Bruel-Kjaer 2606 2607 2608 Service Manual
Bruel-Kjaer 2606 2607 2608 Service Manual
Bruel-Kjaer 2606 2607 2608 Service Manual
Measuring Amplifier
Type 2606
Measuring Amplifier
Type 2606
0037 - 0079
Consisting of:
7.73 0-1
2606 Service Instruction
Trouble Shooting
If any faults occur please check the instrument according to the Checking Procedure.
When a fault has been traced and corrected, the voltages and adjustments influenced by the correction must be rechecked. The complete instrument should then be
tested according to the Checking Procedure to make sure that all basic functions are operative.
The tolerances given in these notes are intended for use as guide for adjustments.
Before correcting any apparent deviation make sure that the measuring instrument has tolerances small enough not to affect the measurement.
Spare Parts
Please state type and serial number of the Measuring Amplifier when ordering spare parts.
Naerum — Denmark Technical Description 2606.1
LP 20dB
" Filter — Ampl. — 44 dB -
Pre. Ampl.
Amplifier section
The first stage of the Input amplifier is a 0 — 90 dB attenuator, which is The output of ZE 0018 being low impedance is meant to feed a filter.
positioned on three circuit boards, ZF 0005, ZF 0006 and ZF 0007.
The Input attenuator is followed by a low noise 25 dB amplifier ZE 0017 The Output Amplifier section consist of a 0 - 20 dB attenuator with a
with protection diodes across the input. 300 kHz LP filter ZF 0009, a 20 dB amplifier with a 0 — 30 dB attenuator
ZF 0010 and a 44 dB output amplifier located on ZE 0020
Then comes a 0 - 30 dB attenuator ZF 0008 and another 25 dB amplifier
ZE 0018. This gives a resulting amplification of 64 dB and an attenuation of
0-50 dB.
The resulting Input Amplifier has an amplification of 50dB and a
0 — 120 dB attenuation.
An overload indicator ZH0012 is connected to the output of ZE 0020.
Furthermore the first 25 dB amplifier can be sensitivity adjusted by means
of a "Gain Control" (—12 dB), "Direct Sens." and a "Preamp. Sens." each The last section of the whole amplifier is the Meter section which is later
having an adjustment range of + 4 to —10 dB in respect to normal sensitivity. discussed.
Recorder AC
from ^ Amp. '1 Recorder
ZF 0010 r* DC < > 06^
44 dB
Z L 0007
. I
** l
10LaQ o 0KMb,t
Peak Hold o
Meter Function
0 8
Meter Section
The Meter Section of 2606 consist basically of a Meter Amplifier, a RMS These diodes have a relatively large voltage drop causing unlinearities in the
rectifier and a Meter Function circuit. signal and to compensate for this the Meter Amplifier ZL 0002 uses the same
type of diodes in the feedback loop, so a correct signal is passed on to the
The signal is first amplified in ZL 0002. To have a large operation meter.
temperature range silicon diodes are used in the RMS rectifier ZL 0042.
7.73 1-1
2606.1 Technical Description
The Meter Function switch selects the different modes. In Hold position the The recorder output signal can be AC or DC dependent of the setting of O 6.
input voltage charges up the capacitor C 561 through a diode. If the signal Due to the unlinear feedback in Meter Amplifier ZL 0002 an amplifier with a
decreases the diode will cause the voltage across C 561 to be stored. The hold linear feedback ZE 0020 is used as output amplifier for AC recording.
action can be released by the Reset switch. In RMS positions the diode is
shortcircuited by the Meter Function switch.
Power Supply
Simplified Diagram of a Voltage Regulator.
The instrument can be powered either from a Power Line which has 100, Actually V 445 is not an ordinary collector impedance for V 441, but a
115, 220 or 240 V AC 50 - 400 Hz or from a DC Supply of 12 V. constant current source, which means that if we have a constant current
through V 441 its collector voltage will be constant as well as independent of
Thus the mains transformer T 1 has two primary windings, one meant for hum or unstability across C 30.
the Power Line operation the other one meant for the 12 V DC Supply which
is chopped in a DC/AC Converter ZG 0007. Furthermore the Regulator is overload protected by means of V 442 and
R 449. V 442 is coupled as a variable impedance from base to emitter of the
Connected to the secondary of T 1 there are different rectifier circuits emitterfollower V 440, 450 and regulated by the bias achieved from the
giving different D.C. Voltages which are applied to the Voltage Regulators current through R 449. When the impedance of V 442 grows smaller V 440,
ZG 0005, 0008 and 0074 450 will be off-biased so that the output voltage and current drops.
