40%, Library Use 75%, Natural Natural History 30%, Navigate 25%, Swim 40%,
History 20%, Occult 30%, Sneak 40% Track 15%

Deputy Tim Low Wilbur Stiles
Tim Low is certainly a man not to be trusted. Local motel owner Wilbur Styles has lived in
Indeed, his very demeanor is one of the area all his life and he has seen it all: dead
authoritarianism with an undertone of hostility. deer in the swimming pool, frogmen by the
It is easily inferred, from the get go, that he does Chimney Corners Pond, bonfires and strange
not like the investigators. If called on it he’ll lights atop Sentinel Hill. A thoroughly repellant
admit that he doesn’t like their “Hollywood man, Wilbur has few redeeming qualities. He is
Ways”, attempting to pass his dislike off as a bit obese, unattractive, smells bad, sprays when he
of down-home bias. is speaking, and has a habit of absent-mindedly
Of course, the truth of the matter is that the cleaning his ears out with his car keys (so much
deputy (and most of the local Sheriff’s so that the local children refer to him as
department) is a follower of Yog-Sothoth and he “Chevy”).
is concerned that the AIMs team will interfere He is rather self-absorbed, especially when
with the coming maturation of the new spawn of the team first meets him. He is reluctant to talk
Yog-Sothoth. As his fears are well founded, he to outsiders, mostly because he knows that the
is not likely to change his mind. Cult of Yog-Sothoth will not approve. However,
He will do all in his power to obstruct the if pushed to the point that he opens up, he truly
AIMs team within reason: demanding to see opens up. He knows whom is sleeping with
permits, giving poor (but accurate) directions, whom (after all, he runs the motel), where the
warning people away from the AIMs team and political bodies are buried (figuratively), where
their crew, etc. He is, however, very aware of the sacrificial bodies are buried (literally), and
the dangers of the Dunwich area of the Chimney all sorts of other good gossip.
Corners Pond and will happily lend the Wilbur is a perfect tool if the team gets
investigators use of a small outboard and give stymied or stalled, so as to keep things moving.
them very accurate direction there in hopes that They can easily find him in one of their motel
the frogmen will solve the AIMs problem for rooms, rifling through things and he can try to
him. use information to buy his way clear. His
If uncovered as a follower of Yog-Sothoth he purpose to this effect is to help drive things
will do all in his power to prevent that along.
information from getting out. If that means He himself is not a cultist, or in any way
killing the investigators… he can live with that. involved in the strange goings on. Wilbur is
He has access to two other deputies, Charlie more of an innocent, if gross, bystander to the
Klausmeyer and Mark K Stephenson, (as well as decades of weird goings on in the area. If
Sheriff Randolph Bishop) that can aid him in bargaining, Wilbur will certainly enhance what
such an endeavor. Treat them as having he does know by making up other tales and
identical stats to Deputy Low. legends. Feel free to make up any other stories
If not encountered prior, the others will be to add fuel to the fire.
encountered at the Cultist Cabin if investigated
by night. Wilbur Stiles – 51 – Creepy Motel Manager
STR 12 CON 8 SIZ 18 INT 10 POW 7
DEX 10 APP 6 EDU 11 SAN 40 HP 13
Deputy Tim Low – 28 – Cultist of Yog-Sothoth Damage Bonus: +1d4
STR 14 CON 11 SIZ 15 INT 12 POW 10 Weapons: Fist/Punch 55%, damage 1d3+db
DEX 10 APP 11 EDU 10 SAN 30 HP 13 Skills: Accounting 30%, Bargain 25%,
Damage Bonus: +1d4 Computer Use 20%, Dodge 20%, Occult 10%,
Weapons: Fist/Punch 55%, damage 1d3+db Sneak 40%
.38 revolver 35%, damage 1d10
Skills: Cthulhu Mythos 10%, Dodge 40%,
Hide 55%, Listen 30%, Occult 30% Sneak 40%


Becket Historical Society was prepared by Armitage (the one that

General Information: The local historical worked) as Mr. Hummel keeps that safely
society is housed in the former Presbyterian hidden in his home.
