SRM Valliammai Engineering College: Department of Civil Engineering (M.E - Structural Engineering)
SRM Valliammai Engineering College: Department of Civil Engineering (M.E - Structural Engineering)
SRM Valliammai Engineering College: Department of Civil Engineering (M.E - Structural Engineering)
Regulation – 2019
Prepared by
Approximate solutions of boundary value problems - Methods of weighted residuals,
approximate solution using variation method, Modified Galerkin’s method, Boundary conditions and
general comments-continuity, compatibility, convergence aspects. Basic finite element concepts - Basic
ideas in a finite element solution, General finite element solution procedure, Finite element equations using
modified Galerkin’s method.
Q.No Questions BT Competence
1. State the methods of Engineering Analysis. Level
BT-2 understand
2. Define Discretization and assemblage. BT-6 Creating
3. What is meant by finite element analysis? BT-3 Application
4. What do you mean by constitutive law? BT-5 Evaluate
5. Write the three phases of finite element method. BT-4 Analyze
6. What is a structural and non structural problems? BT 5 Evaluate
7. What are the methods are generally associated with the FEA? BT-5 Evaluate
8. Write the methods of weighed residual statement. BT-2 understand
9. During discretization, mention the places where it is necessary to place a BT-4 Analyze
10. Name
node? any four FEA softwares. BT 3 Application
11. Differentiate between global and local axes. BT 6 Create
12. What are the limitations of Galerkin’s formulation? BT-2 understand
13. State the condition must be fulfilled by the approximating function. BT-3 Application
14. WHow to analysis Degrees of freedom with examples? BT 1 Remember
15. hWhat is Rayleigh Ritz Method? BT-2 Understand
16. aWhat is the requirement of displacement field to be satisfied in the use of BT-1 Remember
Rayleigh Ritz Method?
17. i State the three phases of finite element method. BT-3 Application
18. s Express the linear constitutive relations. BT-6 Creating
19. Draw the Pascal’s triangle. BT-1 Remember
20. mWhat is aspect ratio? BT-1 Remember
a PART – B
1. nThe following differential equation is available for a physical BT-3 Application
phenomenon AE(d2y/dx2+q0) = 0 with the boundary conditions y(0) = 0
b(dy/dx)x= L = 0. Find the value of f(x) using the weighed residual method.
2. Solve the following equations by Gauss elimination method? BT 1 Remember
a) 2x1+4x2+2x3 =15
b) 2x1+ x2+2x3=-5
c) 4x1+x2-2x3= 0
3. A simply supported beam is subjected to uniformly distributed load over BT-1 Remember
Entire span. Determine the bending moment and deflection at the mid
span using Rayleigh –Ritz method and compare with exact solution. Use
a two term Trial function y=a1sin (πx/l) +a2sin (3πx/l).
4. The following differential equation is available for a physical BT-2 Understand
phenomenon (d2y / dx2) +50 = 0, 0 ≤ x ≤10. Trial function is y = a1 x (10-
x). Boundary conditions are y(0) = 0; y(10)=0. Find the value of the
parameter a1 by the following methods: 1) Point Collocation 2) Sub
Domain 3) Least Square 4) Galerkin method.
7. Solve the following differential equation using Ritz method. d2y/dx2 = - BT-3 Application
sin (πx) boundary conditions u(0) = 0 and u(1) = 0.
8. Discuss the concepts of FEA. List out the errors and accuracy in FEA. BT-2 Understand
9. A simply supported beam of span L, young’s modulus, moment of inertia BT-6 Creating
I is subjected to a uniformly distributed load of P/unit length. Determine
the deflection W at the mid-span. Use Rayleigh Ritz method.
10. For the bar shown in fig, evaluate the nodal displacement, stress in each BT-5 Evaluate
Material and reaction forces. L1 = 300mm and L2 = 400mm.
A1= 2400 mm2, A2= 600mm2, P= 200kN, E1= 70GPa, E2= 200GPa
11. The following differential equation is available for a physical BT-2 Understand
phenomenon (d2y / dx2) +500x2 = 0, 0 ≤x≤1. Trial function is y = a1 (x-
x4). Boundary conditions are y(0) = 0; y(1)=0. Find the value of the
parameter a1 by the following methods: 1) Point Collocation 2) Sub
Domain 3) Least Square 4) Galerkin method.