These Voltage Regulators are almost identical and their function can be The output voltages from the different Regulators can be seen on the
seen from the simplified diagram below. circuit diagram and adjusted on the respective circuit boards. If large adjust¬
ments are found necessary the circuits should be examined for faults before
The function of this Regulator type is that a fixed voltage across Q 442 is any adjustment.
compared with the voltage on the base of V 441. A certain difference be¬
tween these two voltages will give a certain current through V 441. V 445 can The DC/AC Converter ZG 0007 oscillates with a frequency of approx.
be regarded as a collector impedance for V 442 and thus we will have a 60 Hz and the real oscillatortransformer is T 2.
voltage on the base of V 440 and V 450 of approx, the same value as the
output voltage. Now if the output voltage drops, the voltage difference be¬ Adjustment of:
tween base and emitter of V 441 will be smaller, the current through V 441 + 20 V on V 450E at P 440
smaller and the base voltage of V 440 and V 450 and the output voltage + 12.6 V on V 383e at P 380
higher and thus it will regulate until a stabilized condition all the time. + 200 V on Pol. Voltage at P 420
1-2 7.73
Naerum — Denmark Checking Procedure 2606.2
2.1. Sensitivity
a. GAIN CONTROL: "Cal.” Input signal to "Direct Input" 0.1 V, 1000 Hz.
POWER: "On" Adjust "Sens." for full scale deflection on the meter. {Adjustment range for "Sens." adj. approx.
INPUT: "Direct” + 4,-10dB).
OUTPUT ATTENUATOR: "x 1" Output voltage on "Recorder" 5 V RMS ±0.5dB.
FILTERS: "All released"
b. RECORDER to "DC" Output voltage approx. 0.9 V DC. (Measured with a High Impedance Voltmeter.}
INPUT: "Direct" Input signal to "Direct Input": 1000 Hz. Adjust the input voltage for an 18 dB deflection on the
FILTERS: "All released" meter.
Vary the frequency from 2 Hz to 200 kHz. Deflection: 18 dB ±0.5 dB.
From 10 Hz to 50 kHz the tolerance is ±0.2 dB (+tolerance of the LF Generator).
2.3. Meter Function
a. INPUT: "Direct" Input signal to "Direct Input": 1000 Hz. Adjust the input voltage for a 15 dB deflection on the
FILTERS: "All released" meter.
METER FUNCTION to "Imp. Hold" Connect the previous input signal and shortly depress "Reset".
Meter deflection: 15 dB ± 1 dB.
Disconnect the input signal and check that the deflection drops max. 1.5 dB in one minute.
d, METER FUNCTION to "Peak Hold" Check as for item c ,but meter deflection: 18 dB.
a. GAIN CONTROL: "Cal." Input to "Direct Input": 1 kHz, 0.1 V RMS corresponding to full scale deflection.
INPUT: "Direct"
INPUT ATTENUATOR: "0.1 V" Raise the input signal to 11 dB above 0.1 V: No overload indication.
OUTPUT ATTENUATOR:"x 1" Raise the input signal to 13 dB above 0.1 V: "Input Overload" indication.
FILTERS: "All released"
b. FILTERS to "Ext." Input to "Ext. Filter Out": 1 kHz, 1 V RMS corresponding approx, full scale deflection.
2.5. Noise *
GAIN CONTROL: "Cal." Max. meter deflection for correctly adjusted sensitivity : 14 /iV.
INPUT: "Direct"
INPUT ATTENUATOR: "3 mV" Max. meter deflection with shortconnected input: 7 juV.
FILTERS: "All released"
2.6. Reference
a. GAIN CONTROL: "Cal." Check the adjustment range of "Sens." and "Gain Control" which should be 10 dB for "Gain
INPUT: "Direct" Control" and 14 dB for "Sens.".