church of Becket. While not large, the It is recommended that such a break in be
building is crammed with scraps of paper, old made prior to the official nighttime
journals, and records (including what few investigation so as to allow the regular scene
records remain from Dunwich). to play out
Amongst all the clutter, a number of
interesting scraps of information can be found Chimney Corners Pond
that will feed the curiosity and drive of the General Information: Created when the
AIMs team. Each article requires a successful Chimney Corners dam was built in 1937, the
Library Use to find. pond covers the long abandoned town of
Dunwich. Local legends tell of strange
The Decadence of Dunwich – Boston sightings along the shore of the pond, weird,
Herald, Tuesday, June 5th, 1917 [Handout frog-like, figures that hop and croak under the
#19] full moon.
The pond itself is a mere twenty feet deep
Four Feared Killed in Feud Fight – Boston and many of the buildings of Dunwich are
Herald, Wednesday, November 1st, 1927 still visible through the clear waters. The old
[Handout #20] town gives that portion of the pond (in
actuality a fairly large reservoir) an eerie
Cattle Vanish – Dunwich Dispatch, Friday, feeling, like floating over a graveyard.
September 10th, 1927 [Handout #21]
Daytime Investigation: Without diving gear
Fragment from Selina Frye’s Journal – (which the AIMs team does not have with
September 10th-11th, 1927 [Handout #22] them) any underwater investigation is limited
to holding one’s breath. In daylight this
Daytime Investigation: During the day, local should be relatively safe, so long as the
Librarian and historian Franklin Hummel investigators do not enter any buildings.
(See: People of Interest) is here. He is glad to
speak to the investigators and will aid them if Nighttime Investigation: Should the AIMs
able in general searches. If the investigators team decide this to be their hunting ground it
specifically ask for something that falls along will most certainly be dangerous. Going out
the lines of one of the above listed items, he on the water at night will be very lethal as, the
will remember it and be able to find it for fresh-water Deep Ones who make their home
them. in this body of water, while relatively few in
number, will attack any swimmers, and any
Nighttime Investigation: Should the small craft, that is above the ruins of
investigators grow suspicious and break into Dunwich.
the historical society after dark, a search of
Hummel’s cramped office will turn up Frogmen – Fresh Water Deep One (10)
nothing without a successful Spot Hidden STR 14 CON 10 SIZ 14 INT 13
POW 10 DEX 14 HP 13
check. On a successful check, a small sheaf of
Damage Bonus: n/a
papers, taped to the bottom of the desk’s Weapons: Claw 25%, damage 1d6
central drawer can be found. These are the Hunting Spear· 25%, damage 1d6
notes of Professor Armitage [Handout #18]. Armor: 1-point rubbery skin.
This will not turn up the second ritual that Sanity Loss: 0/1d6

Nighttime Hunt: The encounter with the Cultist Cabin
Screamer, if held in this location, will play General Information: This beaten up shack
out as it emerges from the darkness of the at the base of Sentinel Hill looks decrepit and
reservoir and makes its way to shore. The abandoned, until investigators grow close
creature is making towards Sentinel Hill, but enough to see that the façade of disuse is
not at a rapid pace. intentional. Traps fill the area and a total of
three successful Spot Hidden checks must be
The Colossus Arch made to approach the cabin without setting
General Information: The colossal 70 foot off a booby trap.
arch of the Keystone Arches is the largest Trap #1 – A string along the ground leads
ever built along the rail trail in the 1840s. No to a group of old, rusty, soup cans. Triggering
longer in use by the railroad, it sits this makes noise enough that the cultists (if
undisturbed in a tangle of plants & trees. present) are aware of the investigator’s
Folks who have discovered this arch for the approach and are not caught unawares.
first time often describe the experience as if Trap #2 – The second trap is certainly
they had found a pyramid in the jungle. dangerous. A covered tiger pit, 15 feet deep
Photos are provided [Handout #11]. and lined with spikes, is covered by a mat of
woven grass. An unwary investigator falling
Daytime Investigation: The air around the prey to this trap will take 2d6 points of
arch is fetid and rank and fetid, black, slime damage and must make a LUCK check. If the
coats the sides of the arch stretching upwards LUCK check is failed, the investigator takes
of 15-20 feet. Observant investigators may an additional 1d6 of damage from falling flat
notice that the arch lies in a direct line across the spikes and being horribly impaled.