12. A simply supported beam subjected to uniformly distributed load over BT-1 Remember
entire span. Determine the bending moment and deflection at mid span
by using Rayleigh-Ritz method and compare with exact solution.
13. A beam AB of span ‘l’ simply supported at ends and carrying a BT-4 Analyze
concentrated load W at the centre ‘C’ as shown in fig. Determine the
deflection at mid span by using Rayleigh-Ritz method and compare with
exact solution.
14. A simply supported beam subjected to uniformly distributed load over BT-4 Analyze
entire span and it is subjected to a point load at the centre of the span.
Determine the bending moment and deflection at mid span by using
Rayleigh-Ritz method and compare with exact solution.
1. List and briefly describe the basic steps in finite element analysis. BT-1 Remember
x=0 x=l
19. Write down the stiffness matrix equation for four noded isoparametric BT-2 understand
quadrilateral elements?
20. What are the advantages of natural coordinates over global coordinates? BT-1 Remember
1. Derive shape functions for a 2D rectangular element. BT-1 Remember
2. Derive the displacement function and shape function for one dimensional BT-5 Evaluate
bar element based on global coordinate approach.
3. For the two bar truss shown in fig, determine the displacement of node 1 BT 1 Remember
and stress in element 1-3. E = 70Gpa, A = 200mm2
12 kN
4. Consider a bar as shown in fig. C/s area of the bar is 750mm2 and E= BT 1 Remember
2x105N/mm2. If u1 = 0.5mm and u2 = 0.25mm, calculate the following:
1. Displacement at node P, 2. Strain, e 3. Stress σ, 4. Element stiffness
Matrix K, 5. Strain Energy, U.
u1 P(Centre) u2
x1=375mm x= 500mm x2= 575mm
5. The loading and other parameters for a two bar truss element is shown in BT 4 Analyse
fig. Determine 1) the element stiffness matrix for each element 2) Global
Stiffness matrix 3) nodal displacements 4) reaction forces 5) the stresses
induced in the elements. Assume E = 200GPa.
6. Evaluate the shape functions N1, N2, N3 at the interior point P (3.85, BT-5 Evaluate
4.8) for the triangular element shown in fig .
7. A stepped bar shown in fig is subjected to an increase in temperature at 80⁰C. BT 1 Remember
Determine the displacements, stresses, and support reactions. Assume the
following data:
8. A fixed beam of length 2L m carries a udl of w (N/m) which run over a BT-4 Analyze
length of L m from the fixed end as shown in Fig. Calculate the rotation
at point B.
9. How to assemble the local stiffness matrix to global stiffness matrix. BT-5 Evaluate
10. Derive the shape functions for four noded bar element using Lagrangian BT 2 Understand
interpolation function. Nodes are equally spaced.
(3,0) (1.5,4)
13. Consider the three bar truss element as shown in Fig. Take E = 2x105N/mm2, BT-1 Remember
2 2
calculate the nodal displacements. Take A1 = 2000mm , A2 = 2500mm , A3 =
2500mm2. P = 250 kN
H= 500mm
L= 1000mm
14. Derive the stiffness matrix for one dimensional bar element. BT-2 understand
1. Determine the Cartesian coordinate of the point P (ξ = 0.8, η = 0.9) as BT 4 Analyse
shown in figure. η (3.5,4)
ξ (3,1.5)
2. Why higher order elements are needed? Determine the shape functions of BT-3 Application
an eight noded rectangular element.
3. Derive the shape functions for two dimensional Lagrange and serendipity BT-4 Analyze
elements with examples?
4. Discuss the generation of stiffness matrix and load vector for a beam BT-2 Understand
Stiffness of Truss Member - Analysis of Truss -Stiffness of Beam Member-Finite Element
Analysis of Continuous Beam -Plane Frame Analysis -Analysis of Grid and Space Frame – Two
Dimensional Solids - Constant Strain Triangle -Linear Strain Triangle -Rectangular Elements - Numerical
-Computation OF TWO
of Stresses, DIMENSIONAL
Geometric PROBLEMS
Nonlinearity and Static Condensation
- Axisymmetric Element -Finite Element Formulation of Axisymmetric Element -Finite Element
Formulation for 3 Dimensional Elements – Solution for simple frames.
