Steve Smith's Swing Paradiddles
Steve Smith's Swing Paradiddles
Steve Smith's Swing Paradiddles
T!,,ese are some of the building blocksI use tr; create i:rtcle.iiing phiases u:iing flams. i like to put
flams on diddles, which gives you a hip sounc antl ihe*., are l*irly casy ta play" Thesr are not exerr:ises,
they are building blocks that you cen ust-: to iner*agr-' /i-llir";'*itabi:i.t;- iillii e,*Ero Lip *,iiii r:;:eativ*
$i:rasrrs *n thu drusrset.
;{|;*i:i rvilh the paradiddle in its basic i'or:;r. i}r:'! rir:i; i;r,:,. i,;--:':,;:=:}ri:'iiili,.jjr:s'. ;1, ii,i<,ii: i:i i,,rii,, Ii-iEirii ::,1:
iwo Lefts irr a row. Piay ihe exailples siowly;v'iil: a :wir.g ir:,*i. as yr:* pia;r rli*r* iasie;. the;,.i:eci:m*
L-ve[E bue if-you start by swirrging there tfoeir t.,iil !:i"'.,i': :i beti*r ir:,l at higirer iriiip+s. At first plav
ihr: v,tarxples on the snare dmm fhen iry moving tlie a*::e iit:ri *ai-.: +f- :h* ikri,.:: i+ a t,.x":i ffit{i y,*n rvill bi,
(-li.t your wa,v to coming up with your oyin appliratio:;s of ti:l-r coltc,;pir. F.l1jc;,.-i
\'i.'; iaticn 2 puls the "ciiddie in the iniddie". Play ihe flam ::* tire l"tri:t n,;ie of li're tliridle.
Variaiion 3 with the diddle in front is my favcurite variation and the orre I f;nii mcst us*ful when irnprr:visintr4.
Variation 4 with the diddle as a "pick up". 'Ihis is a very syncepaied and swinging r.ariaiion.
I'g--i.;lE' ii,a s.rq,{t.Ef;rit#, -F=li*tI. Fiag-i,i i-+''r+.
You can play the sequence starting on any variation. Here I start rryith Variation 3 using Left IIa::d Lead.
I r:
--"---- 4
H L LR ffi L ffi j1 L L
l:--*_**" 4 --: __J l.+i +
Viariaei*n 2 i* eripiets.
ft:iiL;{ t,
L" ' ,a 8e
L._.***-**--- J+ *-{* j
L';,ir-j:tt jt:gr i:t *"i1;ltts.
e E
*--.*'- 5
L ---"----*_ /& :--*-l
mi\t= RI: RHI--
L_: _-*____:
Variation 3 played at three speeds: half time, triplets and doubie tirrie. Ihis rvill incr*ase.vour vocahuLary
and rhythmic awareness. Play all four p;rrid:dle i,ariations"
LR R E. ffi F.L L ffi L LR ffi L R .ft3- 1.- i?" L !R ;q L !E irL t- :.,1 1". s ft fi E- i7, EL L fi{ .*