OUTPUT ATTENUATOR: "x 1" Leave "Gain Control" in position "Cal." and adjust "Sens." for a deflection to the ref. mark on
FILTERS: "All released" the 2606 meter scale.
REF.: "50 mV RMS"
b. REF.: released Input signal to "Direct Input": 1 kHz, exactly 100 mV.
Meter deflection: 100mV+1%
GAIN CONTROL: "Cal.” Adjust "Preamp. Sens." to the correct sensitivity of the microphone and connect a Microphone
INPUT: "Preamp." preamplifier to "Preamp. Input".
FI LTERS: "All released"
REF.: "50 mV RMS"
REF.: released Check the sensitivity with a Pistonphone Type 4220 or a similar well known sound source. The
INPUT ATTENUATOR: "3 V" meter deflection on Type 2606 should be equal to the Sound Pressure Level produced by the
(Remember corrections for the actual static pressure). Tolerance: 0.2 dB (Pol. voltage 200 V ± 1 V).
The following table tells what to care about when replacing printed circuit boards with
By replacement of:
a. INPUT: "Direct" Input signal to "Direct Input": 1000 Hz. Adjust the input to exactly 5 V RMS on
INPUT ATTENUATOR: "1 V" "Recorder" output.
FILTERS:"All released" Meter deflection: Exactly 1 V (full scale).
b. METER FUNCTION to "Imp. Hold" Depress "Meter Reset" and release it again.
Meter deflection: 1 V ± 0.05 dB.
b. METER FUNCTION to "Impulse" Turn P 562 {on ZL 0039) fully counterclockwise and then clockwise until the meter deflection is
FILTERS: "All released" just below 0 V.
Change the signal frequency to 200 kHz and check the curve again.
If necessary adjust C 640 {on ZL 0007).
d. METER FUNCTION to "Impulse" Adjust P 583 (on ZL 0040) for full scale deflection.
e. METER FUNCTION to "Imp. Hold" Depress "Reset" shortly. Adjust P 582 (on ZL 0040) for full scale deflection.
7.73 3-1
2606.3 Meter Circuit
3.3. Overshoot
b. METER FUNCTION to "Imp. Hold" Connect the input voltage and adjust for a 20 dB deflection.
When the input signal is disconnected the meter deflection must not decrease more than
0.5 dB/20 sec. (at25°C).
INPUT: "Direct" At a pulse duration of 0.1 msec, and a ratio of 1:2 the input voltage to 2606 should be adjusted to
INPUT ATTENUATOR: "1 V" give a 10.2 dB deflection.
FILTERS: "All released" Check the indication for various pulse ratioes according to following scheme.
If the indication is out of specification P 620 could be adjusted experimentally but then the whole
sensitivity adjustment should be carried out according to item 3.2.
3-2 7.73
Naerum — Denmark Output Amplifier 2606.4
4.1. Sensitivity
FILTERS: "Ext." Input signal to "Ext. Filter Out": 1 kHz. Adjust the input voltage to give 5 V on "Recorder"
OUTPUT ATTENUATOR: "x 1" output.
AC-DC: "AC" Vary the frequency from 2 - 200000 Hz.
"Recorder" output: 5 V ± 0.2 dB
If necessary adjust L 280 (on ZF 0009) at 200000 Hz.
At an input frequency of 500 kHz the "Recorder" output voltage should be15dB±3dB below
5 V.
FILTERS: "Ext." Input signal to "Ext. Filter Out": 1 kHz. Adjust the input voltage for an 18 dB deflection on the
AVERAGING TIME: "Fast" Check the steps of the output attenuator compared to the attenuator of the LF Generator or a
special Attenuator Box.
7.73 4-1
2606.4 Output Amplifier
OUTPUT ATTENUATOR: "x 0.1" Input signal to "Ext. Filter Out": 1 kHz. Adjust the input voltage to give 56 Vp on "Recorder"
FILTERS: "Ext." output.
The "Output Section Overload" should indicate overload within ± 0.5 dB of this condition. From
50 kHz to 200 kHz within 0.8 dB.
Check at 200 kHz if the indication is still correct and with an oscilloscope that the output voltage
has not yet been limited.
OUTPUT ATTENUATOR: "x 1" Input signal: 1 kHz. Adjust the input voltage to give exactly 5 V on "Recorder” output.