between the Chimney Corners Pond and In such a case, all other investigators present
Sentinel Hill. Indeed, the creature has passed must make a SAN check (1d4/1d6).
through here repeatedly. Trap #3 – The final trap is the most lethal
Besides the slime and the smell, the of all, a Claymore mine. Triggering this trap
vegetation (and the very ground) here is sets off a detonation that catches all within
beaten flat as if by the repeated trampling by a fifty yards for 6d6+6/3d6+2/1d6 points of
large animal. Great round prints as big as damage.
barrel-heads, all sunk down deep like those a
elephant had been along, each one covered Daytime Investigation: During the day there
with lines spreading out from one place, like are no cultists present. Once past the traps,
as if pressed by big palm-leaf fans. entering the cabin is easy as there is no lock
on the door (although the few windows are
Nighttime Investigation: An investigation in boarded over. Inside there is a table and four
this area will find the stench much thicker in chairs and the heavy scent of strange incense
the air as the creature has recently passed clings to everything.
through this way. From here it should be easy The table is heavily scored by knife cuts
to find their way to the house. and stained with dried blood. Looking about
the cabin turns up a thick-bladed, sacrificial,
Nighttime Hunt: Confronting the Screamer dagger that most likely made the marks. The
here is not advised. It is easiest to let the cultists started their sacrifices here, beginning
players know that the creature has already with small animals before moving up the
passed through this way and is making cultist ladder to human sacrifices upon the
straight for Sentinel Hill. Following in its path stones of Sentinel Hill.
is possible, but the investigators can also take
a side trail that would allow them to get in Nighttime Investigation: Two off-duty
front of the creature prior to its making it to deputies (Charlie Klausmeyer and Mark K
Sentinel Hill. Stephenson – Detailed in Persons of Interest,
Deputy Tim Low) are present, playing cards guided tour of the bridges for $20. This
at the table. They will claim innocence in all includes the arches no longer in use by the
matters, stating that the traps were placed to railway (People of Interest: Griz Makum).
protect them from the Sentinel Hill Screamer. The arches themselves are breathtaking, and a
Any questions about the dagger will be few photos are provided to give the players an
explained that it was something that idea of what they look like [Handout #10].
“granpappy brought back from the Japs
during WWII”. Daytime Investigation: The arches are truly
While the investigators are confronting the an amazing sight and the hike is a worthwhile
deputies is a perfect time to have the sounds one. For further specifics about a daytime
of the attack on the house be heard. The investigation see Griz Makum in the Persons
deputies will delay (knowing what is there), of Interest section.
rushing in the other direction to get to their
car by the road to radio in. This will allow the Nighttime Investigation: If the AIMs team is
deputies to get out of sight and wait until it is not yet aware of the Colossus archway, they
safe to appear at the site of the attack. will certainly discover it during the night
investigation. The crashing sounds of the
Nighttime Hunt: The cabin is empty, the Screamer moving through the trees will draw
cultists being atop Sentinel Hill performing the investigators to the Arch. Once there, use
their dark rites. From the cabin, the blazing the Colossus Arch information
light of a bonfire above Sentinel Hill can be
seen. Nighttime Hunt: Hunting in this area on the
final night will allow the investigators to hear
Jacob’s Pillow the not-too distant crashing of the Screamer
General Information: Jacob's Pillow is a moving towards Sentinel Hill. In addition,
dance center, school and performance space through the trees, a bonfire can be seen
located in Becket, Massachusetts, in the blazing atop the hill. Allow the investigators
Berkshires. The organization is known for the to continue towards the Colossus Arch or
oldest internationally acclaimed Summer directly to Sentinel Hill.
dance festival in the United States. The
facility also includes a professional school Sentinel Hill
and extensive archives as well as year-round General Information: Near the shore of
community programs. The facility itself was Chimney Corners Pond rises Sentinel Hill.
