UNIT - 2
3 A stepped bar subjected to loading is as shown in Fig. 2 Taking it as a bar element 20
i) Nodal displacements
ii) Stress in each element
iii) Reaction at fixed support
UNIT - 3
4 a) Derive stiffness matrix for a plane truss element in Cartesian co-ordinates. 10
b) Find the displacements at the nodal points of the plane truss loaded as shown in Fig. 3 10
Assume the area of each member to be 2000 mm2 and E= 200 Gpa
UNIT - 4
5 a) Derive the shape functions of eight noded quadrilateral element in terms of natural 12
co-ordinate system by using any method.
b) Explain Iso-parametric, sub-parametric and super-parametric elements with sketches 08
6 Determine the Jacobian matrix and strain displacement matrix for a rectangular 20
element 2cmX1cm. Shown in Fig. 4 at the central point C (1, 0.5). Assume plane
stress condition.
UNIT - 5
7 a) Explain consistent and lumped load vectors. Distinguish through examples. 06
b) Determine the eigenvalues for the bar by considering two elements. The bar is having 14
uniform cross sectional area and uniform mass throughout the length. Consider one
end of the bar is fixed and the other end is free.