AC-DC: "AC" Load the "Recorder" output with a resistor of 1 k!2.
The "Recorder" voltage should drop max. 0.5 dB corresponding an output impedance of 50 12.
4.6. Distortion
OUTPUT ATTENUATOR: "x 1" * Input signal to "Ext. Filter Out": 1 kHz. Adjust the input voltage to give 5 V on "Recorder"
FILTERS: "Ext." output.
Measure the distortion at 1 kHz: max. 0.1%.
50 kHz: max. 0.3%.
50 Hz 100 Hz 150 Hz
Frequency Analyzer to:
Selective linear
Naerum — Denmark Input Amplifier 2606.5
5.1. Sensitivity
GAIN CONTROL: "Cal." Input signal to 2606 "Direct Input": 1 kHz — 100 mV.
INPUT: "Direct" Output voltage on "Ext. Filter In" socket: 1 V ±0.5 dB (for correctly adjusted sensitivity).
The DC voltage on "Ext. Filter In" socket should be 1 V ± 1.5 V.
GAIN CONTROL: "Cal." a* Connect an LF generator directly to an electronic voltmeter and check the frequency response
INPUT: "Direct" of these two instruments alone. Evt. note the deviation from linear.
FILTERS: "Ext." b. Input signal to "Direct Input": 1 kHz adjusted to give 1 V on "Ext. Filter In" socket.
GAIN CONTROL: "Cal." Input signal to "Direct Input": 1 kHz. Adjust the input voltage to give 1 V on "Ext. Filter In"
INPUT: "Direct" socket.
INPUT ATTENUATOR: "0.1 V" Check the steps of the input attenuator compared ft> the attenuator of the LF generator or a
FILTERS: "Ext." special attenuator box.
Tolerance: ± 0.1 dB {+tolerance of the LF generator attenuator).
At 200 kHz the tolerance is ± 0.2 dB.
If necessary adjust C 220 - 223 (ZF 0006).
5.4, Overload Indicator Input signal to "Direct Input": 1 kHz. Adjust the input voltage to give 1 V on "Ext Filter In"
GAIN CONTROL: "Cal." The "Input Section Overload" should indicate overload within ±0.5 dB of this condition.
INPUT: "Direct"
FILTERS: "Ext." Check at 200 kHz if the indication is still correct and with an oscilloscope that the output has not
yet been limited.
If necessary adjust P 460 (on ZH 0011) until correct overload indication.
GAIN CONTROL: "Cal." Input to "Direct Input”: 1 kHz. Adjust the input voltage to give 1 V on "Ext. Filter In” socket.
INPUT: "Direct” Load the socket with a resistor of 200 £7.
FILTERS: "Ext.” The "Ext. Filter In” output voltage should drop max. 0.5 dB corresponding to an output
impedance of 10 12.
5.6. Distortion
GAIN CONTROL: "Cal." Input signal to "Direct Input": 1 kHz. Adjust the input voltage to give 1 V RMS on "Ext. Filter
INPUT: "Direct" In" socket.
FILTERS: "Ext.” Measure the distortion at 1 kHz: max. 0.01%.
50 kHz: max. 0.03%.
from ZE 0017
Insert Voltage
5.7. Reference
a. GAIN CONTROL: "Cal." Input signal to "Direct" input: 1 kHz exactly 100 mV.
INPUT: "Direct” Adjust "Direct Sens.” to full scale deflection.
FI LTERS: "All released"
b. REF. to "50 mV RMS" The 2606 meter should deflect to the ref. mark.
If necessary adjust P 520 on Zl 0002.
Check the frequency and evt. the distortion with a Frequency Analyzer connected to the housing
of V 520. (Zl 0002)
Frequency: 1000 Hz. Distortion: max. 2%.
5.8. Hum
GAIN CONTROL: "Cal." Measure the hum at the "Ext. Filter In" socket selectively according to following scheme:
INPUT: "Direct"
5-2 7.73
Naerum — Denmark Weighting Networks 2606.6
Weighti ng
from 25dB -o 22.5 Hz 22.5 kHz C /
A mpl.
L il ii il n' qr qr
-n I 1 o—
to LP Filter
i o ZF 0009
a. INPUT ATTENUATOR: "30 mV" Adjust "Gain Control" to 18 dB deflection on the meter.