Q.No Questions BT Level Competence
1. State the conditions to be satisfied in order to use axisymmetric BT-5 Evaluate
2. Explain the Jacobian transformation. BT-1 Remember
3. What is meant by an Isoparametric element? BT-1 Remember
4. Explain the Lagrange interpolation polynomials used for higher order BT-2 understand
5. Differentiate between CST and LST BT-1 Remember
6. Show the stiffness matrix for an axisymmetric triangular element. BT-4 Analyze
7. Write a strain displacement matrix for CST element. BT-4 Analyze
8. Explain isoparametric elements? BT-2 understand
9. Write down the element force vector equation for 4 noded quadrilateral BT-4 Analyze
10. What are the methods used for numerical integration in finite element BT-6 Creating
11. Why higher order elements are necessary? BT-5 Evaluate
12. Define load vector? BT-6 Creating
13. What is LST element? BT-1 Remember
14. What do you mean by higher order element? And why are they BT-2 understand
15. What is geometric isotropy? BT-1 Remember
16. In an element the geometry is defined using 4 nodes and the BT-3 Application
displacement is defined using 8 nodes. What is this element called?
17. When Hermite interpolations functions are used? BT-3 Application
18. What are the ways in which 3D problem can be reduced to a 2D BT-3 Application
19. Give four applications where axisymmetric elements can be used? BT-2 understand
20. Write down the displacement equation for an axisymmetric element? BT-1 Remember
1. Determine the stiffness for the axisymmetric element shown in fig. Take BT-3 Application
E as 2.1 x 105 N/mm2 and Poisson’s ratio as 0.3.
2. Derive the stiffness matrix for the constant strain triangular element BT 6 Create
(CST) element shown in fig. the coordinates are given in units of
millimeters. Assume plane stress conditions. Take E = 210GPa, υ = 0.25,
t= 10mm. (50, 120)
(20,30) (80,30)
3. Explain the Isoperimetric elements and its types. BT-6 Creating
6. Derive shape functions and stiffness matrix for a 2D rectangular element. BT-1 Remember
7. Derive the shape functions for element shown in fig. Shape functions BT-4 Analyze
should be specified in natural coordinate system..
8. Calculate the Jacobian matrix and the strain displacement matrix for four BT-4 Analyze
node two dimensional quadrilateral elements corresponding to the gauss
point (0.57735, 0.57735) as shown in Fig.
η (1.5,2.5) (3.5,4)
ξ (1,1) (3,1.5)
9. 1
Evaluate ʃ (x4 +x2) dx by applying 3 point Gaussian quadrature.
10. The nodal coordinates for an axisymmetric triangular element BT-2 understand
are given below: (r1, r2, r3) as (20, 40, 30) and (z1, z2, z3) are (40,
40, 60) mm respectively. Evaluate strain displacement [B] matrix for
that element.
Node 3 (30,60)
For the four noded quadrilateral element shown in fig determine the BT-2 understand
Jacobian and evaluate its value at the point (1/2, ½)
11. Explain in detail about the potential energy approach and Galerkin’s BT-5 Evaluate
12. Evaluate the Jacobian matrix at the local coordinates ε=η= 0.5 for the BT-1 Remember
linear quadrilateral element with its global coordinates as shown in fig.
Also evaluate the strain-displacement matrix.
13. Derive the strain-displacement matrix for CST element. BT-4 Analyse
14. Derive the expression for stress-strain relationship matrix for 2D BT-1 Remember
1. Consider the eight noded quadrilateral element defined by the following BT-3 Application
nodal coordinayes: x1 =5, y1= 7, x2= 1, y2=4, x3=2, y3= 1, x4=8 ,y4= 4,
x5= 3, y5= 3, x6= 6, y6 = 5, x7 = 2.5, y7 = 3, x8= 1.5, y8 = 2. Determine
the global coordinates η = 1, ε = 0.75.
2. Explain the Kirchhoff’s plate bending theory. What are the assumptions BT 1 Remember
3. Describe in details about the Reissner - Mindlin thick plate theory. Draw BT 2 understand
the bending of thick plate.
4. Derive the element stiffness matrix and nodal load factor for triangular BT 2 understand
element with 9 DOF.
5. Explain the Strain Displacement Relation of thick plate BT 3 Application
6. Explain in detail the finite element analysis of skew plate. Find the K BT 4 Analyze
7. What is the general solution Finite strip Method and apply the boundary BT 1 Remember
conditions for both end simply supported.