listed as a National Historic Landmark Known for its ring of ancient stone columns
District in 2003. (the largest circle of its type in Massachusetts)
There is nothing of interest to be found it is still argued on whether the circle holds an
here. ancient burial place of the Pocumtuck tribe or
whether it was (as some suggest) perhaps
erected by Norse explorers. The vegetation
Keystone Arches
atop the hill is strange, unnaturally twisted
General Information: Built for the railroad
and covered in strange, leprous pustules and
in the 1830’s and 40’s, these bridges are built
oddly colored fungi.
entirely of locally quarried and cut stones and
use no mortar. Despite the average weight of
Daytime Investigation: At the base of the
steam locomotives being a “mere” six tons the
hill is a thirty-foot swath of crushed shrubbery
bridges are still structurally sound enough to
and saplings leading steeply upwards towards
support modern locomotives weighing over
the summit. This is the path lain out by the
206 tons.
creature in its travels to the hill. Above, the
Not easily accessible, a local organization
sunlight seems strained here leaving shadows
(the Chester Foundation) will provide a
where there is nothing to cast them. The tall,
cracked and leaning pillars loom above the Atop the hill are all four members of the
investigators. Signs of recent fires can be seen local Yog-Sothoth cult, dancing naked in the
near the base of a large, table-like stone that firelight. Their waxy-white skin is marred
forms the centre of a vast space, while upon with strange, tentacle-like growths stretching
its slightly concave surface is a thick and fetid from the sides of their thighs, under their
deposit of the same tarry stickiness observed arms, and across their bellies (SAN Check
on the sides of the Colossus Arch. 1/1d4). They will immediately fall upon the
party with their bare hands, seeking to knock
Nighttime Investigation: All is quiet when the investigators unconscious for sacrifice to
the investigators first arrive. Eventually, from the approaching horror.
below and a short way distant, can be heard
the crashing of something moving through the Corrupt Cultists of Yog-Sothoth (4)
trees. From their vantage point atop the hill, STR 14 CON 11 SIZ 15 INT 12 POW 10
the investigators can see the treetops shaking DEX 10 APP 11 EDU 10 SAN 30 HP 13
and bending aside as something large moves Damage Bonus: +1d4
Weapons: Fist/Punch 55%, damage 1d3+db
towards a clearing where light can be seen to Fleshy Appendages (2) 60%, damage 1d2+db
emanate, obviously a house. Skills: Cthulhu Mythos 10%, Dodge 40%,
Hide 55%, Listen 30%, Occult 30% Sneak 40%
Nighttime Hunt: The final night the top of
the hill is ablaze with light. Drumming and Once the cultists have been overcome, a
the chanting of several voices can be heard hush falls across the top of the mountaintop
drifting through the night air. before the Sentinel Hill Screamer makes its
arrival and the final battle is joined!
Tonight the hill noises sound louder
than ever, and a beacon fire burns atop Tanglewood
Sentinel Hill. The air is filled with the General Information: The 210 acre
rhythmical screaming of vast flocks of Tanglewood estate was given to the Boston
whippoorwills mingled with the chanting Symphony Orchestra in 1936 by Mary
of several voices crying out “Yog-Sothoth Aspinwall. The estate was named after a book
open the way!” Mixed amongst the by American author Nathaniel Hawthorne.
chanting from above comes a sound much While living in "the Little Red House" on the
akin to hooves scuttling over stone Tappan family estate, Hawthorne wrote
Somewhere in the distance, towards Tanglewood Tales (1853), a re-writing of a
Chimney Corners Pond, comes an number of Greek myths for boys and girls.
answering sound; a low, rumbling growl The title may have been inspired by the thick
begins, so powerful that you feel the tangled trees that cover the grounds. When
vibrations on your skin. the manor house was completed in 1865, its
owner William Aspinwall Tappan named the
Of course, this will require SAN checks estate Tanglewood.
from a number of the investigators. Martin There is nothing of interest to be found
requires a check for hearing the chanting of here.
Yog-Sothoth (1/1d4), Bill and Trapper for
hearing the whippoorwills (1/1d2 or 0/1 if
previously encountered), Buck for the sound
of clacking hooves (1d3/1d6), and Bill for
hearing the growling out of his dream


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