REF.: "50 mV"
OUTPUT ATTENUATOR: "x 1" Check if the deflection is 18 dB ±0.2 dB in all Filter positions.
FILTERS: All released If not adjust: 22.4 Hz filter level by P 701
22.4 kHz filter level by P 700
A-B-C-D network levels by P 705
on ZS 0167
B network level by P 704
C network level by P 703
D network level by P 702
GAIN CONTROL:*"Cal" Input signal to "Direct Input": 1000 Hz. Adjust the input voltage for an 18 dB deflection.
INPUT: "Direct" Check the network characteristic according to following scheme:
16 11.5 - 17.5 x 0.03 ~ - 4.3 x 0.01 6.5 - 12.5 x 0.1 16.5-22.5 x 0,3
31.5 8.9 - 11.9 x 0,1 7.1 - 10.1 x 0.03 9.4 - 12.4 x 0.3 13.5- 16.5 x 1
63 14.9-17.9 x 0.1 10.3-13.3 x 0.1 17.2 -20.2 x 0.3 15.7 - 18.7 x 1
125 11 -13 x 0.3 10.9 - 12.9 x 0.3 12.8 - 14.8 x 1 16.8 - 18.8 x 1
250 15.1 - 17.1 x 0.3 8.4-10.4 x 1 15.7 - 17.7 x 1 17 - 19 x 1
500 17 - 19 x 0.3 13.8-15.8 x 1 16.7 - 18.7 x 1 17 - 19 X 1
1000 17 - 19 x 0.3 17 - 19 X 1 17 - 19 x 1 17 - 19 x 1
2000 13 15 x 1 18.2-20.2 x 1 16.9 - 18.9 x 1 16.8-18.8 x 1
4000 17.9 - 19.9 x 1 18 -20 X 1 16.3 - 18.3 x 1 16.2 - 18.2 X 1
8000 11 -15.5 x 1 13.9 - 18.4 X 1 12.1 - 16.1 x 1 12 -16.5 X 1
16000 ~ -16.6 x 0.3 °° -14.4 X 1 °° -12.6 x 1 <» -22.5 x 0.3
20000 °° -12.9 x 0.3 -11.7 X 1 00 -19.9 x 0.3 ~ -19.8 x 0.3
50435 "- 1
•— O) ro fsi —
c c g tz c c
q.5. "c. a a a
2 3.73
Naerum — Denmark Layout Diagrams ZF 0005
with Parts List 0008
To ”1
H- I a
8 I
4-LI _
ZF 0005 - 0008
ZF 0005 - 0008
ZF 0007 Attenuator
2 3.73
Naerum — Denmark Layout Diagrams with Parts List ZF 0009
ZF 0010
Filter and
ZF 0009 ZF 0010
ZF 0009—ZF 0010
3.73 2606 from serial no. 454879 1
Naerum — Denmark Layout Diagrams Power Supplies
ZG 0005
with Parts List ZG 0007
ZG 0008
ZG 0074
Q 400 Si. diode 400 V/ 1 A 1 N 4004 QV 0237 V 420-422 Neon stab 81 V/3.2 mA ZZ 1000 VA 0088
V 423,424 Silicon PNP MM 4003 VB 0068
R 400 Wire 5.5 W 10% 22 ft RX 0311 V 425,426 NPN 2 N 3440 VB 0250
R 401 120 ft RX 0307 Printed Circuit Board XC 0441
ZG 0005 - ZG 0007 - ZG 0008
3.73 2606 from serial no. 454879
ZG 0005, 0007, 0008, 0074.