8. Explain Finite element plate Formulation by Gaussian quadrature BT 4 Analyze
9. Write down the Assumptions, classifications, and advantages of shell BT 2 understand
elements for thin shell theory
10. Describe in detail the overview of shell finite elements. BT 3 Application
11. Explain Finite element shell Formulation of a degenerated 3D solid BT 5 Evaluate
12. Explain in detail the Jacobian Matrix for eight node shell element and BT 6 Creating
element stiffness matrix..
13. Write down the assumptions of thin plate and thick plate theory. BT 5 Evaluate
14. Explain in detail how to find the stiffness matrix of the rectangular thin BT 6 Creating
plate bending element analysis.
1. Explain in detail the basic relationships and consecutive equations of thin BT 1 Remember
plate theory.
2. Describe the element stiffness matrix for thin plate theory. BT 6 Creating
3. Differentiate Thin Plate theory and thick plate theory with case study. BT 2 understand
4. Explain the finite element formulation using Four noded degenerated BT 4 Evaluate
quadrilateral shell element.
Finite Elements for Elastic Stability - Dynamic Analysis - Nonlinear, Vibration and Thermal
Problems - Meshing and Solution Problems - Modelling and analysis using recent softwares.
Q. No Questions BT Level Competence
1. List out the meshing techniques? BT-1 Remember
2. Give two examples of geometric nonlinear problems? BT-1 Remember
3. List the sources of errors in finite element analysis. BT-1 Remember
4. List the methods used for evaluation of Eigen values and Eigen vectors. BT-1 Remember
5. What is meant by error evaluation in FEM? BT-3 Application
6. How is geometry nonlinearity taken care in finite element analysis? BT-4 Analyze
7. What do you mean by material non linearity? BT-2 understand
8. What is a mass index? BT-2 understand
9. Give examples of thermal analysis problems. BT-1 Remember
10. Explain normal modes? BT-6 Creating
11. What is the difference between h and p methods? BT-3 Application
12. What are serendipity elements? BT-2 understand
13. What is discretization error? BT-2 understand
14. Explain weak formulation? BT-6 Creating
15. How error is evaluated in finite element analysis? BT-5 Evaluate
16. What are the types of non-linearity? BT-1 Remember
17. Form the consistent and lumped mass matrix for a truss element. Length BT-5 Evaluate
= 3m, Area = 20 x 10-4 m2 and mass density = 2.5x104 kgm-3
18. When the equilibrium equations are established with respect to the BT-4 Analyze
deformed shape, then the system is analyzed as ---------- nonlinear one.
19. What are the types of meshes? BT-4 Analyze
20. How the discretization error is evaluated? BT-3 Application
1. Explain the automatic mesh generation technique. BT-2 Understand
2. State the need for mesh refinement. Discuss the methods of mesh BT-1 Remember
3. Explain the Fundamentals of vibrations in dynamic analysis. BT-2 understand
4. For the bar as shown in fig with length 2L, modulus of elasticity E, mass BT-3 Application
density, cross sectional area A, determine the first two natural
5. Explain the causes and effects of vibrations in dynamic analysis. BT-6 Creating
6. Explain 2D mesh generation methods. BT-2 understand
7. Discuss the types of vibrations in dynamic analysis. BT-6 Creating
8. What is adoptive meshing? Explain any one algorithm for auto meshing. BT-3 Application
9. Derive the equations of motion based on weak form. BT-6 Creating
10. Briefly explain about Convergence and its requirements BT-3 Application
11. Explain the Analysis Software based on the structure of a FEA program. BT-2 understand
12. Explain in detail about the structural analysis program with software BT-4 Analyze
13. Differentiate conforming and non conforming element. BT-5 Evaluate
14. How will you calculate the consistent mass matrix for various elements? BT-5 Evaluate
1. Explain Auto and Adaptive Mesh Generation Techniques. BT-2 understand
2. Briefly explain the history of Mesh Generation Techniques in Finite BT-5 Evaluate
Element Analysis.
3. Find the natural frequency of longitudinal vibration of the unconstrained BT-2 understand
steeped bar as shown in fig.
Element 1 A1 = 2A
Element 2, A2 = A
L/2 L/2
4. Explain the methods of Finite element Model Generation. BT-5 Evaluate