English Cual - Con
English Cual - Con
English Cual - Con
Quality control, or QC for short, is a process by which entities review the quality of all factors
involved in production. This approach places an emphasis on three aspects: Elements such as controls,
job management, defined and well managed processes, performance and integrity criteria, and
identification of records. Competence, such as knowledge, skills, experience, and qualifications. Soft
elements, such as personnel, integrity, confidence, organizational culture, motivation, team spirit, and
quality relationships. Controls include product inspection, where every product is examined visually, and
often using a stereo microscope for fine detail before the product is sold into the external market.
Inspectors will be provided with lists and descriptions of unacceptable product defects such as cracks or
surface blemishes for example. The quality of the outputs is at risk if any of these three aspects is
deficient in any way. Quality control emphasizes testing of products to uncover defects and reporting to
management who make the decision to allow or deny product release, whereas quality assurance
attempts to improve and stabilize production to avoid, or at least minimize, issues which led to the
defect in the first place. For contract work, particularly work awarded by government agencies, quality
control issues are among the top reasons for not renewing a contract.
The benefits of quality control are: It Fosters a Quality Consciousness in Employees, Customer
Satisfaction, Use Your Resources More Effectively, Lower Your Inspection Costs, Increase Morale,
Improved Production Methods, Products are Uniform.
3- What Is a Quality Control Chart?
A quality control chart is a graphic that depicts whether sampled products or processes are
meeting their intended specifications and, if not, the degree by which they vary from those
specifications. When each chart analyzes a specific attribute of the product it is called a univariate chart.
Quality control involves testing of units and determining if they are within the specifications for
the final product. The purpose of the testing is to determine any needs for corrective actions in the
manufacturing process. Good quality control helps companies meet consumer demands for better
Before adopting any quality control procedure, you need to be clear on why you're doing it. These are
some common reasons to implement quality control procedures:
a. Customers require that your products meet their standard for energy efficiency, purity, zero
defects or whatever issue is important to them.
b. Your products have too many defects, and your brand's reputation is hurting.
c. You're losing customer loyalty and repeat business because your software wasn't debugged
d. Your sales process is inferior. Salespeople don't track customer information, or they compete for
the same customers, for instance.
e. Customer service is inferior: for example, waiters delivering the wrong order to customers or
waiting too long to serve them.
a. Quality can reduce risk or incompatibility issues / increase compliance, security, safety,
productivity and performance.
b. Quality can increase customer experience or customer satisfaction or Net Promoter Score (NPS).
c. Quality can reduce total cost of ownership (a product / service can be costly at out front but due
to its quality - it can attract less support / patches / maintenance cost that can drive down the
d. Quality can increase a product / service revenue, market share, competitiveness or / and
e. Quality strengthens a product / service brand name (this in turn can reduce advertising /
promotion costs).
There's no shortage of different quality control methods, though they aren't universally used. Sampling
material is an effective quality control procedure for a manufacturer, but it doesn't do much good if
you're evaluating a customer help desk.
a. You can measure manufacturing output, whether it's ceramic mugs or asphalt for road
construction. The types of quality control could include testing for defects, durability, weight or
chemical composition.
b. You can smell and taste food as well as evaluate it for how attractive it looks.
c. You can use questionnaires or interviews to evaluate the quality of services you provide to
d. For medical supplies, quality control methods include checking that packaging is intact, that
chemical composition has been verified by a pharmacist and that any necessary documentation
is available. If the drug requires refrigeration, checking storage conditions would be an added
quality control procedure.
A quality control checklist is basically a written guide for your products' contents, packaging, color,
barcodes, appearance, possible defects, functions and special requirements. It's also sometimes called
an “inspection criteria sheet” or inspection checklist.
Quality assurance (QA) is a way of preventing mistakes and defects in manufactured products
and avoiding problems when delivering products or services to customers; which ISO 9000 defines as
"part of quality management focused on providing confidence that quality requirements will be
12- Difference Between Quality Assurance and Quality Control (QA Vs. QC)
A quality control procedure isn't quite the same as quality assurance, though many companies
employ both. Quality assurance (QA) programs are proactive; you design production to achieve the
quality level you want. Quality control methods are reactive; you study the output to identify the
problems or defects and work to fix them.
It helps to have both a quality assurance and quality control program in play. Quality assurance
is more cost efficient, as it eliminates bad products before they're manufactured. If the QA program isn't
effective, however, you'll need quality control testing to determine that.
13- What do you understand by the phrase “a Friday car”? Explain it.
What I understand about Friday car it's like poorly built automobile. A piece of junk.
Yes, the reason behind the name "Friday" is that workers typically had a long week, are tired, and are
looking forward to the weekend... therefore, they are a lot more careless with the construction of the
vehicle, lending to its numerous problems.
No, because I don't have all degrees require for that. But in a future time, I will.