ZG 0074
20 V Regulator
ZG 0074
Naerum — Denmark Layout Diagrams with Parts List ZH 0011-
ZH 0011 - ZH 0013
7.73 2606 from serial no. 454879 1
Naerum — Denmark Layout Diagram with Parts List ZH 0016
Interconnecting Board
Insert Volt Col
7.73 1
ZH0016 Interconnecting Board
03 Filters OJ 0002
04 Input Calibration OJ 0001
I ° XC0425
Zl 0002
ZL 0002-ZL 0007
3.73 2606 from serial no. 454879 1
Naerum — Denmark Layout Diagrams with Parts List ZL 0039 -
ZL 0042
Meter Circuit
H h R 5xx -I h * 5xx
ZL 0039 — ZL 0042
3.73 2606 from serial no. 454879 1
ZL 0039 — ZL 0042
ZL0039 ZL 0041
C 561 Polycarbonate 0.33 /iF/100 V CS 0340 C 603 Tantalum 3.3 ufi 15 V CF 0025
C 604 6.8 mF/ 35 V CF 0002
2 3.73
Naerum — Denmark Layout Diagram with Parts List ZS 0167
Weighting Network
C 700,701 Ceramic 47 pF/400 V CK 1470 R 727 Carbon 1/4 W 5% 270 kn RB 5270
C 702,703 Polystyrene 220 pF/125 V CT 0501 R 729 Metal - 1% 147 kn RF 5147
C 704,705 390 pF/ 63 V CT 1531 R^30 Carbon 5% 330 kn RB 5330
C 706 510 pF/125 V CT 1135 R 731 820 kn RB 5820
C 707 820 pF/ 63 V CT 1532 R 732 Metal 1% 2.80 kn RF 3280
C 708,709 1.6 nF/ 63 V CT 1152 R 733 3.24 kn RF 3324
C 710,711 3nF/ 63 V CT 1157 R 734 - 4.02 kn RF 3402
C 712 3.3 nF/ 63 V CT 1544 R 735,736 - 4.99 kn RF 3499
C 713 3.6 nF/ 30 V CT 1506 R 737 11.5kn RF 4115
C 714 4.3 nF/ 30 V CT 1507 R 738 12.4 kn RF 4124
C 715,716 5.1 nF/ 63 V CT 1124 R 739 13 kn RF 4130
C 717 16 nF/ 30 V CT 1539 R 740 16.5 kn RF 4165
C 718 24 nF/ 30 V CT 1540 R 741 22.1 kn RF 4221
C 719 30 nF/ 30 V CT 1519 R 742 23.7 kn RF 4237
C 720,721 39 nF/ 30 V CT 1541 R 743,744 31.6 kn RF 4316
C 722,723 51 nF/ 30 V CT 1542 R 745 37.4 kn RF 4374
C 724 180 nF/ 63 V CT 1527 R 746 41.2 kn RF 4412
C 725 Polycarbonate 0.68 pF/ 63 V CS 0342 R 747,748 68.1 kn RF 4681
C 726 Electrolytic 2 pF/ 64 V CE 0401 R 749,750 82.5 kn RF 4825
C 727-731 12 pF/ 25 V CE 0416 R 751 121 kn RF 5121
R 752,753 147 kn RF 5147
P 700 L.P. adj. 500 n PG 1502 R 754 Carbon 1/3 W 499 kn
P 701 H.P. adj. 2 kn PG 2203 R 755 630 kn
P 702-704 D-A-C adj. 10 kn PG 3107 R 757 1/4 W 5% 1.5 kn RB 3150
P 705 D-A-B-C adj. 500 n PG 1502 R 758 8.2 kn RB 3820
R 750 390pF
B. Adj. lOknv 31,6 kn “T”C 704
I 'P 704 R 744
31,6 kn 11,8 kn 5,23 kn 3,01 kn 2,21 kn 1,1 kn 1,1 kn ZL 0041 Fast,Slow Meter sens
R 637 R 634 R 631 R 628 R 627 R 623 R 624 Averaging Time 1,7 kn 30,1 kn
V 620 V 621 V 622 V 623 V 624 V 625
©!-►-28,5 V
ZL 00$9 Meter Amplifier ZL 0040 Meter Damping
S8,2kn \\
0/J M4
vHy J^OOpF _I
o ><^y R38e
^R436 fiC 1 0/H^
! V 440 |
-'V 445
V 382
2I ZG 0007 DC/AC Converter
*2N 5067
VnS 1 j3
V 401
Q 7 f Q 8 | 24 V ^ '- 120n
_4, >_
R 401
IN 4004 1 I
. ,_kJ J
1 1
Q 400
10>jF 1
2N 5067 =
yZ 28,5V | 400)iF i
c 400 |
^_1 )[7 ? s
^Q14 TC 31
|V 400 22n
8, 9
-i-.AAAA-1 b°_
Power On
Bottom view
21-03-1973 453554